Catholic Nuns, Child Abuse and Vows

It’s time to acknowledge that there is something sick to the core of the Catholic Church in its relationship to children. It’s time to close it down. It’s time to sue it to death. Let’s leave a better world to our children by eliminating a destructive spirit.

Something in the essence of either the Church’s philosophy or its execution is terribly flawed. Its most influential positions attract disturbed individuals who then act out forms of rage against children, often expressing it sexually.

It has been so strong a part of the Church for so long — and not even approached by any other mainstream  religion in its prevalence — that at some point you just have to scream, “STOP!”

These problems are only being dealt with symptomatically by incident, and limited to financial compensation and an occasional apology.  Because of this, the Church and its clergy can no longer be entrusted to have anything to do with the physical or moral development of children.

Without honest and transparent examination of the root causes, and a fundamental change in the structure of the Church, any claims that “All of that was in the past.” are meaningless.

Lately, the Press has been focusing on a wide range of abuses against young boys or girls by Clergy over in Ireland. By all means, these are horrendous, but they are merely the tip of the iceberg.

Child abuse is defined as the physical or emotional or sexual mistreatment of children. Priests only represent a fraction of the Catholic clergy that deal directly with children. “Brothers” of various orders have also been catching a lot of flack lately. Yet, when it comes to sheer numbers, the “Sisters” or “Nuns” of the various orders of Catholicism have had the greatest exposure to, therefore impact on, children.

This impact has largely been ignored.

In this blog, I’m going to explore my personal experience and through it, try to illustrate the scope of the problem.

The starting place for this will be Brooklyn, NY, in the 1950’s, where and when I grew up. It’s a surprisingly good place to begin because in the early 1980’s it was estimated that a full 20% of the population of the United States originated from the immigrants that first settled in that Borough.

My experience is not much different from thousands of young Catholic men and women who ventured away from Brooklyn. With them they brought their experiences and trauma, seeding the new communities they populated.

Over the eight years of my attending St. Vincent Ferrer in Flatbush, Brooklyn, under the care of Dominican nuns, naturally I had contact with other Catholic children attending other Catholic schools throughout the Diocese (and the other four boroughs for that matter).

I claim the  “culture” I describe as widespread because invariably, once realizing that our companions attended Catholic Schools as well, the topic of conversation would turn to abuse at the hands of the nuns. Only the names of the nuns and their orders would be different. The patterns, proportions and ways of violent expression remained consistent.

Although somewhat removed from the Public School system, I was still aware through friends that there was the occasional oddball, usually male teacher, who’d really lay on to his students. It was a source of puzzlement to me why representatives of Christ consistently acted with such violence against their charges while the non-religious seemed so much less violence prone.

My own experience with abuse at the hands of Dominican nuns began in 1956, when I was five years old, on my first day of school.

In the school yard, the children would line up according to class. There were Grades One to Eight, an “A” and “B” line for each grade, consisting of about 30 students each. Regimented lines, uniforms and an obvious hierarchy were my first views of the way things worked.

Each child knew which line — which Grade and Class — he or she was supposed to be in. A few of the children had been “left back”. Failing the year before, they were assigned to repeat that Grade, therefore they were to stand in line with children who had been their underclassmen the year before. Naturally, as kids do, some tried to sneak in to the lines holding their former peers to avoid the humiliation.

Swooping down on these individuals came the nuns. My first memory of Grammar School was of children screaming and crying in pain, literally being dragged by the EARS from one line to another. If they resisted, they were slapped on the face with open hands, and pulled or literally dragged across the concrete walk to the proper line.

Keep in mind half of the kids involved were my height — less than 4 ft. tall — new to life, and the nuns were full- and fuller-sized adults dressed in billowing black and white uniforms that communicated more like bats-from-hell than angels of mercy.

Thankfully, my First Grade teacher, Sr. Cor Marie, did not lean toward violence. I did, however, witness numerous incidents where children were brought out in to the hall, and as other grades filed by, swatted on their behinds with yardsticks or (far more painfully!) pointers. Often, in the case of the males, trousers were dropped.

An important aspect of abuse is that witnesses to abuse often experience psychological trauma comparable to that of  the abused. Abuse during class time, and as practiced by the clergy I was exposed to, was a very public spectacle whose audience was youth of both sexes, at their most impressionable ages.

In second Grade, however, assigned to the class of Sr. Ann Robert, I got a more personal taste of the sickness. I was part of a school-wide IQ test where I placed with the third highest score. From that moment on, Sr. Ann Robert utilized regular, public, corporal punishment and humiliation to encourage me to work up to my potential.

I was not the only one at the wrong end of the pointer in that class. There was at least five of us, all boys, who were regularly called up to the front of the class and swatted in one form or another in front of the rest of the class. We often were led out to the hall as a group, since we were all poor performers or cut-ups, and there the pants would come down and the swatting become more extreme.

During that school year, a conservative estimate of the number of times I was brought to the front of the class and physically punished was twenty times; at least once every couple of weeks.

Nobody in the class was immune, neither male nor female, but if I were to estimate the ratio of physical violence against boys vs. that of girls, I’d say six to one. Abuse of the girls was mostly confined to swats on the hands with rulers and an occasional slap on the face.

This is one of many patterns that it’s important to acknowledge. The sociological impact of psychological emasculation of young boys at the hands of adult women and witnessed by their female peers  in Catholic schools is almost ignored. It most certainly contributes heavily to subsequent incidents of self, spousal and child abuse.

Some studies indicate that before the age of ten children are not quite able to assimilate their experiences mentally and emotionally. As an adult, when confronted with stimuli that resemble past trauma, uncontrollable, automatic responses occur that can be harmful to themselves or others.

What we mostly see and react to are those adults who lash out violently. They are the ones who get the press coverage.  But far more insidious, dangerous and invisible are those who retreat into a place either deep inside themselves or flee to a place outside of their bodies — just like they did as children during the times of their assault. This encompasses both victims and witnesses.

In that state they cease to participate in the present moment. Because of that they become unable to make choices appropriate to their well-being. The societal implications of this are enormous.

On one level, for those who rarely got physically abused, but got to see the rest of us going through it, it was a bit more crazy-making. They never knew if or when.

With me, I knew that it was inevitable I’d soon do something to attract the ire of Ann Robert or one of the other abusive nuns in the school. Once you get pegged as troublesome by any one of the violent ones you become a target of the others as well, whether you’re in their class or not!

Sr. Ann Robert was not the only nun in the school with a reputation for physical violence. Corporal punishment was embedded in the culture, and for most of the nuns, an occasional hand slap, pulled ear, or swat on the behind was used to get the attention of the offending student.

But what distinguishes the Catholic school system from others is that a relatively high proportion of pathological abusers were tolerated within their systems.

In my school there were sixteen primary teachers and one Principal, all Dominican nuns. Of the teachers, I could name five who, over the course of my eight years at the school had a reputation for frequent and regular acts of intentional violence against the children in their classes. Then you can add to that the Principal herself.

I filtered through each and every one the violent nuns during my years in the school. My “peak” year was sixth grade when I drew Sr. Ann Robert again. One day, after sticking my tongue out at a nun, I was beaten by her, three others, brought to the Principal, beaten by her, and then sent home with bleeding welts on my behind, half of which were old wounds, re-opened.

But it goes one level deeper than just violent acts. There’s a difference between someone who utilizes corporal punishment because it’s an acceptable tool for discipline in that particular culture and that of someone who gets satisfaction from violence and seeks opportunities to express it.

Although not every one of them exuded that kind of energy each time, there were times when the most painful part of the beating was the perpetrator nun’s moment of glee.

And how could a young boy not interpret that as a form of hatred of his very manhood? At that age you still see yourself through the eyes of your adult significant others.

Another aspect largely neglected is the silence of the nuns who were NOT violent. The majority of nuns knew what was going on at the hands of the more violent of their peers. Not once did I witness a non-abusive nun come to the defense of one of her charges.

As an example to developing young women, this perpetuates passivity and helplessness. And how does a young man assimilate these experiences with powerful women into adulthood and his relationships? Women are potential threats who must be controlled.

I am happy to see so many people, from so many parts of the globe, finally speaking out against this glaring, institutionalized abuse.

And what is that doing? It’s actually uncovering the Catholic Church’s relationship with money. People are demanding and deserve reparations and the Catholic Church and all its divisions are doing everything they can to minimize the hit on their coffers, almost happily standing by while secular society foots the bill.

A 5/26/09 article on the most recent travails of the Christian Brothers in Ireland stated:

“The Brothers on Tuesday begged forgiveness for the children’s suffering and said they would review how much they could pay in reparation without compromising current services and investment.”

I don’t beleive the Brothers should be in the driver’s seat.

I beleive the assets of the Catholic Church — of ALL of the Catholic Church — should be identified, frozen and held in trust until such time as the worldwide impact of their patterns of child abuse are assessed.

And then that money should be put into programs that promote the health and well-being of children throughout the world, without the extra tax of human suffering that the Church has been exacting.

Now that Poverty and Chastity are gone,  Obedience must go back to a Higher Authority.

1,566 Responses to “Catholic Nuns, Child Abuse and Vows”

  1. caitfinnegan Says:

    I too am from the Brooklyn diocese. I know the area of St. Vincent’s (although I grew up in Queens). I did live for a few years in Little Flower, not far from St V.

    I will link to your blog from mine.

    Cait Finnegan

    • bonnie richard Says:

      i went to a caholic school in 1960–where nuns would beat mentally

      • Joe Ribaudo Says:

        I went to st Mary’s school in Long Island city. The nuns were so mentally and physically abusive .the lay teachers were the same . In the third grade mrs Magee noticed a puddle on the floor of the class room .She asked who peed on the floor ?when no one answered she took each student in the closet and pulled down their pants and checked if they peed in their pants. In the sevent grade I had a teacher named Madem Xavier . When she asked to see my mother because I was not using all of my Potential .she told my mother that she did not like her child .We had a 7a and a 7b class .When I was in 7b I had a teacher named mrs Kelly. I was talking in class and she told me to come up to the front of the class .She slapped me across the face ten times and told me I must write 1000 times “I must not talk in class” for the rest of the of the school year (this was in April ). In the 8th grade Madem Roseann hit a kid almost everyday for on reason or another.If I knew where their graves are I would go and piss on them . That’s how I feel about them and catholic school .

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Joe:

        You just described my experiences with Catholic Education in the 1950’s!

        There is nothing positive about Catholic Schools and / or a Catholic Educational experience! My wife, who was also educated in a Catholic School, is still suffering today from the damage that was done to her during those years, and she is a retired public school teacher!

        The Catholic Church has lost its way in terms of the Christian Religion. The leadership made a loving religion into a negative / business venture. The almighty dollar is the God of the Catholic Church.

        The good thing is that Catholic Schools and Catholic Churches are closing throughout the United States, and they have done this to themselves. The leadership of the Church have created a “negative climate,” and no one wants to be a apart of their little club any longer. I have given up attending church. I no longer see any purpose in the process. The sermons are boring, and they do not relate to the “here and now” of life! The “Altar Boy issue with the Priest” is going to bury the church for years to come, and it is their own fault! The leadership of the Catholic Church are arrogant / self-serving individuals who believe that they are some how “above the law!” Well that feeling on their part has developed into their own destructive force that is tearing down their organization!

        God bless you, and thank you for your posting!

    • Son of an ex-nun Says:

      My mother was a nun that had left the Order out of New York City. She was a nun for 12 years before leaving at the age of 30 to have children. I have no idea what Order she belonged to because I never asked her any questions about anything. She was a nun in the convent from 1955-1967.

      I will not step foot in a Catholic Church and neither should anyone else unless they are a process server with a Summons and a Complaint in hand. The clergy is packed full of the sick,the damaged, and the most twisted among us cloaked in sanctified garb. It is the perfect place, albeit a magnet, for the sickest of the sick. No one should be surprised by this. They believed (I say “believed” because the Catholic Clergy is a dying breed) that children are evil beings born with original sin. They were inherently unhappy and even severely angry beings that were hiding from life on life’s terms. They intentionally put themselves into a position of power over children and especially male children that they could exert their will over using any means that they deemed necessary. This means was not checked by anyone, and the only individuals who were in a position to check this means were just simply more clergy.

      It is all dying off now and good riddens.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Nuns have always “hated” male students! —— They took extreme pleasure in destroying the self esteem of male students in Catholic Schools in the 40’s, 50’s & 60’s! —– I attended seven years of Catholic School in New York City, (in the late 40’s & 50’s), and I witnessed the nuns in action! —– Nuns are psychologically ill human beings that should not be around children. —- In addition, the Catholic Church is a VERY SICK version of the Christian Religion! The Catholic Clergy are “power hungry,” and they love to control people, and they use religious ceremony to make it all happen! —– Never allow your children to associate with nuns & priests! —- They are criminals hiding behind the Christian Religion. Stay away from the Catholic Church. — Join a “bible based church!” —— All the best & God bless! —- Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        Hello Dwayne 🙂 I had to laugh, you are so right nuns do hate boys and priests hate women. I am sure it is because of their sexual preferences. But it explains a lot doesn’t it. 🙂 God bless all !!!

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        NUNS and PRIESTS are not living a “natural life!” Their existence is artificial. They are living in a “make believe world” of “magic” and “ceremony.” They have no idea about earning a living in the real world. They believe that they are somehow better than the average person. They are fakes, frauds and phonies! They “talk the talk,” BUT they DO NOT “walk the walk!” They cannot be trusted! They always have a “hidden agenda” when they communicate with people. Their GOD is money! You can get anything you want from the Catholic Church “IF” you are willing to pay for it! —– God Bless! —– Dwayne

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mary:

        It has been over a year since we decided to not attend church any longer. A strange thing has happened in our life. We are now at peace. We are no longer concerned about “what Mass we are going to attend.” We are no longer interacting with “cool aid drinking believers” who respond to nuns and priest like “little soldiers” in the army. YES, life has become very good! The money that we would have contributed to the church, we now give to people as a tip who provide a service to us during the day. An example of this would be that we would leave a $10.00 tip for the service technician that services our vehicles, and we might give the Service Writer at the car dealership “a bottle cheer” at the “write up of the repair order.” In this way, we make people smile and we improve both their day and our day. We know that our money is not paid out of “hush money” for the actions of “criminal nuns & priests.” YES, we are feeling a lot better about the whole religion situation. If we feel that we need a dose of religion, we turn on the TV on Sunday and listen to a couple of TV ministers. If we do not agree with what is being said, we switch the channels to another minister. —— No Nuns and Priests for us! ——- The Catholic Church can keep their “sick form of the Christian Religion” along with their “criminal clergy” and their stupid rules and regulations. —- We no longer care about “holy days of obligation,” —- “going to confession,” —- “attending Saturday or Sunday Mass,” and / or “making the Easter Duty!” —- We are just Christian Believers, and a large weight has been taken off of our shoulders! —— God bless everyone on this site! ——– If you want to have a happy / successful / peaceful life STAY FAR AWAY FROM THE CATHOLIC CHURCH and their “Criminal Clergy!” —- DO NOT send your children to a Catholic School. —– Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        Yes, Dwayne I remember you telling me of your new life and helping others instead of donating money to the church. I am most happy that you have found a new and lasting peace. Blessings. to you and yours.

      • Jen Says:

        You need to actually educate yourself on what original sin is. It doesn’t mean children are evil. This blog is so sad. It wasn’t just nuns who did corporal punishment it was in the public system too for that time period. My grandfather and aunt who went to Catholic school loved their nuns. He said he was never hit and was a mischievous kid. Same for my aunt but probably less michiveous. The Church will always have bad and good within because we are made up of people. But we strive our best to live what we believe has been handed down by God.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


        I respect you for your opinion, and I am sure that you are a very sincere person, but there are people on this site that have been very seriously hurt both physically and psychologically by the nuns and priests while growing up in Catholic Schools and Catholic Institutions!

        I attended Catholic School for 12 years, and I found it to be a big waste of my valuable time, and it caused me to have a distorted view of both the world, and the Christian Religion. It almost ruined my life! I was able to salvage my life by attending State Colleges and a private University. Once I removed myself from Catholic Education my life became positive!

        The nuns that I had in school should not have been allowed to associate with children. They were mentally sick people with hidden agendas. The Catholic Church, through it’s clergy, teaches a negative form of the Christian Religion, and it is all based on fear, punishment and blind obedience. “Free Thinking” is not allowed in the Catholic Church. The Clergy manipulates the faithful through “smoke and mirrors,” so that they can get their hands on as much money as possible.

        The nuns were never interested in educating children for the real world. They were interested in giving the child a “limited education,” and in the process, indoctrinating the human being to be a robotic member of a sick / criminal organization. The Catholic Clergy are fakes, frauds and phonies. They have destroyed many lives in the name of religion, and they have abused children in the process. Many of the people on this site are “walking wounded” who are holding their lives together by a thread! I was able to build a life, by leaving the Catholic Church, and their sick theology. I am one of the lucky ones on this site!

        Yes, their might be some good nuns and priests, but the majority of them are psychologically sick people who live in the world of fantasy!

        God bless you!


      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Jen:

        I had some time on my hands tonight, so I scrolled down the posting of all the great people who have chosen to share their stories about the abuse that they suffered under the hands of Catholic Nuns and Priests in Catholic Schools and Catholic Institutions. —– As I “re-read these interesting postings” this thought crossed my mind. —– “How many people have suffered similar experiences, and have NOT found this site to share their experiences with the world?”

        What is see on this site is a VERY SMALL sampling of a much larger problem. The Catholic Church would like everyone to believe that the “offending clergy” are just a small percentage of the “clergy population,” when in reality, the offensive behavior is and was the operating norm for these very sick human beings!

        If more people were aware of this site, we would be seeing more postings about child abuse throughout the United States and in other countries. It was part of an organized “play book!”

        Based on my experience as a child in Catholic School, there is NOTHING positive that I can say about the nuns, the quality of the education that was offered, and the religious experience. ——- Everything about my education was NEGATIVE, and the physical and mental abuse was the topping on the cake! —– The nuns should have never been allowed to teach children!

        I have found that nuns and priests DO NOT like to deal with and / or debate issues. They like to make excuses and hide behind their smoke and mirrors. This might have worked years ago, but we are living in a new reality, and people are going to be held accountable for their actions. —- There are people on this site who have had their lives destroyed by these sick individuals. ——- QUESTIONS: Who is going to pay for this crime against humanity? —– Should we let them go?

        NOTE: —- Teaching the “concept of original sin” to young children is a “very sick action” on the part of the clergy. Don’t they realize that the young person cannot comprehend something like this in their young mind! —– On the other side of the issue, God does not make junk, so how can God make a human being with a “defect” like “original sin!” —- Original Sin is something that the Catholic Church dreamed up to get control of people! —- It is a “fairy tale,” like “Mother Goose!” —- It is part of the big picture of “smoke and mirrors!” —– The Priest and nuns are abusing children, and the big concern is teaching about “original sin!” I think we all need to “get real!”

        If you want a healthy productive life, stay away from the Catholic Church, and the Catholic Priests and Nuns! They will destroy the ability of the human being to think and reason! They will take as much money from the individual as possible in the name of God, and they will spend it as “hush money” for their sexual adventures in the dark behind closed doors, where they are most comfortable!

        Have a GREAT day!

        God bless you!


      • MaryW Says:

        To Jen, via Dwayne. As always Dwayne has it right. I know numerous people who don’t even know this website exists and have horror stories to tell also. If someone found a good nun or priest for that matter, then you were indeed fortunate and I must say living a charmed life. Because that is not the norm which is evidenced by the loss of “the faithful” going to church. People are awakened to the truth of what has gone on for years and the lies and deceit all done in the name of the Catholic Church. I love God, but I am indeed aware of the Catholic Churches’ agenda to create drones and gain more money. Like a hive of evil, homosexual ants. Yuck!! GOD bless everyone on this website!!!

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary W:

        Thank you for your support of my comments!

        TOO many people have been destroyed by the Catholic Clergy, and the Catholic Church! (The people on this site are an example of the results of the actions of the “Criminal Catholic Clergy!”)

        The Catholic Church is a “cancer” in the Christian Religion. It has been growing, “out of control for years,” at the expense of the “little people” who are the “faithful!”

        There is no decency in the ranks of the clergy! —- They have, and continue to use people for the hidden agendas of the Catholic Church. —- They “live well” on the backs of the “faithful,” who believe that they can somehow save their souls. The reality is, that the Catholic Church cannot save it’s own soul! ———- To put it in a different way, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH HAS NO SOUL!

        Those of us who were abused by the nuns & priests understand what is was like to be “tortured by people who we trusted!” —- Do not expect “professionalism” from the Catholic Clergy! They do not know the meaning of the word. —– They are fakes, frauds and phonies! —- They hide behind ceremonies, robes & smoke and mirrors! —– They claim to represent God, but they would not know God, if they met him on the street! —- They are detached from the reality of a “day to day existence that is being faced by the average person! —- They are “takers” and they give back nothing! —- They live for “self-pleasure” at the expense of the people that they should be serving. —- They are liars and manipulators of the truth! — They are con artists who want to separate people from their money with the hope of salvation! —- They are disgusting human beings who take advantage of children for their own enjoyment.

        God bless you Mary, and all the other people on this site who were abused and tortured by these criminals!


      • MaryW Says:

        So true Dwayne, so true. The clergy are ridiculous and incapable of relating to the people they should be helping. The last time I went to Mass, they had a visiting priest who “ministered” to clowns. Yes, they were called it the clown ministry, as they “ministered” to carnival workers and gypsies. Now this was for the second collection. If they could work in 20 collections they would. It was all I could do to keep from laughing. I did notice that no one donated to the second collection. I guess people are using their brains. They think anything that comes to their minds to collect for they do. I think the well is running dry for them. lol God bless us all.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mary W:

        I just came in from washing my car, and I read your posting. It provided me with a “great laugh!” —- (Ministering to Clowns!)
        Why not minister to Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, Automotive Technicians, Food Workers —- etc? —- QUESTION: —- What is so special about Clowns????????????? ——– Another example of the Catholic Clergy living in the “Land of Oz!” QUESTION: —Why don’t they start out their Church Services with the phrase, “Once Upon A time?” ——– I think there would be more truth in that statement than what they are presently doing to the people who are still attending services. —— The Catholic Church is a “Fairy Tale” that has been told “over and over again” until it has become truth! The only true Christian Church is a “bible based church!”

        The only “clowns” that were in that Church were the “Clowns” running the show! —— YES, it is a “show,” and it is put on “weekly” so that they can put their hands in the “pockets” of the “faithful,” and relieve them of all their money. ——- It is also a “three ring circus!” —– The first ring is the Catholic School System! —- The second ring is the “obligation of mandatory Church attendance!” —– The third ring is allowing them to dictate to you, as to how you should live your life! ——- While they are having sex with children, and abusing children in the Catholic Schools, they have the audacity to tell you and I how we should be living. —— That is the height of hypocrisy!

        The Catholic Clergy are the “Slugs of Society!” They are simply low lives in the human society. They produce nothing, and they add noting positive to the human fabric of society. —– They live off of society with carefully worded platitudes. —- They are anchors around the neck of people. —- They keep children from discovering their “greatness” by putting restrictions on their lives. —- They are narrow minded thinkers! —- They live in a world of negativity! —- They are NOT possibility thinkers! —– They are “unhappy / power hungry / negative human beings” that want to destroy people’s lives. —– They see “success” as something to be avoided. They equate “success” with “negativity!”

        It is great to exchange ideas with you!

        God bless you!


      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary W:

        What we need to do as a group, is to get new people on this site to tell their stories of child abuse by the Clergy!

        This problem is “bigger than we can imagine!”

        This problem existed throughout the United States in the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, & 70’s, and nobody care about what was being done to the children in the name of God! —– The nuns were pure evil, and they enjoyed making children suffer. —- It was a sport to them. — It was a game! ——- They punished children just to see them uncomfortable!

        The Clergy had a license to torture children in Catholic Schools and Catholic Institutions, and everyone just looked the other way and let it all happen!


      • Brian Says:

        Dwayne, it looks like you have taken over this blog from the Firetender. The best way to get out the word of this blog is to open up a Facebook page or go whole hog with a WEB page. I and others broached this with Firetender several years ago and he was fully against it. I still think a Facebook page would get out the word, worldwide, within weeks. To do that properly we would need to capture all the old posts or at least the best of them, and transfer them to the Facebook page. I have no idea how to do that and it would probably be a good idea to get permission from each person before reposting their blog entries, but it would be necessary. I remember when the blog was started (I made an entry among the first twenty five or so) there were so many entries, some trains of thought repeated, and then it dropped off. So, thats my two cents. I always thought it was the best idea to get the word out. In fact I often thought of creating a Facebook page myself, but I’m old and didn’t want to loose what little I have left in a law suit. Q’aplah.

      • firetender Says:

        THIS IS TO EVERYONE: As is obvious, my focus has been elsewhere for quite some time. This site was designed to be a safe haven for those wandering in and I had neither the will nor desire to spend the time necessary to take on a social vehicle like Facebook with all the monitoring necessary to maintain high standards and dodge the brickbats that would be sure to be thrown were it more public.

        The site has fulfilled its purpose for me. It has been that safe haven and far many more people than I anticipated have come here to provide support and share hope with each other. I thank you all for having been such an important part of my healing.

        I have no idea how it would/could be done, but if possible to do so, I’d be happy to transfer the content of the blog over to someone who would really do what I’ve heard others say they want to do; get this out there to attract a groundswell of support for its position, namely that abuse of children at the hands of Catholic Nuns was an incredibly evil epidemic that has never been adequately addressed.

        So if someone wants to do the legwork to find out how I could transfer the content AND wants to take the time to really NURTURE and promote its message, YES I would seriously consider passing it along. I recall that George Barilla wrote a book and is working with similar themes AND he’s also got a good blog going

        …so maybe he’d be interested in doing something with it.

        Feed me an idea or two and do the research to find out how it could be done (maybe start by asking a Moderator here at WordPress) and write to me at and I’ll consider it.


      • MaryW Says:

        Dear Firetender, I for one think that this blog should NOT be put on FaceBook. If someone wants a FB page then start one. This is a private place and I for one DO NOT want it place anywhere that I do not have control of. Thank you for your hard work and dedication.

      • MaryW Says:

        Hello Brian, yes, I am sure you need to have everyone’s permission to post their posts. Especially the permission from FireTender. I don’t know what happened to a lot of the people that posted, but it seems a lot have left or do not receive notification of new postings or may have died. I quit for awhile because the posts were too much the same and not going anywhere. Not that the posts aren’t important, but once or twice said is enough to get the picture across. Also arguing with us as to our feelings is not helpful either. We each suffered, just because someone didn’t is just their story. I hope more people will step up instead of leaving it all to Dwayne to keep this place alive. God Bless Everyone!!!

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary W:

        I too have wondered what happened to all the people who have posted on this site in the past!

        It seems that we have lost some of the more active people!

        The problems that we discuss on this site are much “bigger” than we can imagine. —— We are looking at what happened to each one of us, and we are sharing that experience, but the “abuse picture” was throughout the United States, plus foreign countries. How many Catholic Schools are in the United States alone? How many Catholic Institutions are in the United States alone? When you think about the situation from that point of view, the “abuse picture” must have been at a “level” of being “out of control!” —- We could be looking at thousands of victims of abuse by the nuns & priests. This site is only scratching the surface of the problem. There should be thousands of people posting on this site!


  2. mark Says:

    I was beat up by nuns in the 70’s they were from the sisters of st francis philadelphia . The daily fear and physical abuse for 8 years at the hands of nuns is as bad as the priest scandal yet noone has the balls to talk about it in the media. I am going after this order of nuns and the baltimore archdiocese for sexual abuse by a priest and for litterally getting punched in the face by a nun right in front of my class. I am so frustrated by the cover up the nuns have done when it comes to this subject. What i experienced and witnessed was not corporal punishment it was violent physical abuse on a 10 year old child The bitch who hit me did it because i erased an answer on a test.My life definitely changed after leaving that school ( St anthonys of baltimore ) I also witnessed a nun grab a kid in my class by his hair and beat his head against a block wall for bitting on a pen that broke in his mouth. The Irish scandal has yet to influence this country’s spychotic catholic nuns past abuse.

    • ss Says:

      Hey Mark,I went thru the same abuse by the Sisters of Notre Dame at St James School in Mt Rainier Md .Imagine the fear every day trying to get thru the day with Attention Deficate Disorder and getting beat constantly for being stupid.Like you said this was’nt corporal punishment this was pure hate and abuse

      • brian Says:

        Iam from Australia and I went through the same abuse from the sisters of mercy in naracoorte south Australia feel that they should admit what they did and be prepared to give compensation My name is brian

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Brian:

        Welcome to the group! —- We all were abused by the NUNS one way or another! —– They were trained to deal with children in a negative / abusive fashion. —- If you read the postings on this GREAT site, you will notice that the stories are VERY similar. —- Yet, — they are coming from different parts of the United States, — or from other countries. —– The only way that could happen, is if all the “teaching nuns” were trained in a “similar fashion” with a “similar educational philosophy!” —- And that is the “key” to the entire situation! —– They were trained to abuse the children under their charge, so that they could created obedient / non -thinking loyal slaves for the Catholic Church! —- When they became adults, they would not question church authority, and give all their money to the church. (The last time the world saw an organization like that was in Germany in the late 30’s!) —- I think that it is call “brain washing!” —— YES, the Catholic Church is a “evil institution / self-center” institution that is only out for itself! —– You and I have heard sermons where the priests suggests that people should give to the church until it hurts! —- They are suggesting that people should live in poverty so the clergy can live in luxury! —- I DO NOT THINK SO! —– Best regards! —– God Bless! —– Dwayne

  3. Brian Says:

    Thanks for sharing your blog. I too had the evil Dominicans at Incarnation School, Queens Village, NY in 1950’s and early 60’s. I too suffered all the abuses you mentioned. Let me add what Sr. Marie Michelle, a young one, thought would teach me to stop talking in the 3r grade. She made me crawl under her desk by her feet and she continued to kick me for the rest of the class. That torture has been impossible to forget to this day. Thanks for the shared memories, it helps some.

    • Marie Says:

      1968, in fourth grade, I saw our teacher, Sister Floracita, (Sisters of St. Joseph, Boston, MA) put one particularly talkative boy under her desk, and she kicked him until he came out with a bloody nose and tears streaming down his face. Made an example out of him for the class. I left parochial school for good the following year. I was paralyzed with fear being in that class. Never knew what she would do next. Clothespins on the finger tips of kids who bit their nails, Verbal abuse and humiliation. Absolutely wicked!

      • B' Says:

        Around 1957 in the 3rd grade at Incarnation, Queens Village, NY, Sr. Marie Michelle, did the same to me. It was horrible and I never recovered. What little faith I had was lost that day. But it was not the last, though certainly the worst abuse. Death to the men and women in dresses from the make believe country.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi “B”:

        Welcome to the group! —– We are here to listen and to support each other on the road to recovery.

        I understand, and I feel you pain!

        I also witnessed the same behavior of nuns in the 50’s.

        Being a student in Catholic Schools is a very negative experience for the young human being. —— TOO MUCH RELIGION! —- TOO MUCH NEGATIVE THINKING! —-

        Catholic Schools DO NOT teach young people to look at life from a “positive / I-Can-Do-It frame of reference. Rather, they make the individual feel that they are somehow “less than,” and they need to say the “magic prayers at a certain time” to make things better! Students are not allowed to feel good about themselves! They are not allowed to experiment, and in the process, discover their greatness. They are made to conform to the “Catholic Mold” as defined by the evil nuns!

        The nuns beat individualism, creativity, and self-esteem out of the young person, and in it’s place, they instill “blind obedience” and a total submission of the individual to their authority, and the authority of the Catholic Church. Well, in the real world, that does not lead to a successful life. But the Catholic Church and the nuns DO NOT WANT to create “thinking / successful people!” They want to create “blind obedient / cool-aid drinking followers” who can be manipulated to the will of the Catholic Clergy.

        If you want to have a happy / successful life stay away from Catholic Nuns and Catholic Priests. Join a Christian Bible Based Church with positive people!


      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Marie:

        In the early 50’s, in Saint Joseph’s Catholic Elementary School in NYC, on Christopher Street, run by the Sisters of Charity, in the 4th Grade, I witnessed the same treatment of a male student. —— In addition, the same nun, at a later date, grabbed two boys by the hair and banged their heads together. I was one of the boys! When I complained to my parents, they DID NOTHING! —– They were brain washed! —– If that happened to a child of mine, I would have been at the school the next day with an attorney, and a police officer! That nun would have been arrested! I would have sued the Sisters of Charity! I would have brought criminal charges against the nun!

        The Catholic Church, through it’s schools, destroys people! They get their hands on young people, and they brain wash them into believing that somehow, it they “drink the Catholic Cool-Aid,” they will have a place in heaven. What a crock of BS! The Catholic Church cannot police their own clergy. The nuns and priests are abusing children, and upper management does not care, but the “loyal Catholic / Non-Thinking Membership” keeps supporting them with their dollars. ———— When will people wake up!

        The Catholic Church, with their nuns and priests, are an evil / criminal organization hiding behind the Christian Religion. They have destroyed lives. There are people in our society who are “walking wounded” as a result of their experiences with nuns in Catholic Schools! I have relatives in my family, who attended Catholic Schools in the 50’s, who cannot “think on their own!” They follow the directions of the priests and nuns blindly. They think that I am a rebel, because I refuse to submit to the authority of the Catholic Clergy! My relatives are “psychologically sick” as a result of their relationship with nuns in Catholic Schools!

        I have no respect for Catholic Nuns & Priests! I do not like their politics, and / or their group personality! They are fakes, frauds and phonies, and they always have a hidden agenda when they speak to you! —- They are “slick” and “underhanded,” very similar to a “Used Car Salesperson!” They are NOT to be trusted! NEVER leave your children alone with a NUN or a PRIEST! They take great pride in destroying children, and the lives of human beings. The Catholic Church is NOT the Christian Religion! —— It is a money making corporation run by some very sick people who have their own negative agenda! —— It has taken a “life time” to undo the damage that was done to me as a child in that school in NYC in the 50’s!

        God bless everyone on this site!


  4. Susanne Says:

    My name is Susanne and I, am the Author of The Throw Away Child. I would like to share some of my stories of abuse at the hands of the Sisters of the Presentation in Colonie NY. It was a Catholic run state supported foster home. Some children didn’t make it out of there alive. The state of NY covered it up. It makes me sick to think they got away with the deaths of at least two little boys. I need help to make an investigation happen. Any Ideas anyone?

    • Brent Says:

      Check out the various websites related to the Dozier Boys Reform School in Marianna, Florida – and others related to a group now called “The Whitehouse Boys”. Many boys were beaten to death in that school and hundreds of other were psychologically scared for life. They are now working to sue the state of Florida for enabling the abuse and the cover up.

  5. Pattyann Says:

    I am a living survivor of catholic school from 1961-1969.
    I was beaten, locked in closets for punishment, screamed at and debased during most of my time there. The horrors were so heart -breaking that I have suppressed them until recently.
    I was a scared little girl who was left in the hands of monsters for eight years. The psychological abuse was horrific and I am left with deep scars. This happened in Connecticut…..

    • gary allen Says:

      I feel your pain.I too was physically and sexually abused by a nun when I was 12 in 1963. I have kept this shame and guilt for many years until I couldnt take it anymore.I sought help. But the pain of what that woman did to me is still there.What she did to me on that couch in the storage room between the classrooms I will forgive her. I still have nightmares. I fear this will always be with me,but Im working on it and I know in time it will get better. And it will for you…God bless

  6. maura Says:

    not only did I go to a Catholic grade school, I was also in a Catholic orphanage. I was terrorized by several different nuns of the Sisters of Mercy order. But the pay off is…..I am now a lapsed catholic and if there is a God, then I know they must face Him. How does one that considers oneself to be “married” to Jesus explain terrorizing children on a daily basis??
    I know that they would be arrested and jailed for their actions in todays world if they were still actively teaching but I am now in therapy for the fifth time trying to overcome their vile teachings.

    • C. Villanueva Says:

      Maura, can I ask you what Catholic orphange you were in? I know several women who were in St. Vincent’s, Guardian Angel Home, Catholic Home, and the most notorious of all – The Cabrini Home. I’m in the process of compiling a book about the stories of these young girls from orphans to womenhood. It’s time we got our say and also named our abusers. I’ve carried a vendetta all my life to see these nuns tortured as I was. Unfortunately, they are dead now and I hope they suffered a horrible death. Also – any guys on this blog who were in Saint Joseph’s Home for Boys in Philadelphia? There was a rumor going around that a Sister Helen Constance almost beat a boy to death and the archdiocese then transferred her to Catholic Home for Girls. I still have a scar on my arm where this same nun beat me with her rosary beads.

      • maura hart Says:

        You can ask me anything. I wish someone would write a book an expose of these women. But I also feel great pity for them, they had very little, they had no choices available in their lives. Their mistake was using violence on helpless children. Although I have pity and compassion I feel no forgiveness and I really don’t think I ever will.

      • firetender Says:

        Well, this may be a little interesting, but I don’t quite feel the edge I so recently did in my raw hatred of the nuns and all they stood for. I have been moved by comments such as yours because they WERE very, very, painfully sick and even as a child I recognized it. That doesn’t lessen my desire to really KNOW that they suffered for their misdeeds, yet, heaping hatred upon sickness is even more sick and hateful and that’s all about creating one’s own Cancer. To see a wave beginning is incredibly healing for me, and even I haven’t begun to understand the implications of what is beginning here. After all, I’m just a firetender.

    • JP Says:

      I was severly emotionally and physically abused by the Sisters of Mercy in the 1960’s in Nebraska. The emotional pain I suffered as a child will always be with me. It is so odd that to this day I still feel shame when I recall the time I was made to clean up my own urine in a puddle at my desk because my teacher refused to let me go to the restroom …I was 5 years old. I was called to the front of the class after my recitation of the alphabet failed to meet this womans expectations….I’ll never forget how she encouraged the class to laugh at me. I can still hear her voice as she laughed and made me the butt of some sick joke and seeing the other kids laughing as if on cue. In second grade I remember having to scrub a floor with a toothbrush (in a dress of course) while the class carried on…. sixth grade and having the hem of my dress taken out, feeling the pinch on the back of my arms that would leave blood blisters…. I could go on and on. I recall no compassion in all of my grade school years….just constant fear of being singled out and being ridiculed for my clothing, my famiy’s poverty, my intellect, I wonder how God could have “mercy” on those women.

      • Ruth Says:

        I too had the same experience in 1st grade where I could not go to the restroom. I remember the rulers, pointers and the verbal abuse from the Dominican sisters in Michigan. Still today, I do not have any self worth. I was always told that I was stupid and would be threatened in front of the class if I would not know the answer. These nuns have made my life very hard. I am now married to a man for the last 11 years who is always telling me that I am a good person and I can do whatever I want. I always keep these memories in my mind and cannot let them go. The catholic nuns have physically, mentally and emotionally affected a lot of lives.

      • B. Robertson Says:

        Ruth, I read your comments and I understand where you are coming from. I think most in this blog do. I know I suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder…perhaps you might want to look into some treatment for it. I have always been made ‘fun of’ – although they think they are just ‘kidding’….friends tell me “Oh, you’re the Catholic girl”…..that statement makes me nuts!! The abuse suffered under the same Dominican Nuns throughout those precious childhood years remain, obviously. I don’t even know how or what I say when people are saying “you are the Catholic girl”……it hurts so much. The uncertified so called “teachers” (nuns)
        don’t realize the brainwashing and cruelty they caused thousands of us….or do they? Keep writing….people will help you here. You aren’t alone.

    • Tamar Says:

      Maura, I was in a catholic orphanage in Philadelphia when I was quite young, as were my brothers; but we were not together. I was severely sexually abused in the orphanage and I remember a lot very vividly – mind you I was only about 3 years of age, but I have a photographic memory and now at age 51, I am writing a book – I am looking for as many stories as I can . ..I had visions that have actually been confirmed by this site and with photos that I recently have seen. It is an wary feeling to have such a long ago memory confirmed and brought to life. Fortunately the real work to heal has already been done, or I would never be able to even touch it. For years, I could never follow through with a creative writing class, because inevitably an autobiography was required and I could never write mine… 1st I thought no one would believe it and second it was just to painful to address. The book is a novel primarily about my life – it may even be a series, but in story form – one really doesn’t know that it is my life until the end and like the movie the Magdalene Sisters, the premise of the story is true to form although the some of the specific story line may be altered for creative purposes or clarity…. but Catholic influence and the orphanage is a vital part of the story and is poignant because the abuse put upon any of the children within the catholic church runs deep. The parents who adopted me were both raised in the Catholic schools in Philadelphia for 12 years each from the mid 40s through the 50s… and they – especially him – were most abusive… she was much more like the nuns in the verbal degradation of me… ‘if I ever got raped it would be my fault because my mother was a whore.’ (which she wasn’t, but that isn’t even the real issue)… and she blamed me for him losing his temper … he was simply a monster… much like Sr. Constance… I actually remember her… she told me I was dirt and that I should return to the dirt I came from – mind you I was a very little girl … I never realized the absolute connection that was formed with the church though until I had watched the Magdalene Sisters and then came across this blog. With the movie, I felt as if I was watching myself although I lived it in the home wherein I eventually grew – and of course the flashes of the orphanage came through loud and clear. I did attend catholic school in my early years, but fortunately, the laws began to change and I then moved to Massachusetts where I attended public school – they were very different… Although, Massachusetts has a horrible record for sexual abuse in the church – but I got enough early on to last me a few life-times… At any rate. since I can’t give out any contact information, I cannot really speak with anyone privately about their own experiences… not everyone is comfortable being completely open in public… it took me many years to be as real as I am and I know how hard it is for many. I hope that as I continue in the book, I will be able to incorporate stories without ever being direct… I may use a piece here and a piece there… so the line may be a variation, but the theme will be the same.

    • Joe H. Says:

      Interesting coincidence. I was also in Catholic schools, having experienced may of the problems described here. But, in addition, I had also been in foster care in Queens, NY, under the supervision of the Angel Guardian Home of Brooklyn from birth until age five. While I have memories of the nuns (Sisters of Charity of mount St. Vincent), I have NO memories at all of the Angel Guardian Home, except for the day I was adopted out of the foster care system, and almost no memories of the foster homes in St. Albans and South Ozone Park (I found out about all of this from the adoption agency some forty years later). Some relatives have suggested to me that very traumatic experiences in those foster homes and in the orphanage itself could have been wiped out by the brain’s defense mechanism system.

      Another thing, as bad as some of the sisters were (I had nuns in St. Stephen’s of Hungary, St. Joseph’s, and Our Lady of Good Counsel in Yorkville, where the Sisters of Charity were), the Irish Christian Brothers that I had for high school could be a lot worse, being bigger and stronger, and having the same “philosophy” of punishment (seen by my Irish-born father as the compelling reason for my attending the Irish Christian Brothers’ school.

      What I REALLY wanted to focus on in this comment is the adoption work of the church in the old days. It was not an institution suited for adoption.Within Catholic adoption quarters theology may have intruded on adoption policy (at least such was the case when the nuns dominated the scene; now maybe not so much), particularly when it came to birth mothers and adult adoptees seeking reunions. One saw signs of this, for instance, in the film rendition of “Philomena.” The film was based on a real birth mother’s search, but some of the dialogue may have been “enhanced” for dramatic effect, especially the part about the birth other having to suffer for “her sins.” But still, the lines spoken by the nuns in the film rang true.

      While the sisters who ran orphanages and “mother-baby” homes were sincere and well-intentioned, their theological background could make them judgmental in the extreme. To understand this, one needs to look at the Church’s teaching on sexuality and Original Sin. This doctrine of Original Sin (Upper case) going back to Augustine (but not subscribed to in the Western Church’s form by the Eastern Church) gets conflated, I believe, with a sort of “original sin” (lower case) which attaches to the by-product of an “illicit” relationship, which is the “illegitimate” baby.

      By adoption, though, the baby is “redeemed,” just as the “sinner” is cleansed through Baptism. When the adoptee, now an adult, seeks his/her biological roots, he/she “drudges up” all that dirt from which he/she was rescued (in the mind of the Church). All the work of the good sisters in “rescuing” the baby from this sinful origin would have been in vain if the adoptee is successful in being reunited with his/her biological parents. This, despite the fact that the reasons for blocking such searches (even where birth parties are looking for one another) usually focus on the “privacy” of the birth mother, the promises made to her at the time of adoption, and the signed contract she executed, often under duress, to give up all rights to the baby.

      One used to hear (as I myself did) such things as:

      “Why would you want to go mucking around in all that dirt?”

      “You gave away your child and the Church found a home for him. The Church acts on its duty of charity; sinners like you should be grateful”

      “You can find no peace because your sin weighs down upon you you sin will be with you always and you must make amends for it. Pray to God that he will forgive you, for I cannot.”

      “You must forget your child for he the product of sin, and above all you must never speak of him to anyone. The fires of hell await sinners like you.”

      And, as I mentioned, all this is aside from the regulations and laws imposed by, and enforced by, the state.

  7. Mario Says:

    I went to Catholic school in Philadelphia, from 1948 to 1960. The abuse in Catholic Schools was rampant. I use to think that nuns, would stay up at night devising new ways to hit the kids. Such things as two yardsticks taped together. Paddles with holes drilled in them, so the air won’t cushion the shock. Some of the rulers had sharp metal edges on them and would draw blood when they hit you on the knuckles. There were those nuns that didn’t hit kids, but they would remain silent about the ones that did. There seems to be a code of silence among their colleagues.

    What I don’t understand, is when I was going to Catholic school, why the parents seem to think that the nuns or priest are always right? Why do they put these people up on pedestals? Underneath those garments they wear, they are still very human beings, and are fallible as such.

    In my observations of the class room, I have always noticed the kids that were well dressed and had money, seemed to have more attention from the nuns. They gravitated towards them. The girls in class uniforms was another story. The reason they wore those uniforms was to prevent class distinction. That didn’t make sense to me, there was still class distinctions, you could see who had the shabby uniforms and the ones that had nice brightly colored crisp ones. I wore just about rags, it was obvious that I was poor. Lower socioeconomic status (reads powerless) and full to the brim of blind faith. Sheds a new light on these poor, old, sickly “impulsive” abusers doesn’t it? If I didn’t know an answer, I would get smacked. This went on day in and day out, in the third grade with Sister St. Florence, or look for the smallest reason to smack you.

    Some of those nuns were toilet Nazis. They wouldn’t let you go to the toilet and would say, “sit down and shut up.” Kids would either defecate or wet their pants, and went home that way. Sister St. Florence was a toilet Nazi. She only let certain ones go when they asked. I remembered when she wouldn’t let me go, I couldn’t hold it any longer and went in my pants. At lunch time as we were getting ready to leave the room to go home for lunch. Sister had the unmitigated gall, to say, “who smells like a stable?” The kids held their noses and pointed at me. When I got home and told my grandmother that story, she said “I’m going to school with you.” After I got cleaned up she took my soiled underwear and put it in a bag. I was wondering what she was up to. She came to school with me and she said to “point out the nun.” I pointed out Sister St. Florence, and my grandmother motioned her over. My grandmother said to her clearly, “If you ever send my grandson home like this again, I wipe his underwear in U face, showing her the bag” I was shocked. I immediately bit my tongue to stop from laughing. I never expected my grandmother to say anything like that to a nun, being the devout Catholic that she was. Needless to say, she made my day. I went off into the school yard laughing. Never again did sister say “no” when I asked to go. But the smacks did still continue. My grandmother didn’t do anything about the smacks, she thought the nun was right.

    When I moved to a different area in Philadelphia, I had St. Joseph nuns, who were not any better than the IHM nuns I use to have. It was the same old, day in and day out with nuns hollering at us and rulers or pointers used on the kids. Nuns would sneak up behind kids and hit them with a hard covered book, in back of the head. Nothing has changed, just more of the same. I had the same type of nun in the seventh grade, that would hit me everyday for the smallest reasons she could find. This fact was bought out in my 50 year class reunion, when Nancy who sat in back of me recalled how I was hit everyday for the smallest reasons. I was glad she bought this up in the reunion meetings. I wasn’t going to because I didn’t want to spoil the reunion. Nancy did remember and stated that when she went to school, she would wonder what I was going to get hit for the next day. When I left Catholic grammar school I was glad, because I didn’t have to go to church anymore and have nuns breathing down my back to see if we came to church every Sunday. I started questioning the teachings of the Catholic church, since I was nine years old because of their actions.

    High School wasn’t much better, there we had fist swinging priests. I saw a kid get beat with closed fists by a priest, until his mouth was bleeding. That was Fr. Uricheck the school disciplinarian. He hit many kids with closed fists. He should have never been their as a disciplinarian. Where do they find these priest? They certainly are not gems among the garbage. That aforementioned kid, that the priest beat up with closed fists, on the last day of High School when we were turning in our cap and gowns he got into a fist fight with a priest. I was glad to see it happen, I also could understand why it happened, after four years of regimentation in Catholic High School. All through high school, I would keep saying to myself something is wrong with this religion. You wondered how people of this sort, can believe in God, or his silly son. Most of all I learned to hate. The priest and nuns, the church, school itself, including their phony teachings. Everything that can be found in the rituals or teachings of the Catholic church, can be found in other religions way before the Christian era. There is nothing new in Christianity.

    After I left High School I turned my back on the church. I no longer believed in what they taught. I didn’t marry in the church and wouldn’t send my kids to Catholic schools, the same well I was poisoned at.

    • pattyann Says:

      I am so sorry. Aftter reading your story, my heart just sank.
      I never could figure out what has been wrong with me all my adult life.
      I never figured out until recently, that it was child abuse in one of the most sadistic forms.
      People say, that was then, get over it. I never got over it. My trust in women has been tarnished and I hate the Catholic Church.
      I do have a strong faith in God though, and that is one good thing.
      My God is a bigger, more wonderful God than the one that they said would punish me and send me to hell.
      I was picked on because we were poor. I was taller than my classmates.
      The ones who were cute and upper-class were the ones who were picked as pets. The rest of us were just beaten up on a regular basis, or completely ignored altogether.
      I have discovered some things in the last few years. It seems that 4 of my old classmates died of acute alcohlism. There are a couple more who have been in and out of psychiatric institutions. Multiple marriages,
      drug abuse, incarceration seems to be the norm for quite a few of us survivors.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      There is something very wrong with the Catholic Church, and the Catholic Form of the Christian Religion! The Catholic Church wants compete control of each individual member so they can squeeze our every nickel and dime to support their religious machine and their political agenda. —— I refuse to give one dime to the Catholic Church. I know of a person who gave a large donation in the form of a check at Christmas time to the local Catholic Church. On the memo portion of the check he wrote: —- “Not to be used as hush money!” —- The pastor contacted this individual, and told him that he could not write that statement on the check, and that once the money was given to the church they had the right to spend it as they wished. —- In other words, they are supporting criminal behavior of the clergy. —- If you want to try a little experiment, attend a non Catholic Church for a month, and see how you feel about the Christian Religion. The people are very sincere and open. There are no hidden agendas. Then after a month go back to the Catholic Church and watch the behavior patterns of both the people and the clergy. —- I cannot stand being in the Catholic Church, listening to their meaningless sermons, and witnessing the phoniness of both the priests and nuns. —- My wife likes to attend a small chapel that is part of a Catholic Hospital. They have a service on a Saturday night, and it is only a half hour in length. I attend with her, because as her husband, it is my duty to support her. She understand that I have no feeing for the Catholic Church or respect for it’s Clergy. About a year ago, the nuns and the priest decide that because of the “flu epidemic” they were NOT going to give communion out in both forms, (the wafer and the cup). They would only use the “wafer.” They said that it would prevent the spread of germs. (NOTE: I would NEVER drink out of the “common cup!” The thought of this action makes me ill!) At the end of the Mass, when everyone is greeting the priest and deacon, I asked the priest this question. —– “Why are you so concerned about spreading the “flu” and you are not concerned about spreading HIV (Aids)? —- There was silence! —- You see the “Flu” is non-political, —- but HIV is a hot issue! — The Catholic Church is a “VERY SICK ORGANIZATION!” They have lost all touch with reality. There services are meaningless, and their services and sermons lack a “here and now meaning!” It is the only form of the Christian Religion that have hymns that the people cannot sing, because the range of the music is geared for only professional singers. How can a church build unity, if the people cannot participate? The Catholic Church is all about what YOU can do for them, not about what THEY can do for you! YOU are always deficient in some way, while they have the “key” to making you better “if” you just give them some more money! — Isn’t it funny, that God is all knowing, and all powerful, but he cannot seem to handle money. He always needs more money! Have you ever seen some of the vacation homes for the clergy? They are not homes, the are estates, and they are bought and paid for with your money! If you want to be happy in life, and you have a need for a religion, find a way to practice the Christian Religion away from the Catholic Church. I have found that “Catholic’s” are very “negative people” as a group. This does not surprise me since their religion creates negativity. —— Have a GREAT day. —– Best regards to all! —- Have fun in life! —- Life is “short” and this is not a rehearsal! —– Dwayne.

      • Mario Says:

        Hi Dawyne

        Now you hit on another one of my pet peeves, the military. I was in the Army from 60 to 63. I figured since I left Catholic School it would be a good time to do my military hitch. I was sent overseas to Korea from 61 to 62. This is what I learned while in Military service. There is nothing more remarkable, or more effective, then that of the socio-military institutions to instill by intimidation, in the young males of society the uncritical conviction that the government is omnipotent……Even though the government only exists by the consent of the people. The soldier is soon taught that a prayer is slow to reverse what a bullet can do in an instant. Thus, a man trained in a religious environment for eighteen years of his life can, by this instrument of government, be broken down, be purged of his fantasies and delusions in a matter of mere months. Once that conviction is instilled, all else becomes easy to instill.
        The three most corrupt systems since the last 5600 years of human civilization has been Religion, Politics and Commerce. So why would I want to go in another chruch and sit there to listen to his/her bullshit for? This would cause me to sit there and play the violin while he/she preaches. Religions were invented to keep people in line like good little servants. They follow like sheep we should not blindly follow mummified traditions and ancient texts that could very well prove to be misleading, misinterpreted and mythical. I’m a non-believer in any of these religions that includes the Dalai Lama who’s a phoney baloney. I can’t prove one way or another that there is or isn’t a God. I just don’t believe in these man made Gods of the last 5600 years. I thank the Catholic Church for leading me in this direction. That’s why I spent a good many years reading about these religions. It is difficult to credit any one religion as being True or any one god as being True when there have been so many throughout human history. None appears to have any greater claim to being more credible or reliable than any other.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mario:
        I had the opportunity to read your posting again, and I like your ideas. YES, the military has a way of taking a “normal human being,” and in eight weeks making him into a killer. I understood this concept, when I completed my “firing for record” with the M1 Rife on the “pop up target course” in Fort Dix in 1963.

        On the other hand, the Catholic Church has also destroyed the lives of many young people with their need to control the individual! —– I personally do not like Catholic Education the Priests or Nuns. They just annoy me with their lack of sincerity.

        Best regards.

  8. pattyann Says:

    I recall being hit across the side of the head with my geogrophy book
    (which was the biggest one we had) for not attending the mandatory 7:00AM Sunday Mass that we were forced to attend. It was Easter Sunday and we were supposed to attend a procession around the Church carrying a huge Easter Lily anf place it on the alter. That was the worst procession because we had to fast hours before Communion and kids would be passing out all over the place. I didn not want to go and so my parents and I attended a later Mass.
    After I was hit, my jaw cracked and I almost blacked out. I now suffer from jaw alignment problems.
    I remember having my mouth taped up with masking tape for a whole day because I talked in class. I was 7.
    Food was forced down my throat by the nun table monitor in the cafeteria if I did not finish my plate. I remember a deviled egg being literally jammed down my throat while I was vomiting it back up.
    We were refused bathroom breaks so there was constant urination on the floor. I vomited every morning before school because I was so nervous about what horror may occur that day.
    I was not the only one. It is not just about me. There were many of us.
    The nun would tell us to get out of the class for giving the wrong answer and go find another class that would take us.
    These were sick, sadistic monsters and the Church should be forced to compensate those of us who went through this hell. My mother now acksnowledges her mistake of forcing me to attend this torture chamber.
    She thought that they were doing the right thing for us at the time.
    My sister also atttended this school is a chronic alcoholic.

    • JP Says:

      Pattyann, I cried when I read your story….the abuse is so familiar. The though of a little 7 year old child being humiliated like that makes me sick. I, too, suffered horrible physical symptoms as a result of the psycological abuse. I have 11 brothers and sisters (yup, a good catholic family…poor as hell but damn good Catholics!) Many of us have terrible emotional scars, rampant alcoholism and suicide of my one sister who was probably the most sensitive thus affected the most. Her problems began is grade school and she never really overcame them. I survived but from time to time I can feel myself reliving some graphic and horrible scenes…I dont just relive it….I can FEEL it. The shame, embarresment and feelings of terribly low self esteem sweep over me like a dark shadow.

  9. Kristen Says:

    Funny that today they still do not want parents who speak up. My kid wasn’t physically abused. I feel so for all of you, most people treat their pets better than your church treated you. I am fighting right now to expose the mistreatment of my boy. It appears that they have moved from the obvious (physical) and are now focusing on the psychological. It is so much harder to prove what you cannot see. I do hope that all of you have been able to heal somewhat from your experiences. Lucky for me there we no Catholic Schools for me to go to when I was young, just the guilt I now have for sending my kids.

  10. mark s. Says:

    I attended the same school during the same time as the author. I had Sr. Cor Marie right up through Sr. Mary Ralph and I thank those nuns from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful education they gave, yes gave me. Was I disciplined? occasionally, the intensity of which was truly laughable. I suppose there may have been a difficult child here or there who may have brought a teacher to her wits end, but I never witnessed it. For every one disgruntled individual that came through that school, I’ll bet 100 well balanced, well adjusted, successful members of society did as well. I for one had a fine grammar school experience & got a better education then than high school graduates get today, probably because there is next to no discipline in today’s public school system.

    • firetender Says:

      Aloha Mark, and thank you for the reminder!

      Sr. Cor Marie, my First Grade teacher gave me the gift that carried me through the abuse of the other Nuns, and, in fact, has carried me through most of the very hard times of my life since: Singing. She was my Choir Teacher and somehow affected me such that I realized singing was my direct link to a God that loved me. Her example, energy, devotion, pure being-ness allowed me to distinguish between that which was Man and that which was God. She modeled what happens when God comes through a person as opposed to, as they say in AA “Self-will run riot.” as evidenced by the other nuns. It was my singing that helped me attain a heart-connection with a much wiser, guiding force than any adult provided me at that time. Thanks to her, I learned that I am empowered to find my own connection with my Creator, and it, above all things in my life, is infinitely adaptable to get me through Whatever.

      I’ve always credited my Mother with instilling in me a true joy of reading and writing. (This, by the way, was her primary gift to me, and, yes, unfortunately she was abusive. She herself was not physically abusive to me — to other of my siblings, yes — but when presented with the welts I described in this initial blog, sided with the Nuns.)

      AND, it was the Parochial School system, with Nuns as Agents, that gave me the tools and practice and encouragement I needed to develop a life that has primarily been supported by my skills in reading and writing. I will not disparage the Nun’s influence on my life in that respect. I am truly thankful for it!

      But, Jesus, what a price!

      • mcccmar Says:

        I have alot of respect for your objectivity in this post fires – you are right on both sides of the equation.

      • John C. Says:

        Started St. Vinny’s 1960. I fell in love with my first grade nun but it was all over after that. Never forget school yard line ups in all weather conditions. Didn’t matter if if was 0 degrees, 100 degrees or pouring rain. Stand there and watch kids pass out and nuns walk right by. If you opened your mouth you got whacked. Imagine sitting at your desk wondering what isle she was coming down from the back of the class and who would be the next target of her wrath. I recall Sr. Helen Marie who was probably in her 70’s and 4′ tall come from the back and this handsome red headed boy named Liam that was grabbed by the back of his head and slammed face down on his desk, pulled back up with a shattered nose, blood gushing everywhere soaking his light blue shirt. He didn’t return for several days. But he did return to more abuse. I attended a 30 year eight grade reunion where more than 60 attended. I will end with this, when the abuse subject arose in conversation, I was taken aside by who I would consider one of the smartest kids in the class who asked who I thought the most abused student was….I said I was not sure since there were so many, he said, it was you…..

      • firetender Says:

        I bet your 1st Grade nun was Sister Cor Marie and she got you in to the Choir. I’m surprised you didn’t get shut down even mentioning abuse. I got kicked off the St. Vinnie’s site when I did!

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi John:

        Welcome to the group! —- YES, we all share the same negative experiences with the nuns! As a group, they are the most evil people hiding behind the robes of a religion. Your experiences mirror my experiences in a Catholic School run by the Sisters of Charity in N.Y.C. in the 50’s. I saw boys having their heads bashed into the blackboards because they did not know the answer to a question. I saw a nun place a boy under her desk where she placed her feet. QUESTION: What was she doing to this child that the class could not see?

        The problem with “Nun & Priest Abuse of children” is that the current faithful of the Catholic Church DO NOT believe that the abuse took place, and even if some do believe that it took place they are very reluctant to take a stand, and demand that the Catholic Church, and the individual orders of Priest and Nuns take full and complete responsibility for their crimes against children. — Those of us who were abused are “upsetting the apple cart!” We are the “trouble makers.” We are drawing attention to the criminal nuns & priests! We are making the Catholic Church look bad!

        The Nuns and Priests are in for a “BIG SHOCK” in the United States. The abused people ARE NOT going to go away. We are going to tell our story to everyone who will listen. The “wound of abuse” is now “festering,” and before long, it will “explode all over the media,” and the lack of pro-active action, on the part of the Catholic Church, will become very evident. This will cost the Church big time in the area of “funding,” — and the good part is that they have brought the issue on themselves by not fixing the problem!

        God bless you, and all the others on this site who were abused by Catholic Nuns & Priests!


  11. Richard Says:

    I am just getting into reacting to this whole topic, when I recently saw that the Catholic grammar school that I attended in Norwich, Connecticut, from 1958 to 1964 will be closing down this year. It triggerred a swirling maelstrom of horrific memories of child abuse. For six years, many of the students in this gulag and myself were routinely slapped, punched, beaten, and humiliated by a corps of sadistic nuns. I never witnessed any sexual abuse, but the physical and emotional abuse was pervasive and persistent. I was finally allowed to go to a different Catholic junior high, and then on to a Catholic high school. the latter two schools were fine. If I had had the same experiences my second 6 years as I had had in my first 6, I would have ended up being either criminally insane or institutionalized. This whole topic sickens me, as I have been a professional educator for thirty plus years in Upstate New York. I will return and my stories will be told.

  12. Richard Says:

    St. Jopseph’s Catholic Grammar School, Norwich, Connecticut

    1958-59. First Grade. Sister Alice, The best of the lot, and it was all downhill from there. She would just slap you in the face every once in a while.

    1959-1960. Second Grade. Sister Sixtusa. A Nazi Concentration Camp Guard would have been a better career choice for her. A short, muscular thug, she would frequently make us kneel down on the floor and would repeatedly pummel our backs with her fists. Rulers on hands were always a good choice as well for her. She would have enjoyed the company of Hannibal Lecter.

    1960-1961. Third Grade. Sister Marietta; an improvement over Sister Sixtusa, but she would frequently flog our rear ends with a hand brush. We figured if we could dupe her into wearing winter coats, the pain would be less, but she was on to us. We got our asses whaled on a lot.

    1961-1962. Fourth Grade. Mother Superior. The Head Wench. Not too awful as some were, but she would grab your face cheeks in her hands and shake your head as if it was a can of paint in a paint shaking machine.

    1962-1963. Fifth Grade, Sister Marietta again. More of the hand brush routine. If you did not make it to church on a Sunday, for whatever reason, such as a tornado, blizzard, etc., she told us that we would die and go to hell, forever.

    1963-1964. Sixth Grade. Sister Michael, who absolutely, and unequivocally hated me, beyond a shodow of a doubt. The worst year of the 6, in terms of emotional abuse and humiliation. Finally, I begged, wheedled, cajoled, conned, and negotaiated to my parents to get me out this Eastern European prison. Finally, my mother relented, and I went to St. John’s Junior High, with normal nuns, priests, and little or no abuse, for 7th and 8th grades. I began the slow rise out of the depths of insanity and eventually came to lead a normal life. I am not done with this process; a care giver does not do to children what was routinely done to us.

  13. Maura Says:

    total total agreement. But then this is the same Catholic church that routinely helped Nazi’s escape to south america. Why should one be surprised at what they did to helpless terrified children? And look what has recently been reported about routine abuses from priests and nuns to catholic orphans. They will pay, when they meet their Lord.

  14. Maura Says:

    I clearly remember on the first day of school my parents sat me down and said do not come and and say the nuns hit you. What ever the nuns hand out, you will get again at home. so, there was no adults for me to tell about the abuse and terror.

  15. Richard Says:

    All who are interested in this sordid past should click on this website, for the Norwich Ct area and then the main website for access to other areas.

  16. nancy kimble Says:

    How validating to read this! I attended Catholic grade school from 1959-67 with the School Sisters of Notre Dame and the physical/psychological abuse was unbelievable; in first grade the nun grabbed one of my little classmates by the nape of the neck and the seat of the pants and threw him head-first into a steam pipe…you know how head wounds bleed? This occurred because he stepped out of line to quickly get a drink of water from the fountain as we passed by it on our way back from the “playground” (an empty parking lot) on a very hot day returning to our classroom. How well I remember the bathroom nonsense that resulted in wet pants, children attempting to urinate into pencil cases (females as well as males,) vomiting, unbelievable physical as well as psychological abuse/humiliation that continued throughout all 8 yrs. of that hell. I broke my wrist while on the playground in 8th grade. I asked to go to the nurse’s office when we returned to the classroom and was of course refused. The next day when I came to school with a cast on my arm/hand, the nun made me stand in front of the class while she humiliated me, stated I was “looking for attention,” there was “nothing wrong with my hand/arm.”
    These nuns were able to create terror even if you were not the direct target-watching another child be abused and being powerless to prevent it/protect other classmates not only “set an example,” it inculcated learned helplessness among the rest of us. I’ve often thought to myself I would rather drown my child in a bath tub than send them to a Catholic school. I read/hear so much about the sexual abuse-and please, I am NOT AT ALL MINIMIZING the effect on these victims. However, the day-in/day-out terror of other types of physical/psychological abuse that occurred also needs to be recognized. The “problem” the Catholic Church has been facing regarding the “loss” of active members leaves me chuckling-these fools didn’t have the foresight to recognize we’d eventually become adults and choose to walk away from an institution that actively fostered abuse on the most vulnerable population to whom they had access.
    Here’s the real kicker: About 3 months ago out of nowhere, I received in the mail an “invitation” to become an “alumni member” (read they’re looking for money) of said grade school!! Forty three years later and YOU want ME to become a financial “cheer leader?” Also, I was invited to submit “My Best Memories!” HUH??!! What nerve. I felt like writing back: “Here’s my ‘pledge’-The sooner you go under the safer the community of children will be.” Thanks for this thread…again, the validation is so long in coming, so necessary to expose.

    • Dana Says:

      You certainly are NOT minimizing the situation, Nancy; I know that the wounds still are raw. Those memories will never fade, and it is infuriating to have some “sweetness-and-light” type croon that “you should forgive and forget.” (To me, that is as offensive as telling a victim of the Holocaust to “forgive the Nazis” who slaughtered that person’s family, and tortured the living victim in their death camps.)

      Of course, the sexual abuse aspect is more proveable in some cases, and is much worse because of the emphasis on “chastity” in the Catholic Church. But, the emotional carnage wrought by those monsters seems to be ignored because a person is always exhorted to “get on with your life, and forget about it.”

      I believe that MORE of these stories of physical and psychological abuse should be spotlighted, and the “naysayers” who sneer that “they were not abused” and “the whiners and the complainers probably deserved to be punished” should be exposed, either as apologists for the Church, or as the little “informants” and “kiss-ups” who made the Catholic school experience even MORE Hellish than it already was.

      Naturally, it would be difficult to prove monetary damages, but maybe, just maybe, our cautionary tales would warn others away from making the same mistake as our parents did, and protect another generation from becoming emotionally scarred for life.

      Incidentally, the lousy, substandard parochial school I was forced to attend over half a century ago still exists, but this time – with a bright blue coat of paint over its once-shabby facade. The $15 per year tuition ($7.50 for the next kid, $3.75 for the third, and the rest go free) has disappeared with nickel candy bars and the Henry-J. Now, the tuition is $7,500 (!) per student, the classes are limited to 15 students (!!) but – the girls are still forced to wear uniforms (but, thank God, no “fishtails for modesty’s sake” hanging down the back, nearly trailing on the ground. (My mother cut mine off and hemmed the skirt so it couldn’t be “added to,” and I didn’t hear the end of it for the entire school year…)

  17. Colleen Says:

    I too suffered greatly for eight years while in Catholic school. My first grade year was with a lay teacher, and therefore it was mostly positive. There was only abuse from nuns when at recess. From second grade on, I was instructed by highly abusive nuns. It was commonplace to be pulled along by your hair, ears, nose, or checks. All learning was done through public humiliation. Nuns would seek out the children who were having difficulty in subjects and abusively drag them to the front of the class and make fun of them, inciting the other children to laugh at them. This was what drove most kids to try harder. But we could never try hard enough. Every day, I woke up feeling terror and dread for what was going to happen to me that day. I was regularly abused with rulers and pointers, and I would also be whipped while standing fearfully in the lines. Often and for no reason at all other than the apparent pleasure of the nun, children would be whipped with the nuns leather belts which hung almost to the ground, making them a perfect weapon, and always available. I remember being called number 7 through much of the 8 years, 7 because my last name started with a D and it 7th on the class attendance list. I remember being prohibited from having any “best friend”. If a friendship was developing, it was always broken apart. I remember having nuns stick pencils, garbage, chewing gum, and other inappropriate items in my hair and taking me to the front of the class to be laughed at. This was supposed to “bring me out of my shell” and build my confidence. I remember having to “play” volleyball at recess and no speaking was allowed. The nun would stand with belt/whip in hand and say “rotate” when it was time, and not a seconds delay was ever tolerated. One of the strangest memories was our lunch period. We were not ever allowed to speak during lunch time. We were forced to look at these pull down posters of dead or starving children mostly from Biafra. The posters were about 15’x8′ across and the nun would stand and change the gory scene we were to look at every few minutes. So we went from seeing dead skeletal people, to children with bloated abdomens, covered in flies, to mothers crying with dead babies in their hands. Regular confessions were also bizarre. We were made to confess at the church under the nuns direction. If we had no sins to confess, we were punished for lying. Therefore, we frequently had to go into confession and lie about sins we never committed, to avoid abuse. I remember always ending my list of made up sins with “and I lied father” . That way I felt covered for the lies I was just forced to tell in confession. After 8 years of Catholic school, I was finally allowed to go to a public school, but only because my family had moved. Unfortunately though, even when I had a very good and caring teacher, I would only see him or her as the enemy. It wasnt until college that I was able to shake off the bad school experience, and really enjoy learning. I find that even now, I still have issues in my life as a result of the abuses. It took a long time for me to develop any real friendships, since they had been forbidden. And I still automatically assume the worst when meeting any new people. I either assume they are cruel and want to hurt me in some way, or I assume they hate me and don’t want anything to do with me. But happily, I am aware of where these feeling are coming from, and I have chosen to carry on with my life and interact with folks regardless of the fears I have when first meeting them.

    • Lori Grobelny Says:

      So many details in your letter hit home with me. These are things I have never been able to vocalize with anyone before. The item that struck me so closely was the fact that “friendships” were were not encouraged or tolerated. All my life, I have had trouble cultivating real friendships and relationships. As with you, other issues occassionally crop up which I can immediately associate with the abuse that I put up with long ago. I was in Catholic school from 1959 through 1969.

      • Mary Says:

        I also went to a catholic grammar school in Massachusetts from 1960 to 1969 and saw kids abused for those 8 years. I myself got punched in the back about 10 times by a nun at the age of only 6 years old for an unknown reason. I may have been talking to someone and she did not like it. Then in the 3rd grade I got my hand slammed so hard by a yardstick during penmanship practice, because the nun said she did not like my writing skills. My hand was bleeding as I recall. I saw a boy get smashed with a yardstick in the back so hard that the yardstick broke in half. This was all because he did not know the answer to a math problem on the blackboard. I saw kids have their head shoved into a waste basket, boys had their hair pulled, bubblegum put on the noses of kids when they were caught chewing gum. Everyday was torture going into that school. You never knew what would happen on any given day. Hopefully, all of these nuns are now dead and in hell. That’s all I hope for. I’m sorry for all your pain. All we can do is go forward with our lives, knowing that these nuns must have had psychiatric issues and unfortunately we were left in their paths of destruction. Take care.

      • Lori Grobelny Says:

        Thank you for your reply and your understanding. It felt good to realize that I am not the only one with these kinds of memories and problems that resulted from them. I know that I am not alone. My best to you.

      • maureen ascenzo Says:

        i atarted reading on internet re abusive nuns. glad i could share. i had the urselines bx n.y i had a trace of lipstick on, the mother superior wiped my mouth with a dry brillo pad , i was in 8th grade will never forget the look on her mean ugly face i have never forgotten this witch, sometimes having nightmares. moe

  18. maura Says:

    Colleen, omg, your experience was my experience and as adults i am so like you. my feels are the same but I only wish I was as brave as you. Kudos to you and keep up the good work.

  19. Pattyann Says:

    Colleen, I am truly sorry for what happened to you.
    Maura, I can feel your pain also.
    It is hard to this day for me to form friendships with women, because I do not trust them.
    The Confessional was indeed a dreaded place. We had to go monthly on a Friday morning as a group after Mass. The sisters would stand up in front and make sure we were in formation as we went behind the dreaded curtain. I remember shaking so badly that I would almost vomit. I was afraid that I would open the wrong purple curtain, and someone would already be in there. That equaled a hard slap on the back of the head and an ear pulling. I remember being in third grade and an entire family in our parish was involved in a fatal car crash. They were burned beyond recogniton. The children were in our school, so they forced us as a group to attend the funeral. I was just a little kid, and the viewing of five caskets in the middle aisle is still in my mind.
    Looking at those small caskets was the hardest. There was no counseling or permission slips to be signed. You had to go or you faced the consequences. I was way too young to experience this type of tragedy and should never have been forced to.

  20. Christina Says:

    How unfathomable that so many children that have were sent to private Cathloc schools for a superior education faced the backlash of repressed men and women known as nuns and priests. I attended St. Vincent Ferrer School in Delray Beach, Fla during the 1980’s. There was a mix of Sisters of Mercy from Ireland and lay teachers. Where shall i start?

    I was a student who never spoke out of turn and was on honor roll all of my years. And what was my reward? Well, I was prevented from going to the bathroom by Sister Mary Clare in 4th grade and subsequently threw up on myself and another student. Rather than comforting me, she pulled my arm, screaming at me that I had thrown up on a girl of Irish decent and that I was “stupid.” Then when a mass book was left in the Church, as liturgy coordinator, I was told to stand in front off my class and admitt that I was a “bad Catholic” by another nun.

    MY eight years there was nothing but verbal humiliation, scare tactics and physical abuse. The first week I began there in the 1st grade, I witnessed little 6 year old boys being hoisted out of their seats by their ears and hit on the hands and arms with wooden rulers.

    I can recall every detail like it was yesterday. To say they did this to make us smarter or stronger is a boldface LIE!!

    These women were sexually repressed and frustarted that they had no outside lives or hopes for ones. They were jealous, backbiting, instigating and just plain aweful.

    If these nuns were truly “Brides of Christ” they wouldn’t have behaved like this..or at least Jesus would have divorced them. I pray for all of us and and the souls of these women. God saw everything…

  21. Dana Says:

    And the Catholic Church wonders why their “tenacious hold” on the minds – and souls – of their hapless victims of the 1950s wasn’t so strong after all? They only have to look to the “Brides of Christ” (who, in my case, acted MORE like the “Brides of Frankenstein…”)

    I remember being sardined into a room with 93 children (they shoved the taller boys into the cloakroom at the back), in a schoolroom built to accommodate 1/3 that number – and that was only HALF the class; the other half was suffocating slowly in another room across the hall. (Post-War Baby Boom.)

    We were taught next-to-nothing by a fat, slobby little ignoramus who spent a large part of her time slapping, pinching, and reviling the children; the other half was wasted on “measuring” our workbooks –
    then screaming for an interminable amount of time if her “measurements” hadn’t been followed. Let me explain: we were given different instructions every morning to have our homework signed by our parents (either mother or father, depending upon her whim), with – blue ink, or blue-black ink, or blue ink, or turquoise ink, or red ink, or green ink, and “7/8 inches from the top, 5/16 inches from the right margin, 1-1/4 inches from the left margin, and 9-1/2 inches from the bottom of the page” – then, she would erase the information just as quickly as she had written it on the blackboard, and refuse to repeat it – thus, ensuring at least SOME children would be excoriated publicly (and beaten) the next day.

    I came in especially heavy for verbal abuse because (1) I had a sister in the order with whom they were “commiserating” because “our mother had been cruel to her” (i.e., she didn’t want her to go into the convent at age 18, before she actually had a chance to know what she wanted to do with her life), and (2) I had a high I.Q., but the nuns wanted us all to be grey, amorphous, mentally benumbed and subservient – especially the girls. Since I refused to capitulate – Heaven help me (and it didn’t appear to me that it did, because I was stuck in that cesspool with orangutans in “Penguin Suits” for the next several years. (And although I went to a concrete block school, the specter of the Our Lady of the Angels fire in December of 1958 STILL haunts me because I know that the numbskull nuns at my school would have probably kept us from escaping the flames – as was reported of that school tragedy – telling us to “offer it up,” or something equally stiupid.

    They didn’t really smack me around, because they were scared of my mother (bullies are always cowards), and the principal who slapped me viciously in the face when I was 5 (my mother hadn’t come to pick me up after school, and I wanted to walk home in a snowstorm, fearing she had fallen, and I that should rescue her) got her hand bitten with equal savagery. Despite the subsequent beating (she knotted her fingers around my waist-length hair painfully down to the scalp,the better to brutalizie me) – I got in a right hook which made her head catapult backwards, and probably made it ring like a carillon. (Big, strong kid.)

    Three of the nastiest things I remember well: (1) I was sent on a “errand” to the church (which was usually reserved for the little toadies and tattletales in the class) so my second-grade nun didn’t have to give me the holy cards she distributed to the rest of the class; (2) I was the only Catholic girl kept out of the Sodality “because THEY (the nuns) “didn’t consider me a true Catholic”; and (3) in May (when I was in the second grade), I was last in line to make a flower wreath with which to crown the May Queen because I had been ill.

    The night before, my mother helped me make a beautiful one with flowers from our garden (she assembled the little crown from a bent coat hanger and wire from the Sunday paper. She sprinkled it with water, wrapped it in waxed paper, and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

    The next day, I took it to school, proud of the accomplishment. That hateful nun made me wait until the very end. Then, before I could crown the state of Mary, she snatched the wreath away from me, telling me that “it would be an insult to our Blessed Virgin to allow a child like me to crown her,” tossed the wreath in the waste basket (to the derisive laugh of her “favorites”) and crushed it down – making sure that it was effectively destroyed…

    I used to BEG my mother to allow me to join my father’s Protestant church, but she “couldn’t do that because she had made a vow to God to rear me in her Church,” etc., ad nauseam. Finally, when I was 17 (and after a real set-to with some of the people in the Church) I told her that I was quitting, and if she dragged me to Church on Sunday – I would create havoc during one of the Masses (which wasn’t really a Mass anymore, after the “aggiornamento.”) Wearily, she told me I no longer had to go.

    For the longest time, I was an atheist, and a very violently-disposed one; I would have loved to destroy the Catholic Church, brick-by-brick, for all the torments visited upon me and upon others whom I knew.
    (Incidentally, the principal who beat me – and who threatened tp “have me expelled because she KNEW my mother had dyed her hair – the sin of Vanity!”) was hauled off (so I was told) cackling and screaming in a strait jacket one day after she went berserk before some stunned parents. (Some years later, in a newspaper article, she was reported to have become “a psychiatric social worker” – Oh, brother! – and was all dolled up at a party in “a pink silk cocktail dress with matching pumps, and sipping a cocktail.” Pretty ritzy for a nun in her seventies, eh?

    But that was basically the problem; the nuns (so far as I know) were NOT
    sexual abusers (although they sure were heavy-handed sluggers, and
    shredders of juivenile egos), but – they were all secret lushes. My older sister let it slip that her order were heavy drinkers! No wonder the children received such savage beatings during the day – the nuns were in withdrawal. They couldn’t get their hands on the bottles, so they got them on the children, instead.

    Footnote: when my mother died, my sister (a nurse by this time) knew that our mother was dying, but didn’t alert me to that fact. (I thought that she would pull through in the hospital again, as she always had.)
    If I hadn’t been there, she would have died all alone, but my sister was about 200 miles north, enjoying CHRISTMAS with the “kinfolk.” (Incidentally, I don’t celebrate Christams anymore.) One of the nurses in the hospital was a bit shaken when I told her that my sister didn’t bother to stay (even though she knew our mother was dying), and the nurse told me: “Honey, you can always have Christmas, but you only have one mother.” (But my sister DOES have a mother: “The Holy Mother Church”;
    her flesh-and-blood mother was too “inadequate” for the purpose.)

