Archive for November, 2009


November 13, 2009

The most disturbing thing I’ve seen in my lifetime is the selling of water.

I’m not talking about paying our share of the cost of delivering clean water to our plumbing. I’m not even opposed to someone making a fair return on their investment for helping us get it. I’m talking about the now transparent effort by who I don’t know to wrest control of water as a resource, thereby introducing us to the next manifestation of slavery.

As I watched George W. turn this country into a parody I was astounded at how transparent were his actions and decisions. How clearly obvious it was that the Iraq war had nothing to do with liberation, freedom or even protecting our oil interests in the Middle East. It was all about funneling the maximum amount of profit to corporations. War in my lifetime has clearly exposed itself as a vehicle for economic growth for a favored few.

I expect no better from politics, unfortunately. I did my share of protest, though to be honest I had no bite in me. I’d prefer to get to know you!

But now, I can see the future and I figure I should at least mention it, get it off my chest, and then get back to firetending.

Help me out here. We spent billions (cumulatively could be no less) to blast a rocket into the moon so we could see if there’s water there so maybe we can go live there someday?

In the US, we have already been diverted from our taps to bottled water. It’s not that our tap water is not healthy, it’s that these other types are better for us we’re told (and sold!). A significant proportion of our society has been successfully converted into consumers of water in the same way they’ve become consumers of clothes; even the poorest are paying for them and there are “designer” types that can be bought at a premium and are even subject to coming in and out of fashion!

Good work, whoever you are! But I can see you’re just paving the way. We’re used to it now. The only thing you’ll have to fight us about is price. Your foot is already in the door.

And now, we spent billions (cumulatively could be no less) to blast a rocket into the moon so we could see if there’s water there so maybe we can go live there someday?

Meanwhile, on the Religious front, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama travels the world as a symbol of government repression of religious thought. People rally around him and we really do want to get him back to his land and his people so they can be a beacon for the rest of us, showing us the way to Spiritual peace and contentment.

What nobody really talks about is the Tibetan plateau is the hub of water resources for China; in fact,  only the North and South Poles hold more water and almost half of the population of the Earth lives in watersheds fed by the Tibetan Plateau!

That’s a lotta water and we’re ALL going to be needing it soon because, quite frankly, we’re running out of the fresh stuff.

Luckily, though, it’s something everybody’s talking about. The world is coming together and making plans to assure our most precious resource is distributed fairly. Or could there be something else going on that falls more into the realms of control and profit?

The above cited article states: “And while most scientists in the region agree that the Tibetan Plateau’s water resources are crucial to the future of China and Southern Asia, many declined to be interviewed for fear of losing access to their research sites.”

Again, no worries for us because we spent billions (cumulatively could be no less) to blast a rocket into the moon so we could see if there’s water there so maybe we can go live there someday.

You actually think we’re going to live there?


China scrambles to gain control over half the world’s potable watershed which primarily lives in the glaciers of the Tibetan Plateau which are rapidly declining. In its push to industrialize, China is polluting more water than it’s saving! And what it’s doing is using its power to “access” it, as in “take” it.

The US doesn’t have access to glaciers like China. It doesn’t have control of the water supply for the other half of the world’s population. This “balance of power” is lopsided, and the U.S. needs to straighten it out, but how?

I almost forgot whose flag is flying on the Moon. And now, it has been established as a water reservoir!

A simplistic contrast between the China and the U.S. is control vs. profit. But they are very much the same things. Whoever wrests control of the water we drink — and SOON, Folks, the AIR we breathe, too…you watch! —  gets to be Top Dog.

And that’s why we spent billions (cumulatively could be no less) to blast a rocket into the moon so we could see if there’s water there so maybe we can go live there someday.

I can pack my bags but I’ll never be able to make the move. I’ll be too busy working to pay some corporation for the Moonwater I drink.