    Thanks for giving me a forum to let off some steam; if any of those “apologists” for the Catholic Church had half a brain (which they don’t), they’d realize that their own emissaries were a greater influence for inspiring lifelong, visceral anti-Catholic sentiment (from ex-Catholics such as myself) than all the semi-literate vituperations of backwoods televangelists.

    But, they are too smugly arrogant; the Church types believe that they are proof against anything, and that they will go on forever because, as one priest put it: “we are monolithic.” But, monoliths have a nasty habit of eroding, and collapsing. Frankly, I hope I live long enough to witness the whole rotten system collapse under the weight of all its collective sins. The responsible parties are long-gone, and unregenerate to the end, but since their “spiritual descendants” won’t ever attempt to redress old wrongs – then let “the sins of the father be visited upon the son.”

  22. Richard Says:

    I guess that some of the stories that I told were mild compared to some of these. The take home message is that even though much attention has been focused on the horrors of sexual abuse committed by these pigs masquerading as Catholic clergy, nonetheless while all of that was going on, legions of children were being brutalized all over America in schools by a cadre of psychotically stunted thugs masquerading as nuns, priests, and brothers. For what it is worth, our story will be told, and, as General MacArthur said when he was exiled from the Phillipines, “I shall return”; and America will hear our stories.

  23. pattyann Says:

    With Easter passing, I knew in my heart that I did not have to attend church. I prayed quietly in my back yard, in the sunshine, taking in nature at its finest.
    My husband and I went to Walmart and did some grocery shopping.
    Long ago are the days of lillies, pattent leather shoes, and church processions.
    I felt a sense of freedom for the first time that day.
    I did not feel guilty for not attending church, or doing the family thing.
    It took me a long time to feel this way, but it was a pretty good feeling.
    I believe that this blog has helped me in that knowing that I was not alone. For years, I felt so ashamed and alone in my memories, that I only went through the motions, never enjoying the day for what it really was. Maybe a ray of freedom has shined into my heart. Maybe?????

  24. shelley Says:

    i was raised protestant and went to public school, but on my way to school i passed by the catholic school just in time to see the nuns beat the catholic kids into the building. boys were in one line, girls in another, nuns on both sides hitting them every so often with what looked like yardsticks – kind of like driving cattle.

    seeing that scared me. i was afraid the nuns would escape the chain link fence and come after me when they were done with the catholic kids.

    that was in the 50’s and early 60’s but i still sometimes have nightmares about sinister catholic schools or witches in nuns habits and witches hats.

    what i read here tells me how awful it was for the kids actually living through that kind of thing, not just hurrying by it like i was.

  25. Mary Rutley Says:

    The UK had vile nuns too. I was sent to a Catholic Boarding School in Dartford, Kent when I was four. The abuse by the nuns was mainly psychological, with one instance of sexual abuse after I committed a heinous crime – I wet the bed.

    This vile order – The Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy – also owned orphanages in Holywell and Preston were the nuns were even more cruel to the children. And this order’s name appears on the list of those connected with sexual abuse in the USA!

    • Dora Says:

      in reply to Mary’s comments re the Sisters of Charity of Our lady of Mercy. I and my two sisters (surname Savage) attended St Clares Convent Pantassah Holywell NE Wales from 1946-1951 approx. We were age one. two and three. I can confirm the terrible physical/mental abuse inflicted on little children. the sad thing is that at the time this abuse was considered ‘the norm’ by both the abusers and the abused (the abused knew no different way of life) It always affects people in later life one way or another. Morally, every child has the right to a happy childhood – the nuns ignored this right. I met one of the nasty nuns when I was older, about 15 and I looked at this fat little women in disbelief. She had terrorised my childhood but I remain silent. This is the hold they have on you. The abused mind is then in conflict -as these nuns are perceived by others as ‘holy’ and ‘righteous’, Who would believe your words against these paragons of virtue. If the truth were told everyone would be horrified that you had spoken out. . A conflict of knowing and pretending you don’t know. Is it a wonder that so many have problems in later life. There are comments on a BBC Wales site which was archived 2009 about St Clare’s Orphanage also a group photograph including myself and my two sisters with two nuns. As this site is now closed I have come to a full stop. there is also peter firth site to comment on.

  26. Martin Says:

    I was raised on Long Island, Rockville Center Diocese, schooled and abused by Amityville Dominicans. They stole my childhood and left me with a lifetime of pain. Many in the public see the nuns as victims of the priests. Not in our parish. The priests didn’t abuse anyone. The nuns seemed quite capable of abusing children without any prompting from the priests. Even if they were passing the abuse down from the patriarchal church, that has never been an acceptable excuse for abuse. The nuns were adults and we were small children. When I think back on the emotional and physical cruelty these sadists inflicted, I can say without a doubt that they were some of the most evil human beings I’ve ever known.

    • firetender Says:

      I see a trickle coming out of the cracks in the convent walls. Hopefully, they will soon burst from the pressure!

      Are you still in touch with your classmates? Have them check in. I bet the abuse in the NYC Parochial school system alone could choke the site’s processor!

      I have not solicited ANYONE I know to contribute to the topic of this Forum, nor am I seeking out other Forums to link to for new readers concerned with abuse by nuns within the protection of the Catholic Church. All the responses you see are by people who were attracted here by the Great Whatever.

      We are finding each other again, looking into each others’ eyes and saying, “No, you weren’t crazy, OR any of those despicable things you were told you were. You didn’t deserve the beatings. They were deeply disturbed people who protected each other while they hurt you willfully!” and maybe, “I love you for surviving, and thank you for speaking up!”

      It was wholesale abuse. We all saw it. We all felt it. Many of us were deeply hurt by it. At the very least, today we can comfort each other.

      It just dawned on me that that is exactly what is happening here. First off, I’ll speak for myself. When I see a new response in my mailbox, I smile. I am comforted because after 52 years, my classmates are finally acknowledging something we could only hint at then; the degree of the horror as experienced by us as little children! We are identifying our abusers, if only to each other, and making them real.

      (All these years a little voice inside has been saying “That couldn’t have happened, they were married to Jesus Christ for Goddsakes! Nobody would believe it then; who’d believe it now?”)

      With enough voices added to the chorus, denial will not even be necessary anymore.

      Every time a someone new speaks up, that’s another voice added to, what is now a roster of complaints, a characterization of the problem and its scope, and, finally, a showing of solidarity of the abused.

      We are beginning to paint a picture. Or perhaps a better metaphor would be we’re assembling a puzzle whose picture is that of child abuse at the hands of Catholic Nuns from the 1950’s (or thereabouts) until today. Right now, we’re doing it the way I was taught; assembling the outer borders.

    • Michael Says:

      Same nuns as Martin, the Amityville Dominicans in the Rockville Center Diocese. Those experiences are the reason I find myself reading these comments decades later. So much cruelty, so much fear. Tough I wasn’t a frequent. singled out target of direct abuse, the general atmosphere of managing children through fear, along with being an everyday witness to the abuse of others was emotionally debilitating.

      I tried to stay home from school as often as I could because school was, for me, so fraught with anxiety. I switched to public school out of state for high school. I could hardly believe the teachers were as kind as they were, but school had been so tainted by the Catholic experience that I barely limped through. I still carried a great deal of pain. It was only in college that I began to enjoy learning, but the painful memories, the anxiety I felt every weekday and Sunday night in anticipation of Monday– I wish I had a mental eraser.

      I was a very bright, sensitive and obedient child, I sometimes wonder how very different my childhood might have been had I been educated by kind people from the beginning.

      While the Catholic Church plays the victim of unjust persecution, I always think that the true depth of the damage done will never really come to light. They will never really come close to paying for the all the suffering they inflicted on children.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Well said and very well written! —- This is what I experienced as a child in New York City and New Jersey! —- Not only was my educational experience built on “FEAR,” but the quality of the “academic education” was VERY POOR! —- Nuns used Catholic Schools as the medium to indoctrinate the children into the Catholic Church, so that they would have loyal follows as adults to pay the bills of the Catholic Church. —- I did not enjoy my Catholic School educational experience until I became a student in a N.J. State College. —- When I first attended college as an English Major, I was asked by the “Communications Professor” to write an “opinion paper!” I had a very hard time with this assignment because I was never allowed to have an opinion on anything in Catholic School! —— I spend 12 years in school, and I was NOT educated! —— This is criminal! —– The Catholic Church needs to pay “BIG TIME” for this child abuse! ——— All the best to everyone! —– Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        Dwayne, I think that anything we can do to make the catholic church realize that we know what they did and are doing can help us win. If you go to Google and type in “pope francis”, about half way down the page is a picture of me and a link to my blog where I wrote a post about the mafia “gunning” for the pope. It’s nice to see that there is something other than the media portraying francis as a great benefactor to catholics — when in reality he is another abusive nun enabler.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Every child has “greatness within them,” and it should be the goal of every “professional educator” to help the child to realize that greatness without placing “negativity” within the child’s life! — What went on in Catholic Schools, was beyond being unprofessional. — It was CRIMINAL! —– The “philosophy of the Catholic Church,” when it comes to educating children in not positive, but rather, it is built on imprinting a “negative philosophy within the child” as to their place in the universe! —– I come from a family that believes in the Catholic Church 100%. They do not make a move in their lives without consulting the rules and regulations of the Catholic Church. —- I have noticed something VERY interesting about the children in these families. With regards to their education and their careers, they DO NOT aspire to self-actualization, high standards and greatness. — Rather, they are more than willing to accept being “average,” and settling for “half a loaf of bread,” rather than aspiring to earn a “full loaf of bread!” —- This can be traced back to the “clever indoctrination of the nuns” in Catholic School beating down creativity, individualism, self-determination, goal setting and ambition. —– You cannot be great if you see yourself as small! —- You cannot be “ok” if you see yourself as “not ok!” —- God did not make junk! —- I had a “learning disability in school throughout my first 12 years of my Catholic Education,” and no one helped me! —— The nuns made sure that they “poured religion down my throat,” but they did little to assist me with my academic education. ——- I was drowning and no one would throw me a life-jacket. — My 12 years of Catholic Education was built on fear, and you cannot learn when you are afraid to go to school. —- It was only after I left Catholic Education, that I started to see the potential that I had, and I met successful people who taught me how to be successful. My life changed when I graduated from a School of Technology, had a positive experience in the U.S. Army, received my BA Degree in Education, married a GREAT Woman, (who is also a teacher), earned two MA Degrees in Education & Human Development, and had a VERY Successful Career in Public School Teaching. —- When I was in Junior year of H.S. a nun told me that no “Catholic College / University would ever accept me as a student.” —- I told her that I wanted to go to a State School. I have two degrees from a State Teachers College, and one from a private university. —– Once I took control of my own life, made my own decisions, set my own goals, developed my own plan of action, took organized focused action while using 100% of my talents, skills and abilities this changed my life from “negative to positive.” —– I would NEVER allow a child of mine to attend a Catholic School. —- I would NEVER bring up a child of mine Catholic. I would bring them up as a Christian! —— God bless everyone on this GREAT site. —- You are GREAT! — You have the power to do GREAT things in your life. —– “Turn off” the Catholic Church’s ideas about life and living. The Catholic Clergy are a sick group of people! —– They will destroy a child’s creativity! —– They will bury their GREATNESS! ———- They only want to seek control over them! —— Dwayne

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        All of our lives could have been much more “positive” had we not attended Catholic School! —— God Bless! —– Dwayne

      • Melpub Says:

        Anyone know anything about Augustinian nuns?

      • MaryW Says:

        WOW Michael, I can so identify with your hell as we all can with varying degrees of torture. God bless you and all of us that have gone through Catholic School Hell.

      • Brian Says:

        Michael and Martin, sorry to hear your story. What is it with the Dominican nuns, I was abused by them at Incarnation, Queens Village, NY in the late fifties. There have been so many postings about them and not just in NY, you are not alone brother.

  27. Richard Says:

    As long as I breathe oxygen, and am vertical, I will do everything that I can do to let the world know what happend to so many children all over this nation and the world as well, apparently. As we watch the pope and other Catholic clergy squirm over much of the sexual abuse that happened to so many, so long ago, we must also let the world know that children were emotionally and physically abused, and to a horrendous degree. To all my compadres on this site, I say, drive on, and let the world know what you went through. This is a catharsis.

  28. frank Says:

    Congratulations firetender on a well thought out, well argued and well-written article.

    Much of what I have been reading could have been written about the Irish nuns, priests and brothers in Australia’s Catholic schools. I was physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually abused by Good Samaritan nuns, Sisters of Mercy nuns and Christian Brothers in Brisbane in the 50s and 60s. On the first day of grade 1, I was hit with a cane (I believe made of lawyer vine) to the extent that I defecated in my pants. In grade 6 (10/11 years old) I was given over 600 cuts with the ‘cane’ by the sadistic Sister Genevieve. I was told that “I was the work of the devil”, that I was scarred for life as the product of a mixed marriage, that my mother was evil (a devout Anglican) and that any old day I could well die in my sleep in mortal sin and burn in hell for all eternity. I was petrified of going to sleep and would burn myself to help me stay awake at night. I won’t go on — you get the drift.

    It is affirming in some way to read everyone’s experience, to allow myself to say and feel things that have been buried for more than 40 years. Counselling and a five-day retreat for adults who were abused as children has helped a lot. While I am now a lot more accepting that what happened to me and a lot of others like me had major negative life impacts, I can only imagine how much more horrific and damaging it must have been/still is for those kids who were sexually abused as well.

    In supporting firetender’s conclusions, the fact that the patterns of abuse described here are so consistent, and pervasive — everywhere in the world the Irish Catholic clergy went, the story is the same, leads any thinking person to the conclusion that this is not about a few bad apples. Rather this is deeply rooted in the values, beliefs and culture of Catholic organisations involved with kids — schools, orphanages and other institutions.

    It grows out of and goes hand-in-hand with the stock in trade of Catholicism — guilt, fear, repression, dependency, conformity. Unless and until these disappear, until Catholicism is about a loving rather than a vengeful God, then the organisation will keep delivering what it has been delivering, even if over time the means change.

    I have absolutely no confidence that there will ever be a realistic attempt, let alone success, to make the fundamental changes necessary to prevent abuse in any form from being part and parcel of the Catholic experience.

    My sincere and heartfelt best wishes to all in coming to terms with your experience, and experiencing ongoing health and happiness in your lives.

  29. pattyann Says:

    I was told a couple of years ago by a local nursing home, that there are many residents near death who are terrified to die. Somewhere along the line the Church has convinced them that they are going to face a terrible dilemma when they pass over. They were told that they have sinned so terribly, that they cannot be forgiven. They will go straight to hell. How sad is that? To hang on, and not allow restful slumber to take hold of you.
    I think of all the horror that was pounded into us, and that we are indeed damaged goods.

  30. Maura Says:

    Reading these updates has been a big help to me in healing. Although its abhorrent to think others went through what I did, its good to know that I didn’t imagine how terrifying an experience catholic school and catholic nuns and a catholic orphanage was. I wonder how many of us still consider ourself catholic. I personally do not , although I do consider myself a Christian and a believer, I would only enter a catholic church if a friend was being married or buried.

  31. Monica Fairley Says:

    I, too, can support and validate all of the experiences voiced above.
    My entire schooling life was with the nuns – St Joseph’s and The Mercy’s in Brisbane, Australia, in the 1950’s and 60’s.
    The physical abuse with metal rimmed rulers, thumping, pushing, ear-pulling, caneing all took place. The humiliation for insignificant “sins”. Not being allowed to hold hands with a new “best friend”. Not allowed to visit the toilet resulting in “wetting the floor” – the place must’ve smelt like a cattle yard! Being terrified all through my school years to go to school wondering what I could possibly do “wrong” that day to incur the wrath of the nuns. The “volunteers” called for each afternoon to sweap the floors and clean the toilets.
    Music lessions were the same as well as sport. No encouragement was ever given for a job well done in case you got a “swelled head” which has left me a lifetime of jumping through hoops.
    I want to cry for all you people out there as well as for myself for the lost childhood, the constant waiting for someone to, even now, place a heavy hand on my shoulder, shove me into a wall and tell me I’ve been caught out.
    It’ll never go away but it has strengthened my resolve to never let it happen to any of my four children. One of them remarked to me after telling a little of what I went through..he said,”Mum, you have to realise now ..that it stopped with you”.
    Speak up everyone out there from all over the world. We are together now and we know we were not “bad” or the “devil’s children” and if anything, we are the best, the brightest and the most sensitive.

    • Mary Rutley Says:

      To Monica and Frank:

      As you were both victims of the Mercy Sisters (the cruellest religious order, together with the Christian Brothers, to have come out of Ireland), I do wonder what the pair of you feel about the ‘celebrations’ by the Mercy Sisters after 150 years in Queensland. What is there to celebrate when the history of the state will be forever tainted by the abuses (Nudgee & Neerkol) committed by this wretched order?

      Personally, I wish the ship that brought the original

      sisters to Queensland had sunk at sea.

      • Frank Says:

        hi Mary,
        I am squarely focused on my continuing efforts at healing. I don’t harbour anger or vengeful feelings towards my tormentors. I’m not sure why that is… I think I pretty quickly stopped thinking of them as human beings and learned to not dignify their existence with any form of acknowledgement beyond standing there and being beaten… with a steely resolve to not let the pain show.

        I did not know about their 150 years celebrations… and now that I do, I have no emotion, no reaction, nothing to say about this total irrelevancy to me. Even if I came face to face with one of them today, I would have nothing to say. I’m not in the least curious about what led them to the beliefs they had and actions they took, nor if they still think they were right, or if they regret what they did and have changed… couldn’t care less!

        This is probably the same dehumanisation of one’s enemies that allows cold-blooded killing, summary execution without a care or a thought.

        I am no longer a catholic, nor a Christian, nor religious in any way, shape or form. God may exist, but there is absolutely no good reason why any religion should… and whether or not God exists does not change my values and beliefs about who I am, what I stand for, and how I can best live my life.

        As it happens, the sisters of Mercy were the least oppressive religious order I was exposed to. I remembered (in a therapy session) sister Loretta Mary at St Joseph’s convent at Kangaroo point in about 1961 showing me gratuitous kindness and affection… so at least they were not all rotten… at least not that one on that day anyway.

        I’m afraid that it would have taken a lot of ships sinking over a long period all round the world to have prevented this scourge befalling us… but then, that would have left the Irish kids to cop it all.

  32. Mary Says:

    I have read all of the stories above and they truly were heart wrenching. Hopefully the evil witches who called themselves nuns will burn in hell’s fire. I truly believe this will happen to them. I too went to school in Holyoke, Mass. and was tortured by the “nuns.” I got punched in the back about 10 times when I was only six years old and didn’t even know why. I was never even given an answer, and yet I still remember not doing anything bad to cause this to happen. I was a very quiet and shy kid as I remember. Then in the 3rd grade the nun didn’t like my handwriting, she called it sloppy, so she smashed my hand with a yardstick until my hand bled. I had to live in fear until the end of that school year. I was laughed at in front of the classroom when I didn’t know the correct answer to a question. I saw dozens of other children beat up, hair pulled, gum put on their nose, heads stuck in garbage pails, wetting their pants in fear, not being able to leave the cafeteria until every bit of food was eaten, heads slapped, ears pulled. It was an everyday occurrence at the school run by the Catholic nuns back in 1961 to 1969. The horror of it all. I have tried to put all of this behind me somehow and trying to convince myself that I was made to go to this school with mentally ill teachers. They had to be psychotic or mentally ill to treat innocent children in this way. I believe they will be punished in the end. I believe they are rotting in hell right now. That in itself brings peace to my mind. I will never forgive them though for all they’ve done, they don’t deserve my forgiveness. I will leave that up to God to decide. For all of the people who wrote the above horror stories, please stay strong and know that you were and always will be higher and way above those cowardly child abusers. May they rot in hell’s fire for their rotten deeds on this earth towards innocent children.

  33. Mary Rutley Says:

    To Frank of Brisbane, and to Monica Fairley: I also went to school in Brisbane and Kedron State High School was pure heaven after the four years of hell I endured at Our Lady’s High School in Dartford, England.

    Everyone in Brisbane KNEW that Catholic institutions were cruel places, but the vile monks and nuns brainwashed their victims to the degree that the kids hardly dared to think for themselves. And the parents had been brainwashed as well, so they didn’t protect their kids. When the child next door to us in Clayfield came home sobbing after she was bashed by a nun, her mother believed that a bride of Christ could do no wrong.

    What I would say to you, and to everyone on this site, is that we are lucky ones because we survived, and now WE WILL BE HEARD.

  34. Linda Merriott Davenport Says:

    I went to St. Louis Catholic school on Swope Parkway in Kansas City, MO. I was not Catholic. It was 1963-64?? I was in 5th or 6th grade.

    I saw a nun go crazy one day and beat a boy half to death! She beat him until he fell on the floor and then kept kicking him while he lay there. Then she dragged him to the cloak room and yelled at him not to move. AS IF HE COULD HAVE!!!

    We were all too scared to say anything or defend him. We had to step over him when we went to get our coats and lunches. He was gone when we came back. He never returned to school and he was never mentioned again. It was as if he never existed.

    I still wonder what ever happened to him. Did he have lasting physical/emotional trauma? How could he not?

    I wish I could find him and find out the rest of his story. I can’t remember his name or anything. Just that awful beating. He was not a bad kid. He was probably ADD. He just could not sit still. And that day the nun just lost it.

    If ANYONE out there knows and could help me find out who/where this kid is today I would very much appreciate it.

    God bless you all. And don’t blame God for what people do!

  35. Emme Says:

    You often hear abusers explain how they pick their victims – how they can “tell” if the child is maleable or weak-willed or powerless. All kinds of abusers talk about this, from pimps to pederasts to priest. Much of the testimonies I’ve read here have almost to a person described their sense of total powerlessness at the hands of the nuns. And it makes me wonder: how much of the abuse heaped upon these children by the nuns helped facilitate many students’ subsequent sexual abuse by the priests? I mean, if on a daily basis your powerlessness and/or emasculation is pounded into you (literally!) can you imagine how easy it is for the priest/pederast to cherry-pick his victims?

    • pattyann Says:

      This abuse opened the door to many other abuses in my life.
      My esteem was so low, I was a target for anyone looking for a victim.
      I did not know how to fight back, and had many abusive relationships and friendships throughout my life. The strange part was that I did not know I was being abused at the time. I was too familiar with being treated like gum on the bottom of someone’ s shoe.
      My abuse to myself was the worst.
      I was never abused by a priest, but by other so-called higher ups in the church. I was ripe for the picking.

  36. Nick Says:

    I was born and Raised in South west philadelphia. where We also suffered beatings at the hands of the Catholic Nuns of Saint Barnabas School.
    Not every Catholic Nun was a monster, but alot of them where very mean cruel people, who never should have become nuns in the first place. I dont have any fond memories of Nuns. Just the very thought of them brings back bad memories or dreams. They wear the black Cloak of Anger. I believe they where nasty people alot of times because of the lack of sex . Even the principal of this school would put us over her knee and beat us with a large wooden paddle. another of the Nuns was much more vicious.. *(Sister Girtrude) She would take her long fingernails that she would Sharpen ( no lie) and would scrape them on childrens arms and backs. thank god that evil demon nun is no longer walking this earth. i hope she burns in hell, evil wench

  37. Nick Says:

    Because of these evil lonely people , that we call people of god, I am no longer a Catholic, I still believe in Christ and God, but i am definetly not proud to be Catholic , Nor do i go to church anymore, the nuns would force you to go to Church sometimes twice a day and make us sing. If you refused to Sing, they would pull you out in the aisle and spank you in front of your whole class. It was very embarrasing and demeaning to me, and every other kid who was abused by these Bats of hell. I rejoiced very much when i heard that nuns could no longer be teachers in philadelphia. They thought they could just beat you till you act good, but the more they beat us, the more angry i would get, And now i have aggression problems. I hope i dont use these methods on my kids one day. Most of the Nuns of Saint barnabas Where very old and very cruel.
    I dont recall priest ever bein mean like that, just those Cruel Women we Call Nuns

  38. Brian Fellow Says:

    While I would never trade what the nuns did to me emotionally for what the priests did to others sexually, it did seem as though these angry, spiteful “women of god” were highly motivated to hurt us in the way they knew best. And, yes, this abuse was overwhelmingly directed at boys.

    While I no longer “belong” to any RC church (I didn’t leave the church however, they left me), and while I would never justify anything they have done, I have thought for a long that this sort of thing isn’t a function of Catholicism per se, its a result of any organization that is above reproach.

    If you take responsibility or accountability away from most people, they will quickly turn very selfish, mean, vindictive, and tyrannical. This is precisely what Plato was talking about with Ring of Gyges in Book 2 of The Republic almost 2500 years ago. If they don’t have to answer for their actions, watch out…

  39. C. Villanueva Says:

    Thank you for making this public! I was in the Catholic Home for Girls at 29th and Allegheny, Phila. PA. in the 60’s. It was run by the order of the Sisters of St. Joseph and they were extremely sadistic. We were helpless young people, some orphaned, and most heartbroken because our families didn’t want us, and these nuns who were our caretakers hated us and showed no mercy in inflicting physical and emotional pain on us. We didn’t talk about it because we were trapped in this system that believed in the goodness and kindness of the Catholic Church and all its nuns and priests. No one would have believed it back then. They say the truth will set you free and so I am compiling a book about the abuses in the Catholic Home and the stories of the girls that we were. I welcome anyone to contact me who was there.

    • Mario Di Boscio Says:

      Hi C. Villanueva

      I am familiar with the girls home at 29th & Allegheny Ave. There was a nun that taught at Holy Child School, that came from that girls home. Her name was Sister Tarcissius not sure of the spelling. I had this witch in 6th & 7th Grade. That would be from 53 to 55. The best way I can describe her she looks like the witch that played in the “Wizard of OZ” I mean it seriously. She use to hit me everyday, day in and day out when I was in seventh grade. She was very sadistical. Read the part in the blog that says “Mario Says”


      • C. Villanueva Says:

        Hi Mario. No. I don’t recall the nun you described. She may have been transferred or died by the time I got there in 1965.

    • tea Says:

      I was in Catholic Home for Girls at 69th & Woodland 1976-1977. The girls were ready bait for the pimps who would come on campus and recruit them into prostitution. Behind the building was St. Joseph’s a place for unwedded moms. Hmmm. I tried to resist the drug culture there. It was so violent usu. girl on girl, sometimes pimp on girl, and depressing that I tried drugs. It was the first time I ever laughed in my whole life. We were at the intersection of 3 different gangs and prostitution and drugs were the core of their “business.” One night 3 of my girlfriends were raped by Pumpkin’s gang. Two died. Kia lived. When we told the nuns they ignored us. Called the cops; they ignored us. I called the other 2 rival gangs and a “war” broke out. That was on a Friday night. Monday they kicked me out on the street. Threw my clothes out the window. I was homeless for years and yet so much safer. No more rapes, beatings, or drug abuse. My schooling suffered, but my mind, body and soul are intact. Thank God!

  40. Richard Says:

    I agree that someone should write a book about the abuse those pigs masquerading as nuns did to kids all over America. For those of you new to this post, scroll back and read some of my posts, by “Richard”. Certainly the sexual abuse by priests was worse and should not be downplayed, but the physical and emotional abuse wrought by nuns in that era should not be forgotten either. I am curious if any “brothers” did much of this thing, most of the dialog seems to be about nuns.

  41. frank Says:

    Yes, the Christian Brothers are part of the whole messy picture as well … at least in my experience here in Australia. I can recall they had their fair share of sadists. They certainly shared the nuns’ view of Old Testament punishment and retribution. Personally I was not sexually abused, nor knew of any sexual abuse although there were rumors – but it was a day school – not a boarding school.

    I was subject at their hands to physical, emotional and spiritual abuse. What was different with them compared to the nuns was that the nuns had me from age 6-12, the brothers from 13-17 … so by the time I got to the brothers, even though the physical aspect of the abuse was considerably worse, I had worked out ways to cope, I was older, stronger, more resilient, I had no respect for them, I was starting to work out that there was one new option I had not seen before – escape the whole system – them, the Church, religion, their so called ‘God’. But there was a price to pay – my coping strategies were not optimal – I became comfortable and skilled at being angry and violent, lighting fires, breaking windows, fighting. It opened up more options for me, made them a little fearful and hesitant with me … I learned ‘well’ from them.

    Some kids got sent from the nuns to the brothers earlier … age 9. I don’t know, but can only imagine that their experience would have been similar to kids of the same age with the nuns.

  42. firetender Says:

    Looks like we’ve lit a tiny fire here!

    I was somewhat amazed at my Google search of “Catholic nuns child abuse” brought this blog out as #1. Okay, okay, that is the title, but looking over the first few pages it mostly shows up within the context of Priestly abuse.

    Once again, I encourage more stories to come out. We’ve already established a certain consistency state-to-state and country-to-country (incompletely, of course) in terms of behavior, but it’s enough to spur others on to speak out.

    I really don’t intend to lead a movement here, but I do want to be a catalyst in the hopes that others will contribute according to their ability to ban the Catholic Church from interacting with our children.

    Anecdotally, through my brother who is ten years older than me, I was aware of a similar pattern amongst Brothers of the Catholic Church.

  43. mary Says:

    I was beat up by the nuns on numerous occasions as a child when I attended a Catholic school back in the 60’s. Once was in the first grade when I was only six years old and again in the third grade when I was eight years old. The first incident in the first grade, I was punched in the back so hard about 10 times and I never even knew the reason. Even my little friend said to me “What did you do that made her so mad at you.” I couldn’t even answer her, as I did not know. The second incident the nun was walking around the room with her yardstick during our penmanship practice. She stopped and was watching me write. She didn’t like my penmanship, so she took the yardstick and slammed me in the hand so hard that my hand started bleeding. It was horrible. Then she made the statement, “Some day you will thank me for this.” The same nun hit a kid in the back so hard that the yardstick broke into two pieces all because he was having trouble with his math. I was totally appalled!!!

    Can you believe I still remember these incidents 50 years later? That’s the kind of impression these incidents left in my mind to this day. So I ask myself hundreds of times over, why, why, why, and I never can come up with an answer. I also ask myself why didn’t someone put a stop to this abuse by these horrible devils who called themselvse nuns? No one seemed to care back then. I reality of all of this still shocks me to this day.

  44. Fran Says:

    I too,like another poster on this site, C. Villanueva ..lived at The Catholic Home for Girls on 29th and Allegheney.I lived there from 1965 to 1969.

    Two sadistic nuns who especially stand out were Sister Baptista and Sister Helen Constance who imbued in my neurons a permanent case of Post Traumatic Stress which has plagued me the rest of my life.

    Also,there was an the old crone of a cook named Sister Rita Rose who held us girls in contempt.This same nun so much that that she called us “Homies”. It was another way of calling us societal rejects that no one wanted! 😦 This person was not above serving us inferior canned food and once gave us stale potato chips with ants in them.

  45. C. Villanueva Says:

    …and let’s not forget how the nuns ate steaks and drank wine while we ate the garbage food. I worked in the kitchen and remember how Sister Rita Rose scrapped food off our plates and put it in a big pot to be fed to us as “goulash” once a week.

  46. maura Says:

    For I guess what was an orientation period we were in a small house in Greensburg Pa
    called St Joseph’s I think.
    After that it St. Paul’s Home for boys and girls.
    It still makes me ill to hear those words.
    Just let me know if you need a release to use my info.
    I will gladly give it.
    Pedophile priests are not the only thing the Church has to answer to.
    Violent nuns is another.

  47. Craig Says:

    I empathisize with all of you. My brother and I attended Marist Brothers Observatory in Johannesburg, South Africa, while my sister was sent to Holy Family Convent. Let me say that I would really not care to relive my school years – they were one long nightmare from which I thought I would never awaken. I was a very shy inoffensive child but that didn’t save me. You see the rules of a catholic school, like a totalitarian state are set up so that it is impossible not to break them at some time. That way you are kept in a state of guilt and fear. So I would just like to thank the following people for making my formative years the hell they were:
    Mrs. Marcus – for emotionally degrading me and caning me on the hands for the smallest infringement,
    Mrs. Bothma – for stamping on my feet with high heel shoes and humiliating me in front of the class because I couldn’t touch my toes,
    Brother Gustav(grade 5-6) – for venting your frustration and anger by caning me on the back when you felt I was writing down the incorrect answers in your catechism class,
    Miss Paisley(grade 6) – for continually humiliating me in front of the class and for slapping me across the face because I folded a reply slip and put it in my pocket,
    Brother Raymond – although you never actually hit me, you did it to a lot of my friends – hard enough to split their backsides open. You are without doubt one of the angriest, most frustrated and most psychotic individuals I have ever met(and I was a reservist police officer for 8 years). You kept me in a state of almost constant fear,
    Sister Siglunde – I believe you had some kind of personal grudge against me. You caned me for almost anything you could find an excuse for. I particularly enjoyed it when you made me stand outside the class during singing lessons because my voice was “ugly and upsetting the harmony of the songs”,
    Brother McCartin – for being another psychotic bitter old man and especially for hitting me, when I was 10 or 11, with a cricket bat because my cricket stroke was not up to your standards.
    Finally I wish to thank the catholic church for unleashing these vile bastards and bitches on us. Be assured none of my children will ever go to a catholic school, or any religious school for that matter.
    There were many other beatings and humiliations but these are the most vivid.
    Keep in mind I went to a private school where there was still some accountibility. I shudder to think what went on in state sponsored or charitable schools where they had carte blanche with the kids.
    So to all of you I mentioned, please know that I hate you, sincerely and utterly.

  48. John Nancarrow Says:

    Reading all these posts has my head pounding, my heart racing, and my body experiencing spasms of trembling. It’s the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder I have been suffering from since my 14 months in a Catholic School in Nowra, New South Wales, Australia in 1957.

    I attended St Michael’s Infants and Primary School and it was run by the Sisters of the Good Samaritan. During that glorious year of 1957, I was a victim of a particularly sadistic Nun by the name of Sister Mary Rayfield. I was five, yes five, years old and turned six in the August of that year.

    Sr Rayfield hated everything in life, I’m sure, but she particularly hated me because I was a child of a “mixed marriage” and seemed determined to punish me for my father’s Protestantism. I really needed that bit of extra attention. Like everyone else on this blog, I was belted with a dowelling rod or a feather duster on a daily basis. One soon learned to memorise that hideous little book, The Catholic Catechism, and never, ever, make a mistake when she barked a question at you like “Who made the World”? And you’d jump up and answer, “God made the World”. Get it wrong and a belting ensued instantly.

    Apart from the beltings with the dowelling rods, cane feather dusters, slaps, ear pulling, kicks in the pants etc there was the usual humiliation and deprecation, endlessly and pornographic lectures on the suffering of Christ, the refusal to allow you to go the toilet, not being allowed to have lunch and a thousand other petty torments.

    Then there were the “stress positions” of being made to stay in a kneeling position for hours on end before a hideous and gory painting of Christ’s scourging; being made to cross a gravel quadrangle on ones knees, and being endlessly reminded of one’s impending death and the certainty of purgatory or hell if we died during the night and weren’t in a state of grace. All this at 5 years old!

    But the apogee of the whole thing happened on a Friday afternoon in October 1957. Immediately after lunch, I committed the terrible crime of accidentally sitting on my new packet of crayons and breaking them. Sr Rayfield went positively insane, dragged me to the front of the class, stood me with my face an inch from a brick wall, and proceeded to flog me for the next two and a half hours. During the course of this beating, she broke two 1/2 inch dowelling rods on me and then finished the flogging with a cane feather duster. I tried not to cry, but it was impossible, I shook uncontrollably from the pain and the shock, I fainted for a moment and this Bride of Christ showed not one iota of compassion. Strangely, when the end-of-school bell finally went, she must have realised that I would go home and that, maybe, my parents would do something about it, and she gave me a holy picture and promised not to tell my parents what I had done! I was taken to a doctor that night for some “pain relief medication” and he counted 47 distinct and separate bruises from the canes. There were only a few welts on my back and upper thighs that oozed blood. That didn’t count multiple hits in the same place or on places that didn’t show bruising clearly, such as the backs of the hands. I had bruises from the lower calves up both legs, across the back and arms and a nice “Y” shaped bruise across the cheeks. I had just turned six!

    That was my last day at the Catholic school. My father took me and my sister out and we went to state schools after that – but not before Father Purcell had rung to tell my parents that there could be serious repercussions from my father threatening the good Sisters!

    The worst “corporal punishment” I ever got in a state school wasn’t even a warm-up for what I’d got on a daily basis from Sr Rayfield.

    There must have been 50 or 60 kids in that 1957 Transition Class. Someone must remember. There’s a chance that Sr Rayfield is still alive and, if she is, I intend to sue her arse off.

    There was a girl in my class. I think her name was “Cathy” and she wore a creamy/whitish beret. Sr Rayfield seemed to hate her for some reason as well and belted her every day for no reason I could ever work out. I wonder what ever happened to her?

    If there is anyone else in Australia who remembers SISTER MARY RAYFIELD of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan, or was in that class in NOWRA NSW in 1957 and witnessed these events, I’d love to hear from you.

    It was 53 years ago, but why should she get away with it and why should the Catholic Church and the Sisters of the Good Samaritan get away with it? They ruined a good part of my life, gave me PTSD which I still have. Even now, at 59, I still have nightmares occasionally about that beating and that hideous apparition in billowing black belting into me. For years, I had panic attacks every time I saw a Nun in billowing black – even if it was just in a movie.

    The one good thing that came out of that experience was that I became an atheist from the age of six. I could never reconcile the idea of a loving God with the terror, pain and humiliation inflicted on me by that Bride of Christ when I was 5 and 6 years old. I brought all my four kids up without the slightest touch of religious instruction and never inflicted Catholicism upon them. They are all well-balanced and creative people, secular, atheistic, and happy. Thankfully, not one of them could answer the first question from the Catholic Catechism. If asked, “Who made the world?” they’d answer, “the world formed 4 1/2 billion years ago, about 10 billion years after the big bang.”

    I don’t think my children believe me; it’s so different from anything they ever experienced. But it is all true – and I hate those rotten Nuns with a passion as great as the fury with which they bashed and flogged me.

    So again, if ANYONE was a student at St Michael’s Convent School in Nowra and was in that class with SISTER MARY RAYFIELD, in late 1957 and witnessed that hideous flogging of me, please contact me. I really need your help.

    • John Nancarrow Says:

      I did a bit more investigating and wrote to the Sisters of the Good Samaritan. All those years I thought her name was Sr Mary Rayfield, but the Good Sisters told me it was Sr Mary Raphael. It seems she pronounced “Raphael” as “Ray-feel”.

      Anyway, I asked about her present whereabouts and the Good Sisters refused to tell me anything more about her. The only thing they offered was their “concern” and offered to refer me to “Towards Healing” i.e. an organisation set up by the Church’s insurance company in Australia to limit their liability to compensatory damages – mostly for survivors of sexual abuse. They even offered to send a priest around to pray with me! Yeah, right!

      I put an ad in the classified section of the local newspaper in Nowra seeking anyone who was in that class the day Sr Mary Raphael belted me into unconsciousness. I got three replies. One girl could remember me being caned and the fact that I never returned to the school after that. The others had vague recollections of my beating but better recollections of the general sadistic culture of the place. No-one was prepared to write an affidavit because they simply couldn’t remember with enough detail. It was 54 years ago, after all.

      What amazed me in writing to the current Superior of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan was how quickly they went into “lockdown” once they realised why I was seeking Sr Mary Raphael. In my original letter I had said that I was seeking her because “she had had a profound effect on my life” and they assumed it was for something good. They were very helpful and told me her name was “Raphael” and not “Rayfield” and that she had taught there from 1956-1958 and they were pleased that I remembered her with such “fondness”. When I told them the real reason I wanted to find her …well! They had no knowledge of her at all; no idea where she was now; no idea of where she taught after Nowra. She just disappeared! What a surprise, hey!

      There is no doubt about them – and all the other orders of sadists, perverts and child molesters who have been protected and hidden for the last 100 years. The iron curtain surely does come down quickly when they sniff a possible claim against them.

      Insofar as sending a priest around to pray with me … well they can shove that up their holy arses!

      • jane Says:

        Dear John: It is so very sad how this could have happened to you and so many other innocent children. I have too endured the violence of the nuns, but I had to go on and I had to let it go. I had to just let go of the horrible pain and try to go on with my life. As hard as that was to do, it had to be done. Please let it go, and don’t let it ruin even one more minute of your life. It is not worth it. The nuns will get it in the end, somehow, some way. That is what I truely believe. May God bless you and keep you safe. – Nancy

  49. Cat Says:

    I hear you all. My parents forced me to go to catholic (small ‘c’ intended) schools in the fifties in Montreal, Quebec. Those demented, twisted, sexually frustrated bitches psychologically scarred me. You do NOT tell a six-year-old “If you think this or that, or do this or don’t do that, you will go to hell and burn forever.” We were also made to stand for 10 minutes with our arms outstretched “like Jesus”. During our first communion in the school’s chapel, all the little girls had white dresses and veils and each girl was carrying a LIT candle about eight inches behind the girl in front. How DANGEROUS was that?

    It has overshadowed and warped every aspect of my life and I hate the nuns, the catholic church and school system for it. That was St. Urbain’s Academy on St. Urbain Street in Montreal from 1949 to 1952 (grades 1, 2 and 3). I had the same nun for those grades, Mother St. David. May she rot in hell. One day she took all the girls (all-girls school) down the hall near the bathroom and pulled down each girl’s pants to see which girl “hadn’t bathed”.

    I went to grades 8 and 9 at D’Arcy McGee on Pine Avenue in Montreal. One very hot weekend in June I went to a public pool and got a bad sunburn. The stupid “rule” was to wear “nylons” (before pantyhose) because it was “immodest” not to cover your legs. My legs were too sore for a garter belt and because they were tanned I figured I’d get away with not wearing any. Wrong. The old bitch who was the principal chose that day to feel all the girl’s legs and when she found I wasn’t wearing “nylons” gave me a dollar to go buy some. I did and when I returned I told her I didn’t have a garter belt. She said “I’ll fix that” and proceeded to twist the tops of my “nylons” and tuck the twisted tops in on my very sore sunburned legs. May she also be rotting in hell.

    I attended grades 10 and 11 at St. Patrick’s High School for girls on St. Alexander Street in downtown Montreal. I was the only one who refused to attend the weekend “retreat” and I’m still proud of that to this day. By then I was sick to death of religion being shoved down my throat and being told constantly about hell. I was also the FIRST one out on the last day of my last year and never went back. Some of the other girls did go back to visit the nuns. Why, I’ll never ever know.

    Those nuns and the catholic school system are a very large part of why I hate my childhood, and I resent my parents very, very strongly (now dead) to this day for making me go. Around grade 4, I became very rebellious and learned how to hate. I did manage to have one day in a normal large public high school where my friend went. It had a high Jewish population so on Jewish holidays the few remaining kids would be lumped into one homeroom. I skipped my school, went with my friend and, as I figured, I just blended in and the teacher didn’t recognize me. I still feel a huge sense of positive glee for having had it my way, even if it was only for one day. Needless to say I do NOT go to church and do NOT consider myself catholic. Any of those bloody nuns who are still alive should be sued.

  50. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    Thank you for writing this. I too tested as a bright student, and it was after this testing that I was singled out for public abuse and humiliation, always in front of the mixed class. I thought all of these decades that they must have detected some pride or rebellion in me that they were trying to wipe out, since none of my classmates was treated this way. By the time I was 15, I underwent an experience of extreme self rejection that I am only now overcoming decades later. I began to understand when reading your post, that this was the dominican nun way of dealing with intelligent students. This sort of extreme abuse and hostility toward us for being gifted was something they were trained to do. Your description of the lifetime affects on the growing child who has yet little sense of self was very healing for me. Understanding does help.

  51. Christine Helrigel Says:

    I always thought it was my fault that I was treated so badly by the Dominican Nuns from first through eighth grades in the fifties and sixties. The emotional abuse and humiliation tore apart my developing sense of self, and it has taken me decades to find restoration. The honesty expressed in all of these posts helped me enormously, to realize that I was not alone, and that this abusive style of teaching must have been taught to these embittered and frustrated women. In the sixth grade, my mother insisted I wear a straight skirt to school that was owned by my much less curvaceous older sister. I fought not to wear it, I knew it would run afoul of sisters prudish standards. My sixth grade nun sent me with a note to the eighth grade nun’s classroom, for she was the principal, a woman with a death’s head as frightening as any. She made me turn to all sides to demonstrate to the class of teen boys and girls how my backside looked like a sausage, and how my posterior stuck out. I never again wore any item of clothing that followed the lines of the female body, and did not dare to wear a straight skirt for several decades after that. Sister could have spoken to me quietly in the hallway, and sent me home to change without humiliating me. But no, I was made an example of, and my developing female anatomy was mocked, and I was treated like a slut in training, for wearing a skirt only out of obedience to my mother.

  52. The Germanator Says:

    My experiences were a little bit different.

    I was born in 1983, and was enrolled at St. Gregory the Great School in Danbury, CT in 1989. By this time, only a fraction of parochial teachers in the country entire were of the cloth. All of my teachers, without exception, were lay.

    While others seemed to indicate the lay teachers were preferable to nuns, I find it difficult to believe given what I experienced and what I saw. Having spent 8 years at this school, there’s simply too much to relate, but here’s a few highlights.

    1- In sixth grade, my teacher began mocking an Italian student’s last name. She cooked up some patently derisive alternative, and made no qualms calling this child by that name. And you could see the glee in her eyes when she said it. She was mocking him, she knew it, and she was enjoying it. The kids, of course, picked up the name and coopted it for their own use. They bullied him until his parents moved him into a public school.

    A few weeks later, the boys in the class (myself included) were formally disciplined by this teacher for bullying. Obviously, the teacher was in hot water for losing the school a few thousand dollars per year, but wasn’t big enough to admit to the principal she’d started this whole mess.

    2- There was a set of twins at my school, a few grades below me. One of them developed a kidney disorder and required a transplant (which he received from his brother). A few weeks after the operation, they returned to school. A side effect of the surgery is, as they say in the drug commercials, “overactive bladder”. A few hours into class, the poor kid raised his hand and ask to go to the bathroom. Permission denied. A young kid, fresh off the operating table, made to squirm in his seat for no other reason than to satisfy the sadistic proclivities of his repressed, embittered housewife teacher. He pissed his pants, by the way. In front of the whole class.

    See, the abuse isn’t physical anymore. It’s all psychological. Teachers plucked from the “flock” – poorly educated and painfully underqualified – are given virtually free reign over their classrooms. They have their favorites and their favorite targets. With only thirty kids per class, it doesn’t take long for the students to realize which side of the fence they’re on.

    Real teachers cost money. As the church is more interested in making money than spending it, it doesn’t behoove them to recruit the most educated, dedicated, or most qualified people to teach their classes. The lay teachers they do recruit are almost always less competent and less professional than their public school counterparts.

    My second-grade teacher was 65 years old. She didn’t have a bachelor’s degree, much less a master’s of education. As far as I could tell, she didn’t have a teaching certificate, either. It didn’t really matter, as she was more concerned with getting us through First Communion than she was with actually teaching.

    My sixth-grade teacher was a sadistic witch who spent more time disciplining than she did teaching. Science? Math? History? She taught none of these. English and Catholic Dogma were the only topics which overtly concerned her. And what was her reward for humiliating and harassing her students? She was hailed as a master disciplinarian and was made principal of some other Catholic school, God help them.

    My seventh-grade teacher was an insufferable dullard who, when it came to most subjects, knew nothing outside what was outlined in our text books.

    My eight-grade teacher was an emotional cyclone who couldn’t get through an hour without relating to the class how her father was a strict disciplinarian, or how her brother is a homosexual, or how she couldn’t have children. How can a kid be expected to learn anything from a woman who can’t manage to put her own personal demons behind her for a measly 8 hours a day?

    We had an art teacher, a young girl fresh out of college who couldn’t manage to do anything better with her art degree. The job was part time and it no doubt paid horribly. She hated every minute it. She hated teaching. She hated kids. In second or third grade, she held up an original Crayola piece I was working on to declare to the class I was somebody utterly incapable of drawing. Funny, as she never bothered to teach us how to draw in the first place.

    Then there was the long line of gym teachers. I can’t even remember who taught it first. In third grade, they hired a guy who grabbed me by the shoulders and slammed me up against a wall for running to the water fountain after a game of basketball.

    Not all the teachers were bad, though. There were a few who were stern, but fair, and that went a long way when the other teachers were playing favorites. These teachers were, however, in the minority. They didn’t help me get to the sleep at night or look forward to going to school, ergo they just aren’t worth mentioning.

    Aside from the teachers, I had to worry about the other students as well. The favorites got away with murder while the targets couldn’t breathe without drawing a suspicious eye or a condemning glare. Girls, on average, were treated better than boys. They were always presumed innocent, while the boys were always presumed guilty. Whenever we lined up to go inside, or to go to recess, lines were segregated by sex. The girls always went first. The boys always went last.

    For nearly eight years, I was bullied and pushed around by the same three or four students. They called me names. They poked fun at my austere upbringing. They made fun of how I looked, how I dressed, what I read. My mother complained to the school at least a dozen times. Were any of these kids disciplined? Nope. Not a one.

    In first grade, three students, as a part of a make-believe game they were playing, tied another student to the rectory mailbox with a jump rope. Insta-detention for all parties involved, and this was something that followed them around for the rest of their time at the school.

    Tormenting a kid relentlessly for eight years straight = no punishment.
    A couple of seven-year-old kids goofing off with a jump rope = SINNERS.

    All in all, I’d have to say the eight years I spent in Catholic school were the worst of my life. I’ve never felt adequate as a human being, and developed a pretty heavy case of social phobia which to this day still makes social interaction a painful experience for me (job interviews are wonderful).

    Ultimately, it was my experiences at the school, seeing how “Catholics” behave, how the clergy behaves behind closed doors, which drove me away from the religion. It distilled within me a healthy dose of skepticism and doubt. I learned to value being treated well by others, and thereby learned why I should treat others well myself.

    In the end, I turned out to be a pretty decent human being. But I’m not a good person because I went to a Catholic school. I’m a good person despite having gone to a Catholic school.

    • Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

      To the Germanator:

      You are an incredibly gifted writer and communicator. The bullying spirit inherent in the catholic school system was not able to destroy your gift or your humanity, though I suspect that was their intent. The assaults on your developing sense of self may have wounded your ability to relate socially, but you are a bright and gifted human being and would be a treasure to any friend worth your time.

      I was also treated badly in catholic schools, and only just recently, at the age of 60, realized I had been taught to suspect, mistrust, and comdemn myself, and it became part of my own superego. After all these years I realized I had adopted this self dislike from the abuse of the nuns and the demons who drove them. Jesus is teaching me to see that I had believed the world saw me the way those angry nuns did, when I had really been deceived into seeing myself that way. I had continued the abuse at a level in my mind and I only thought it was the way others looked at me. Through counseling, I am getting free of a lifetime of discomfort in social interactions, and learning to stop killing myself inside.

      A very special generation of children began to come into this world in 1983, an anointed generation. There are churches praying for all of you around the clock. Thank you so much for your post.

  53. Cat Says:

    Unlike you, Christine, the horrific treatment made me hate, suspect, mistrust and condemn OTHER people, not myself. It made me very vengeful and angry and it made me hate authority generally. Unfair or unjust stories in the news can really, really bring out that anger. I try to remind myself that I’m free of those twisted nuns now. I’m 67 years old and I’m infuriated when I look back at how their nasty treatment affected every area of my life. May they rot in hell.

    • Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

      Cat, I can identify with those responses as well. I have had a tremendous mistrust of authority, I also have a furious response when reading of injustice. My husband won’t let me watch certain filmsor even news programs with him, because i want to decapitate the villains, and I am shrieking at the screen while he is trying to listen. There is a fury inside me that comes out toward evil people in authority that I still don’t understand. Thank you for mentioning this response; I am still trying to put all the pieces together and understand things about myself. No one else I know is cursing like a sailor and imagining beating to death those who prey on the weak in society, or so I thought. I hadn’t connected this response in myself to the nuns, but now that you mention it, it makes sense. And I have been as hypercritical of others as I have been of myself. It has taken me years of working it through. I did notice last week after getting free of more of my self criticism that my husband suddenly seemed much wiser and more articulate…as though the negative in me was both toward myself, and toward him. This is what makes this site so helpful, I think, talking about this with others who have been there. I have lived among protestants for so long that I had forgotten how different it was to be raised by twisted nuns. I kept wondering where the aggression came from in me, and how hard I have had to work not to critique those in charge constantly, actively looking for the bad teaching that could appear at any moment. So thanks, Cat. I appreciate your comments.

      • Cat Says:

        You’re not the only one cursing like a sailor when watching unjust stories in the news like, for instance, how child predators and murderers get out on bail!! I too am very, very critical of people in general — I can find fault with just about everyone — and I’ve been told I have an awful lot of anger and rage in me, which I certainly know. Sometimes I almost wish someone would pick a fight with me so I could vent that rage! Gotta watch it, and I’ll mention that I do make a point of staying away from situations in which I could become enraged, unlike in my younger days. I don’t mince my words and occasionally when something unfair is happening in MY life to ME, can come across as cutting, brutal, sarcastic and arrogant, maybe even vicious-sounding.

        Other things have happened in my life too of course that have enraged me and caused heartbreak and trauma but those nuns got to me when I was only six years old. I wish so much I could have gone to a regular public school. If I had, I really think my life might have been/would have been quite different. They and the BS they taught absolutely terrified and terrorized me. They talked down to me, were intimidating and condescending and psychologically damaged me, not physically as has happened to so many people, but nevertheless screwed up many years of my life. I was always afraid of hell. No more! I just love that poem “Invictus”.

        I do remember in grades 5, 6 and 7 going to another school, catholic of course, where there were no nuns, but the principal, Phyllis Maher, was a nasty bitch who’d line up the “bad” kids on the stage after lunch and strap their hands with a vengeance with all the other kids lined up watching. That was St. Kevin’s School in Montreal. I always made sure I did what I was told, was a “good little girl”, but inside I was absolutely seething.

        A lot of people I know who are my age say the nuns didn’t bother them, they just shrugged it off and figured they were nuts, and they, then, rejected the fear that the nuns tried to instill in them. I’m always amazed when I hear that, as they are amazed that it bothered me so much. I remember as a very young child (4-5 years old) believing with all my heart that whatever adults said MUST be true!

        I’ll also mention that while there is definitely a rage in me, I also have an awful lot of compassion for people who are suffering because I identify so strongly with suffering. Good luck to all of us!

  54. mary Says:

    So many horrible things happened in these so called Catholic schools. I think they should have been called “Schools of Devil’s Advocate.” That name surely would have been more appropriate. Mental, psychotic rejects working there to abuse poor innocent kids. We need to put all this behind us, as through “no fault of our own” we were sent there to endure all of this. We had nothing and I say “nothing” to do with what happened. We were the innocent victims. Hopefully, God will punish each and every abuser who tried to ruin the lives of all of those poor children.

  55. maura Says:

    well, I personally don’t care what anybody says about this website. This blog has helped me tremendously and I thank God that I found it. I have also been able to begin to forgive the women who took vows as nuns that abused, mistreated and terrorized me. So I for one am grateful.

  56. firetender Says:

    This is Samhain, Halloween, a holy day of death…and now, I see magic happening in an unexpected corner, and it’s about re-birth.

    Just to be clear, I reserve the right to use any religious reference as a metaphor as if I believed in it without holding myself to the belief in anything. In this way, I can insult no one and everyone!

    So, let’s begin…

    You know what, Folks? The Catholic Church is going to get away with this and there’s nothing we can do about it.

    The machine is very well-oiled. Thanks to its believers it has a storehouse of funds to defend itself in all the courts of every land!

    (makes me wonder if the Church isn’t psychic: How wise to salt that money away for a time when it would come to best use!)

    If I could have anything in my life more meaningful than a Certificate of Excommunication by the Pope himself, I can’t think of it.

    You know what? We are too old (most of us here) to be dealing with this shit, but here we are, and whether you want to swallow the metaphor or not, this is Redemption for us!

    Here’s what’s happening.

    I see a lot of children coming out of the cloakrooms of ages gone by who, after so many years of hiding, have come back into the classroom to share with each other…


    This is what twisted our very our souls, kids. We were so AWESTRUCK at the abuse of the idea of Jesus, we were so FLOORED by the dichotomy between the love Eternal and the Conditional love that we had to earn from God’s representatives on earth, through literally TORTURE, that we stopped trusting ourselves completely,

    And with it, each other.

    Who of us EVER talked about this with their peers?

    These fucking women are SICK!

    So, what they say is that this Hallowed Eve is the time when the crack between this world and the next opens up a little. Let’s utilize the concept.

    Here’s a metaphor for you to play with. I’m just introducing it tonight because, quite frankly, I came home and was rocked by how you’re rallying to each others’ support and I’m not doing a damn thing to make it happen!

    It’s like I got pissed off, wrote a note how lonely it has been all these years about no one EVER talking about this shit and a year later, coming back to find that behind the door that the note was nailed to is a room of people helping each other to LOOK at this for the FIRST TIME, the door’s open and THEY are beckoning others in!

    Do you have ANY idea how touched I am?

    So let me throw in to this.

    I, too have been working through this abuse my whole life. I have other writings out on the internet under the general category, “Turning Shit Into Diamonds!” I don’t know if any of you have checked out my website but that pretty much brings you into my world.

    It’s a FREE RESOURCE and my suggestion to you is to go to here: I KNOW you will, ALL OF YOU, see your reflections there. Please, Dive IN! (I lived this shit for you!). I not only offer you food for thought, but possible pathways out of the morass. Every word is based on honestly shared, personal experience.

    A bunch of my articles not only deal with the abuse at the hands of nuns but also speak to the age we have been inhabiting and other journies in medicine, healing and spirituality. I have a bunch of articles on grief, and suicide as well.

    But I want to offer you something fresh here because I’m inspired.

    I present this to you as a metaphor; something that stands for something else. The something else is whatever translation of the concept you can make for yourself that rings true to your heart. Like, if I talk Jesus, you can see Buddha. (And I’ll use “Jesus” precisely because, if you were at all the child I was, you loved him and understood that THEY were not HIM!)

    It’s about your soul leaving your body. It’s about the piece of You, the child, who, faced with — literally to a child — unfathomable contradictions, had to wrench a part of his/her experience OUT of this painful world to protect it. Unfortunatley, a piece of him/her has always been on the outside, afraid to come back in because, “It HURTS in there!”

    I’m here to tell you, Spirit caught you and has brought you here to help each other heal. The psychic/emotional conflicts and trauma, of course were exponentially made more acute by exposure to repeated physical/emotional abuse that culmulatively became torture.

    It’s called PTSD and it is compounded, not lessened, by witnessing the torture of others because even if you DON’T get beaten you NEVER KNOW WHEN YOUR NUMBER WILL COME UP!

    THIS SHIT IS CRAZYMAKING, no wonder you left your body!

    But the mistrust in your own experience bled over to a mistrust in authority and out of it (if you’re like me, now that I think of it) ALSO a mistrust in anyone else who witnessed this with you.

    So you know what? Well, let me just speak for myself and this ain’t no metaphor; little Russell left his body in the middle of the Sixth Grade, when he was 11.

    Oddly enough, the first thing that strikes me this minute is Thank You Jesus! In a sense, a part of me fled to Him for safety, and the fact that I had somewhere to go at all is somewhat of a miracle of the first order.

    How about you? Can you see a piece of yourself out there?

    Yes, it’s tragic because we all know that a shitload of our peers just didn’t get to last as long as we did, and many of them burned out from the outrage but, we are Survivors and the last frikkin’ thing I want to allude to is that damn show but, it’s apt!

    We’re finding each other and letting each other know that what we experienced WAS REAL; those women WERE SICK; we have been carrying the pain and the suffering from this ALL OUR LIVES…

    …and we’re gonna help those of us who are left to get back into our bodies.

    Now, for some of you my metaphors may sound extreme, and I admit to many, many other levels of recieving childhood abuse, but, for now, I’ll leave you with my blessings and offer you these thoughts to ponder…

    (“Thanks a-fucking lot, firetender!” I hear you.)

    but with the qualification of now that we’re here together, it’a time for the HEALING to take place exponentially!

    One last thought. I’ll be honest and tell you I started this blog in outrage because no one ever really know how severely little boys were tortured and emasculated by the nuns. As I stated in my original post, in my view, the little girls got off relatively unscathed.

    First of all I want all the guys to know how much I appreciate their speaking about this stuff with such DEPTH, HONESTY, And also ENCOURAGEMENT FOR EACH OTHER. You guys are exceptional human beings!

    But, girls…I HAD NO IDEA HOW MUCH YOU HAD TO CARRY AS WELL! and thank you from the bottom of my heart! Your acknowledgement that it hurt you, too, to see us in so much pain is very healing because all these years (48 to be exact) I was ashamed because I thought you were laughing at me! It all seemed staged to emasculate us IN FRONT OF YOU, and I bought into it; for me, it worked!


  57. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    Thank you, Russell! Thank you for all that you wrote! I was cheering inside at how similar were the things that we suffered. Part of me was left behind, in fact, a delightful sprite that speaks to me sometimes, and shares her feelings with me. She is more me than I am, and she makes no apologies. I had come to the conclusion that Jesus separated this part of me from the abuse so that some of me could survive intact to be restored at a later, safer date. That is only just beginning to happen. You said you were 11 when you left your body. Judging by the age of this little one, I was much younger.

    I have been so grateful to you for starting this blog. It is delightful to read your delight at how we have all been drawn here to help each other. I was experiencing another round of bottomless guilt which I thought I had beaten, finally, until it overwhelmed me again for no reason when the Spirit told me out of the blue to google ‘dominican nun abuse’ on the net. That brought me here, and to the understanding that so much of the emotional damage came from the nuns twisted behavior.

    I am glad you understood that Jesus loved you, and the nuns did not speak for him. It has taken me a long time to fully believe that he doesn’t see me the way they did. Or make that it has taken me this long to see myself as He does. I had my own little evil super ego nun implant in my head.

    You said you realized also that the girls were not laughing at you, which made me realize that when I was mocked for my developing curves, there was not a heartless response from that 8th grade class as I had thought. They were probably horrified but afraid to speak. That truly is healing.

    Yeah, it was great to hear you cheering today. Fancy that, all this time what you started has been snowballing, and you never knew. Glad you checked in to see the blooming of the seeds.

  58. Angry Mom Says:

    My story is about my now 11 year old son who had attended a Catholic grammar school in Dutchess County, New York up until a couple of years ago. At the time I removed him, he was nine, going on ten. The reason I removed him was because he was physically and mentally abused by a seventy-two year old former nun who worked at this school for forty years. She retired at the end of the 2008 school year but came back as a “voulunteer” the next year and is still working there.

    The story goes as follows:

    It was December 17th, 2008 and the children were all excited about Christmas break coming up. On that particular day, my son “Ted” was experiencing the beginnings of a migraine (which is a chronic condition for him). He was going to lunch and was so happy to be the first one on line because he knew that if he had gotten to eat right away, he could possibly stave it off.

    Well, as he stood there waiting to get his food with the rest of his fourth grade classmates, the third grade came in and one of the little girls in that class started crying because she wanted her class to go first. Being that her mother was the assistan secretary of the school and was in charge of running the lunch room, she granted her daughter’s wishes and told the fourth grade to go and sit down while the third grade was now going to go first.

    With that, my son went and sat down. A few minutes later, the fourth grade got back on line and again, for some reason, this assistant secretary told them to go and sit down again beacause she hadn’t told them to get on line yet. At that point, my son was getting so sick from his migraine…the pain was intensifying beyond belief and with that, he went back to his seat, pulled out his chair, pushed it back in, pulled it out, sat down and put his head down on his arm on the table. Now, mind you, this is a straight A student with a pristine behavioral record who has never acted out EVER in school. But because of the extreme pain he was in acted out of pure frustration (and believe me, it was minimal). He was not a threat to anyone, wasn’t carrying on or throwing a tantrum of any sort…all he wanted to do was eat something to make his migraine subside.

    As he sat there in agony, this seventy-two year old, former nun who stands close to 5′ 7 or better, came up behind him, grabbed him under his armpit and yanked him out of his chair and yelled “You, get over here, now you don’t eat! Go stand in the corner!!!” My son, who was now in excruciating pain was being physically attacked by this bitch!

    As my son stood in the corner for the usual public humiliation the Catholic schools thrive on, he began to have an asthma attack (according to not only the students who witnessed this, but by the class mother who was there in the lunch room/gym watching this whole scene evolve. The children (as I was told by their parents) said his face turned beat red and “Ted” began to hyperventilate so badly that the kids got scared (some kids, as I was told, started yelling at her to “leave him alone, he’s a good boy!!!). So did the class mother (as she herself told me in the grocery store after the incident). I asked her why she didn’t step in and stop the attack, and she said it’s because “I didn’t feel I had the right to interfere between a teacher and student”.

    As my son tried to catch his breath and remain standing, he asked this old witch if he could please go to the nurse because his head hurt…and her answer to him was “Good, your head should hurt!!!” Again he said to her “Please can I go to the nurse…my mom said that anytime my head hurts like this, I have to go to the nurse”. With that, the bitch grabbed my son by his arm again and abruptly walked him down to the nurse stating to him “Hmph, you’re not going to allow this to happen again, are you???” Funny, but never did this woman ever ask my son what was wrong with him or anything…she just lost it on my kid!

    As she dragged him into the nurses office, the nurse looked up stunned (as she herself told me and my husband the next day) and said “What’s going on???” So, the old bitch said “He’s not eating!!!” The nurse asked my son what was wrong and he said “My head hurts.” Then the bitch chimed in with “Oh, he just kept banging and banging” (which was a flat out lie according to the witnesses). The nurse said, and I quote “Really, I find that extremely out of character for “Ted”. She then asked my son if he’d eaten anything and he told her (the nurse) “No”. The nurse then told that former teacher/bitch/volunteer to “Go get this child some food, he needs to eat!!!”

    After he tried to eat (all while still hyperventilating from an asthma attack which he’d never ever had before this day) tje nurse told “Ted” she’d call his mom to pick him up. And she did…but failed to tell me what happened…she just said that he had a migraine.

    A couple of days later, the nurse told me that this woman has a history of this behavior but it keeps getting covered up. Also, she told my husband and I that if we ever needed her to vouch for “Ted” to just let her know…”I work for the district and not for the school…the district placed me here”. Well, we’ve never been able to reach that nurse since…I wonder who threatened her???

    So, here I go to pick up my son and while we were walking out of the school, I knew something wasn’t right..he was acting kind of nervous. When we got in the car, I asked him what the matter was and he just said nothing…then he finally told me he had gotten in trouble for banging his chair against the table. I, of course, said that wasn’t right and he said he couldn’t help it because he was in so much pain at the time.

    About an hour or so later, one of the mom’s (her daughter was in my son’s class) called to ask about what had happened. I told her “Ted” came home with a migraine. She then proceeded to tell me what her daughter came home and told her (and it was just like what I wrote above). Then another mom called and another and so on…and they all told the same story. Their kids came home traumatized by what they had witnessed that day.

    Well, to sum this up, my husband and I stormed up to the school the next morning, confronted the principal and she acted as if she really was concerened (you’d think I would have known better). Then I called the local superintendent of schools up here in Dutchess (and she to pretended to care). Now, as I found out later, the principal and super both worked together and the super actually worked at this particular school over the years with the big former nun bitch.

    As you’ve probably guessed, they covered up the story…told me that there were no witnesses, no written documentation of the incident (lie…I had filed a police report and reported the incident to my son’s pediatrician who told me to report them to CPS..and even CPS said there is nothing you can do the the Archiocese) and that the only reason we removed our son was because we “couldn’t afford the tuition”.

    Then I contacted the Archbishop, Timothy Dolan in NYC and he wrote back to me and requested that I meet with the “big man on campus” Superintedent Dr. Timothy McNiff. What a bunch of creeps. The three of us (my husband, son and I) all head down to Manhattan where we were made to feel like losers who “perpetuate the anger” in my son by talking about this whole episode with him “too much” and basically, in a nutshell, my son was told by Dr. McNiff that “Sometimes in life you’ll come across stumbling blocks and this is one of them…time to get over it”. Imagine that…that’s what you tell a child??!! My poor son left the building crying and stating “Now I’ll never have closure…they don’t care!!!” And he’s right, they don’t!

    All I have learned is that this is one sick organization that is more interested in the almighty dollar than the “Almighty” himself. Anything to make a buck and to suck your bank account dry with all the donations they expect. If you can’t dole out tons of money to them, they don’t want you there…it’s as simple as that. They don’t care what happens to your child…they are well prepared to cover it up at any expense…and with all their money, it’s never a problem for them!!!

    I could elaborate even more, but it would take up so much space…so I consolidated it as much as possible.

    Thank you Russell for creating this site…I hope more people read it and really think long and hard before putting their children in this unprotected atmosphere!!!

    • Brian Says:

      Dear Angry Mom,

      I was shocked that children today are still going through what we did in the 50’s and 60’s. You child will heal and survive becasue of your love, but you must not let the Church get away with it. Hire a lawyer, get statements from all the parents of witneses you mentioned and then go after them. Have your lawyer subpoena all disciplinary records from the school and the entire Archdiocese. Bury them in legal paper and release details of your plight to any newspaper that will publish it. Then go back to Timothy Dolan and inform him in plain language that you will never stop the suit, that you will appear on every TV, radio and news outlet that will listen in the tri-state area until they apologize, fire the witch and initiate a policy to expose and prevent any reoccurance. Such notoriety is the only thing that gets their attention. Like the firetender says hit them where it hurts in the pocketbook. All you need is three or more persons picketing in front of St Patricks Cathedral and the Cardinals residence and you will get everyones attention.

      • Angry Mom Says:

        Hi Brian,

        Thanks for your reply.

        Believe it or not, I have already tried to get an attorney to help me and they all say the same thing…”There is nothing you can do”. The reason is because my son wasn’t broken or bloodied by this woman/beast…and it’s hard to prove psychological damage without major psychological evaluations and then slapping a label on him. I don’t want to put my son through any more hell than he’s already experienced.

        I have called the NY Times…CBS news…local papers and they all say that it’s not that big a story…they agree it’s sad and maddening, but not that big a deal…however, they’ll consider me if something else comes up that is bigger, and throw my son’s story in the mix. Also, since this is now almost two years old, it’s “not fresh enough”. Well, I think that what is going on here is bigger and still growing by the day…we’ll have to present ourselves to the media! Not individually, but as one huge collective group with serious psychological scars!

        I just find it criminal that a woman who has a history of this type of behavior with children is still, in this day and age, allowed to keep her job there.

        I would love to find some attorney out there who’d be willing to take them on, but I really don’t think any exist. I think they realize that you can’t fight the well oiled, Catholic “machine” (I stole that from Russell) and that’s that. I have been told that they are stronger than the “Mob”. You’ll never win against them.

        Let’s all ban together and take them to task!

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Angry Mom:

      I read your story about the abuse that your son suffered. It brought back memories of my childhood! —- If I had a child that experienced that type of treatment, I would have appeared at the principal’s office with an attorney the next day. YES, I would have initiated “legal action” against the former nun, and the school! I would have made VERY sure that this legal action appeared in the local newspapers, and I would have had my attorney hold press conferences with local TV stations. My goal would be to create as much NEGATIVE publicity as possible for the school. This would hurt the school financially for the next academic year. I would have also filed criminal charges against the “former nun” for child abuse! —- We need to protect the children from these VERY SICK people! —–This is NOT the Christian Religion! —- I have a relative that went through 12 years of Catholic School, and four years of Catholic College in New York City. In terms of his life, he is a mental cripple. He cannot think for himself, and he follows the ruled and regulations of the church like a robot! He is separated from his wife and two children because of his verbal abuse directed toward his family members. ——- (His wife is a former nun! HOW COULD YOU MARRY A NUN????????????) —– Just my opinion! —- Best regards to all of us survivors! —- Dwayne

      • Angry Mom Says:

        Hi Dwayne,

        Thanks for your response. I did contact an attorney up here in Dutchess County…at a very well known firm…and after I told him the whole story, he told me he couldn’t help me because “We represent the archdiocese”. Can you imagine???? So, he went ahead and warned/prepared his clients of what was to come, so by the time I had gone to the city to meet with the superindendent, Timothy McNiff, they had their own version of what happened and said that the school told him it wasn’t true and that we just couldn’t afford the tuition! What a bunch of garbage!!!

        After contacting even more attorneys from here in Fishkill down to White Plains (and even one in NYC) they all kept saying the same thing…”He wasn’t injured enough. Mental damage is hard to prove without intense evaluation.” I couldn’t bring myself to have that done to my son. I just think that these bums in the archdiocese have so much money to fight that the attorneys don’t even want to bother because, unless the child had pysical scars, it’s a lose/lose situation.

        I just read an article about how there are more closings to come and that Timothy McNiff is going to set up an endowment program run by parishoners/parents in each parish. Does that mean since he’s going to be having other people do his job that he’ll cut his over $300,000.00 a year salary??? Apparenty all parishes are going to have to “spread the wealth” so to speak in order to save their dying schools. I hope they all go under.

        If you know of an attorney who’d be willing to help me, feel free to pass the info on to me…I can’t find a one!

        Thanks again for your respnse. 🙂

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Angry Mom:

        The only way to get justice for everyone, both “past” and “present,” is to form an organization of people who have be scarred by Catholic Education, (similar to an organization like the New Jersey Education Association), then get an attorney outside of New York State, and bring a “class action / legal action,” on behalf of everyone who is a member of the organization. —- While you might not win, the “negative publicity,” of such a “massive action” would expose the operating climate of the Catholic Church with regards to their dealing with children both in their schools, and in their orphanages in the past! ——- This will give the Catholic Church a major “black eye!” (This is not a bad idea!) —- The Catholic Church is a sly / sick organization. They will do anything to maintain their power over the people. If you and I question anything, we are dismissed as “nonbelievers. —— Be VERY careful of any organization that demands “blind obedience” from it’s membership. (The Nazi’s in WW2 demanded “blind obedience” from the people, and look what happen to them!) ———– After spending 12 unhappy years in Catholic School, I question everything! I do not drink the “religious” or “political Cool Aid!” —— The Catholic Church does not care about the individual member. YOU are on earth to serve the Catholic Church with your time, money and personal effort! —– My Academic Catholic education, on a scale from one to ten, was at best a five. Most of the educational effort was put into “religious instruction,” because they wanted loyal financial contributors to the Catholic Church in the future. It was simply brain washing! —— Recently my wife and I went back to our old Catholic High School. (When I was a Senior in this school, she was a Freshman). The school is no longer a High School. It is now a Catholic Elementary School. We toured the school with the non-religious principal, and it brought back a lot of memories both positive and negative. (Mostly Negative!) —– As we walked through the various classrooms, I related different stories about both teachers and students. We finally arrived at the Chapel were the school spent a lot of time. IT WAS BEING USED AS A STORE ROOM! There were boxes piled on the altar and the room was in total disarray. SO MUCH FOR RESPECT! This is a perfect example of the attitude of the Catholic Church. When they are finished with something, they simply discard it and move on to bigger and better things always seeking more money from the people who cannot think for themselves. They will discard you and I, and they will discard a Chapel in a Catholic School and use it as a “store room!” —— For people who profess to be doing “God’ Work,” they live VERY well on the backs of the people who pay the bills! —- Just my opinion. —- Best regards to all! —- WE are the survivors! —- WE are speaking out! —- WE are making a Big Difference because people are reading our postings! —– Dwayne

  59. Christine Helrigel Says:

    Angry Mom, Thank you for dispelling my naive hope that the era of catholic abuse of children was in the past. It is odd how all were mesmerized enough by the ‘position’ of this old witch that no one moved in to slap her. My prayer is that God will give her a migraine she will never forget, the type that makes her puke until she is upchucking bile. And while she is that sick, may someone do to her what she did to your son. May the Lord do to her exactly what she did to an innocent child. I am guessing that if you had slapped her, you would have been arrested for assault. But I so wish someone would have knocked that woman down and stepped on her.

    • Angry Mom Says:

      Hi Christine,

      Thank you so much for your reply. I have the same exact feelings.

      You know, the saddest thing about this whole incident is that I wasn’t there to protect him…because in my mind, that is what a mom is supposed to do. Alll I keep thinking is that as I was home cleaning and going about my business that day, my son was being attacked by a psycho! And the sickest thing about the whole thing is that they still cover this stuff up…no matter what!

      I think that we have to keep our stories out there so we can all ban together to stop this abuse of children.

      Funny, but when you mentioned how if I had done anything remotely like what she had done to my son, you know I would be the one getting arrested! I even said that to the principal…I told her right to her face that “If I yanked you out of your chair (which she was sitting in at the time) you’d be on the phone to the police!!! What makes what she did to my son acceptable?! And imagine feeling the way my son did at the time with that migraine!”

      My son’s migraines have been so bad at times that he’s actually rolled around on the floor screaming in pain! And also, the asthma attack that she had thrown him into…he’d never had that happen to him his whole life!!! The fear she put into him that day is what caused that. Even the school nurse was concerned! He had to be put on inhalers after that (now he’s off) because every time he’d get nervous (like when he started his new school) the asthma would kick in.

      All I can say is that thank God he’s coming along and is completely functional in his every day life…but the hurt and distrust of adults that she instilled in him is so damn infuriating to me! She totally interrupted his childhood…but he’ll make it through…I know he will.

      Thanks for your support…You have no idea how much that means to not only me, but my husband too!

      • Christine Helrigel Says:

        Angry Mom, thank you for your sweet reply to me! It helps me so much to know that I helped you. I am glad to hear that your son is coming along, hopefully the hurt and mistrust will dissolve with time. He is fortunate to have parents who were willing to stand up and pull him out before this went on any longer, and who let him know that they are furious about what happened to him. I have often wondered why my folks seemed oblivious to the hurt I was experiencing from the nuns; their indifference was the second layer of what made all the abuse dig in so deeply. Bravo for you and your husband.

  60. firetender Says:

    I just wrote my Nephew in response to his awe at reading this blog. I said “the last thing in the world I want to be is the poster boy for kids fucked up by nuns!”

    But I have an idea.

    Angry Mom makes it clear she’s fighting windmills. I absolutely, positively would NOT send her out to do battle. It will ruin her relationship with herself, her family and most important, her Son! It will suspend him in a state of constantly re-living what really amounted to an isolated incident of trauma. The re-experiencing and re-living is what got us adults here, isn’t it?

    I feel equally protective of you!

    I really don’t want to see anyone here putting their sanity on the line to do battle with the Machine that is the Catholic Church. It’s a losing battle in THIS lifetime for any one individual or small group of individuals.

    So let’s relax a little on the revenge crap and help each other.


    But, WE GOTTA BE SLICK and bring some consciousness to the whole thing.

    I would like to see the direction of this site moving towards being a place where we adults can talk frankly about the abuses and share things we’ve learned in our journies that can help each other.

    Let’s face it, most of us are old as dirt and getting closer to retreating back into it. That means there’s a huge amount of collective wisdom for healing to tap into here. Can you hear the people showing up here suddenly figuring out, “Lord, I learned something!”?


    A SAFE HAVEN is a lot more attractive to wounded people than a central location for the accumulation and expression of Bile, hatred and revenge!


    Yes, start out venting, it’s important we all hear that, but then get right down to helping each other.

    This is ALL about empowerment. All we have to do is gather here and help each other. You watch, because YOU have already proven that it works, and you’ll see all the children we once were coming out of the darkness and isolation and joining voices.

    NOT ABOUT THE FIGHT, BUT TO THE HEALING…and this is NOT about turning the other cheek, either. How more real can you get than a bunch of adults sharing their struggles trying to help each other to get through what is a LIFETIME of trauma?


    This is a purely manipulative way to get honest discussion going on here that is so HEALING, Massive and World-Wide that Class-action will be UNAVOIDABLE!

    If I may be so bold, OUR problem has been that as individuals THEN AND NOW, we’ve been overwhelmed by the “power” of the Church.

    Let’s take our time, REALLY look out for each other and ALLOW our numbers to swell. Before long the Press will pick it up, and then, it won’t be long before some Mouthpieces, perhaps men or women abused by Nuns themselves, will dedicate their careers to managing a well-coordinated and supported counter-assault on the ROOT of the problem. Let’s not watch each other get killed in tiny skirmishes. Let’s build a bomb.

    Metaphorically we are seeking to take out Hitler, not damage the SS.

  61. Colleen Says:

    Hi Everyone,

    I posted here some time back about some of what occurred to me during my 8 years of Catholic school, which was a daily nightmare for me. But today, I saw something on TV, that brought back a whole new wave of Catholic abuse to me. So I thought I’d share it with you all. When I was 16, and very angry, rebellious, and distrustful after my 8 years of daily abuse, I became pregnant. The high school that I attended decided that I would be a bad influence on the other kids, and so did the local continuation school. Back then, the community hospital also wasn’t pleased to have a 16 year old maternity patient, so I was forced to attend a Catholic High School for unwed mothers, which was also attached to a Catholic adoption hospital. This hospital only dealt with unwed mothers. They provided no other medical care. The school I attended wasn’t too bad, because the teachers there were lay persons, and seemed to care about all the girls there. But the hospital was a whole different story. It was run totally by nuns. A nun was always present at our doctors appointments, and they would make evil comments while we were being examined in very private ways. I recall one nun telling me while I was having a pap exam that I’ve had a lot bigger things than that up there, so I had better keep my mouth shut during my exam. If we had problems such as extreme nausea during the pregnancy, we weren’t allowed to tell the doctor. We had to tell the nun in charge and she would then supposedly tell the doctor our problem. So throughout my pregnancy I was unable to ever get help for the discomforts I was having. I was told I deserved these. I was also told in a snotty manner ” bet you want be doing anything like this again will you?” (meaning sex). I remember just saying yes and thinking ‘better birth control’. All through the months I attended school there, the nuns were constantly bringing myself and all the other girls individually to their office, and trying to force us to give our babies up for adoption. Only a few of the hundred or more girls at the school were able to resist the constant pressure to give away their baby. I was one of them. The nuns were furious about this and they would become even more furious when a girl who gave birth and kept her baby would show up at the school to show us the new baby. When I finally went into labor, I was denied any visitors, even my parents. I remained in labor for 3 full days, and was not given anything at all for pain. I was in a locked room, and a nun would come in about once every 2-3 hours. All up and down the hall I could hear screams of agony just like my own. I heard girls pleading for help as their baby was about to come. When the nuns would come in, their was no kind words. I was told to shut up and stop whining. They would roughly check to see how dilated I was, then leave for a few more hours. After 3 days of this I was finally ready to deliver. By that time I was physically weak and exhausted. I had had no food and no sleep for almost 3 days. I was in very hard labor and felt the baby coming out and screamed for help frantically. When a nun finally arrived, she told me I would just have to wait in line til it’s my turn to have the baby. She said they were busy with someone else. The baby then started to be born and it was very large for a small person such as myself. As the head was coming out, I was torn badly. No one would help me. So with a head emerging, I got out of bed and was banging on the door screaming for help. Then another nun came and saw me in a puddle of blood with a head again emerging with another contraction. She then got a gurney and took me to delivery. There, a doctor whispered to me to look up at the metal light above me while a nun was not looking. This was the only way I would see my baby he told me. Withing a few minuted the baby was born, and a nun grabbed it and took it away from me. I pleaded to see my child and hold it, and was refused and told a good family was waiting for it and I was a bad mother for it. I was then cleaned up and took to a room. From that point on there was a constant flow of nuns and social workers in my room with adoption papers in hand telling me why I needed to give up my baby. I was constantly told how bad I was and how all parents of my age abuse and often even kill their babies eventually. I was shown movies depicting the abuses I would do and in the end it always showed an even sadder teenage mom giving her child away a year or more later. The day after the birth, I found out from family that they kept the babies on the 3rd floor of the hospital. I left my room and tried to see my baby, but the elevator for the 3rd floor was locked, so I tried the stairs, and the doors were locked there too. By then, my breasts were starting to hurt. I asked for my baby so I could feed her and they refused to let me and told me I was supposed to suffer that way for my sins. After three days of this, I was finally handed my baby and released to go home, but not without many more words on how bad I am from many evil nuns.

  62. Cat Says:

    Firetender, I applaud your suggestion. I would LOVE to see a class action suit against nuns, just absolutely LOVE it!! The perverted priests are finally getting theirs in the courts, the nuns should get what’s coming to them too.

    Colleen, I am so sorry for what you went through. But I congratulate you heartily on insisting on keeping your baby. Good for you!

  63. mary Says:

    I contacted a lawyer about these vicious nuns a few years ago and was told that they were not interested in my case because it happened so long ago, back in the 1960’s. It’s too bad that these nuns are going to get away with it. Horrible, horrible, horrible. Hopefully God will deal with them after they are dead.

    • Angry Mom Says:

      Hi Mary,

      Just in my own experience, two years is too long ago for attorneys. And they’ll only talk to you if you have had some serious physical damage or something more concrete.

      I think the best way to “try” to stop the insanity is by drawing attention to them in large numbers. See, when you go at it on your own, they’ll just say it’s you and you’re just disgruntled for one reason or another (like in my case…they said it was because we couldn’t afford the tuition but failed to mention the police report filed about an incident in their school regarding a teacher/voulunteer attacking my sick child). But if you bring attention to them via the media and in large groups of people from around the world, then what will they say??? We’re all disgruntled for no reason??? Hell no! They’ll realize that the game has ended.

      Let’s just forward Russell’s blog around the world to as many people as we can and that’s how we’ll deal with them.

      As my long time friend (who is a writer and used to work for Reader’s Digest) once said to me about what happened…”The pen is mightier than the sword”…and that’s true! I even questioned an attorney about “slander and defimation” and he told me as long as what I am saying is the truth, then let the truth be told!!!

      So let’s get to work and start forwarding this site and doing our research!


  64. NEW CATEGORY: Catholic Nuns, Child Abuse Survivors (CNCAS) « a firetender’s Blog Says:

    […] Catholic Nuns, Child Abuse and Vows […]

  65. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    to Cat and all here:

    If there is any statement more healing for an abuse sufferer to hear than ‘You are not the only one who…’ I don’t know what it would be. I have been so perplexed and troubled by things in my personality that none of my siblings or friends struggle with. To discover that these are the results of nun abuse, and that there are others like me with these issues, is so reassuring that I was dancing around the living room last night after reading Cat’s most recent post. We are a band of fellow survivors. We are a wounded army all affected in similar ways, but I notice that we are a most articulate army. Jesus said that if anyone ‘hurt one of these little ones, that it would be better for them if a millstone were wrapped around their necks and they were thrown into the deepest part of the sea.’ That is some strong language. I am being freed from so much guilt just by discovering that the oddly furious aspects of my response to the world had a cause, one I would never have connected to these parts of myself. this is helping me understand and accept myself which feels pretty darn good. Thanks, Cat.

  66. Debbie Doenias Says:

    I’m with Angry Mom about bringing this to light publicly. I will be posting this blog on my Facebook page to encourage awareness of the issue.

  67. Cat Says:

    Yes, it does help to learn that others feel the same way. I was very glad to read that sharing my feelings helped you! And I hope it helped some of the others too. I have also often wondered what the hell was wrong with my personality, with me. Sometimes I’ve wondered if bad genes were what made me so nasty, vindictive and angry.

    I’m wondering if you, Christine, or any of the others here have reacted in some of the other ways I have. For instance, my distrust of people in general has led me to become an avid animal lover. They are so sweet and innocent and never hurt people on purpose, only if they’re in pain or if someone has hurt them.

    The fear instilled in me at a very young age, compounded of course by the many other hurtful and scary things that have happened to me, has also resulted in my developing an intense interest in anything paranormal, in psychic phenomena, in quantum theory, and I am enthralled with the concept of visualization, all I think to get “beyond” this nasty world, not to mention the mundaneness of it, in an effort to look for something better.

    My sole aim in life has been to avoid pain and not get hurt, to be very careful and cautious, and, of course, to dare not to do anything which might send me to hell. Afraid of everything, flying, driving on highways, elevators, subways, but at the same time though being very independent and extremely determined about things I’ve wanted to achieve. And yes, I am a survivor, but at what price? Being terrified all the time is not the way to live.

    Needless to say, all this caused tension and anxiety in me all my life. I have not really enjoyed life, except for the very odd time, but even those times were overshadowed by a pervasive sense of fear. Someone actually said to me in the past couple of years, “You don’t like life, do you?” When I hear other people say they do enjoy life or love life, I find it to be a mind-boggling concept. Years ago I started strongly suspecting that I’d never ever be happy here on this earth, and a few years ago resigned myself totally to that belief. I looked forward to heaven and the bliss I was told would be waiting for me… that is, if I was good and mindlessly believed everything that was shoved down my throat, things that definitely do not make any sense.

    The way I dealt with that horrendous way of “living” was to keep very busy with my work. However, my workload dropped substantially in the last year and I’ve had no choice with all that time on my hands but to think about many issues I’d ignored and shoved into the back of my mind. I now find myself in an astonishing period of questioning and re-evaluating absolutely everything I was taught and it’s amazing me and freeing me.

    Here’s a link to an article that many of you might find interesting:

    I’m positive that if I’d gotten pregnant in my teen years, I too would never have given up my baby. I remember acquaintances going off to other cities to stay with a “sick aunt”, returning months later, quieter, sad and more serious. To all the women out there who caved into the pressure and did give up their babies, I do hope you’ll be able to find a way to contact them now.

    TO FIRETENDER (Russell?):
    You said you’d love to be excommunicated. Here’s a link that you might find really interesting:

    • firetender Says:

      “TO FIRETENDER (Russell?):
      You said you’d love to be excommunicated. Here’s a link that you might find really interesting”

      If I chose to work THAT hard putting together the words I think I’d lose a little self-respect because that would mean me spending more time in my life than I can afford to acknowledge the Church on ITS terms. I dunno; maybe I’m just hoping the Pope will notice and kick my ass out on his own!

      • Cat Says:

        For me, it’s enough to just decree that I am not a catholic and no longer belong to that church; I don’t need their approval, disapproval or acknowledgment about anything so I will neither be applying to be excommunicated nor writing any long letters.

  68. CindyLouwho Says:

    I went to Catholic school grade 1-8. This was from 66-74. There some sadistic nuns but also lay teachers. At that time we probably had a 50/50 split of lay teachers to nuns. The whole atmosphere was one of rules and rigidity . No speaking without raising your hand, no going to the bathroom during class time, no coloring outside the lines. Some of the teachers were nice, some were bastards. CP was rampant and the weapon of choice was a paddle.It was the first and usually only resort. There were also yardsticks, rulers and hands. I remember one incredibly crazy demented nun who would charge up and down the aisles with a flag pole that she used like a spear. She pretty much left the girls alone but she would be the boys, shoulders, back, neck, face. It was 8 yrs of terror and I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. I don’t blame my parents too much.. they were very simple, trusting naive people. I was too afraid and ashamed to tell them what was going on and they just assumed we were being taken care of I guess.

  69. Mary Rutley Says:

    Could we possibly have a list of all the orders that have abused us? It was the SISTERS OF CHARITY OF OUR LADY OF MERCY who damaged and abused me at a private boarding school in Kent in England: but this order was far more cruel to the children at its orphanages in Preston (England) and Pantasaph (Wales), and I want those victims to find this site. Although this site cannot undo the harm that the nuns inflicted on us, it could provide carthasis. And in some cases, it clearly has. Thanks!

    • Dora Says:

      Yes Mary we need to list all the orders. My abusers were The Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy. Pantasaph North Wales 1946-1953. I speak also for my two sisters (nee Savage) who cannot speak for themselves. One suffers from severe depression and the other one killed herself 26years ago. They never got over the 7years we spent at St Clare’s Convent.

    • C. Villanueva Says:

      My abusers were the Sisters of St. Joseph from the Catholic Home for Girls at 29th and Allegheny in Philadelphia.

  70. Cat Says:

    Congregation de Notre Dame (CND) in Montreal, Quebec, Canada

  71. firetender Says:

    Dominican Order, Flatbush, NY

  72. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    The Adrian Dominican Nuns, out of Adrian, Michigan

  73. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    To Cat and all others,

    Cat, you asked if any of us share your love for animals, with their unconditional acceptance of us. You mentioned how you have longed for the next world, finding it so impossible to be happy in this one. You mentioned how cautiously you have lived out of fear of hell. I resonated with each paragraph, thinking how alike we are.

    When I was 21, I came across a bunch of catholic college kids, sharing the true message of Jesus, and I realized we had all been lied to about what he was like. He was not up there sitting on a throne going ‘tsk tsk’ each time I got another ‘black mark on my soul.’ He was funny, he was here to help, he was creativity itself, and he loved us. His death paid for every sin; there was no purgatory. There was no ‘earning our way through the means of grace’ — there was only accepting and believing what he had done for us. The catholic church fought back against Luther and ended up denouncing the very teachings of Paul to preserve their own authority.

    I know that theologically, we survivors are all over the spectrum. Some of us have always known Jesus was not as the nuns taught, and clung to what we knew he had to be. Some turned their backs on religion entirely, and some, perhaps, rejecting the idea of God. I don’t want to mess with the atmosphere of freedom. But I do want to express how pugilistic I have been since I discovered that they lied to us about Jesus himself, replacing the truth with a lie.

    Some have commented brilliantly that there is something tremendously wicked in the catholic church, at its heart. That at its heart, it hates children. I think I understand why, as of this morning. They put themselves in the place of God, and they overturned the gospel. They made themselves the savior. Only if we were faithful to the church, they said, we could be saved. We had to do what they said, and believe what they taught, and attend Mass and partake in their sacraments. I have been wondering for days how it is that these usurpations of the place of Jesus opened them up to such wicked and even demo

  74. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    demonic behavior.

    It finally came to me. Lucifer said ‘I will become like the most high.’ He wanted to replace God and take over his role on the earth and receive the worship and obedience of mankind for himself. Of course, when Lucifer receives those things, he destroys. It is inevitable, therefore, that since the catholic church has replaced the truth with its own version of salvation, that it became ugly, destructive, and utterly evil at its heart.

    I apologize for this theological interlude, but the question is inherent in our experiences: why has this church behaved so wickedly towards helpless children? Because it is truly evil, it is attempting to replace Jesus with itself, and the easiest way to destroy is to take down children.

  75. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    Being held underwater by guilt and terror made me desperate to understand the world (and its unseen realities) for myself, so that no one could ever lie to me again. Thus the need to ask, to answer the questions. It made me cling to the Lord in an almost pugilistic stance toward the world. The nuns said ‘He doesn’t love you! He is more angry at you because you are smart, but you don’t use it!’ Looking back at my report cards that were all A’s and B’s, I don’t know what they were so critical about. So when I found Jesus for myself I felt like it was me and Him, against all of them, like a child shouting ‘He does love me! and I love him!’ as if I have had to prove it over and over. Not that the world cared. It was me who had such a hard time believing it.

    When you asked about pets and unconditional acceptance, Cat, I asked myself if I had ever felt that. I realized instead that I clung to my relationship with Jesus who was more than they thought or realized. It was there I sought to try to accept the reality of unconditional love. There was always something defensive about me, something I thrust at everyone else like a shield. Now I see why. It was me who had a hard time believing in that kind of accepting love.

    I do believe that our beloved pets live on, and that God takes them to heaven to wait for us. One week after my dachsund died, I heard her toenails click along the floor, and felt her jump up on the bed, and slide under the blankets to nestle by my feet. And I was wide awake.

  76. Mario Says:

    I had 2 different orders of nuns, aren’t I lucky. LOL

    I had the IHM nuns (Immaculate Heart of Mary)

    And the Wonderful St. Joseph nuns. Sarcastically said.

    With all the abuses by nuns and priests, I have read concerning the Catholic church, including my own experience. I have to dare ask the question, “WHERE IS GOD?” Why would such a good and glorious God, allow these kinds of people to work in his church. The Church that allegedly was founded by Jesus Christ. In Catholic school, we have learned that in order to become a priest or nun you need a calling from God. If that is so, why would God call on abusive nuns and priest, or pedophiles, to serve in his Church. Doesn’t God know the past, present and future? Why doesn’t God incinerate these people, with bolts of lightning, before they enter the church?……wouldn’t that be nice?

  77. Colleen Says:

    The nuns that were abusive to me were the Carmelite Sisters Of Charity.
    They were brought in from Barcelona Spain to ‘educate’ us in their ‘special’ ways.

  78. mary Says:

    I am still trying to figure out why these nuns were so mean and nasty. Is it because they were single and miserable? Lonely? Hated their profession? Hated children? Hated the Church? Hated living with the other nuns? Whatever it was, they truely needed psychiatric care and it’s too bad they probably didn’t receive any. They probably also needed to be on antidepressives or antipsychotic medications.

  79. patty ann Says:

    Mine were the Felician Sisters of Enfield, Ct.

  80. juna Says:

    I say, go after the nuns that are still alive. Sue the hell out of them. Sue the Church for your horrible suffering.

  81. George Says:

    Evil Nuns

    If you Google Sparkill Dominican nuns (New York) a phrase comes up: “Women Making a Difference”. All the articles about them are full of praise. They did make a difference: they ruined my life, caused my brother to commit suicide and hurt thousands of other children. In the 1940s these nuns ran a home for orphans or boys temporarily housed because of family problems in Sparkill, New York. No one knew what went on behind closed doors except those of us who survived the abuse. About 20 years ago 60 minutes CBS ran a segment on Sparkill but I had no luck finding any mention of it today.

    My wife is writing this for me because the brain damage prevents me from writing it myself. I was 3 and a half years old, at the end of 1947. My mother was mentally ill and put me and my older brother, 5 years old under the “care” of the nuns. I was so young that I couldn’t speak well and only my brother understood me and watched over me. My brother was intelligent and spoke well. But I couldn’t do what the nuns were asking – like hanging my coat on a high hook that I couldn’t reach. One nun sent all the other children out of the room and started beating me – she hit me about 30 or 40 times. She pulled my pants down, held me down and kept hitting – first with her hands, then with something harder. I yelled and cried but it didn’t help, she still kept beating. I remember passing out. I remember waking up in a dark room and crawling to the door which was locked. After that beating I didn’t cry anymore when they beat me. Every time they beat me it was until I was unconscious. Once when my mother came, the other children and my brother told her to take me home because the nuns were going to kill me.

    Another time a nun woke me up in the middle of the night, took my clothes off and dragged me right off the bed by my feet. I hit the floor and then she dragged me down a flight of stairs with my head hitting all the steps and dragged me into a large open shower. I kept trying to get up but they kicked me down. They kept changing the water from hot to cold. I remember the tile floor, with white marble tiles; my face was on the tiles and in a puddle of water. I was so weak and in so much pain that I couldn’t move. I didn’t know who these women were that were beating me, that they represented a religion. But even then, I felt there was something greater than them, that there was a God.

    One night my brother came to me in the middle of the night so the nuns wouldn’t see him. He gave me his Mickey Mouse watch. I asked him, “am I in heaven”? He shook his head with tears in his eyes and said, “No” very low. They would have beaten him if they caught him. I think he thought I was dying. The next day a nun came and told me to get out of bed. I couldn’t get up. I don’t know what happened after that. The beatings had gone on for 3 months. Soon after that or maybe after more beatings (I don’t really know), I went into a coma and was put in a hospital. My mother said she never came to see me because I was “white as a ghost and looked like you were dead.” I was in the coma for close to a year.
    Later I remember being out of the hospital and seeing my brother. I could see but was in a daze, everything in the world looked “smoky” and I couldn’t talk. My brother was heart broken because I couldn’t talk to him and I must have looked sickly. (I wasn’t able to talk until I was 7 or 8 years old after years of speech therapy).
    One day I was outside our first floor apartment and my brother was standing near me. He kept talking to me and saw no response – I saw his face and he was depressed. He looked towards the street, saw a car coming and ran out into the street in front of the speeding car. The car hit him and knocked him about 40 feet and then ran over his stomach. He didn’t die right away. The car had crushed his liver and stomach. He lived for a week in the hospital and kept asking for me and nobody else, but my mother never told me he was asking for me and never brought me to see him. I found out years later from my sister.

    I miss him every day and pray for him and wish those that did this to us and to all the other children pay for it – either in this life or the next. I read all of your stories and am hopeful that we can do something about these devils in the disguise of sisters of mercy. I once tried to ask the government in Sparkill if anything could be done but they said that unless I had been molested they wouldn’t do anything. I was too young to remember everything and I’m sure that all records were destroyed. But we can keep speaking out and each of us can tell others. When there is enough exposure we will be able to do to the nuns what the world did to the priests and the make the organization supporting them pay.

    • Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

      George, may the comfort of the Lord be with you. I am horrified by what these women did to you and your brother, and that the pain and shame of all this drove your brother to jump in front of a car. It is impossible to understand how these women, hidden away with vulnerable children in convent orphanages thought that no one saw them, and that they would not pay for what they did. ‘sinners in the hands of an angry God’ is a sermon that certainly applies to these women. the pathetic thing is that they thought that obedience to their order and the catholic church would save them from the fires of hell for what they did to vulnerable children. No one who behaved that way could possibly know Jesus. We don’t have to punish them, God will do that in due time. ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay.’ said the Lord in the Old Testament. I am so sorry that there was no one there to fight for you. Your older brother was a true champion, he must have loved you very much.

      • George Says:

        Christine, thank you for your concern and supportive words. When I went through all of the abuse I always felt that somwhere there was God and a better and happier place. God, I am sure will bring vengeance in the next World, but I have always felt that God will bring justice in this World. And I think that as our collective voices expand and are heard by more and more people (as firetender says), we all will have our day in the Sun. I am happy for you that this blog is making a difference in your life that is carrying over into your family life as it is with mine.

  82. Mary Rutley Says:


    Your wife writes well. But it will be of little consolation to the pair of you to know that it appears that all the orders that abused children are keeping quiet about their crimes today. Well, they would, wouldn’t they? Money was always their God.

    If you Google the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy, you might imagine that it was a wonderful order. Yet some of the nuns within that order were the vilest creatures I have ever known.

  83. George Says:

    Mary Rutley, thank you for responding and my wife thanks you also. You are correct that they are all hiding. Your idea to list the names of the orders or nuns is good. The more they are exposed here and in other places and websites, the more likely that this widespread abuse will get media attention. It takes little drops to form mighty rivers and together we can all cause a tsunami to sweep them all away.

  84. Bob Says:

    I’m doing research and need to know why some nun’s resort to abusing children physically and emotionally. It isn’t enough to say they’re frustrated or sex starved. It appears clear from the many reports in this blog that the behavior of these nun’s borders on or is pathological. Lack of accountability alone does not turn people in stressful academic or orphanage settings into cruel tyrants. There are reasons. These behaviors beg questions: What causes a young girl such as this to drop out of society and take up a life of asceticism. Do they hate life, this earth? Low self-esteem? What is their view of sex? And their bodies? They cover them completely don’t they? What is the nature of their security and self-esteem. Surely, these have been compromised in some awful way? Were they themselves abused? Are they at war with themselves? Because of course human sexual need is innate and insistent in all of us as well as the need for love and the material goods that make life fun, interesting and comfortable? What is it that is making them so angry and capable of such awful transgressions against children? If anyone posting on this site can refer me to materials that will answer the question of why nuns abuse, I’d be grateful. I was lucky. I was in a catholic grammer school in the 40’s and ’50’s. And while in retrospect nun of the nus were outwardly happy or particularly nurturing, I was slapped only twice and received a good education. I am an atheist because as I grew I bought the dogma less and less. In fact in school I pretty much just went through the motions. There is still baggage nevertheless. Fear of death that may be attributed in part to the horror of purgatory and hell-incessantly taught. And coming late to a rational philosophy of life after perhaps having my logical faculty stunted by the irrationality of mysticism. My heart goes out to all children and yourselves who have suffered at the hands of these emotionally crippled beings. Bob

  85. Bob Says:

    grammatical error. should read “in retrospect none of the nuns:

  86. Mario Says:

    Mario Says

    Hi Bob

    Thank you for your input. From what I understand, many of these nuns were promised to the church when they were infants. This was during the turn of the century and into the 1920’s and 30’s. This may answer some of your questions, why they were so weird. When you promised your children to the church, it seems as if it was a guaranteed stairway to heaven. However, many of these nuns were ugly and often wondered who would marry these homely looking girls. Some were worse than ugly, they were oogly. They had such long faces, faces that could easily stop a clock. Some had kind faces, the funny kind. With their frustrations I wouldn’t doubt why they were, the way they were.

    What’s amazing to me, was the fact they seemed to have no fear of going to hell, or answering to their maker, about their abuses to children. This is why I questioned if they believed in their own teachings about Christ and God. Their actions in the class room caused me to look into the teachings of the Catholic Church. I spent many years in studying the origins of Christianity. It has nothing to do with Jesus Christ a non historical entity. But everything to do with the celebrations of the winter solstice and the spring equinox. These celebrations were going on since time immemorial, way before the Christian era. No one knowes who wrote the Bible there are no authors including the old testament. God of the Bible is not God, but a man made literary character.

  87. 2010 in review « a firetender’s Blog Says:

    […] The busiest day of the year was November 4th with 152 views. The most popular post that day was Catholic Nuns, Child Abuse and Vows. […]

  88. firetender Says:

    Thank you Mario and Christine for some historical background.

    As Napoleon Bonaparte once said, “History is lies agreed upon.” Within the topic of the original thread can be found scads of competing versions of history, embraced by competing scores of believers.

    However, in this case, the blog is not about the roots of the religion or system that created these warped human beings. It is about the consequences of the permissions given them.

    There’s a dual spotlight here. One beam exposes the abuse, and the other shows a safe haven for people to support each other in recovering from it.

    Let’s please stick to the vision.

    • George Says:

      firetender, you said exactly what I was thinking and how I feel — that this site is about the consequences, not about rewriting history. I am working to overcome the results and the vision of this blog is a help. I hope to hear more about how others meet the challenge and overcome the damage that was done to us. George

  89. Pattyann Says:

    Thank you firetender and George. The history aspect was steering this website off of its original intention. I consider this to be a place where we can begin to heal and not feel so alone.

  90. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    I accidentally laptopped the above with my sleeve before finishing it. but I did just want to make sure that I admit here that this fighting response is part of my legacy from those days. My initial response was to fear that now no one would ever read me or defend me, and to walk away like a whipped dog. But we are here to heal from what we were actually left with, and this ‘don’t ever let anyone put something forward as truth if I don’t think it is without giving a good acount, without putting up a good fight’ is what I am left with. I have often wished that I could have stood up to the nuns better than I did. To not have let them get away with it. And I always feel as if I am fighting with a passle of small ones behind me who DO NOT NEED TO BE TOLD that there is no God. When I went back to read Mario’s post, I saw that he was only telling us what happened to him and explaining why. I way overreacted, as though he were here to convince us. ‘Take that, Sister Helen Bitch!’ It’s one thing to describe it to you all, and find some of you are left with the same scrap in you, its another thing to demonstrate it.

    I hope I can count on your understanding and sympathy despite the demonstration. This list has transformed me, just to know that I was not alone in my wounds and my life long struggle to overcome the terrible self image given me by the emotional abuse of the twisted nuns.

  91. George Says:

    Christine, I understand now that you were defending your belief in God against someone, who as you said, had the right not to believe but not the right to try to convince everyone of his beliefs. It was my belief that there was a God in heaven who had nothing to do with the evil Dominican nuns. I knew that there were evil people around me who wanted to destroy anything that was good. Knowing they were at fault is what helped me. When I think about what they did to me, I remember that it was them and not me that was bad and that God exists and thinking this way still helps. The damage is still there but this is a way around it.

    • Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

      George, thank you for understanding and for your kindness in writing to let me know. It meant a great deal to me.

  92. frank Says:

    Russell the firetender posted on November 2 about the importance of support for each other and to focus on healing. I believe he is right.

    Focus on Healing
    There is enormous potential benefit to be gained in pursuing healing, which will not come from other paths such as dwelling on retribution or revenge.

    PTSD & Professional Help
    Several posts have mentioned PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). Without attempting to offer a medical opinion, it is probably a reasonable conclusion that many of us have this disorder… as I do. PTSD does not go away by itself or just with time. Unless and until the causal events are surfaced, examined and treated, those causal events are fresh and current for us, and triggered by all manner of stimuli. Personally I benefited from the support of a qualified, professional counsellor in surfacing and dealing with the PTSD caused by abuse as a child.

    Healing Tools
    Another important pillar in my healing journey has been a non-profit organisation here in Australia called Mayumarri ( whose mission is healing for survivors of childhood trauma. It is run by survivors for survivors. I attended a week-long retreat in late 2009 that was very helpful in a number of ways – safety, validation, feeling and emotion, support, empowerment and encouragement, and practical tools for daily use in the healing process. If you can at all access a positive healing experience like this, it may be of enormous benefit. However as Mayumarri is not available to all on this blog, here is a ‘lite’ version of their approach and their tools in the hope that it may be useful.

    The Problem
    Their basic idea is that when we experienced abuse as a child, we had a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. However, we then commonly have that same reaction to a variety of (relatively) normal, non-traumatic situations (triggering events) that can stay with us forever. We overreact, we perceive threat where it does not really exist, and this commonly continues in our adult lives. We develop patterns of abnormal reactions to normal situations. The strategies and reactions we have when triggered are often flawed and dysfunctional.

    Their approach is to connect deeply with the child in us, to take responsibility for the care, safety, support and nurturing that all children need.

    This is a five step process intended for daily use with no need for external help or resources, when we are having ‘an abnormal reaction to a normal situation’. De-triggering is an important process to break the cycle of reliving our trauma and reinforcing our flawed reactions. The five steps are:
    1. Recognize that you have been triggered… say to yourself “I was okay and now I’m not”. We need to own our own triggers, not blame others for our reactions, and see that we do have choice in how we respond.
    2. Speak the Feeling… say “I feel ___________” for each feeling you’re having. Say “it’s okay to have this feeling” for each feeling – validate it. Speaking out loud is important in discharging the feeling so that we can then respond rather than just react.
    3. Release the Energy around the feeling … go for a walk or run; wring out a towel; hit something; scream into a pillow — find something that works for you. These are strong feelings, and are accompanied by a lot of energy that is in motion (emotion) in our bodies. The idea is to release that, to give it up, to give it back.
    4. Re-Empower… Ask the child in us what s/he needs to do to take back their power? Reassure the child that they can’t hurt us any more, that I (adult self) won’t let that happen, and that we can respond to this situation, we can stand up for ourselves. So put the question to the child in you and see what ideas come up – a good ticking off to the perpetrator; ridiculing or laughing at them; treating them as unimportant and no influence in our lives or our decisions, etc etc. Then do what the child asks – out loud, perhaps in front of a mirror. The child needs us to listen to and validate them. The re-empowering step will store the memory as a satisfactorily completed event.
    5. Nurture… both the child and yourself. What does the child want to do for a reward? Again ask the question and see what ideas come up – to play a game, to paint, to have a favourite book read, go to a favourite place, etc etc.

    The challenge is to be able to apply the process and go through the steps when we are not at our best. This is a skill and it can be learned – what it takes is practice. Once you get good at it, you will find that you can successfully apply it in increasingly challenging situations, and it truly does support healing in my experience.

    • Dora Says:

      I appreciate your comments Frank and I am happy with your resolve to survive and eventually get help.
      Each person’s mental attitude/perception/resolve is different (or else we would be robotic) I survived abusive conditions whereas my two sisters did not. Sadly PTSD made one sister mentally ill all her life and the other ended her life age 38years.
      I think that because we have survived in one way or another, this should be celebrated even if it is a case of Dont Let the Bast+++s Win.
      Our burdens are as heavy as we want or expect them to be. We can choose to carry them all our lives or gently lay them down. Peace be with you mate.

  93. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    Thank you, Russ, for working this through with us all. I think this is healthy. My posts were a response to Mario’s posts, so I would prefer to let him go first. If there were no ‘God does not exist’ statement from him, I wold never have brought any of the ‘other side’ debate points out. Not here. I would be more than up to erasing everything I did write if the ‘threat’ were removed. I know I would be sympathetic to someone who said they did lose their faith due to abuse, and would probably only have empathized. But I don’t know how to change my posts until his changes, since I was responding, and reacting. It was Jesus who pulled me out of the desperation that no one else could understand, and I willl fight for him like Queen Boudica if his reputation is sullied. But if those remakrs are removed, I am completely okay with mine being removed as well.

  94. Mario Says:

    This is the last comment I will make on God and Religion. This is in response to those that sent me their argument, that the bible is true, that God exist and so on. It’s up to you to believe in whatever you want and to worship whichever God you prefer, I strongly defend my right to reject religion and their man made God in its entirety.

    The way the nuns and priest were, led me to question the validity of the Catholic church. How can these people act the way they do and believe in God? This is why I read about religions and their origins, I left High School after going to catholic school for 12 years 13 including kindergarten. Later in life I wound up with PTSD. (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

    I was only stating my reasons why I don’t believe in any religion and their man made gods.

    Delete my 12/14/2010 Post & My 12/20/2010. if you wish

    Whomever is in charge. I Believe it’s Firetender

    • Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

      As you may not realize, it was only me who responded to your posts about God and the Bible, Mario. My responses to you may be deleted as well. And I acknowledge your right to believe as you choose, as well. I also question the validity of the Catholic church, and vigorously. But Jesus, I know personally. Him I have never questioned. He probably does not need my vigorous defense, as the Holy Spirit is more than capable of doing that job in the hearts of men. The final revival is coming, the outpouring of Joel 2. He would never judge the world without giving all mankind the opportunity to see Him as he truly is, healing, love and restoring. The God who is good, and far better than any of us who believe in Him could ever have dared to imagine. Just saying, since that is my understanding. Be at peace, Mario. And I am so sorry for the abuse that caused PTSD. It splits us into pieces inside, as the protector parts move to protect, and the firefighters take up a stance to argue against all that wounded us, and give us another way to live, one that might make us safe from those that hurt us. God understands far better than we know.

  95. Brian Says:


    Please leave poor Mario alone. To Mario and all I apologize for not making comments in reply earlier, just busy and lazy. I have my own demons to deal with. It should be evident that most of us who have entered this blog in the past have certainly given up on the papists and many on religion in general; however, this blog IS NOT A RELIGION DISCUSSION GROUP. This blog is a form of group therapy where victims of abuse can share their stories and find comfort in the knowledge that really were not alone, that we were not the problem, that the problem was the generational false belief in letting the catholic church provide unregulated education to children. My parents and grandparents were educated by the Sisters of St Dominic (Dominicans) in Brooklyn and that was why they were screwed up and did not participate in the education of their children, as was the case with their parents. Only from talking to my estranged siblings, other family members, years of therapy and the revelations on this blog have I come to terms with my abuse at the hands of the brides of Jesus.

    “Believe nothing merely because you have been told it. Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatsoever, after due examination and analysis, you find to be kind, conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings — that doctrine believe and cling to, and take it as your guide” – Siddhartha Guatama, the Buddha

    • Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

      The celibate state of such large numbers of men and women ‘religious’ in the church is unnatural, and has bred human beings who are seriously emotionally damaged. Despite the difficulties of marriage, it is a far more healthy state for all but a few humans.

      Your post hurt my feelings, Brian, when you told me to ‘leave poor Mario alone.’ Russell, the firetender himself, had already dealt with this issue quite kindly without taking sides or insulting either of us, and those posts were removed with our permission. So as my mother used to ask ‘Who died and left you in charge?’ If religion is off limits for you, why quote the Buddha?

      My father attended a Christian Brother’s Academy for half of his 13th year. He left in the middle of the semester. He would never tell any of us why he left so suddenly, or why he kept us in the Catholic schools despite his obvious distrust and anger toward the church. My guess is that just as your parents and grandparents had been wounded, so was my father. He was not malicious in any way toward us, ever, but he had an explosive and unpredictable temper. It was obvious there was a lot of pain in there. It does help me to understand why my folks did not defend us, no matter what stories of cruelty we brought home.

      • firetender Says:

        Throughout this blog we will see divergent points of view with certain of the contributors rallying to the defense of one or the other. You yourself, Christine have not been without your supporters. Rather than micromanage one sentence of Brian’s post, a brief opinion amidst valuable input on a broader topic, I trust that ALL will accept that sometimes we say stuff that hurts a little without the intention to damage.

  96. firetender Says:

    As is obvious, I removed a few comments, all with the agreement of the posters.

    I want to thank Mario and Christine for working through some of their differences and then agreeing with having some of their posts removed. It really helps us keep on track.

    The truth is that this stuff has twisted the crap out of us and each of us struggles by any means necessary, appropriate or inappropriate, to somehow make sense out of the senseless acts heaped upon us.

    One of the by-products of this, quite frankly, is we’ve learned to distrust. Especially anything that smacks of authority and, in many cases, each other AND ourselves. I think a common theme running through here is that each of us has his or her “triggers” that, when least expected and almost never prepared for, suddenly wrench us into reactivity and it literally takes us a while to calm down and get centered again.

    I acknowledge this aspect of our traumas and where possible, will allow such seeking of equilibrium amongst the players here run their course, let the process of closure be transparent and then delete divisive and diverted responses so we can stay focused on supporting each other.

    If any of you, at any time, feel like you need to leave this thread because of conflicts with others, please PM me at and I’ll do my best to facilitate as long as all involved agree to keep the focus on recovery, for the good of all.

  97. firetender Says:

    I just re-read my latest blog on this site “Echoes of Abuse” and it said the biggest obstacle to overcome is that you realize you are HERE NOW and not THERE THEN.

    I need to take responsibility for my own blindness because it dawned on me that the nuns pretty much DID get away with it. The Catholic Church has changed significantly since the 1940’s, 50’s and 60’s and into the 70’s.

    Most of the “Old Guard” are dead and I don’t think they’ve been replaced. As evidenced on this site, one recent abusive situation was recounted, but even that was by a Nun from that sickening era.

    Could anyone here point us to a statistical summary of the populations of nuns in the US for each of the last seven decades? That would be helpful because I believe there has been a steady and significant decline in the hen house!

    That would mean, metaphorically, that as happens in this life and world, a wave of evil has passed; a tsunami that in historical time, swept in, decimated populations from all over the world, and then swept out.

    I honestly do not see the proportion of abuse going on today that I experienced. I suspect that Thanks to the spotlight on Priests — the tip of the iceberg — and a lessening of the overall cultural permission to allow corporal punishment, the individuals prone to such behavior keep themselves in check.

    Sadly, however, the attitude of the Holy See does not allow me to alter my position that, at the very least, the Catholic Church should be banned, like a child-molester, from having any formal contact with children. NOTHING IS BEING DONE TO EITHER ACKNOWLEDGE OR RESTRAIN THE “CULTURE” THAT SPAWNED THE ABUSE.

    It’s patently obvious that the Church is in a mode of Damage Control rather than modeling Christ-like contrition. ZERO effort is being placed on the re-design of the church so that the conditions that spawned the distorted actions by its sacred practitioners CAN NOT happen again. NOTHING IS BEING LOOKED AT, ONLY MONEY IS BEING JUGGLED!

    But I have to re-emphasize the reason I made this comment. Perhaps the War is over. Perhaps the enemy has passed, leaving us damaged to fend for ourselves. In those circumstances, what would we do? Well, we’d do our best to patch each other up and then rebuild a world where there’s no room for that kind of nonsense any more.

    Do any of you have children in Catholic Schools today?

    • Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

      When I looked up St. Francis of Assisi Elementary in Ann Arbor, MI, it appeared that all of the teachers are now ‘lay’ women; only the principle might be a nun. Until I came across this list, I assumed the abuse of the children was mostly sexual; I was assuming that the nuns had just taken a special dislike to me, but that they were kind to most students. So my question is: Is the world even aware that so many of us were abused sexually, physically, psychologically, and spiritually? The news media is glad to run with the news of each account of sexual abuse, but have the public at large ever heard that the cruelty of the church’s minions did far more than just defile its charges sexually? Each person on this list seems to be gifted as a writer. Are we the witnesses who need to bring our experiences into the public square, by as many written means as possible?

      • firetender Says:

        “Is the world even aware that so many of us were abused sexually, physically, psychologically, and spiritually? ”

        We’re workin’ on it!

  98. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    You are fair, Russell, and I appreciate that very much. May your tribe increase. And that is another one of my little mother’s expressions. She had a million of ’em. She once read the wants ads out loud to us, and after giggling out ‘skunk for sale: $500’ she raised her eyes and said pointedly: ‘Hope springs eternal!’ It does indeed.

  99. George Says:

    While setting ourselves at variance with one another is unproductive and we can rather use our energy to hammer at the perpetrators, we did need Mario’s discussion. The back and forth interaction, while it was off the track of the blog, wound up helping us all to know and understand each other better, to make this a better blog and to recognize that the trauma affected all of us in different ways.

    The abusive nuns may be dead but the results of the evil they did still lives. Until we let the world know what the nuns did on a much broader scale and make the church pay for it the evil won’t be eradicated. We have to speak for all those who can’t speak for themselves, the dead and those who were so damaged that they can’t write on a blog or don’t have someone to write what they think as my wife does for me.

    I would like to know if any of you have ideas of the best places to write about nun abuse such as newspapers (NY Times?), magazines or other blogs or web sites. Also, (to firetender) if we did want to write an article for a newspaper or magazine, would it be all right to mention this blog (either by name or just that there is a blog on nun abuse)?

  100. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    I read the article about the Belgian man who was sexually abused; thank you for attaching the site. I couldn’t help but wonder that again, only sexual abuse was mentioned. Is it possible that it is common for children who are psychologically abused through verbal abuse and blame feel that they somehow deserved the punishments, whereas it is easier to be aware that sexuality should not

  101. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    again, my sleeve sent the post too soon. I was saying that it might be easier for us to internalize the psychological abuse as deserved, and therefore it is not yet being mentioned in any of the occasions where victims bring out the sexual abuse.

    Also, when an adult — especially one trained in a religious system that believes marriage is not as pure as celibacy — abused children sexually, one can assume there is a deep need for those adults to blame and find fault with the child for their own actions. They may even come to hate the very innocence of the child as an indictment of their own wickedness. They may have reserved their basest hatred for us when they got us in the church, with our little hands folded in prayer. After all, if we were not vile little demons, then they were terribly guilty for their treatment of us.

    I often felt that they were not just reprimanding me to get some behavior — real but more often imagined on their part — changed, but that they had some inner need to destroy me. There was a punch to their shrieking because of the hatred even a child could sense in the unfairness of it all sometimes. It was that extra spiritual kick to the gut that hurt the worst. It was that punch that I still react to at times when I am criticized, no matter how appropriately or kindly.

    But, perhaps more people like the Belgian in the recent article speak of sexual abuse yet still repressing the other kinds, because until coming upon a list like this, we do think maybe it was that we had it coming.

  102. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    The question we have asked, on this list, is why this sickness exists in the catholic church, that these men and women assigned to the care and education of small children were instead so abusive?

    Well, how about this as a hypothesis. Human needs suppressed, treated as temptations, and the most powerful urges built into the human race to preserve it being transformed into weapons inside them. We were created to love, to marry, to have children, to express our needs. And the church has so taught suspicion of these human survival urges, that these people have assumed they could live outside them, or curb them. When the reality of their own humanness was stronger than they were, what sort of sin, self hatred, and twistedness took over? As a child raised by catholic nuns, I was violent toward all of my own human feelings, and the result of that was often that the powerfully suppressed feelings had to go somewhere: often it was to an aggressive self righteousness. If I was to deprive myself, I was by golly going to get some pride out of it somehow. I was as critical toward others as I was to myself.

    The alteration of this came from a friend who urged me to acknowledge my own needs. They might never be met, but they were not to be despised. He called us ‘fractionaters’ because we tore ourselves into pieces to avoid feelings that we rejected.

    At bottom, it is a theological position held by the catholic church in regards to sexuality itself, celibacy, and marriage. And no amount of suggestion to them that this is an unbiblical stance could reach them, because they think of themselves as being ‘the true church’ and the only ones that are following the traditions of the apostles. This belief keeps them beyond the reach of change or rebuke. Meanwhile, the human nature of the ‘religious’ monks, nuns, brothers, and priests, is used against them internally like a mighty and powerful weapon. Their own human nature, unfulfilled, becomes a walking poison source. If they were more humble, or looked to the Scriptures they claim to protect, they would find in their a deep respect for those realities they think it is holy to deprive themselves of.

    Unless this theological position, and the arrogance and ignorance which underpins it could be overturned, the broken religious orders will continue to damage each new generation. No human could ever convince the papacy that it is fostering a system which destroys as naturally as darkness will kill all growing things which need the sun to survive.

    • firetender Says:

      I’m thinking in terms of a very flawed, human system attracting very flawed humans to it. But there’s something more to this than being essentially sick because you pledge your life to the service of the Lord. Like many forms of abuse, it’s not an INHERENT behavior, it is LEARNED.

      That leads me to suspect that upon entering the convent, young, impressionable girls are violently stripped of their innocence in many ways. It’s got to be in the culture, highly suggestive that the sickest and most power-hungry make it to the top. They, in turn, become the role-models for the more impressionable of the Newbies. Suffering is imposed on them to accentuate repentance; self-loathing is a result. THEN comes the kicker; my definition of Evil, anyway. From that point on, living inside the nuns may very well be the twisted desire to riip the innocence from children in much the same way as it was ripped from them!

      • Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

        Russ, you have reminded me of a book I ran across on line several years ago. It was the story of an idealistic Canadian girl who joined the convent, truly to serve God. All was well until she had taken her final vows and there was no way back. She was expected to service the priests sexual needs, and when she refused, she was isolated, tortured, starved. She made some plan to escape and enlisted the help of a merchant who delivered to the convent door. She succeeded and made her way home to her family, who barely recognized her. They may even have been told that she had died. This was one of the cloistered convents, so that contact with family would have been cut off as she progressed through the system. That right there is sick. Who came up with such inhuman and unnatural ideas as ‘serving God’? The theoological base of this is NOT biblical, it has to come from hell.

        .It was hard for even me to believe the book was representative at the time. Was she telling the truth, I wondered? Was this some anomoly? Could this possibly be the norm? I seem to remember she wrote of the graves of the babies that had been conceived by the priestss, and the nuns who watched their infants taken away and murdered, and buried in the convent yard. At the time, it seemed too fantastical to be true. But she didn’t write like a person who just hated and wanted to lie and destroy. It was written like a testimony to what she lived through. So low key that it bore the marks of emotional masking, the tale of a person who had possibly truly lived through this hell.

        ‘We have no way of knowing.’ I thought. Because this does take place beyond locked convent doors. But I believed her, yet wondered why. God never asked this kind of crap of anyone in order to follow him. this is what the communists did with those who loved God: put them behind bars and deprived them of food for the crime of loving him. There they tried to force them to deny their love for Jesus. So isn’t this the very same as the woman said was done to her in this cloistered convent?

        Things done in secrecy were denounced by Jesus himself. What he did he did in the light. This stuff is purely from the pit of hell itself, depriving people of contact with their families as though this could make them ‘holy’, or as if this would do any good for anyone. It is sick. Isolation is a punishment in all the rest of the real world. And it sounds like the twisted but strong ones rose to power in these convents just as you suggest, Russ. So, we don’t know how often this was true, even in the convents where of necessity the women would be let out during the day to teach children, or work in hospitals. But it does seem that when we see a young woman twisted with hate, that someone is abusing her in the same ways behind closed doors.

      • Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

        I should have done a quick search first to find the nun who is very open about her experiences in the cloisters. Sister Charlotte, ex Carmelite nun was the one I came across just now via search engine. I read the beginnings of her testimony, and if it isn’t the same I read before, it is so like I couldn’t tell the difference. It began in the confessional with the priest grooming her toward a religious vocation as they call it. She came from a very wealthy family, and her forturne whatever she might inherit would be signed over to the convent when she took the black veil. She became a protestant preacher, and is one to this day, and says she does not hate the roman catholic people, and has forgiven them. If I knew how to send the little webaddresses to click on, I would do so. But searching via google brought up many sites, including discussions.

      • firetender Says:

        Here’s some other articles …I put them in our archives, as well — don’t miss those resources, folks!

        AND ADD TO THEM PLEASE (At this point in my life, I really seek to understand the bigger picture. This is one more piece to the puzzle in my discovery of the culture of which I was a part and victim of. (Mar. 2010) (Somebody sued!)
        Here’s that National Catholic Review online

        The endangered species called Catholic nuns

        Here’s an interesting overview of current issues, with lots of valuable links.

  103. Robert Godley Says:

    I’m 69 years old and have been and Episcopal priest for the last 35 years. When I speak publically in an ecumenical setting, I thank the Sisrers of Charity at Resurrection-Ascension School, Rego Park, NY, for my ordination to priesthood in he Episcopal Church. The comment is usually greeted by laughter as though intended as a joke. But I don’t intend it t be funny. I was from a foster home and had what we now know is ADD. The Good Sisters of Charity of Halifax were quick to point our that by not remebering long catachism answers, and the correct spelling of words I was being obstinant and disobdient. That I recovered to the extent I have from the emotional and physical scars. especially those inflicted by the sadistacaly gleeful Sister Catherine Therese, is a miracle. It took me years to realize that she and her fellow tormenters were formd by a diabolical system that only recently has come to be identified for what it was and could still be. God bless and keep whoever devloped and maintains this page. Forgiveness comes slowley, but by God’s grace it does.

    • Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

      I am glad you found your way here, Robert Godley. I see by the time stamp you were up late reading the posts. We are indeed a posse of refugees. brought here by God’s grace. So happy that you are now among us.

  104. maura hart Says:

    I’ve been reading these posts and have come a long way towards healing and understanding. that is not to say I forgive the women who tortured me and I wonder how they faced their God when they died. Today, we would arrest people like this. I hope others find these posts as helpful as I. There is always particular notice of the priests abusing sexually but you seldom see anything about violent nuns.

  105. Mario Says:

    Read about the Magdalen nuns and the laundries of Ireland. How children were severly abused and held in slavery. I saw the movie in 2002 Called the Magdalen nuns. The movie wasn’t out long for obvious reasons.

  106. maura hart Says:

    in my experience it was only violence not sexual abuse. Can you tell me
    whether most of you were violently abused or sexually abused?

    • firetender Says:

      Physically, non-sexual; though psychologically and emotionally, significant damage to my understanding and accepting myself as a male.

    • frank Says:

      not sexually, but physically, emotionally and spiritually. There was a gender bias with the good nuns, boys copped it much worse. 8th grade boys (12 year olds – final year of primary school) were all lined up and caned (“six of the best”) on Friday mornings at the start of school because they “need it at that age”.

  107. maura hart Says:

    the thing is, that it is incumbent upon ourselves for healing. Holding on to anger is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies. So, I’m 61 now, my abusers have most likely died, and I do believe they lived most unhappy, sad, unfulfilled lives. that has to be enough.

  108. maura hart Says:

    Interestingly, now, there are so few nuns left. Most Catholic schools are staffed by lay people and there are laws to protect children and parents would no longer accept abuse as normal treatment. So, perhaps, time has taken care of this scourge?

  109. frank Says:

    I want to affirm the firetender’s initial contention on this blog “it’s time to close it down” despite the evidence that the scourge of nuns abusing children has largely passed (are we sure this is not just in the developed world?). Here’s why. The Catholic Church is a highly successful multi-national organisation – powerful, enduring, wealthy, huge global ‘customer’ base with lifelong ‘loyalty’ to their ‘brand’ and their ‘products’. Why is this? Let’s examine their organisation from a structure, strategy and culture/norms perspective.

    BUREAUCRACY: It is a bureaucracy with a “we are right, everyone else is wrong” (the one true, holy, catholic and apostolic church) belief – which is how it justifies to itself the litany of horrors over its history: holy wars, the Spanish Inquisition, etc … and the abuse of its constituents, be they altruistic novitiate nuns, or abused kids in schools like us.

    SIN, GUILT, FEAR, PUNISHMENT: They focus on sin, guilt, fear, punishment, temporary or conditional redemption, and then restart the cycle. A distinct absence or fostering of love, innate goodness, self-confidence and self-esteem, forgiveness and support. As long as there is sin (in their terms), and as long as people believe the church is necessary to mediate their spirituality and relationship with the divine, they will be in business.

    ‘HIRING’: The people who join have already been through the system, they fit in, they perpetuate the culture and norms. The few of them who develop misgivings don’t often make waves, as the ultimate ‘crime’ is to do anything that might ‘damage the church’. They are fearful victims of the system they perpetuate – different fearful victims from us kids they abused – but fearful victims nonetheless.

    But these things are not unique – other religions are also bureaucracies that focus on sin, guilt etc. It seems that whenever and wherever people have held themselves up to be believed and followed regarding spirituality and the divine, i.e. all religions, seriously bad stuff inevitably happens. In looking at what might be unique and different about the religion/organisation that is the Catholic Church, three things stand out to me:

    1. Infallibility of the Pope – God’s representative on Earth, with rank-and-file clergy not far behind… certainly not created equal with the rest of us in terms of relationship with the divine; happy to have and to wield power and influence; hubris; completely and unquestioningly comfortable that they are right, that their way is the only way, and therefore comfortable that everyone else should fall in line. You never hear “I think . . . “ or “I believe . . . “ or “in my opinion . . . “, everything is stated as bald, unassailable, irrefutable truth. There is no room for question, let alone challenge. These are taken as evidence that the devil is at work. This is the formula that bureaucracies, dictatorships and cults rely on. In psychological terms it is called ‘classical conditioning’, which means “if I believe X to be true, and I know why I believe X to be true, then faced with new data I can change my belief. But if I believe X to be true and that is it … then data is irrelevant”. This is why the catechism was pounded into us by rote learning.

    2. Original Sin – this part of the organisation’s strategy is what I think feeds both their motivation and rationalisation for their overall approach to children. The nuns told us repeatedly that we are born full of sin and labelled some of us ‘evil’ and ‘the work of the devil’. Baptism, and later, confirmation are only steps on the way to “getting the devil out of” certain kids (“you can take the nail out of the piece of wood, but the hole will always be there”). They see themselves as righteous custodians, ever vigilant for “the work of the devil” and exacting vengeance on God’s behalf by beating the devil out of kids until they become (compliant) children of the church (and by the way, reliable supporters of the organisation in all manner of ways throughout their adult lives). Break them down, belittle them, remove their dignity, reduce them to nothing, then you can rebuild them. I know it sounds like a clichéd movie about military bootcamp (another bureaucracy) but that is what they systematically did … and original sin is the justification.

    3. Political & Economic Power – The other thing that they have done way better than anyone else historically as an organisation is building and maintaining political and economic power and influence in society. They have had no racial or ethnic boundaries … anywhere they could get in and colonise souls, they have done so. They have always been closely allied and influential with secular and political leaders no matter how abhorrent, or actually been the head of state themselves in those times when church and state were indivisible. It was only this week in Sydney where Cardinal Pell called on Catholic politicians to align with the Church regarding contentious social issues such as abortion, gay marriage etc. This was clearly pointed at Premier Keneally, a self-professed devout Catholic
    As for economic influence, they have continued to amass wealth very effectively over an extremely long period of time. This has been an essential part of their power platform, allowing them to have so much sway politically.

    Finally, as others have recently posted, the scourge that is child abuse by nuns that we all experienced may well be over in the western world, but is it where child abuse is not yet condemned by society? What are the church’s methods there – in parts of Asia or Eastern Europe, Africa or South America? What about the sexual abuse of children and adults by priests in those societies where the individual is insignificant and the church all-powerful? These are artefacts of a structurally and systematically flawed organisation that will inevitably continue to perpetrate atrocities in various forms, at various times and places as it has done throughout its history.

    But an organisation history perspective also provides encouragement for us that despite their success and longevity, perpetuity is by no means guaranteed. Witness the Roman Empire, any number of dynasties, communism, etc. How these things come to an end is also worth looking at – it is not a linear, step-wise disintegration – no, it is cataclysmic – it is the crumbling of the Berlin wall, the straw that breaks the camel’s back, the snowflake that causes the unstoppable avalanche. Is any one of you confident enough to say that the current ‘snowstorm’ the Catholic Church finds itself in, or our ‘snowflake’ in particular, won’t prove to be the beginning of the end for this evil anachronism?

    • Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

      Frank, this is an incredible piece of analysis and argumentation. Bravo! Very well organized and beautifully written. I like what Russel said too, we are going nowhere but UP!

      Speaking of original sin, too, it is ironic that they only saw this original sin in the children in their care and not in themselves. The actual biblical original sin can be stated this way: ‘We will know good and evil for ourselves and we don’t have to listen to God anymore to know it!’ And that, they assumed they did. Just like you wrote, they believe they are right and there is no standard outside of themselves to which anyone can hold them. So the very foundations of this colossal behemoth of human pride is original sin: ‘We know what is right and wrong and NO ONE, not even God, can tell us otherwise.’

    • firetender Says:

      Frank, it is so very important that we get reflections like this — kind of a sociological perspective, overview and opinion. It has always been my position that I seek to better understand the driving forces of the execution of an idea rather than the idea itself. Which is to say, ideas (Dogma, Beliefs, Commandments, etc.), like Gods, come and go. What we are affected by in the here and now is HOW those ideas were presented to us and the effects that had on our lives.

      I encourage you all to read my latest Blog “OMG What Did I Do?” I think I’m coming better to understand what is going on here. I think Frank’s post is relevant to the overview of understanding that contributes to healing. I hope you agree. Also, I added a number of new articles to our ARCHIVE; please, as you reference them in what you contribute, add them to the archive as well. I think it can be done.

    • George Says:


      The information that you wrote after “Let’s examine their organisation from a structure, strategy and culture/norms perspective” is very interesting. My wife wants to know if you have references for it or is it something you wrote. If it is the latter, then she would like to quote it in a book she is writing. Let me know.

      • frank Says:

        Yes George, it’s something I wrote. I am an organisational change consultant, so wrote from that perspective, and also as a ‘participant’ in the system. I am happy for it to be quoted. Also happy to discuss the context/thrust for using this in the book as I have written other pieces from this perspective that may suit too. Perhaps we could continue exploring this outside the blog?

    • George Says:

      Frank, we would like to contact you outside of the blog. Can you get my email address from Rus? Or is there another way to provide yours without putting it on this blog?

  110. maura hart Says:

    I totally agree it is NOT time to close down this blog. I cannot begin to tell you how this has helped me heal.

  111. maura hart Says:

    close down the blog? When I think of how those women beat me and terrorized me…..I wish I knew their real names. i would publish them every day and detail exactly what they did as the brides of Christ. They have not begun to answer for their sins, nor has the church itself begun to answer for its protection of pedophile priests, its position on condoms in Africa to prevent AIDS transmission, nor its protection of Nazi’s after WWiI
    And now we have a Nazi Pope. ????????????????

  112. maura hart Says:

    Firetender, I think this blog will die a natural death as fewer and fewer children go through what we did. In the meantime, it heals the hurts and hearts and minds of innocents. The nuns….well, God will take care of them. We are still here, and there are probably untold more. Allow them this venue to speak until it runs out on its own accord.

  113. frank Says:

    To Russ the firetender … where is the ARCHIVE, and how can we add stuff to it?

    • frank Says:
      This is an Irish TV documentary aired on Jan 17, 2011 which clearly but very gently shines the light on the Vatican’s role in covering up and mishandling sexual abuse by priests. Once you see this you will understand why they would not spare a single thought for the issue of child abuse perpetrated by nuns, even if that abuse was sexual.

      • Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

        ah Frank, it was you who sent the Irish doc link, thank you. my response to you shows up one letter down, under Maura’s note. I still don’t have the hang of this reply business. letter always seems to be somewhere other than where I thought…

  114. maura hart Says:

    this blog rules! These nuns would have had their power wielded over children till the early 70’s when nuns began leaving the convent in droves.
    there are millions more kids out there that haven’t seen this and still feel crazy. This is a good place, Firetender you have done a Mitzvah.

  115. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    Thank you for sending the link to ‘Would You Believe’ which was an Irish made documentary on the sexual abuse in the Irish church that the bishops tried to deal with and the Vatican would not let them. This is recent. Several have suggested that the dearth of nuns means the abuse is in the past. It is not…



    You can e-mail me at if you have questions. Thank you in advance for your cooperation, I DO appreciate your contributions to this blog!

    Russ, a firetender

  116. Mary Rutley Says:

    The cruelty that you and your sisters endured, Dora, at the hands of THE SISTERS OF CHARITY OF OUR LADY OF MERCY, was unforgivable. Charitable and merciful? My arse!

    This order of nuns has a dreadful history. When I was a little boarder at their convent in Dartford, they frightened me half to death. But the children at a private convent could run away – and some did. We also had freedom from the nuns’ abuse during the holidays, unlike the kiddies in the orphanages for whom there was no escape.

    Coincidentally, I was also terrorised by a midget – Sister Immaculate. Indeed, I remember many of the Dartford nuns for being midgets, misfits and ugly mugs – they had obviously become the brides of Christ because they knew they would never become the brides of anyone else.

    Sister Teresa had a face like a bowl of vomit. When she left Dartford, she was sent to your old orphanage at Pantasaph, and then to Preston. Her photo appeared in the Lancashire Evening Post about four years ago, and she hadn’t changed – she still looked like a mad old bat. I emailed the journalist responsible for the photo in the LEP about my memories of Sr Teresa’s perverted behaviour, and the article was removed from the net.

    When the Pope came to Britain last September, he spoke about the “unspeakable crimes” committed against children. He was referring, as the world knows, to the paedophiles within the Catholic priesthood who invaded little boys’ rectums. But when is Benedict, and the Vatican, going to confront the psychological, physical and sexual abuse inflicted upon generations of children by Roman Catholic nuns?

  117. pattyann Says:

    I thought about writing to the archbishop in our area in hope of enlightening him to the horrors of my past. I do not know if it will do any good. The mother house is still where it has always been, and I have thought of sending a letter there too. I wonder how healing it would be for me to express my pain to someone in authority in this day and age. Would they read it? Who knows.
    I attended a Mass a few years back where they were having a collection for the retired clergy. The priest said “to those of you who have nightmares to this day about Catholic school, put a couple of bucks in, those old nuns are dead.” This made me think that my experience was more widespread than I thought.

    • Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

      Hi Pattyann,

      Just to hear it acknowledged even that much felt a bit validating to me. I don’t know what age that priest was, but he may have been one of those kids himself.

    • frank Says:

      Hi Pattyann,
      Your experience is certainly widespread. These are important issues you raise … personally I have found it helpful to separate HEALING and JUSTICE – and you (and we all) owe it to ourselves to make good choices about these things – because we are worth it! Healing can be attained without justice, and justice without healing. They don’t necessarily go together.

      The Church may well be the worst place to go for either healing or justice. Time and evidence have established that the Church system has a defensive, self-protective stance to the issue of abuse, and the abused don’t figure in their plans, except as far as damage minimisation goes – but they are not interested in your healing, nor justice for you, except on their own terms and from their perspective on the issue.

      If you got a response from writing to the Archbishop, you will almost certainly be left feeling worse in a number of ways or tricked into entering into their version of your healing and justice for you, which may read okay, but that trail is littered with damage and disappointment for those who have tried before you.

      If you want justice, think about finding a group or lawyer whose mission is justice for the clerically abused. They can tell you what is involved, how best to go about it, help you make an informed decision based on the risks and rewards, and how to get started.

      On healing, you say: “I wonder how healing it would be for me to express my pain to someone in authority in this day and age” … what about professional counselling and group work with other survivors of child abuse instead? That is far more likely to help move you forward than the system that abused you.

    • George Says:

      pattyann, about writing to the abusers: if it were me, I would write to them. I wouldn’t expect a reply. But even if they don’t respond they will know that this issue has not gone away –that it is still out there. We don’t want them to think we have forgotten what they did to us. I would just state the facts of what happened: when, where and who did the abusing. It shouldn’t sound like you are vulnerable or frightened — just let them know they need to take responsibility for what they did to you and to all of us. You should be confident because we all support you.

      • firetender Says:

        It feels to me kinda like going to the Grand Nephew of your Father and telling him what a creep your Dad was.

        How is that serving you? It may as well be a stranger on the street because whatever you say has no applicability to the recipient’s life, unless, of course, it’s important that he know HE’S being watched.

        But he’s not. No one is because everyone acts like the issue of nuns was never alive in the first place.

        That’s WHERE I think you and all of us can make a difference. The energy it would take (psychic and otherwise) to get up the gumption to try and convert the unconvertible might be better spent recruiting more of US to speak our truths and support each other.

    • George Says:

      pattyann, thank you for asking whether it was a good idea to contact the abusers. It gave me the incentive to go to the website of the Dominican nuns and send them an email relating what those “Women who make a difference” did to me (and many others) and telling them it was time that they took responsibility for their actions.

      • George Says:


        I agree with what you said, that it is imporant that the abusers know they are being watched. True, they might not reply but if it gives even one of them some grief, then we are tipping the scale of justice towards us.

  118. maura Says:

    Patty Ann, I read your response today about the mass where the priest said that if you still had nightmares about catholic school, those old nuns were dead and you should throw a couple of bucks in the basket. Well the catholic church is the biggest real estate holding company in the world, and he was glossing over gross abuse of power, and in fact criminal acts.
    Personally, at that time I would have walked out!

  119. Robert Godley Says:

    What a reflief it has been to discover that all those painful memories of humiliation and physical abuse, were not just exageserated and distorted personal memories. The nuns n my parish were so fear provoking and powerful, even the priests, themselves proucts of the Catholic scholl system, would cower in their presence. Thank you all for this window of memory validation. I believe the statutes of limitation in some states have been extended in the case of sexal abuse by priests. That happened only after an avalance of pubicity. Going public in some heavy duty ways about nun abouse, may br required efore the Rman Cathlic Church seriosly.

    • George Says:


      Going public is a great idea. Now that I sent a letter to the website of the Dominican nuns, I feel a lot better. Writing to the abusers enabled me to say what I had wanted to say when I was a defenseless child but without getting beat into a coma from those cowards. They can’t hurt me now that I am an adult. The person who reads the email, a representative of the church, will know what their predecessors did. It’s like the Holocaust, if everyone forgets about it, it never happened. I plan to send more letters to any representatives of the church that I can find, including to the Vatican. If even one recipient thinks a kind thought or drops out of the church, it is worthwhile.

  120. Mary Rutley Says:

    Twenty years ago, I had a letter published in The Times about the psychological sadists at my Catholic boarding school in Kent. In response, I received an avalanche of correspondence from readers who had endured similar experiences at the hands of nuns in Britain.

    So I sent a copy of my letter in The Times, together with copies of some of the readers’ letters, to the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy at their headquarters in Wales, without knowing that they had also owned two orphanages where their cruelty had been far more extreme than anything I had endured. Did any of those perishing reply? Of course not!

  121. Brian Says:

    Blog entry fron “” about tens of thousands of nuns having no siciakl security, no safety net upon retirement and being left on the streets. Entry in response to those saying the poor old nuns.

    R… wrote:
    It is sad how the dedicated nuns who where the back bone of the catholic church wereso un noticed for all their good works While the bishops and priests such a life of luxury and freedom and brought much scandal to the church Judgement day is coming

    What “Bells of Saint Mary” fantasy are you living? As someone who had no one but the Sisters of Saint Joseph in parochial grade school in the 1970’s, I have nothing but contempt for them. Of the 32 or so Nun that I was subjected to, I had only two sisters who were only moderately christian and competent in their behavior but the rest were vile, vindicative harpies.
    The demise of the majority of liberal women religious order can not happen soon enough. Let them embrace the cross of true proverty and beg for alms on the street.

    • Jack W Says:

      Brian, re the Sisters of St Joseph, parochial grade school, and the “vile, vindictive harpies,” you mention. If I were to narrate my experience, it would include every word you have written. Maybe I’ll get into specifics later. The Sisters of St Joseph I had the misfortune to experience were an outfit out of Philadelphia; the school was called St Joseph (the Carpenter?), and it was located in Roselle, NJ. My dates of attendance were grades 1-6 in the years 1942-1948. I would have given anything of the little I then possessed to have gone to the public schools in Roselle (before that town decayed), and I envied my playmates who did.

      Most of these nuns were physically abusive, and used painful earpulling and cheek tweaking as well as face slapping. There was nothing in their example that I ever detected, of Christian charity–you know, the Golden Rule, the Beatitudes, etc. They did significant and enduring emotional damage, but the effects have decreased over the years, and I have become quite philosophical about the matter. I can “share” with other recovering Catholics among my Unitarian co-religionists.

      I recall having seen the “Bells of Saint Mary’s” too, which came out, I think, in the late 1940s. Ironies about the actors were that the “good nun,” (I could hardly believe one such existed!) “committed adultery” in real life, and the crooner frequently used the belt on his children. But, few today remember these ephemera, and perhaps they are not relevant here.

      My second and third grade teacher (unfortunately one and the same) did lots of slapping and screaming, and often flew into hysterical rages, and at such time, the class, quaking in terror (second and third graders do that) were required to sit erect, silent, and fold their hands. The two worst were the furies I suffered in grades 4 and 6, viz, Sister Alma Gertrude and Sister St. John of the Eucharist. Both were in the habit of holding general inquisitions by means of a lineup. The suspects were lined up in front of the class, and interrogated, while being slapped or tweaked severely in order to extract some kind of confession. To those who had been slapped, but were later conceded to be “not guilty,” these little sinners were counseled to “give it up–the pain–for the souls in purgatory.” The best defense mechanism was elaborate prevarication and covering for each other. As we got bigger with age, some nuns became more diffident about dishing out punishment. One aggravates 6th grader hit back once, and with telling effect. That was his ticket to public school. Some of us were guilty of the capital sin of Envy. Most of the girls were spared these rigors, but there were exceptions. If they were really poor and with a very bad home background–well, let’s say, that didn’t help.

      But, consider the rewards. Every now and then, these nuns would give us “holy pictures,” which we could contemplate, and perhaps tuck into the missals we had received at our first holy communions. Some of these gems included St. Lawrence being roasted, St. Sebastian being perforated with arrows, and St. Agnes (you really don’t want to know!). I wonder, for those who saved these gems, are they like rare baseball cards? How much would they be worth today?

  122. maura Says:

    Thank you for all you have done.

  123. nancy kimble Says:

    Interesting discussion and thank ALL of you for sharing your experiences and perspectives. They have been very helpful to me personally-more than you all know.
    I live in the here-and-now, not the there-and-then. My only objective in contributing to this discussion was to share my experience, not to discuss larger ecumenical issues. However, it’s about impossible to ignore them, no?
    I am not at all surprised to hear of experiences that resulted in PTSD, C-PTSD, etc. that were the result of attending Catholic schools and directly attributable to the actions of the nuns.
    However, they are responsible for their abuses. The etiology/pathology in my perspective is irrelevant: The fact that they had access to, abused and continued to do so despite the knowledge of those in positions of authority is neither acceptable nor excusable. Many of us come from less than charmed backgrounds….and we did not become abusers. More ethically disgusting IMO was and is the refusal of the Catholic Church to acknowledge the reality of their complicity in the abuse.
    There are acts of commission and acts of OMISSION-as in “Sweep it under the rug.” Certainly not an outright or stated agenda, but to remain mute in the evidence that is presented-informally, perhaps, but no less real and GLOBAL is to participate in the silence-and complicity….
    Oh that we, the survivors could simply “sweep” the abusers and abuse away. As children we are physically/psychologically/emotionally/ spiritually “pliable” as well as vulnerable. I believe it’s called Human Growth And Development. We were the unwitting victims of incomprehensible perpetrators-we were the kids, they were the “gown-ups” AND more terrifying in view of the “authority” vested in them by the Catholic Church. We bear no culpability. The onus and disgrace lies with the Catholic Church and its minions. An apology will never be forthcoming as it would underscore institutional responsibility which ultimately lies with each participant. In any event, if one were to be rendered it would be a “blanket” and disingenuous “apology” no doubt.
    Consequently, my personal response has been to leave this “Church” and to speak my truth when and if the topic arises. A “boycott” by one can become a movement by many if we chose to act on our own moral imperative, practical experience as well as own personal spiritual growth-DESPITE our experiences.
    Again, many thanks to all. I see the School Sisters of Notre Dame (the abusers I was exposed to) have a web site. I have no clue why they would choose to “advertise” in view of their horrific heritage of abuse of children. No doubt history is being re-written in terms of their despicable legacy in an effort to “recruit” those whom, for all I know are the next generation of abusers.
    We do not have that luxury: We can not re-write or rebuke our histories and experiences.
    Nonetheless, we ALL know the cliche regarding history and those who refuse to learn-never mind acknowledge the “lessons learned.” In view of this reality I have no reason to trust the Catholic Church as a viable institution which is self-reflective, never mind self-corrective.
    Thanks, once again to all of you.

  124. George Says:

    Today on CNN there is a story about pedophile priests getting caught in Philadelphia. I went on their blog and said the following. A lot of people will see this and hopefully it will contribute to exposure of all of the Vatican’s henchmen and women.

    These priests should receive much harsher punishment than non-clerical pedophiles because they have broken not only society’s laws, but God’s laws. They took God’s name in vain when they used His name to persuade these poor children to do their bidding. The priests are just the tip of the iceberg. There are tens of thousands of children all over the world who were physically and sexually abused by Roman Catholic nuns — these women were just as wicked or worse than the priests. Just Google “abusive nuns” and you will find out about the rest of the Vatican’s evil minions.

  125. frank Says:

    Here is a recently published cogent historical perspective covering the church, the State, the general populace and the sexually abused of Ireland.

    It is relatively easy for the church to brush off the rantings of the abused on blogs around the world, but much harder to ignore a six-page, journalistically excellent treatise published in one of the world’s pre-eminent newspapers. It is exactly this type of ‘sledgehammer’ that needs to be taken to the ‘Berlin Wall’ that is the Catholic Church… And like the Berlin Wall, its demise will be a result of critical mass — continuing to stand, appearing solid, until a rapid and catastrophic disintegration as the structural and systemic malaise at the foundation of the organisation engulfs it.

    It is exactly pieces like this that expose and illuminate the invalidity of the standard ‘party line’ that the church trots out “… Yes there have been some problems, but it is just a few bad apples… And now we have redressed the issue”. The story amply demonstrates that it indeed is an organisational issue in which the culture continues to be blind, tolerant and apologetic of the elephant in the room that it sees as a mouse, as part of its pathetic and misguided attempts to ensure sustainability based on power/control, both of people and governments, and of wealth. The other major misapprehension the church organisation suffers under is that it is right, it has always been right, and it will continue to be right. They are huge, inflexible and know no other way. This is why the change that would be required equates with obliteration. It is inconceivable that the organisation could make the changes required and continue to exist. It would amount to the creation of an organisation totally unrecognizable as the church given the structural and systemic nature of the beliefs, values, attitudes, structures, systems and culture that tolerated, if not encouraged, this longstanding global abomination. Organisations are perfectly designed to be as they are, and get what they get.

    When I wrote a letter to the editor of the Honolulu Advertiser in 1998 calling for the anachronism that is the Catholic Church to forever close its doors in the wake of the senior prelate of Boston at the time being exposed doing the ‘paedophile shuffle’ of offending priests from Parish to Parish, their refusal to publish was predictable. What was not predictable at the time, or imaginable, was stories like this appearing in the mainstream press. There is a palpable increase in momentum over the last decade and a bit. However, large masses of humanity aren’t really interested in the stories of mature adults who were sexually abused as children for two reasons — it happened a long time ago, and the organisation involved is irrelevant to them anyway. The real challenge is with the faithful and whether or not they can separate their faith from the organisation that touts itself as its keeper, whether they can move on to establish a direct spiritual connection with the divine, un-mediated by the grossly flawed interventions of human beings that history shows to have been the bane of all religions.

    There is however an issue that isn’t being receiving much press, possibly because it is both secondary and related to the primary focus of sexual abuse of children by priests. What about the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual abuse of far more people than have been sexually abused? What about the abuse doled out by nuns and brothers in schools and institutions? Innumerable people who were non-sexually abused by other than priests in the Catholic system have had their lives ruined. Such people are finally coming together and telling their stories in online blogs such as this.

    When looked at from an organisational perspective, non sexual abuse perpetrated by members of the organisation other than priests undoubtedly derives from the same fundamental organisational imperatives. I would love to read a story by this journalist on this other part of the dark underbelly of the Catholic Church.

    • firetender Says:

      BRAVO, FRANK! (You in HI?)

      • George Says:

        Frank, you said, “It is relatively easy for the church to brush off the rantings of the abused on blogs around the world.” It doesn’t appear to me that people on this blog or other blogs are, “ranting” — for someone who is such a prolific writer, you could choose your words more carefully. There are words that better reflect the nature of the people who blog about abuse.

      • George Says:

        Firetender, I saw that you started another blog called Building Abusers. I added a comment but do others on this blog know about it? I don’t see any other comments.

      • firetender Says:

        Somewhere along the line I may be missing something.

        “A firetender’s blog” was originally set up for me to talk about some things that have and continue to shape me in my exploration of the healing arts. It was meant to be a companion to my website. I placed a post about my outrage regarding the way Nuns have gotten off the hook for abusing children like myself and it took on a life of its own.

        So, WITHIN my “a firetender’s blog” I set up a “category” for all my postings regarding Child Abuse at the hands of Nuns. “Building Abusers” was a separate POST within that CATEGORY.

        I think what’s happened is my initial posting was a THREAD on a firetender’s blog. You all became a part of that THREAD.

        What I probably need to do is SEPARATE the THEME from my larger Blog so it is focused and no one gets confused.

        This goes along with the Facebbook page. Yes, I am Russ Reina, a firetender on Facebook, but we need to be a separate entity. I embrace the role I’m playing here but DO NOT want to be identified with it. This stuff, today, is but one small part of the work I’m doing within the realm of the healing arts, and remember, my intention is NOT to be the Poster Boy for Child Abuse at the hands of Nuns, I want this Blog’s primary purpose to be a SAFE HAVEN for those affected to WORK THROUGH the traumas WITH each other…not to necessarily be a POLITICAL FORCE.

        So, what do you guys think and who knows how to do it…

        Should we separate the info here into a dedicated blog called something like, “Underneath the tip of the Iceberg; Nuns, Child Abuse and the Catholic Church.” And then establish a Facebook Page for just the promotion of the web site?

        What do you think and who can help me do this right?

        Did you get the

      • George Says:

        Firetender, In reply to your request:

        Should we separate the info here into a dedicated blog called something like, “Underneath the tip of the Iceberg; Nuns, Child Abuse and the Catholic Church.” And then establish a Facebook Page for just the promotion of the web site?

        I think it is a good idea to separate the Nuns, Child Abuse blog from the promotion of your web site and any other endeavors you are making to help people. But you could put a link to your website for those who want to expand their efforts. On the website you could link to Facebook or any other information not related to nun abuse.

      • firetender Says:

        I think it is a good idea to separate the Nuns, Child Abuse blog from the promotion of your web site and any other endeavors you are making to help people.

        George, I go back and forth about this a bit. I set up a firetender’s blog so I could talk about personal things outside of the context of my greater life, which, only in part, includes letting people know about the work I do. Most of my writing efforts are a giveaway. Were you to see my bankbook you’d be clear on how little the website promotes or sells!

        The truth is, this topic is the ONLY aspect of my personal life I’ve been examining!

        The only thing I’m really selling now is my book, and I have other websites and blogs set up to do that. The book and its blog is already linked to the firetender site but those, and references to counseling or workshops, comprise maybe 5% of its content.

        So, where I’m at today is moving this on to its own site will mean my focus will need to shift to the managing of that site, it will inevitably get political, not personal and I don’t want to have a lot of my life energy wrapped up in that.

        What I think I can do best today is to provide a space and keep the focus on track for people who are really interested in helping each other heal.

        Any of you are welcome to start a Facebook page on the subject and link to me. a firetender’s blog is meant to be personal and I want to keep it that way.

        I reserve the right to be swayed to change my mind, but for now…

        Once again, I’m not interested in starting, promoting or furthering a movement. Whatever began here was an inadvertent by-product of my need to vent. I simply want to continue my personal exploration of the traumas of my childhood experience.

        I really didn’t want to go back there myself, but your input has called on me to look deeper and, from what I learn, report on possible ways out for other kids affected like myself.

        To that extent, I may be more useful to refer the activists amongst us to the Facebook page while retaining the original intent of this blog; to be a place where the Warriors can come for respite and support.

      • frank Says:

        In reply to your question George, I’m not on Facebook and have no idea if it could become a significant tool for putting pressure on the church. To the firetender’s thoughts, I agree that the focus of this blog (even if it gets restructured for the reasons outlined) should continue as is – a safe haven for those abused by nuns to share, encourage, talk about healing and justice.

  126. frank Says:

    Thanks George, and my sincere apologies for any offence taken … I don’t for one minute think that what you, I and others have written here is ranting. What I meant was — that is how the Church hierarchy might describe it. The Church can trivialise or ignore what you, I and others write here and not be too bothered at all by it.

    However they will find it very difficult to ignore good journalism such as Russell Shorto’s New York Times article. Investigative journalists in democratic societies have proven to be a particularly powerful force for social change over the years, exposing organised crime (mafia, drugs, human trafficking), government and judicial corruption (Watergate; CIA intervention in foreign politics) and organisations with dark secrets (tobacco, asbestos, pollution, offshore child labour). Here in Australia, there are two journalists at the Melbourne Age — Nick McKenzie and Rafael Epstein who regularly shine a light on the issue of child abuse at the hands of the Catholic Church.

    One of the tangible, practical things any of us can do is to make contact with journalists who write on this issue, encourage them and reinforce just how important and meaningful it is that this story continue to be told from all angles — the hardships of the abused; the malevolence of the perpetrators; the cover-ups, secrecy, inaction and illegal practices of the Church.

    • George Says:

      Frank, getting noticed in the NY Times is certainly a good way to further our cause but it isn’t easy to get a Times reporter to do an article. Journalists here in the U.S. don’t seem to be interested unless there is a major case of clergy abuse. What about Facebook? If enough of us belong to it, this could be a good way to get more people aware of clergy and especially nun abuse. Do you or Firetender belong to it I wonder.

    • George Says:

      Frank, well I didn’t get directly to a journalist, but I did get my account of nun abuse on a popular website. It is the National Catholic Reporer website. Here is the web link.

      It is a good starting place. Now if you and other people on this blog can respond to my posting and get their stories on the web site we can further expose the abusive nuns and their organization. Getting our message out is gaining momentum. If there is already publicity on the web then a journalist may be more interested.

  127. Mario Says:

    Great minds run in great circles.

  128. Tom Says:


    I was “educated” by the Dominican sisters of Akron, Ohio, and still have the scars 50 years later. I don’t have the energy to read it all now, nor to respond, but thank you from the bottom of my heart. It helps so much to know I was not alone and that I was not and am not crazy. When I look at children now, I wonder how any adult could have treated children so badly.

    So many of those sisters are dying. Their obituaries always speak of their devoted service, etc. I’d like to see just one that told the truth. I always think of showing up at a nun’s funeral to sing Ding Dong the Witch is Dead!

  129. Mario Says:

    Tom I couldn’t agree more, I would sing it with you. LOLOLOL

    The Catholic Church, have fathers who aren’t fathers, mothers who aren’t mothers, brothers who aren’t brothers, and sisters who aren’t sisters, they swear off sex, and then try to explain ‘family values’ to the rest of us.

  130. maura Says:

    Hi Firetender,
    this site helped me realize I wasn’t crazy, what happened to me happened to many others also. Thank you for your time and hard work. I have even connected with some other people that were in the same catholic orphanage as me.

  131. Mary Rutley Says:

    An alumnus of St Aldabert’s in Elmhurst has described the abuses by the nuns at that school on the Catholic National Register. It’s a horribly familiar story – with a caveat. Not all the nuns at St Aldabert’s would have been ‘psychotic’. For as the world now knows, innocent children were abused by twisted and sexually repressed nuns who were not insane, but depraved. But any page on FACEBOOK where there is criticism of St Aldabert’s is always taken down. So thank you to Firetender for giving a voice to all the victims of Cathlic Nun Abuse.

    • George Says:

      I put the following on the St. Adalbert’s School Survivor site when I saw your comment.
      “Like Mary Rutley I was incarcerated in another school, St. Agnes in Sparkhill NY, run by the Dominican nuns. They put me in a coma when I was 3 years old and gave me permanent brain damage. Abusive nuns are all over the world and the more we talk about them, the better our chances of making what they did as visible as the priest scandal. I just got some info put on the Catholic National Register. I urge you all to send something to them about abusive nuns. the more the world hears of this, the better.” They must have someone watching the group and getting it removed. I wonder what the criteria is for getting a group removed from facebook? This seems like freedom of speech is not recognized by facebook. I noted there was foul language on the site and I wonder if that is it?
      I wonder if someone can censor this blog?

      • Mary Rutley Says:


        At least we have freedom of speech here. But I, too, have wondered if someone will try to censor this blog. JUST LET THEM TRY. Vengeance is ours; we will repay, saith the victims of Catholic NUN abuse.

      • George Says:

        Mary and All

        I checked and Facebook does take pages down if there is profanity. So that St. Adalbert page keeps disappearing because of their wording. WordPress also censors material on blogs that they run but what they take down seems to vary. They have a program running to catch objectionable text but it’s not public.

  132. frank Says:

    Philadelphia Grand Jury names 21 priests

    get this – A Grand Jury indictment and they’re placed on leave!!!!

    Here’s the script: “deny, pre-varicate, shift the focus, cover-up, deflect, obfuscate, downplay, obstruct, placate, minimalise … But whatever you do, don’t take any real action!!”

    These are the essential steps being passed down from Pope to Cardinal to Archbishop to Bishop in “The Paedophile Shuffle” the wildly popular dance craze that has swept through the Church hierarchy worldwide for more than a decade, whereby you skilfully manoeuvre problem priests from parish to parish with hardly anyone noticing!!

  133. George Says:

    Firetender, that was a great piece of writing! You said it all. Why are these priests, who are all U.S. citizens, I assume, going free? If they are citizens of the corrupt Vatican, then why doesn’t the Court deport them and get them off the streets of Philadelphia? A one way ticket would be good. And I like you getting political – you’re good at it.

  134. tomal Says:

    I too suffered abuse by the “sisters of St Joseph” at Sacred Heart School in Newton Centre, Massachusetts. I attended from 1960 to 1966. Of the three children in my family; I have severe disableing panic attacks / agorophobia from my experiences at this school….My brother and sister also attended and have panic attacks as well …all related to our abuse by the nuns. It was too bad that the most violent nun in the school was the “First Grade Nun”. She had this obsession that the inside of our desk had to be perfect. She would stand in the back of the class, bend her head down so she could see in the desks….then….when she saw a messy one would run up quickly, scoop her hands in the desk and fling everything inside it all over the floor. Then she would yell…..”you like a mess…then I’ll give you a mess”…..PICK IT UP

  135. Florence Silworth Says:

    Like many of your other contrbutors I personally witnessed he harshness
    of the harshness of these women,in the late 1960’s,while a boarder at an
    Like many of your other contributors I personally witnessed the harshness of these women,in the late 1960’swhile a boarder at an all girls
    Sister of Mercy convent secondary school in New South Wales,Australia
    The school was in a predominantly working class area
    with a large number of immigrant families and many social problems like broken homes,teenage gangs and solvent abuse So,I guess it wasn’t all that surprising that quite a few ‘troubled teens’ from this area ended up at our school The convent also took in catholic girls who had been expelled from other schools and a few Island girls.from Samoa and Tonga who had been in trouble in the islands One would have thought that the sisters would have been kind and understanding to such girls and taken the time to counsel them But sadly this was not the case
    Many of these women,particularly the older ones,were bad tempered and unfriendly and went out of their way to find fault with these girls behaviour and frequently resorted to the use of corporal punishment
    And,at our convent you could get the strap or the ruler over the hand or back of your legs for the smallest things like running in the corridors or talking during prayers It was so unjust but we dared not question their right to treat us like this for fear of being sent to Mother Superior a humourless nun in her fifties from Ireland
    Unlike the teaching sisters she used the cane which at our school was only given cross girls bottoms She also believed in humiliating wrongdoers at assembly in front of the school So,sometimes hair would be cut shockingly short for wrong hairstyles,mouths washed out with soap for swearing and if you had been rude to one of her sisters you would be publicly browbeaten before being sent off to srub floors or,wait outside her office tobe caned In cases where girls had brought shame to her convent these canings would almost always be carried out in front of the school as warning to the rest of us Shortly after I arrived at the convent a hardcase ex gang girl from the islands and four of her final year classmates got caught drinking in a bar in town and were really
    rude to the policewoman who brought them back to school
    Next morning all five were told to report to assembly in their thin cotton pe shorts and after the formal business of assembly was over they were bundled onto the stage where they had to make a full apology to the policewoman.mother superior and the other sisters for what they had done Then one by one in truly humiliating fashion she bent each girl over a table and caned her It was awful and everybody present in the hall was shocked They were tough high spirited girls but by the time she had finished with them they were in tears and wouldn’t be able to sit down properly on their stinging bottoms for days after and according to one of my friends the marks left by the cane were quite awful This kind of thing happened a number of times while I was there and there were countless more canings in her office
    Looking back it makes me so angry that these women got away with treating us like this I know schools were much stricter in those days,than today,but there was certainly no excuse for humiliating girls at assembly
    or the excessive use of corporal punishment though I suppose there a few times when the strap and even the cane might have done a lot of
    good I don’t know if other convents in our country,who didn’t take in problem girls,were as strict as ours but what I do know is that these sisters will have a lot to answer for on judgement day!

  136. Mary Rutley Says:

    Yesterday I watched a film, based on fact, about evil and abusive nuns at a Magdalen laundry in Ireland where teenage girls were routinely abused. One girl called the Reverend Mother a “fucking twisted bitch”. As the above stories confirm, there were an awful lot of fucking twisted bitches in the Roman Catholic Church.

    And isn’t it strange that none of the orders we have exposed has dared to deny our allegations? They are all frightened, of course, of opening a hornet’s nest.

  137. firetender Says:


    Sorry for the late notice, but such is life!

    Check out my latest BLOG in this category to see how it happened,

    An unexpected Gift!

    then tune in! I hooked up with a Blogtalk Radio host for this show. What’s very cool is we get RE-BROADCAST on two larger shows in NY and Houston for a week as well!

    Tuesday, April 12 at 8-9PM EASTERN / 5-6PM PACIFIC time

    Yes, the show will be on live and listeners can call in to participate, : 714-364-4731 Press 1 to signal if you have a question.

    About 20 minutes after the show concludes, it will be available to listen to download on demand.


    Sunday 4/17 it will air nightly for 7 days at 8:30pm ET on, and 9PM CT on

    No guarantee how long I will be on as other guests will be sharing the space, but I will be prepared to stoke some fires!

  138. Harry Says:

    I was in a Catholic home at the age of 6, The first was St.Mary of the angels in Syosset NY, and the other was the Daughter of Wisdom in Port Jefferson NY. The orphanage had planty of butt kissers and brown noseing for the nuns. Always ratten on others. Two legged rats. They behave as if the Catholic orphanage was their real home. You want to know what a nun is, nun of this and nun of that.


  139. carmen Says:

    Here in Philippines, the nuns and the priests are the worst. I even have videos of nuns overtaking in lines just because they are nuns. They are arrogant and feel that they are royalties. I have videos of two dominican sisters overtaking the lines during election. They don’t pay the taxes yet have the gall to intervene in our government.

  140. frank Says:

    One line of thinking is that nuns who abuse children think they are doing the right thing — have good intentions — but go about it in the worst possible way because of their own upbringing, because of their beliefs, because of the system/organisation they belong to and what is expected of them.

    The other line of thinking is that they are criminals – sick, twisted, perverted, sadistic, of evil intent — wishing to harm, to control, to punish, to weaken, to poison, to destroy. A newspaper article in the Melbourne Age in October 2009 lends some weight to this argument. Here is an excerpt:
    “Ms Tiffin said she had been repeatedly raped – orally, vaginally and anally – by serial pedophile priest Gerard Ridsdale while she and her brother were in Nazareth House in 1963-64. She was seven when it began. She said some of the nuns used to come and get children at night and take them to Ridsdale. They would put them in his room, say ”be nice”, then leave the victim alone with him.”

    Here is a link to the full article:

    What would we think of anyone who would enable a paedophile by providing a vulnerable child for them to abuse? Would we not deem such a person to be totally devoid of morals, to be absolutely lacking in decency?

    How then should we characterise a group of women who have dedicated their lives to God, who knowingly chose to regularly and systematically aid and abet this paedophile priest by providing him with a steady diet of kids who were under their care, and silently collude with each other so that it could continue?

    Was the alternative that he would rape them? Were they in such fear that the head nun could not tell the bishop about it? Were they in total denial of the reality of what was happening? Did they deep down think that it was okay, that this priest like many others they knew about needed “to express their love” in this safe and secret way? Where are these nuns now? What does it say that they have not spoken up?

    We know far more now about abuse at the hands of the clergy in the Catholic Church than we did five years ago… and far more then than we knew a decade before that. The more we know, the uglier the picture becomes — the more widespread and horrific is this scourge in this organisation.

    As these things go, history would tell us that this is a ‘tip of the iceberg’ situation where there is far more not known about this scourge than is known at this point. For every reported case of abuse, for every cover-up by the hierarchy, for every brave individual, parent or family who have spoken up — how many countless others will never be known about, never see the light of day, never heal, never see justice?

    And what does it say about the so-called good Catholics — clergy or lay people? What sort of rationalisation could they possibly make that would lead them to the conclusion that this is an organisation that continues to be worth belonging to?

    And finally what does it say about the broader society we live in? What does it say about our civic and political leaders who, apart from a few recent cases, pander to the church hierarchy by letting them deal with this as an in-house moral issue, rather than bring the full and swift weight of the law to bear on this most despicable and disgusting of criminal activity — indeed a crime against humanity.

    • George Says:

      Well said, Frank. We need to keep up the momentum and get the truth out to everyone that the catholic church is a breeding ground for rapists and pedophiles.

  141. Henry Sienkiewicz Says:

    I went to Holy Cross School in Mount Carmel Pennsylvania in the late 60s. They weren’t all monsters, most of them were enablers of the first order. There were three nuns who’s faces are burned into my mind. Looking back these so called wives of Jesus could smell weakness, they were predators looking for a victim. Their main course was humiliation followed by a close second, physical violence. All of which was applied with a look of glee in their eyes. I have pstd from those years of school. I remember one day being ill, I told sister Philip.Instead of sending me to the nurse she had me standing in front of the class for the rest of the day with the bail of a cleaning bucket over my head so the bucket would hang under my chin in case I vomited. I missed school for the next eight days because I came down with the mumps. Thank you sister for showing me the compassion of Christ. My parents were Polish Catholic so when my son was born I kept him as far away from the church as possible until he was old enough to investigate it himself. There was a great deal of pressure from the family. The church missed the vulnerable years where their brainwashing takes place and they lost my son. He is free from the disease that is the Catholic church.

    Thanks for the shared memories and allowing me to tell a bit of my experience.

  142. Pattyann Says:

    The sex abuse issue by priests is a whole separate matter. Reading Mr. Sienkiewicz’ s post really hit home. For me, it is about the nuns and their dehumanizing tactics to torture the most vulnerable members of society. I had no voice back then. I had to take it or face the consequences. Believe me, I hated those consequnces.
    Vomiting was not an acceptable excuse.. ever.
    I remember the bucket. I can still see it. If I had to use it, I was weak.
    Being sick was a means to belittle and humilitate me in front of the class which was about thirty five or so.
    I was just thinking that many of these so called “brides of Christ” became nurses and wore white vails. I wonder if they were cut from a different mold?

    • Henry Sienkiewicz Says:

      Pattyann, Good point.”I was just thinking that many of these so called “brides of Christ” became nurses and wore white vails. I wonder if they were cut from a different mold?” No they are one of the same.These brides of Christ are not unlike chameleons. They can change from demonic to angelic and back again in a heartbeat. It all depends on how vulnerable they perceive their victims. I worked in a hospital years ago and saw for myself a nun caring for a male patient with all the kindness of a saint and then seconds later in the next room a display of nastiness bordering on outright abuse. What was the difference. The second patient was a stroke victim and unable to speak and barely conscious.

  143. George Says:

    Here is an important article. Will the Pope’s letter to the Bishops say that he will support an end to the statue of limitations that prevents survivors from getting justice? I responded with my opinion in the blog for this article

    Eliminate Statutes of Limitation in Childhood Sexual Abuse Cases: A Litmus Test for the Vatican
    If the Pope believes in truth and protection for the vulnerable, his letter to the bishops will endorse statutes of limitations reform.
    By Marci A. Hamilton, May 12, 2011 LINK:

  144. frank Says:

    About Healing, Hate, Love, Forgiveness …

    Here is a remarkable story about a Palestinian doctor whose children were killed in their bedroom by Israeli tank fire. He has more reason than most to hate, to want revenge, to seek retribution. He has more reason than most to want to heal, to recover from the damage others have caused him.

    Read his story and reflect…

    • George Says:

      To all that read the article and to Frank

      I’m not sure whether someone who is promoting a book about peace and making publicity appearances is as genuine as the people on this blog. His daughters may have been killed in an air strike and that is sad, but it was not the personal suffering and death that victims of nun and priest abuse suffered. If his daughters had been raped and killed by clergy perpetrators using the name of God, he may not have been so ready to accept it. I know I wouldn’t accept it and I could never say I would accept my children’s murders under any circumstances.

  145. frank Says:

    Polish nun jailed for child abuse

    AN appeals court in Poland is sending a Catholic nun to prison after she was convicted of beating children at a home for troubled youths and allowing one resident to be sexually abused by other children.

    Read more:

    This may be a first. Does anyone know of any nun anywhere who has been charged with child abuse, let alone had to stand trial and be found guilty?

    What is staggering from a number of perspectives is that the abuse took place in 2005 and 2006.

    Another nun from the same convent was found guilty of ‘verbally insulting children’ and given a suspended sentence. I guess that’s progress… in the 50s and 60s, nuns could verbally, physically, emotionally and spiritually abuse children without so much as a rebuke — and often with support.

    The nuns involved at the home for troubled youths came from God’s Mercy Convent… how ironic?

  146. Mary Says:

    This is what we need to know, Frank. While the Arab/Israeli conflict is tragic, this website exists to expose the abuses inflicted all over the world by RC nuns. And if we can get up the nose of the heirarchy in the Church of Rome, then so be it!

    I believe that the religious orders that have been named by us are hoping that by keeping quiet the story will go away. Not a chance!

  147. Sue Remington Says:

    After reading all of the above, it does answer some life long questions I’ve had about my life. You were all pretty brave to tell of your experiences and I can only hope that emotionally you will get through your suffering.

    I too, went to catholic grammar school, St. Teresa’s, Runnemede, NJ. I went through 8 years, graduating in 1972. We had I.H.M. nuns, and yes, they beat the hell out of boys and girls, but mostly the boys.

    I remember this one year, I’m guessing 3rd or 4th grade, when these 4 or 5 nuns beat the daylights out of a group of maybe 6 boys. The nuns beat them infront of the entire student body for starting a “gang”.

    In 3rd grade, a nun, Sr. Mary Matthew attempted to throw a little boy, Paul Doyle, out a window that was maybe 10 to 12 feet from the ground! She didnt really throw him out the window, but she did scare the daylights out of him!

    Many years later, after I was married and had my own son, thank God he went to public school; I saw Paul Doyle. And let me tell you; he wasnt in good shape! We discussed what had happened. This truly messed up his life! I felt so sorry for him.

    I am no longer a catholic. Some years ago I joined the Nazarene Church. All of my life I was a devout catholic. It was a soul searching mission, but for me, I know I made the right choice. The catholics showed me what “religion” was; the Nazarene’s showed me what a “relationship with Christ and God” was.

    The worst part, for me anyway, was my parents paid all that tuition money for 8 years, money they totally DID NOT HAVE, and all I got out of those spent dollars was great handwriting! Whoppe do!!! What a waste!

    There are many other stories of abuses I remember. But as for me, I gave them all to God. I can only thank Him that I wasnt one of the abused kids! As for all the others, I can only pray that you will be able to release these horrible memories to Him and let Him comfort you on the inside. And try to remember that the vengence is His! God bless you all.

  148. TonyZ Says:

    My first two years of the Catholic indoctrination process in the early 70’s were in first and second grades at St. Simon and Jude in Brooklyn, NY. For the most part, it was a positive, nurturing experience under the supervision of two lay teachers (two peace loving hippies). In 1975, I moved to Staten Island and attended St. Roch’s where I had my first experience with a twisted, sadistic, neanderthal named Sister Pauline. Being a newcomer and thus, an unknown quantity to the benevolent Sr. Pauline, I became an instant target. From day one, I found myself looking over my shoulder for that bony, wrinkled hand coming from behind, grabbing my hair down to the scalp and throttling my head to and fro for any perceived transgression. Sr. Pauline who was Irish, made no bones about her hatred for Italians. All non Irish students, were generally singled out for these indiscriminate and random attacks. No sympathy or understanding came from the principal Sr. John Gregory, a tall, muscular and obese behemoth who toted a large hand shaped wooded paddle with the words “Mama’s Helping Hand” proudly emblazoned on it. After a year of head throttling, face smacks and ruler beatings, I begged and pleaded to my parents to emancipate me from this House of Horrors. Mercifully I was allowed to attend public school where I was so far behind in my math skills (despite having an 85 average in math at St. Rochs), that I needed to be remediated after school for 6 months just to be on par with my peers.
    Having not been confirmed however, I was expected to attend Catechism classes after school once a week at Our Lady of Pity Church with other Catholic students in my public school. One day, I made the mistake of disclosing to Sister Athanasius, a hulking, bespectacled Amazon with an inordinate amount of facial hair, that I had gum in my mouth that I wanted to dispose of. With this, I was pulled out of the pew by my hair and was whisked up to the alter where the benevolent sister made me kneel in front of the altar with my arms raised above my head for two hours in front of 200 other kids. All attempts to lower my arms for temporary relief, were met with a slap to the back of the head. So much for being a good Catholic.

    Fast forward to the 9th grade when I gave Catholic education another go. Falsely assuming that the climate had changed since then, I attended St. Joseph by the sea where I was to experience more abuse at the hands of an angry, stout bulldog of a woman named sister Anna Regina who seemed to get great pleasure from random stealth attacks on students for transgressions such as slouching, coughing too loud and things of that nature.
    Needless to say, it is quite consoling to see people coming forward and holding these barbarians responsible once and for all. As I get older, I’d like to believe that there is a God watching over us and that he is doling out the same, if not worse punishment to these thugs in habits and collars that claim to act on his behalf.
    At this time, I take great pleasure in watching the collapse of this evil enterprise through multimillion dollar legal settlements and negative publicity.

    • Vérité Says:

      The brutality the Irish hierarchy within the church inflicted upon the innocent Italian American children is immeasurable.
      Those of us in those horrible institutions were the victims of a religious elite which preached the Word, yet never practiced. Those of us who were darker skinned, darker haired, had a vowel at the end of their name took the brunt of those Irish monsters who bullied us, berated us, beat us, then blames us took a tremendous psychological toll from their punishment.

      • Brian Says:


        I don’t know maybe there were no Irish kids in your school. I saw no distinction in the brutality. Of course maybe I was getting beaten up so much I never particuarly noticed special attention to Italian kids. All my neighborhood friends were Italian and they all went to public school. Incarnation, Queens Village, 1950’s, Dominican nuns. Which nuns did you have?

      • Vérité Says:

        It is kind of a Chicago bred mental disease that still exists to this day. The priests, the nuns and the lay teachers were 95% Irish, and their Irishness has engrained in that city for way too long.
        My experience was during the 1950s when the Chicago Catholic school we attended was run by the Irish. The Austin district had St Angela’s church and school (now defunct) which was a breeding ground of non-tolerance toward all other religions, ethnics, and races. There was most definitely a great deal of partiality shown toward the Irish children over everyone else.

        There was a pecking order measured by the color tone of your skin that the more sadistic ones came up with. Whiter than white were the Irish so they were on top, then the Germans and Poles, but they were called DPs because their parents were immigrants, next were the Italians, French Canadians, and even one Greek kid, they were olive skinned and of course inferior to the Irish. The children of Spanish/Latin American descent were on the bottom.

        Every St Patrick’s Day and the week that lead up to it was when there was the worst abuse. All the kids had to learn and sing songs about the dominant group. Then we had to listen to story after story from the priests visiting the classes, and the nuns and teachers who boasted insistently of how wonderful and superior the Irish were.

        The city put on it’s biggest chest thumping Democrat Machine parade they could muster, led by mayor Richard J Daley marching down State St.
        The Chicago TV stations kowtowed by backing up their claims with movie after movie about the Irish. So by the time St Patrick’s Day arrived the Irish kids were pumped up believing they had to live up to the John Wayne or Jimmy Cagney tough guy routine. This would inevitably lead to the Irish teasing and goading the non-Irish boys, and some of the girls and fights broke out by the score.
        The other kids were trying to defend themselves from the relentless slurs. The nuns did little to stop them and probably even encouraged them. The Irish consciously or not work at keeping other people down.

        From 3rd grade on the nuns and lay teachers would ask each child in front of the whole class what their ethnic heritage was. It was not a way to show ethnic pride, we were not allowed to do that. In fact they were still running on the WWII propaganda slogan, “Don’t speak the language of our enemies” By 6th grade I was so fed up with all of this baiting that I lied when I answered that I was 1/4 American Indian and joked now get off my land.

        As stated earlier this is a sort of Chicago bred mental disease, that was never discussed. It was used consistently by the Irish bosses in government, mayors, politicians, police and fire departments, and unions to cut out those least like themselves. They had the top positions of power, and gave them the power to hire who they wanted.

        In time every dog has his day. The neighborhoods changed. When black families began moving in, and the real estate Panic Peddlers were ravaging the neighborhoods, white people began to move out in droves. The news media called it White Flight to the Suburbs. All of our old friends and neighbors went to the suburbs. The Irish had to stay because they were city workers obligated for their lively hood to live in the city.

        When we talk about the old times, the school, the church, what happened there is a unanimous agreement that the move was for the better. Our dads and moms had opportunities never afforded to them in the Irish run Chicago system.

        When this is brought up to any one from that parish who is Irish, there are usually three reactions.

        The reaction of non belief, “We never did that, why some of my best friends were….”.

        The reaction of fake sympathy “Awww, were you one of them who was picked on. Did we call you names, awww?”

        The most genuine reaction, “You deserved a beating.”

        After all of this time, through the 60s, the Civil Rights movement, the wars, the politics, they just did not learn.

        In conclusion along with the Catholic nuns we can also toss the Irish led Church on the heap of human suffering.

      • firetender Says:

        My first reaction was to shut down a little because of the pointing of a finger at an ethnic group much as I would react if you had said Italians.

        However, I must reflect that the Dominican nuns at my own school, and most certainly the nuns who abused me, were, in fact Irish. The rage was widespread throughout the convent yet to be perfectly honest i DO recall a preponderence of Irish nuns doing the damage!

        So that leaves me with letting the comment stand because it could be a cultural factor coming into play. I just acknowledged an article offering apologies from the Church for the abuse of 10,000 children at the hands of IRISH nuns, so now, I have to wonder aloud to what degree is this a disease of culture as well? Or what factors in the Irish culture gave the abuse such permission and sting?

        I’ll be the first to admit that this is the reflection of a syndrome that has multiple factors and expressions. The abuse we suffered was part of a complex system. It’s not enough for me to say “You’re absolutely right, those Irish caused and perpetuated this whole mess!” because I know it was a coming together of multiple forces that included individual rage and frustration, self-loathing, a desire to destroy innocence, cultural permission, opportunity, absence of consequences, forgiveness by God and self-righteous indignation fueled by religious fervor and godknowswhatelse!

        (Maybe the Irish led the charge?)

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


        Your posting is VERY WELL WRITTEN! You are “right on the money” with your assessment of the problem. ——– I ran into the same issues in New York City in the 1950’s in an Irish Parish in Greenwich Village N.Y.. ——- Being part Italian, I understand how the “non Irish children” were treated by the Irish Nuns. ——- Our school had to supply the Altar Boys for all the church services. —- (The Academy School that was associated with the church did not have this obligation. Those children came from “money” so they were treated much better!) —– The only time the Altar Boys received any money for their services was if they served a wedding. —– NOTE: —- Only the Irish Altar boys were assigned to weddings! ——— Yes, the nuns did encourage Irish students to mock other students of who were non-Irish! —— The quality of the Academic Education was poor. —– (The purpose of the school was to indoctrinate the child into the Catholic Religion.) —– The Catholic Church will NEVER take responsibility for their actions. The reason is simple, —- they can never be wrong! —– When people, (who were abused by the nuns die off), there will not be any witnesses to the atrocities that were committed on the children by the nuns. —- Most, if not all the nuns, that I had in the NYC Catholic School are dead. —— Only the “abused children are alive,’ and we are getting older everyday. —-The Catholic Church is a lying / self-serving / underhanded / sneaky organization! —– It will do anything to survive! —- The management of the Church will “lie” and “spin the truth” to their own advantage! —- Because of the “Flue Epidemic in our area,” my wife and I have avoided going to areas where large crowds of people exist. —– We have not attended Saturday Mass at the local Hospital. —– (My wife is “still a practicing Catholic!” —- I got “good at it,” so I DO NOT practice! —- I go along for the ride, and think about pleasant things during the service! —- I DO NOT PARTICIPATE!) —-We have noticed that since we have not attended church, we are very happy! —- Our life is very enjoyable! —– Could there be a connection?

        All the best to everyone on this GREAT site! —– God bless! —- Have a GREAT day! —– We are telling the truth! —- We are getting the word out! —- Dwayne

  149. TonyZ Says:

    PS. Allow me to preface my motivation to post the previous statement. In todays’ local paper, it was announced that St. Roch’s is closing its’ doors after the school year. Apparently, the NY Archdiocese is bankrupt from paying out all those settlements and well intentioned parents can no longer afford the exorbitant tuition for an inferior education.

  150. tim Says:

    I attended St. Sebastian, Belle Vernon, Pa 1956 through 1964. Horrible, horrible years. I remember a nun repeatedly beating a student on the back using with her fist. The girl tried to run away but the nun grabbed her a started to beat her again. I remember the nun’s rosary (that big thing wrapped around her waist) and habit flying through the air as she beat on poor Beatrice as Beatrice’s mother just stood there!
    I have many more horrible stories that that took place during those years. I will never, ever forget it. I can relate to all of the statements within this article. Someone should pay.

  151. Rich Taber Says:

    I recently had a conversation with a devout Catholic and told him about this website. He commented with the line that “percentage wise, there was a lot more abuse going on in Protestant chuches, yada yada yada,”. My only reply was that when you are an eight year old kid getting your ass whaled on by some sadistic psychpathic nun, you really don’t give a rat’s ass about statistics about Protestants.

  152. tony Says:

    i never had any ill experence with nuns ,I do remember some of the same treatment described there done in public school,when i went there too. It was the way things were done by teachers back in the 50’s & 60’s

  153. Frank Says:

    Rich’s experience with the “devout catholic” is just another example of the stonewall of deflection, denial, trivialisation, delay etc, not to mention misrepresentation and other forms of lying and trickery that come from those on the side of the Church… be they rank and file Catholics right up to the very top job.

    I deliberately say “on the side of the Church”, because, apart from the very rare exception, you do not find people who are both for the victims AND for the Church. It is a polarised situation – you are either for the victims OR for the church.

    The bottom line is that the likelihood of genuine and heartfelt HEALING coming from the direction of the Church is nil. There may yet be JUSTICE exacted from the Church in the same way that criminals are sometimes made to pay… but don’t hold your breath waiting for healing from that source.

    Here is an article from earlier this week on the Catholic run laundries of Ireland:
    “The 1955 advert for the Magdalene laundry in Dublin, Ireland reads like a tear-jerking charity appeal: “The Superioress and Sisters of The Magdalen Asylum … very earnestly beg the support of the liberal and kind-hearted to help them with the upkeep of the Institution for 130 Poor Penitents, who receive a home within its walls.”

    But the reality for many of the “penitents” — or repentant sinners — living in these institutions was very different from the ad’s beneficent tone. The ten Magdalene laundries,” . . . read more,8599,2081008,00.html

  154. Dennis Griffin Says:

    In 1957 I was a nine year old fourth grader at St. Helena’s in Center Square, Pennsylvania. Just outside of Philly. The fourth grade was in the basement of the Mercy nun convent separate from the main school building. Someone wrote some graffiti on the basement wall : Elvis, and Little Richard. I had those names on one of my book covers and was tried and convicted by the 300 pound principal of the school, Sr. Sebastian, we called her Sr. Subway. For the better part of an afternoon she beat me to the inch of my life. Kneeling on the hard floor the whole time she pulled my ears, applied vice grip type pinches on my cheeks in between slapping my face with both her hands in unison, occasionally using her fists, screaming at the top of her lungs while trying to force a confession from me. I was nine. Years later as an adult during a family reunion I went by the scene of the crime and all I wanted was five minutes with her. She was probably long dead and gone by then but I sure hope she got her just reward. Rotting in hell up to her neck in sewage. I come from a family of six kids, all my siblings have horror stories about the nuns. My parents, God rest their souls, did what they thought was the best for their children. Makes me wonder what it was like for them in the ’30’s in Catholic school in the diocese of Philadelphia. We were born Irish Catholic but we are still Irish.

  155. trish griffin Says:

    myself and three other siblings were damaged at the hands of “Charity” nuns in Riviera Beach, Florida and Dominican nuns in West Palm Beach, Florida in the 1950s and 1960s. My two eldest brothers seemed to escape the violence, seemingly in schools that were the exeption to the rule in Pennsylvania, perhaps they had a stronger will to endure witnissing and enduring the beatings and verbal abuse. These were bad and evil people, even the priests who “preyed” on children, just like the song says, exposing every weakness. We were small children and did not have the emotional maturity to understand or will to stand up to these sadistic sociopaths. I hope they all rot in hell, ugly, fat, walls of useless flesh.

  156. trish griffin Says:

    These experiences have crippled us in adulthood, problems with intimacy, authority figures, self-esteem, and addictions to name a few obstacles we have faced in our adult lives due to the abuse we endured as impressionable and helpless children.

    • Mary Rutley Says:

      You have said it in a nutshell. One of the nuns who abused me when I was a four-year-old boarder at Our Lady’s High School in Dartford, now lives in a nursing home for the nuns in her order (Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy). So, I recently sent Sr Teresa a letter catalogueing the abuse – there was no reply, of course. She could easily sue for libel if my accusations had been false. But there have been too many complaints about this order!

  157. Nancy Says:

    What is even more appalling is that when you mention some of this horrible incidents when making comments as a blogger (when other issues arise regarding the Catholic church), no one seems to care. They don’t even care to make a comment and choose to ignore what I say. Unbelievable. Are these people of today also in denial or maybe they refuse to believe stuff like this happened to us?

  158. Frank Says:

    The chronicle of abuse by nuns on this blog continues to lengthen as we read the experiences of TonyZ, Tim and the Griffins. Personally I am becoming more sensitive to reading these accounts of abuse as time goes on and the list here grows. It breaks my heart to read what happened to everyone, makes me very sad, and sick to the pit of my stomach. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way…

    There is one new bright ray of sunshine bravely poking through the dark storm clouds of the multiple scandals of child abuse, the tolerance of the abuse from the Church, the protection of and support for abusers, the apathy towards victims, and the massive global cover-up. For the first time in history, the political leader of a Western democratic nation has denounced the abuse and its handling by the Catholic Church in no uncertain terms. The language used by Ireland’s Prime Minister (Taoiseach) Enda Kenny was strong and unequivocal as he addressed the Parliament (Dail) on Wednesday of this week in the wake of the Cloyne Report showing up the woeful inadequacy of the Church in dealing with child abuse at any level. Enda Kenny said in parliament that the Cloyne report, released on 13 July, had exposed the Vatican’s attempt to frustrate the inquiry into child sex abuse. He said the report had illuminated the dysfunction and elitism still dominant in the Vatican… that Rome seemed more interested in upholding the church’s power and reputation than confronting the abuse of Irish children by its priests and religious orders. Kenny said the rape and torture of children had been downplayed or “managed” to uphold the institution’s power and reputation. Read more …

    • George Says:

      Frank, I just saw your July 22 post about the Irish Prime Minister taking a stand against the vatican. Maybe this will be an example for other heads of countries to do the same. Everyone needs to read these encouraging articles.

  159. domestic violence definition Says:

    domestic violence definition…

    Catholic Nuns, Child Abuse and Vows « a firetender’s Blog…

  160. trish griffin Says:

    One of the vivid and unfortunately lasting memories I have carried with me for over 50 years is witnessing Sr. Edwarda and Sr. Rita at St. Francis in Riviera Beach, FL in the early 60s storming into the little boys’ restroom yelling and screaming at the boys, and hearing heads being knocked against the tile floors and basins. Restrooms are seemingly a safe and private place, yet there were no save havens in catholic schools. Can you imagine being one of those little boys standing at a urinal with your groin exposed with satan’s wife approaching you with the intent to cause harm? I can only imagine the psychological issues these boys have had in their adult lives. I can still hear the sadistic roars of the nuns and the cries of the little boys echoing in that restroom. These memories are vivid to me as if they happened yesterday.

    • Dennis Griffin Says:

      True story. I was in the eighth grade sitting first row first seat right next to the classroom door on the second floor when Str. Paula took exception to my laughing when she finally found a missing object that was right under her nose. She picked me up by the back of my collar and my trousers and threw me out the door. Only my instincts had me grab the bottom rail of the railing or I would have fallen to the assembly area below. Real nice. Sisters of Charity my ars.

  161. George Says:

    Trish, the nuns’ brutality you witnessed is right in keeping with nun brutality that I and others witnessed and in my case received. It was going on in the 1940s and the 1960s and is still going on. The only way we can stop them is to keep exposing what they are doing. The power of the internet and social media will bring them down. I hope more survivors will be encouraged to tell their experiences or add to what they have already written.

  162. B. Robertson Says:

    I am not from New York. I am from Toledo, OH. I endured their abuse from 1960 to 1968. Both sexes were abused physically and psychologically. I have always wondered why the priests were certainly discussed with their horrid behavior; however, the nuns, day after day, did so much damage to most children. And, I, one of them. I am not and have not been a Catholic since graduating from high school. I feel Dominican nuns (or most) are evil. I hold no respect for religion anymore. If anything, they directed me right out of any beliefs in a higher power.

  163. Don Says:

    My favorite Aunt attended All Saints on Whipple Street in Brooklyn (Dominicans) and Queen of All Saints on Vanderbilt (Josephites, I think) and had the Sisters of Charity of New York (the “Doubt” Sisters). Aunt Kate said the worst were the Sisters of Mercy and the Sisters of St. Joseph in her day were called the rocking chair order. I had the Sisters of St. Joseph at Our Lady of Victory in Floral Park, NY and at Most Holy Redeemer in Tampa, FL. The Sisters of St. Joseph used to teach all over the place, but they were really horrible. At OLV in Floral Park most were pretty sadistic but the worst of the heap was Sister St. Vincent, CSJ. She taught in seventh grade. Sister Ann Maura, CSJ (we called her Sam) was also a sadist. Sister St. Vincent regularly beat the crap out of my Sister and especially hated “little girls” and she enjoyed humiliating them. My Sister was a very tiny girl. Frustrated lesbo leather girl was old Vinnie, if you ask me – she used to raise the windows in the dead of Winter causing the kids to catch colds, and would play Mitch Miller records during exams. She would call my Sister up to the blackboard, grab her by the hair and slam her head against the chalkboard. A livid bitch. She croked in 1971 and now she is writing the autobiography of Satan.

    • Brian Says:


      Thanks for sharing your blog.Dominicans at Incarnation School, Queens Village, NY in 1950′s and early 60′s. I too suffered all the abuses you mentioned. Let me add what Sr. Marie Michelle, a young one, thought would teach me to stop talking in the 3r grade. She made me crawl under her desk by her feet and she continued to kick me for the rest of the class. That torture has been impossible to forget to this day.
      I have since learned from my sister that she too was tortured by the Dominicans at Dominican Commercial High School, Jamaica, Queens.

      I now live in St Louis, the most Catholic city n America and these people think I’m nuts, they absolutely do not beleie anything evel about or priests. Maybe the FRench tradition in STL was actually good, but I doubt it. They will have their moments of truth, shame and criminal revelation soon enought.

  164. Don Says:

    I am very sorry to hear of that. That has to have been extremely painful and I sincerely hope that it has not stood in the way of your life. As strange as this may sound, I am a practicing adult Catholic, highly active in my Parish. My Grandmother’s cousin (now deceased) was a Cardinal over the STL archdiocese and he died many years ago. He was from Brooklyn. I accept the Church as an inperfect institution because it is made of men, and men err. This is the only way I have been able to stay in the Church. I keep my attention at my Parish, no further, and I belong to a wonderful one. I don’t minimize any of the hurt you experienced and, yes, it certainly did happen. The Church is not God. God is perfect, the Church is not. At 56 I’ve grow because of some things and in spite of others. Plenty on the spite side so far as the Church is concerned and I would love to be able to confront my abusers (as I would imagine you would) but then most of them are gone. Take care and thanks.

  165. Joanne McGuire Says:

    I am an Australian and was also beaten almost daily by the nuns and teachers at a catholic school. I honestly thought I was a bad child. I was too afraid to tell my parents in case I got into more trouble. I was tortured by one particular nun who singled me out. She would leave the classroom then return to find the entire class talking but would beat me as I sat closest to the door. She accused me of being a cheat and if I got my spellings right, would humiliate me by checking them in front of the class. I took to getting one wrong deliberately to avoid the humiliation. She was the cruelest woman I ever knew and 40 years later I am still scarred by her actions. She would call me stupid and I tell me I would never amount to anything and I believed her. I had low self esteem which has taken years to overcome. I hope she is burning in hell!

  166. Tim Says:

    I went to Our Lady of Peace school in Columbus, Ohio from 1962-1968
    The school was staffed by the Dominican Sisters. I noticed the sadistic behavior starting in first grade. The nuns would even coax their pets of the class to join in. One boy got ratted on by one of the teacher’s pets because he did not finish drinking all of his milk in his thermos. (Most of us used lunch boxes) Sister Mary Alma went to his desk, took his thermos, held it sideways over his desk and opened the lid, letting the milk inside spill out over his desk. She then proclaimed, “look at that mess” and then made him stay after school to clean it up. I myself never got paddled, but I witnessed quite a few others.

    In the fifth grade one boy was sent to the office for back talking the teacher. The principal, Sister Christopher marched him back to the classroom and then ordered him to go back to her office to get her paddle. She then took him out to the hall and we heard a loud crack. Just from the sound of it, we knew it was not a hit on the behind. The boy came back in the room wimpering and his mouth was bleeding. I had personally seen him get paddled before and not even flinch. Sister Christopher tried to tell us that he bit his lip. Nobody bleeds that much from biting their lip.

    This parish played favorites. The Catholic families who had extra money would buy influence. Of course their kids could do no wrong according to the nuns. When the new church was dedicated on December 10, 1967, all the families who gave money were listed in the dedication book published for the occasion. Others including my parents, who did the grunt work were ignored.

  167. Jane Says:

    Those evil nuns!!! May they all rot in hell.

  168. B. Robertson Says:

    Hi Tim,
    I so understand where you are coming from – it seems as if I was there! Talking of the wealthy…we were a poor family (five children) and my parents were thrilled when they learned that the priests decided to permit us to attend their parochial school free of charge. For 8 years, me (and my sisters) endured unspeakable abuse at their hands and I feel much of the abuse was due to the fact that we were not wealthy. On a daily basis, I would beg my parents to allow me to attend public schools, but their reply was that I was ungrateful for the great education that I was getting!

    I know forgiveness is ‘divine’ unless one can’t and then we are supposed to give it to God. But, the priests were called on the carpet for their sexual abuse to boys…and I often wondered why none of us have spoken up about the daily abuse we encountered at the hands of these sadistic women who nevereven had a teaching certificate. As a matter of fact, I do know that many teen girls were thrown into convents by wealthy families who did not want the embarrassment of having their child in a mental insitution.

    And, oh how clever they were too. At parent conferences, they would say nothing but wonderful things about us. I often wish that somehow we could form some type of group to finally speak of the horrors we all endured at the hands of these absolutely insane women. I do know to this day, and I am 58 years of age, I can still not even look at a nun. I sincerely think they are all mentally ill. And I realize things have changed now. However, their is much to be said about accountability and they should be called out on this.

  169. Don Says:

    Where did you grow up and what religious community taught you? Curious. I am 56. I found back then that parents really did not listen to their children much. I found that several times during the course of my lifetime I was abused outside the home and, yes, including school – and then when I told my parents, they never took it seriously, though they knew that, as a rule, I never lied. The abuse is bad, but not being taken seriously when you are a child and you try to tell an adult, even worse. If anything when I went to school if you were beaten in school you were in for another one when you got home. I don’t know why the state you attended school would have tolerated such women that were glorified teenagers and not fit to teach, who did not even have teaching certificates, or were you educated in the United States?

  170. B. Robertson Says:

    I went to Blessed Sacrament School in Toledo, OH. I think that the Dominican order (at least) should be held accountable as the priests were. I still get angry at myself for letting this go, because of the severe emotional impact it had on me. I left the Catholic religion after 8th grade, realizing that not only the priests/nuns were sadistic, but basically, the whole basis of the religion’s belief in hell-fire and brimstone crap continues. I’ve studied many religions and am now interested in Buddism…just being kind and loving in life. And to be truthful, even though things have changed for the better…I can still not even look at any nun in the eye – and I hold absolutely no respect whatsoever for any of them. No, I have never forgiven them and never will. We were victims and I feel I continue to suffer from post traumatic stress from those vicious women.

  171. Brian Says:

    I agree completely. I think the Dominicans were the worst of the whore brides of Jesus. Uneducated, unqualified, uncaring, unrsponsible. He pitiful they we were/are. Our parents went through the same system and knew no better, so if you complained of a beating you got another one. The nuns grew up in that system as well, sold virtually sold to nunneries as slaves to get rid of them. I have relatives in Ireland were only 10% of the population still goes to church and the priests are held in extremely low esteem. My how two generations have changed things for the better. Now if can just get rid of the evangelicals in USA the world will be a better place.

  172. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    Brian, I have just spent decades working through the damage caused by Dominican nun abuse, and do not wish to do anything but empathize with a fellow sufferer, but I must take issue with your statement that you believe if we…’get rid of the evangelicals in USA the world will be a better place.’ I met Jesus when I was 21 and am not sure what a label would be for me, but ‘evangelical’ might be one of them. I doubt that I am the only one in this group who still believes in and loves the Lord, despite the lies told in the catholic church, and the abuse we suffered. The nuns were evil, but God is good. I hate to see one of us actually suggesting ridding our freedom loving nation of ‘evangelicals.’ What are you hoping for, pogroms? re-education camps and brainwashing? Outlawing church? Execution of those of us stubborn enough to refuse to give up our faith? I suspect your statement was not serious, but come on. I didn’t join this abuse list to be told that believers like me should be eradicated for the betterment of mankind.

  173. Mario Says:


    Since you met Jesus when you were 21, can you kindly describe what he looked like. Did he have a beard or was he clean shaven? What was he wearing? Was he in the form of a ghost or a three dimensional human being? Stuff like that. Does he look like those photos we find in bibles, prayerbooks and other sorts of literature? I never saw Jesus, except in photos which are nothing more than an artist’s conception.

  174. B. Robertson Says:

    Hello Christine,
    I am in total agreement with you; however, I still have some difficulty wondering why the Lord would ‘allow’ this to occur. But, then I think of the horrendous acts done by some of the Catholic priests, 9/11, the Holocaust, etc…so I guess there is a reason for everything. As I have said, I’ve researched many religions and it seems there is a little truth in all of them. I wish we could create a church with all those ‘little truths’. My belief in Our Lord will never go away. At least that was instilled in me during those very trying years. I also realize nuns are very different today. However, in the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and even into the 70’s until abuse came into light – the stories that are emerging are so horrible. I simply feel the nuns should be held accountable but my question is if they are even alive anymore. They have to be well into their 80’s by now (one would think).

    • George Says:

      Nuns are not “very different” today. It depends on where you look. Maybe those in the spotlight in Western countries are behaving. But there are still many in third world countries, where no one is paying attention — where children are being abused every day by nuns (and priests). Where children can’t speak up like deaf and autistic children, the abuse is still going on today. So we still have live clergy to watch.

  175. B. Robertson Says:

    Hi George,
    Very true and how very sad. I am sure the Vatican has to have some idea of all of this abuse. Prior to finding this site, I continued to keep all of my
    nun’ feelings inside. Now, all these feelings are arising…wow it is really strange. I can remember what a nun did to my sister one time. She caught her chewing gum and made her sit in the waste basket al day with the chewed gum on her nose. If that happened today, that nun would be where she belonged – behind bars

  176. jane Says:

    I remember a boy vomited in the trash can in the classroom and the nun violent put his head in the trash can for about 2 minutes so he could look at the vomit. Unbelievable. Reminds me of the things you heard about during World War II and the Nazi regime.

  177. B. Robertson Says:

    I sit and wonder what we can do. It would be wonderful for alll of us to appear IN PERSON to tell of the horrors that were done to us. But, how and who would be the most important person to speak to? All I can think of is the Vatican. And, then, I don’t even trust them; after all, they knew that the Holocaust was happening at the time and did nothing. One shining bit about the Catholic Religion is that it is in serious declin – many thousands of people have left this religion. How wonderful.

    • firetender Says:

      I’m hoping this is what we are doing…building momentum. This is developing into a Grass Roots Movement. At some Critical-Mass point, there will be enough responses on this blog (unbidden and recruited, simply by attraction alone) that someone(s) somewhere(s) will “Adopt ” the cause and use us as a resource to take a battering ram to the doors of the Church and get them the hell away from our Children! (AT LEAST!)

  178. Frank Says:

    It is heartening to look at what has been done, and what is being done… as well as what we can do.

    On the political front …
    If you look back on this blog to July 22, there is the report of an unprecedented attack on the Vatican by the Irish prime minister.

    He followed that up with the demand for $1 billion as compensation for abuse of the Irish people at the hands of the church.

    This will give other political leaders encouragement to go after the church as they should. Since Kenny’s comments in Ireland, Attorney-General Robert Clark in the state of Victoria, Australia is considering an inquiry into sexual abuse in the Catholic Church after an impassioned plea from an Oakleigh family fighting for justice for their daughters.

    Advocate for those abused by Church and State, Kevin Annett of Canada, is bringing a lot of pressure to bear through both political means and through international law courts. He reports on a Global Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State convening, with power to arrest and convict.

    At the United Nations, Keith Wood, representative of the International Humanist and Ethical Union, made a forthright attack on the Catholic Church’s deplorable record on child abuse at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva on Tuesday 15 March 2011.

    Newspaper editors have been as fearful of upsetting the Church as anyone, yet they too are now weighing in – read ‘Church betrayed its people’ Editorial

    Even the Church itself is now being forced to acknowledge what it would not just a short time ago. Read ‘Catholic Church sorry for forced adoption’

    On the legal front …
    In this blog on May 24, there is a link to a story of a Polish nun being jailed for child abuse.

    Earlier in the year, the US State of Pennsylvania went after the Church – ‘Philadelphia: Ground Zero for Catholic Bishops’. Survivors can now see that the tide is turning and many rank and file Catholics now comprehend the depth and the scope of what the Philadelphia Archdiocese has done.

    Two weeks ago, a cleric was jailed in Victoria, Australia – ‘Paedophile rapist Christian Brother jailed for 14 years’

    And last week, this headline ‘Vatican releases internal files on alleged child abuser’. A federal judge in Portland, Ore., ordered the Holy See to turn over to U.S. lawyers representing a man who says he was abused by the Rev. Andrew Ronan in Portland. The man, known in court papers as John V. Doe, is seeking to hold the Vatican liable for the abuse. It is the first time the Holy See, the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church, has been forced to turn over documentation in a sex-abuse case.

    And there are way more than these few pivotal examples. None of these things would be imaginable 5 years ago. There is a groundswell, there is more awareness in society, there is more political and legal will to pursue this evil, and there is increasingly nowhere for the Church to hide.

    It may never be that nuns become a major focus of the church abuse scandal. However all parts of the Church are impacted by this turning tide of exposure and intolerance for what the Church has perpetrated. They are all feeling the heat.

    So what can we do?
    1. actively pursue our own individual healing, first and foremost.
    2. have the courage to speak up, to speak out… as many do on this blog. Help others in your social network understand what has happened to you.
    3. support people with integrity who are going after the perpetrators and the system that supports and protects them. Let your local politician know of your experience. Ask them to take firm decisions and action against the Church.
    4. some may be considering legal action regarding their abuse. Talk with a legal service for survivors… explore your options.
    5. be united with fellow abused… be tolerant of individual choices in making sense of and responding to their abuse.

    • firetender Says:

      Awesome post, Frank, many thanks!

      Maybe we’ll get lucky and turn into the straw that breaks the camel’s back! Let the issues with the priests generate their outrage, and then, let us nail it down that it is the very CULTURE of the Catholic Church that promotes child abuse.

  179. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:


    Our remarkable brains are filled with thoughts and emotions that cannot be seen; I suspect they are spirit and that we were designed to relate to a God who is Spirit in the most intimate places of our being. We were apparently designed to be able to communicate with a God who cannot be seen. He probably enters into discussion with us over years when we don’t realize it is Him, and not just us debating ourselves.

    Russell said it was in song that he connected with this Being. Or Central Force. For me it was when I wrote the assignments that sister gave us. An incredible joy would come over me, and ideas that I thought were hilarious. I was laughing when I wrote, and laughed when I tried to read these stories to the class. I thought it was merely inspiriation. But the day that I say I ‘met Jesus’ was the day I realized that those moments were not just inspiration, that was Jesus coming to help a lonely and emotionally battered little girl right there under the noses of those nuns. The Word says ‘He prepares a table for me in the midst of my enemies.’ and I believe that when he came and shared ideas with me and helped me write, he was doing just that.

    He seemed eager to point out to me, in my these new thoughts in my mind when I was 21, that he was not the dour jugding figure the nuns taught me about, he was instead the companion of my heart and thoughts that shared hilarity and creativity with me. When I realized it had been Him, I knew how much I loved him. He was there for me when sister bitchversionoftheyear was trying to turn me to jelly.

    For me it was a matter of recognition that those moments of inspiration were not just a gift of creativity, it was HIM. So while the nuns were telling me God was as disapproving of me as they were, he was conspiratorially helping me survive them, and best them. They truly seemed to get angrier because I had this ‘talent.’

    So yeah, I met Jesus. More like I realized I had known Him for a long time without realizing who he was.

    I don’t mind the snippiness in which you asked the question, because I know you ask it that way out of rage, like Russell wrote. But in the midst of the treatment that so damaged me that I am STILL crawling out from the terrible self image it gave me, Jesus was sitting beside me, laughing with me, showing me who he really was in a way he could point back to, and say ‘THAT was me That nun never knew me. She lied to you about who I was, but I was with you.’

  180. Mary Rutley Says:

    I haven’t met God – but I can tell you this. If the perishing nuns from my boarding school were residing in heaven, then I would tell St Peter that I would be much happier with Richard Dawkins in hell.

  181. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    Mary, he has spoken to you more often than you realize. But you don’t need to wonder if the wicked nuns belonged to him, or that you would meet them in heaven. Jesus said we would know his followers by the way they lived, by their ‘fruit.’ and the ‘fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, lonsuffering’ etc. Since these women were wretchedly cruel, it is obvious that they were not manifesting the ‘fruit of the Spirit.’

    Jesus also said ‘if anyone should hurt one of these little ones and cause them to sin, it would be better for them if a millstone were tied around their necks and they be thrown into the depths of the sea.’ better than facing his wrath, that sounds like, to me.

    And what’s more, he said that many would come to the end of their life and tell him that they ‘taught (prophesied) in his name, cast out devils, and did miracles’ and yet he says to them ‘depart from me you workers of iniquity, I never knew you.’ Yes, these nuns thought they taught in his name, but they didn’t know him, nor did he know them. if they had been his, they would have had love and patience and been unwilling to hurt a child.

    I always wondered about that ‘we taught in your name’ thing. How could anyone be so deceived as to think they were serving him, but yet have NO relationship with him at all? Yesterday I realized it is the perfect picture of the catholic nuns and priests. They damaged us in his name, because they never knew him.. They treated us as the devil wanted us treated, with merciless cruelty. Because of this, so many have been unable to trust God, because these terrible women claimed to speak for him. They don’t. We were told to judge those who say they are serving him by the fruit. The fruit of their presence in our lives is woundedness, damage, loss of faith, and so much more. bad fruit. bad women.

    Please don’t say you want to be with Dawkins in hell so as to not be in heaven with nuns. You probably just don’t want to be in a heaven in which they were right, in which their smugness greets you at the door, because you desperately want in your heart to know that the god these women brutalized you with, is not the real one. The real one cried with you and took the blows with you when they were cruel, helping you survive. ‘What you do to the least of these, you do to me.’ he told us plainly. He was on our side.

    You can rest assured if any of them made it to heaven, it would be only after realizing how wrong they had been. They would meet you and ask your forgiveness. They would be different. You could handle that. Our biggest need, I think, is to know how wrong they were, and that God loves us and is good. Their worst sin was in portraying a god who would treat children that way, and that would be because he IS good. and because to live in a world where God is not good would be unbearable. The fear of find out they may have been right has driven many people on this list away from him entrirely, better not to know. Maybe Buddha? Maybe no afterlife. Because they made us fear that the ultimate reality in life is as dangerous and unpredictable as they were.

    He is not. He is good.

  182. B. Robertson Says:

    I read your comment and it was certainly a beautiful blog. I applaud your values. And I am also aware of how we should forgive. But to take an innocent chld and rip a beautiful sparkling soul right out of them (us included) is sick sick sick. I will never forgive them and I pray that I never meet one in a ‘dark alley’. I am currently researching all religions and I hope there is such a thing as reincarnation because nothing would do my heart better than to have these demented nuns return to be abused on a daily basis – what we endured as children. I am 58 years old and I am still angry. You refer to ‘hell’ of which I do not believe in. Life is hell. These nuns need to return to experience what they did to us…..that to me is sweet revenge. I could tell you stories that would send you right into the bathroom, believe me. How can anyone forgive? Forgiveness is certainly beyond me.

  183. Rich Says:

    I have been following this forum off and on for about a year and a half, and you can find most of my postings back in spring 2010. My take home message is that there is no forgiveness; these brutal wenches (Catholic school nuns) stole the childhoods from so many of us. To physically beat us, to emotionally humiliate us, and to degrade us to the level of Michael Vick’s fighting dogs stole our childhoods from us. We missed out on so much of the good life that could have been ours. May they (nuns) rot in hell. Forever. And the Catholic church? This nun abuse coupled with the priest’s sexual abuses; and the insidious long term coverup? How can anyone take this institution seriously.

  184. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    Thank you, B. Robertson, for your kind words. There is some evidence that God never intends to forgive certain people either. Jesus said God deliberately furthers the hardness in them so that they will never come to him and then he never has to forgive them: This is what Jesus said in John 12:40:.. Also note that he was speaking here about those who were hyperreligious, but were at heart truly nasty people:

    American King James Version
    He has blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.

    The books of Moses indicate that God hardened pharoah, so that he would not let the Hebrew people go until he had lost his son, his cattle, his wealth, his crops, his kingdom, and his life. Thinking about this today made me wonder if this is one reason the hierarchy in this catholic church is refusing to acknowledge their crimes against children, even when driven to it by lawsuit. If they repented and asked for his forgiveness, he would have to forgive them, and he may not want to. He plans to judge them instead. Part of that judgment is that we have found each other, and their evil is being exposed.

    I do believe in hell. Jesus believed in hell. I think the human heart cries out for justice, as we so often read on this list: ‘I hope they are burning in hell.’ They don’t have to be reincarnated as victims to know what it was like for us. There have been tales of people who died during heart attacks who ended up in hell, and come back to tell what it was like. It sounds like more than enough eternal agony.

    I suspect that if any one of us had a tearful, broken nun approach us and tell us she realized what she had done, and was devastated, that the humanity in us would soften our rage. We want to be validated, we want to know the world or even the villain who hurt us acknowkledges those crimes and our pain. But I don’t hear any of us with a tale of such broken forgiveness seeking nuns. We don’t read websites of nuns who have realized what they did, repenting publlically and seeking us out, their victims.

    It isn’t happening as far as any of us know. Corrie Ten Boom discovered when the German guard who treated her and her sister so brutally asked for forgiveness that it was beyond her to do so. You are not alone in this.. She felt the love of Jesus take over within her, and her hand moved toward him in a grace she didn;t understand, and ‘his hot burning love’ came into her heart and enabled her to forgive. But he came to her and asked, our nuns have not.

    .I don’t know what my own heart is as to forgiving them. Never thought about it. It is enough for me to know that God was with me, which may have been why the devil drove them to torment me to start with. I suspect that may be true of all of us here, for we seem like a particularly sensitive and articulate bunch. The devil must have feared what we would do if he didn’t break us first.

    Anyway, B., I have always been with you in spirit each time you wrote. Like you a lot.

  185. Frank Says:

    Given the recent comments on ‘forgiveness’, here is an interesting perspective “The Forgiveness Fallacy: Standing by our Painful Truth”. It is the current post on the website of international activist on child abuse by Church and State, Kevin Annett.

    Here’s an excerpt:
    By refusing to forgive, I give up my illusions.
    – Alice Miller, Breaking Down the Wall of Silence

    Harry Wilson is still alive, somehow. He is homeless, starving, plagued by alcoholism and drug addiction, and regularly beaten and robbed on Vancouver’s meanest streets. Yet neither his present suffering, nor his childhood rape and torture by a clergyman with an electric cattle prod, has caused him to collapse, as it has most of his fellow alumni from the death camps called Indian Residential Schools.

    None of these others have ever found their voice, but Harry has: and when he speaks of his life, he always ends by saying the same thing:

    “I’ll never forgive those bastards for what they did to me.”

    Read the full article here

  186. B. Robertson Says:

    Hi Christine – Wow, you should be a writer! You are indeed very spiritual. I thought and thought of your words and you are right. I have found a place where I can safely ‘vent’ and I am finding that anger is rising from places I never knew existed/buried. I am not an evil person and have a ‘soft’ heart. If a nun approached me with sincere regret of the severe emotional damage she inflicted on all of us…of course I would forgive her. I have often thought of searching at least one out so I could speak to her, but park that thought quickly. I guess it is simply post trama stress. Thank God for this site. But my simple question remains and that is “why”….Child abuse is a horror that is beyond me anyway. But, I am feeling better and better and will deal with post traumatic stress syndrome with someone experienced in dealing with adults that attended parochial schools in generations past. The saying ‘take the higher ground’ is correct. So, thanks, I think I’m on my way, so to speak.

  187. nancy Says:

    These nuns were in the wrong profession. Dealing with children everyday and not having the patience or the know how in teaching children – truly appalling. They should have been in any other profession, but this one. In today’s day and age, they would have been in jail for what they did. Times have changed, but I still question why were things like that allowed to happen back in the 60’s and 70’s?

  188. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    B. Robertson, You just made my day! It took me a while to know how to respond because your response to my letter made me feel so good I didn’t know how to respond back. I have been working with a counselor now for almost two years, and she has been such a help. She has said she likes counseling me, mostly for the chance to ‘watch how Jesus fixes somebody.’ He knows where all the hurts are buried. Just in the past week I was puking out another level of hidden self loathing born of nun abuse. I didn’t even realize how negatively I had learned to view myself, that I was so messed up I believed I was dangerous. It must have colored everything I did, with me always trying to prove myself. Judging by the fact that I seem to have not offended you, as I feared I might have, something inside me really did get removed, something like my own personal self assault system. So, thank you. Something I wrote helped another person see the best inside themselves, instead of me bringing out anger. Yes, you really made my day. What a sweet post you wrote, and yes, you do have a tender heart.

  189. Mario Says:

    Some of you guys said, that Richard Dawkins is going to hell. Are you sure about that? do you know if there is a heaven or hell? How can you be so sure? Why do you judge other people? Richard Dawkins is my friend and many others like D.M. Murdock aka Acharya S who wrote, “The Christ Conspiracy,” “The Suns of God,” and several others. These people are brilliant. They don’t think like you they use their scientific minds, not faith. I’m glad that there are people with a different school of thought and not the run of the mill mundane religions.

    • Mary Rutley Says:

      Mario, I think you need to lighten up. I made the comment about Richard Dawkins – not only on this website, but also in a national newspaper in the UK. I was, as anyone with a full set of marbles would easily acknowledge, being satirical. I’m a great admirer of Richard Dawkins as is my friend, Graham, who was taught by the professor at Jesus College, Oxford.

  190. B. Robertson Says:

    Mario, I read your reply and I respect your comments. What I take away from this blog is the fact that so many lives were hurt when (we) were young, We were hurt emotionally and physically. Sounds like you were too, reading what you endured for 12 years – not just the 8 that I went through. One has to remember that we had religion crammed into our heads daily. Remember going to church every day, when the nuns used their ‘clicker’ for genuflecting? One click – down, the next click -up. Religion is going to be intertwined in all of our comments. After all, we were all confirmed as “catholics”. If you agree with Richard D., that’s okay with me. You certainly have every right. However, the nuns were catholic and as children we were too. This is a wonderful place to vent what happened to all of us and to me, it doesn’t matter what our beliefs are – it is all about the abuse we suffered. Please don’t get angry at people because of their religions. Hell, I’m so confused as to what to believe anymore – while others are very comfortable with ‘Jesus’ – you are comfortable with Richard D. That’s great. Let’s not argue about our beliefs as adults. I feel ‘firetender’ created this blog so somehow we can finally hold those damn nuns accountable.

  191. Jane Says:

    We were forced to go to mass for one hour every morning even before school started or we couldn’t go to school. Does that make any sense? I did not want to go to church every single day. I loved God dearly, but to be forced to go to church every day just because the nuns wanted us to is ridiculous. We had religion forced down our throats. Those crazy nuns had to right to make us do this.

  192. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    ‘they don’t think like you they use their scientific minds, not faith.’ is a statement worthy of debate, Mario. The other day I was having trouble finding something interesting to think about when I was struggling with insomnia, and I asked the Lord what was going on. ‘Your brain is differentiating.’ he said. He has been in a process of healing my emotional damage over the past two years, so I thought ‘Huh. Wonder what that means.’

    I looked up ‘differentiation of the brain’ in a search engine, and ended up with three possible meanings, one of which was a site about the formation of something called ‘glions’ which form on little ‘scaffolds’ in the brain before they travel to the site where…..

    At which point I ceased to think about what Jesus meant about what he was doing in my brain, and instead marvelled at how utterly complex even the tiniest actions in our body are, things taking place at the cellular level to keep us thinking which I could not even understand. This made me think that it is DAWKINS’ position which requires faith, huge amounts of it, far more faith than it takes for me to believe in the God who helps me all the time, and comforts me. It has to take a huge amount of faith to assume such complex processes formed by accident and mutation over millions of years.

    I would think that scientific thinking requires the assumption that great complexity requires a designer.

    By the way, you know the man? And Mary’s friend was taught by him at Jesus college? I’m impressed. Wow.

  193. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    The catholic church is indeed a truly frightening institution. And you are right when you say it stole our lives from us. I have been thinking that its belief that it is above the law, that it is the law, that it does not have to submit to the Scriptures, but is above them, is the source of their wrongheadedness. ‘Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.’ certainly seems to apply in their case.

    As I was reading through some of their acts throughout the centuries, their refusal to listen to anyone who brought a criticism against them because they saw their authority and refused to believe they were ever in the wrong, I realized how big this is. Martin Luther, one of the RCC’s brightest monks, went after them for selling indulgences. Their response? They condemned him. He managed to die of a bad heart, not burning at the stake, but many others like him paid the ultimate price for rejecting papal authority.

  194. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    I am at the moment feeling a tremendous longing to be with people. It hit me really hard just now, and this is not normal for me. I avoid human contact. The sun is going down just now, the beginning of the biblical sabbath. I thought of Jesus the week before he died, crying out to Israel that he knew was about to utterly reject him ‘…how often I would have gathered you under my wings as a hen does her chicks…’ and because I was already feeiing this terrible longing, I connected with those words, and realized he was feeling what I was feeling when he said them.

    and if he would say such a thing about rebellious Israel, how much more would he long to stretch out his wings over us, and gather us to him like the little wounded chicks we are? yeah, we are tough. we are survivors. we are tough wonded survivors. ‘how often have I longed to gather you under my wings as a hen does her chicks.’ that is an image I never thought about before in terms of HIM wanting to gather me, and all of us, underneath for protection.

  195. B. Robertson Says:

    Hi Rick,
    I couldn’t agree more. What drives me nuts is the fact that there are millions more of us out there. Where are they? God, I used to get into so much trouble with those schitzo-nuns by defending my classmates. I can remember the first day in 5th grade and we singularly had to stand up and state our name. The girl behind me was new and very shy. She did not say her name loud enough so the bitch threw her in back of the room and told her to yell her name. The little girl stood there sobbing. I was so furious that I stood up, ran back to the girl and put my arm around her and yelled her name for that sadistic bitch. I think she was stunned because the girl and I walked back to our seats and nothing else happened that day; however, the nun got her revenge on me the rest of the year. I may have been abused in a horrid manner but I was never ‘easy’ on them either. I got my statements in and a lot of disobedience too. Tee Hee

  196. Mario Says:

    Hi B. Robertson and all

    My disbelief in the Catholic Churches teachings goes back a long ways. My Grandmother was a devout Catholic. It started when I was nine years old. I guess it must have been the age of reason for me. My Grandmother would go to church everyday without missing a day unless she was sick and that was very seldom. She would get up at 4, am and say the rosary before she went to church. She went to the 6, O’clock Mass. This went on the whole time, I was living with her up until I was ten years old. With all her prayers nothing seemed to change. Every time someone gave me money, my grandmother would have her hand out to give it to the church. I would give it to her. Until one day, when I was nine years old as usual she had her hand out and I told her this shit is got to stop. I told her you give the church more money than you give me. I would only get a penny everyday for school and she would give the church five cents each day. On Sunday she would put a dime in an envelop for me to give to the church. Well, that shit came to a grinding halt. After that I took the dime out of the envelop and bought me a pie. That pie never tasted so good, when you buy it with church money. Now that was a big step for me because, I was committing a big sin for stealing from the church. Jesus, didn’t send me a bolt of lightning for doing that so I kept on doing it.

    I did not like the way the church treated my grandmother. She was poor and they didn’t seem to like poor people in the church. The kids that went to Catholic School who’s parents had money were treated well. So much for the root of all evil. I thought of the church as a bunch of beggars. Every week the priest would say we need money for the poor. The poor never got it. When my grandmother for the first time in her life asked a priest five bucks. He said, “No.” I said, to my grandmother, “With all the times you asked me for the money people had given me, to give to the church and this is how your rewarded? She didn’t know what to say. Then I retorted F**k the church. She gasped a loud gasp as if she was going to have a heart attack. After saying that there were no lightning bolts from the sky. That’s what I loved about my grandmother, I could say what I want even though she would get mad.

    My grandmother had a candle burning every night without fail, in front of the blessed mother statue. One night the glass holding the candle cracked and all the wax ran out rendering the room dark. She became very frightened and so did I. It made we wonder why was she so frightened because a candle went out? It took me years to find out, that she was afraid of the devil, that’s why she burnt a candle every night. When I was older I told her no devil is going to come here, with all these statues and pictures you have including the crucifix.

    To let you know how superstitious she was. She wouldn’t let me buy “devil dogs,” they were a small chocolate cakes with creme in the middle sold in the NY and Philadelphia area. Anything with the word devil she would not buy. Such as Devil food cake, or Deviled ham, she would not dare make Deviled eggs.

    All this, led me to question all these things that she believed in. All through Catholic school, I kept saying to myself, something is wrong with this religion. What kind of God, would send you to hell for all eternity for eating meat on Friday. Doesn’t sound like a God to me. By the time I left the eight grade I was happy I didn’t have to go to church anymore. The last time I went to church was in 1956. That’s been over 55 years ago. I think I’m going to get some kind of award, for not going to church for that long. Something like a Stanley cup I think. LOL

    After serving in the military and I was out of school and no more church. When I reached the age of 23 I got PATS. Which stayed with me for a good thirty years. I was in and out of Doctors offices, I realized my childhood was robbed not just by the church but also my parents, of whom I went to live with from ten years old onward. They were not believers of the Catholic faith they continued to send me to Catholic school because my Grandmother wanted me to finish in Catholic School. I use to ask my step mother if she didn’t believe in the Catholic faith why do you have a crucifix in your room. Her answer was, “Just in case” I had to laugh at that one. No bolts of lightning on that one either.

    When I studied on my own about the origins of these religions. I was realizing more and more that a burden had been lifted from my shoulders. Reading the Bible cover to cover only made me question even more what God would say these things. I went on to read about the origins of these religions. There are some good wisdom’s in the Bible no doubt. However, there are other things that are claimed that God said, and I don’t believe such a good God would send his minions to wars, to kill and plunder whole populations. Those things are mans doings not Gods. I view the Bible as a very human book, with very human characteristics.

    The Three most corrupt things in this world is Religion, Politics and Commerce.

    • George Says:

      Mario, others asked and I would like to know, what is PATS?

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      When I was in the Army in the 60’s, we were told that we could eat meat on Friday, and we did not have to fast before receiving Communion. I guess the U.S. Army is more powerful than the Catholic Church! ——- Dwayne

      • mcccmar Says:

        Hi — If you were in the army in the 60s it well could have coincided with Vatican 2 – post vatican 2we COULD eat meat on Friday and had to fast only one HOUR before receiving. SO.. maybe it wasnt the army after all lol

  197. trish griffin Says:

    Dear friends of the firetender’s blog, there are many references made that the “rich” kids were granted preferential treatment. I would not consider my family rich, but my father gave a lot of money to the church. We were still battered unspeakably and witnessed a lot of misdeeds by nuns and priests. My father passed away suddenly when he was 47 and the day after the funeral the priest stopped by the house looking for a check from my mother who was completely distraught and in utter grief. Heartless bastards all of them.

    • firetender Says:

      A large part of the abuse aspect by Nuns is that these were public displays; directed to one or more individuals but witnessed by classroomsfull of students. Witnessing such despicable acts is psychologically and emotionally almost as damaging to the viewer as it is to the recipient. In some cases, equally if not more damaging because the question always looming in the back of one’s head is “When will it be ME?”

      This is Crazymaking at its best and my experience was that the Nuns were completely Equal Opportunity Abusers on the economic level.

      At first I thought the effects of the abuse were primarily held by the Boys, but this blog has taught me that the girls were easily as abused and many of them, as expressed here, haunted for the rest of their lives as well.

  198. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    Now I feel like I know you, Mario. That was amazing. Thanks for that.

  199. Mary Rutley Says:

    Hi guys,

    On Wednesday (24 Aug) I had a letter published in Metro UK about the cruelty inflicted by evil nuns upon generations of children from around the world. The Vatican has admitted to the assaults – sexual, physical and psychological – by RC priests, but I’m still waiting for its apology for the damage inflicted by the nuns. Will we have to wait forever?

  200. B. Robertson Says:

    Hi Mario – Wow I really enjoyed reading your comments. I have seen many ‘grandmothers’ you speak of in so many of the catholic churches – priests preyed on people like her. They were like parasites. And I love how all churches now require either 10% of our earnings or paycheck stubs. Love the fact that you began taking some money for food. Our lives are kind of similar, as the so called loving church took my family ‘in’ because my father was an alcoholic and there were 5 children my mother had to raise by herself. I was literally taken from my little town near West Virginia, where there were no damn parochial schools, and slammed in the first grade being introduced to someone who scared the hell out of me. God, she looked so strange – her name was Sister Marie Agnes and aside from her long black dress or whatever they were called, I recall a white stiff covering across her forehead. I saw her adjust it and she had a deep purple line across her head. Anyway, that was my descent into what I refer to as hell. My mother started out as a nurse aid in a local hospital. My sisters and I were malnourished. We got evicted from five houses and by the time I was 11 or 12, I would babysit for money and as soon as I would leave after babysitting, would run to the local carry out and buy a Hostess Apple Pie with milk. God, I remember being so hungry and laying in bed at night shiverring because it was so cold in our house. I can also remember having spaghetti one Thanksgiving because my mother could not afford a turkey. I really never was able to enjoy a childhood because I was abused at school and pretty much neglected at home. But as a very young girl, I made a promise to myself that my children would never be beaten, hungry or cold. And, that they weren’t. Not to brag, but one of my grandson’s is a Navy Seal. I am so damn proud of that fact! By the way, you mentioned the Stanley Cup (Go Red Wings) LOL – I live in Farmington Hills, MI so love hockey. I did have a question about “PATS”. What is that? Anyway, GO YOU! You seem like a great guy…I really don’t know how we all made it. But I’m so glad we are here and alive. And, as you have stated, I haven’t been struck by lightening yet either….God the things they put in our heads. I feel religion is almost like a ‘collective unconsciousness’ of belief to control the masses. And, as for the Bible, my belief is that in the years it was written by the “Apostles”, in the middle east there were fields upon fields of untouched poppies (well..maybe they were touched LOL). I sincerely feel the people that wrote the Bible were ‘high’ on opium, hallucinating on these plants as they sat and wrote. Too much evidence for that, at least I have found. So, have a great weekend! I know a lot of you are on the East Coast….be careful over there. I know Irene is headed your way. Take Cover!!!

  201. Mario Says:

    Hi All

    And thank you for your nice comments.

    I did forget to mention that my father was an alcoholic as well Robertson and a dead beat to boot. He worshiped the gods of beer. And Trish, there are exceptions to the rule and rules to the exceptions. Mary we will get an apology when Jesus Christ, comes back in the second coming which is nil. If Christ does comeback where would we meet Him. Maybe at Hollywood and Vine?

    Another thing, I remembered in Catholic School the nuns would tell us how we are born in sin. Making it sound like we are unworthy pieces of garbage and they would drill this into our dear little ears. Why would God create human beings that, are born in sin? And the original sin is removed via a mystical and supernatural scapegoat ritual, i.e., the sacrifice of Jesus. Baptism too is supposed to remove magically the taint of original sin, but, as we can tell from the state of the world, this mystical mumbo-jumbo has little to no effect. If baptism were effective why conduct a brutal, bloody and barbaric human-sacrifice ritual, murdering God as his own son?

    These things did not make sense to me. I don’t believe that human beings are born in sin. I would not dare question these things in the classroom, for fear of reprisals from the brides of Christ. Who by the way, were ugly looking broads married to Christ.

  202. B. Robertson Says:

    Hi Mario,
    Boy, that is so true about nuns! I always told my sisters that if God was really married to these horrid people, that he had really really bad taste!! They all could have used some mouthwash once in awhile too. Reading your comments brought a comedic thought to me. Remember our ‘first confessions’? I sure do, because we had to enter those dark little boxes and speak to someone who was blurred from our vision. I couldn’t think of any sins I had done (I was only 8 for God’s sakes). So, I simply said “I lied one time” – and the lie was me making up something to say or else I would’ve gotten in trouble. Without boring you with the multitudes of stories I have, another time we were in church (for the millionth time that year) I can recall the girl next to me kind of like swaying back and forth. I was too terrified to move. She finally leaned on my shoulder and I was so afraid that I nudged my shoulder to get her off of me and she fell off the pew onto the floor – completely fainting. How sad is that…to be afraid to move because I’d catch hell on earth and here this poor girl was on the floor. The nun approached and took her away (she was fine – just hot that day). And about baptism. I delivered a full term stillborn baby in 1974. Not a church going person at the time, I could not forget about the ‘early teachings’ we received re: dying without baptism. So, my daughter is in ‘limbo’ because she still had capital sin in her? If a God does that to a newborn baby then I’m not interested in meeting him anyway. As I said, the catholic religion has many people under what I feel is a collective unconscious…kind of like what Hitler did in Germany. And Hitler was a sociopath. I feel the sociopathic tendencies spilled over in some way to the Vatican/Catholics. I wish – like many others here – that the Catholic religion would just go away.

  203. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    Get it all out, puke it out. You have held that in for a very long time, havn’t you? I am so sorry for those of you who had drunken fathers on top of everything else.

    I was really surprised by the courage and depth of your letter last night, it was as if some sort of door opened inside you and you began to tell us your truth. You never did this before. Some new incredible liberty seemed to spring up inside you. It was beautiful and amazing. That kind of honesty can only be respected. I think you would be surprised the ways in which God himself agrees with your position on the catholic church. he sends no one to hell over whether they eat meat on Friday. He said that those who are His hear his voice and they follow him, and they will not listen to the voice of a stranger. It struck me that you had honorably been holding out against the voice of a stranger all of your life. That took some real stuff. I had the decided impression that he is closer to you than you think. Why do I think this? When I was so filled with loneliness last night, and couldn’t tell if it was my longing, or his longing to comfort us all on this list, it was YOU who suddenly opened up and revealed so much of yourself to us. It was YOU who heard that call,. and responded.

    It made me feel so much better. People being themselves, being honest. It was a gift when you did that.

  204. Mario Says:

    Hi ya All

    Christine I was just being a jokester about that. I know he was supposed to appear in Jerusalem. This does give me an idea though glad you bought that up. I can go their to sell, Jesus balloons to the kids and hamburgs and hot dogs. Just think, I may be able to perform a miracle by feeding 5,000 people from two hot dogs and a bag of rolls. You’ll probably catch it on the six O’clock news. All the Christians that will be their waiting for his arrival. It’s a good time to make a few bucks. Might as well take advantage of the occasion.

    Let’s say he does show up what’s going to happen is, the Catholic Clergy are going to ask, “Is this your first or second coming?” If he says first, the Pope will say, “Ok boys you know what to do with him.”

    George are you sure it’s not PAT that means “port address translation,” PAT has to do with NAT “network address translation” what it all means I have no idea, it is a computer terminology. I don’t know if that’s the answer your looking for.

  205. B. Robertson Says:

    Hi Christine! My husband is fishing for salmon in Lake Michigan this weekend so I have really allowed an abundance of pent up feelings to arise in me. And, you know what? I feel so much better. It may seem silly, but it is like we are all here for a reason. I think you are all such wonderful people. But, we made it. My only regret is that we didn’t do something much sooner in life. You state that Jesus will stand on the Mt. of Olives – I wish he’d come and stand on all the nuns who tortured us as well. I probably won’t be sharing as much anymore, but to me it has been a healing process and such an excellent place to just feel better about things in general. One thought though – Jesus was a Jew. I have to research how the Catholic religion arose from that. Christians have stated he has come, the Jews state he has not. Pure confusion. It will take a lot of time to sort through what my beliefs are. I still lean toward Buddhism – to be loving and kind. What a simple thing to do! No threats of hell and punishment. No killing and being unkind – that’s their belief. And I like that. I must admit, I have been rather ‘unkind’ in expressing my anger toward nuns. But it’s all good now. I feel like perhaps a few weights have been lifted from my shoulders (and heart).

    • firetender Says:

      Nothing would please me more than thousands of people coming here, like you, getting some form of healing that helps carry you to your own next stage and then splitting!

      God has already blessed you; thanks for bringing it here!

      Much Aloha!

      Russ, a firetender

  206. Frank Says:

    “My conclusion is that the whole church system is unsafe for children and vulnerable people. There is a dynamic of abuse at the heart of the church …” Martin Ridge.

    “Society must listen to survivors; they are the experts.” Martin Ridge.

    Martin Ridge was a police officer in Donegal, Ireland who investigated cases of child abuse in the late 1990s/early 2000s. In 2008 he published a book – Breaking the Silence which told of that investigation.

  207. Jane Says:

    It Was Not My Fault – A poem for abused children

    Words hurt when written
    from the chore of the heart
    Where pain resides
    Hidden in the folds of memory
    They sometimes fester and die
    The shocking secret of a child
    I had to dig deep
    I had to convince my soul
    It was okay
    That secrets could be revealed
    Once buried deep and safe
    Away from prying eyes for years
    Behind the veil of hidden tears
    I used to smile
    Mask in place
    hiding from my devastating past
    My child mind convinced it was my fault
    Never wanting them to know
    My innocent life shattered
    Shards of mirror reflecting
    the emptiness inside my soul
    Never trusting
    A fugitive in life
    I roamed lost in confusion
    Running away from ugly truths
    The voice inside whispering
    A trembling soul
    Wasted years and growing old
    But now I know
    I remember his evil mind
    The cold blue eyes
    The monster of my dreams
    The wasted years
    And I know it was not my fault

  208. Marie Carney Says:

    I was hit repeatedly on the back of my legs and Achilles tendons by Sr. Ruth Delores at Sacred Heart Academy in Klamath Falls, OR. The year was 1957. I was in first grade. My offense was breaking my thermos and spilling milk mixed with glass on the floor. The nun swooped down on me and grabbed me by the ear, dragging me to the front of the class and (still holding me by the ear) hit the back of my legs at least 10 times. She was swinging wildly and was completely out of control.

    This sort of thing happened in the school all four years I attended. My parents figured I needed additional “discipline” at home if I’d done something so horrendous to make a nun leave welts all over the back of my legs. They FINALLY started to believe me when I was in the 4th grade and my mother received a call from the school saying that I had damaged school property and they would have to pay additional money to cover the janitorial costs before I would be allowed to return to school.

    When my mother asked how I had damaged school property the nun just said that I was told not to enter the building and I did and now they had additional janitorial expenses and my mother should come and get me because I was suspended until they paid.

    I had bled all over the school hallway. I had fallen in the school yard and split my knee open. (50+ years later I still have a faint scar from the stitches required.) The nasty nun who was on yard duty did tell me to stay out of the building, but I ran in to go to the restroom to get some paper towels to try and stop the bleeding.

    I could go on and on and on. As I write these words I still feel the sting of resentment. I am now a Christ-follower in a non-denominational protestant church, but I haven’t made peace with my feelings about nuns.

    When my mom got sick, I had no choice but to put her in a Catholic nursing home (this was 2003). She (my mother) accused me of being spiteful and vindictive about her having sent me to Catholic school. She was suffering from dementia, so I didn’t really give it too much thought until I received a phone call almost identical to the one my mother had received when I was in 4th grade. The nun said, “Your mother has urinated on the carpet and it’s going to cost $600 to replace the carpet, are you going to pay it?”

    What she failed to mention, was that my mother had suffered a massive stroke and the nuns had left her lying in her own urine for about an hour because they thought she was being stubborn and wouldn’t get up off the floor. That was Sister Julia from New Bethany Assisted Living home in Los Banos, CA.

    • firetender Says:

      I just had a fear rush because everybody is naming names here. Oh, wait a minute; that’s how I started this! This is realer than real. So many of us have lived in obscurity just because as youngins we didn’t have the courage to point out our tormentors and say “That’s what SHE did!”

      It’s time and I thank you!

  209. Mary Arroyo Says:

    I attended St. Albert the Great grammer school (just outside Chicago) in the 1960’s. The Catholic church not only extracted eight years of my life during the school day, but at night as well, my father was also a deacon at the church. Some of the priests from this church are listed as sexual abusers. The abuse did not stop there.

    I was born with a birth defect which left me with a speak impediment. The nuns at this school felt this impacted my IQ and I was humiliated on a regular basis. My parents were blind, loyal Catholics and whatever a priest or nun said or did was never wrong. Even when the state offered help for my disability through the public school system, it was denied as the nuns deemed it unnecessary.

    I had the Catholic experience rammed down my throat my entire childhood (two of my dad’s cousins were priests). I went to school in shoes that had holes and in a tattered uniform, my parents were financially stretched to the penny, but the school always got its tuition and the Sunday envelopes where always filled.

    In third grade I had done something incorrectly on a paper, as the nun was walking up and down the aisles she stopped and put her hand on my shoulder…for a moment I thought it was the long sought act of kindness I craved, but in short order she grabbed my hair and shook my head violently. I couldn’t respond, Not because of fear, but physically, I was unable. This nun would report to my parents that I “day dreamed” everyday, for which I was punished and humiliated at home. I had some difficulties with memory and would lie to fill in the blanks of time, for fear of further humiliation. It was determined much later in life that I suffered from focal seizures stemming from a malformation of blood vessels in my brain.

    In fifth grade I remember a young man by the name of James B. He was a great guy and a bit of a cut up, he had to be with the excuse for a mother he had, anyway he had “talked back” to the nun in charge, she had his mother come to school, lay him over a desk and proceeded to beat him mercilessly in front of the entire class. To James B.’s credit, he would not give them satisfaction of crying, he turned purple from humiliation and was never the same kid again, but they did not make him cry. I also remember the smug look of satisfaction the nun had on her face during this assault on a child..she got off on it! This same nun would give straight A’s to kids whose parents either had money to give or offered other favors.

    In eighth grade I got a bit of my soul back…albeit a small bit. Our classes were divided into groups A,B, C, and D based on how smart the nuns thought you were (or how much your parents gave). I was in group “C” and was only “promoted” to group “B” after I realized that the nuns where deliberately teaching incorrect information to the kids in the two lower groups, thus their test scores proved they were “stupid”. I took a Constitution test which all eighth graders had to pass before going on to HS. Being somewhat literate in regards to the US Constitution (as an adult it was a mainstay of my career) I knew we were being taught the wrong answers. I got 100 out of 100 questions correct when I took the test. This was quite an enigma for the nun who taught the US History class (as no one else got this score I could not have cheated) and to the end, I don’t think she knew how I did it. I looked up the correct answers and studied for two weeks. I completed the test in 3.5 minutes. I can still remember spending another 1.5 minutes making sure my name was written legibly at the top, as missing this would result in an automatic 0. I can still remember the feeling of satisfaction when I looked at her puzzled puss.

    When I married, (well I think I am married, because the priest my dad insisted preform the ceremony was one of Chicago’s most vile child sexual predators), I never looked back. and cut off ties with my family.

    My prayer for the Catholic Church and its clergy is the same kindness it has bestowed upon its children.

    • firetender Says:

      Are you guys all getting how we are survivors of the first order having weathered incredibly EPIC JOURNEYS!

      I don’t know why, because I really wasn’t terribly sophisticated in my reading, but I recall thinking — had to have been in the 6th Grade, so Ten years old, that I thought shit like this only happened in Dickens Novels! I honestly remember feeling surprise that such tortures at the hands of teachers and caregivers, as barbaric as they were, were STILL being heaped upon children like me!

      This kid was quite perceptive beyond his years.

      Do you see this being any less so with yourself?

      When I think of US (this site) I hear “Resilient!”

  210. B. Robertson Says:

    Hello Mary, I read your thoughts with a tear running down my cheek. And firetender states we are resilient. And I guess that we are. Keep blogging on this site. You will feel so much better. Get it out. I know I did. And everyone was so understanding. We know where you’ve been….and are there for you now. I do know one thing, I grew up very quickly in the parochial school system….hardly remembering nice childhood memories.

  211. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    Marie Carney,

    Thank you for telling us what the nuns did to your mother in an old people’s home. Apparently anyone who is helpless can become their victim.

    I just did the ‘Dominican nun abuse’ search on that I use now and again, and came up with the Lourdes Home on the island of Malta, run by dominicans, being under investigation for years of child abuse, physical, sexual, and psychological. Recent abuse of people in their 20’s, 30;s and 40’s. The church has clamped down as usual, despite the recent nature of these allegations, and all is being investigated in secrecy. Many of the nuns were asked to leave the place however.

    But what is the response of the Dominican order which runs the place? They are converting this children’s home into an old people’s home. Which we see by your mother’s experience, Marie, is not going to change the abuse that goes on there, most likely.

  212. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    Since many keep asking ‘Why’ the catholic clergy and convents are so full of abusers, I want to recommend a couple of books that might give insight to those who wish to consider them. Both books are old, and are available for download to ‘kindle for P.C’ which is available free at for free use on any computer.

    The first is called ‘The Two Babylons’ and was written by Alexander Hislop 150 years ago. Hislop argued that Catholicism was NOT Christianity, but paganism disguised. The second book is ‘Foxe’s Book of Martyrs’ which tells the tales of the thousands upon thousands who were tortured and killed by the papal inquisitors over hundreds of years, for rejecting papal authority and daring to read the Bible for themselves.

    Hislop argues that Nuns and monks as an invention came out the pagan religions, not the Bible. The ‘Queen of Heaven’ so beloved by the Dominican nuns who taught many of us, was condemned in the Old Testament Scriptures by the prophets when Israel adopted her pagan worship and ‘made cakes to the queen of heaven.’ .

    And for those of us abused by Dominican nuns, otherwise known as the ‘Order of Preachers’, history shows that Pope ‘Innocent’ III assigned Dominic, founder of that order, to establish the inquisition and its torture of ‘heretics’, which he did with great enthusiasm. The women who abused us were following in a tradition of such vileness that helps me understand why torturing us seemed so easy for them. My husband just now suggested we should call them ‘the demonicans.’ instead.

    I am suggesting these for those who really want to understand ‘why’ and are looking to research possible spiritual causes. Foxe is very hard to read due to the violence, and Hislop due to his antiquated writing style.

  213. Mario Says:

    Maybe we should make T-shirts that say, “I survived Catholic school.” Those baseball type hats as well.

    Being through Catholic school seems to me, is like living the Orwellian, Nightmare. Everybody has to love big brother or sister. They have a ministry of truth that they teach the kids. In reality, it was a ministry of lies. They would treat us like cattle, our parents would place these nuns and priest on pedestals they rarely, if ever, deserve to be on.

    Ye shall know a fruitcake by its nuts.

  214. Mary Arroyo Says:

    Thank you Robertson for your kind words. I do not think we can recover from such childhood memories, they are too ingrained in our psyche, only learn to make our peace with ourselves and make damn sure we do all we can to stop these narcissistic monsters.

    I find it interesting firetender compared it to “something out of a Dickens novel.” I too was fond of reading Dickens as a youth, because it seemed there, in another time and place, it validates that which we witnessed. I think that may very well be the reason for such suffering, for us to bear witness. I know as a child I was not believed, as a young adult I was not believed, I can forgive the action, but the persistent denial or worse the smug looks of “what are you going to do about it?” I cannot forgive. However, we do live in the twenty first century, and I am more than willing to take a polygraph (assuming it was given by an objective party), I wonder if the Catholic clergy would do the same? I hope more people bravely come forward, naming names, evil can only persist, if good men do nothing.

    • Frank Says:

      Mary, I am with B. Robertson, your story touched me deeply. My heart sank when I read “I do not think we can recover from such childhood memories… etc” because I believed that for the longest time … hell, I did not even lift the lid on those memories for 40 years! There is a lot of evidence, including this blog, to support this… stories of lives wrecked by substance abuse, other addictions, of failed relationships, inability to hold down a job… and of suicide. It is a reasonable and understandable conclusion to come to.

      Mary also said “learn to make out peace with ourselves…” and that lifted my spirits, because it is also true that there are stories of recovery, of healing, of learning to function well in spite of how we were treated as kids… never forgetting what happened, but confronting our fears and demons, engaging the best of our adult brains and hearts to comfort, reassure and protect the scared and damaged child inside us. It is powerful, helpful and useful to first believe that yes, I can recover, as that opens the door to the possibility. If I believe I can’t… I am right!

      It is not easy to truly accept what happened … that cruel twist of fate; it’s not fair; why me? What did I do to deserve this? I’m a victim! Not so very different from innocent bystanders caught up in war.

      But it is the hand we all here have been dealt, and don’t we owe it to ourselves first and foremost to do our absolute damnedest to recover? Isn’t that the only sure sign that we are worth it, that we do think well of ourselves, that we have just as much innate value as any human being?

      I believe that I can recover and learn to make peace with myself. I am now on that journey every day… and likely will be for the rest of my life. I also believe that I have come a long way… and have quite a way to go. The weight of media coverage of church abuse became sufficient four years ago at age 57 to prompt me to look at what had happened to me that I had buried for all those years. I have post-traumatic stress disorder, as many of us do. I needed professional help… and I still do. I first had to work up the courage to seek that help. I feel fortunate to be able to get that help, but I see it as a high priority in my life and do what I need to do so that I can access it, both individual therapy, and group therapy for survivors of child abuse.

      I echo the firetender Russ’ words in saying how important this blog is in realising that I am not alone, that what happened to me happened to others… across time and across oceans, and it happened to so many.

      I hope that more will be done, more will be available to everyone like us everywhere to help us make peace with ourselves, to help us act on the belief that our lives can be better and more fulfilling, and that we can effectively come to terms with our dreadful shared legacy.

      • firetender Says:

        For a long time each of us individually felt, in some twisted way, that the nuns were right.

        We bought into their bottom line assessment of us that we were beneath God’s contempt. Well you know what? The part that WAS our Creator didn’t let us down. Through that relationship we were led to the truth, and the truth became so real that maybe NO human being could have taught it. Can you see how we were touched by All That Is Good? The fact that most of us lost complete faith in the “Representatives of Christ” as we were introduced to them helped us to hear the voice of the Almighty. We learned to trust by following what amounted to our own Inner Voices. If we haven’t come to better understand the true nature of Jesus, who has? In our travels (sure, call it “fleeing” if you will!) we stumbled over the Great Mystery time and time again until we completely recognized that IT wasn’t THEM!

        And somehow, that got us all here, didn’t it?

        Can you see how we were created FOR each other?

        Thank you, Frank!

    • George Says:

      Mary, when you said, “I hope more people bravely come forward, naming names, evil can only persist, if good men do nothing,” that was what Albert Einstein said in similar words: “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” We are the ones who will do something and name the names and tell the facts. Those “narcissist monsters” are on their way to becoming extinct.

  215. B. Robertson Says:

    Hi Mary,
    Certainly couldn’t agree more….I would even be willing to march in front of whatever cathedral is most important in the USA!!

    • George Says:

      B. Robertson, marching is a good idea, that is what the people at SNAP do, I don’t know where you live but SNAP has groups all over the world that are bringing grief to the pope, chief of the pedophiles.

  216. B. Robertson Says:

    Wow – you just wrote ‘it’ all down in such an eloquent fashion. I’m with you 110%.

  217. Vincent Says:

    Hello All,
    I’m touched by what I’ve read here. Though I was never physically abused by nuns or priests, my Catholic school experience in upstate New York included some bizarre (related) incidents that influenced my social views of the Church, which I effectively left at age 17. Some mild mental abuse and head games. Some examples:

    * All kinds of things related to favoring one student over another, even one lay teacher in 8th grade changing a kid’s grade from B+ to A based on his request that she reconsider his marks (and the fact of his mother being friendly with the priests, nuns and teachers).

    * A nun punishing my entire 8th grade class (this was June 1975) by keeping us after school, and threatening to cancel the graduation trip, for schoolyard vandalism attributed to one boy in the class who maintained his innocence, leading several boys to physically threaten the “suspect” (guess who).

    * A 28-ish mother in the parish flirting with my friend who was then 12 or 13.

    * The associate pastor carrying on with a friend’s mother (they were both between 35 and 40).

    * Witholding my 8th grade diploma because my father, never the epitome of responsibility, hadn’t paid the tuition in full (my mother was deceased).

    * My classmate (a little guy) in 8th grade punching the nun who grabbed him during lunch time – I’m ambivalent about that as a question of judgement and unsure whether I’d have had his courage.

    This was all part of the pattern of corrupt and un-Christian behavior in that environment. Everything I ever had to know about corruption and the evils of the adult world I learned in Catholic schools before age 14. There were some good times too. I’m not emotionally scarred, but I’ve never forgotten the weird experiences, which obviously shaped my views about some things.


  218. rjgodley Says:

    Are we just going to coninue listening to each other’s horror stories? At first it was consoling: I was not alone, Isn’t it time to move out from our isolation and do something?. How many wounded souls out there, unable to articulate and share to the degre we have, needs to know they were not at fault.

    • firetender Says:

      Perhaps in this blog I should change my name to IRETENDER !

      rj, I’m clear on my role with this blog and you all. My focus is to provide a safe space for you and others of my brothers and sisters who were so assaulted to come to. Here, you can see that what you experienced was real, and then look around you to finally discover that there are people who went through what you did and have made themselves available for a healing process that includes us all.

      Every time a new “horror story” comes in it is a celebration! That’s one person standing up and publically claiming his or her power. Since NO ONE ELSE in our lives paid attention, maybe one of the most potent things we can do for each other is to LISTEN and ANSWER.

      In a sense, you came here for consolation and now got so pissed off you’re saying, “Okay ENOUGH, let’s get to the Work!” But for here, this IS the work, and the work is about this site being a SPRINGBOARD for people like yourself.

      Personally, I’ve made it clear I don’t want to do the fighting, just the rallying. But therein lies my responsibility to you and the site and that would be to keep its simple purpose on-track.

      So as a guideline for the future, I want me and everyone here to be Cheerleaders for each other as we, in our own ways, do what we, individually, are called to do to weaken the armor of the system and individuals that facilitated our torture. To that end, if you come up with an approach and want others to hear about it:

      1) Take some time to get it clear in your own mind, then, tell us about it.
      2) Refer us to other RESOURCES so we can go further in understanding what you’re seeking to accomplish without bogging us down with details; remember, here we get to express our personal experiences, there we get to take what we learned to its logical next ACTION step
      3) This is NOT about recruiting, this is about sharing
      4) Let us know the kinds of assistance you might need to accomplish your goal
      5) Post CONTACT INFORMATION so those interested in joining you can do so OFF-SITE
      6) Accept the result; if you don’t find the support you’re seeking, it’s just the time isn’t right for the people here.
      7) Please update us on your progress!

      I hear your call for “Somebody do something!”

      Feel free to find kindred spirits here that will help you find something to do, and then do it while maintaining the integrity of the purpose of the site, which is to become an UNAVOIDABLE record of the abuses of children at the hands of female Clergy of the Catholic Church.

  219. Mary Arroyo Says:

    Does anyone know how to go about finding appropriate therapy? In the past, I have not gotten much out of therapy, if the therapist has not had the Catholic school experience, they really don’t know how to direct the session. I have contacted my local SNAP group as was suggested by George, but I have not heard anything back as of yet.

  220. Frank Says:

    Mary, here is an excellent guide for those who have experienced trauma and may have post-traumatic stress disorder:

    I know what you mean about therapists who do not understand… I went to one who just did not relate. The clinic she was operating in was a healthcare organisation run by a Christian church. I suspect that some of the things I talked about she found personally challenging and confronting and may have become a bit defensive. This is just a personal perspective, but I would never go near a church run or church sponsored clinic, therapist or group again… and I mean any church/mosque/synagogue/Temple… whatever, for the simple reason that they may have personal beliefs, values or organisational norms that could influence their perspective and approach on the issue of child abuse by religious people.

    What I have come to learn though is three things:
    1. It is NOT essential for the therapist to have the catholic or similar experience.
    2. It IS essential for the therapist to be a trauma/PTSD specialist (assuming that this is the problem, which it is in my case and I am sure in many others on this blog).
    3. Survivors’ groups are where people really get us, and can identify with our stuff.
    So both approaches, trauma specialist and survivor group together can provide what is needed.

    There is a relatively new mode of therapy that has the best track record of any in dealing with trauma/PTSD. It is called EMDR. Practitioners have to be trained and qualified in it, and usually advertise the fact in the description of what they offer. So look for both trauma/PTSD treatment and EMDR in their blurb. EMDR is described in the website link above.

    I have started this therapy a couple of months ago, and while I am a long way from being done, it has already produced more significant movement than anything else I have tried.

    Anyone else tried EMDR?

  221. B. Robertson Says:

    If anyone reads “Rolling Stone” magazine, a recent article (I think this month) re: Philadelphia priests/pedophiles and the horrible journey of a boy named “Billy”. Some of the quotes I wrote down and wanted to share were quite shocking. Although not about nuns -this article is deeply connected. Some quotes I wanted to share: “The Catholic Church is cloaked in secrecy”, “This is not the fault of medival bureaucracy – rather the deliberate and criminal work of a cold and calculating organization -the Catholic Church”, other quotes were “Similar to cult behavior”, and a comment by a prosecutor said: “It was like infiltrating a racketeering organization – they (priests) were not like priests – they were just thugs”. I feel this topic is gaining in momentum BUT STILL THE NUNS ARE NOT MENTIONED/IMPLICATED. I did read the priests won’t be charged with child endangerment; however, WHAT ABOUT THE NUNS? I know my life was endangered….every damn day. We were in a cult. A big one and a quite dangerous one. And to this day the nuns remained protected somehow/someway. It’s disgusting.

    • George Says:

      B. Robertson
      That Rolling Stone article was the best article I’ve seen about clergy abuse. Anyone who wants to read it online can access:

      You are right that the nuns need to get the same treatment. However, if we get the priests and go all the ways up to the Pope and get rid of him and his entourage then there will be no one to support the nuns. If “evil central” is gone, they will go with it. At least that would stop future abuse. For the past nun abusers some of them are burning in hell and everyone who knows the names, places and facts about those still living need to tell the media.

    • Mary Rutley Says:

      It riles me that the perishing nuns seem to be escaping punishment. I believe the abusive orders are keeping quiet in the hope that the perpetrators will die off, and their victims will give up. Not a chance!

  222. B. Robertson Says:

    Touche’ George! Let’s get busy talking to the media

  223. Nancy Says:

    I carry this forever. In the first grade, a little tiny child, age 6, punched in the back at least 10 times in front of all of her classmates and when the nun was done, I had to ask myself what did I do to deserve this? I didn’t even know, because I don’t think I did anything, maybe I was talking to someone next to me and she didn’t like that. To this day, I will never know why. Then again in the 3rd grade the nun stopped by my desk during penmanship practice. She was watching me for a short time, didn’t like my handwriting, she said it was not neat enough, and slammed a yardstick into my hand. I remember blood splatterd all of the white paper. All she said was that someday I would thank her for what she did and that my handwriting would someday be perfect. Why?? That’s all I ask to this day.

  224. Henry Sienkiewicz Says:

    Frank. I have had years of EMDR. The only reason it took years is because I had years of trauma that needed processing. EMDR is safe and effective. One important thing that everyone should remember about the abuse we experienced, that the object of therapy, EMDR or whatever method you choose, is not to forget what happened but to free yourself from the emotional storm that is associated with the memory. That way remembering is like a movie that plays and you just don’t care, it means nothing to you because there is no emotional reaction.

    • Frank Says:

      Thanks Henry… how would you rate yourself now regarding your PTSD? Has your life changed in terms of stress, anxiety, sleep, relationships, negative behaviours, health, how you deal with things… etc etc (and how has it changed)?

      • Henry Sienkiewicz Says:

        My life has changed dramatically for the better. The symptom’s for the most part have fallen away. I still get triggered but instead of being overwhelmed and paralyzed by the emotional upheaval it is more like a subconscious irritation that desapates when it comes into my awareness. Please understand that I was very ill with extreme mood swings and out bursts of violence. I had been the victim of years of psychological/ sexual torture. It had come to the point where it was a life or death choice because I couldn’t stand the pain any longer. I made my choice and decided to do what ever was necessary to recover. That I did and it paid off. You asked about different aspects of my life before and after, it would be very hard to get into detail about each one because the end result would be me writing the equivalent of a book.

    • Frank Says:

      Your first 2 sentences say it all… I have the greatest admiration for your decision “to do what ever was necessary to recover”… and to see it through. It certainly isn’t an easy option. I’m inspired by your courage and strength for my own journey. I’m also very happy for you with your dramatically improved quality of life.

      Heartfelt thanks Henry for sharing this with us.

  225. Mary Arroyo Says:

    Can someone explain what EMDR is? Or perhaps an article on the subject? I am very interested. I was diagnosed with PTSD quite awhile ago and have found only one therapist who really was effective, however I had to move out of the area and have not been able to find help since. One big problem is that I need someone who provides a sliding scale fee for service as my insurance is very limited, but so far all I can find are “church” run therapists for sliding fees. My husband is in law enforcement and he always tells me there is no such thing as “coincidence”. I find it very much a coincidence that the only access to affordable therapy is through church run organizations. Who better to police the clergy than the church? Perhaps I am just paranoid.

  226. Mary Arroyo Says:

    Thank you for the help and for all the support on this site. I only wish there was a more structured support method. I seen so many sites which have been victim of “astroturf”. Wiki gives the best definition, but basically when a group like this gets started… hired goons begin to blog under hundreds of sudo names and gang up and bully in an effort to end the website. They are usually paid for by a large organization with an agenda.

    I just wanted to share something that struck me yesterday. I mentioned this site to my son and recalled the last time he saw my parents. My husband was a product of the foster care system and thus had no extended family, so after I had children I tried once more to try to get along and just agree to disagree. This was some twenty-six years ago, I brought a glazed ham to Easter Sunday dinner (the ham cost our entire week’s budget for food). The only one other man at the table that ate the ham was my Jewish brother-in-law, but it was okay because my father made him give up his God before he could marry my sister. Anyway, when the meal was over the ham was tossed in the trash….I wanted to cry…my son, then six years old, did cry at the waste. We left soon after, My mother gave the other grandchildren their Easter gifts the day before, so what she handed my kids was a baggy with a few jelly beans and one colored hard boiled egg. My boys were glad to get the eggs and cracked them as soon as they got outside. the eggs were not boiled at all, my sweet son was so angry he threw what was left in his hands at their house. Easter Sunday as a weapon…I still can’t get over that….but directed at a child?! What kind of sick mind even thinks of that!

    My son is in his thirties now and has his own family. He has a very high IQ, using standardized modern tests, he scores 183 and 187. He is the most objective person I have ever met. If someone flips him off on the road, he assumes they had a bad day. He never looks at one side of an issue, except when it comes to my parents. My daughter was curious as a teenager and asked him what they were like and his response was “a void, a dark void with an immense need for control If they didn’t know what they were doing I would call them sick as it is though, they are evil.”

    My first twenty years or so, were full of such examples, that is why I stated earlier I doubt I can recover, only learn to live with myself.

    • Henry Sienkiewicz Says:

      Mary, I remember reading about behavior such as you described on sites dealing with malignant narcissism, narcissism victim syndrome and about narcissistic mothers. It might be worth googling them just to see if your experieces match what is described. If they do you will have something solid to work with on your way to recovery. It boggles my mind about your family and the way they treated you and the children. It sounds like out of your whole family you were blessed with sanity and the rest missed the boat entirely. Remember always one day at a time and knowledge is power. Take care.

  227. B. Robertson Says:

    Hi Mary,
    I have learned to get some tissue before I open a comment from this site. OMG, my heart so goes out to you. You’ve had a rough life my dear. But you have to know that you raised such an incredible son (and more children too?)…Your comments lead me to the fact that you were not only severely abused by nuns, but also at home – as I was. I do know that neglect fits firmly into abuse and that was my case at home. It seems with your last post that you are losing hope stating “I doubt I can recover”….well, YES YOU CAN. You seem strong, you are a beautiful and expressive writer! Perhaps writing is your way ‘out’. I am currently writing a book or treatise perhaps, I don’t know yet, not that far but nuns are in the book along with the atrocities suffered by being thrown – daily – into their insane minds. I happen to be a diagnosed “severe adult attention deficit disorder” individual with post traumatic stress associated with literal depletion of two neurotransmitters that left me quickly as I tried to survive the treachery of nuns. And I am not alone. My story involves multiple marriages, multiple jobs….interrupting people to finish their sentences…and they are trying to ‘drug’ me with speed. But, speed is a good medication that supresses ADD for people like me. I guess it makes me ‘normal’. By all rights I should be dead. My life was simply an upheaval of horror after horror along with the diminishment of my entire being brought about mainly by vicious nuns – at least at home nobody knew I was there so I wasn’t hit or talked down to – but school took care of that portion. I most of all, DO BELIEVE I WILL RECOVER. I will recover because I am angry as hell. The nuns I had hated me because I liked boys. They only catered to the girls that wanted to be nuns. A doctor has prescribed Adderall for me and every time I take one I think of nuns and I do blame them. But I am not going to be one of their casualties. I guess anger is making me survive. I do not feel any effects of Adderall but hopefully in time it may help.
    Many times in my life, I wanted to just die. But I’m still here so it must be for some reason. So, cheer up and either get mad, write – JUST DO SOMETHING. You’re a precious human being damn it! I wish we could sit and have coffee together. I’m worried about you. Cmon Mary, you are not alone here. We care. I will say a prayer for you today. Look at all the good in yourself. And I so understand the COST of getting decent help. Most people cannot afford it. So we have to do it alone sometimes. I can just ‘feel’ you are so capable of doing great things.

  228. lhmscadet Says:

    Please read the blog about abuse carried out by the Benedictine Sisters of Virginia at Linton Hall Military School.

  229. Mary Arroyo Says:

    I read the blog regarding Linton Hall and it sounded all too familiar.

    To B. Robertson, thank you for your very kind words of support. We all know what we express here merely scratches the surface, so many of us have not been believed or suffered retaliation. Most of the pain cannot be expressed with mere words, this was an assault on our very souls. I had someone with whom I could talk, she went through much of the same trials and under stood the hold the Catholic Church has on the psyche. She tried to get help, believe me, but I do not think the physicians she worked with understood the full scope of the damage. She remained a Catholic in spite of it all.

    Three years ago she called me on Good Friday and was not doing well, I convinced her to go to the hospital where she was admitted for a few days and released, the following Friday she did not call me, but rather decided to put an end to the pain. She was found with her Rosary beads clasped in her hands. While the Catholic experience was not the only pain from which she suffered, it was the foundation. So you see, it is not myself for which I have no hope. This obviously is not an option for me for two reasons, one, I have a supportive spouse and two, I have a grandchild, and anyone who messes with him while I am still on this planet will need God’s help believe me, because I will not stand by and let abuse like this happen again, ever.

    I humbly accept your prayers and will do the same for all of you. Putting this in words is one of the most painful efforts of my meager existence, so for now, I need to stop writing, but I encourage everyone to speak out. It is your civil responsibility, and if you believe in God, it is your testimony.

  230. Frank Says:

    29 nuns have been named in a new lawsuit in Montana. Here is some of the story:
    New sexual abuse case filed in MT against Catholic Church
    MISSOULA- Montana attorneys are filing another civil lawsuit against the Catholic Church, this time seeking damages for 45 victims of sexual abuse at church schools and institutions in Western Montana.

    This time the suit is alleging nuns as well as priests were involved in sexually abusing children . . . read more at

  231. Frank Says:

    Trauma and Transformation: the Catholic Church and the Sexual Abuse Crisis, a conference Oct. 14-15 at McGill University, Ottawa, Canada.

    I came across an article on this conference
    and thought to myself that this appeared healthy and progressive… until I went to the conference website and read what they have planned:

    Now I sit here dictating this comment on the blog vibrating with fury. How dare they!! How dare they!! For one, victims have not been invited to speak… if their voice is heard, it will be through a lawyer/advocate… and I can only find one of them, the rest of the speakers being mainstream Catholic clergy.

    That was bad enough… then I read what they describe as the core questions:
    Nowhere in there is the question – what are the cultural, structural and systemic causal factors within the Catholic Church that have fostered child abuse, the protection of abusers, and the cover-up of abuse across the globe and across the centuries? Nor the follow-up question – Has anything really substantial changed at this point that could lend confidence that these cultural, structural and systemic causal factors… the processes/systems of causation… no longer exist?

    There is no talk of radical transformation needed. It appears like a naive, “well-meaning” attempt to do something real by a bunch of people so deeply immersed in their beloved Catholic culture that their perspective is subverted. No, that is wrong! They have never had a realistic, uncontaminated perspective… ever! Either that, or it is a cynical, self-serving attempt to give credibility to church efforts on the issue, to whitewash, to salve their souls, to justify the unjustifiable.

    The only contact details for the conference that they offer are for a couple of administrative assistants (is it cynical of me to think that they are trying to run a closed shop?). The English-speaking one is conference administrator:

    I intend to contact him with the essence of what I have written here and ask him to pass it on to the Conference Directors. I hope that many of you might consider likewise (remember he is only the messenger).

    Shame on them!!

  232. Nancy Says:

    I tried to hire a lawyer in the Boston, Mass., area to try and sue the Catholic nuns and/or the Catholic Church who caused so much damage to me as a child back in the 1960’s. I was told I had no proof because this happened so long ago and also because most, if not all, of the nuns are now dead. They refused to take my case. Where does that leave me??

    • Frank Says:

      Hi Nancy,
      Do you know of a group called SNAP – Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests? If you do already, the following information might be useful for others.

      They have support groups that meet regularly in the US, Canada, Mexico, the UK, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Australia

      I contacted them sometime back here in Australia and asked:
      * Does your scope extend to nuns?
      * Does your scope include abuse other than sexual?
      * Do you support people who wish to pursue justice?

      This is their reply: SNAP deals with abuse other than sexual abuse, and we cover all religious, including nuns. SNAP itself does not participate in civil lawsuits, but we are very happy to help victims pursue that option in any way we can. SNAP would be very happy to support anyone who wanted to go through the civil court system. We can certainly give you the names of some lawyers you can speak to, if you do not already have one, and will endeavour to provide a support person to help you if you do not have someone you can take to meetings or to court. We can also tell you about our own experiences with the various options available to us, or draw on the feedback of other victims we have spoken to about this.

      They do have a group in Boston. There are contact details for a victim’s advocate listed at

      SNAP’s mission is to support people like us. The lawyers they recommend are ‘friendlies’ and have experience in this area. They can share knowledge and experience learned from other cases and help guide you regarding the strength of your case, the pros and cons of proceeding, and so on. It may well be that the initial legal advice you got is accurate… there may not be enough evidence to proceed, or no identifiable defendant to sue… but at least you are hearing that from an organisation, and people, who are on your side. They also have the support group pathway, whether or not the legal one is available to you.

      • George Says:

        Frank, I received (in email) your response dated Oct. 19th to Mary Rutley giving your opinion of the Mercy sisters. I looked on the blog site and I don’t see the response there. Is there some problem with the wordpress web site? By the way, I don’t believe that the nuns, priests and all the way up to and including the pope are human — just devils walking the earth.

      • Frank Says:

        Hi George,
        it is located as a reply under a posting:
        Monica Fairley Says:
        May 18, 2010 at 2:06 am
        way up near the top of the blog.

        The blog organizes new postings by date, but all replies to posts are nested with the original, no matter what the date.

  233. Mary Arroyo Says:

    In response to Nancy, I am merely expressing my opinion, but I do not think there is much of anything we can do for the children of the 1950s and 60s, better to concentrate our efforts on being guarding angels to the children of today and tomorrow. Trying not to offend anyone out there, however the legal profession is populated by bottom feeders who only express righteous indignation when there is money (and a lot of it) to be had or in defending themselves. Better to rip the mask off the monster and expose it for what it is.

    There is no way you are going to “out lawyer” the Vatican. My opinion is the best efforts should be made enforcing the separation of church and state. The church has lost many of its people and other than the loss of money and political influence, they do not seem to be very concerned, however thanks to the WWII generation they now have more money than God, so the only logical thing for them to do is to morph into something else, hide and operate like the cowards they are.

    I shutter when I hear politicians talk out getting rid of social programs like welfare, medicaid and food stamps, while certainly changes need to be made to these programs to weed out fraud and to avoid creating a class of people who cannot or will not fend for themselves, it is a civic responsibility to feed and educate those who cannot do it for themselves. Sometimes the fraud is so obvious I believe it is encourage to ignite public outrage in the attempt to get rid of the programs altogether. As of late, I have heard the battle cry to leave such matters to private charities. Have you ever looked at the compensation packages for board members of many private “charities”? It is very similar to the compensation packages of private corporate executives. Many of these private charities also have an established legal department, ahhh lawyers. If the least of our brothers are left solely to private charities, this will only promote more abuses of power we have experienced or at best create a cheap labor force, read about the Magdalene homes for wayward girls (laundries) in Ireland which on the surface were established by the Catholic Church to help unwed mothers or any girl who was deemed “promiscuous” by the Church. In fact, they were a free labor force for the Catholic Church where many, upon many abuses took place. There was a movie made, I believe the name of it was “The Magdalene Sisters”. The movie was able to (on a very low level) communicate some of the psychological tactics used by the nuns.

    If you are able to go the legal route and actually find an attorney with a conscience, who is also brave enough to take on the Vatican, I say go for it, as cold, hard cash is the only thing they (the church) understands or really cares about other than their political influence, it is after all, just another very powerful, international corporation.

  234. B. Robertson Says:

    Why did we wait so long. As many have stated above, most of these demon-nuns are dead (or at least the one’s that hurt us) I don’t know about everyone here…..but I am angry that I waited and now it’s too late. I am an avid procrastinator..this should teach me a lesson. It is too late and the Vatican is way too powerful.

  235. Mary Arroyo Says:

    We waited because no one believed us! It was not until the priests’ sexual scandal broke and then that tide was so huge it just wasn’t good press to complain about mere physical and emotional abuse.

    Have you forgotten all that Catholic dogma? The fear of hell’s fire? priests and nuns were like doctors, “all knowing”.? In addition the Catholic Church has always had its hands in politics, we had to wait for that generation to die off. The damage was so debilitating it literally took decades to peel back all the layers, not to mention any of us who did seek help were steered toward church run counseling.

    Do not blame yourself because you are awakening now…most people never wake up!

  236. Nancy Says:

    The nuns who abused the innocent children hopefully are dead and buried by now and rotting in hell’s fire for eternity, where they will never hurt anyone again. This is the justice they deserve.

  237. Mary Arroyo Says:

    If they (nuns) believed in a God, then it is now God’s business, so let God tend to it. If they did not believe in God, then they are not in the presence of God and are therefore damned.

    Perhaps some were abused themselves, perhaps some thought they were doing the right thing, or perhaps some were just evil, the fault lies with the Church officials who turned a blind eye and to our parents who worshiped these false idols, they were the ones with control. The Church new full well what was going on for centuries, (and you wonder why it took you so long to come forward, on that scale you did pretty well) why else would they have hid it from view with such adroit legal maneuvers?

    I would not hold my breath waiting for an apology, from a legal point of view, that would be an admittance of guilt.

  238. Food for Thought: Linton Hall Military School and the Benedictine Sisters of Virginia « —–Linton Hall Military School Memories—– Says:

    […] […]

  239. Mary Arroyo Says:

    Today a young friend of mine, 33 years old, received a letter inquiring about abuse of children in the Milwaukee Archdiocese….a glimmer of hope…I doubt it. But it is a tiny victory for us that at least our children are being asked about it. I am more inclined to believe they are looking to point out how many weren’t abused, that is why these inquiries never come to folks who went through that hell in the 1950s, 60s and 70s, they are doing what they do best, waiting for us to just die off. I stand by my word. I am more than willing to take a polygraph by an objective party.

    • Nancy Says:

      It really amazes me how all of this seemed the norm back in the 50’s and 60’s, how the nuns were allowed all of this authority to do as they pleased, allowed to hit kids and punish them so severely, without any questions asked. Then I ask myself, why did out parents put up with this? It does not even make sense to me to this day. Why didn’t our parents call the police or take us out of these horrible schools and put us in a public school. Nothing makes sense to me when I think of these things that happened back then. Today, things are totally different. Teachers aren’t allowed to hit kids or a big lawsuit will ensue. Why? I can’t find an answer.

      • trish griffin Says:

        Nancy, I can’t blame my parents..they were raised the same way in catholic families..perhaps it was “accepted” as the catholic families were so big, it was impossible to discipline all of them. That is just a hunch I have. Mothers were so overwhelmed and fathers were working themselves to death. My mother did stand up to these people and seriously got in their face in the 40s, 50s and 60s. My father, God bless him, fell line and died suddenly of a heart attack at age 47. I witnessed a lot of evil that I carry in my heart to this day. Love to you and all of our friends on this site.

      • Frank Says:

        hi Nancy,

        You’re absolutely right… this was the norm back then. I have struggled myself coming to terms with how my parents could have allowed the things to happen to me that did. Here is what I came up with:
        * people respected authority without question back then… lawyers, doctors, politicians, clergy, teachers etc. Parents would not dare question or criticise nuns. They honestly believed that the nuns/church were right and that we deserved punishment/discipline to mould us into good human beings. Part of that meant beating the devil out of us. Glass half full idea had not been invented… everything was viewed with a negative slant.
        * “spare the rod and spoil the child” – almost every kid I know got hit by parents and teachers.
        * displays of strong emotion were seen as weak and indulgent, and were discouraged or even unacceptable – crying/sadness, fear, anger, Joy/laughter… except when it came to parents or teachers disciplining children – then anger apparently was okay. How many of us got the protection and nurture we needed? Fathers would discourage mothers from such behaviour (for those who were inclined that way) “don’t spoil/coddle the child, it will just make them weak and lazy”. “Stop crying… be strong!”.
        * psychology was an infant science back then. No one – not parents, not police, not teachers, not clergy, not doctors – absolutely no one realised or thought that how society was treating its children in general was damaging and harmful. Because we were not well-behaved as children, parents and teachers were ‘forced’ to treat us as they did – “this is going to hurt me more than it is going to hurt you” “now look what you made me do!!”. I had non-Catholic schoolfriends whose parents had sent them to the catholic school so that they could get the discipline that was lacking in government schools.

        So not only did society not view what was happening as wrong, there was a pervasive attitude that what was happening was right. If there were voices for sanity and reason back then, they had no influence and attracted little interest.

        It is difficult to think back to those times and to imagine the mindset that allowed society to treat its children as they did… none worse than the catholic system of institutions and schools. To put things into perspective, remember that this was less than two decades after much of the world stood by silently as Nazi Germany embarked on eliminating a whole race of people. If they had not also attacked other countries, who’s to say whether or not they would have been challenged in their pursuit of exterminating Jews. It is well documented and well-known that the Vatican did not mind one little bit.

      • Nancy Says:

        To Frank: You are absolutely right Frank. The mentality of people back in the 50s and 60s was certainly different than it is in today’s day and age. If only they had realized the damage they were causing to the children of future generations!! Thank God those days are gone and over with. So many things have changed since then and the children of today are very lucky to have better teachers, who can actually teach them without violence in the classroom. Thank you for responding. You hit the nail right on the head.

    • firetenderfiretender Says:

      As I read Franks response, something clicked. Could our parents have avoided questioning what the nuns were doing because they returned docile children to them?

      Our parents didn’t have to discipline us, the nuns were beating fear of authority into us. My mother, though she beat my 10 year older brother incessently never laid a hand on me once I started school. I didn’t learn to respect her from the nuns, I learned to fear women.

      • Nancy Says:

        You made a very good point. Things were so different back then. I would never let my kids be treated like that at school. Never. I just wish my parents had taken me out of that Catholic school. It would have saved me a lot of pain.

  240. Mario Says:

    In Response to Frank

    Here is the 1933 concordat on the Catholic church being in cahoots with Adolf Hitler. Hitler told two bishops in Germany that he’s only doing what the Catholic Church was trying to do to the Jews for the last 1500 years. Not a peep out of either Bishop.

    It’s well worth the read. We were lied to in school about history and religion.

  241. Mary Arroyo Says:

    Okay, so this is out in the twilight zone…I am aware of that, but when I was a kid I could not help but to feel the oppression left in the wake of the loss of millions of lives in the 1940s …about the same time our parent’s generation was pressured to be “good Catholics” and populate….hmmmm……methinks I best shut up.

  242. firetenderfiretender Says:

    I want to add one more comment about “hope”.

    THIS is hope; at the very least the first step of hope.

    Now, silence has been broken.

    This need not be about revenge. It’s about presenting ourselves to others so there is, once again at the very least, a record.

    Someone needed to speak out. Until the moment that you added your voices, there was no hope.

  243. firetenderfiretender Says:

    An interesting wrinkle here!

    Apparently a Catholic Bishop gfrom Kansas has been indicted for NOT REPORTING CHILD ABUSE.

    The whole story is here:

    Now, we’re I to have the juice to fight windmills, I’d try to find a lawyer savvy enough to get permission to view the Bishop’s records in search of reported incidences of nuns abusing children.

    I betcha a buck, underneath the one porny-priest would lie an underground city of reports against nun’s abuses! None of which, of course, had any action taken.

    It could be an angle; maybe the Achille’s Heel that could put EVERY Bishop in the Church into hellfire while publicizing the outrages done against us by nuns. Remember all of you, you always have this site to refer others to as evidence that you are not alone.

    • Tamar Says:

      I think that is the key – that we are NOT alone. Any form of abuse is degrading, but abuse by someone who is representative of G-d, the ALL KNOWING Seer of Life, truly makes one feel like climbing into a whole and disappearing forever simply because it is the G-d complex.

      I think it is imperative that, as survivors, we find the strength to band together, but the problem is that conditioning has kept our secrets hidden. I found this site quite by accident in doing research on Catholic orphanages in Philadelphia. I knew I could not have been the only one who experienced what I did, but I certainly never dreamed that there was a entire active community out there. I kept it all to myself, my therapist and my husband and my children. Most who are abused do not openly discussed their abuse because when they do, they are often not taken seriously, or it becomes a matter of ‘get over it already,’ and so, as adults it becomes an issue of simply getting through the day. The abuse gets hidden away for years, until the stink from it all causes a breakdown of sort and professional help is finally sought. By then, years have passed and it becomes a matter of simply finding one’s way back to the surface… I am not sure exactly what will change this pattern of behavior.

      I read the story in the link; it is simply shameful that a simple $1000.00 dollars could amend the matter… a fine, a year in jail? What about the life of the children? We as a society need to grasp the very real issue here… it is not simply the Catholic Church, but the societal law themselves .. we may be unique in that as ‘church survivors’ we have lived our own special war. But, as long as we continue to simply slap them on the wrist for such crimes – failure to report is a crime – then the future children do not have a chance. We must be their voice, both for our sake to heal and for theirs as their guardians. We need to shout from the roof tops until we are heard…

  244. Mary Arroyo Says:

    You want some really interesting reading, which I promise will fill in some blanks for some of you. Read about the Catholic Knights of Columbus and gangstalking.

    My dad’s obit read that he was a 3rd degree, but I think he reached 4th or damn close by the time he died. The deeper you get in your reading on the subject the more frightening it will get.. I only bring this up because most of my memories of my dad were of his absence from a kid’s school function to go to a K of C emergency meeting. I also recall the way my husband was treated, as sub human because he refused to join the rank and file, he refused to put government, family, wife and children in their place and he refused to sign any documents promising our children would be raised and educated as Catholics.

  245. Mary Rutley Says:

    Hi Frank, So you wont be using your powers of erudition to inform the editor of the Courier Mail that Queenlanders have little for which to thank the Mercy Sisters after 150 years of residency in the state?

    This bunch of Irish harridans exported their cruel and abusive practices wherever they went in the world, and while I’m glad that you experienced one act of gratuitous kindness from a member of this order, too many children received only gratuitous violence from the Mercy Sisters.

    And I’m sickened by the way the councillor for Northgate has endorsed St Vincent’s Orphanage in Nudgee, as though it had been a place of sanctuary!

    Like you, I’m an atheist. Religion is a crutch for the weak-minded, and has done great damage in the world.

  246. Frank Says:

    Hi Mary, I started writing letters to newspaper editors over 10 years ago… the first to the Honolulu Advertiser when I was living in the US after the Boston Archdiocese was exposed doing the “paedophile shuffle”… pretty much the first time that the Church came into the public spotlight for child abuse, protection of abusers and secrecy/cover-ups about what it knew and when. My letter was never published, despite several calls when I finally got a sub editor who told me that the paper would never risk alienating the large catholic population of Hawaii or the church in Hawaii by publishing anything seriously critical of them.

    Most recently a few months ago I wrote to the Sydney morning Herald (I haven’t lived in Queensland for over 20 years) when a spokesperson for a bunch of disgruntled priests appeared in a newspaper story saying how upset they were that the church had mandated 8 changes to the liturgy of the mass, mostly minor word changes, and how the priests were going to stand their ground and refuse to comply… much like union action against an employer.

    So I wrote a letter asking how come they were not up in arms about the endemic issue of child abuse and cover-ups? How come they continued to work for an organisation riddled with paedophiles, and one that did little to discourage them? My letter, which complied totally with publishing guidelines, was hacked down to a basically meaningless and miserable couple of lines in the Comments column that runs beside the published letters.

    So I don’t have a lot of energy any more for letters to the editor. I have not found it a good way to open people’s eyes, to capture hearts, or to change minds… and that is the point of the exercise. Conversely, there may be a general perception that people who write to newspapers just have an axe to grind.

    These days I write to investigative journalists and others who get published on this topic, and brave enough to write stories about it, confirming how important what they are doing is, reassuring them that a lot of people are watching and following, and encouraging them to keep going. Nick McKenzie of the Melbourne Age is one of the leading lights here in Australia. Just last week I wrote to the author of this article and received a lengthy personal reply that clearly demonstrated the support I offered was well received.

    I think it is tough trying to find an angle on something like a centenary celebration that might make people stop and think, or change someone’s mind. It could easily be seen as sour grapes, or a party spoiler. What might work is if someone who came out of the orphanage, or who had a horrid experience at the hands of the Mercy nuns wrote something personal. That would also increase its chances of being published.

    Have you considered a call to the councillor?

    • jane Says:

      I know you mentioned Mercy nuns, but I also believe that the nuns from the Sisters of Saint Joseph in Massachusetts were also terrible abusers of children.

  247. Mary Rutley Says:

    Hello, again, Frank

    I’ve been much luckier with the British press. My first letter about the abusive nuns at my Catholic boarding school in Kent was published in The Times in 1995. I received and avalanche of letters from other victims in reponse.

    I loathe the Mercy Sisters, although I never had to endure them, because of their cruelty to unmarried girls in the laundries. And because a colleague of mine was in a children’s home in England where the Mercy Sisters were sadists and perverts.

    And yes, I did send an email to the councillor at Northgate,who is clearly more concerned about Catholic votes than with Queensland’s terrible history of child abuse.

  248. Florence Says:

    In my previous posting I talked about the harsh duscipline at my Sister of Mercy convent,an all girls boarding school,in Sydney during the early nineteen sixties
    Like Nancy I sometimes wondered why catholic schools in the past were so strict and how the Sisters in some Orders managed to get away with hitting us so much-which in some cases bordered on abuse
    I believe there were a number of reasons why this kind of thing happened at my convent in Australia To begin with the Mercy Order had a reputation for being real disciplinarians in their schools in Ireland so I suppose it wasn’t surprising that the same was true in their convents in our country
    Another reason was that our particular convent took in quite a
    few ‘problem girls’ who had been expelled from other catholic
    schools,been in gangs and some Polynesian girls who had been in trouble in the Pacific Islands Some of these girls were shockingly behaved when they first came to the school and bullied other girls,swore,fought etc and I remember in once case a girl spat in a Sister’s face,so,at times, the Sisters struggled to control some of these girls As mentioned in my previous posting rather than counsel these girls the nuns slapped them and hit them with their heavy leather belts and when this didn’t work they bundled them off to Mother Superor’s where in most cases they got the hiding of there lives-sometimes up to six strokes of
    the cane over their bottoms and even the toughest girls cried
    Unlike the strap it left terrible welts and most girls couldn’t sit down properly for days some of these girls changed their behaviour quite quickly while others didn’t and more canings followed sometimes in front of the school and if they continued to play up they were eventually kicked out of the convent
    So,how did the Sisters of Mercy get away with treating us like this?
    Well in the the past,perhaps because Australia was a pioneering country with lots of immigrants there was a certain hardness in everyday life and I think this found its way into the schools here
    So,in both government and independent schools principals were allowed to cane unruly kids and the use of such punishments was really widespread I personally believe that catholic schools were the strictest and in their schools girls were often caned too as anyone who as watched the TV mini-series Brides of Christ would know
    To make matter worse this kind of discipline was apparently supported by parents particularly in Catholic and other church schools where disciplining was supposedly done in the name of God! So I believe that our Mother Superior made the most of this situation and during my time at the convent many girls,including myself were caned
    Looking back now I don’t believe that an occasional caning in the convent would really have done us any harm-like when the girl spat at the nun,because,this was the authorised punishment
    in that era the Real problem in our convent was that the cane was ‘misused’ Like at our school you could get it for trivial things like skipping mass when counselling would have been a better option Also sometimes girls were beaten by Mother Superior for things that they never did because the Sisters lied about their behaviour I also believe it was humiliating and degrading for teenage girls,often only dressed in their pe gear,to get their backsides beaten in front of the school which sometimes happened when girls had done something really bad Such disciplining should have been carried out with sensitivity in the
    privacy of the principal’s office Mother Superior’s habit of bringing her cane to assemby to frighten us,when talking about
    misbehaviour was yet another example of the misuse of the cane,such theatrics should never have happened I could go on an on…but I think you have got the picture
    It has always puzzled me why more men and women who went through the Catholic education system in Australia,in the past,
    haven’t spoken out about their mistreatment at the hands of the catholic Sisters and Brothers I can only assume that many people who are still ‘catholic to the bone’ still not prepared to say bad things about their religion I would encourage others to speak out like i have and welcome your comments

  249. Frank Says:

    The scourge of child abuse by Catholic Church clergy dates back to 60 A.D.…yep! right from the very start! Have a look at this well researched and very enlightening three-minute youtube video on the history of how the church has dealt with… or rather, not dealt with… this defining hallmark of their true identity.

  250. Larry Says:

    You are only at the tip of the iceberg. The way that church finances perpetuate the evil that you speak of should be the next major scandal. Hopefully it will come to light. They are getting smarter, unfortunately. So many of these horrendous stories on this blog are now adults trying to come to grips with the abuse. We must also be concerned for the poor children currently enduring new abuse. It continues and is very insidious now. This guy McNiff that is in your story makes $300,000 and went to a diploma mill. He is an acknowledged fraud and liar. He is there to attract big money to perpetuate the cycle that your story and these brave contributors testify to. He glad hands donors to get them to give and that fills the coffers to keep the sick ones in power. They are running out of loyal Catholic money because many of us are waking up because we remember how it was and know how it is. Now they bring in a slick fundraiser like McNiff to attract “philanthropists.” It is now non-Catholic big money (think Bloomberg and his friends) that are funding the abuse, sometimes without their knowledge. Dig into this a bit. See who now sits on the Boards of these Catholic schools and their philanthropic arms and you will have your eyes opened.

  251. Mary Arroyo Says:

    Does anyone know of any notable authors or artists who have written anything on this subject? The only reference I have found is in The Tides That Bind pages 317-318. In which Bruce Springsteen references the abuses he received at the hands of the nuns at St. Rose of Lima in Freehold, NJ.

    • Mary Rutley Says:

      ‘Rock me gently’ by Judith Kelly tells of the terrible abuse she endured in a Catholic children’s home in England, which was run by the perishing Sisters of Nazareth. This order also abused children in Australia and NZ.

    • Tamar Says:

      Have you seen the Magdalene Sisters movie? It is directly about abuse by nuns… a most powerful and definitely unnerving film for anyone who has experienced that kind of abuse by nuns or those en-scripted by nuns. I was in an orphanage in the 60s and was severely abused, and then eventually adopted and abused for the remainder of my non-existent childhood. The couple that adopted me had both been raised in the Catholic church and both had spent 12 years under Catholic educational reign… thus I may as well have been raised by the nuns themselves for the entire time …. For all intensive purposes, the forms of abuse that I experienced were exact to the movie…. I was damned to hell for even existing. I will warn you though, the movie shook me bad enough that and I had to stop it several times because of flashbacks….. and I have had years of therapy and have many tools of which to handle such things…. but even so … it was as if I was there the whole time… when you’ve lived it, you can feel it.

  252. Mariol Says:

    Mary Arryo

    Check out this site…..

    Hope this helps.

  253. Mary Arroyo Says:

    Thanks Mariol, its a start. I wonder how long this blog will go on before someone tries to shut it down, so get out the info. This is written history folks, it will never be completely erased from memory now.

  254. Mary M. Says:

    I went to Catholic school in PA during the 1960’s and 1970’s. I remember the abuse. It was over forty years ago but it nevers leaves you. I think witnessing the abuse was as bad as being abused. I still remember being sick in the stomach at the thought of going to school. Talking in line was a serious infraction. The punishment was physical abuse. I could go on and on. Where else can a nun commit assault, battery, unlawful restraint, terroristic threats and get away with it. The Cathloic school system did. I begged my mother to send me to public high school. I cried when she said no. Four more years of abuse and humilitation. I have no respect for the institution. It never practicied what it preached.

    • Nancy Says:

      I know exactly what you’re feeling. I went to a Catholic school in Holyoke, Mass, in the 60s, and still remember to this day the things that those nuns did to the kids. It was horrible. I felt sick just about every day having to be at that school, never knowing from minute to minute what abuse would be coming next. I got my hand hit with a yardstick so bad that it bled, because the nun did not like the way my penmanship looked. I was only 8 years old, in the 3rd grade, at the time. In the 1st grade I got punched in the back about 10 times and never even knew why this happened. I saw dozens of kids tormented daily. My parents refused to make me quit and go to a non-Catholic school so I was stuck there for 9 horrible years. The worst part of all of this is that they got away with it. I stilll believe to this day that the nuns will rot in hell for what they did. They may have gotten away with it in this lifetime, but not in the next.

  255. Florence Silworth Says:

    Nancy I’m a little surprised you didn’t respond to my posting about the reasons why the Sisters behaved the way they did ai my convent in Australia Anyway I do hope you could make a few comments on what i wrote about

  256. Mary Says:

    My heart goes out to each of you, I too went to Catholic School in Oklahoma and the school was run my the Sacred Heart Sisters. I think?? Wore little hearts around their necks. It was a living hell for NINE years starting with Kindergarten to eighth grade. Slaped in the face for nothing, constant fear of abuse from these fuckers. God help us it was hell. The school no longer exists because I am sure the nuns have long since passed away. Yes, I have PTSD from my life at Catholic school and take meds every day.

  257. B. Robertson Says:

    Mary, I too am trying to tolerate meds for PTSD, but they don’t agree with me. Of course, completely turning my back on Catholicism, I have researched other religions. I reallly enjoyed “Buddhism”…..they are all about kindess and gentleness. Scientific research has identified the cause of PTSD/Adult ADHD and these researhers state it results from depletion of neruotransmitters as a child being abused. Very interesting. I am a spiritual person and believe that there are levels when one dies. There are two bottom levels religion states, of which I feel is a kind of hell… to make our day….that is where all those nuns are. I hope there is no hope for redemption of those so called ‘brides of Christ’. To date, even though I am 58 years old, I still would like to meet just one of them in a dark alley. Shame on me. But, my life was ruined by those insane women. They enjoyed inflicting pain and humiliation. Anyway, Merry Christmas (or…..oooppps….Happy Holidays?). I am trying so hard to “forget”. Yeah, right.

    • Mary Says:

      Thank you so much for such a kind and wonderful response. I am sorry I am just now going through my e-mail. Merry Christmas is great with me and I hope your holidays were enjoyable too. 🙂 My younger brother hates the Catholic church and won’t even step foot in the door because the the hell he went through. But I think us older ones, I am 58 and older than us had it worse. I can remember so many things the nuns did I think about it now and almost faint from the thought of it. I hope you get better and I pray you will find some peace. Oh by the way I found out that a priest a new was the cause of the 4.5 million dollar cost of molesting boys. Oh my stars you could have push me over with a noodle. They need to get the sociopaths out of the church, but then who would be left. lol xxx ooo

  258. Mary Arroyo Says:

    Please try not to hate. It is not worth the energy. In the late 1930’s Charlie Chaplin made a movie, a comedy about Adolf Hitler. How could a Jew, at such a time in history, write and perform in a comedy about Hitler? The name of the movie was The Little Dictator, I believe it was made in 1939. If you’ve never seen it, watch it, it is hilarious. At the end of the movie Chaplin gives a heart wrenching speech dressed in character but gives the speech as himself Charlie Chaplin. That speech is every bit applicable today as it was then, so much so it is frightening.

    Chaplin used the most effective tool at his means, with the precision of a surgeon’s knife….humor. He exposed the Nazis for what they were, under educated, completely lacking in socialization school yard bullies working for a few very rich with agendas. Ridiculing them not only makes them angry, which is always fun to watch, but it takes away their power. Admittedly not a completely solution, just a small piece of the puzzle.

  259. Mary Says:

    Actually for centuries the priesthood and nun factories were really staffed by misfits and sociopaths. I think 99% of the folks were really sent there because no one else wanted them or could deal with them. It is such a crime that they got away with such torture and inflicted so much damage on thousands upon thousands of innocent children. I don’t think the church has any good people they are all sociopaths looking for a place to do their work.

  260. Mario Says:

    Mary, I couldn’t agree more about the staff of misfits and sociopaths.

    They live off the fat of the land. It’s donations from the believers that keeps food on their table of pigs. I didn’t see many skinny nuns were I was. Ever walk in while they are eating. The table has hams and all kinds of good stuff on it. Yet their are people in the parish that eat poorly. My wife worked in a supermarket and she told me they get gorumet foods and fillet minon steaks they spare no expense. They think they deserve it because they do God’s Work. Blah!! what nonsense.

    They are always begging for money for the poor. I don’t see anyone that are poor get anything from the church.

    • Frank Says:

      Hi Mario… your posting brought back a long forgotten memory in an instant, and clear as a bell. It was the line “ever walk-in while they are eating”.

      As part of punishment one-day, I was forced to carry cartons of canned foods from a storeroom in the school to the convent kitchen (St Benedict’s, East Brisbane – Good Samaritan nuns). It was lunchtime on a weekday, and there they were with their snouts in the trough eating big thick grilled pork chops –2 each, dished up by Mrs Somers – a parishioner who cooked for them.

      In the 50s and 60s, East Brisbane was a working-class suburb with a substantial migrant population as new arrivals moved from the immigration hostel at Kangaroo Point out into the community. Quite a few kids regularly came to school not having had much to eat, and without much for lunch. A snack after school was a slice of yesterday’s bread spread with beef lard saved from cooking. My family was relatively well-off –we could afford a chicken once a week for a family of 5 (roasted for Sunday lunch), but pork of any description was a total luxury that you might see once a year at Christmas.

      As a kid, I never put 2 and 2 together – the hypocrisy of the parish priest and nuns living “in poverty” eating pork chops for lunch mid-week, while Catholic families dug deep constantly to give to the “poor and needy”, the missions, and of course the plate at Mass on Sundays… twice!!

      No one ever questioned this “system”, no one ever rose up in revolt… they were the elite, they had the power, they knew it… and so did the rest of us!

      • Mary Says:

        That is the God’s truth. I have often wondered why the church never does anything for the parishioners. Can’t they ban togehter and get a Catholic health insurance program for the parishioners. How about job help for those who don’t have a job. Nope, just give us more money.. What a mess from hell.

    • Mary Says:

      You are spot on Mario – I never was helped by the church when I lost everything I owned in a tornado. Never called not jack shit. As I was saying earlier I think they need to get a Catholic health insurance group for the parishoners that need medical care. duh that would be all of us. They want Catholics back prove you are sorry about the fucking nuns too and offer help to us.

  261. pattyann Says:

    I am still dealing with PTSD from my years at Catholic school.
    They say that time heals all wounds, but mine never went away.
    I was a scared little girl, and am now a very scared adult.
    My formative years were spent living in terror of what would happen next. I chose not to go to college, because I wanted out of the classroom all together. I had no coping skills. I still trust no one.
    When I hear of bullying on the news, I go right back to the 1960s.
    I could have been a lot more, but did not have the backbone to succeed. It was broken in third grade. I still have the scars to prove it.

    • nancy Says:

      You are absolutely right. The same thing happened to me back in the 3rd grade when the nun slammed my hand so hard with a yard stick that it bled because she did not like my penmanship. Wonderful way of teaching a child. To this day I hate to write or sign anything. Hopefully, that nun will rot in hell for what she did to me and all the other poor children in our so called “catholic school.” All of those schools of abuse should have been closed and the dam nuns thrown in jail for child abuse. It’s too bad it never happened that way back then, because in today’s day and age it would have. May God bless you and give you strength to at least try to forget these crazy child abusers.

      • B. Robertson Says:

        “Try to forget” is an impossible feat. I think my “anger *at 58 yrs of age is the fact that somehow we all repressed the abuse because of religion. The Vatican protects all…..and they are all powerful – obvious in reading of all pedophile priests…..somehow they all just mysteriously disappear..Hmmmm. Although at least my memories will always be present it isn’t happening as frequently (at least in the USA) as it used to. My trigger point is driving past a parochial school. God, I try so hard to redirect my thinking. Very difficult thing to do. Oh well…at least writing of experiences can be an effective method of ‘getting the anger out”. And we are certainly not alone. This blog has really helped me. I hope it stays up and running for a long time to come…..

      • Mary Says:

        Hello 🙂 I hope it stays up and running also. AND there is NO way you can forget being in a prison camp and being treated a the whim of those crazy misfits in black in white. Funny thing, but no funny, I few years ago I went to work in a different area at Verizon.. There were two evil, nasty, cruel bullies and they rulled the others too even the men were afraid of them. When they started their tactics on me, man I snaped. I was crying in the shower getting ready for work, and I kept repeating “I’m Not Safe”, “I’m Not Safe”, “I’m Not Safe”, “I’m Not Safe”, “I’m Not Safe”, “I’m Not Safe”, “I’m Not Safe”, “I’m Not Safe”, I had to go to a psychiatrist to get meds for the PTSD. These women were nasty just like the nuns, but fortunately they could not use corpal punishment, but they did everything else. I have read lots of bullying books and they are like they have written my life. Maybe those will help you also. “The Bully at Work: What You Can Do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim Your Dignity on the Job ” [Paperback] It notes the same type of cruelty minus the hitting, the slapping the kneeling etc…. but the gate keeper of knowledge, same as the gate keeper if you will eat or breathe. I was a wonderful book I hope you can find it on Amazon. It saved my life. But the numerous meds keep me going so I don’t go completely insane from the flashbacks. God Bless 🙂

      • B. Robertson Says:

        OMG you really sound like you are angry also. Yes, they certainly beat us up/down/verbally (which was probably the worst in my case – because I liked boys and didn’t want to be a nun) but I guess the best way to think of it is to move on…..because there is no help…we have to find the strength within ouselves because no one understands but the people that endured it as ourselves. So, here we are and you just vent all you want because everyone here gets it. I suffered in OH. Where are you from?

      • Mary Says:

        Hello Again 🙂 I am from Texas, but the Hitler Nuns were while I went to Catholic Hell School for 9 years. Maybe the sacred heart nuns. I have moved one, but the horror is embedded in our cells and each cell remembers. Also it brings to mind, the theory of abuse is more likely to occur when there are more than one doing it. Criminal behavior notes that in numbers they do what they might not do if they acted alone. So I think that is true too. I forgive them, because they were insane sociopaths, but that does not mean I will ever forget. is my email address if you want to write me. 🙂 Take care and God Bless.

      • nancy Says:

        I really did not mean “try to forget” literally. I meant try to go on with your lives the best you can,” because that is all you can really do.

      • Mary Says:

        Hello Nancy, I was doing pretty good until one day I went to work in a different area in Verizon. AND came across these two bullies from hell. Man it made me snap… I was crying in the shower ever day saying “I’m Not Safe”, “I’m Not Safe”, “I’m Not Safe”, “I’m Not Safe”, “I’m Not Safe”, “I’m Not Safe”, “I’m Not Safe”, over and over so went to the shink got on meds, but it will NEVER go away. Every cell remembers trauma and when it is triggered you are in such pain and agony. I want to go to a good Catholic Church ,but most are so cold and weird so I don’t go ever.

  262. George Says:

    I found a good description of the nuns and priests to share with you. They are truly psycohpaths or worse.

    Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized primarily by a lack of empathy and remorse, shallow emotions, egocentricity, and deception. Psychopaths are highly prone to antisocial behavior and abusive treatment of others, and are disproportionately responsible for violent crime when in a violent emotional state or situation. Though lacking empathy and emotional depth, they often manage to pass themselves off as average individuals by feigning emotions and lying about their past.

  263. Mario Says:

    To those that responded


    That’s true no one ever responded because we were controlled like sheep. All through church history the few ruled the many, through fear and intimidation. These are the same people who taught us about the Cardinal Sin of gluttony. Yet they are glutons and I wouldn’t doubt they belched and farted at the table. The same ones that say to practice humility. There wasn’t any humility among them. The same ones that told us to give until it hurts, yet they were so tight to give to the poor, that their shoes squeeked. They also told us about the love of money being the root to all evil. Yet they were lovers of money in fact money was their God.
    Those pork chops that you told me about Frank, were they kosher? Convents also recieve donations from businesses in their parish. Especially with a child going to the schools if his/her parents own a food market. And whatever else they can grab. Yes they were on the receiving end of donations of all sorts. As far as the giving end goes, that was for suckers.

    Organized religion is like organized crime; it preys on peoples’ weaknesses, generates huge profits for its operators, and is almost impossible to eradicate.

  264. Mary Arroyo Says:

    How can you forget your formative years, while all are filled with angst and humiliation from time to time, have you ever tried to explain this situation (prior to the outing of the priests) to other people? If they were catholic and did not experience the pain because they were one of the chosen ones (their parents provided money or favors) they would, tell you that you are damned to hell for eternity and then tell the “elders” what you said. If the person was not catholic, they usually thought you were lying, trying to get attention, or pitied you for being crazy. For such a long time people thought we were lying. I know I was ostracized and life is very lonely when you have no social history. With age you can see the insanity of it all, but at the time,it all seem so beyond reproach. While most of these nuns are dead, the organization for which they operated is still very much alive and just biding time for things to settle down in the press and wait for people to become desperate enough to come in and save the day (they control most of the world’s money).

    My mom like so many others, used the same tactic to start fights among her grown brothers and sisters and in-laws, she was very skillful, she would set the whole thing up, sit back and watch the explosion, then come in and be the peace maker so everyone kissed her ass.She usually remained teflon, but on the rare occasion when she was cornered, she would put the blame on one of her six kids.

    • B. Robertson Says:

      Hi Mary,
      Eloquently written. So true. As they say – “Just Sayin”…..

      • Nancy Says:

        As I remember, the nuns always acted as if they smarter and better than everyone else and could do no wrong. They were the “chosen ones,” and everyone else was beneath them. What gave them this almighty power? I often wonder.

      • Mary Says:

        Yes, the chosen ones for sure Nancy 🙂 and if your family was not rich you were trash. Guess what it is still the same. Even in every Catholic Church if you don’t have lots of M O N E Y they don’t give a rats fat butt about you. So many groups among the parishoners unless you are rich, they don’t give you the time of day. They make me sick. So it is not just the Clergy, the parish people are bad too.

  265. Mary Arroyo Says:

    The “power” came from the catholic church,, the pope who in their teachings was god himself on earth. By “chosen ones” I meant the next chosen generation of ruling Catholics. Not all were bad, they needed a group of people who looked like the Kennedy Family and acted truly benevolent to some, I am sure they had the best of interest at heart, but like so very many, they were clueless to the underbelly of the beast.

  266. Christin onee La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    Thousands of years of world history demonstrate that religious systems can be taken over by evil. This happened in Ancient Israel. This happened as we all know so well with the Catholic Church. The prophets of Israel were given a message by God that made one thing very clear: He was angry about them fattening themselves at the expense of the sheep, and letting us starve, and He was going to come and feed the sheep himself.

    We have to do only one thing to receive very direct help from the One who loves us: Ask for it. ‘God, I just need to know who you really are. I just need to know if you are there. I need to know if you love me.’ Especially after the abuse we suffered, He will move heaven and earth to respond to such a prayer.

    A friend of mine thought to herself that she would take a day to find out if there was anything in the world that is actually true, that she could believe in. She paged through her considerable library, searching. Finding nothing she could not argue both ways about, she decided to get down the Bible since it had lasted so many centuries; perhaps she would find some folksy wisdom in there. The first passage she opened to, which she had barely even read, she heard a trumpet sound behind her and the presence of the Lord surrounded her, and she knew that he was real and that He loved her, and that Jesus was his son. But we don’t have to take anyone’s word for this, ask for your own food.

    With all the garbage and lies poured down on our heads in our early vulnerable years, I believe the devil had one purpose: to convince us that there was no God who cared enough to answer such a question. If we believe that and never ask God who he really is, then the devil who has abused us all through the nuns and priests will have won. If we search the religions of the world with their own failed systems, and never ask, the devil will have won.

    Don’t let the devil one keep you from God. Go around the church, and ask God to show himself to you. He promised ‘I will feed the sheep myself.’ because the shepherds had fattened themselves and lied to the sheep.and stomped their food and ruined it. If you think WE are angry about that, how do you think God feels? He actually does love us and want to be around us. Those who wounded us so that we either were afraid to approach him, or wanted nothing to do with him, cannot keep us from Him if we really will just ASK. Don’t take it from anyone, not even your own ideas, ASK. The nuns made us feel we were too bad to deserve love, and that the God who was there was like them. I hate them for this more than anything. Don’t let them win. Go around them.

    • Mary Rutley Says:


      Sorry, but some of us who were abused don’t want ANYTHING to do with God or religion. I just hope that one of the nun’s who abused me when I was a four-year old boarder, and who is now sitting comfortably in a nuns’ geriatric home in Pantasaph, will suffer retribution.

      • nancy Says:

        I also wonder why the nuns and priests wore the color black. What would black signify?? And why would they cover their hair with the black and white habits back in the 60’s and early 70’s? Very strange when I think of it now.

      • Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

        I hear you Mary. I HEAR you. You want nothing to do with God or religion because of the way you were treated by wicked catholic nuns. But if there is not a just and loving God to whom we can appeal, who do you think is going to provide the retribution you are seeking? If there is not a loving God who cares what happened to helpless kids, to whom shall we appeal? And on the basis of what standards? Is the world based in ‘the survival of the fittest’ as Darwin argued, or is there a God who declared that murder and cruelty are wrong? Who is going to bring this justice? The vatican? The American justice system with its stature of limitationes and burden of proof requirements?

        Jesus on the other hand not only remembers each cruel act, but judges hearts, andknows intimately how the abuse was damaging us. . ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay.’ was HIS statement. Only a just and loving God can punish wickedness and comfort and heal the broken. If you think he doesn’t understand what it feels like to be tortured, remember what they did to him when he was killed by the religious system of his day.

        I can testify that he does care. I have even come to be glad that these terrible things happened to me, because he has shown me so much love and personal attention because of it. He has hidden me under his wing. What I am saying is that if you haven’t asked him to show you who he really is, you have never given him a chance, and this means that so far the devil is winning. Don’t let him.

        Not only that, but God is perfectly able to deal with an angry and wounded person and their honesty about how they feel about him. Many have come to him telling him they want nothing to do with him because of abuse by religious systems. I am suggesting if we want justice, there is no other source. If we want healing. If we want retribution.I am suggesting you give God the chance to reveal himself as He is. The problem with the catholic church is that it really does not know God. How does it help if those hurt by it refuse to know him?

    • JOEY NOBLE Says:

      What I remember most from the Cabrini nuns was that they were great at having lynchings of certain students before the class.Mother Timothy as she as known as then,she left the order as she must had seen she had no place in the education of children or too hide herself away under the guise of consercrated person.I came from another school under the St.Joe nuns it was a world apart for sure.She hated me from the start as I was elected class president and was one of the higest scores on the Archdiocesian IQ exams.I came from a broken home filled with violence,as kids my brother and I were moved from pillar to post until my mother could get a place of our own.We had to hide the fact that our father took off as the Cabrini nuns made it a rule of thumb to use kids who were poor or from divorced famolies as scape goats of scorn before the class.She was our teacher for three years;I was beaten with her open hand,yard sticks,rulers etc.,she made other students life a calvary.Being a bright kid very out going it deformed my personality to the point that I rebeled aganist the RCC while in catholic high school and was thrown out in my senior year.Here’s the catch I had a vocation after all that abuse.I converted to the Anglican church soon after and I am a franciscan friar.We were victims of the School Machine created by the American church to keep us catholic admist what they considered a non catholic society.All but a few orders were from Ireland etc.,their goal was to glean as many vocations as possiable to their crown as the largest order etc.Once caught in this machine of vows that needed special dispensation to leave ,working as slaves of sorts in the forced education of catholic children.They took out their rage on their students.Religious life or better yet monastic life can only be attained by seperation from the material life;Monasterys and Convents were always meant to be small houses of prayer and service and simple life and habits.What they have sown they have reaped,thats why most of these orders are now composed of old ladies with no vocations selling off empty convents.American Catholicism in its present state is a reflection of the churchs desire to control not to teach and empower the faithful.We have to see it in this way the nuns for the most part were victims of the Machine and they took it out on us.I maybe wrong as I often am,but the experience of catholic education left no other choice than to go else where to find Christ and His peace.

  267. firetender Says:

    …and it’s important to acknowledge that for some of us, our — “God” of the mainstream, the “Jesus” of whom we were taught — has been ripped to shreds, leaving us a “Nothing” that, if you really look at it, provides certainty and comfort enough!

    There is nothing wrong with NOT being able to see God in the world. The most important part is that we are given permission AND encouragement to really see what we see.

    It has been the judgments against us that have caused the most damage. In this way, the thing to do is to allow each of us on this site to his or her own conclusions about the lives we have been asked to live. If a God is in it, that’s terrific. If not, that’s fine, too. What is meaningful is that each of us comes to our own truth.

    Any God standing behind us that pushes us to make others accept it as their own is a false God.

    Personally, the place I come to is that any conception of God that any of us have on this planet would have to be false. Our wiring and stage of evolution is primitive at best; we are still no more than animals with the illusion that we are not. The concept of God is a human one, no matter how it is expressed and by whom. Once that is understood perhaps we will move away from it being co-opted into forms of control of each other.

    I think it’s important for each of us here (especially here!) to understand AND honor that each of us is turning to something beyond ourselves, and that is enough.

    • George Says:

      Well said Russ. We are each entitled to our own view of God. It is religion and those that misuse it that is the real problem

    • firetender Says:

      I/we have not come here to argue. We have come here to heal. If that cannot include respecting how each person here has come to terms with their individual traumas, then this site is useless and needs to go away.

      Is that clear?

      • firetender Says:

        To make the record straight, Personally, I have a deep and lovely relationship with what you would call “God”. I have no doubts as to the character of that force and the way it moves in my life. I praise and stand in awe of it and turn to it daily for strength and hope. I am speaking up in defense of those who do not hold beliefs similar to mine. Let this not go further, please, and please keep focus on being here for others without expecting them to believe in the ways you do.

      • pattyann Says:

        Thank You, Russ.

    • Mary Says:

      We should be able to say whatever we want on this site. To deny someone’s feelings is to put them back into the Catholic school hell of the nuns they came from. Where we were not able to tell our horror to others, but to only endure and hope to survive. I think what everyone says is valuable and God loves you 🙂 Keep up the good work!!

      • Mary Says:

        Please do not apologize to me 🙂 you are wonderful and I was so touched by your reply that I did not know what to say in return. Be still and know that I am God is all I can think of. You are loved 🙂

      • Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

        Wow, Mary, wow! Thank you so much. so much. you are loved too.

      • Mary Says:

        Yes, time heals all wounds. That is very true. Things happened in the past which were very much beyond our control. We were the innocent victims. The nuns, to put it bluntly, were as guilty as hell for all they were doing to the minds and spirits of the young children. I will never forget or forgive them. That would be too hard for me to do, but I I truely believe that the evil people of this earth will someday suffer in the raths of hell for all the cruel things they had done while on this earth. I have always believed that, as I believe in the Lord.

      • tea Says:

        Time hasn’t healed me completely. My husband can’t pull at my hand without me freaking out that I’m “restrained.” He has to tell me before he touches me so I don’t hit him. I can barely watch the news on tv because the violence there sickens me and sometimes makes me depressed. I do many things to counteract the abuse: positive self talk, meditation, not watching violent tv, sing praises to God, thank God for all He has given me, breathing exercises, eat 80-100 calories every 2 hours to maintain blood sugar levels, had to go to counseling just to sleep some sort of normal amount of time etc and etc. I will continue to take care of myself; try to forgive, try to not blame all, etc and etc. But to say that I am healed is incorrect. I would say after 31 years I am still healing.

      • Tamar Says:

        Tea – I send love to you. It is so evident that you hurt so deeply; I simply want to hug you. My only advice is to stop trying so hard. Allow yourself to be angry, to scream to shout, I long ago gave up viewing the ‘news’ simply because it is, indeed, violent waves of dark energy that make me ill. You don’t have to watch the news or do anything you don’t want to do. Recognize that you – the person in the mirror – has the right to protect yourself however you see fit. The child within you is hurting and screaming and she needs gentle kindness and love. Everyone heals in his or her own time; do not measure yourself against another – no one but you lived your experience. My Dear Tea, you are a most beautiful being of light to the world and your gift to others is vast. Allow yourself however long it takes. Love and Light Always.

      • Mary Says:

        Christine you are such an angel 🙂 I will send hugs to you all day long.
        Psalm 34:18
        The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
        Hang tough Christine 🙂 you are loved.

  268. Christine La Vasseur Helrigel Says:

    As I have always told you, I submit to your authority when you ask me too. Zipped lips.

    • Mary Says:

      I could not stop crying when I read your message (by Christine…redacted). I know that you know God and what is going to happen. So many tortured souls trying to heal and Satan destroying us with every chance he has. The Holy Spirit be with you and know that you are chosen by God to help stop what is to come.

  269. pattyann Says:

    I guess that I am lost. I thought that this blog was a safe place for me to come and share some of the horrors that I had experienced as a child. It was a place where I could identify with others and hopefully not feel so alone;
    Now it is becoming a preaching page which does not have anything to do with the original purpose.
    Could we please go back to the way it used to be?
    This (name removed) person scares the heck out of me..

    • firetender Says:

      I want everyone here to listen carefully to each other. If one person does not feel safe to come there then we’re missing our purpose. Please keep the focus on support.

      Please keep the focus on support.

      There are no sides to take here except making room for everyone.

      Thank you all for your hearts!

      • Mary Says:

        So true!! Everyone needs to be respected and loved here. We are in no position to judge one another.

    • George Says:

      Pattyann: When I first looked at this blog I thought the same as you – that it was a safe place where I could find other people like us and we could help one another. Everyone should have a chance to voice their opinion, but if all we are hearing is Psalms going back and forth then they should take it offline — along with their anger as B. Robertson says. I and maybe you too have heard too much preaching from those who hurt us and this only reawakens bad memories. I hope the blog does go back to its original purpose as a place to heal and that you feel safe reading it. As Russ says, there should be room for everyone but also everyone should feel safe.

      • Brian Says:

        There is only one main Evanltizer on this blog who has been annoying from the beginning and won’t adhere to the principles and spirit established by Russ the Firetender. Just ignore that person. The blog has been a great help and comfort to me knowing that I and my sister were not alone. I think I was one of the first five respondents, that’s how long I have been tracking and the past four years have been made far easier for me to live knowing all the other stories. It’s been worth years of therapy – so don’t give up. Read, commiserate and feel better.
        By the way, what order of nuns, school and state were cruel to you? I have found it helps others to learn they were not alone in being abused by the so and so’s at such and such school. My sister and I were abused by the Dominican nuns at Incarnation Grammar School, Queens Village, NYC in the fifties/early sixties. Then my poor sister was abused further (unbeknownst to me at the time) at Dominican Commercial High School, Jamaica, NYC a secretarial school where the crazies told them they were no good and not worthy of going to college, only to make more Catholic babies or work under men. And I have seen quite a few entries over the years mentioning Dominican nuns as being bad her and overseas. Any they are still teaching, mainly now in Africa! As the Klingons say – Kaplah!

      • George Says:

        Brian, you write very well; I read some of your earlier blogs. You have good advice about ignoring those who don’t adhere to Russ’ vision for this site. Those nuns who tortured me were Dominicans at St. Agnes in Sparkill, NY. It seems that Dominican nuns were the worst. It also seems like New York and surrounding areas had many centers of nun abuse. We know we will win in the next world but let’s do what we can to see they get what they deserve now.

    • Tamar Says:

      My Dear Pattyann, you are a Blessed soul. Do not fear what others may think or say, for you are pure and of the LIGHT… You ARE safe. There are MANY here to support you; I have read the entire string. There are many here who do not judge… your thoughts, your feelings, your journey … all of it … is yours … and of great and intense value! I PERSONALLY thank you for sharing, for me anyone who can stand up and tell his or her story is brave, and I have great admiration for bravery; it is a scary world out there…. it takes great courage to face the horrors that we all have endured – to even speak them allowed…. Afterall, weren’t we were all damned to hell for eternity if we ever opened our mouths …. Please, Dear One, do not allow ANYONE to ever take away your dignity, your spirit, your joy ever again!!! We may not have had power as children, but as adults we can say STOP…. keep shouting from the rooftops…. it is yours and yours alone…. much love and light always. <3.

  270. B. Robertson Says:

    To: Pattyann
    Liked your response…and am in total agreement. I sincerely read each post and empathize but I don’t care for the ‘preaching’ either. And a note to (name removed)….you are searching for an argument. Take your anger elsewhere please. This is a place to heal.

  271. Mary Rutley Says:

    I will never forgive my parents for sending me to board at Our Lady’s High School in Dartford when I was four years old. The nuns in charge of the boarders – Srs Immaculate and Teresa – were heartless witches who should never have been allowed near infants.

    But I thought my experiences were normal until the age of eight, when I was sent to an Anglican prep school which was heavenly compared with the convent. But although I was never harmed by the Church of England, I cannot tolerate the pontification of any priest – or anyone. This is because I had so much religion forced down my throat at the convent that I had Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary leaking out of every orifice.

    • Brian Says:

      Mary, Forgive but do not forget would be the better avenue. Remember our parents and grandparents were raised in the same corrupt system and in their times no one ever complained about anything in the Church, Politics, the Military, etc. Your parents probably couldn’t even conceive of complaining about the system. Trace the roots of every family that used the belt, locked their kids in closets for time out, etc and it will all go back back to the Church teachings. And from this pool of confused shell shocked individuals came the priests and nuns who perpetuated the cycle of abuse. For me, I’ll never set foot in a Catholic Church until women can be priests and the priests can marry, as it was generally before the Council of Nicea, 325CE.

  272. Brian Says:

    Everyone, I just had to post this, the pederasty never seems to stop. From the Milwaukee Journal

    “At least 550 people filed sex-abuse claims against the Archdiocese of Milwaukee by Wednesday’s deadline in its bankruptcy proceedings – by far the largest number of claims among the eight Catholic diocesan bankruptcies in the United States since 2004, and on par with a 2009 Jesuit bankruptcy that covered victims in five states”.

    • Mary Says:

      And if we could file for all the horrilbe abuse by the nuns, not sexual, just the horrible, horrible abuse it would shut the whole system down. I would like to be compensated for the hell I went through for nine years in Catholic School Hell.

  273. Tamar Says:

    My brothers were at St John’s Orphan Asylumin Philadelphia in the 60s… I am still trying to get a confirmation wherein what orphanage I was place… As a young girl, I believe it was St. Vincent’s but I cannot seem to find information on the orphanages for girls in Philly … I have a photographic memory and and I can describe a very large foyer with a floor to ceiling cross… rooms with many many beds (cribs) I was 3 when I entered. and I was severely sexually abused there… my cervix was so damaged that 5 of my 6 children were all born a month over due…Now usually a woman will have difficulty on the first birth, maybe even the second… but I had a terrible time with ALL my children…. it was so unusual… they tried everything to move me along, but my cervix would not dilate. I happened to have really great health insurance when I was birthing my last child, and so I had ob/gyn specialist – head of the hospital department – and it was he who found the reason for the delay… Here was my sixth child and I still would not dilate… why? There was scar tissue on my cervix so severe as to cause the cervix to be unable to work properly…. he broke the barrier of scar tissue and out she came…the easiest birth I ever had. I usually was in labor a good week… as long as the baby was fine and my pressure was good … nature was counted upon to take its course… Anyway, it became the confirmation of the very clear memory that I had of that place and of the event that occurred – of course there was many others – but when that doctor looked me straight in my eye and said… “It’s scar tissue” I knew he knew that it had to be abuse… my family was all present that day, so he was congenial and did not continue, However, when I went into his office for follow up, he again looked me directly in my eyes and said ‘I broke the scar tissue and I am here to help you if you need or want to talk about what happened..” Again, I knew he knew. He said ” It had to be a traumatic incident.” I thanked him and said I would think about it. I never said anything more to him about it. I was kind of numb at the time… in shock that someone else knew, in shock that it was real, in shock that I was truly sane… in short, a most overwhelming experience, At any rate, I am currently writing a rather intense novel being a story in form and written in 3rd person and, of course, in part there within is the clarity of the violence and abuse … and even though I was eventually adopted, how they chose my parents, I will never know – I spent my entire childhood trying to dodge abuse in many forms… and little did I succeed. But I count myself as the lucky one… i always knew it was ‘they’ who were the crazy ones… and never believed any of what they said of me as we all know abusers throw it all back on the abusee. As sad as it sounds, it is a comfort to know I am not alone in all of this… these stories are real and heart-fully told; I commend ALL of you for your bravery…. if you have ever read the story ‘A Boy Called It’ … you would have a clearer picture of my adopted home… but still, I long ago forgave them ALL… including the nuns, the priests, and layman who did what they did to me…. perhaps they simply knew no better. I have no hate, no anger…no fear…. I bless them all with love and hope they find peace upon their death… no matter what happens in our lives, we are all part of the same circle… and as Eva Moses Kor forgave Dr. Mengle and the others who hurt her in the concentration camps – I too can forgive so that I can be free. I am not telling you this to judge or condemn anyone’s thoughts, for each of us alone must follow our own hearts and and our paths… For me, I can now tell the story and not be afraid, occasionally I cry for the little girl who hurts, but mostly I rejoice for the woman I have become…. I have a great relationship with G-d, I am no longer Catholic, I am a converted Jew … but even in that I am mostly a Spiritualist… I saw an angel in that orphanage who helped to keep me sane and I recognize that sometimes bad things happen to good people, but it is what we take with us that really counts…. ..I would like to find others who dealt specifically with the sexual abuse in the orphanages … if any of you would care to share your stories or if you have any information, that can lead me into that direction, I would be most grateful… Unfortunately, I know I wasn’t the only one who endured it. (edited out personal contact info; not allowed on the site for everyone’s safety — firetender) Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your own special light that has crossed my path. ❤ Have a most blessed day!

    • Lori Grobelny Says:

      My heart goes out to you. While I suffered physical and emotional abuse at the hands of the nuns, I was lucky to have been spared the atrocities you endured. I admire you for being so forgiving. I don’t know if I could have taken that road. I have trouble forgetting the abuse I did put up with. It never leaves my mind. May God Bless you and protect you..

      • Tamar Says:

        Lori, I thank you so very much for your kind words and for your support, But I must be fair, It took many years of therapy to get to this point of forgiveness… I was so angry with so many that it was sucking the life out of me and literally making me sick. I had headaches, I was vomiting, I had pains in my body that just would flare out of nowhere… Once I was in the market and the floor started moving on me… sure sign of a panic attack ….. I learned that they were body memories …. I had to find a way to start healing.

        Please know that it is not that I accept what any of them did to me. It is that I have allowed it to leave my space – my space – the space that is my heart and my life. Together, they all STOLE my childhood; I was not about to let them have the rest of my life too. Yes, there are still times when a memory or a trigger – smell, site, touch – will remind me of something, – for instance … the research I am doing for my book has jolted some feelings of nausea and reading all of these sad and horrific stories takes me right back there, but I have the tools … I have learned how to protect myself and I have learned to breathe and to ground, and to remind myself that they are only memories and that they can no longer hurt me but only to the extent that I allow them to……

        It took 10 years of therapy to connect all the dots. Because the abuse started so young, I would often leave my body and watch it from above. I came to understand that it is a technique that young children are often quite adept at performing as a form of protection… but it also can cause splitting to occur. If you ever read the book Sybil, it is much like that. I never did form an alternative personality though… something within in me was strong and very defiant… But, I did compartmentalized all of the experiences simply to survive, and it was only after I was secure and safe as an adult that it all came flying at me at once… one afternoon,

        I nearly burned my husband with a hot iron because I thought he was one of the abusers … Daily, sometimes more than once a day, I started to have real-life flash backs that were so severe I could have killed someone… PTSS is no joke … there were many … another time I kept gagging and vomiting because I thought I was drowning – it was the body memory of having my head held under water in a toilet bowl … but like I said it was the weekly therapy that helped me to learn how to heal. I had a great therapist who was able to help me to stop having such crazy spells .. or rather to recognize when they were oncoming and how to address them. I can stay in my body now and not be afraid of any of it; I have learned to scream and shout and dance and play…. play was such an odd thing for me as a child … I was always afraid, as I am sure that many here have felt the same ….but all of the forgiving I did, I did for ME….

        I deserve to be happy … We ALL here deserve to be happy… WE are good people … WE were good children . and whatever ‘mistakes’ WE all made we made because WE ALL were children… how dare they blame us …. WE had really rotten experiences… and WE were hurt and maimed … and scarred for life … but… I refuse to let them win….. perhaps it is an attitude, perhaps it is that I just don’t want to hurt anymore…. I cannot go back and change any of it… I cannot get back my childhood … I cannot make it all go away… What I can do is heal … I can look at those people and recognize that they were and are obviously very sick people indeed … Who beats a child for a mistake? Who holds a child’s head under water? Who pulls a child’s hair or call them names? I will tell you who does ….REALLY< REALLY SICK PEOPLE … and all of those people that hurt us are just that… SICK…. some may even say that they are evil… I don't know if they are… but for certain, something is wrong with the way they think and act and …. what I do know is that I can't fix them!

        I don't want to have to fix them…I don't want to waste my energy on them anymore… I want to fix ME…the me that they tried to break….the me that wants to play and laugh and enjoy my children and grandchildren. I once had a nun tell my adopted parents that if they could only break my wild spirit that I might become a fine upstanding woman… Huh .. well they tried indeed – actually they came really close to succeeding…. but I ran away from home for the final time at age 17 and never returned…. I was near suicide …

        My given birth name was changed when I was 4 and I had two 4 year-old birthdays… yes, they changed my name and my year of birth – I have found through the adoption forum, that this was a fairly common practice within the Catholic orphanages. … An infant, maybe – But who does that to a 4 year old child? So, in my late 20s I got the courage and I changed it back; and it triggered a rebirth.

        It would be 10 years before I would seriously enter therapy and 10 years more before I was really good. But my spirit returned as spunky and strong as it ever was when I was small…I had children and now I have grandchildren who are the same… strong-headed, wild, loving, happy, not afraid of anything… non-conforming, gotta smile all the time kids… how dare they try to take that from me…

        Forgiveness is not about saying that what they did is OK. and it is certainly not about forgetting … Unless you have a brain transplant and even then I doubt it – memories are attached to the soul not the brain – forgetting is not really an option. NONE of what they did is OK. But, it is about letting it go… letting go of something I cannot change… letting go of the parts that hurt so deep it makes one want to murder another…. Don't get me wrong… I cried and cried and cried… and on occasion I still do, but grieving is part of the healing… under all anger is pain and in that pain there is hurt – grief … My heart bleeds for everyone here…. I KNOW the pain that comes with abuse… It is horrific and it eats away at your heart, your body, your mind, your always afraid and always certain that others can see right through you… always feeling different… and not in a good way …

        But I know also that forgiving them has brought me peace, and I am happy, and my heart is light… I will always have a special place in my heart for those who suffer at the hands of others… I will lobby for and support them until the day I pass. When I was going through it all, I would always try to find 'something' good … like if a beating left me so bruised and sore I literally couldn't sit, then I was grateful I had legs upon which to stand…. Defiance can be defined in many ways; and yes, I was most defiant … and I always managed to find something for which to be be grateful … ..and not out of some holier than thou attitude. I did it because doing so gave me the power to survive… it was a choice, a perspective that allowed me to believe that I was OK… that I was good .. that someone out there had it worse than me and I could cry for them instead of me….

        But, forgiving is different. Forgiving gave me the power to live… to enjoy life in a most profound way and I intend to live the rest of my life in joy! ( Now what do you say to that Sr.Constance? – Nah never mind, you would only tell me I deserved to be ground dirt like the dirt I came from… well guess what, I'm happy Sister, and I sure hope it makes you happy too!)

        Love to you Lori, and may you also be protected – you do deserve to be happy!!!!

        PS .. my given birth name means palm tree in Hebrew … don't ya think it somewhat fitting that a palm tree can be tossed about in a raging hurricane and still remain planted…
        Yes, I like my given name 🙂

      • Lori Grobelny Says:

        Tamar, Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your beautiful letter. I learned much from your thoughts, and from the eloquent way in which you expressed them. You helped me put some of my thoughts in perspective, and maybe I can achieve some healing now. Thank you for the good wishes you extended toward me. You, too, are deserving of all things that are good. God Be With You.


  274. noele Says:

    The Church today does not address the mental abuse that occurs among the volunteers in ministry, nor the abuse by the clerical toward volunteers. The treatment is unbelievable. We’ve only seen the sexual abuse and child abuse discussed, but there is the ongoing dynamics of adult interactions that are often overlooked. All of this indicates a very dysfunctional structure. And people, particularly older people, are fearful of complaining.

    • Mary Says:

      WOW, no wonder I cannot bring myself to walk back into a Catholic Church. There seems to be no goodness what so ever in that place.

  275. jeff a Says:

    mary your horror story hit home not a week goes by without remembering all the abuse physical and verbal from the nuns at most holy redeemer on the south side of chicago good luck jeff

  276. Laurence Venne Says:

    I felt the pain of a Catholic School. Our (male) principal was abusing young boys in the school, including my best friend, who later committed suicide. The nuns and other teachers knew and did nothing. He attempted with me as well, but didn’t get anywhere. The year after we left that school because of a fight my father had with the parish priest. They demanded 1/3 of my dad’s wages and when he refused, he was told that he would go to Hell! We were a poor family, my mother was very ill and my dad made $168. month, with 6 mouths to feed. Funny, not long after, that same priest was caught in bed with his (married) secretary, by her husband. The priest wasn’t dismissed, he was simply transferred. WOW.

  277. Andre M. Smith Says:

    The capacity for the Roman Catholic in authority for wreaking havoc on the innocent child must be endemic to the authority that those holding it have granted to themselves. As an apparent survivor, more or less intact seemingly without need for any support beyond my own resources, I marvel that so many of my fellow travelers have succombed to their miseries. I can come to only two conclusions on this point, both with objective observation of decades: Either I’m stronger than most other people or I got off lightly in my own trial by fire with female Bendictines; a profoundly pathological gathering of The Brides of Christ. Their base of assault during my own era of enforced holiness was

    Take a scoll down that list and read how others have recalled their Golden Years of Childhood. Then move further on to get a good review of the kinds of distrubed persons who held governance over us, for DECADES!

    Our published memoirs will be our revenge!

    (Poster’s personal information removed to assure anonymity)

  278. Eunice Oghinan Says:

    I attended a catholic school in Lagos, Nigeria. It was awful. much of the same things that happened here. I was carried up by my ears too. Really they were psychotic

  279. Eunice Oghinan Says:

    Mistake please my catholic school was in Benin, Nigeria.

  280. Frank Says:

    “If I were to feel moral outrage over an organisation riddled with paedophiles expressing their moral outrage over contraception, I certainly wouldn’t tweet about it”.
    Chuck Lorre commenting on his aversion to social media.

    Chuck Lorre is an American writer, director, producer and composer who has created many American sitcoms, including Grace Under Fire, Cybill, Dharma & Greg, Two and a Half Men and The Big Bang Theory. Lorre also served as an executive producer of the sitcom Roseanne, and currently serves as an executive producer for CBS’s Mike & Molly.

  281. Andre M. Smith Says:

    Where are these nuns today? Why can they not be ferreted out and held to some standard of accountability, as are priests and the Christian Brothers? Why have rehabilitation programs directly overseen by religious orders become exempt from public scrutiny and their patients exempt from compensation to complainants?

    I’d like to think their day of judgement will come, but I’m not so sure. Witness the contrived pretexts for delays to compensate wronged Jews of Europe during the Nazi era emanating from Germany.

  282. Andre M. Smith Says:

    There is a web site,, devoted specifically to the history of Linton Hall Military School in Bristow, Virginia under the control of The Benedictine Sisters of Virginia; a true trial by fire for all who passed through it.

    On that site I have written about various features of the unfortunate history of LHMS. Today, I drew the attention of readers to your own site to it with comments about your writings here.

    You might be interested to know also of Devastating!

  283. Micahe; Says:

    Yep, familiar and sad stories. My experience is much the same, but I did not get the worst of it by any means. I can credit some of the nuns for being demanding in academics. The physical and emotional abuse was not needed. I would have thought these practices went by the wayside by now, but maybe not. My Catholic grammar school has a Facebook page. When I raised these issues and gave concrete examples of abuse, There were some alumni who responded by denying it ever happened. Denail is not just a river in Egypt.

  284. Michael Kozaczek Says:

    YEP! Many sad and familiar stories. Serial child abuse. When I lived in the Detroit area church attendance dropped so low the diocese took out TV ads apologizing for any hurt caused by words or actions of a nun or priest. What is most amazing is that some people rationalize the abuse as somehow being “good for the kids” and that such brutality was deserved. This is what child abusers do to justify their own actions.

  285. Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

    Hi all:
    I went to Catholic School for twelve years! —- I hated every year of my education! —– The Academic Education was of a very poor quality! —– The “nuns” destroyed the self-esteem of many students! —- I would NEVER send a child to a Catholic School. — I completed my education at State Colleges and Private Universities! — NO CATHOLIC COLLEGES FOR ME! —- A am a Christian today, not a Catholic!

    Best regards to all!

  286. Rocco Cocchiola Says:

    I came upon this blog accidentally while on Facebook. After reading various entries, it is apparent that, for the most part, all contributors appear very literate. So my first question is: Where did your basic literacy training come from?” That’s a rhetorical question. As for me, my basic training came from 8 years of parochial school and 4 years of Catholic high school. All of you appear to state you had similar schooling. The particular Order your nuns belonged to does not matter, although you seem to put your plight on one or two specific groups. Whether you believe it or not, nuns are very self-disciplined and very disciplinary in nature, and for the most part, very dedicated. My pre-high school days were filled with much discipline, but never was there any abuse of any kind. Yes, we were punished , sometimes with a ruler and sometimes with a rod, but that was the price for doing or not doing something.

    This blog is filled with nothing but allegations of physical abuse that is disturbing to me. It bothers me to imagine such things being done by nuns to children.

    Someone decided to start a forum with no apparent redeeming qualities except it’s a place where people can write about how sorry they feel for themselves. Then the comments gravitate beyond accusations of physical abuse to charges of prejudice to criticism of the Pope and ends with a condemnation of the Catholic Church. Pardon me, but I have to say this……What A Bunch Of Losers.

    What comes next? The ‘firetender’ asking you to drink the kool aid? Has your ‘firetender’ become your cult leader? That’s what it sounds like.

    If you’ve had bad times in the past, get over it or learn to deal with it. Stop making excuses why you can’t walk into a Catholic Church or aren’t a Catholic anymore but that you’re now a Christian. What do you think Catholics are? Aren’t Catholics also Christians?

    Whatever you do in life, feel good about yourselves.

    • firetender Says:

      Rocco, I very much appreciate you taking the time to take me and this blog to task.

      I’m also amazed that I’ve only had (maybe? it’s all on the board, double-check me.) two other commenters who denied having had any experiences of child abuse at the hands of nuns. I’m not offering that as proof abuse went on, I’m just giving the numbers, which means three comments of that type, including yours, out of 459. The truth is, the only way people get here is by stumbling in to it. I do NOTHING to promote this blog. Since 459 is the number of Posts, I’d say I could count on about 150 people (guessing on the # of multiple posts) who stumbled on to the site and felt compelled to respond. Of those respondents, only two others resembled your own. I think it takes a lot for someone to respond to these faceless blogs. By the way, these responses were from all over the WORLD!

      I have posted here my gratitude for the education I received from parochial school (I have largely supported myself through writing) and I have credited certain nuns with saving my soul, so please don’t get too carried away! But let me tell you how we got to here.

      At a certain point, I read one too many articles about Catholic Priests getting popped for sexual molestation of children. Why? because there are a hell of a lot more nuns than priests, child abuse at their hands was part of the culture and this was practiced wholesale throughout the New York City parochial school system. I’m not saying every one because I don’t know, but every peer I knew from around my world (Brooklyn) reported much the same experience.

      Now I’ve spent a significant part of my life “working through” personality quirks that came from my constantly being on edge for seven of my eight years in Catholic School, and quite frankly, I POPPED! So, I made my initial post here on this blog. You could say it was a child’s reaction, I’m okay with that. You know why? Because no one ever talked about the damage that was caused back then, and I didn’t see anyone else giving the issue any life at that time. I honestly had neither the intention or the desire for what I Said to be picked up by anyone, I simply wanted to say MY piece, and I did; without censorship of any kind. At various times, I considered squashing it for the evil it showed in me. I chose not to because this is how abuse lives “inside” folks and if I was going to tackle my innermost feelings, I was going to be bare-knuckles honest.

      What about this: Do you think for one second that, considering the other works I do, I’d be so stupid as to have my “Brand”, firetender, associated with an all-out war on the Catholic Church? I have allowed my inner-child his rage, I’ve allowed him to tell us His version of the world he lived in. Still, I’m quite aware of the uselessness of entering such a war and I’ve made that clear as well. But I’m a writer and an artist and first and foremost my job is to express my experience and see if anyone can relate. The idea is to turn to each other to reduce our suffering. At first, I just wanted to releive my own, so I wrote. But then this blog took on a life of its own.

      Follow the timing of my posts. Can you see how LITTLE time and concentration I put into this blog? And when I do I let my bile run because I don’t post unless I’m moved to and there is much on this subject that truly irks me. Such absurd things deserve my comments. As example, I had to laugh when I googled firetender’s blog and found my front page piece was the one about me trashing the effigy Pope’s appearance in Mexico! I am successfully alienating every devout Catholic on the planet! Now THAT is really good for firetender’s work in the healing arts, isn’t it?

      But it is now necessary and I have to stand behind my experience. Here’s why. I wrote the blog, probably gave it some attention for a few weeks and then, something like a year later I checked in and found something like 20, 30, maybe 50 (I dunno, it’s all in here) Comments, most all of which were adults my own age in their fifties and sixties who were just BEGINNING to recognize the degree that they were abused in their childhoods. These aren’t susceptible kids, these are survivors that were just starting to recognize what they had survived, and many of them, some for the first time in their lives, spoke of their experiences. When I chimed in, for the most part it was to preserve the integrity of the intent that the blog evolved in to: a safe haven, on-line, for people to come to and share their experiences about the trauma they recieved at the hands of Catholic nuns.

      If you can’t see the support that emanates throughout the site, then I suggest you take a more thorough read through. I didn’t create anything that goes on here, I just tell my truth and see what happens. You see one part of what’s happening, but you’re completely missing the meat of the story. Look at what you said:

      If you’ve had bad times in the past, get over it or learn to deal with it.”

      Don’t you get it? These people have come here because they weren’t listened to before. They weren’t taken seriously and were written off as wimps who just needed to toughen up. Many of them (myself included at one time) wondered if they were nuts! Well, from the unsolicited responses that came from all over the world, apparently they weren’t then and are not now nuts! If anything they are leaving the insanity of denial and self-questioning. Am I causing this to happen? I see a lot of hands of the fellow-abused reaching out to help people face this stuff for the first time.

      I especially liked the Cult remark! If I had that power, I wouldn’t be doing this, believe me, I’d be chasing the benefits of leadership!

      In your own words, brother:

      “This blog is filled with nothing but allegations of physical abuse that is disturbing to me. It bothers me to imagine such things being done by nuns to children.”

      Physical abuse is just the tip of the iceberg. I will admit to you all now that some of the stuff I read here horrified and disgusted me! Even I didn’t IMAGINE the incredible arsenal of abuse these twisted characters drew from. Now that IS scary, and without trying to “convert” you, can you see that if this stuff were real (and can you picture all these people making up these detailed lies?) there’s a REAL problem with the system that supports it. This blog is here to disturb you in the hopes that maybe you’ll ask questions about our responsibilities to our children as well.

      And the worst part is, I honestly do not see resolution of these widespread traumas; none at the hands of the Catholic Church anyway. Yup, some priests will get reamed but most of those nuns? They’re dead now. They already did their damage.

      This blog serves a purpose by being somewhere that people who have been traumatized by their experience with nuns can come to for support. This was never supposed to be the blog that people associate with my larger work in the healing arts, but since the issue is real and lives inside me and a lot more people, it needs to stay here, with or without my participation.

    • B. Robertson Says:

      Wow, Mr. Cocchiola…..I read your comments and found them very interesting. You seem to be “all over the place” with this. You indicate that this firetender blog is a cult…that we should all ‘get over it’.. It sounds as if your education was not too abusive. Good for you. However, it also sounds like you are saying we are all weak with no ‘guts’. Hmmmm. Never judge…isn’t that what Christians want? Your psychopathy is indeed judgemental. After all, this is a ‘freedom of speech’ blog. This site has helped me in ways I can’t even begin to explain. And this is no cult either. It is obvious you saw nothing more than a ‘ruler’ episode. Mental/physical abuse to a child is evil. Many many people here endured much more than what you experienced. Post Traumatic Stress is painful. A lot of people that visit this site have PTSD. I do. Reading your comments, it sounds like you perhaps were one of the ‘favored’ individuals that these mentally ill nuns left alone. In the 1960’s and perhaps even into the 1970’s many of these nuns were not even certified to teach. Perhaps you have ‘buried’ your memories, I don’t know….but if you are ‘laughing’ at our weaknesses…..why would you even bother to comment here? Maybe more is going on in your heart than you think.

      • George Says:

        B. Robertson: that was a great response to someone who obviously doesn’t have a clue as to what this site is all about. I always enjoy your responses.


        Understand I have or had no intention to ridicule you or anyone on this blog. What I read disturbed me greatly.

        In my first reply, I stated I found all contributors to be very literate. Fortunately, I prefaced it with “for the most part”. Read it again and you may find I was voicing my opinion. I’m not qualified to do any more than that because I’m not a professional ‘shrink’ and certainly am not trained to be able to call anyone “mentally ill”. I don’t know who you are, but Mr or Ms Robertson, I resent you attempting to preach to me about religion, or values, or your observation about something going on in my heart. Save that for the kudos you get for being so eloquent in your contributions to this forum. Listen, I’m not here to challenge or rebut anybody here. All I did was voice my opinion about my perception of a terrible situation.

        If, indeed, any of you feel damaged in any way from the experiences you’ve had in a Catholic school, then do something about it. Do what all those males did. Bring it to court. Press charges. I don’t believe there’s a statute of limitations on child abuse. Bring it to the forefront and maybe you’ll get closure. In the meantime, what I perceive is a bunch of people who were injured, mentally or physically, who are venting but not traveling toward relief. Some things just don’t go away by themselves.

        Mr. Firetender, is coming from Brooklyn supposed to have some relevance to your experiences? Were the nuns tougher because they taught in Brooklyn? Possibly they may have been tougher because most of Brooklyn had tough times and tough people AND tough kids. Just for the record, I come from the Brownsville-East New York section in Brooklyn. In school, I wasn’t one of the “favored ones” as there were none in my school. The nuns were tough, but “mentally ill”, I doubt it. in fact, a few years ago, our graduating class (1951) from parochial school chartered a bus and made a trip to Tenafly, NJ. That where the retirement home for Franciscan Sisters is located. We went to visit our 8th grade teacher. At that time she must have been in her mid 90’s, but still sharp. To us, she was the toughest of them all. In her career, she had been transferred from Brooklyn to teach in a school somewhere in Georgia. One of her pupils down there was a guy named Clarence Thomas. Today, Clarence Thomas is a devout Catholic and coincidentally, a Judge in the U.S. Supreme Court. That’s not a bad testament for one of those ‘mentally ill nuns’.

        I wish all of you the very best and hope someday you will find the peace you deserve.

        Rocco Cocchiola
        Tampa Bay, Florida

    • Mary Says:

      Dear Rocco,

      This is a place of healing for most of us. How do we heal, we talk about it to others. I am happy you had a good experience with Catholic School. No one here is ungrateful for anything. But most of us were seriously abused. We do not feel sorry for ourselves, we feel sorry for each other. You are a very ignorant man when it comes to what torture does to the human mind. I suggest you go get a phd in psych and then come back and comment. As for Clarence Thomas I would not brag on that piece of trash being Catholic. He is not an example of what I consider a good human being, just another evil man put into power.

      • firetender Says:

        I removed a couple of responses and counter-responses to this post. Opinions are honored, but if phrased as attacks or without respect, they will be removed.

    • Mary Rutley Says:

      In 2001, a friend of mine died from leukaemia. She
      In 2001, a friend of mine died from leukaemia. She never complained about being ill, but went to the grave with murderous hatred for the nuns who had abused her, and her little brother, at their school in Lancashire.

      Some people, lacking in imagination and empathy, believe that victims of Catholic abuse – sexual, physical or psychological – should just move on. Others, including Lord Carlile and Baroness Hollins, acknowledge that the effect of childhood abuse can
      be lifelong.

      Lord Carlile, an eminent lawyer, was commissioned to investigate the abuse scandal at St Benedict’s School in Ealing. This private school had been abusing boys for decades and would still be doing so – but for the courage of old boys who confronted the power of the Catholic Church. Lord Carlile met old boys who had attended the school 70 years ago, and whose whole lives had been tarnished by the abuse.

      And only this week, on BBC radio, Baroness Hollins acknowledged the reality of childhood abuse. Sheila Hollins, a psychiatrist and an influential Roman Catholic, is not afraid to accept the shameful facts about her church.

      She knows, as do we all, that the Catholic Church has practised deceit and abuse on a large scale for a long time. Its plausibility in the past enabled the abuse at St Benedict’s to continue; while other victims were silenced by brainwashing or Catholic guilt.

      Victims of my Catholic boarding school in Dartford – some in their sixties and seventies – have posted their memories of the evil nuns who were deceitful and cruel. Yet the order’s website pretends that all is well, and it was ever thus! So Catholic deceit is STILL being practised.

    • tea Says:

      I lived at St. Mary’s Home for Children in Ambler PA. Sister Chrisanne was so abusive, even as an 8 yr old chiild I knew she could easily kill. When a glass stained with milk was left in the sink, Sister Chrisanne lined us all up demanding to know who had left it, I stepped forward and said I did because the 5 yr old boy who did would have been hurt too much. That woman took me into the laundry room and with one punch I went airborne, hit the wall and was knocked unconscious. Thank God I was unconscious because when I woke up several hours later, it was so hard to move. Every muscle in my body hurt. I can only imagine what that skinny little boy would have suffered.

      I’m not a “loser.” I’m a survivor. My survival is not due to the nuns, but to God. Institutions of all sorts: public schools, churches, synagogoes, boy scouts, prisons. factorys, defend themselves, not individual people. It is time that we are more like Jesus and stand up to the pharisees and saducees of our day.

    • Linda Says:

      I wouldn’t normally post on this blog as it is not intended for me, but Rocco’s comments really should be challenged by someone who experienced a catholic education that was not abusive, as well as by those who suffered abuse.

      I went to catholic schools in Manchester, England from 1958 – 64 (primary school) and 1964 – 1971 (an elite grammar school). Teachers at the former were all lay people. Those at the latter were about 50% priests and 50% lay people. The priests were, almost without exception good teachers. I neither experienced nor witnessed any form of abuse at any time (except, of course, that we were all indoctrinated an nauseam).

      I am now an atheist, but this is for the entirely non-emotional reason that the claims of catholicism (and of all religions) seem to me to be entirely unsupported by evidence.

      I had always assumed that, although some serious abuse undoubtedly happened in catholic institutions (and that included the sort of abuse by nuns that is the subject of this blog), many of the claims of past abuse were by people making mountains out of molehills. I also assumed that many of the people who claimed to have been damaged by that abuse were probably emotionally fragile and would have been damaged by life’s normal events whatever school they had gone to.

      I no longer hold those views.

      The reason I don’t hold them is this blog. The stories recounted here have too much in common. They ring true. The people writing them are remarkably sane and human. (They are more than just sane, they are mind-blowingly amazing.)

      Firetender doesn’t want this blog to be about action, and I must respect that. But someone, somewhere really must make these things more widely known. The catholic church has always abused vulnerable minorities. It will continue to do so unless its past activities are brought more fully into the light of day.

      • firetender Says:

        To the contrary, this blog is ALL about action. Unfortunately, at this point, the action most needed is to have a place where those who have been so abused can come to see that they are not alone. I’m depending on everyone here to help each other through the aftermath of what could easily be called a Spiritual Holocaust. Yes, as has been stated often, we ARE survivors gathering up our wounded. How pitiful, really, that for so many of us, like myself, it’s more than 50 years after the battles!

        The very things that convinced you that these entries are not from the fringe, the things that make you say these stories “ring true”, are the things that hopefully, eventually will come to a greater public awareness and provoke a different kind of action.

        I will leave it to those of you who still have the strength to fight to mobilize Allies to figuratively go after War Criminals who are being protected by the Nation that evolved out of the carnage. Sure, I don’t see these patterns of abuse (with Nuns in particular) going on as severely these days, but that doesn’t mean past abuse of children should go unnoticed or uncompensated.

        Compensated, yes. For me, that would take the form of a child-molesting culture being hobbled and humbled. Especially since the Church, while professing token regrets, continues to do all in its power to sidestep responsibility for its agents’ actions. How ironic that so much of the wealth hoarded by the Church is being spent on its defense! Maybe that’s the angle; a forced bankruptcy!

        Personally, I would love to see one or many of you take action, by forming another website or aligning with one of the other organizations noted here, to bring this aspect of the Church to its knees. All I ask is that the focus be on the psychological, moral, spiritual, physical, emotional, gender and sexual abuses heaped upon innocents by Catholic Nuns.

        Meanwhile, I’ll just be here in the Casualty Tent, helping where I can and being thankful that so many others are coming here to share in the work!

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        LINDA: —- Well written! —- There are many “walking wounded” on this board! —– BUT, we are “functioning,” making the most of our life, and moving forward on a daily basis! —— Best regards! —– Dwayne

      • B. Robertson Says:

        Very interesting note. Hmmmm, let’s see now, you indicate that we are just a bunch of highly emotionally charged people and would have suffered at any school we attended eh? You are either 1) wealthy and they treated you and your wealthy friends with respect….2) you were so full of fear and compliant that you were blind to what was really going on. As for your comment on being an atheist….who the hell cares? I don’t comment here much, but I study each and every statement made. Maybe it’s not the people on this blog that need mental help.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        I think you might have misunderstood “Linda’s Posting!”

        Today, (Saturday), I attended Catholic Mass with my wife. (She is a “practicing Catholic!” I got good at it, so I no longer practice.) We attend a small Chapel in a local Hospital. We go there because the service is only 1/2 hour in length. I can barely tolerate 1/2 hour of the Catholic propaganda! The priests open the service requesting that everyone think about the sins that we might have committed in the past. (What sins are they talking about? If the priests are looking for sins, just maybe they should be looking in their own ranks and the altar boy issue!) I am tired of the Catholic Clergy telling us how bad we are! Maybe if the Catholic Clergy did an honest days work in the real world, like many part -time Christian Ministers, they would see life from a very different point of view! —– I actually left the service tonight in a very negative frame of reference. —– The Catholic Clergy are NEVER
        “up-beat!” —– They never talk about the “possibilities in life!” —- They never talk about achieving success in life! —– The live is a “negative world” of their own making! The only reason why I attend a weekly service is because it makes my wife happy. —– All the best to the survivors of Catholic Education! —- Hang in there! —- We did not drink the Cool Aide! —- We are the free thinkers! —– A nun told me in Catholic High School that if I attended a State College I would lose my faith! —- I told her that before I can lose something I have to have it! —–She was shocked! —- I received a GREAT education at a State College and I earn my second MA degree from a private Non-Catholic University. —- I enjoyed my College Education because it was “Catholic Free!” —- No Nuns! — No Priests! —- No religion classes! —- Just down to earth academic work! ——————- Dwayne!

      • michael donohue Says:

        So what?

        I am not getting your point.

        These people (nuns, etc…) abused children…… emotionally and physically…… PERIOD!!!!!!!!

        And they hide behind their cult religion to do it and make it “OK” with the community…… including parents.

        They are no different than the nazies……….. in fact, they helped the nazies after ww II,,,,,,,,,,,,, that’s got to tell you something right there……….. they are evil………. they need to burn in hell…………

        I want to go after their asses and take everything from them……….

        On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 7:50 PM, a firetenders Blog wrote:

        > ** > Dawyne James Mitchell commented: “B.Robertson: I think you might have > misunderstood “Linda’s Posting!” Today, (Saturday), I attended Catholic > Mass with my wife. (She is a “practicing Catholic!” I got good at it, so I > no longer practice.) We attend a small Chapel in a lo” >

      • George Says:

        Thank you Michael for keeping this blog on track.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Great comment! —- Well said! —– Dwayne

    • Linda Says:

      Please read what I write before you comment.

      Putting it briefly, I stated that I had neither experienced nor seen any abuse at the schools I attended – and I know better than you what those schools were like. Naturally, that made me a bit sceptical about some (not all) of the claims of abuse that were reported in the press. I then explained that reading this blog had made it perfectly clear to me that abuse was far more widespread than I had imagined, and that the majority of reported claims of abuse probably are true.

      If you have a problem with that, could you please spell it out to me.

      It’s none of your business really but, just for the record, I was neither wealthy nor fearful.

      • michael donohue Says:

        I am 58 years old and suffered through 12 years of “catholic school”. It was a great education and I have done well, however, it was the absolute sickest, stressful, most abusive experience you can imagine. These people are NUTS. They abuse everyone and anyone they can (not just children) and they deserve to be in prison before they go to hell.

        On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 1:16 PM, a firetenders Blog wrote:

        > ** > Linda commented: “Please read what I write before you comment. Putting > it briefly, I stated that I had neither experienced nor seen any abuse at > the schools I attended – and I know better than you what those schools were > like. Naturally, that made me a bit sceptical ab” >

      • Linda Says:

        Michael, I am really sorry to hear about your experiences. I am 59, so pretty much contemporarywith you, but I was fortunate that my experiences at school were different. It is true that many of “these people are nuts” but it isn’t true that all of them are. Really, it isn’t.

        Don’t think I’m a fan of the catholic church. I’m not. Emphatically not. This is not the place to go into my reasons, as they concern matters that would be out of place in this blog. I will just say that I too have a great deal of experience of being on the receiving end of a whole lot of shit (some of it from the catholic church). But catholic schools had nothing to do with it. It does mean that I can understand the feelings of people who did suffer abuse a bit better than you might imagine. And I understand very well the conflict between hating people for what they have done and trying to let go of it all. (Some of the people who have contributed to this blog seem to be able to manage that particular conflict far better then I can.)

  287. Maureen McGill Says:

    I am 66 years old and still feel the pain and anxiety from never knowing when and to whom these sick women would release their anger. Thank you for this blog. It is an instrument of healing.

    • Mary Says:

      Yes, it is Maureen 🙂 Everyone on here has been through hell and back and it will live with us for the rest of our lives and I am sure has even caused suffering beyond us by us not being able to trust the people in the church any more.

  288. Dennis Says:

    Here’s my story. I and my twin brother went to St. Boniface Catholic school in Cincinnati Ohio. My brother and I both liked school and were doing well grade wise up till the 6th grade. We were not A students but usually got B’s and C’s with a few A’s thrown in from time to time. Most of our teachers were Sister Of Charity nuns with some lay teachers also. Our parents sent us to Catholic School because they knew there would be more Discipline. Back in the sixties Corporal punishment was much more accepted than it is today. Both my Brother and I had had a few swats from a paddle or ruler over the years. Nothing to often. I think we were pretty well behaved students. Up until the sixth grade I had seen a few kids who were constantly in trouble. The nuns would take those kids to a Janitors closet to punish them with swats and rulers. They would also lock them in the dark coat closet. sometimes for hours. There were two sets of twins in our grade. The other set were our friends but they were the straight A students. I had found thru the years that the Sisters would always fawn over the smart kids. If you were smart you could make them look good. On the other hand if you were not really smart many of the nuns could care less about you. I remember that the nun that abused me the most would bring her second grade students into our sixth grade class and tell us how great they were. The funny thing is years later I married one of those kids. I tease my wife every now and then about how she was a teachers pet and if Sister Rose Theresa knew she had married me she would be very disappointed. In Sixth grade things changed for the worse. Sister Rose Theresa would take every chance to make fun of my brother and me. One day we had a math homework assignment. I was not doing well in math. I had repeatedly asked this nun for help with different problems. She would always tell me to figure it out. No help what so ever. Finally I just gave up and really hated math. The math homework had three possible answers a),b), or c) no possible answer. Since I did not understand the math I put c) no possible answer on every problem. When going over the problems the next day in class on the very first problem who do you think she called on first? She asked me what the answer was and I proudly stated NO POSSIBLE ANSWER. I guess that pissed her off. She called me to the front of class by the blackboard. On each of the next problems she wrote it on the board and asked me the answer. On each problem I said no possible answer. Each time she would slam my head into the board and say there is an answer and figure it out. Of course most of the kids in the class thought this was hilarious at my expense. That was the worst thing that happened to me. I know others have had much worse times than my brother and I . From 6th grade on neither one of us gave a shit about school. We did only what we had to do to pass and could not wait to get out of school. I know many on here have had a hard time moving on and still suffer to this day. I don’t think about it much and I don’t let it bother me. I think those who did these things to children are in for a big surprise come judgement day. My heart goes out to those who still suffer.
    A couple of years ago an old 8th grade classmate contacted me and my brother to let us know ther was going to be an 8th grade reunion. she went on to tell us some of our old teachers who were going to be there. Most I had fond memories of until she said Sister Rose Theresa and Sister Alicia. Sister Alicia was the principal who always sided with Sister Rose Theresa. It was at that time my brother told this woman that if he saw Sister Rose Theresa walking down the street he would punch her right in the face. This from a person who was always taught that you never hit a woman. For some reason I still consider myself a Catholic. Even thou I never go to catholic church except for weddings and funerals. To be honest I’m not real sure about the whole God thing.

  289. Frank Says:

    “Time heals all wounds” is certainly not true in my case, nor in the case of the vast majority who live with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) whether it be caused by the horrors of war, a traumatic accident, rape, or abuse in childhood at the hands of nuns… the list is endless. Like tea, my loved ones know that they cannot approach me silently from behind, or give me a ‘surprise’ hug without evoking instantaneous fear and feeling my life is being seriously threatened. Even though I know and understand that this is not the case within a split second, the damage is done… the negative consequences on the body can last for hours.

    PTSD reflects a ‘wound’ that in general neither time, nor trying to forget, nor inaction, nor avoidance will heal. If this blog is not testament enough to shattered lives and continuing dysfunction in relationships, jobs, addictions, etc, find a blog where Vietnam Vets tell their stories… no, not about the war, but about their lives now. In fact, history is repeating itself with large numbers of those returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

    It’s good and healthy that someone like Rocco paid the blog a visit, just so that we know that there are people out there in droves who think like Rocco about us… and let me quote from his post “I have to say this……What A Bunch Of Losers”. (wasn’t it refreshing and heartening when, in his next post, Rocco said “I have or had no intention to ridicule you or anyone on this blog”). Go and re-read his initial post in its entirety if you ever forget how insidious and powerful a hold this organisation has on so many of its members… how they choose to interpret things.

    As for PTSD, if you still live with it, find yourself a good trauma therapist, because if time hasn’t done the trick for you by now, chances are it won’t.

    • Mary Says:

      So true, PTSD which I have – there is no cure, you only try to cope and you are so right do not sneak up behind me. Clearly announce you are coming. The nuns have caused so much hell for so many.

      • thecentralscrutiniser Says:

        Mary; sadly I can only agree. I have endured 45 years of PTSD becuase of evil nuns; PTSD hadn’t even been heard of then let alone councelling etc. You’re right, there is no cure. But at least we can find some solace in knowing, at least in this portal, that we are not alone. Thank you everyone who has shared and empathised on here.

  290. pattyann Says:

    I somehow cannot deal with people who are, or think they are superior to others for whatever reason. I was attending a church support group that I really enjoyed up to four months ago when this retired military officer started coming and quickly became condescending to others opinions. I found myself to be afraid of him, and watchful of what I shared so I would not be mocked.
    It took me back to the old days when I tried my best to do and say the right things so I would not be ridiculed in the classroom.
    I stopped going because of the extreme fear and panic that would build up in me before this meeting. I am not over this, nor do I think I will ever be.
    I always have this fear of appearing stupid in front of other people.

    • Mary Says:

      No one is able to overcome years of systematic abuse. We will never fully recover from the living hell we suffered at the hands of the nuns. There will always be situations, and people that trigger our PTSD.

  291. Sam Says:

    When I went to Catholic grade school, I well remember the state of fear that the nuns maintained in our classroom. The slightest glance at anything other than her meant that you would be dragged by the ear out of your seat and humiliated in front of your classmates. Many times it was common to see others standing in the hall all day for some minor infraction. Striking us on the hands or across the face with her blackboard stick was another favorite pastime. The clergy acted like they held god as a hostage and you needed them to get to him. Sadly, if I told my parents about the abuse, they would not believe that persons of the cloth could do anything unpleasant. After I graduated I never attended church again. The hypocrisy of it all was just to much to take.

    • thecentralscrutiniser Says:

      You are not alone, Sam. I experienced the same at a Catholic School run by nuns in Liverpool and also when I was briefly in a Catholic Children’s Home (Olive Mount). Although I subsequently turned my back on the Catholic church and later on all religions, the pain and betrayal remains.
      And please, don’t let anyone say “I’ll pray for all of you”; that is just abother kick in the teeth.

  292. thecentralscrutiniser Says:

    I just want to thank you for publishing this article, for it also confirms that I was not alone in being abused by nuns as a very young child. Between the ages of 4 – 5 I was systematically abused by predominantly one nun; on a daily basis Sister Marie subjected me to the most painful and degrading sexual, physical and emotional/mental abuse. It was reported to the authorities at the time (1967) but they did nothing, saying such a young child could not give credible evidence against such a respected pillar of society. So now, aged almost 50, I still suffer those memories and the physical manifestations, post trauma stress disorder and depression. I have been unable to work in years and my whole life continues to implode because of those acts comitted almost half a century ago.
    I would not sue them; no amount of money could repair or put right what was done to me. Even now, I break down and cry and tremble whenever I am asked about it. If I see a nun in real life or on television, I become a quivering wreck. It has affected not only me but my wife, my child and those who have been unable to get ‘close’ to me because of the evil nuns.
    I just want them to apologise; not just for the abuse (the work chiefly of a sadistic individual) but, for the ‘institutional denial’ which has meant that so many others have continued to suffer in silence.

  293. Frank Says:

    What is really important about this blog is that it can validate our intensely personal experiences in a way that not even the most compassionate partner, family member or close friend ever can.

    Notice how the blog can be quiet for a while and all it takes is for someone to post their experience, often leading to a burst of activity as others relate to what has been written that affirms and validates their own experience. It is really true… we are NOT alone!

    Through this blog, each of our own private, lonely experiences of hell, locked up for so long inside, have transcended both time and place to give us voice, to be heard, to be understood… to be part of a community. I had never dreamed that something like this could be possible… and for me it is very powerful. Thank you all!

    • Mary Says:

      You are so very, very right Frank, We are NOT ALONE, we all have been through hell and we are a family that continues to grow every day when someone adds their story to our list. God bless all of us!!

  294. Mario Says:

    Hi Sam

    I know what you are talking about. As for me I haven’t gone to church since 1956. I was glad when I finished Catholic grammer school, because I didn’t have to go to church anymore. They herded us to church like a bunch of sheep. I didn’t see anything redeeming by going to church.

    The very same people that abused us, are the same ones that are going to tell us about God…..Yeah right
    In HS it wasn’t any better we had parish priest that taught us. Four of those priest that taught us in High School were child molesters and womanizers. Isn’t that great? To have shit like that teaching us in school.
    It came out in the grand jury report about these priest. Non of these people are above reproach as far as I’m concerned and that includes the Pope. They are the lowest forms of humanity. They would need a ladder to climb up to a snake.

    I’m glad I don’t believe in that stuff anymore

  295. Frank Says:

    Progress is being made in the struggle to bring the Catholic Church to account. Momentum is growing by the day. It is still a long way off before there is outrage reaching as far as nuns or those who were not sexually abused (but horribly abused otherwise) as currently the focus is on priests and their sexual abuse of children… as it rightly should be.

    It is through progress and success in pursuing paedophile priests that the doors hopefully one day open to the broader exploration of the effects of all forms of abuse by all forms of Catholic clergy perpetrated over an historically long period of time.

    A good example of progress is the imminent jailing of a priest from Philadelphia, not for paedophilia, but for aiding, abetting, covering up and protecting known paedophiles from the law.

    This is an important precedent as it sets the stage for similar investigations globally to go after the church hierarchy who are undoubtedly complicit in directly authorising and implementing a systematic cover-up of the disgusting criminal behaviour of certain priests.

    The church has fairly successfully run a PR campaign distancing itself from paedophile priests with lines like:
    “it’s a very small minority”
    “it’s a few homosexuals” etc.
    However it will be much more difficult for them to escape judgement as an organisation and an institution, if and when the extent of their global culture of secrecy, cover-up, protection of criminals, and lack of care or concern for victims becomes public through the process of law.

    Not until the day that victims like ourselves who were abused by nuns rather than priests, who may have been abused nonsexually, can tell our stories in a sanctioned public forum and be broadly legitimised for the enduring pain and suffering caused, can there be an openness and acceptance in society that this is indeed, a crime against humanity. Not until we can tell our stories in front of the perpetrators, and have them in kind tell the whole truth about what they did, about what they knew… can there be broad-based reconciliation or forgiveness. Perhaps we can learn something from the experience of post-apartheid South Africa about this process:

  296. gratefulandthankful Says:

    Firetender (and all others who have posted about their experience with abuse at the hands of Catholic nuns), I thank you from the bottom of my heart for having a forum, a tiny place in this world to just share these experiences, especially those of severe psychological or physical clergy abuse from the past. These usually cannot be reported or prosecuted, because they don’t rise to the same level as sexual abuse. There really isn’t a place for us, nor any accountability. Even though I’ve survived and have made a good life, my nun abuser is still alive, a prominent elderly member of the community, with accolades & achievements galore. Even if there were no statute of limitations it would be like going up against Goliath. If the laws change some day to lend credence to what we went through, I believe a groundswell of people would step forward. I just don’t know how you start that groundswell.

    • patrickpaulmclynn Says:

      You can all read about the various forms of a abuse I endured in Catholic grammar school in Chicago in the 1950’s. I even managed to walk in on two nuns making out. Their revenge was non stop! Reading the endless accounts about similiar situations is marvelous and rather edifying; specifically realizing it wasn’t because I was a “bad Catholic” and not taking it all so personally, which is difficult at best…even 50 years later!

  297. Patrick Paul McLynn Says:

    Yes, I too am a victim of the abuse I have read about on this blog and have just completed a book on the subject. I even managed to walk in on two nuns making out in a storage room and you can’t even manage what kind of hell that rained down on my eight and a half year old life! My book will be released soon were you can read all of the details. It’s about time people heard about the atrocities leveled at small children. It didn’t all come from priests. I don’t hate “Catholicism” per say, just the monsters that used it like a weapon!

    • Mary Says:

      I so agree with you Patrick, I am still “Catholic” and go to Mass now and then, because it is not the religion that went sour, it was the monsters and demons that were allowed to put us through hell. My PTSD, will be with me always and seeing a Nun in person and on televison still makes me ill.

      • Patrick McLynn Says:

        Hang in there! Those nuns are all BEHIND you now. I don’t know what you went through, but I’m sure it was scary somehow. I remember getting slapped across the mouth because I told a nun that I loved her ‘costume’ because she reminded me of the the Wicked Witch of the West (who was my favorite villain). God Bless You!

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        YES, it is the religion! —- Do not give the Catholic Church a pass on the abuse of children. —– The Nuns, Priests and Brothers represented the Catholic Church, in the Catholic Schools of the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s & 80’s. —– QUESTION: —- Who taught them to deal with children in this fashion? — Was it part of their “basic training?” —– When a civilian joins the military, they go through “basic training” to become a soldier. After 8 to 10 weeks, they become a “military person,” and they deal with life through the eyes of a military person. —- The Nuns, Priests and Brothers were taught to deal with children in an aggressive fashion! —- I think they should be brought up on “criminal charges” along with the Catholic Church! —- YES, I blame the Church! —– Just my opinion. —- Best regards to all survivors! —– Dwayne

      • michael Says:


        It is a case of child abuse….. pure and simple.

        The experiences of myself and all these victims makes the Penn State scandal pale in comparison.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        No one cared years ago when the nuns were abusing children everyday! —- And no one, (out side of the people in this group), cares now! —- Children in Catholic Schools were consider expendable! —– Children are human beings with feelings. The nuns never considered children to be human beings! The children were herded around like Cattle. —- I have no respect for nuns or priests. They are fakes, frauds and phonies! They “demand respect” rather than “earning respect!” —- No wonder the Catholic Churches are empty on Sunday! —– All the best to everyone! —- Be strong! — Do not drink the Catholic Cool Aide. —- Be a “Christian,” not a Catholic! —– THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE! —— Dwayne

      • Mary Says:

        Children mattered if their parents had lots of money!!! LOL I don’t think any of us will ever break free from the hellish memories of Catholic school days. I will take meds for the rest of my life just to cope from the memories of the torture we went through.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Catholic School education was NEVER about “academic education,” rather, is was all about “Catholic Indoctrination,” and the destroying of the young person’s self-esteem in order to produce loyal / non-thinking members of the Catholic Church, who could be counted on to support the institution with their dollars for their entire life!

        The Catholic Church is all about money! They NEVER have enough money! They need money so that their clergy can live well on the backs of the people. QUESTION: —- How can the Catholic Church guarantee anyone heaven? They sell the people this “bill of goods” everyday. They tell their followers that “if” we obey their rules we will go to heaven! —- The Catholic Church is one “Big Business” with offices all over the world taking in as much money as they can from the individual. They are NOT interested in your welfare, rather, they are interested in their welfare!

        The Catholic Church Clergy like our politicians in Washington D.C. “think” that they are somehow better than the people! They forget that they “work for us!”

        The members of the Catholic Church are not “psychologically healthy individuals.” —— They are always worried about “fulfilling requirements” like attending Mass every Sunday, attending Church on Holiday Days of Obligation or making their “Easter Duty!” The pressure is always on the individual to perform in some way. On the other hand, Christians from “non-Catholic Churches” live their religion. They attend their church because they want to be there, not because they are forced to be there under pain of “Mortal Sin!” QUESTION: —– If not attending Mass on Sunday is a “Mortal Sin” what kind of sin is it when a Priest abuses a “Altar Boy?” —— For years I attended a Dutch Reformed Church on a Sunday. — During that time I looked forward to going to church. The sermons were motivating, and the pastor was very professional and interested in his congregation. Before and after the service there was “Christian Fellowship!” People actually talked to one another. It was a Christian family, and people were actually concerned about the welfare of one another. This does not exist in the Catholic Church, because the religion was never taught on that level. The Catholic Religion is just a series of “rules and regulations.” It is not a living segment of the Christian Religion. It is designed to keep the Catholic Clergy in power! —- There are many “walking wounded” living their lives as a result of a VERY negative educational experience in Catholic Schools. In addition to the abuse suffered at the hands of the clergy, young people in many cases DID NOT receive a “competitive academic education” in the regular Catholic Schools. (Maybe in the Academies it might have been different, but the regular Catholic Schools that I attended in the 50’s were not great in terms of the “academics,” but in reality, they were not in existence for that purpose.) —- YES, the Catholic Church did destroy the lives of many young people. To this day, the Catholic Church is still controlling the lives of many individuals. —– I have no respect for Catholic Priests of Nuns! —- I find them to be “one dimensional / sick individuals” who have “hidden agendas” when they speak to you! SUGGESTION: — If anyone wants to really enjoy the Christian Religion, try attending a non-Catholic Christian Church. —- Experience the difference first hand! —– It could change your life for the better! —— Best regards to everyone on the site. —- Hang in there, and make things happen in your life by design. —- Read motivational books! —- Attend motivational seminars. —- Listen to motivational tapes! —- We are the survivors, and we did not drink the “Catholic Cool Aide!” —– Dwayne

      • Mary W Says:

        All I can say Dwayne is you are so right 🙂

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        If we are “so right” in our assessment of the Catholic Church, and the damage that they did to children in Catholic Schools, how come there are not more of us on this site????? I will bet that there are more people reading these postings, — but they do not want to commit themselves to speaking out against the church! —– The Catholic Church gets it’s power over people by playing on “guilt!” When the nun told me that; “if I attended a State College I would lose my faith,” —- and I responded, “before I can lose something I have to have it.” she became speechless! —- (Once I was not part of her “little Club,” there was not longer any control over me!) —- Here is another question that needs to be answered. My Catholic High did NOTHING to help the young people to get into college! (Unless you were a Football Player or a Basket Ball Player). If the nuns wanted us to attend a Catholic College and / or University why didn’t they help the young people to get into these institutions? (They did absolutely NOTHING! In fact, I would bet that they worked against those students who applied to State and / or Private Schools, but I have no way of proving this feeling!) —- The Catholic Church can only control the individual if the person drinks their “Cool Aide!” —— By rejecting the Catholic Church, you are not necessarily rejecting the Christian Religion. Rather, you are probably becoming a better Christian. I am a Christian, and I enjoy attending Christian Churches where people are real and sincere! ——– Never join any organization that demands “blind obedience!” Just think about ww2 and the SS in Germany! —– We are the survivors! —- We are the ones who are getting the word out to the public! —- You can be assured that there are people reading this board who are working for the Catholic Church in the United States, and I will bet that they will start a site of their own “Praising Catholic Education and the Nuns and Priests! —- I would love to see a “class action legal action” on behalf of anyone who feels that they were mistreated by the nuns and / or priests in Catholic School. —–Have faith in yourself, — and in your talents, skills and abilities to succeed in life! — You and everyone on this board can build your own successful life. —— You do not need the Catholic Church to survive! —— Rather, the Catholic Church needs all of us to survive! —- All the best. — Dwayne

      • firetender Says:

        Okay my Brother and Sisters, here’s the place where we significantly reduce the trashing of the Catholic Church so that we can make more room for expressions of a more personal nature that seek and provide support and healing.

        I hope you understand, and I will be monitoring and reducing posts that are off point.


      • Tammy Rudolf-Greene Says:

        I so agree to end the bashing…. I have known truly dedicated loving Catholic people who have committed their lives to service and are as pained as any other about the abuses laid upon many over the decades. But the primary here is to heal…. We have all be affected greatly by the experiences put upon us, but one or two or five people do not make a whole…. the whole is the whole…. I am no longer Catholic – after searching many sects of Christianity & other faiths, in truth I chose Judaism…..I chose to follow Jesus and he was a Jew …. but the one thing I learned in my journey is that religion is religion…. there are those who practice it and then there are those that pretend it…. the point I wish to make is that as I cannot blame ALL men or ALL woman for the individual acts of a few. Yes, we have ALL been hurt… but understand the forgiveness is about YOU not them…. to heal one must learn to let go of the anger… to recognize that when some being acts unjustly towards us it is because somewhere within them is a pain so great that it explodes in anger and often hurts those around them …. I am not justifying it, I am explaining it. When we forgive we do so for ourselves… it matters not whether the perpetrator(s) acknowledge the wrong …. it is a process wherein the victim no longer remains a victim…. “Forgive them father, for they know not what they do…” I am not saying that what has been done is acceptable, I am simply saying that it is through the recognition of the human soul within that being that we come to a place of peace….. my Catholic raised parents were most abusive toward me,… but I happen to know that they have deep wounds of their own…. not that it justifies their actions, but because they were/are unable to acknowledge those deep wounds, they continue to thrash about and that itself is a sad sad statement of their lives. To live a life filled with anger and pain is a waste of a beautiful life. You are ALL beautiful souls and I only wish LOVE & LIGHT upon you. Let go, and KNOW that you are not alone ever…. you do have angels and you do have guides who can help you grieve and they know the deep secrets of your lives…. they people who hurt you are people…. yes they were/are governed by an organization of power… but it is only that … an organization made up of people -souls – who also fight to survive…. life is meant to be lived with joy and happiness, but that joy is not found outside of us, it is found within us…. come to PEACE and you will find peace…. I am so sorry for the pain that pervades this space, I do not sit in judgment of any of you. I know what it is like to be beaten and raped over and over again… I know what it is like to have your spirit nearly broken….but the fact that you are here … expressing yourselves says that there is too is a part of you that has not given up…. hold on … and reach for the LIGHT that surrounds you… KNOW that you are worthy and Divine and that you were created for Greatness because you are and my heart breaks for you. My dear friends, May the Peace of Love that transcends all be upon you always and may your journey find you in a place of everlasting light. Love & Light to you ALL.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


      I would like to read your book! —- When will it be in the book stores? —– What is the name of the book? —–What happened to you when you caught the nuns “making out”? ——- I will bet that the “S$#T hit the fan,” and you were on the “receiving end” of the spray! ——- Dwayne

  298. Mario Says:

    A couple of you guys wrote about how you go to church once in a while. I’m glad you are, I wouldn’t want you to break my record of not going since 1956. Did you put any money in the collection basket? I wouldn’t want you to put more than a dime in their or less is OK. I wouldn’t want the church to get rich, so they can use it to pay off lawsuits for pedophile priests. I didn’t get married in the church and I married a gal of the Jewish persuasion. Am I doing good so far? I didn’t receive the sacrament of matrimonii. I didn’t send my kids to Catholic school, why would I want to send them to the same well I was poisoned at. If you remember back in grade school or high school the nuns and priest would say how you are hell bound for every little thing.

    Evidently nuns and priest didn’t seem concerned that they are going to hell for abusing us, when we went to school and pedophile priest don’t seem concerned as well, about going to hell. If these people aren’t afraid about going to hell, they must not believe in God. How can these men and women of the cloth do the things they do and tell us we are going to hell for not going to church on Sundays and eating meat on Friday. I had a big juicy cheesburger on Good Friday and you know, it tastes so much better. If these people of the cloth are corrupt then thir teachings are corrupt because corruption comes from the top down, not from the bottom up. This is why I read books on the origins of these religiDons. So I guess according to the church, I’m going to hell. I’m not going to worry about it, because down there you’ll be busy shaking hands with so many people, I won’t have time to worry about it. Oh yes, don’t send me any priest they act like they are your best friends and I don’t even know them.

    • Mary Says:

      I don’t think the nuns and priests gave much thought to what would happen to them. They are sociopaths and sociopaths don’t care about anyone except themselves and live in a world all their own. So anything they do is okay with them. There is no way to understand that kind of mind.

  299. Mario Says:


    I’m not a psychatrist and you can very well be right they probably are sociopaths. My question is, why would the church hold on to these people? Since they hold on to them, they can’t be any better than they are. If you or I acted like that in a place of employment, we would be fired faster than you can bat an eyelash.

    • Mary Says:

      Well, Mario that will be a mystery we will never understand, I think because the church was so full of these kind of people, they could not see the forest for the trees so to speak. Back then it was more acceptable to abuse children and the further you go back in time the more acceptable it was. Take a look at history how many children were worked for hours on end and beaten. So it was okay to torture children in the name of teaching them right from wrong. That is their thinking not mine. But the children that are older than me had it worse than I did and etc…. This was not a job it was a vocation to the Lord, how do they fire someone from that? Now I am not defending them by any means, but I am giving you my insight to their thinking at the time throughout history. Their abuse of children was acceptable in most circles. Where now we see it for the horror it was. I will never get over the abuse from them, but I do understand their sick thinking.

  300. richie Says:

    I was happy to find your blog today. I always thought I was crazy when I would hear other peoples stories of grammar school and what a good time they had. Mine wasnt like that. I am now an adult man and have a pure hatred for a nun that was my teacher int he early 80’s. I always remember the day my brother came in to the class to give my teacher a message. She just started slapping him acroos the face. I can still hear her slapping him to this day. Her hands hitting his face. She was so evil to me that year, more verbal. It wouldnt be till later in the year that I would realize what was going on. She always made me stand up in her class and would humiliate me in front of others. She told me I hung around with girls too much. I only had two girlfriends in grammar school. People were just crazy about me. The majority of the school was female. She always told me I would drop out of highschool and make nothing of myself. Well I did drop out and I always heard her reminding me of what I would become. I could write an entire blog on this eight grade bully. She would ask me to come to the podium and rub my back and tell me how good I looked and I was trimming down. All in front of the class. One day she came to my desk and told me how pretty I was I had such a nice face and started rubbing it like a mother does. I had had it and smacked her. Her reply was are you gonna run home and tell mommy? I sure did. My mother went up there and rammed it to her. She tried to convince my mother I was a hurt young man. My mother wasnt having any of it we could hear my mother screaming. The whole class applauded. I remember her telling us the meaning behind humpty dumpty….he was a mental case. And little miss bonnet who sat on a toffet?? She was a whore and alot of other things. I sort of have an emotional hangover right now so I have to go. She was from the Presentation sisters of staten island.

    • patrickpaulmclynn Says:

      I think the most spirit crushing part of all the complaints I’m hearing about Catholic nuns is how they would LIE to cover up their “crimes”. I remember wholeheartedly believing in God, thinking the nuns where supposed to be ‘special’ in some way and how crushing it was to find out quite the opposite. I can’t say that every single nun in my particular experience was ‘evil’; it seems the younger ones were a little less caustic.
      Probably years of the isolation from normal society plus hormonal changes that occur physiologically in the human body as we age contributed to the crazed behavior of the older gals. And believe me, when I say ‘crazed’ I don’t mean it lightly! They all seemed to have what I would call hair-trigger tempers. I suppose little or no sex would make ANYONE bonkers!
      Hang in there, pal!

  301. Mary Ellen Says:

    I too am a product of a Catholic school upbringing and to this day I haven’t even begun to heal the wounds of what and how they treated myself and my siblings. It has truly scarred us and changed what our lives could have been. I remember from my very first experience with nuns, the first grade, Sister Karla, began by instilling fear into 5 year olds! I was reprimanded immediately when I knew how to write cursive before the sister was ready to teach us. They operated from the very beginning to instill fear and intimidation with punishment a given.
    You, in general, were labeled early on, even as a family, dumb, smart, poor, dirty, favorites, it was despicable! The whole experience drove me away from the Catholic religion and I vowed to never put my children through that abuse.
    It’s sad but just yesterday I was saying to a couple of co-workers that I have lived my life by not dwelling on any current situation at the time because I wouldn’t be able to function in a day to day reality.
    And that is just the nuns, what the priests of our school got away with was criminal, the boys, they were sexually abused and never supported or believed by their own parents, because the “good father” would never do such a thing! And these men now, if they were the strong ones that didn’t commit suicide received no retribution because of the time limitation! How absurd! I could go on and on…

  302. john sheehan Says:

    the stories about st vincent ferrer grammar school on e37th st in flatbush brooklyn are all true. there were 68 kids to a clasasroom. the nuns there were physically and psychologically violent towards the grammar school kids entrusted to there care. i attended that school from 1960 thru 1967, i saw the nun violence first hand, there was a priest from that parrish father a we shal call him that was transferred for being a pedophile with the students there. maybe this is the third secret of fatima , still unsealed and unreavealed. i was a victim of bullying at that school, and i was involved in incidents where i was covered in blood,at the glenwood ave bus going home . i would eventually go on to become a supervisor of a law enf agency, a captain in the nyc dept of corrections. where was nypd and oversight agencies when all this violence against st vincent ferrer school children was happening between 1960 and 1968. yes , nyc priests and nuns committed many crimes , the dominican nuns were in charge at st vincent ferrer grammar school. i have nothing but bad memories against that school. john sheehan age 59. shame on them , its no wonder some former catholic grammar school students had become radicalized in society , due to there early years schooling, 68 kids in a classroom is criminal, life in america is inherently unfair , i am naturally an ex catholic and proud of that. i see the main focus of the catholic church today 2012 to extract money and lots of it from the faithful, thats probabally the third secret of fatima , nostradamus nailed it talking about the death and destruction of the catholic church in our present timeframe. i can see what nostradamus meant i lived thru the horrors of catholicism and a horrific catholic grammar school …

    • firetender Says:

      John, what a horror to hear from you!

      No kidding, I have to give credit to those Dominican Nuns for accelerating my maturity. Back when I was a St. Vinnie’s as a 10 year old (we overlapped — I left in 1964, so I don’t recall you) one of the places I retreated to was reading. I can recall saying to myself, “Jesus Christ, I thought abuse like that stopped with Charles Dickens novels!” Even then I was amazed that such torture was condoned by the CHURCH! It had to have been, otherwise how else could it have happened to me, happened to you, and now you’re telling me that AFTER I left, not only did it continue, but it worsened, from what I gather became public and then…

      went NOWHERE?????

      What a surprise! I really never looked into what was happening at that Church after I left. Maybe there are others of you out there who experienced the Beatitudes at St. Vincent Ferrer like me and John did, and are willing to chime in. To be honest with you, now I’m REALLY curious!

      Thanks, John, and welcome home! You’ll find a lot of walking wounded here who have overcome their injuries. You yourself are one who probably has much to teach about a lifetime of making compensation for a fractured childhood, and then finding oneself whole.

      I’ve given much thought to this. Some might say too much, but what is the truth?

      Considering where I’ve come from — the negative energy that literally re-wired my natural circuits and jolted me into a life of distrust, self-protection, to a certain self-dishonesty, a baseline of fear (until about 25 y.o.) and solitude with challenges relating to the other sex thrown in for fun! — I am amazed at how well I’ve done!

      Most important in my life have been freedom from violence, being surrounded with people who share mutual trust, respect and love, creating without denigration, intellectual exploration without judgment, and safety in my overall surroundings. People are not my enemy because I can smell the Sickies a mile away. I live in a home I need not lock, on an island in the most remote location on the planet Earth, which means I live in the midst of one of the most beautiful paintings imaginable. I am over 8,000 miles away and almost 50 years from that past and it shows in every aspect of my life.

      I am still capable of deep love. They LOST!

      I suppose, had I grown up to be more functional and less defensive and completely dedicated to figuring out my own way (something about trust, I think!) I’d own the house I live in, be driving a car less than 20 years old, have a family, a “career”, money in the bank and a retirement plan. The truth is, I’ll probably be buried in a Pauper’s field with no one of my sperm to mourn me!

      But along the way, from there to here, I’ve never become like them…not even remotely. I’ve had to live through the experiences, no matter how painful, of finding out that I am different and still under the influence of a loving god (whose face keeps changing for me but never leaves!). In fact, I’d have to say, compared to them I’m a goddamn Saint!

      When I look out from my porch over the surrounding countryside, I can see the stuff I’m really made of and it’s so different from them that I can’t help but feel compassion for the nuns who tortured me.

      How fucking sick could I be to say that? How fucking sick WERE they???!!! This is human tragedy beyond belief because I’d gather, given the support of the Church, few if any realized or felt remorse about their actions. They, too, had to have been stripped of their humanity as they did to us. Such things are cause/effect and do not live in a vacuum.

      In one respect, were I to look at it through the eyes of the Christ they told me about (not modeled!) as mediated by Buddah, I’d have to come to the conclusion that we were ALL (nuns, you and me) part of a terrible tragedy; Man’s inhumanity to man and how we, as a species, often eat our young.

      And, once again, never suspecting how this simple blog would evolve, I stand in awe that somehow, some way, almost 50 years later, the things I write based on my horrid experience can provide comfort for people like you and a place for others, abused like myself, to come,visit, and let their voices be heard.

      Yes, I am truly thankful for EVERYTHING that and EVERYONE who has brought me to this moment! It’s the only real one and through it I’m urging you to turn your shit into diamonds as well by reachig out to those who can benefit from the time you took to live your lives — no matter where they took you!

      Blessings to you, John, and everyone!

      P.S. Do you see how we’re getting another flurry of participants? Such things build Avalanches!

      • john sheehan Says:

        john here , are you a retired fireman firetender ,im a retired nyc correction dept captain,i know what i speak of, . my education the quality of it severely suffered because of the 68 kids in the classroom at st vincent ferrer grammar schoo on e37th st in brooklyn nyc l, you should touch on that aspect. after grammar school i attended midwood high school where i immediately needed remedial help to assist me with my education since it had suffered at st vincent ferrer school. then after midwood hs i attended brooklyn college and graduated in 1975. where were the oversight agencies back then, why wasnt nypd investigating were they bought off back in the 1960s? the pedophile priest in st vincent ferror school that lurked inthe basement bathroom ,not good. its a very sad chapter in the history of nyc education , nostradamus foresaw the death and destruction of the roman catholic church some 500 years ago we saw it up front and experienced it personally there is a difference . . todays focus for the catholic church is just aggressively collecting money psychological warfare pw against the so called obedient faithful catholics abused as kids now re abused again as adults history repeats itself in the catholic church , sad but true , that sucks , and its an american tragedy , and a world wide catholic church tragedy . i am a retired supv of a nyc agency, a published author, and have had real estate licenses in several states ,i know what i speak of …

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      I attended Catholic School in both New York City, and New Jersey for 12 years. The quality of education on a scale from “one to ten” was about “five!” —– It destroyed my creativity and my belief in myself. It wasn’t until I had a military experience in the 60’s that I felt good about myself. The Catholic Church used Catholic Schools to produce “loyal members for the future” in order to finance the church. They were never interested in offering a “quality education” on which to build a future. —– When I was a junior in high school, a nun asked me “what was I going to do after high school?” —- I responded; —“I want to attend college.” —- She said; —-“What Catholic College or University would every accept you?” —- I responded; — “I do not want to go to a Catholic College or University.” —- She said; —-“Where do you want to go?” —- I responded; —-“I want to go to a State School! —- She said; —-“If your go to a State School you will loose your faith!” —- (At that point in time, I knew that I had her, and I went in for the “kill!”) —- I responded: —- “Before you can lose something, you have to have it!” —- The conversation ended! —- The Catholic Church has done a lot of damage to young people over the years. —— It is VERY NEGATIVE, and it does not foster Positive self-esteem in young people. —– It is a VERY negative form of the Christian Religion. — I make it a point to listen to Joel Osteen on TV every Sunday Morning. This is what the Catholic Church should be. —– The nuns destroyed my faith in the Catholic Church. I do not practice the Catholic Religion. I am a Christian. There is a BIG difference! —- My wife also attended Catholic School, and her life has also been destroyed. (Both of us are VERY well educated in both State and Private Colleges and Universities.) —– I would never send children to a Catholic School, and I would never have them attend the Catholic Church. I would select a “Bible Based Church” for their religious education. —- The Catholic Church has been a VERY negative experience in my life! —— Best regards to all! —– Dwayne

  303. Mcccmar Says:

    I have posted twice and neither comment has been posted – I do realize they need to be reviewed but my question is – not to negate the pain reflected here – I am so sorry for what you experienced – but do any of you see ANY good in the education you received in catholic school ? TO me – and maybe Im in the minority – it taught me good study habits and self discipline – and a strong reliance on my faith- please understand I am not looking to deny what you are posting – only to ascertain whether or not anyone besides myself sees any good in the system

    • Gratefulandthankful Says:

      Mcccmar, the fact that some children had a good experience in Catholic school doesn’t make up for the abuse that was handed down to so many of us. If your experience led you to cling to your faith, know that the different experience we had helped to push us in the opposite direction. I’ve often wondered why the kindly nuns (that you had) didn’t save us from the monsters (that I did).

      • mcccmar Says:

        a very good point grateful – and well taken – blessings to you

      • Gratefulandthankful Says:

        Blessings and peace to you, Mcccmar! Thank you – and Firetender in his post yesterday – for the gentle reminder that there were (and are) kindly nuns out there. Too often I tend to lump them all together and they all come up as “abusive”, but it’s not so. I appreciate greatly that you came to visit this blog.

      • mcccmar Says:

        Im glad I found it too Grateful — I must say Im learning something due to this blog – and while I cannot relate to some of it – the pain is clearly here – and there are valid points being made.

    • Ruth Says:

      I did not receive a good education with the catholic school. It was very hard to learn when you have not self esteem. Something the nuns took away from you if you were not the favorite. Once I went to public school after the 8th grade, most of the teachers had some confidence in you. After 20 years I went to college, because we were always told that we were not good enough for college, and I started to work in the learning center as a work study. I always felt that you treat people the way you want to be treated. It gave me such confidence that I could work with these students which also helped retension. I have also taught some classes in remedial math and I really enjoyed it. I will never treat students the way the nuns did. How can you learn, when you are always afraid that if you said the wrong thing, you would be punished.

      • patrickpaulmclynn Says:

        Hi Ruth; Well, see?  The more complaints I read about Catholic School the more I’m beginning to realize what a favor it did all of us…albeit a bit over the top in the scary department.  What I think the ‘benefit’ of being exposed to such a horror show was the that now we all know WHAT NOT TO DO! 



    • firetender Says:

      Mcccmar, I searched through the posts to see if yours had slipped through the cracks and couldn’t find any. I only edit or delete or do not accept posts that are personally inflammatory to our participants, pushing a point of view or appear to be Spam, so with that said…

      You’re asking a good question. I’ve always (and on this blog) credited my early education with providing an excellent foundation for reading and writing, THE two things that have carried through most of my adult working life. I would say the parochial school system emphasized that much more than the public system in my area. It had a very good rap.

      Something to note, however, is that my abusive mother also managed to instill in me a very deep love of reading; it became my escape from the world. St. Vinnie’s supercharged that, but…

      As far as preparing me for the world through other subjects, I have to say St. Vincent Ferrer nuns instilled in me a hatred for anything to do with school. Passing was 75 there, I graduated with a 73 average, which was pretty much reflected through High School and college (both maintaining a marginal 73 or so; I did what I had to do to get by; I really didn’t want to be in anyone’s educational institution!

      Everything changed once I started in Emergency Medical Services. Because I was split 50/50 between classroom and on-the-job learning, I embraced it and pretty much aced all my EMS courses.

      I’ll have to add that I had to spend a good 10 years un-learning most everything I was taught by the nuns about life,about humans, about women, about everything. It was the typical Heroe’s Journey of someone getting out of a haunted forest!

      It was not until my late-thirties that I really re-established a relationship with a Higher Power. In that respect, they failed miserably because they almost killed the God that lived in me!

      All in all, my educational experience at the hands (literally!) of Dominican nuns in Brooklyn put me on the Road Less Travelled!

      I’m extremely grateful in a fuck you sort of way!

    • Frank Says:

      Mcccmar, your question is poorly thought through and somewhat offensive at best. It is the equivalent of asking tourists who experienced the tragedy of the Asian tsunami “that’s horrible, but how was the holiday apart from that?” Or walking into a vets hospital and asking a ward full of soldiers with broken minds and bodies “not to diminish your injuries, but wasn’t there anything good about your time in Afghanistan?”

      Your question demonstrates that you don’t get it, or that you are a closet apologist for the church. Perhaps I would trust your sincerity/motives if you had gone to some length to first acknowledge and demonstrate empathy, shock, disgust, revulsion with the realities being discussed on this blog. And you shared something of your own school experience as well.

      So just in case you genuinely don’t get it, here is a response to your question:
      School was a traumatic and traumatising experience… constantly. The learning environment was as if in a war zone – there was an enemy, survival was the paramount daily concern, constant vigilance and mistrust of those in power and their motives was your ally. The tools of the educational trade were guilt, fear, repression, scorn, physical punishment, emotional/psychological/spiritual abuse, control of mind and body, removal of dignity. It would have been bad enough had we been adults, but we weren’t… we were young children. Dwell on that for a bit… let it sink in, imagine it happening to you if you can. Go back and read some of the verbatim accounts of abuse on this blog.

      Missing from this so-called “learning environment” were support, nurture, choice, encouragement, facilitation, forgiveness, love – either conditional or unconditional, fun, joy/love of learning, role models, safety, care or attention.

      Bottom line, the answer to your question is an unequivocal no, there was no good in the education and no good in the system. The end product in my case, and in many cases, was a clinically traumatised, highly dysfunctional teenager with permanent scars – both physical and mental to carry for life. I would have been far better off never attending school. My life would have been far more fulfilling if I remained uneducated… and undamaged. And I am one of the lucky ones. You will not get a response to your question from those who are too broken, too damaged to use a computer, who are barely coping, let alone understand your question. You will not get a response to your question either from those who took their own lives as a way out of their enduring torment.

      Feel free to let me know if I have not made myself clear.

      • George Says:

        Frank, your insightful response to Mcccmar brought out all the truths about being abused by the minions of the catholic church. I hope this person understands how he made people feel by making it seem that catholic school was good in any way. All the nuns and the priests who abused us were never sorry for what they did to us. They didn’t educate us, they ruined our lives.

      • Mary Says:

        So very true. the hell inflicted upon my brother and I will live with us forever. The nuns and priests destroyed any chance we ever had of a normal life. Just to look at a nun brings out true terror and hatred. My poor little brother had the nuns and the priest’s abuse being a little altar boy. Satan was at his best inside the evil nuns and priests.

      • gratefulandthankful Says:

        Frank, you said it all. Your post brought tears to my eyes because it’s the honest-to-God truth, every word of it. I sure wish that the LCWR (Leadership Conference of Women Religious) who just finished meeting in St. Louis could’ve read that.

      • Mary Says:

        Frank you are brilliant 🙂

      • firetender Says:

        Funny, isn’t it? I actually live in the paradox of being appreciative of my tormentors for having provided me the tools to save my ass! Can’t you live in that contradiction? After all, we can’t completely negate or denigrate where we’ve come from, because that’s who we are!

      • Mary Says:

        So true Frank, so very true!! Thank you again for the wonderful reply you gave that idiot.

      • mcccmar Says:

        READ MY POST I certainly DID express empathy for what is being expressed here and I clearly stated I dont deny that it happened or negate its effects , Frank – and thank you Firefighter for an honest reponse to my post. I appreciate it.

      • firetender Says:

        My name is Russ, I am a firetender.

        Working through this stuff is not easy and each of us, sometimes, gets caught in not quite hearing what the other says because of a perceived threat. The mission of this place remains the same; a safe space for people to tell their truths and find support. I’m asking everyone to read over posts that initially inflame you a couple times before responding, and listen for the ring of truth that allows you to step in in a supportive manner. I’m the guy who gets to decide who’s disruptive and guide the interactions accordingly.

        Everyone who shows up here, no matter the degree of their abuse (large, or to some of us “nothing”; it’s all comparative) is welcomed as long as they are in support of our mission. Would it not be reasonable that devout Catholics chime in as well and lend their support to those of us who have been abused by the Church, even if they hadn’t been exposed to the torture? That would be the Christian thing to do.

        One of the things I’d hope we’d all remember is that most of our peers did not have the same experience as we did. To them, I’d hazard to say, we were the Unmanageable disciplined by the Just! The haze of self-righteous religion covers the eyes of the innocent like cataracts. This was illustrated by your question of “Well, after all, didn’t you get well-educated?” We did, in the cruelty of life and my personal experience was I came out of that educational institution with all the tools I needed to survive, and coming from an abusive childhood, that was enough.

        The reality is, for most of us, this abuse stopped a real long time ago, yet, too many of us are still allowing those judgmental voices of the nuns to live inside of us. This site is offered as a place where people can come, read of the experiences of others, and then sort out what was then and what is now. Just on your point alone, I had to pause and acknowledge that the person I am this minute has gotten here by certain gifts from certain nuns. I can no more negate their light than I can forgive their counterparts’ darkness. After all, the part of me that loves has not been damaged. And that very much means my love and respect for myself in this moment because EVERY second and experience of my life got me here.

        It’s all dilemmas, paradoxes, hypocrisies (in myself!), and illusions. That’s what we were dealt. But please, all of you, remember, we’re here to help each other sort through this stuff, which, after all, though shameful that we had to live through what we experienced, these are the basic ingredients of life. We’ve come here to work it out together, and that is a gift that we shouldn’t lose sight of!

        Yeah, yeah, yeah, it’s been an excruciatingly long time coming but we’re here now and we have a duty to share the strength of our journeys with those of us who have landed here after us. Keep that focus, folks, and every word here will be useful for those needing our helping hands!

        Hopefully, this will be a permanent archive that will be useful as long as any of us who have been abused by the nuns of the Catholic Church continue to breathe, and then, after we’re all dead it will be an example of people spontaneously coming together to heal for the purpose of building useful lives.

  304. Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

    I attended a Catholic School in New York City on Christopher Street run by the Sisters of Charity! — I went to this school from the 1st to the 7th grade. — This school was part of the Saint Joseph’s Parish. The church is on 6th avenue in Greenwich Village. There were two (2) schools associated with this church. (Saint Joseph’s School and Saint Joseph’s Academy). Saint Joseph’s School had 30 students to a class, and Saint Joseph’s Academy had 10 students to a class. (I attended Saint Joseph’s School with 30 students to a class even though my parents could have afforded to send me to the academy. My parents had no idea about what constituted a “quality education!”) There was a lot of violence in my school both from the nuns, and from the other students. (I was always looking over my back!) — On a scale from one to ten in terms of quality education, this school rated at best a five! —– When it came time for “Confirmation,” we were not allowed to have our own individual sponsors. They used “generic people” for the boys & girls, but the Academy children had their own individual sponsors. —– We had to supply “Altar Boys” for the church at all services, but the Academy did not have this responsibility. We had to attend 9:00am Mass on Sunday with the school, but the Academy students did not have to attend Mass with the school, because they came from all over New York City. We had to attend Monday Afternoon Novena after school every Monday throughout the school year. At certain times of the year, there was a special Novena on Wednesday, and we had to attend that Novena. This translated into getting out of school at 4:00pm two days a week! We also had to attend 7:00am mass with the school everyday! —- From the church, we would walk to the school, as a class, for a one hour religion period followed by the academic subjects. —— NO WONDER I HATE GOING TO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH TODAY! —– When I was making plans for our wedding, (in a Catholic Church), the music director refused to play the “traditional wedding march!” One year later, in the same church, with the same pastor, with the same music director, the ” traditional wedding march” was played because the “Groom” was part of the “good old boy network”! —- I have learned that if you have “money” you can have anything that you want from the Catholic Church. If your parents can afford to put you into an academy the nuns will “kiss your ass!” But if you a just part of the large group, you will be “shit on” at every opportunity! —- All the Catholic Schools should go out of business! They have no business being in the business of education. They destroy children! —- Best regards. —– Dwayne.

    • Mary Says:

      Dawyne is absolutely correct!!!!!!! If your parents had money, you were treated better than the rest. Your family was privledged in the eyes of the nuns and the priests. It was the same in every single parish on earth. Money matters!!! We don’t !!!

    • mcccmar Says:

      I lived on Waverly Place for some years Dwayne and I know the school you are referring to although I never attended it . I never knew there were TWO schools affiliated with St. Joseph’s

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        About a year ago I was in New York City with my wife, and I showed her the building that was once Saint Joseph’s Grammar School on Christopher Street. —- It is now some type of an “office building.” —- I tried to get the security guard to let us walk through the building, but he would not let us! —– If I had the opportunity, it would have been like a “slide show,” because most every rooms have a “Negative Memory” for me! —- There was a nun, (Sister Carona) who was a “Bitch!” She was the principal of the school. On Monday Morning, if you did not attend Mass with the school at 9:00am on Sunday, you had to report to her with a note from your parents. My parents had a small cabin in New York State, and we would go there for the weekend. So every Morning, my ass was in the principal’s office with a note. QUESTION: Why didn’t my parents tell the principal that I was not going to be part of the 9:00am Sunday Mass because we were not in town on the weekends? —- (One note for the entire school year!) ANSWER: — My parents were afraid of the nuns and priests. There was no PTA or PTO organization in this school. —- In the 6th grade, I had a nun Sister Christopher. (Another Bitch on Wheels!) —- We had an assignment to re- cover all of our “hand-me-down-textbooks” from the Academy. —- One of the books, our geography, book was never used, so as such, the cover on that book was in perfect condition. My father would not allow me to put a new cover on that book, even though I had an extra new cover. This meant that all my other books had new covers except that one book! —– (I knew that I was going to be in “big trouble with the nun” the next day, but my father would not let me use the new cover!) —– The next day, we had to put all our books on our desk for inspection. The nun look at my books and asked why the geography book was not re-covered. I responded that my father told me that the cover was clean and in good condition and there was no reason to re-cover the book. She hit me across the face, and said: “that maybe your father
        would like to come into school and teach the class!” —- I responded; —- “He would do a better job than you!” —- Yes, my father did have to go to school and an understanding was reached, but I took the “HIT!” —- I would never put a child in
        that position. — Both the nun and my father were wrong!

        Best regards to all! —– Have a GREAT day! —- Just think, we do not have to deal with nuns anymore! —- We are free!
        —– Dwayne!

      • mcccmar Says:

        you know Dwayne as much as Id like to say youre wrong I know that you are right – things like that DID happen – while my experience was one of generalized fear – I never was struck although I did see other kids hit – during those years in the 1950s I think the church was in its heyday and ALL of our parents wouldnt cross a nun or priest – those times have certainly changed –as I alluded to in a previous post – I look back on those days as a mixed bag – I certainly wouldnt want my daughters taught so rigidly – one aside – my youngest just graduated from 8th grade in our local catholic elementary school – when I tell you times have CHANGED – lol – have a great day

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Good Morning Mcccmar:
        Thank you for taking the time to write back! —- The problem with Catholic Education, is that the nuns and priests were allowed to get away with murder, and no one in the “civilian adult world” had the “guts” to take them on. —- I know of a instance where a student in a Catholic High School was given an assignment to write a term paper in a history class. —– As her topic she chose the “Role of the Catholic Church in WW2” —- (If you are a student of history, you know that the Catholic Church had some “questionable dealings” with the “Hitler Regime,” and after the war they were also involved in the production of documents to get the WW2 Nazi’s out of Germany.) —– The student did the research, and documented all he findings with foot notes and a bibliography. She received a “A” on the term paper from the “Non-Religious History Teacher.” ——- Because it was such an outstanding piece of writing, it found it’s way to the desk of the “Assistant Principal” who was a Priest. —- He did not like the contents of the paper, and the message of the paper, and expelled the student in her Senior year. —— (He thought that the paper painted the church in a bad light!) ——- (NOTE: ——- The Church was not worrying about their image when they were doing the deeds after the war, but he is concerned about the church’s image now! —– WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS LOGIC?) —– Because she came from a single parent home with only her mother to guide her, there was no one to help her. The teacher admitted that he approved the topic, but the student paid the price. (This occurred in my high school, a few years after I graduated.) —— If this was my daughter, I would have showed up at the high school with an attorney ready to take legal action against the priest and the school! —— Just think of the damage that was done to that young person by this priest. —– Here are some the all important questions that you as a parent need to ask yourself now that your child has graduated from Catholic School. —– Did the Catholic School provide my child with a “high quality academic education” on which to build a successful future in the real world, — and will that education allow them to “be all that they can be,” to discover the greatness within them on a daily basis, and do they have the ability to “think clearly” and “problem solve,” or are they simply partially educated robots in the Catholic Church? ——— Did the Catholic School build up my child’s self esteem, helped them to believe in themselves and in their ability to succeed or did they destroy self esteem through the fostering of blind belief! ——- I find Catholics in my age group to be the type of people who settle for just being average. — (My mother was one of those people. She was a very kind / giving person, but she did not instill a desire for “dreaming big” in me as I was growing up in NYC and NJ.) —- In life, to be successful, you must have self-designed goals, — you must have big dreams, — you must have a strong belief in yourself and in your ability to succeed, — you must be an independent thinker, — you must have a “plan of action” to achieve those goals / dreams, — you must put the “plan of action” into “action” on a daily basis, — you must have study / school success skills, and you must used 100% of your talents, skills and abilities in a focused / organized manner on a daily basis. —- It has been my experience that Catholic Education does not foster these most basic requirements. —- The Church DOES NOT want the young people to be independent thinkers. (If you question something, and they do not know the answer, they simply say; —- “is is a matter of faith!) The Catholic Church is like the Titanic. It is still floating, but it is on it’s way down because they refuse to come into the real world and deal with issues in an open / professional manner. They are still trying to demand respect, instead of earning respect. ——– (I have a very successful private academic coaching business where I deal with these issues everyday. My job is to help the young person and their parents to believe in themselves, to see the possibilities, to set goals and to take organized action in the direction of those goals. I have seen students turn their academic life around by taking charge of their academic life. —– YES, it is a wonderful feeling for my wife and I knowing that we have saved another student from mediocrity) —- NOTE: —- I offered my services to a local Catholic School for “free,” and they refused. —— Do you think it is my educational philosophy that killed the offer? —– Best regards to all! —– Have a great day! —– Get involved in your child’s education. —–Do not allow the Catholic Church to destroy your child and their future! —- I started to reject the Catholic Church when I was in the 4th grade, but I did not have the skills to deal with the issues, and my parents were afraid to take on the nuns & priests. —– (I wanted to join the Boy Scouts when I lived in NYC. The only scout troop that was available was sponsored by a local protestant church. I could not join that scout troop because they held their meetings in a protestant church. GET REAL! —-) The nuns did a very good job with me, they created a non-Catholic Christian who is a thorn in their side. —— I believe in the GREATNESS of young people! —- I do not believe in the Catholic Church and it’s form of education / indoctrination. —– Dwayne

      • Mario Says:

        If you want to know about the dealings with the Vatican & the Fascist states read the “1933” Concordat. The Catholic Church put out some of the most wonderful Catholics. LOL Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Joseph Stalin. To name just a few. Copy and paste the link Above. After reading it, it should make us sit up and bolt upright. Did you know that George Carlin was a product of Caholic School? I agree with what he says about religion. There are other ones like Madonna, Lady Ga Ga, and several others are products of Catholic Schools. Madonna was one of the abused. We have so many things to be proud of……….Yeah Right. LOL

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        We have been discussing abuse in Catholic Schools. —- Today, I decided to do a “Google Search” on child abuse of Catholic Orphans. ——– If you want to read something very interesting, google; —-“Orphans of the 1950’s Telling of Abuse, Sue Quebec” —- The Catholic Church is one “sick” institution! —- They are equivalent to the Nazi’s in WW2. —- I would not leave any child under the care of a priest or a nun! —– All the best to the survivors! —- Dwayne

  305. Mario Says:

    Dawyne When it’s the question of money everybody is of the same religion.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      The “Catholic Church” is a VERY SICK organization that hides behind the “Christian Religion!” —- The “Clergy” think that they are better than the people that they serve, —- and they think that they are “ABOVE THE LAW! —— I get more out of listening to “Joel Osteen” on Sunday Morning TV, than I ever got out of a Catholic Church Service. —– I have no respect for Priests or Nuns! I would not trust them with my life, —- let alone my soul!

  306. Mario Says:

    Dwayne & Mary

    You are both right, the nuns treated the ones that were poor badly. They would do things like, not let you go to the bathroom, while kids whose parents had money were allowed to go. The rest of us can sit their and bust.

  307. Mario Says:

    Hi ya All

    Remember back in the school days, I can remember there were always a few girls hanging around the nuns, as they walked to school from the convent. These girls would direct the nuns attention to someone that is doing something wrong in the school yard and the nun would go over and clobber them………Browny points.
    Best analogy I can give here is about sharks and pilot fish. Pilot fish help the sharks, since sharks have poor eyesight, the pilot fish would lead the shark to other fish and the shark will move in for the kill. Sort of a symbiotic relationship. Then the scraps that are floating around are eaten by the pilot fish. That is how I picture nuns as sharks and the brown nosers of the class room (Pilot fish) get there points for the day…..Nuns pets.

    Do nuns go to the bathroom? You might think not, when nuns wouldn’t let kids go to the bathroom. Is this how they get their kicks by not sending kids to the bathroom? Only a chosen few she would let go to the bathroom. The rest of us can sit there and bust. As I wrote when I first came on this blogg, how my grandmother threaten the nun to wipe my soiled underware in her face, if I come home like that again. I still think about that day and wished she would have done it right then. How would a nun look like with shit smeared on her face, including that big white bib they wear. It probably would have made the Six O’ Clock news.

    I wondered why I never got excommunicated from the church? This way I can hang my excommunication papers up on the wall for all to see. I guess they don’t bother, unless your a big shot in the church. They probably wouldn’t even bury me in consecrated ground. Not that I give a shit, I’m just making a point on how corrupt that church is. Don’t people ever question why Alphonse Capone and his notorious mobsters are buried in consecrated grounds? Namely, “Mt. Carmel Cemetery,” just outside of Chicago. The church wouldn’t bury people of that stature in consecrated grounds. Or at least we were told that in grade school. But when it comes to money, they are very flexible. Even though it was blood money, the church had their hands out. It didn’t seem to matter then.
    The criminals are also buried in St. Johns, Cemetery in NY. I’m sure other cemeteries across the US.

    • Gratefulandthankful Says:

      Mario, you are so right about the bathroom thing! I thought maybe it was just peculiar to ‘Michigan’ Catholic grade schools, that particular form of torture. Not to put too fine a point on it, but one day in 3rd grade, after sitting in agonizing discomfort at having to go “#2” (and not being allowed to, of course), I was suddenly no match for the forces of nature, and a tiny piece of you-know-what rolled down from under my uniform skirt and onto the floor. At the time I was mortified beyond belief, and hung my head in shame, so embarrassed that I couldn’t ‘hold it’. The one redeeming part to me, though, was this: guess who walked by my desk just as that happened and stepped on it? Yep, “Sister of No Mercy” herself 🙂

      Hang in there, Mario. We may be bruised and banged up, but we’re still here. They didn’t manage to take us all down. Sending a big hug your way from the Great Lakes State.

    • firetender Says:

      Here’s where I have to say you all have taught this old dog some new tricks!

      Until I started reading this blog I never knew that richer kids were treated differently than the poorer. I’d imagine there were parish-to-parish dysfunctional cultural differences, so I’m not surprised.

      My neighborhood (Flatbush) was fairly homogenous in that most of the kids going to my school were of the same, middle-class, almost exclusively Irish and Italian (one Polish kid of 60 students) and lived within about 30 blocks of each other.

      That was never an issue that I could see, though other kids there may have seen the discrepancy. We definitely had our snitches, too. In fact, I ratted out a couple of my classmates for selling firecrackers in the cloakroom!

      Sad to say it was self-righteous, moral outrage rather than motivated to curry favor. Hmmm….wonder where I got that from?

      • Gratefulandthankful Says:

        Firetender, in my school, girls from the wealthier families often had the nuns swooping down upon them in the hope that they’d join the convent after eighth grade. When you signed on the dotted line, you also signed away (to the order) any future inheritance you might get. Crafty, those nuns….

  308. Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

    Hi All: ————— Some people in the Catholic Church fear being “excommunicated” from the church! —- That is an “BIG empty threat” that was sold to the young people in Catholic School. —- First, to be excommunicated, the Catholic Church must know that you exist. —- The only way they know that you exist is through your weekly donation on Sunday. If you do not use envelopes for your donation, they do not know that you exist! There is no such thing as “Card Carrying Catholics!” —– I have not made my “Easter Duty” in at least 30 years, and I have no problem going to other Christian Churches and receiving Communion. —- In fact, I enjoy going to other Christian Churches. Consider this, —- before the Catholic Church can excommunicate us for not participating in a “yearly mandatory practice,” — they would have to excommunicate all the priests that had sexual relationships with Altar Boys, and this includes the Bishops who covered up these issues over the years. ——- The Catholic Church does not represent the Christian Religion. The goal of the Catholic Church is to dominate the people, and in the process, to get as much money as possible, so that the “clergy” can live better than the people simply because they “THINK” that they are better than us! —- I DO NOT, and I WILL NOT contribute to the Catholic Church. The money that I would give on Sunday I use to make people smile during the week. I will bring cake in to work for our coffee break so that we all can share some “Christian Fellowship” for a few minutes. When I do this, I can see the joy on the people’s faces. I know how my money is being spent. My money is not being used as “hush money” or to “pay legal judgments” because some SICK PRIESTS could not keep their hands off children! —– When I was attending a Catholic High School, (from 1956 to 1960), the nuns would tell my parents on “parents night” that “I was not working up to my ability!” —- I had a “learning disability” and no one on the faculty gave a “shit!” I needed some help, but the nuns did not care! —– After returning from activity duty in the Army, I corrected my own learning problems, educated myself, and I earn a BA degree and two MA degrees. No thanks to my Catholic Education! — When I graduated from my Catholic High I had the equivalent of a 10th grade education in the academics, but a 12th grade education in religion. (Religion does not pay the bills and it does not build careers!) The Catholic Clergy are fakes, frauds and phonies! —– Just my opinion. —- Best regards to all! ——- Dwayne

    • Gratefulandthankful Says:

      Dwayne, you’re awesome!! Look how you rose above some incredible odds and got the education you wanted to, in spite of what you went through. You’re an inspiration. In my case, a nun who I fought off for two years put something on my permanent record about my horrible ‘character’, and how I’d never amount to anything. I knew someone would see that on my transcripts. I was so embarrassed by that that I didn’t go to college for 25 years! Finally, I thought “to hell with this”, and went to nursing school. I graduated at the top of my class. Those old nuns can never take that away from me.

      Bravo to you, Dwayne!!

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi All:

        After I became a teacher, I contacted my former Catholic High School, and I requested a meeting with the new principal to see my complete four year file. —- A funny thing happened. All the “negative comments” made by the nuns had been “purged” from the file! They “new” what I was looking for, and they were afraid that I would take legal action against them. They “cleaned out my file!” —– They folded like a “cheap camera!” —- Best regards to all! —— Dwayne

    • mcccmar Says:

      Hi again Dwayne –

      I just wanted to say that while I cannot relate to SOME of what you are saying I can sure relate to the issue of kids with learning disabilities in catholic schools – even the catholic schools of today – my daughter is a wonderful girl who does have a learning disability due to premature birth (she is adopted from Guatemala). This left her with processing issues – when she was starting school I enrolled her in our local catholic school and it became clearly very quickly that they didnt have the wherewithall to work with her nor did they WANT the where with all to work with her. I think thats very unfortunate and probably somewhat hypocritical of the Church. What ever happened to ministering to t hose who need the help ?

  309. Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

    Grateful and Thankful:

    You are awesome! —- You went to nursing school! That is “outstanding!” —– Any student who stood up to the nuns became the “enemy of the nuns!” —- The nuns thought that they were teachers. They could not teach if their life depended on it! —- I make it a point to “go out of my way” to help students to succeed, because I know what I went through in Catholic School! —- Young people want to learn, — but they want to know that they have the freedom to ask questions. —- Nuns did not want to deal with questions. —– Best regards. —– Dwayne

    • Gratefulandthankful Says:

      Dwayne, your students are privileged to have such a caring, compassionate teacher. You know, if I could turn back the hands of time and erase the cruel, sadistic things done by the nuns, I certainly would, but the experience gave me new eyes. It carved out in me an empathy for other people that is stronger than if I hadn’t lived through that. I’m so blessed to be a nurse, and until I take my last breath, I’m going to be of service to those who are vulnerable and who are in need of care and kindness. I suspect you will be, too. Kind regards to you!

  310. Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

    GRATEFUL AND THANKFUL: —– Here again, the Catholic Church is always out for the “Money!” —- My high school did not have Guidance Counselors. There were no classes devoted to future careers. If you wanted to go to college, you had to apply on your own. Boys were encouraged to become priests! —- What you wanted in your life did not matter! — I had a very dear friend in high school that was never able to put his life together after graduating from my Catholic High School. —- He became and alcoholic and died at the age of 51. —- His high school education failed him “big time!” —– Best regards. —- Dwayne

    • Gratefulandthankful Says:

      Dwayne, I’m very sorry about your high school friend. How representative he is of the suffering that went on! Makes one feel very fortunate to have found a way out of it. Graduation day from my Catholic all-girls high school felt like getting out of jail. I send a prayer out tonight for all of those who weren’t able to live to see a better day.

  311. Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


    Keep up the GREAT work! —- Make things happen in your life by design! —– Enjoy everyday! —- Find a Christian Church that fills your needs. —- I enjoy listening to Joel Osteen on TV. —- I think he is very professional. —– My wife is still a “practicing Catholic.” —- I got good at it years ago, and I no longer “practice!” ——– NOTE: —- She attended the same Catholic High School. When I was a Senior, she was a Freshman! — She has her own stories about screaming nuns in the classroom! —— Best regards. — Dwayne

    • rjgodley Says:

      Hi, I entered sa comment, but when I tried to send it, I got a reply that my user name/ password wee invalis. I can not remember my password but rjgodley is name. I hope my comments did not get lost. Bob Godley

  312. Mario Says:

    In response to Gratefulandthankful:

    Thank you for your reply, I did live in Chelsea, Michigan for ten years at a senior center. Some of those people told me about the Dominican nuns at St. Mary’s Catholic School, in Chelsea. They thought of them as a holy terror. Some of the stories I heard from the residence their was horrendous. I don’t think one order of nuns are any different from any other order of nuns. Just different habits. They still ware those medieval garments and run the class room like a cult. They are the lowest forms of human beings. They have the unmitigated Gaul to teach about family values. When they themselves don’t know what it is. Just a bunch of buzzwords.

  313. Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

    Yes, there were two schools associated with Saint Joseph’s Church in the Village in NYC. The “Academy” was the best kept secret. The education was VERY different in the “Academy”! —- We had 30 children to a class, and their classes numbered around 10 to 15. The only time we were invited to the Academy was when there was a “fund raising activity” at the school, and they wanted some of our money. —- Other than that, we were not “good enough” to be treated like human beings! —- As I get older, my dislike for the nuns has grown stronger, because I now understand fully what damage they did to us as young people. —- They should rot in hell!

    When I moved to New Jersey, I finished the 8th grade in a local Catholic School. —— This is where I met my very dear friend, who later died as an alcoholic because he could never make the adjustment into the “adult world from high school.” —– In order to get accepted into the high school, that was affiliated with the elementary school, you has to take an entrance exam. —- Both Richard and I had some “learning problems” so this exam was not an easy task for us. (We could do the academic work, but it took us some extra time, and the entrance test was a “timed test!” This was the problem! I do not work well under pressure!) —– After we had received our “letter of acceptance,” a nun came to us and told us that “we had only been accepted because we were part of the parish, and that we were not really “Catholic School Material,” and as such, we should tell our parents that we wanted to attend the local public school.” —- I can remember it like it was yesterday, Richard and I walking home from school, and Richard asking me what are we going to do? —- I told him that we both had a “letter of acceptance,” and if we kept our mouth shut, our parents would not know what the nun had told us! —- Here is the all important question; —– “Why would a Catholic School send a “letter of acceptance” to two students with learning problems, make them feel good, and then after the fact, destroy their confidence in themselves, by telling them that they were just accepted because they were part of the parish?” —– As it tuned out the quality of the education at this high school was not anything special. I went to college without knowing how to write a term paper! —– Best regards to all! —– We are the survivors! —- Dwayne

    • Mary Says:

      The fear the nuns instilled in us will never leave us. I remember one nun slapped me across the face at lunch time for just looking at her. Another one Cordelia was a terror, her teeth were so crooked she looked like she chewed on forks. I rember the best times were when she fell on the ice and broke her arm, because we knew she would be out for a few days, then when a ball was accidently kicked and hit her in the head. I turned around and laughed so hard to myself I almost burst. Then when a mouse ran up her nasty black habit and she was running around screaming. Ahhhh karma 🙂

    • mcccmar Says:

      Boy I can relate to that Dwayne – my daughter also needs the extra time etc and I was told by her kindergarten teacher in catholic elementary school that they DIDNT have time for that. To be really honest with you and I hesitate to be totally honest on this board – I wanted her in the catholic school because of my own focus. However that was not to be . She went to the public school but rather than put her in the public middle school here – she went to a private non sectarian school and is now a senior. I honestly dont know what to say about what Im reading on these boards – so much pain – and certainly peoples experiences cannot be minimized. I guess I found this board for a reason. Best of luck to you –

      • firetender Says:

        This is a place that people get dropped into from all over the place, for all sorts of reasons. The magic here might be that people who don’t share our experiences get to learn from us. Bottom line, this is a worldwide problem that is not being adequately addressed. It will take many voices from many directions to get things to change. For as long as you choose to visit, I pray that you’ll be able to take what you learn here and make better decisions for your child.

  314. pattyann Says:

    My sister died of alcoholism on July 23rd. She was the victim of the 8 years of horror, as I was. I don’ t know, but could it be that our self respect and self esteem was destroyed at such a young age, we never found ourselves or lived up to our capacity?. She was 54
    She was cremated and her ashes will be scattered in the ocean near a popular landmark here in CT. The church frowns on what I am doing, but I do not care. There will be no church services. Maybe a prayer or the reciting of a psalm. Perhaps a hymn too.
    I feel so much loss inside, for her, and myself too. I have been so empty for so long. She suffered so much. She was so smart and beautiful and I will always love her. I could not help her. I was not strong enough inside to deal with anything.
    I find comfort in watching Charles Stanley on Sunday mornings, and the Shepherd’ s Chapel each morning.

    • firetender Says:

      Pattyann I’m very sorry to hear of your loss. Naturally, we can’t step inside each others’ skins so it’s impossible to make a call on what that person’s life meant to THEM. And that’s what matters. For her, as well as us, everybody is here to do the best they can with what they were given. A lot of us here were dealt a short deck, but still have carved out lives worth living. Your job now is to keep building on the moments you’ve been given and continue to grow. Your sister has gone the full circle and is now in the realm where all that pain is gone.

    • Gratefulandthankful Says:

      pattyann, I am truly sorry about the death of your sister, and for the suffering you both went through. My sincere prayers go out to you tonight. You mentioned watching Charles Stanley on Sundays – I believe it was either Dwayne or Mario here who also talked about Joel Osteen (also on Sundays). He is very uplifting and comforting, and he always gives a timely and meaningful message. Peace and live to you, from one survivor to another.

      • firetender Says:

        I’m happy that some of you have found “Joel Olsteen” but please, enough already for the sake of keeping this blog out of the sphere (real or perceived) of advertising. Thank you all!

  315. Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

    Sorry for the loss of your sister! YES, Catholic Schools have destroyed many lives. —– To this day I am a “recoverying Catholic!” —— The most “negative people in the world” are Catholic Nuns & Priests. They have no concept of the outside world! I wish that I lived in Texas. I would attend Joel Osteen’s church! ——- Best regards to all! —– Dwayne

  316. Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


    What you are seeing on this board are the “walking wounded! “—– Catholics are not comfortable in their own skin. If you want to see people who enjoy the Christian religion, go to a Christian Bible Based Church. For a while, I attended a Dutch Reformed Church. I enjoyed the total experience. There was Christian Fellowship before and after the service. The congregation was happy, and they were getting something out of the service. Catholics are not happy people, becasue the Catholic Clergy are not happy! Everything about the Catholic Church is “negative!” As far as the Catholic Church is concerned we are “never ok!” Well I have news for the Catholic Church, —– GOD does not make junk! —– We all are “OK!” If I were going to send my children to a “private school” it WOULD NOT be a Catholic School. It would be an “Academic Private School,” and I would enroll my child in a Bible based Christian program to learn the Christian Religion without the ton of guilt and negativity. I would keep my children away from Catholic Priests & Nuns. I would want my children to enjoy the Christian Experience without “hang-ups!” ——- Best regards to all! ——— Dwayne

    • Mary S. Says:

      I returned to the Catholic church after being away for a long time. Went to Mass every weekend for two years and stopped. What I learned was nothing has changed in the past thirty years. No one said hello, goodbye, introduced themselves etc. No fellowship at all. Get in, pay the ushers, ask for more money, get out. Sound familiar.

      • mcccmar Says:

        Hi Mary – thanks for the post – you know you do have a point – the catholic church doesnt encourage fellowship etc -now for me – because I attend the church I grew up in – and have been in the parish for 60 years – I sure dont need to be introduced – but your observation is well taken – for me – catholicism is very deeply ingrained – but I admire your openess in searching for something meaningful to you – have a great day

      • MaryW Says:

        LOL, Yes, Mary S. that is what I get out of it too. In fact it is very hard to make friends at a Catholic Church, they have their own groups and especially if you are not from money, they really don’t wnat to know you. It was that way when I grew up in the 50’s and 60’s and it hasn’t changed one bit. I wonder why that is, seriously, why is everyone including the priests, we no longer have nuns here, thank God. But any Catholic Church USA it is the same cold unfriendly place. I have tried to be friendly, but they look at me like I am from outer space. Thank you.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        HI MARY:
        I am no longer a practicing Catholic. I got good at it, so I see no need to practice it anymore! —- My wife, on the other hand, is still a “practicing Catholic”! — I attend Saturday Mass with her out of respect for her, —- but I do not participate in the service. —– I have no respect for the priests or the nuns in this chapel. —– For a period of time, the people attending this small chapel started to speak and associate with one another prior to mass, but the “nun in charge” put a stop to that practice, because people were talking in church! —— In the past, I was a member of a Dutch Reformed Church. We would all socialize before and after the service. We were all part of a Christian Community. It was a VERY positive experience every Sunday. When we moved, I did not seek out another Dutch Reformed Church. —- Catholic Churches, because of the “negativity of the priests and nuns,” are VERY cold in terms of human relations. They paint the Christian religion with a “Negative Brush!” —- Just my opinion. Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        Yes, the nuns and priests have made the church such a cold place and the people just follow their lead. Money plays a huge issue in it. If you have lots of it, everyone likes you. Just like in real life and it is the one thing that means nothing to God.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        HI MARY:

        Here is the all important question; —– “Why do Catholics refuse to think for themselves,” and to continue to “drink the Catholic Cool Aide” as prepared by the priests and nuns? —– I would not trust a priest or nun with my life, let alone with my soul! ——- The Catholic Church is a “money hungry organization!” They cannot get enough money! They use this money for their own agenda, and this agenda does not benefit the welfare of the people who have contributed to the organization. —— In my part of the country Christian Churches, other than Catholic, provide services for senior citizens. —— QUESTION: —- Why is the Catholic Church absent from this ministry? —- ANSWER: — They do not care about you and your welfare, — after you have outlived your usefulness. —- Bishops paid “hush money” to protect Catholic Priests from prosecution with regards to the “Altar Boy Issue,” while they were closing Catholic School because of the like of funds to operate these academic institutions. —– In addition, they were asking local parishes to make donations to the bishop. I would not give the Catholic Church on cent! On the other hand, I would write a check to a family member who suffered a loss during the recent hurricane. The Catholics need to learn to “think for themselves!” The Catholic Clergy are a group of “sick individuals,” and they should not be around young people. —- Just my opinion! —- Dwayne.

      • MaryW Says:

        Hello Dwayne, I understand and if it doesn’t make sense we were told it is a mystery!! LOL True, they do nothing for anyone but over seas and people who come to America looking for aid. I volunteered at Catholic Charities for a VERY short time and the people they hire are just horrible. What I thought was odd there were no pictures of God, but a huge one of the Bishop. As if we were all supposed to honor and glorify him and not God. My mother is 92 and has a deep Catholic faith and it has worked for her. She has seen the wrong that was done, but she prays to God and refuses to see it for what it is, she pushes it out of her mind. She says I am sorry that happened to you and your brother, blah, blah, blah. I am not the kind of person that can see wrong and just turn away. I think that is the difference of everyone that has written on these pages, by sharing their stories, we refuse to let it be swept under the rug. We are healing by acknowledging one another, telling each other, yes it did happen and yes it was horrible and we will never fully heal. I wouldn’t give them any money either I used to out of guilt, but please I have to ask what have you done good lately Catholic church?. They just bully their members and teach others to do the same. If it doesn’t feel right, then it isn’t right!

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


        God bless you and everyone else who “thinks” for themselves, and is able to see through the “Catholic Propaganda!” —– We are the survivors! —- We are the thinkers! —- We are not blind followers! —– Here is an important question to consider; —- How come the Catholic Church does not try to get people like us to come back to the church? —– ANSWER: —- They cannot answer our questions, so they do not deal with us! —- They think of us as “disgruntled Catholics!” — If they do not deal with us, we do not exist! —- All they want to do is to create a group of “new members” to keep the “Corporation in the Green,” and in the process, allow their clergy to “live the good active life and into retirement!” —- I respect a Minister but not a Priest or a Nun. —– At least a Minister deals with “real world / here and now issues”, and relates the Bible to those issues. —– The Catholic Priests and Nuns live in the “Twilight Zone”, —– not in reality. —- They live in the “there and then” not in the “here and now!” —— Just my opinion. —- Dwayne

      • firetender Says:

        Okay, Folks, let’s leave some room for the exploration of this specific topic, namely the effects of abuse by nuns of the Catholic Church on us, as individuals. Remember, each entry we make that is on point can be a very strong welcome to someone needing to hear our stories. This is about our stories, okay, so others will begin telling theirs!

        I’m asking at this point that we agree our common goal is to help make that happen…for ALL of us.



      • George Says:

        Russ, you are right about staying on course. When I first saw this blog the stories of others abused by nuns helped me understand that this abuse didn’t just happen to me –that there were others like me. I was encouraged to write about some of the abuse I received, it was a start and I still look for other stories that are about abuse by nuns. I was abused by others but I told the nun stories about me because that is the topic of this blog.

  317. Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

    I am going to make a generalization. Most Catholics see attending church on Saturday Night or Sunday morning as an “obligation!” — (You know, lets get this thing over with, so that we can get on to the “fun things” and not have the “guilt!”) ——- If this “generalization” is true, then there is something wrong with the way the religion was presented and taught to the young people in school! ——— Everything about the Catholic Chruch is based on rewards, punishment and suffering. If Catholics are not suffering in some way, they are not getting anything out of their religion! When I attend non-Catholic Christian Churches I see happy people full of life, goals and high expectations.They enjoy the total “church experience!” ——- Just my observations. Best to all the survivors! —– Dwayne

    • Gratefulandthankful Says:

      Dwayne, I think you make an interesting point. Last week I to an old-time Southern Baptist tent revival meeting, just because I was curious. We sang these old, old hymns, there were awesome family groups who sang, and in between was devout prayer and preaching by several pastors (one of whom was hellfire-and-brimstone 🙂 It was all pretty lively, and what really struck me were all the little ones in this huge tent on a steamy night, sitting with rapt attention for 3 hours, taking it all in! These kids were either indoctrinated or having a blast, but they did no want to leave! Afterwards was “fellowship” (I love that word), with casseroles and lemonade. Even though it was WAY different than anything I grew up with, it left me energized and thinking about Jesus. I couldn’t help remembering sitting at Catholic Mass with my Dad when I was little, watching him nod off. He would even lean in and say, “Honey, wake me when it’s over, ok?”

  318. Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

    There is nothing in the Catholic Saturday or Sunday Service that energizes the group. —— The Sermons are boring, and the music cannot be sung by the members of the congregation. ——– The whole service is designed to “show case” the priest and the deacon. When the Mass was in latin, the service had some dignity. I still remember my latin from when I was an altar boy in New York City. I attend Mass with my wife, because she is still a “Practicing Catholic,” but I do not get anything out of the experience. It makes her happy so I keep her company! I would love to find a church with a pastor like Joel Osteen! —- Best regards to all you survivors! —- Dwayne

  319. Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


    You have misinterpreted our comments relating to Joel Osteen and other ministers. We are simply comparing a “Negative Form of the Christian Religion” (the Catholic Church) — to a “Positive form of the Christian Religion” (Joel Osteen). —– There is a “lot of pain” on this board, and to stifle the expression of that pain is very unprofessional. —— The people on this board need to “unload” the “pain” that they have been holding onto for many years. —- Do not stifle people like the nuns did many years ago! —– Just my opinion. —– We are the survivors, and we are moving forward with dignity everyday! —- Best regards. —- Dwayne.

    • firetender Says:

      Though not familiar with Mr. Olsteen’s ministry I can say that “Joel Olsteen” is not an expression of pain. I’m not negating him, what he does or anyone’s relationship with him or his ministry. I just find it off-point when this name keeps popping up often enough to appear to be “plugging” what he has to offer. As far as professional goes, you’re right, I’m not. I’m just a guy doing the best he can with what he’s been given!

    • Brian Says:


      If Firetender allows people to recommend preachers or permits proselytizing, that can interpreted legally as a tacit approval and endorsement by the Firetender of the comments and could subject Russ to a lawsuit. Yes, unfortunately that is the workd we live in. Just say you are happy with your not-Catholic religous beliefs and leave it at that. Peace out.

  320. Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


    You have the right to monitor, and run this site any why you see fit. —– If you do not want us to recommend certain pastors that is “ok” with me! —- But I like to look at every situation from many different points of view. —– (360 degrees!) —- My “so called Catholic Education” has taught me to question everything in life, and to speak what is on my mind in a “professional manner!” —- I do not leave things unsaid! —- With this fact in mind here is an interesting question to consider; —-“Is it possible that this site is not what it appears to be?” —– “Is it possible that this site is an arm of the Catholic Church seeking data on the results of their past mistakes, and how these adults now feel about those mistakes?” —— (You know “Big Brother” is everywhere) —- I do not have a problem with this, because what I have written on this board I would say to the face of a priest, nun or even the pope! —— You see the “truth” is the “truth!” You cannot change the “truth!” —– The problem with written communication is that it is a “ONE dimensional form of communication!”—— There is no “body language” to aid in the communication process. It is VERY easy to assume a “position” or a “meaning” that was never intended! —- I would like to suggest that you not read into the communication toooooooo deeply. Just take things at face value, and encourage those of us who had negative experiences to “come out of the Catholic Closet,” and air those experiences in this professional forum, assuming that it is done in good taste, and in a professional manner! —– Well, now that I have said what is on my mind, let’s all have a GREAT DAY knowing that we will never have to associate with a nun in school again! —– Best regards to all, and lets get on with the show! —- Remember; —- WE ARE THE SURVIVORS! —- The “nuns” and the “Catholic Church” could not break our spirit! —- We did not drink the “Catholic Church Cool Aid!” —— We are alive free thinking people who have the courage to take a personal stand against injustice. —– We should be VERY proud of ourselves and our efforts! —– We should band together and confront the Catholic Church in a professional manner. It would interesting to see their response!


  321. Mario Says:

    Hi ya All

    I never heard of Joel Olsteen. Please don’t associate me with any men of the cloth. I use to watch the TV evangelists. Jack Van Imp with his wife Rexella, Ken Copeland, The 700 club, Jim and Tammy faye Baker.
    Oral Roberts, Jimmy Swaggart and a few others which I don’t remember the name. The only reason why I watched these people, was because of those in the audience. That’s where the real show is in the audience not up on stage. The same reason why I watched wrestling, people in the audience look like a bunch of idiots during the wrestling. Now when it comes to ministries the folks in the audience would look like they are awestruct. They send the Televangilists their hard earned money. So there you have it folks, for a small gift of $644.45 Jack and Rexella can help to get your soul into heaven, mansions, Rolls Royce, servants and facelifts are very expensive, propositions please send us money.
    Remember, this is just for one issue every two months, so over a year it could cost you upwards of $3866.70 to keep your soul out of hell. Helping you build your stairway to heaven.

    You would think that after the Jim and Tammy Faye Baker, Oral Roberts (send me 10 million or the lord will take me home) and Jimmy Swaggart fiasco, these people would be off the air, but until we as a society learn to critically analyze claims, we will continue to be fooled by people like Jack and Rexella, and Since the American people like bullshit so much, they have plenty for you.

    By the way do you guys have a sense of humor?

    This is about a hypocrite preacher by the name of Robert Tillson. He is called the farting preacher. He doesn’t actually fart but they incorporated farts into his preaching. This guy made over 80 million dollars a year and is no longer preaching. He would open letters of people that are asking to pray for them and he would take the check and throw out the letters. The Video is 3min.

  322. firetender Says:

    In response to you, Dwayne

    — You have the right to monitor, and run this site any why you see fit.

    Glad you got it! (Especially the “why” of it!)

    —– If you do not want us to recommend certain pastors that is “ok” with me!

    As said before, I don’t mind people identifying others who have inspired them, what doesn’t work is continual “plugging”. One mention is enough, an occasional quote would be okay, but I’d hazard to guess that most of us here have given up the idea that there’s “one way to go” a long time ago and don’t need to hear any one proseletizer’s name over and over.

    —-”Is it possible that this site is not what it appears to be?” —– “Is it possible that this site is an arm of the Catholic Church seeking data on the results of their past mistakes, and how these adults now feel about those mistakes?”

    Now that’s pretty funny! If this site was designed to have the Catholic Church gather material that would help them to better understand their past transgressions and make amends for them,
    you’d be talking to Bishop Russell, this would be Confession and I’d be handing out Indulgences!

    Oh, and you know this couldn’t be from the Catholic Church because Nobody’s making any money off it! This site is here because the Catholic Church clings to its own darkness.

    —- Just take things at face value, and encourage those of us who had negative experiences to “come out of the Catholic Closet,” and air those experiences in this professional forum, assuming that it is done in good taste, and in a professional manner!

    Had you reviewed the posts that I’ve made here, let alone all the other 500 or so posts by others you’d see that this is the primary purpose of the site and it has been consistent since Day One! Professional I don’t really care too much for. I’d prefer the unvarnished truth!

    —– Well, now that I have said what is on my mind, let’s all have a GREAT DAY knowing that we will never have to associate with a nun in school again!

    Actually, based on some responses here, there are those of us STILL embroiled in protecting the innocent. It’s not us any more, unfortunately, it’s our children. The last thing I wanted to read was that this abuse was still going on, but here it is being exposed.

    —- We did not drink the “Catholic Church Cool Aid!” —— We are alive free thinking people who have the courage to take a personal stand against injustice. —– We should be VERY proud of ourselves and our efforts! —– We should band together and confront the Catholic Church in a professional manner. It would interesting to see their response!

    I encourage you to band together with others and do so. I’ve made it clear that’s not my role, nor is it the role of this site.

    The truth is, NOTHING will happen to disable the Church’s ability to influence children unless people take action. I’m just trying to dissapate the fog of denial.

    Once again, the Church has been identified and continues to be identified as a safe-haven for child-abusers. By law (a quaified guess), such people (and by extension the institutions that protect them) should, at the very least, be prohibited from having contact with our most vulnerable and prized possessions.

  323. Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

    I agree! —— Dwayne

  324. Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

    I served in the Military from 63 to 69, and later from 75 to 79. —– I found the experience to be very interesting on many levels as long as you did not “drink the military cool aid!” —– During my years in the military, I had the pleasure to work with many knowledgeable / professional people. (I was not in an infantry unit!). —– I am glad that I had the opportunity to serve. It changed my life, and the way that I look at life. —- I would have never gone onto college and graduate school had it not been for the military.

    Religion to me is a “positive experience,” as long as it is not the Catholic Church’s version of the Christian Religion. —- I enjoy attending a bible based church when I have the opportunity. If there is a God, I know that it is NOT the God of the Catholic Church. —– Do I question the existence of a God? —- YES! — But I think that is normal for any human being. —– When you look at what is going on in our society on a daily basis, it is only natural to question the existence of God! — I like to attend a church that has “old time gospel hymns that people can sing! —- I want to leave a church service feeling good about myself, and about the world. I never feel that way when I leave Mass in the Catholic Church. You can cut the negativity in the air of the service with a knife. I only attend because my wife is still a practicing Catholic. I attend the service, but I refuse to participate. I have no respect for the Catholic Clergy. Their sermons stink in terms of instilling motivation in the congregation. Catholic Priests could not deliver a motivational sermon if their life depended on it! —- Whether or not people believe in God is simply a personal issue. —– Best regards to all! —- Keep up the good work! —- Never give up on your goals and your dreams. —- Believe in yourself and in your ability to succeed! —– Dwayne

  325. Maureen McGill Says:

    Thank you for this blog. Does anyone know what happened to the following sisters of St Joseph. They were all assigned to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Brooklyn NY
    S. Mar0sy Edwina, S Agnes Brendan, S Stephen Francis, S Mary Dorinda. I assumed that they are all deceased as they were teachers during the 1950s. I am seeking closure on the abuse they inflicted on me.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


      I have also wondered about the nuns at Saint Joseph’s School on Christopher Street in Greenwich Village NYC! —- I attended this school from about 1949 to 1955. —– It would be GREAT to see these nuns again and “tell them off!” —– There were a few good nuns, but most were “animals.” —- In fact, an “animal” would treat their young better than these nuns treated children! —– They were truly “sick” people! —– It is because of these nuns that I am no longer a Catholic, —- rather I am a “Christian!” (THERE IS A “BIG DIFFERENCE” between the two!) —– The Catholic Church wants to control people. They are not trying to teach the individual about God. The attitude of the “church” is that if you DO NOT do what we say, you are on your own to save your soul. —- Catholic Schools use “education” to indoctrinate the young person to believe that the Catholic Church is the only “ONE TRUE CHURCH!” —- Once they have that concept firmly implanted into the person’s mind, they have a “CASH COW” for the rest of the person’s life. —- The Catholic Church uses people for their own agenda. They are a political organization operating in the United States. They are pro “illegal aliens from Mexico” They preach this concept from the pulpit at mass. —- (If the Catholic Church wants to support the “illegal aliens from Mexico,” let the Pope use his own money. They are working against the government of the United States while operating in the United States. The Catholic Clergy are not to be trusted. They have an agenda! ——- Best regards. —— Enjoy the day. —- Believe in yourself. —- If you have a need for a religion, find a “bible based church” that has a dynamic minister and enjoy the experience. —- The Catholic Church is not concern with fallen away members like us. They do not accept the blame for this condition. If they accepted the blame, they would be doing something about the condition. ———— Dwayne.

  326. michael donohue Says:


    Unbelievable accounts……… I stumbled on this site today and I am totally shocked. I grew up in a small coal mining town in central pennsylvania……. 12 years of catholic school…….. 12 years of physical and emotional abuse by nuns.

    Today is the first time I have really sat back and recognized how many people like me, all throughout the world, have and continue to suffer because of these monsters.

    Michael Donohue

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      Welcome to the club! —- There are many people who have had their lives destroyed by the nuns, and the Catholic Church. —- We managed to survive! —– A dear friend of mine did not survive! —– He drank himself to death! —– He never made the transition between high school and the adult world! —- He did not have the education, and the strong belief in himself to make things happen in his life! —- He was my friend in Catholic School from the 8th to the 12th grade! —- He had a learning disability, and the nuns did nothing about the problem, except telling his parents that he was not working up to his ability! ——- All the best. —- Dwayne

      • pattyann Says:

        Same thing happened to my sister. She drank herself to death on July 23, 2012. We both were never the same after leaving Catholic school. Life has been one heck of a struggle for us. We had our self esteem stripped from us from day one.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


        When I graduated from Catholic High School in 1960 I was NOT equipped for the real world. —— I DID NOT have a high school education, but I had a high school diploma. —— I attended college as an English Major for 1 1/2 years. While I managed to pass all the courses, I was VERY unhappy. I left college and attended and graduated from a school of Automotive Technology. I did very well in this school. ——– After graduation, I enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve. The program required 6 months active duty in the Army, and 5 1/2 years active reserve. The Army changed my life. When I returned from the army active duty, I new what I wanted to do, and I believed in myself and in my ability to succeed! ——- I graduated from a State College with a BA Degree in Industrial Arts Education, and then three years later I graduate with an MA in Industrial Arts Education. A few years later, I kept my wife company in her Master’s Program, and I earned a second MA degree in “Human Development from a private University. ——- My wife and I have a collective experience of 67 years in public education. Over the years I have helped many students to succeed both in school and in life. I am proud to say that one of my students graduated from West Point! ——- Now that I am retired from pubic school teaching my wife and I run a professional tutoring service that deals with Study / School Success Skills. We work one on one with the student and their parents / guardians. Our business is VERY successful! —– My father was VERY critical of me when I was going to school. —- He told me that “I was a lazy good for nothing,” and that “I would never amount to anything in life!” —– He never said that he “loved me!” —- He never said that he was proud of me when I became a teacher. —- He never said he was proud of me when I earned two MA degrees. —- When my best friend from high school died, from a drinking problem, and I did his eulogy at church, while the entire congregation said that I did an outstanding job, my father said; “I am glad to see you have some feelings!” —- When I won “teacher of the year” in my high school, and I was recognized with two plaques from the Principal and the Department Head my father never said he was proud of me. —— NOTE: —- My father was a GOOD CATHOLIC! —- He followed all of the rules! —- But he was not a human being. — He always said that he learned his religion the right way in Italy! —– YES, the Catholic Church, with all it’s rules and regulations almost destroyed my life, but in the end I won! —- I did not drink the Catholic Cool Aide! —- If I was traveling through a inlet with my boat, and I saw a Priest, a Nun and a Dog in the water, and I could only save one, I would save the Dog! —— At least the Dog would say “thank you!” —– Dwayne

      • michael Says:

        we have all these hungary lawwyers in this country……. why aren’t there more lawsuites……??

        this catholic school / nun / priest stuff puts the Penn State crew to shame…….

      • Mary Says:

        I am so very, very sorry to hear about the tragic death of your sister Pattyann. They took innocent beautiful souls and destroyed them. It was too much for those of us who did not know cruelty and evil to take at such tender age. Satan lived in them and worked through them to destory all they could.

  327. Mario Says:

    I wonder if I’m still a Catholic. The reason I’m saying this because I still have my baptismal papers. I was never excommunicated. I never put a match to my baptismal papers, which I considered doing. Although I haven’t gone to church since 1956. I’m probably considered a non entity according to the Catholic church. The last time I went to church I put 10cents in the collection plate. But don’t forget, that in those days the money was made of 90% fine silver. It almost broke my heart. That would be equal to $2.00 in today’s money.

    Considering that the early Church fathers were notorious liars who regularly wrote their own fictions of what “the Lord” said and did during his alleged sojourn upon the earth. That’s the very reason I want nothing to do with any religion. I don’t care what religion it is. No Religion can claim that they possess the absolute truth.
    I’m just telling you my reasons as a non-believer. The Catholic church did a good job paving the way for me to further look into these phoney baloney religions and their origins.

    Do Your Best to Find the Truth, & Act Accordingly. Try not to base your decisions on assumptions & wishful thinking. Realize that you, like all living creatures, are incredibly stupid, & be open to the possibility that you are wrong about everything. Always be considering new evidence.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      Do not worry about being excommunicated from the Catholic Church! ——– They do not even know that you are alive, nor do they care! ——- QUESTION: —- Does the Catholic Church send you a “statement’ at the end of the year showing all the Sunday Masses that your have attended, and those you missed? — The answer is “NO”! —– That is proof that they do not know that you exist! —– All they care about is the “money” that keeps coming in every Sunday! —– The only reason why they want you to go to church on Sunday or Saturday night is for the money! —- Today I went with my wife to Church. Part of the sermon by the priest was “what a good job the nuns are doing in Catholic Schools, and how lucky children are to be getting a Catholic Education!” —- I wanted the get up and leave the church, but out of respect for my wife I remained seated. —- Children should not be around the Catholic Church, the nuns or the priests. —- They destroy the lives of young people! —- A Catholic Education is a BIG waste of time and money!
      —– Best regards! ——- Dwayne

  328. pattyann Says:

    Dwayne, I want you to know how proud I am of you.
    I too,am seeking to make a difference in this world at this time.
    If I can raise the esteem of a child, especially a teenager, I always take the opportunity to do so. Sometimes the pain that I see, along with the lonliness on their face, urges me to stop what I am doing, and tell them that they are special in this world,..something that was never told to me. How I remember that lonely feeling, waiting for the school bus, and feeling so disconnected from everyone else.
    I was always told that I would never amount to anything.
    I will prove them wrong.
    Mary, thank you for the kind words. They mean the world to me.
    Not many in my family have told me that they were sorry for my sister’ s demise.
    They want to sweep it under the rug.
    I chose to honor her, and share her with all of you.

    • Mary Says:

      All I can say Pattyann is shame on your family for not loving your sister. She lived, she mattered – she was not something to hide – she was human and a tender soul who felt too much and could not take the horror she experienced. I am sure she is happy now and watching out over you 🙂

      • pattyann Says:

        I loved her so much!!!! I remember when she was healthy, and those are the memories that I hang on to. She was drinking to the point of handling it. She worked every day with the mentally challanged. She loved that job.
        Oh, Mary, I miss her. She used to call every morning and now the phone is silent. I did not have a chance to say goodbye. She died completely alone. I should have been there.
        Tonight is my first meeting of Grief Share. Hopefully I can find peace there. I have always blamed myself for not protecting her.

      • Mary W Says:

        Hello Pattyann, I can just feel your heartache, I am so very, very sorry. Your sister knows you love her and you need to take comfort in that. You put forth the effort to keep her in your life and did not turn your back on her. I wish there was something I could do for you to help ease your pain. Know that I am praying for you and that I do care honey.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


      The one thing that an adult should NEVER do is to speak “negative words” over a child! —- Throughout my first 12 years of my education no one every had a positive comment about me and my educational efforts. —— During “family get-togethers” other parents would be bragging about the accomplishments of their children, but my parents would tell them that I was lazy and I did not like to study! —— Even when I made the “Deans List” in college, my father never said that he was proud of me, and my efforts. —— When I made “teacher of the year” in my school system, and I ask my mother to share my accomplishments with the extended family she was reluctant to take any action. I had to make her feel uncomfortable to get her to “spread the word!” —- Many of the young people in school today could be operating at a much higher level if someone would just take an interest in them, and help them to succeed! —- The violence in the public schools has a direct connection to the lack of educational performance on the part of the students. — If we, as adults, want to correct the problem of violence in schools, we need to make it possible for young people to succeed within the academic environment! —- If students are focused on earning a “high quality education on which to build a future,” they do not have time to engage in “negative behavior!” — If we make it “cool” to get an education, “negativity” will not have a hold on the young people! —- Students need to see a “light” at the end of the educational tunnel! —- They need a daily support system. They need to be taught how to be successful, how to study, and how to organize their life for success. — The adults in the United States need to wake up! —- Our children are “drowning” and no one is willing to throw them a life preserver! —– Thank you for your kind words. —- I try to make a major difference in the lives of young people every time I give my Study Skills / School Success Seminar. —– Students have told me that I have changed their life by teaching them how to be successful! —– Best regards! —– Try attending a “Christian Church!” —- There is a BIG difference. —- After leaving the service you will feel good about yourself, your future and other people! —– Dwayne

  329. Mary Arroyo Says:

    tea, I feel the same way when my husband tries to hug me or hold my hand, the feeling of being restrained is part of PTSD.

    To firetender, BRAVO on you statement about human perception of God and at our current stage of evoution we could not possibly conceived of the full realm of that which is “God” . I have felt this way for a very long time, all I know of God is the bit of the divine within me and what I occasionally see in others.

  330. L Keenan Says:


    • Brian Says:

      Firetender needs to place a link to the blog on Facebook. Millions around the world will then get on board. Russ, do it, co Facebook. It’s time, go Facebook, our message(s) will circumnavigate the globe.

    • Lori Grobelny Says:

      Your thoughts were a mirror image of my own, When I was in second grade, to be exact,( October 11, 1961) –this is how clear the memory still is, a nun slapped me across the face at least 50 times for forgetting to do a small piece of homework. To this day, when I make a mistake, or forget something, even if it is in my own house, and has no effect on anyone else, I go into a panic. This nun would hit children on a regular basis throughout the day. If a half an hour went by without her hitting someone, I would swear she would get an “itchy trigger finger.” I don’t think a day has gone by in which I have not thought of this incident at least once, now over 50 years. I’m sure it will never go away. I am so glad that I found this Blog. I can’t tell you how much solace it has given me, every time I see “Firetender” in my e-mail. I wish you all the best, most especially “comfort,” for which we are all searching so desperately. Please be comforted in knowing that you are not alone. Lori

  331. Mary Arroyo Says:

    I periodically post to this blog because I find a written record of what really happpened to be cathartic. I realize, unless one has experienced the same, the likelyhood of being understood is slim, but this group is the most likely to understand. God knows what our motivations are and what is reallly in our hearts and this is something engrained on the universal energy force. I find I cannot release all information at once. I just don’t have that kind of strength left and I want a written record. I do not want to write a book or lead a cursade, just the truth.

    When I was 14 I was tested at a performance level of a second year in college. My school guidance rep asked me to discuss my college plans with my parents, so I would take the appropriate classes in prep for college. I was an honor roll student, but not consider anything but stupid within my own family because of a speech impediment cause by a malformation of blood vessels in the area of my brain which controls speech (see previous post), my parents reponse was a united burst of laughter. I was a girl, I was NOT college material and I was suppose to get married and provide lots of little catholics. I mention this because it was a pivital moment in my life which I allowed to destroy so much of my spirit. Something inside of me broke…I don’t know, I can’t explain it.

    I was an ugly duckling for sure as a child, but by 14 I was 100 lbs, physically fit and most importantly (apparently) a 36C bust with a 24 waist and a 36 hip. I was extremely unprepared for the attention this brought, the NEGATIVE attention. No boys knew or were interested in getting to know my soul, many girls who felt secure in their rule of the school felt threatened and labeled me a “whore” and a “slut”. I had siblings at the HS as well as cousins, but they were so controlled they fell right into line and dated who was chosen for them. At 13 when I first developed, my girlfriend across the street, her dad was tight with the nuns, really tight and of course his daughter always got straight As. My girlfriend (I’ll call J.) came from a sicilian family, the mother was a good mother to her own kids, but at the expense of everyone else’s kid. If there was ever any trouble her kids never had anything to do with it, it was always someone else’s kid behind the mischief, this was even posted by someone to her memorial board after she died. There was a network of these Italian (no offense to any Italians, love the people, love the food, love the country, and especially love the art) mothers who stuck close together. One day i was a J’s house and we would play in the garage (she always had puppies) and her dad came out and told her to go inside, she said “no” at first but relented as he grew stern. While she was inside the house I waited in the garage feeding the pups. Her father stayed and struck up a conversation, kind of unusuial, eventually he metioned my “tittys” have come in and he knew of men who would pay $20 just to suck on “tittys” and would I ever consider this. Shocked with horror I backed away and shook my head “no”. I think from my reaction he decided he better stop, his daughter came back out exactly 15 mins later. I found out years later that he ran a business, sort of a “dating service” for married catholic men and that many of the people in the neighborhood who hated me the most and did everything possible to ruin my reputation, were actually girls who worked for him. I could never understand why girls I didn’t even know would scream “slut!” as i walked by or tried to get me to fight.

    “J’s” father never approached me again, but also was never friendly again and so I decided to let it go. At 14 my parents found a prospective mate for me, even though we were not allowed to date until 16. His grandparents came from the same “old country” as my grandparents. He was wealthy, as his dad died young and had considerable life insurance which his mother invested wisely. He was an only child and very much mamma’s boy, too much so. He got a rep as being gay although it was called something else in the early 70s on the southside of Chicago. He was 220 lbs, about 6’2″ and a football player. He needed a girlfriend in the stands to cheer him on and I apparently caught his eye. This guy had no interest in being friends, getting to know one another, or anything inside my head. He to this day was the most sexually agressive male I have ever met. He was physically strong and he was used to getting his way. I was terrified of him, but my parents embraced him, their loser daughter snagged a rich guy who was even whiter and more blonde than I.

    In the neighborhood my mother would offer my babysitting services for favors. I babysat a lot. I was good with children and even back then they had a full course in babysitting at the local fire department that few teenagers took. I babysat regularly for neightbors to the right of us for several years. Our houses were very close together and my parents were in the habit of leaving the bathroom window open, which allowed our neighbors to hear everything said in the house in a normal tone, much more so for yelling. I did not like the above mentioned boy and this was a big rift between me and my parents. Our neighbor “Mike B.” would often tell me he overheard the mean things my father said to me and began to act like a confident, he acted as though he understood and was supportive. I was just the kind of kid a preditor looks for, someone who cannot communicate with their parents. At one point his marriage began to go south, I think because he drank a lot. His wife started going out with friends and exploring her options. One night in June 1973 I was babysitting and the boy unexpectedly came to my parents house, they knew I didn’t want to see him, but immediately offered that I was next door babysitting…he came right over. I managed to keep him outside by telling him Mike B. would be home soon and I was not allowed to have friends over, he refused to leave. Eventually Mike B. did come home, falling down shitfaced drunk. I tried to explain to him I couldn’t get rid of the guy and asked him to help. I was so naive, Mike B. put a protective arm around my shoulder and tried to talk the guy away, the idiot wouldn’t leave, he figured once I was otside he could corner me and I am sure I would have been raped, although it would never be called that. While trying to get rid of this kid Mike B., 15 years older than I, begain to run his hand from my shoulder to my waist, then under my waist band, it was a catch 22, if I moved away or objected I was at the mercy of the football player, some sort of incident would have ensued and my parents would have blamed me as was their habit. Mike B’s, hand slid inside the back of my pants right in front of this kid! Finally the kid left and Mike B was all over me, I fast talked my way out the door by promising to come right back and meet him in the backyard. I was in shock and ran upstairs to bed and hid under the covers. Periodically I would get up in the dark room and look out to the backyard next door, I knew he was there cause I could see the red glow from his cigarettes. He was there until about 4 AM as far as I knew. When I got up the next morning and came downstairs I saw Mike B. talking to my father! I have no idea what was said, but from then on my parent wold make nasty remarks, they NEVER asked what happened, Mike B who rarely went to church except for holidays had to show up at 11AM mass and assist in collections of which my father was in charge, for two months. I don’t know what Mike B. told his wife but she made sure I got no more babysitting jobs in the neighborhood again. I was treated as a whore who was after everyone’s husband. J from across the street was then given all my jobs. If I rode my bike it was to get men to look at me, if I walked passed someone’s house I was trying to get the man inside to notice me and if God Forbid I cried it was for attention. It got so bad I became dangerously suicidal. I did not have the coping skills to manage this public assault and I had absolutely no family support. One day my brother was watching a Cubs game and of course they lost, he had a metal ball from a pinball game in his hand and threw it at the television screen. Even though he said he did it, I was punished and worse humilated. My parents didn’t hit much, they humiliated. My dad used humilation a lot, when doing collections for the church, if someone failed to put money int the basket he would stop in front of them and shake the basket, with no knowledge of their economic, employment or health situation…this is why they put him in charge of collecting the money.

    Recently I reconnected with one of my cousins from HS, we emailed for a few years, but my family must have found out because I no longer hear from her and my sister sent a friend request to my facebook page (which of course I did not accept) sort of “haha we found you”, I am not hiding, I am right here and still willing to take a polygraph test on everything I write on this blog, so long as it is done by an objective party and those I call out take the test as well.

    This is just another chapter. I find it cathardic to put it down in writing. Each time I do, it feels as though I have put down another brick from the load I have carried for so long. Thank guys!

    • firetender Says:

      Mary, I’m going to let this stand as is, but only because it is part of your healing process. Clearly, I can see the twisted influence of the Church and its abusers running throughout, though, let’s face it, the Church was just part of the context of what amounts to a litany of abuses heaped on you in your childhood
      From this point, though, let’s keep our focus on our experience with Nuns and get what healing we all can from that.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Mary:

      I am sorry that you had to experience this negativity in your life! No one should have to live that life growing up! —— I also grew up in an Italian Family! —- My father came from Italy, and my mother was born in the United States. (Both were H.S. Educated in the United States!) —- My father’s family were VERY negative people. (They were NEVER happy!) —- My mother’s family were VERY loving / kind / considerate people. —- My father did not like me, nor did he love me. For some reason, I disappointed him! —- He never said that he loved me! —- But on the other hand, he made it a point to “obey” every rule of the “Catholic Church!” —- QUESTION: —- How can you be a good Christian, and not be warm and caring to you son?—– When I was in college and dating young women, I dated girls who were Irish, and Italian. While they were all very good people who came from good families, I could not bring myself to get serious with an Italian Girl. It was as if I had my fill of the “Italian / Old World Logic” coupled with the Catholic Church rules and regulations! —- The best thing that every happen to me was going into the Army in 1963. —- (My father never served in either the Italian Army of the U.S. Army.) —– The Army experience allowed me to grow and experience life. When I came back home, after my active duty, my father told me that I had changed. YES, I had, and I would not let him control me! —– I became my own person for the first time in my life! —– My father was not a giving person. If he gave you something he would never let you forget it! The Ghosts from our past are haunting each one of us! —– Hang in there! —- Believe in yourself! —- Make things happen for yourself! —- There is greatness in you that needs to be discovered! —- I am VERY successful today, but my father has been dead for years, so he will not see it! —- That is too bad for him! —– I no longer need his approval! —- It is water under the bridge! —- I am just sharing this story to show you that “negativity” was VERY common in Italian families. —- My father made it a point to destroy my mother’s relationship with her family so that he could isolate her and control her completely. —- My father never purchased a Birthday Gift or a Christmas Gift for my mother (his wife) —- What kind of a man treats his family in that fashion? ——- Dwayne

  332. Mary Arroyo Says:

    Dear Firetender,

    The purpose of this story was merely to show how very much the Catholic Church permeated into the mind set of

    the surrounding neighbothooods especially in Chicago.

    Wait till I post about our PreCanna meeting witht he chief pediphile!

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


      The abuse of children in the Catholic Church went far beyond the classroom. The Catholic Church creates a “negative / critical” way of thinking and relating to the world! —- My father was VERY tough on me, (for no good reason), but he did not like it when the world was tough on him! —– My father considered himself to be a “good practicing Catholic,” but he had no human feelings for others! —- He was always a very angry person, but he always followed the “rules of the Church!” —– You are an “outstanding person” and there is “greatness” in you! —- Decide to enjoy everyday of your life. —- A lot of what I write on this board, I have put behind me, but I shared with the group because it is important for everyone to know that they are not alone with this issue! —- I have not seen my relatives, on my Father’s side of the family for over 30 years, because I do not want to relive the past! —- Sometimes at night, I still dream of my days in Catholic School! —- I wonder about some of my friends, but I still relive some of the abuse. —- But “thank God” I wake up and everything is “ok!” —— Best regards! —- Make things happen in your life by design! —– Take control of your own life. —- Listen to “motivational tapes!” —– Create your own future! ——– Dwayne

  333. Linda Says:

    I too, was emotionally and phyically abused as a child. And other classmates. It really bothers me to this day. I often think about it and how it was & still is overlooked. I think some of my problems stems from the abused & what I witnesed.

  334. John Says:

    I went to SVF in Brooklyn during the same period, and the nuns gave me many beatings. I didn’t even have Sister Ann Robert and she still beat me up and down the hall. Some of the nuns were great, Sister Mary Leonard, Sister James Patrick to name a few. I learned many things in SVF – there are good and bad people in all walks of life and the past is the past. I learn from the past but I don’t live in it. I just try to enjoy life one day at time. I don’t mean to belittle your experiences or there effect on you but to share mine.

    • bonnie richard Says:

      let me say this no one can sue a nun as it is now because of the way the laws are– the nuns are not associatedwith theirdoicese priests are–nuns are different– all they have is their congregation– the law concerning this have been in place for over 50 years and needs to be changed

  335. Russ Rumsey Says:

    My experience with catholic school is much like I have just read about and had no idea that such a web site existed. I went to St, Mary’s Catholic School in Cambridge Ma. for 4 years from 1954 to 1958 first through fourth grades. My family moved thereafter and I was blessed then to go to a public school. My Nun experience was decent in the first grade but after was horrible. Humiliation was the key word that I heard from others and was certainly true for me. In the third grade the form of punishment was an old fashioned spanking. Girls were not exempt but were not punished as ofter as the boys. If you were a normal 8 year old boy you were a target. They did not tolerate normal. What was not normal was the dropping of pants for the boys to be spanked. I guess for the girls they just hiked up the skirts. We were spanked typically in front of the class behind and old wooden desk. There were days that the nun would say these two rows line up as you are all going to be spanked for talking or whatever. If you were singled out to be spanked at least you were somewhat hidden from the class behind the desk but if lined up the kids behind you could watch the moment. There was occasionally the boy who would not wear underpants that day and the spanking went on with the dropped trousers. That word got around the class quickly and that child was the but of jokes for days. Intimidation not love is what one would learn from these Nuns and who knows what emotional issues we as classmates developed in relations to the oposite sex and authority in general. I hope this type of abuse does not now exist in this country but I knew that I would never send my daughters to a catholic school. I am a Christian today but became an atheist during my school life. I would have had a better experience at the public school starting in the fifth grade had I not started out at St. Mary’s as I was a kid with issues. The public school was a wonderful experience and there were normal adults teaching. I will always be thankful for getting out early enough so that my whole school life was not defined by these sadistic nuns.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      I understand your pain. I also attended Catholic School for 12 years both in New York City, and in New Jersey. The quality of the academic education was VERY poor. On a scale from one to ten, the quality was about a five! ——- Religion was the primary reason why the school was in existence. Religion was taught 100% of the time. ——- The nuns abused children at every opportunity. They were not teachers! They were little dictators that needed to be put in their place, but parents were too afraid to “take on the nuns!” — I hated everyday for 12 years. I was always looking over my shoulder because of the behavior of the nuns, and because of the violence in the school. YES, when “teachers are violent” it breeds violence in the student body! In fact, nuns would encourage students to “gang up on a student” as a form of punishment! — My wife is a “Practicing Catholic,” while I got good at it years ago, so I do not practice! —– The Catholic Church even screwed up our wedding, because they would not play the traditional wedding march! The music director said that it was “trash!” Two years latter, in the same church, with the same pastor, and the same music director, the wedding march was played! (My whole early life has been destroyed by the Catholic Church! —- I would not give the Catholic Church a dollar!) —— Best regards to all! —— Dwayne

      • pattyann Says:

        Greetings Dwayne,
        I remember a family wedding where my cousin was marrying a non- Catholic in Dayton, Ohio. My aunt (the groom’ s mother) was told by the priest of their parish not to attend the wedding or she would be committing a sacrilege. She did not go. In fact, I do not believe any Catholic relatives attended.
        I can still remember the “hush-hush” conversations among the adults about these two young people committing this act of heresy. I was in third grade, and was told not to mention this in class because it was so terrible. It added to my feelings of humilitation for knowing such an awful family secret.

      • MaryW Says:

        Hello Sweet PattyAnn 🙂 My parents when they were married the church married them “to the side of the church” since my father was not and still is not catholic. They have been married over 70 years what a pity they could not be married in the church so to speak. Do they think God is not watching over to the side of the church. So silly to be made to feel less than and you are doing something shameful.

  336. Mario Says:

    Back in Catholic schools everything you did was a sin. If you didn’t go to church on Sunday it’s a sin. I missed one Sunday, I explained to the nun that my parents went to Allentown, Pa. to visit a friend and they kept me from going to church. The nun responded by saying what if you got into a car accident on the way to Allentown, you would have gone straight to that place of the eternal fire. When we went to Catholic school we were told that we are born in sin pieces of shit, so many words. They made you feel like low life. You couldn’t eat meat on Friday another hell bound thing. Or if you steal money that your parents gave you to put in the collection basket, that is even a bigger sin. That one is a sacrilege. They had lots of bullshit stories they told. This kid choked on a chicken bone that he ate on a Friday. Leading us to believe that he went to hell. French kissing to is a mortal sin. You won’t be swinging with the angels on that one. Is it a sin if you farted in church? They had those hard wooden pews and the fart would reverberate througout the church. I think it would be punishment enough, because when you fart in church you are sitting in your own pew. For if the Pope should cut the cheese at Catholic Sunday Mass, While others would ignore and wheeze, I’d fan the papal gas.

  337. bonnie richard Says:

    i was sadistically and emotionally abused by a nun at 8 ==i am now over 50 yet the memories of this–did not start to come to play until 2004– this nun is free to do— sexually abused once also– because of SOL–i can do–NOTHING

  338. Biddy Says:

    My heart goes out to all of you for having your childhoods taken away. I was born in NY in 1952, am not Catholic, and went to publice schoolds. I have not experienced, or witnessed, a teacher being physically abusive to myself or another student. Your sense of normalcy as a child was taken away. It’s a normal bodily function to have to go to the bathroom. Erasing an answer, talking, having a pen in your mouth that breaks, having sexual feeling and sexual bodily functions and everything you’re mentioning are all NORMAL. Acting out as a child is normal. How you must have struggled, and are still struggling, with issues of normalcy. My friend went to school in Ireland and is struggling due to issues of physical abuse, both witnessed and experienced. I hope you all heal. Those of you who are parents know to protect your children at all costs.

  339. Grundhoffe Says:

    Firetender, your mission in life has been accomplished. All of these people that you have touched, have attested to what their experiences have been. But there is something else here, one thing that I do vividly remember that the nuns did do for us was to give us a warning to beware about the time that was coming, and to of that would be the end of the world. I know that we can now, well plainly see what they were tellling us, then So, while there is time left, and we can still do it, everyone who has posted messages, or read this blog should, and must forgive what has happened in the past and prepare for what will come.
    I begin with myself. I am a believer in God, and Christ, therefore, I do forgive all of teachers, nuns, brothers and laity, I had in my 12 years of Catholic education for all of their emotional, mental and physical abuse, their accute misjudgement and bias against me, and their neglect of my needs. I hope this will help others and prepare them for what is to soon occur.

    • firetender Says:

      For me, as was true for many of us, hell upon the Earth was right there, right then. We didn’t need to look forward to the end of the world, for in our realities, the tension and tortion of a world blowing to smithereens was something we were living. Those nuns did so much more than warn us of impending doom; they were direct agents of it!

      Stepping back I can easily say that the very same evil that lived in them is what would be driving us to our doom; a complete and utter conviction that “we” are right and “they” are wrong and we deserve the forgiveness of God while they do not. Perhaps one of the greatest sins of the Catholic Church is that it facilitated these nuns in living with themselves while they ripped the innocense out of children.

      My forgiving the nuns will not help prepare me for what is to come. The nuns taught me well, and I have not missed the lesson; our individuals cannot bring the world to an end, but our institutions will. All this while acknowledging that the Catholic Church itself fanned the flames of the personal miseries of the nuns to the degree that they acted out their personal frustrations on us.

      I have understanding, yes, even compassion, but choose not to forgive them for their depravities in much the same way as they didn’t choose to forgive me for my innocense. What goes around comes around. The most important thing they taught me was to keep my animal in check, something that they or the institution that supported them never did.

  340. Frank Says:

    Something remarkable, unbelievable almost, has transpired in Australia in the last 24 hours that is likely to have far reaching implications in securing justice and healing for those who have been subjected to abuse by clergy, not just here but around the world. The Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, announced on Monday evening (our time) the establishment of a national Royal Commission into the institutional sexual abuse of children.
    Just on Wednesday of last week, her office reiterated the position she stated in August that she saw “no need for a Royal Commission at this time”.

    So what changed in such a short space of time? What was the tipping point that saw the Prime Minister herself, even the devout, conservative, Catholic-apologist opposition leader, Tony Abbott, and a host of other politicians suddenly turn from being anti to pro Royal Commission? It was a number of things. Critical mass had been building for some time, and although I have been involved quite heavily in the push for a Royal Commission, I did not see this coming.

    There had been a high-profile suicide of an abuse victim some months ago, supported by relentless investigative journalism by one dedicated reporter, Joanne McCarthy, on the Newcastle Herald over several years. Soon after the suicide came the first case in Australia of a member of the clergy being charged with covering up abuse (the 2nd anywhere after Msgr Lynn of Philadelphia to the best of my knowledge) and finally last week a police detective, Peter Fox, came forward and appeared on a national current affairs program to accuse the church of decades of obstruction and non-cooperation with police, hiding, moving and protecting the criminals involved and with destroying evidence. He also said that he had been ordered by senior police to hand over evidence and was taken off a high profile case. Since speaking out a few days ago, the detective has received threats and acknowledged that his police career is over because speaking out as he did is not tolerated and he would be an ineffective outcast at best if he tries to stay in the force.
    On Friday morning, the Premier of the state of New South Wales announced a special commission of inquiry to investigate Peter Fox’s allegations about impropriety by high-ranking police officers.

    On Monday morning, an independent federal senator from South Australia called a media conference to announce his belief that a national Royal Commission must be implemented to get at the truth. He was supported by other independent politicians and by Monday evening the PM had made the announcement. Victims have welcomed the announcement and are optimistic about what can now be achieved.

    Cardinal Pell, the most senior Catholic in Australia with a long history of being the Vatican guard dog, defender of the church, apologist for the criminals who worked for him and has constantly shown contempt and disdain for victims, was left scrambling at a news conference today when attempting to respond to journalists questions. Let’s hope that he gets everything that he so richly deserves as this process unfolds.

    This is real progress and will hopefully move and influence governments to pursue justice and healing for victims of this global scandal everywhere.

    • firetender Says:

      To Frank and to all of us, this is terrific news! As usual, the focus is on sex (what a species!) but who cares? This is a door-opener that I hope many officials will pass through and begin chipping away at the bloody underbelly of the church. Perhaps the only thing that can combat institutional injustice is institutional retaliation.

    • Tamar Says:

      Simply, FANTASTIC news! The tragedy of sexual abuse is that the fallout NEVER goes away; I walk an enlightened path, I have forgiven my abusers, and I have grown to truly hold no animosity, but the scars are forever there. I recognized that most clearly the other day when upon learning of a local tragedy, I had physical memory flashbacks. Literally, my body ached. Through breathing and the use of learned techniques, I was able to recognize that it was only a memory, I pulled myself back and then I cried – not for the abuse but for the recognition of the challenge before me. No matter how long of a life I live or how my spirit evolves, that part of me will always hurt and it invades my space like a dark mist. It is hopeful that such a Commission might have shock waves and spill out over the world. It is time that we, as a species of living, breathing, truth, recognize the power of our actions upon others. Moreover,the world must come to recognize that we are ALL ‘G-D’s Ordained’; therefore, we are ALL powerful. It is most imperative to stand and fight against all of it. I am not always one to argue as there are always other points of view and who is to say that I am right or I am wrong; but sometimes one must be brave and fight back – and yes, it takes courage and strength, but in the fight must be as hard as the pain endured so that it , too, will leave an imprint that is deeper than the core of the Earth – We will NOT take it any more!

      • George Says:

        Tamar, you are so right about being brave and fighting back. Words are good weapons and yours are inspiring.

    • George Says:

      FRank, glad to hear that you have been involved in advocating for the royal commission, hope other countries will follow the lead of the prime minister of Australia.

  341. mcccmar Says:

    while I admittedly DO have a hard time relating to some of the stories here because it hasnt been my experience I certainly DO applaud the post that Frank just put up – I have no tolerance for what has gone on in our church regarding sexual abuse of children – cudos to any attempt to hold these criminals responsible

  342. B. Robertson Says:

    Hi Everyone,
    Sorry for being such a ‘you know what’ on some comment by an atheist…that was wrong and I admit it. But, it was the same week when my husband and I overslept….and I jumped out of bed, got his coffee, said “cmon honey….we are late” and there was no response. Usually, he is up and out in the living room by then watching the news. Well, I found out he had died in his sleep after we went to bed. He died of a massive blood clot in his heart….and he was on blood thinners of all things.
    It has been three and 1/2 months and although I still attend grief meetings….I’m hurt, angry, furious, you name it. He was one wonderful and brilliant man who was an engineer for GM. My kids are grown, I am now alone….and it is just difficult. But, I try to stay busy and still enjoy reading all the wonderful comments here. Yes, we were victims, but I’m seeing things kind of differently now. Weird eh? I’m actually in the process of forgiving the nuns I had…who hurt me so very much….and let the past go now. I guess there is a reason I am still here. I know the sorrow and hurt will remain but I as stated I have to let it go. I guess I just never understood mean people. That’s all. I love bumper stickers on cars that say “mean people suck”. So true. So, continue on with such wonderful comments….there truly are great people in the world. Love you guys (and gals too)…..

    • firetender Says:

      Dear B.

      At the same time that I am very sad to hear of your loss I can’t help but remark upon the grace of your husband and partner’s passing. The “way” of it all was a gift and blessing considering death is an inevitability and there are untold volumes of other ways one can go that are far more wrenching.

      Also, there is no one more in your corner than me when it comes to applauding your experience of forgiveness. YOU are the one who will benefit from it most! They are truly already taken care of.

      Feel free to check in with me if need be.


      • Brenda Robinson Says:

        Dear Russ,

        Thank you so much for everything…your blog really opened my eyes about soooo many issues!!! As I read each post….and I was ‘there’ in that state of mind, I understand the hate. But, I have released it now. Incredible. And, your comments regarding my husband brought tears to my eyes. It has been 4 months today…but the grief remains. I know it will take possibly years. I was sooo ANGRY that he left me. Now, I can see all the ‘signs’..and I think I had what is known as “survivors guilt’..but I’m letting that go now too. The Holidays are pretty rough. My (grown) children are pestering me to put up the Christmas Tree, but Bob and I picked that tree out. And the memories…ugh. I now think that Bob would WANT me to put that tree up and that is what I will be doing this weekend. God, it is awful to lose the person you love and trust. It is a very lonley feeling. But I know he is with me he knows I absolutely LOVE Pink Floyd, and one day, just driving on the highway, thinking of him, tears running down my cheeks, a song by that group came on. I just smiled and said, “thanks Bob” I know you are with me”. Bob was interested in your blog too, and read each one along with me and he understood the anger I had toward nuns. It is too bad he doesn’t (well maybe he does?) realize that it just isn’t worth it anymore Peace and Light Russ…you are a great person. Merry Christmas! B. Robertson

      • firetender Says:

        How could it be said any other way than if you know he’s there, then you will be shown it is so. It doesn’t much matter if there are actual indications of his presence or just things happening that carry his scent. Remember, the key is that you continue to keep room open in your heart to allow yourself to receive and recognize the presence. But also remember that just like he wasn’t at your beck and call for everything during life, he’ll be himself and show up when he’s most needed.

        Anyhow, that’s what I was told to write.

        Blessings to you and your family!


  343. Dan Says:

    Hello, My Story, I attended catholic school during the 1950’s. The school was ST. Pius the fifth in Jamaica Queens, NYC. The teachers were Dominican nuns, if you could call them teachers. And I guess you could call it a school, but really it was more like a religious Indoctrination center run by fear, terror and humiliation. I was placed ahead of my class for some reason, so I skipped the second grade and went directly from the first grade to the third grade. So I was about 8 years old in this class, on the young side. The nun was teaching us algebra. One day the nun asked me a question and I did not know the answer, I think I had missed some lesson or explanation, and she went crazy on me. She kept asking the question over and over while she was stabbing me in the head with a pencil for each word of the question. Of course being 8 years old and faced with a raging nun in the pure and clean black and white habits, I just shutdown and cried and didn’t say anything. She then told me to get my sister, who was a few grades ahead of me. So I was in tears with blood dripping from my head, I had to go to another class, interrupt that class to get my sister, who came and she explained the answer to me. After this my education just stopped, I didn’t care what the nun said, I just said I didn’t know. I was then brought to the principle, who roughed me up some more and sent me home. I went home and didnt get any support there, I think my parents thought my explanation was a lie, the nuns would never do that, and that maybe I had gotten into trouble. So, I really didn’t have anybody to defend or stick up for me, and be an avocate for me. The whole experience was terrible. From then on I hated the school, the nuns, the priests and the brothers. It turned me against the church, and I have never gone back. And I made sure that my children were not in the Catholic school system. I witnessed the closet punishment, the ear pulling, the slapping around and the hitting with rulers and pointers. The paddling. And the humiliation.

    Reading the entries on the web site has been helpful. Every once in awhile I would have memories surface about this time in my life. This site has helped me face the abuse and get some understanding about this tragedy. It hasn’t been easy, but it has been healing. Thank you for putting this site up, and thank you to everyone who has stated and discussed their experiences. It has been very helpful.

    One last note here, not far from where I live, the Dominican nuns run a non profit organization that helps families in need, to live with dignity and become self supporting. They provide essential services such as food, housing, clothing and education. I have not been there, but my daughter is a youth organizer and has made many contacts in the organization, mostly with dominican nuns. From her explanations I can see that these are a completely different type or breed of nun. So I think perhaps the Dominican order has matured and grown into something of true value and good. I think there is hope for this. I dont think that the teachers that terrorized could survive for a minute in todays world.

    Thanks again for this site.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Dan:

      I understand what you went through in Catholic School in the 50’s! —– I went through a similar situation with the “Sisters of Charity” in NYC! —- To this day, I have no use for a Catholic Nun — or a Catholic Priest! —- I would never trust them! They always have a hidden agenda! —- I would NEVER bring any children up in the Catholic Church rather, I would bring them up in the Christian Religion. —- There is a Big Difference!

      My wife is still a “Practicing Catholic.” — I got “good at it,” so I do not practice. I attend Mass with my wife, out of respect for my wife, but I do not participate. I find the priests and nuns to be fakes, frauds and phonies. They act as if they are better than everyone else. Their “body language” gives them away! Their weekly sermons are “meaningless” in terms of the “here and now!” Two weeks ago, the sermon was about “giving to the church until it hurts!” Why would I want to give any money to the church? They use their money to pay “hush money” to protect their priests from criminal prosecution. This past week, I wrote a check for $1,000.00 and gave it to a relative who lost many possessions in the recent storm “Sandy!” —- I gave them the money, because they need the money to get back on their feet. I would never give that donation to the Catholic Church. I give it directly to the people who can use it!

      All the best! —– Dwayne

    • Colleen Says:

      I am a 56 year old female. I grew up on the south side of Chicago. I have very limited memory of my early days in school. I have no happy memories, just spotty reminders of the torture days of my past. I remember being tied to my chair and beaten with a pointer. I remember vomiting and having to wipe up my own vomit with a piece of notebook paper and scoop it into a small bucket while she called me stupid and asked me to go to the back of the class with my bucket of vomit. I remember wetting my pants because we were not allowed bathroom breaks and having to stand in front of the class with my wet uniform – facing the class – and being tormented and laughed at. It was as early as first or second grade that my daily vomiting began. My sister and brother were called at least once a week to take me home. This only made things worse. My brother and sister resented me for this and I was too afraid to tell them how scared I was. My mother sent me to school with rolaids in my lunchbox. We moved to another school when I was in third grade. My first year at the new school I had a teacher, who was more sadistic than the nuns. One day she was so angry that five of us forgot our homework that she lined us up in the corner of the room and asked us to give her all of our schoolbooks. She took them from us and told us if we did not do our homework – she would not teach us. She then asked us to put our hands inside the desk while she walked from one desk to the next and cracked us on the back of the head with a ruler. After about a week my parents realized I wasn’t getting homework and they went down to the school. All the parents complained. I remember her being very nice after that. In fourth grade I had a nun. One day we were going out in the hall to get our boots, the floor was very wet. When I walked through the door I heard a loud noise and turned to see her on the floor. She accused me of tripping her and screamed at me to go to the corner of the room and stay there. Some of the kids helped her up and she walked over to me and made me wipe the dirt off her habit with my coat. I was forbidden to participate in class and had to stand in the corner of the room holding my arms outstretched with a book on each hand – until she said i could stop. In Fifth grade I had a teacher. This woman was notorious for her torture methods. She loved “funny bones”.. Elbows, knees, you name it – with a pointer or yard stick. One day I was caught talking and she grabbed my hair by the back and slammed my head into the desk, then she told me to go out into the hall. Once out in the hall she continued the verbal abuse. It was around this time that I started pulling out my hair. No one knew. My oldest sister was getting married and I was to be in the wedding. We had to cover the giant bald spot with a ribbon. I was a shy quiet kid who struggled in school. We were put into categories. Group 1 being the smartest, group four being the “dummies”. From this point on, the kids picked on me. I was spit on, tripped, called ugly, stupid, loser, laughed at and this was done by boys as well as girls. I hated that school.

      I am in therapy now. My marriage is failing. I don’t have work, I never finished college, I am a chronic insomniac. I rarely sleep more than three hours.

      Catholic School ruined me. I just wish my poor parents hadn’t struggled so to pay for the torture I received.

      • firetender Says:

        Welcome, Colleen, there are lots of perspectives here so take your time and read through what others of us have been through. ESPECIALLY pay attention to the places where understanding what truly happened and leaving denial behind has accelerated the healing process.

        There’s something I want to say to you about you having been ruined. There’s something so very powerful about coming to grips with the truth. To get there means you have NOT been ruined. To be able to distinguish yourself from them and their abuse and to realize that the sick ones were THEM and NOT you is damn powerful medicine!
        Can you hear me when I say that most of the crazy stuff you did in your life could be seen as a sane way to deal with an insane world? Let’s face it, kiddo, your reality was twisted terribly and not at your own hands.

        You were just a kid for Christ’s sake!

      • Colleen Says:

        Thank you for your kind words. I have struggled with my memories for years. I have never spoken a word of this to my family. They do not talk openly about such matters.

        I can’t even write the worst of it. I just can’t. I haven’t told a soul what happened to me – no one.

        It was only last week that my therapist and I came to talk about my childhood. It has disturbed me since. Finding this blog has been a blessing. I know I am not alone,

      • MaryW Says:

        Colleen, you are not alone and yes it really did happen. It is a disgrace and horror that has destroyed so many, many lives. I pray you may find some relief, there is no cure for this, but hopefully being acknowledged you are not alone helps.

      • Tamar Says:

        Colleen – My heart goes out to you. Your pain is so clearly evident; and I am sorry that you suffered so much. I can only say that within your acknowledgment of the reality of these events lay the seeds of rebirth. It can be difficult to go back and address the damage done to us so long ago; but children do not have the time nor the ability to process such horror and it is only as adults, when we come to a place of rest, that we can and must go back and recognize the reality of what we endured. It is by doing so that we find our power, our voice, our strength, our child within; and it is then that we are able to begin the healing process. – One must take the lid off the trash can before it can be cleaned out. – KNOW, Colleen, that are a beautiful Being of Light and that G-D did not intend for you to suffer such pain. Cry, scream, jump up and down and shout from the roof tops – then hug that little girl. Be kind to her, be gentle, and do not harsh or expect perfection from her, she has suffered enough for a life-time. Allow her to simply be and tell her to trust that in whatever state she finds herself that it is exactly where she should be and that she is good, and beautiful, and smart, and funny, and that she full of life and has so much to offer others. Tell her Dear One – look in the mirror and tell her that she is worthy of love and KNOW that all will be well. Love & Light Always.

      • Colleen Says:

        Dear dear Tamar……

        I was brought to tears when I read your reply. Thank you for for your words of encouragement. They mean so much. Really.

        Finding people who understand … is something I never imagined. I know that this is only the beginning of my journey, and that I will shed more tears. I also know that I can come to this place and get a “hug” when I need it.

        Thank you Firetender, Mary W and Tamar… have given me the strength to continue.

        With kindest regards,

      • Frank Says:

        What you wrote about bottling it up and not telling people about your childhood really hit home for me Colleen. My early weeks in therapy were disturbing and sickening. I just could not talk about some things.

        It was only the conviction that I must deal with this baggage, and that out the other end I could reduce the heavy toll it takes and has taken all these years, that made me persist through the torment and anguish. Gradually I began to talk about what had happened, and eventually I could talk about the worst of it without the huge upset. Now, about 9 months after I finished the almost 12 months of therapy, I can recall and talk about various incidents without being debilitated by doing so. Life has definitely improved for me, both in some specific areas that I had struggled with for much of my life, and also in general. Things are just easier now.

        I want to encourage you to persist and find the courage and strength to be able to talk to your therapist about your childhood, in the quest for a better life. The firetender’s welcome note to you is full of wisdom. My heartfelt best wishes for your journey. We are with you in spirit and happy to keep hearing from you.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Each one of us on this site understands what has gone on in the Catholic Schools in terms of child abuse. But the abuse of people continues even into the adult world! —- Last night, I received a phone call from my Sister-in-Law. She lives in a small town on the Jersey shore that was destroyed by Hurricane Sandy. Their public elementary school building was totally destroyed. Within the town, (far away from the beach area), sits a closed Catholic Elementary School that has been on the market for a number of years. The Catholic Church in New Jersey has been unable to sell the property. It has been closed for a number of years. This would have been a GREAT opportunity for the Catholic Church to show some “Christian kindness” by offering the town the use of the school. —– (The town would be responsible for the cost of the utilities!) —- The Catholic Church did NOT take this action. They rented the closed school to the town for $47,000.00 per month, —- plus the cost of utilities. —– REMEMBER, this is at a time of a town emergency. —– The “God” of the Catholic Church is simply “MONEY!” —- The people of this shore town are going to be hit with a VERY high tax rate because of the total destruction of the town. —- These people of this town are the members of the local Catholic Church! —- (So the Church is taxing their own people) —- Remember, it was the people of this town who built this Catholic School as members of the parish! —- After the storm, the Christian Churches were there to help feed the people and help them to rebuild their homes. —— The Catholic Church was not represented! —– What is wrong with this picture. —– Have they no respect for their own people? —– Best regards to all you great people. —– Dwayne

      • George Says:

        It does take a long time to be able to talk about the abuse. It has taken me 64 years and I was finally able to tell the whole story to my wife. She wrote it for me (it took over a year) because I am brain damaged from the nun and clergy abuse. I read the stories of the people on this blog and saw I was not alone. I was encouraged to tell about my horrors. I mentioned this blog in my book with the hope that other survivors can be helped by the healing interaction that Russ intended this site to be. You can read a large section of the e book on amazon or at your local library. Colleen came to the right place as did we all. I hope the book, published as “Smothered”, will help others on this blog and all over the world to tell their stories.

      • firetender Says:

        George, you have my permission to post a link to your book here. Although I cannot endorse it (at this time) I feel secure that if you feel it is of value to this forum than your Brothers and Sisters need to hear about it.

        Quite frankly, Thank You for going through the pain that it took you to write it!

      • George Says:

        Russ, thank you for letting me post information about my book on your blog. I don’t have a link but the book is on The title is “Smothered” – if you search for it you will see the cover: a child in a swirl of colors. It is supposed to be me coming back from heaven after the nuns tried to smother me to death. There is a summary of several pages that you can read. It was difficult to write as you said, but I think it will help others to also speak out.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        I understand your pain! —- Catholic schools were not a very safe / secure place for children! —– My parents sent me to Catholic Schools from the 1st to the 12th grade. (Late 40’s to 1960) —– I hated everyday! —- The education was “substandard,” but the nuns made the parents “think” that their children were receiving a high quality education on which to build a future! —- The nuns lied to the parents! —- After my military experience in the 60’s, I EDUCATED MYSELF, and I earned a BA, and two MA degrees from a state college, and a private university. —— My catholic school education has always been an “anchor around my neck!” —- I was mistreated by the nuns throughout my 12 years in school. —- The nuns should never be around children! —- They are “negative people,” and they are not examples of people who are living a successful life! —- Both you and I, and all the people on this site are the survivors. —- We are telling the truth about the Catholic Church and Catholic Schools! —- My wife is a “practicing Catholic” but I am not! —- I cannot stand to be in the company of Catholic Priest or Nuns! —– God bless you! —- There is “greatness” in you! —- Make things happen in your life by design. —- Listen to motivational tapes. —- Read motivational books! —- Design a life for yourself that you want to live! —– God does not make junk! —– Find your greatness! —— I wish you all the best! —— Dwayne

      • Colleen Says:

        It is so difficult. When I was in therapy last week we tried to go there. I wasn’t ready. I find myself walking around in a daze. My mind is elsewhere. My dreams are all strange dark and disturbing of a sexual nature and none of them good. Random people – people I don’t know – people I have worked for – people I have seen in the neighborhood. Dark and disturbing. I don’k know what all this means, I really don’t. I wish I could get to the root of it.

        There was one particular incident that has haunted me all of my life. I must have been six. I was sent home from school. I don’t know how I got there, why I was sent home or any of it except the pain I felt on my face, the welts left on my cheek and the heat that it left. My mother was in the hospital. My father was there. He had to bring me back to school because we had no one to care for me. I remember being terrified as he drove me back and left me with a pack of kleenex and hug. What happened? Will I ever know?

        I can see the scars in my brothers and sisters. They are recognizable. But, they would never go to that place, I know it.

        More than anything I want to face it and move on. I just get so scared.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


        God Bless You! —- You are a survivor! —- You are here to tell your story! —- This is what is very important at this point in time. ——- The word needs to get out about what was done to children in the Catholic Schools all over the United States from the 1940’s on to the present time. ——– I am 70 years old, and I still dream about my days in Catholic School. —– There is not a day that goes by that I do not relieve some experience that I had in Saint Joseph’s Elementary School on Christopher Street in New York City. —— I can see it as a “slide show!” —- Many times I have tried to tour the building when I am in NYC, (but it is now an office building and it is closed to the public.) —— If I ever had the opportunity, I could tell stories about experiences that I had in every room of that building. —— My “Catholic Religious Education” has destroyed my life. —- The lack of a sound academic education made my early life miserable. —– Once I decided to take control of my own life, (both on the religious and academic level), my life changed for the better! —- “Success in life” requires that the individual must be in control of their own life! —- The person must be “pro-active,” in terms of making things happen in their life. —– I have met many people who have been destroyed by Catholic Schools, and the Catholic Church. —- When I attend Mass with my wife on Saturday, I am never happy when I leave the church. —– What is wrong with this picture? A religious experience should be positive and spiritually uplifting. It should give you the “fuel” to face the coming week! —- QUESTION: —- Why does the Catholic Church fail to accomplish this most basic task. —– The answer is simple. Their agenda is not to help the people, rather it is to help themselves, the organization, and the lifestyle of the clergy. —- The reality of the issue, is that the Catholic Church and their clergy do not care about the people who are supporting the organization. They simply use the people for the money to carry their own agenda, which does not include the welfare of the members of the Catholic Church. —– Best regards to YOU and everyone on this “site!” —– Tell you story! —- The Catholic Church never thought that computers would allow the abused children to have a voice. —- The Church is “running scared!” —- They are NOT as strong as they once were. —– People are educated, and the word is getting out! ——- All the best! ——– Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        Hi Dawyne, I just want to ask you something if you will indulge me. Does your wife know how much you hate the Catholic Church? If so, why does she allow or request you to attend with her? Out of respect for her? I cannot imagine asking someone to come with me to a place that I still honored and know your hatred for the church that you have. Seems very weird to me because most people would not want or ask someone with your feelings come with them. Just asking.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Good Morning Mary W.:

        Your question is excellent!

        My wife does not “make me go” with her to church every Saturday! I go with her to make sure that she is safe and secure, since we have to park in a multi level parking garage. I would do the same thing if she was going to a shopping mall on a Saturday Night. ——– (NOTE: I would probably get more out of going to a shopping mall!)

        My wife is slowly starting to think like me about the “Catholic Church,” not the “Christian Religion!” I do not like the “operational characteristics” of the “Catholic Church” but I am a member of the “Christian Religion!” —— There is a “BIG DIFFERENCE” between the two organizations. —– I do not hate the “Catholic Church,” rather I strongly dislike the people who run the business! —- And YES, it is a “big business!” —– Priest and Nuns do not have any understanding of “human relations” and “human sensitivity.” —– They believe that they are somehow “better than the rank and file members of the Catholic Church,” — and they believe that they have the “God given right to give the orders,” and we should follow them blindly! ——(The last time I took orders was in the Military in the 60’s, and we all know what that was all about!) —- They forget that they work for us! —— When the Catholic Church refused to play the traditional wedding march for our wedding, (1968), and two years later in the same church, with the same pastor and the same music director played the wedding march for a friend who was “connected with the parish,” I have a MAJOR PROBEM with that issue. YES, it was just a song, — and it was a little thing, — but it was our wedding, — and we wanted that music played. ——– QUESTION: —- Why does the Catholic Church have to always be so negative! —– Their “pre-marriage conference for engaged couples” is a joke! ——- The only married couples that are at the conference are those with children and / or pregnant! How about showing some Catholic Couples without children! —— They do not do this because it is not part of their corporate agenda!

        The Catholic Church is a “sick organization,” and it has abused children in the past, and it continues to abuse children! It hides behind its robes and ceremony! It has no connection to Jesus Christ and his teachings. It is simply a Big Religious Business trying to control people and make as much profit as possible!

        Best regards! ——- Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        Sorry Dwayne, I don’t buy it. As much as you hate the Catholic Church and repeat over and over and over and over and over the same things in your postings you still show up to church. Your credibility with me has failed. I respect your opinions but you need to sing a different tune I am tired of hearing the same thing in your postings. Please get real people are hurting here. I am really tired of hearing the same old thing from you.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        You asked the question, and I simply responded to that question in a professional / straight forward / honest manner. —— If you do not accept my response, —- that is your decision. ——- I have always made it a point to supported everyone on this site, because I understand their pain, and what they are going through to resolve their issues, and in the process, I have shared my life with them! —– I cannot change my experiences with the Catholic Church, and how I feel about those experiences. —– They are simply my experiences and / or my feelings. —- The “truth is the truth!” —– You have the freedom to disagree with my postings, but we should not be disagreeable, because that would be “counter productive” to this very professional site! —– People on this site are simply sharing their life experiences and feelings, and they are not obligated to justify those experiences and feelings to anyone. —- If we were to do that, we would all be back in Catholic School relating to a “power structure” of the nuns. —- For some people it is VERY hard to share their life with strangers. —- My life has allowed me to be able to speak freely about my past Catholic life! —– Whether I attend church with my wife “out of respect for her” does not change how I feel about the Church. —— When I am at church, my mind is in another place. (Most of the time I am thinking about my business.) —- All the best to you and all the great people on this site. —- May they achieve the peace and justice that they are seeking. —– Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        Dwayne, I am well aware of why this site was created and you are entitled to your opinions and feelings and I respect them. I just feel that you going to church would be like me going to see Obama take office, I would rather shoot myself then be somewhere I hate. But that is just me.

      • firetender Says:

        Everybody repeat after me:

        “Having been survivors of horrendous spiritual abuse at the hands of twisted others, we reserve the right to find solace, comfort and satisfaction in the decisions we make – so long as others are not harmed — no matter how far-fetched others may deem them. We live in our own skins now.”

        Don’t worry, this ain’t a cult. I’d never ever be involved in one where I was the leader and I think you’re that smart, too!

      • MaryW Says:

        Not sure why I received the note from you, nothing I said was directed at you or this site which I value. I have written this site myself.

      • firetender Says:

        Please don’tmisunderstand me. I put this up not directed at you but because I saw the potential for increasing conflict. This is my way of requesting everyone to be mindful of different strokes different folks, or something like that.

      • MaryW Says:

        Sorry if I offended anyone 🙂 I am keeping my thoughts to myself from now on. Good bye and good luck too you all.

      • firetender Says:

        Coleen, this is a kind of birthing process. Denial and suppression is a warm, comfortable womb because that is where you had to retreat to protect yourself. Now, a mechanism within you (call it God, I don’t care!) is providing you with what you need to face the cold of daylight. Here, you will find many voices that have stepped out of this wilderness. For some reason, you got here, so I think it’s fair to suggest you keep trusting that you will be led to your next step.

        What worked for me was speaking and speaking again to real people until I could see that what I thought were some twisted hauntings were actually real. I did this through regular meetings in the Anonymous family. Each is typically structured so you have a few minutes to talk, without interruption or comment, in the witness of others who, you’ll be sur[prised to find, have gone through many abuses like yours, their perpetrators just didn’t wear habits!

      • Frank Says:

        Colleen, I can’t pretend to know what you went through, or are going through now, but I… and I bet, many others here… recognize and identify with the things you are describing – feeling confused and disturbed; distasteful sexual dreams/nightmares; incomplete recollection of disturbing events (I was sent home by myself, 3 hours into my 1st day at school as a 6-year-old, because I had defecated while being beaten).

        I hope you realize that you ARE facing it, and you are moving on. The fact that you turned up again at your therapist; that despite feeling so scared, you tried to go there, to get it out; that you wrote about being hit on the face and sent home.

        That courage, willingness and persistence is your path forward. No one can tell you when you will be able to talk about the darkest stuff, or how much of it you will recall, or what other forgotten things will pop up by association… some of them probably pleasant, or when your confusion and disturbance will subside and acceptance and equanimity appear – but trust in yourself that you can do it and that it will happen.

        We are on your side, and pulling for you.

      • MaryW Says:

        I do understand Collen, if it helps any, I cannot remember but a few things from the first 11 years of my life except pieces of abuse by nuns. 11 through 12 abuse by the nuns is more aware to me, I remember even being afraid to go to the restroom at school. Not sure why but I know our brain tries to protect us so we only have pieces here and there some years nothing at all.

  344. George S. Says:

    I too was abused as a second and third grader by the Sisters of Mercy of Kells Ireland. Most notably the sadistic Sr.. Paul who taught and later became principal of St. Clare School in Essex, MD.

    While I am never able to completely bury my hatred for her and her sadistic companions, I have for years pushed it to the side and tried to focus on current life. Unfortunately, an article in the Catholic Review in which the editor, George Matysek, tried to re-write history and actually shower praise for the evil bitch was recently brought to my attention. Here’s a link to the article, which even made light of the abuse. Following is my letter to the writer after he denied knowledge of the widespread physical and emotional abuse. I believe as long as we and the offenders live, we must not let them or the denyers who still support them forget. Track them down in their retirement homes and publicly call them out. The article:

    My response to the editor in denial. How dare they:

    Thank you for your response. Actually it was not “whacks on the behind” it was strikes to the hands with knurled musical sticks. And stomps on second and third grader’s feet. All for high crimes and misdemeanors such as having one’s name written on the board by the kid who’s parents contributed the most money, failure to help win a soccer match, and not “properly” kneeling in mass. As you know, the backs of the hands have little flesh for padding and do not bruise. I’m sure Sister Paul and her sadistic companions knew and took advantage of this fact as they learned and honed their torture skills from the best heir homeland had to offer at the time. I have reached out and gained interest from several Irish media outlets which have exposed other atrocities brought by the Sisters of Mercy of Kells. I also plan to work with US outlets to tell the truth about Sr. Paul and St. Clare. I also intend to let as many people as I can know that the Catholic Review supports and showers praise upon serial child abusers. You, though perhaps unintentionally, have helped raise many painful memories for myself and others. It was a different time and many back then could not grasp that men and women of the cloth could be so evil and sadistic. Now we know they are as human and capable of evil deeds as any other. If it were today, charges would have been brought upon Sr. Paul and others for criminal child abuse and they would have been deported or jailed. I don’t think I was abused, I know I was abused as were others. I have no faith in the church that continues to protect these monsters and even invited that bitch back to praise her when the school was closed. She will serve her time in Hell. I am certain of that.

    Please understand that it is quite difficult for me to believe your account since your recollection is so different than mine and others I’ve talked to I attended St. Clare around 1973-1976 while my father was in Viet Nam and Thailand and I and my mother were living with her parents in Essex. I must also say the education itself was not very good as well. Besides the fact that it is difficult to learn when one is under constant threat of abuse, the instruction itself was not very advanced as evidenced by the fact that I routinely got A’s at St. Clares and when I moved to Michigan, I had to be placed intiatially in remedial classes since my instruction was one grade behind.
    I must say I did not witness and do not recall hearing of any sexual abuse aside from the former St. Clare priest who was convicted. However, the physical and emotional abuse was routine and of a scale that few could not know of. Fortunately, I never witnessed such mistreatment of innocent children again in my life. Obviously, I have nothing but deep hatred and disdain for those that committed the abuse as well as those that have and continue to support them. And the time honored story of Stallings (a man with no honor deserves no title) and his Novena, which we’ve all heard before, would be laughable if were not such a twist of the truth. Unless he asked God to bring a squad of female concentration camp guards to Essex, his prayers were not answred. You may not have intended to do so, but your continued support of these thugs makes our pain only deeper.

    • George S. Says:

      I should add, this was part of the response I received from the editor of the Baltimore Catholic Review:

      If you feel that you were abused, you may wish to contact Alison D’Alessandro, the archdiocesan director of child and youth protection. Her number is 410-547-5599

      That is a quote. Notice the “if you feel…part”. I’m sure the assholre realizes I don’t simply “feel” I was abused, I KNOW I weas abused as were many others. I’m sur the woman he tried to direct me to is there to steer people away from sharing their stotry, suing, and embarrassing the church. Do they even contact the accused? I found out after the fact that they actually invited Sr. Paul back to praise and honor her when they closed ST. Clare’s of Essex, MD several years ago. I guess its best I dind’t know beforehand. I’ve never hit a woman before but she is no woman. These people tortured and humuliated innocent defenseless children. It is only fitting that they be equally tormented and humiliated now they are in a similar state as old, weak and dying monsters.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      Good Morning George:

      I enjoyed reading your experience with Catholic Education. —- There are only two kinds of people with regards to the “Catholic School Experience!” — Those who “loved it,” and those who “hated it!” —- I hated every day of my Catholic School Education from the 4th to the 12th grade! — If your parents were involved in the school, and if you “came from money,” the nuns would “kiss your ass!” —- The quality of “education” was a “joke!” —- On a scale from one to ten, — (one being poor and ten being great), —- at best my education was a five! —- There was no real education going on in Catholic Schools, only “indoctrination into the Catholic Church!” —- All the nuns wanted to do was to create loyal followers, so that the church could insure a “steady flow of money in the future!” ——- During the recent storm on the Jersey Shore, I saw the Salvation Army and Christian Churches working with the people to help them to recover and to feed them, but I DID NOT SEE the presence of the Catholic Church! —- The Catholic Church is not about helping the people in the United States who contribute to the church. —– Rather, it is all about their agenda all over the world. —– The people who belong to the Catholic Church, in the United Sates, are being used to generate money for the Catholic Church, but when there is a “need to help locally,” the Catholic Church is no where to be found! —- I would never give a dime to the Catholic Church. —– God bless you! —- We are the survivors and we are getting the word out! — I am sure that priests and nuns read these postings. QUESTION: — Why have we not heard from them? —- ANSWER: Because we are telling the truth, and they have nothing to say! —– All the best! —- Enjoy your life! ——- Dwayne

      • mcccmar Says:

        Hi Dwayne,
        I gotta take issue with one point of your post – not the post in general – but the church has been VERY involved with hurricane sandy relief – both individually and with partnering with other denominations and synagogues – the st vincent de paul society in the staten island churches are more than involved – as is catholic charities – dont think Im knocking the rest of the post – only that the church in all fairness has been super involved with the hurricane issues – blessings to you –

      • George S. Says:

        They are actuallly owndering why so many have left the church….

      • Lori Grobelny Says:

        I felt compelled to reply to your comment. I too, experienced abuse by the nuns in Catholic School, but I have to comment on something that I heard recently. You mentioned the absence of the Catholic Church in response to Hurricane Sandy. Someone I know asked a priest if his church and/or diocese is having any fund-raising activities to benefit victims of this storm. His answer was: “What for, none of our churches were affected by it.” Need I say more.

  345. jerry Says:

    thank you

  346. jerry Says:

    Man sues Sisters of Mercy, alleging coverup and sexual abuse by nun
    Religious order disputes accusations
    May 21, 2009

    please join me in getting justice for all
    I will not be silenced-I want a financial settlement for us all

    contact Judith Frikker -Omaha,Ne
    keep pounding the church and lets get justice

    A lawsuit filed in Milwaukee Wednesday accuses the Sisters of Mercy order of covering up the sex crimes of a nun convicted last year in Wisconsin.

    According to the suit filed by one of her victims, Sister Norma Giannini, a nun convicted of molesting two teenage boys in Milwaukee four decades ago, admitted to church officials that she also had molested a Chicago boy at St. Ann Roman Catholic Church — a confession that was never reported to law enforcement or church officials in Wisconsin where she was transferred.

    Ads by Google

  347. Ray Says:

    Im reading all of your stories and my God, I just cant believe it. I was abused by a nun and it has stayed with me for years. I always thought something was wrong with me because of all the years I had nightmares because of this one bitch. I remember one day my brother came in to see me teacher because someone sent him in with a message for her. I remember she slapped him so hard across the face it was so hard to hold it in she just kept slapping him and slapping him because that ugly fuckn maroon tie was crooked. I have other stories but it would take up too much room. The school recently closed down its like 30 years after i left and I was so happy to see the classroom I was in was knocked down along with some of the hurtful memories. You are ALL in my prayer IM here I know what you have been thru.

  348. mcccmar Says:

    I Do read the posts in here although I only post infrequently. One thing we can all say is that this board evokes emotion both pro and con – as I have indicated my experience with the catholic school system of the 1950s was stern but not nearly as dramatic as the experiences outlined here -and I owe it alot in terms of my success in life – but that is NOT to negate that other people have had different experiences – I respect your views – and Im glad there are forums like this to share them . Just as an aside – the catholic schools of today – my daughter just graduated from 8th grade – are VERY VERY DIFFERENT – staffed predominately by lay teachers – although her principal was a nun. Times and child rearing practices have changed so much – all of you be blessed and I h ope you find the peace you are looking for

  349. pattyann Says:

    I saw two nuns shopping in Walmart right before Christmas. They had the nerve to get in back of me in the check out line. All I can say is that a wave of fear and panic came over me. I felt just like a scared 7 year old who was going to get my knuckles pounded for something I may have done. I made no eye contact, just stared at the floor. Am I ever going to get over this? I doubt it.

    • George Says:

      I have no doubt and we must acknowledge that some very good people serve as nuns and priests. However, as we all know there are also many evil and sick people in the ranks of the church as well. Yes, these people will serve their time in Hell. But there is no reason to let them off completely in this lifetime. To address a problem you must first acknowledge you have one.To this day, the church has not done so and with its enablers including the Catholic Review, they continue to rewrite history. I for one will not let them run from their crimes so easily.. Yes, with the heavier role of laypeople, abuse in Catholic schools is not nearly on the scale it once was. However in most cases, the education itself is still substandard.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      I understand the feeling that you are describing. —– When I am in those type of situations, I picture the “nun” or the “priest” in civilian clothing. —– This takes the “power” away from them! —– At that point in time, they are my equals, and I can deal with them in the same fashion as any other person. —– I give them the same “respect” that I would give any other human being. —– I DO NOT give them any “special treatment” because of their chosen career! —– I will not let them control me! —– In the past, I was involved in a “major educational disagreement” with a Catholic Priest over the behavior of his students at a sporting event with my public school students. —– In the heat of the discussion, he pointed to his “Roman Collar” and said, “do you know who I am?” —- (He actually tried to win the discussion by using his position as a priest!) —— I responded; —“I do not care how you earn your living, your students are out of control, and you are the responsible for their behavior!” ——– He was not expecting that response. —– He did not realize that he had attacked the one person who was waiting for an opportunity to even the past scores! —- YES, it felt good, and I would do it again in a heartbeat! —– Hang in there! —– You are a good person! —– God bless you! —- All the best to everyone! —— Keep up the good fight! —– We are the winners! —– We are the survivors! —— Dwayne

  350. Melpub Says:

    Once, years ago, I knew a psychologist whose practice consisted in brothers, priests, and nuns. He said that at this time–the seventies and eighties–the priests, etc were sent because they were compulsively having sex with men under dangerous anonymous situations. “But the nuns,” he said, “were always psychotic. They thought they were receiving the stigmata,” or some other delusion involving religion.
    I had a friend who went to Catholic school in the sixties and seventies on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, and she remembered nuns lining up three girls so they could slap them all at once. Another friend went to Jesuit boys school in Jersey City and remembered being punished by being made to kneel on window poles. He became an orthopedic surgeon.
    I’m married to a Catholic who remembers a happier childhood, and seems not to have been abused–we’re in Germany and at least where we are things seem healthier. But vows of celibacy are under no circumstances healthy.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


      Having grown up in Hudson County, N.J., I know about the school in Jersey City that you referred to in your postings. —- I also know of two non-religious teachers who taught at that school in the past. —— They have related some very interesting stories about the operational climate of that school and the faculty. —- (Since these stories are second & third hand I will NOT post them on this site!)

      Catholic education is all about indoctrination. It is not about mind expanding. —– It is all about narrow minded thinking. The clergy paints the world with their own colors, and they tell the young people what they should believe without any proof. —— If they cannot explain something, they simply write it off as a “mystery!” (Very clever on their part! They never have to answer the hard questions! They are never wrong!) —– The school in question has the reputation of being a highly rated Academic School. —-NOTE: The same “academic quality” can also be gained in a private non-religious academic school without all the “Catholic Negativity.”

      All the best to everyone on this site! —- God bless! — Dwayne

      • Melpub Says:

        Hello Dawayne–Yes, I taught at a college for which the school in question was a feeder. Students tended to be utterly conformist or wildly in rebellion–I preferred the latter, usually. What strikes me here in Germany is how different things seem, at least where we are. The local Catholic school–which my kids attend–does sex education in third grade, and although “how graphic” the material is does depend somewhat on the teacher, it’s way off the charts for most American Catholic schools I knew of when I lived there. They learn about sexual attraction and petting, for example–actually, the teacher my younger son had did too much. I had to tell her “Look, nine year old boys really don’t want to hear about foreplay.” But, by contrast, at “College X” where I taught in the early 90s . . .in Jersey City, that is–at the height of the AIDS crisis, the subject never came up. There was a student health service, and it is did not dispense contraceptives, AIDS info, or, needless to say, the most VERBOTEN: condoms. And I remember female students coming into my office and sitting down and saying they were pregnant–I listened to them and told them to eat healthy and didn’t dare say anything else. Or they told me that “Father X”–who is now dead, I must say, Thank Goodness–he was straight and used to come on to faculty–ugh! Another story–had told her she was “living in sin” since her boyfriend stayed over. And I’d nod and say “uh huh” and hope my expression conveyed my lack of sympathy with the very screwed up Father X.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Melpub:

        I know the college that you are referring to in your last posting. The two teachers that taught at that Jersey City High School graduated from that college. One of the two teachers was also a student at the Jersey City High School before attending that college.

        Catholic Education is one sided in terms of painting a realistic picture of the real world. —– I have a relative who graduated from Saint John’s University with a BA Degree who believes that only Catholics will be saved! This is an adult who is 71 years old. (He drinks from the “Common Communion Cup!” —- Hello, Hello, Hello, there is an HIV virus, and if that does not scare you how about the “flu?”) —— Catholics are like the people from the “People’s Temple (Jim Jones). —– They are trained to follow orders blindly, and drink the “cool aid” upon command! —– God gave us a brain, and the ability to reason, — and it is about time that we make use of that ability! —– The Catholic Clergy cannot guarantee salvation! — They would like us to believe that they have that ability! —–

        One of the two teachers was offered the opportunity to join the religious order. When he explained that he could not make this commitment because of the “celibacy rule” the response was, “you can have that too!” —- QUESTION: —- What were they telling this young man? Was this a “good old boys / men’s club” hiding behind the trappings of a “religious order?” —- You know, “do as I say, not as I do!”

        The corruption of the Catholic Church goes right to Rome! I would not trust these people with my life let alone my Soul!

        All the best to you and the others people on this site! —– Dwayne

      • Melpub Says:

        Wow. Well, the ones I knew tended to be very unhappy. The apparently heterosexual ones grit their teeth if they had to say hello to me–or flirted so much I always made sure to have a colleague in the room with me if I had to go to some required social function. The gay ones seemed happier. There was at least one who gave me the impression that he was a pedophile. And there was one really nice guy who seemed normal but who knows?

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Melpub:

        The interesting part to this whole story is that parents / guardians are paying a “high tuition fee” to send their children to this high school, and in the process, they are trusting these people to educate them both in the academics and in the world of ethics! ——— These people cannot even control their own life, let alone guide others! —— We live in a VERY strange world! —– The people in charge are sick individuals. —- The inmates are running the institution. —— This professional site allows the truth to be told! But the average Catholic would never believe these stories. They have been “brain washed” so well over the years that the truth can never be accepted!

        Best regards! ——- Dwayne

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Melpub:

        Lets see what kind of a “spin” the “Catholic Church” can put on this issue!

        It is all over the news that a prominent high ranking respected Catholic Priest has been indicted along with four other people in an alleged plot to sell crystal meth!

        He was caught red-handed by police with “meth drug paraphernalia,” and drug packaging materials in his home. —- He is among five people indicted by a federal grand jury for allegedly conspiring to distribute methamphetamine.

        Rectory staff are believed to have notified the local diocese after the priest allegedly dressed as a woman and engaged in sex acts.

        Law enforcement officials say they believe that he received shipments of methamphetamine from the west coast, and resold the drugs out of his apartment!

        He faces a minimum prison term of 10 years and a maximum prison term of life, —– plus substantial fines in the millions.


        1.) Who will pay his legal bills?
        2.) Who will pay his fines?

        The membership of the Catholic Church!

        Best regards to all! ———– Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        I know I said I would shut up – but…. Just FYI he is an EX priest if it makes you feel any better. So I don’t think the Catholic church will be paying his bills.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mary W:

        Kindly be advised, that as reported in the media, the priest in question, was arrested at his apartment on January 3rd, 2013. He was paid a “stipend” from the diocese until his arrest. He had resigned in 2011 from his “priestly duties” after those in the church discovered he was a “cross – dresser” who was having sex in the rectory. —– So, as you can see, he was still receiving support from the diocese in the form of a “stipend!” —– This means that he was dealing drugs while on “stipend!” —- This makes him an “employee” of the Catholic Church! —– Lets see what the “church” is going to do about this issue! —- Remember, the “faithful” are putting their trust in the “clergy!” — I guess that is “misplaced” trust! —- What has got to happen, before the Catholic Church will “clean up their act?” —– When will the “faithful” of the church tell the “church leaders” that they have had enough? —- Do you think the pope will get involved in this incident? —– I would bet that if the “faithful” withheld their weekly contributions in the collection basket, they would get the attention of the leadership of the church! — You see “money talks,” and the God of the Catholic Church is “money!” — They never seem to get enough of it! —- God is “all knowing” and “all powerful” but he cannot seem to “handle money” when it is filtered through the Catholic Church! —- I can see the Bishop of this diocese requesting a “special collection” to pay for this legal bill, and of course, he will make the faithful feel guilty in order to get the necessary funds.

        Best regards to all! —– Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        Hello Dwayne! You are so right. I had no idea he was receiving anything from the church. Holy cow!!! Why would they give him anything but a boot out the door? Cross dressing and having sex in the rectory. I am going t vomit now. Well I have to tell you I knew one of the worst offenders Father Thomas Behnke. My cousins went to a church in OKC where he was stationed and everyone in my family really liked him as they knew him from a young priest. He even went 75 miles to bless my parent’s home for them. He is now deceased but when I found out over the internet that he was a pervert with many victims and cost the church over 4.6 MILLION dollars. Most paid by his order. I thought I was going to go nuts. They are very good at hiding their sickness and evil, he was the last person I would have ever thought of being like that. What a shock it was. The money was huge, not to mention the toll on the young boys lives forever he ruined. But 4.6 million dollars OMG. How much that could have been used to help people who need it and they don’t help. I always wondered why the Catholic church never got together to help its members by having health insurance for them that they could purchase. I guess money is needed for legal fees. I cannot think of one time in any parish where it is about the people. If anyone gets help it is from another person in the parish, spending their time and no money from the church. Thank you Dwayne for the up date. 🙂

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mary W:
        Thank you so much for your posting. —– What we are seeing is just the “tip of the iceberg!” —- This “sickness” runs deep in the Catholic Church, and it doesn’t stop with the priests! —- The faithful in the Catholic Church need to take a “united stand” and demand accountability from the clergy! —– If the clergy cannot clean their own house, then the faithful should withhold funds to force them to take action! ——- QUESTION: — Why would anyone what to belong to the Catholic Church, and have to defend the church to non catholics over these kinds of issues? —– Are we that sick as a society? —– The 4.6 Million dollars that you listed in your posting could have been used to give children in the inner cities a high quality academic education on which to build a future! —- Instead it was spent to cover up a crime, and in the process, the Catholic Church was closing schools, because of a lack of money. — So, the children who were abused were hurt, and the children who lost their schools were also hurt. —- But the priest had his fun! —- What is wrong with this picture? —– But at the same time, the “faithful” is encouraged to “give until it hurts!” —– Do they think that people are uneducated and stupid? —– Best regards to you! —– Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        PS Dwayne, ALSO – I sent an email to the fisheaters – which supposedly goes to the pope to tell him to mind his own business about America’s gun control. I would have thought he would have remembered Hitler banning guns. I am sure I will not receive a reply. But planting a seed everywhere you can helps. The pope does not look well when I have seen his picture on the internet. I am not sure why they always elect really old people either. Like it matters.. LOL what was I thinking.

      • George Says:

        Mary W. You are right about not receiving a reply from the pope. I wrote to him about the abuse I received from his “employees.” He never answered. So I put the letter into my book and now that it’s published everyone can read it. I mentioned this blog too in the book so that people who need help from other survivors can visit here.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


        You are “outstanding!”

        All the best! ——- Dwayne

      • George Says:

        Everyone on this site is outstanding! Thanks Dawyne

      • Melpub Says:

        I wanted to reply on two issues, one old and one new:

        (1) The crossdressing priest: I don’t care if this poor schmuck cross-dresses on his own time. I think it’s part of the harmful Catholic school training that makes people feel like vomiting–he’s not hurting anyone. I’d care more if he molested children. But it’s not disgust–it’s sadness and anger I feel about that, having had some experience of it myself as a child, not in a Catholic context. And I’m not going for “love the sinner hate the sin” nonsense. I think just let anyone get their rocks off anyway they like as long as they harm no one else. If I don’t like it that’s my business–I can even vomit on my own time; I just object to condemning this poor schnook just because his sexuality is icky. Cross-dressing sounds a lot safer, and I don’t even think it is something that necessarily interferes with his priestly duties. The drugs certainly do. But I’m returning to my original point here as well: do people get messed up sexually as a consequence of joining? Does joining an order only intensify problems that are already there? You’ve raised the problem with Catholic school education grades K-8: I got it–all that don’t-touch-your-self-never-enjoy-anything-your-body-is-a-temple. I do think that has a very negative impact, but I’m weighing that with whatever happens at home, and hoping if home is good it counteracts the bad things that happen in school. But all this Catholic religious misery strikes me as, in a sense, as bad as Puritanism: “the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy,” said H.L. Mencken. A different style of unhappiness. Catholic education seems far more liberal where I live, which is not in the U.S., and children are trained as part of sex ed offered in third grade to avoid pedophiles. BUT

        (2) Since I’m married to a Catholic, I agreed to let the kids be Catholic. They are all getting first-communioned. I’m somewhat worried about my daughter. There’s a nun in the first communion program who is a lonely soul. She wrote a parish letter about having wanted to be a mother of six but now she’s a nun. I ran into her when I was with my daughter, who is eight, on a tram platform, and the nun looked at my daughter with longing–patted her on the head in a way that suggested a desperate need for physical warmth and affection. I don’t think this gal is a pedophile, but if the tram hadn’t arrived, I probably would have distracted my daughter and gotten her away from the head-patting nun. I think our home life would encourage our daughter to tell us if anyone started squeezing her knee or something, but I’m not sure I would know what to look for. Yes, read all the websites I could already.

        Just looking for other peoples’ stories to help. Thanks.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Good Morning Melpub:
        You make some interesting points. Catholics are not comfortable in their own skin. They are always looking for what is wrong with them. They are never “ok,” and they are never “right with God!” They are always working to correct a problem whether “real” or “imagined.” They see church attendance as an “obligation” not as a pleasant / uplifting experience. They make a “big deal” about attending mass on Saturday Night or Sunday Morning. As a Catholic you are NEVER allowed to miss Mass! (This is considered to be a “Mortal Sin!”) Funny thing, when I was in the Army out in the field, I missed many a Sunday Mass, and that was “ok”! And it was “ok” to receive communion after eating breakfast. (You did not need to “fast” like the civilian faithful did back at home!) —- The only reason why the church made the rule of Sunday church attendance was because they want to collect “MONEY” every week! The more guilt that they can dump on the “faithful,” the better the response in the collection basket! —— Young children are like “blank hard-drives” of a computer. They are capable of being programmed in many directions. (Just look at what Hitler did in Germany during WW2!) The main reason why Catholic School exist is because they want to “program” the young person to support their version of the Christian Religion. —- NOTE: —- If you have “sick people” doing the programing you will have adults who are dependent on the Catholic Church for all their reasoning! They follow the Catholic Doctrine like blind robots. I started to rebel against the Catholic Programing back in the late 50’s! (Yes, I am that old!) I would attend Sunday Mass by myself, walk in the church, stay for the sermon and walk out! —– My parents, (who were Italian Catholics) thought that I was a “good Catholic boy” who bought into the “total Catholic Package.” — I am sure that Catholic Religion is taught differently in different parts of the world. The bottom line for the Catholic Clergy is that they want your money, and everything that they do on a daily basis is to gain more of your money! —— Best regards! —– Dwayne

      • mcccmar Says:

        lol Dwayne =- hey come on — its one of these exemption things you get in case of imminent death –you want to get right in – I do want to let you know that I read your posts and while your experience hasnt been mine – you always bring up good points – and I respect your point of view -in many ways you are right on target

      • Melpub Says:

        Thanks for your reply to my two points. Actually, this clears up for me why my husband feels he always has to go to Mass. His mother didn’t want for him to marry a non-Catholic . . . according to a non-Catholic female friend of his, she said, “If anyone who isn’t Catholic wants to marry my little (let’s call him “Sam”) I’ll go after her with this!” And this mild-mannered mom then brandished a pitchfork. Then she died. And “Sam” married me, the gal with no religious beliefs. Religious people do always seem horrified when–after they say “You don’t mean you’re an atheist?” and I say “well, yeah.” And I feel then that I must explain that an atheist is not the same as a nihilist. What gets people into trouble is having no belief in anything–feeling like nothing matters or is worth anything. I don’t feel that way. I just don’t go for the idea of an all-seeing all knowing eternal being or beings. Never felt as if there were one. I think my husband secretly got a kick out of this, and also that it makes him uneasy.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        I have always been fascinated by the Reformed Jewish people. They seem to be well grounded in the “reality of the world!” They know what they want in their life, and they know how to get what they want in their life. They are focused and determined about achieving their self-designed goals, and they have a “plan of action” to achieve those goals. Their children tend to be successful as a group, because they have a very strong family support system. If one of their children is having trouble in school, the parents or grandparents get the child a tutor. The basic assumption is that the child will be a “success” because there is greatness in them, and the entire family will support this effort. On the other side of the issue, the “Catholic Families that I know” do not offer the same support system to the child. It is always the child’s fault for not learning. When I was growing up my father would tell me if I did not do well in school, I should drop out, and go to work! The nuns would tell my parents that I was not working up to my ability. (I had a learning disability by neither my parents or the nuns cared! I can learn anything, but it takes me some extra time to master complicated material like math!) This is why, (as a retired high school teacher), I work with young people and their parents to help them to make things happen in their life. —– The night before our wedding, (when the wedding party was at the rehearsal at the church), the pastor asked to see me in his private office alone. He handed me a letter, and he said if I did not sign this letter he would not marry us the next day. The letter stated that I would not use any “artificial means” of birth control in my marriage. —- (NOTE: I had a severely retarded younger sister who only lived only one year. This “biological defect” showed up again on my mother’s side of the family in the next generation.) —- There was no way my wife and I were going to take this chance. —- He “black mailed me” the night before the wedding! I signed the letter, so that the wedding could go forward. —– NOTE: — A friend of my who was married in the same church, with the same pastor two years later and he did not have to sign this type of letter. — (He was part of the “good old boys network in the parish!”) —— Don’t you just “love” the politics in the Catholic Church! —— My wife’s nieces and nephews all come from “very strict Catholic families.” Church rules and ceremonies were the focus of the family, and none of them have made any great accomplishments in terms of their careers. The reason is that this was not the focus when they were growing up! —– All the best to everyone on this great site! —— The sharing of information is very important! —— Dwayne

      • B. Robertson Says:

        Hi Dwayne,
        I’ve been following your comments. GO YOU! Amen to everything you have said. Everything you have said is so true albeit so sad. We were robbed of our childhoods. I’ve accepted that now…LOL…too late to go back…but I always kind of laugh remembering when I was younger and going to see a priest or nun for marriage counseling. OMG we were robots. My husband recently passed away (6 months ago) and it has been difficult. I’m still searching for a church and the guilt remains of not going back to the Catholic Religion. I wish I knew why. But, life goes on, as they say. Keep up the great comments. Always enjoy reading your comments.

      • Melpub Says:

        Educate me! What kinds of comments–those marriage comments? I take it nobody was allowed to have fun, even when married. I’m afraid of what any nun or priest might tell one of my kids, even in surprisingly liberal Germany. My kids are 8, 10 and 14. I assume that they know enough not to believe any clerical prude who tells them not to masturbate, but I’m afraid of more subtle damage.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi B. Robertson:

        Thank you for your kind comments and for your support. —– I am sorry for the loss of your husband. —– Sometimes I feel like I am the only one who has the feelings that I have express on this site! —– It is nice to know that someone else can identify with my experiences.

        Sometimes on television there is an hour long music show sponsored by the Pentecostal Churches, and it deals with the old time Gospel Hymns. —- I love to listen to their singing and the words and ideas that are being expressed within their music. —- After listening to the program I feel good and refreshed about my Christian Religion and my life.

        On the other side of the musical issue, we have the Catholic Service that has Hymns that can only be sung by someone who is a trained vocalist. —- The average person cannot sing the hymns, because the range of the music is outside of the range of the average person. —– QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER: —- Who selected the hymns for the Catholic Church? —- What is the purpose of music within the service? —- Again, the Catholic Church, by design or ignorance, has made the religious experience negative. —– Are they trying to convey the message that the “faithful” should not enjoy the service, and / or not be totally involved in the service?

        I am very confident that the Catholic Church is on this site in some form and they are monitoring the postings. If this is true, how come they have not tried to share the other side of the issues. The truth is that they know that they are wrong, and they are running scared. If they tried to defend their past actions they would be giving themselves away. The Catholic Church is NOT interested in bring us back to the church. They are only interest in gaining new members that they can brain wash into their way of thinking.

        Find a good “bible based church” with some good people. The Christian Religion is a religion of love, understanding, fellowship, and sensitivity. It is NOT a negative experience with meaningless rules and regulations.

        All the best to you, and everyone on this site! —— Dwayne

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi B. Robertson:


        There was an article in the Sunday, Feb. 3rd, 2013 edition of the Record News Paper (in N.J.) dealing with a Roman Catholic Priest who confessed to groping a teenage 14 year old boy 12 years ago, and who has now been named to a “prestigious post” in the Archdiocese of Newark, N.J.!

        The priest, (who is barred from unsupervised contact with children under a binding agreement with law enforcement officials), has been appointed Co-Director of the Office Of Continuing Education. This appointment was recently announced in the newspaper, “The Catholic Advocate!”

        This appointment shows the arrogance of the Catholic Church with regards to crimes against children! —- This is both “alarming” and “outrageous!” — Where is the justice for the teenage boy who was abused, and (who is now 26 years old?)

        The Archdiocese claims that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will the priest be alone with children! (He is the Co-Director of the Office Of Continuing Education! —- This is like putting the “Fox” in charge of the “Hen House!”)

        The priest was charged with “aggravated criminal sexual contact,” and “endangering the welfare of a child,” and now he has been promoted by the Catholic Church!

        In 2003, a jury in Bergen County, N.J. convicted him of the “endangering charge!” He was sentenced to five (5) years probation. —- The priest appealed and three years later, an appellate panel overturned the verdict on the grounds that the trial judge gave jurors improper instructions.

        Rather than “retry the priest” the prosecutor’s office allowed the priest to enter “pretrial intervention.” —- Prosecutors also secured an agreement that he undergo counseling for sex offenders, and have no unsupervised contact with children as long as he is a priest.

        QUESTION: —- Where is the justice for the 14 year old boy? —– Did he get counseling? —- What is he doing today in terms of a career? —- Is he well adjusted? —- Is he happy? —- Does he have a family of his own? —- (THE PRIEST IS “OK!”)

        This is another example of the “Good Old Boy Network in Action Again!”

        The Catholic Church is the “master at the manipulation of facts to their own advantage!” —— They are NEVER WRONG, and they never take responsibility for their actions!

        All the best to everyone on this great site! —— We are the survivors! —– We are telling the truth! —– Dwayne

      • Brian Says:

        Unbelievable, what’s his name and parish so we can write to the bishop. Also, does the original prosecutor know?

      • firetender Says:

        kay my esteemed colleagues. Let me make it clear. There’s room for mention of stuff like his but UNLESS it DIRECTLY has to do with Nuns, pleaee PM each other.

        Without directing this statement at anyone in particular let me make it clear. For the purposes of this Forum, from this point on we don’t give a shitabout the priests.

        Thank you all!

      • Melpub Says:

        Regarding the priest who confessed to groping a fourteen year old: blog his name all over the blogosphere.
        Get even.

      • firetender Says:

        Yes, there is much food for thought in all of the last posts, AND, I want to make sure that we all stay ON POINT with the purpose of the site which is to make maximum room SPECIFICALLY for those who have suffered abuse at the hands of NUNS.

        Getting the Bigger Picture always has its place and the focus on the Church and then the Priests IS going on throughout the world, but let’s remember folks, we are the ones speaking out for an underrepresented bunch of children who never got heard.

      • MaryW Says:

        Hi George 😉 I would love to read your book. I knew that I would not hear from them, but I sent it because they need to mind their own business and worry about the problems in their own yard. It is so messed up, that is why there are no priests or nuns, who would want to be one? Only someone sick in the head. Everyone has run from the church because of its abuse and lack of caring for the people. I think – what have you done for me lately, or really what have you done for me at all? Nothing good or happy as Dwayne says. I wish they could take back the years and years of abuse my brother and I suffered and everyone else on this website.

      • George Says:

        It’s never easy for me to hear about the abuse that everyone on this site suffered. I never thought that such abuse happened to so many people. Reading this blog and realizing that I was not alone inspired me to find out more about the abuse. Firetender, Frank, and all of you helped me. When I found the abuse was world-wide and that the perpetrators were all unpunished for their crimes I knew that more people had to hear about our plight. I am brain-damaged and couldn’t write the book myself so my wife listened to me and wrote for me. We all need to keep telling our stories.

      • MaryW Says:

        God Bless You George, you are an inspiration to us all. 🙂 Pretty please let me know how to obtain your book. Thank you.

      • George Says:

        Thank you for saying such nice comments to me. You inspired me also. I never told my whole story on this blog because it hurts too much. I can’t talk to a therapist. I was able to tell it to my writer because it was for a good cause – to help others tell their stories. It’s not only my story, it is the story of the catholic church and what it has been doing to children and parishioners for the past 2000 years. Firetender said I could give information about the book on this blog. The title is “Smothered” by George Barilla. It is an e book and is now on and barnes and noble. On both book sites you can preview over 20 pages of the book, including reviews so you can decide if you want to read it.

      • Melpub Says:

        I’m just reading a book by a nun who’s become a sex therapist–it’s called IN THE NAME OF GOD, WHY? It’s got some stories, I’ll tell ya. But as someone not raised in the faith (lucky me, on that score, it seems) what I want to know is this: is youthful idealism one of the main drives behind celibacy? That is, are folks who join an order already messed up, or do they get messed up once they’re in. Both, I guess. Just wondering about these lives. I once had a long conversation with a nun who seemed very bright and “with it” and smart. Just as I was thinking how normal she was, she started ranting about how she “just hated” snakes! Couldn’t stand them! And my Freudian antennae went up

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Melpub:

        You ask a VERY interesting question! I believe that the damage in done initially in the Catholic Schools in the K to 8 years. —- The Catholic Version of the Christian religion is NOT “user friendly.” —– Punishment is the “motivation” to get young people to agree and / or cooperate with the program. —- I have a cousin who attended 12 years of Catholic Education, and then graduated from Saint John’s University. He is “normal” in every way, except when we discuss religion. —– He will not allow me to finish a thought and / or present a point in the discussion. —- It is almost as if he does not want to hear an “opposing point of view,” because he might be inclined to consider it, and then he might be inclined to go along with it! —- (If he does not allow himself to hear it, the point of view does not exist!) —– When I tell him that I have not been to “confession” since 1968, he gets all “bent out of shape!” —-He takes it very personally! He feels that it is his obligation to save my soul! —- The Catholic Version of the Christian religion is not the loving version of the Christian religion. Everything is negative! Too many rules and regulations! They encourage “self-sacrifice” as a way to achieve heaven! (When you engage in self sacrifice who really cares!) —– God did not put you on this earth to suffer. (My mother believed that you had to suffer in order to achieve heaven!) Recently I heard a sermon from a Catholic Church were the priest said that the congregation should give until it hurst! I nearly laughed out loud in the church. What is he saying? Should I live in “poverty” so that he and his little group can live in luxury, and in the process, the church can carry on their little agenda. —– The presentation of the Christian religion to the young people by the Catholic Church is distorted. There is no love, concern, and understanding for the individual. It is only what you can do for the organization that counts. The Catholic Christians are the most “guilt ridden” / “negative” Christians within the Christian World. They do not live their religion, rather they simply obey weekly rules like going to church on Saturday or Sunday. —– All the best! —- Dwayne

  351. pattyann Says:

    I posted awhile back concerning the death of my sister. She died under tragic circumstances due to alcoholism on July 23rd and I had her body transported here for cremation. I did not have a funeral for her. The state paid for her final expenses. I did view her body by myself and kissed her goodbye. I loved her very much. She was my sister, no matter how she chose to live her life. She was a victim of Catholic school abuse as I was. Family members disowned her pretty much, except for one aunt.
    I have been notified that a lodge in our hometown is having a Mass said for her this coming Sunday. I live on the other side of the state and I am torn. I do not go to Mass anymore. I feel as if I should attend, but this is the same parish where I was tormented for years. I never had the formal funeral for her, although I do have her urn on my dresser. I buried my mom last year in July and did not have a funeral mass, only a prayer service and burial from the funeral home in our home town. The little family that I have left wondered why no funeral? I kept the casket closed. She was in a nursing home for 7 years with dementia and was not visited by anyone on a regular basis. They are all such wonderful Catholics, living in the same town where she was and I am down here. I am wondering if I am selfish, mean-spirited or the like? I know that my sister was a tormented soul all her life, and now she is in a better place. I wonder why these Catholic rites have me so anxious after all these years. I wonder what good it would do me to be there, if any. Would it honor my sister, or just remind me of the terrible past? WIll it bring up old wounds,or be healing???.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


      You are a good person, and you are a strong person who is capable of making the right decision for yourself!

      My mother was also in a nursing home for a number of years. None of the “Good Catholics,” (on my father’s side of the family), ever visited her! —— My wife and I DID NOT have a Mass for my mother. We had a service at the viewing, and at the grave side. My father’s side of the family did not show up for the viewing! IMPORTANT NOTE: — They were the Good Catholics that obeyed all the rules! —– Thank God I have not seen these people in 30 + years!

      You do not own an explanation to anyone! —– You are your own person! —- “Think” about what YOU want to do in this situation! —- God bless you! —— All the best to you! ———- Dwayne

      • Lori Grobelny Says:

        I first want to thank you for this blog. I have been reading comments for sometime now, and I can’t believe how many people had experiences similar to the ones I had, and how many, unfortunately had experiences that were even more devastating than mine. As many individual “incidents” that I can remember, and there are many, there is one situation that I have not yet seen addressed here. In my grammar school, in New Jersey, the nuns had an “agenda’ to try and talk all of us in becoming nuns and priests, when we grew up. As a young girl this frightened me, but one experience in particular stands out in my mind. In second grade, age 7, the nun sat down one day, and started telling us, and I can almost quote verbatim,” “The most sacred people in the eyes of God are the nuns and priests. Married people are not considered
        that ‘holy.’ Your mothers and fathers are not really the best of people in the eyes of God.” I sat there, almost crying, trying to come to terms, with “knowing” that my parents are not considered good people. My mother was always sickly throughout my childhood, but despite how she felt at times, she made efforts, above and beyond, to make me happy, making me toys, etc. Hearing this , as a 7-year old, crushed me right then and there. To this day, those words ring in my head. I will not forget them.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Lori:

        I enjoyed reading your story! Recognize that Catholic Nuns and Priests, as a group, are not mentally well people, and as such, they should not be around children. They are fakes, frauds and phonies.

        I spent 33 years as a public high school teacher, and I always made it a point to encourage my students to dream BIG dreams, and in the process, use 100% of their talents, skills and abilities to succeed. The success team for any student is made up of the school, themselves, and their parents / guardians.

        Nuns and Priests have always acted like they were better than the “faithful!” This is why I have a BIG problem being in their presence. —— I will never take any kind of order or direction from a priest of nun. —— They have no authority over me.

        What they were doing to those children in your class was simply “brain washing!” ——- They were using their “position of authority,” to control the children’s future, (who were under their care), to the church’s advantage.

        QUESTIONS: —- Is this the “Christian Religion?” —— From what authority does a nun have the right to undermine parents / guardians in the eyes of a child? —– This is why I DO NOT like Catholic Schools. —– They use the “school” as a way to teach their own agenda. I would bet that they did not put the same effort into the teaching of the academic subjects! —–

        The nuns and priests get their “marching orders” from a higher authority in the Catholic Church. Nothing happens in Catholic Schools by accident! They have a master plan, and they work their plan every day, and their plan does not include your welfare or the welfare of your children. It does include the welfare of the Catholic Church and the agenda of the Catholic Church!

        You were able to see through their little plan. —– You are to be commended. —– Best regards! —- You are a winner! —- God bless. —— Dwayne

      • Melpub Says:

        Absolutely: cremation was your choice, and the most important thing is that this is the right choice for you–YOU control the way you handle the death and the mourning.

  352. Frank Says:

    an article on the changed public image of priests and nuns…

    When the men in black lost their role as the good guys.
    Priests were once movie symbols of decency and heroism. Scandals in the Catholic Church have ended that, says Geoffrey Macnab

    Friday 08 February 2013

    For over a quarter of a century, Catholic priest Lawrence C Murphy preyed on and sexually abused pupils at St John’s School for the Deaf in St Francis, Wisconsin
    n old Hollywood films, you rarely come across a bad Catholic. Picture Bing Crosby as the kind-hearted Father O’Malley trying to have a school saved from closing down in The Bells of St Mary’s (1945) or Pat O’Brien as the priest striving to keep kids away from crime – and his old friend James Cagney’s bad example – in Angels With Dirty Faces (1938.)
    European films likewise used to portray Catholic priests in a heroic light. In Roberto Rossellini’s Rome, Open City (1945), there is an immensely moving performance from Aldo Fabrizi as the priest who works with the Italian resistance against the Nazis and is prepared to face torture and death for his beliefs. When they weren’t genial, avuncular sorts or wartime heroes, priests were depicted as complex, intense, but still sympathetic. Witness Montogomery Clift as Father Michael, hearing a murderer’s guilt in Alfred Hitchcock’s I Confess (1953.) Even in horror films like The Exorcist (1973), the priests were there to ward off evil.

    It’s hardly surprising that priests were given such a positive spin. During the studio era, the American Catholic Church had a strong influence over the kinds of films that were made. The Legion of Decency was an influential body set up by Catholic bishops in the 1930s to police the film industry. When the League took against a film, it could scupper its chances.

    The Catholic lobby can still hurt a film. For example, one reason Philip Pullman adaptation The Golden Compass (2007) failed in the US was that the Catholic League called for its boycott. Pullman, the League claimed, was out to “bash Christianity and promote atheism”.

    It is striking, though, how recent depictions of Catholic priests in feature films and documentaries have become ever harsher and more skeptical. US director Alex Gibney’s new doc Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God offers a devastating picture of Catholic priests at their very worst. The film shows how, for over a quarter of a century, a Catholic priest at St John’s School for the Deaf in St Francis, Wisconsin, preyed on and sexually abused pupils. In spite of repeated warnings about his behaviour that reached the Vatican, no action was taken against Lawrence C Murphy, the priest.

    Gibney’s film starts in Wisconsin and follows a trail that leads it via the notorious case of the Elvis-impersonating paedophile priest Father Murphy in Ireland all the way to the “highest corridors of the Vatican”. Mea Maxima Culpa makes it very clear that senior Catholic authorities knew about the abuse in Ireland and the US long before the media did but were very slow to act against it.

    “You can see in Ireland now the thing that really flipped everybody was not the crimes but the cover-up,” Gibney says of the Catholic sexual-abuse scandal. “People finally get these documents and they realise that they [the Catholic Church] knew about it all along. That just makes their blood boil. The idea of someone looking you in the eye and lying to you. Also, hiding behind a noble cause.”

    There have been many films over the last decade or so that have expressed the suspicion and indignation felt about the behaviour of Catholic priests. Costa-Gavras’s Amen (2002) raked over the behaviour of Pope Pius XII during the Nazi era. In the film, a Nazi officer (Ulrich Tukur) tries to inform the Vatican of what is going on in the death camps but the Church seems determined to ignore his warnings. When the film screened in Berlin, he was accused of skimping research and distorting facts. Nonetheless, Pope Pius XII’s failure to denounce publicly the Nazi atrocities has long been a source of embarrassment to the Church.

    When Gibney tried to approach senior Catholic authorities, he was rebuffed and ignored. “We purposefully didn’t announce it [the film] early on. I went to the Vatican sotto voce but that didn’t seem to help,” the director recalls. “I don’t think any campaign was mounted to try to stop us. I think the Vatican’s point of view, or what they try to do, is to ignore you – to pretend to think you are just a tree falling in the forest, they’ve moved on, it’s an old story and it is all good now.”

    While Amen and Mea Maxima Culpa follow the trail to the highest reaches of the Catholic Church, there are plenty of other films that show wrongdoing and abuse at ground level. Peter Mullan’s The Magdalene Sisters (2002), which won the Golden Lion in Venice, looked at the plight of young “fallen” women in Ireland locked away in a Catholic-run asylum where they were mistreated by sadistic nuns. And abusive priests and nuns have become the villains in more and more movies.

    Mea Maxima Culpa tells a story that many still do not want to hear. No UK distributor picked it up in spite of its winning the Grierson Award For Best Documentary at the London Film Festival. (It is being released by Irish company Element Pictures). The Venice Festival rejected it amid rumours that it was “embarrassing” to the organisers. The Catholic League has already pronounced the film “a fraud”.

    But it’s very hard to see how the days of Pat O’Brien and Bing Crosby can ever come back. See a priest in a movie today and the chances are that it’s time to run.

    ‘Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God’ is released on 15 February

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      If we want to “change” the behavior of the “Clergy” in the “Catholic Church,” we need to take control of the financial situation of the Catholic Church. —- Recognize that the “God” of the Catholic Church is “Money!” —- The membership of the Catholic Church can control the “incoming of money” on a weekly basis to each parish across the United States. —— If the management in Rome will not listen to our needs, then we have the obligation to withhold funds, on a weekly basis, until they come around to our way of thinking. —– When the money “runs low” we will get their attention! —- If we continue to contribute to an organization that abuses children, then by our actions, we are condoning that negative behavior! —- Cut off the funds and things will change!

      Best regards to all! ——– Dwayne

      • firetender Says:

        Nowwe’ve got some numbers going folks…

        Irish Church apologies for the abuse of 10,000 girls a the hands of nuns!

        If this doesn’t prove our point when we say the vast amount of NUMBERS of children abused by nuns eclipses that done by priests, I don’t know what will!

        EVERYBODY PLEASE PAY ATTENTION: I will be closely monitoring each post. If I do not feel it is pertinent to the focus of this blog; CHILD ABUSE AT THE HANDS OF NUNS, it will be removed. If you consistently post off topic (3 offenses) all your posts will be under review before being allowed on line.

        Please, don’t make me work so hard!



      • MaryW Says:

        They won’t get any of my money, I took my 92 year old mother to church and that is all the priest talked about giving money. However, he did not have the time to see my mother or my gravely ill father. Priests and nuns are the ruin of all that is good.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        The Nuns are the “foot soldiers” of the Catholic Church! —- They “brainwash” and “abuse” the children so that the Church can control them when they become adults! —- Look at the stories on this site! —— Abuse in the Catholic Church can take many forms. The nuns are a Big Part of the process! —– All the best! —– Dwayne

    • George Says:

      That was an informative post Frank. I really like your comment: “See a priest in a movie today and the chances are that it’s time to run.”

  353. P. Lo Says:

    I want to thank you all for sharing your stories. I too suffered through abuse at the hands of nuns. For me, this happened at an Ursuline catholic school grades K-6 in the 1970’s. I never searched for other stories until this week. I was amazed at how many posts are here at this one blog, and am saddened at the many more not ever shared. The healing journey is my life’s journey and I am surprised when I get reminded that I’m not quite “there” yet. Reading all your brutally honest stories is helpful, and I’m grateful for every one of you for your bravery in sharing.

  354. Mary Says:

    I went to catholic grade school in the St. Louis, Missouri area. I remember a nun calling our names to come up and pick up our report cards and as she called our name, she would throw the report card in the trash can. We had to walk up to the front and retrieve our envelope out of the trash. We were 8 years old. She said our grades were no good and that’s why we had to retrieve them from the trash. That’s emotional abuse at it’s finest.
    Another time, during math class, we didn’t know the answers the way the nun thought we should, so she walked around the room hitting kids on the head if they weren’t writing down the correct answers. I sat in my chair shaking in fear. Then one girl was called to the front of the room. She didn’t know the answer so the nun turned her around, pulled her skirt up over her back and spanked her in front of the entire class. We were too old to be treated in this manner at the time. We were in 5th grade. I remember that girl being beet red from crying so much afterwards. I’ll never forget how scared I was. I knew that could have been me up there because I didn’t know the answer either. That nun was emotionally sick and as kids, we knew she wasn’t “right” but there was nothing we could do about it.
    I remember lining up after recess and seeing one boy get slapped open handed hard across the face for talking while in line.
    I rememember my 8th grade nun calling me “stupid” once when I didn’t know how to do something she asked me to do. Being called stupid at that age in front of the entire class of kids is something I never forgot.
    I always wondered why the parents didn’t do anything but when I think about it, we never told our parents much about it because we were just little kids. We thought we had no choice and just had to put up with it, so we never said too much to our parents.
    I knew even as a child that the nuns did not like us and wondered why they acted the way they did since they were supposed ot be “Christ-like”. They always seemed full of hate for us but would act totally different to adults. It always seemed so fake to me and and it never made any sense to me. Fortunately, I did have one nun in the 7th grade who was extremely loving and a really wonderful person. She never had to raise her voice at us and we all loved her. I am in my 50’s and I still think about these memories quite often. I have never needed therapy on account of it, but I was thrilled that my kid’s school only had lay teachers and no nuns. I wouldn’t have allowed my kids to go through what we tolerated as kids. It was unacceptable.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      Thank you for your posting! —- I am 70 years old, and I experienced that same things in New York City in the late 40’s and early 50’s. The parents knew what was happening, and they let it happen! They were “afraid” to confront the nuns! Parents were like sheep! They were easily lead by the Catholic Church!

    • MaryW Says:

      Hi Mary, you are so right!! I am almost 60 so I am close to your age. I do still have huge issues and depression and take meds for my experience with the nuns at St. Francis Xavier. I want to function but I just cannot sometimes. I know they were not the worst out there but the damage they did is not curable. What will the church do for us to help us recover from the abuse and hell?

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mary W:

        The Church will do nothing for the people on this site. —- They are playing a “waiting game!” —- The Church will ignore the damage that the nuns did, hoping that time will erase all traces of their deeds. ——- Once we are all dead, who will be around to tell our stories, and better yet, who will care? —

        All the best to you and everyone on this great site! ——- Dwayne

      • B. Robertson Says:

        You are right Dwyane…the circumstances we have endured are so horrific that most people cannot even wrap their heads around it, so they disregard it. Sometimes, may sound nuts to most (but it helps me) is to watch the video (on youtube) of the song “Another Brick In The Wall”..(Pink Floyd). What is so interesting in that video is that although there were no nuns involved, the children are so similar to what we had to endure…but they got ‘revenge’ on their educators. In a way, as I watch it, I often feel like “why the hell didn’t we do that”??? It’s like we were robots to nuns. It is all so frustrating…so much mental illness in this world from when we were in school…but it continues.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi B. Roberston:

        Mental Illness / Depression can be Biological / Chemical or it can be learned from negative / sick people like nuns in the formative years over time! —- What we are seeing here, (on this site), are the results of “negative / sadistic behavior” on the part of nuns, — directed toward children over time, — in a focused / organized manner by design! —– They knew exactly what they were doing each step of the way, and they did it because it was part of their “Play Book!” — They wanted to create little robots as children and dependent adults later on in life! — The nuns achieved what they wanted to achieve! —- Just read these postings and you see the results of their professional efforts! — The teaching nuns were taught how to do this as part of their training! —- This was not an accident!
        All the best! ——- Dwayne

    • Melpub Says:

      This is horrifying–also that you write that you were too old to be treated like this, spanked in class. At no age should any nun or anyone do this to a child–not ever.
      I’m glad you lived to tell this tale–I wish you would tell more of it, write a full-length memoir about nun abuse.
      I wonder what “good” nuns–the nuns on the bus? Sister Helen of Dead Man Walking? would say to all this. Do they ever respond?

  355. cmarie Says:

    When I was in the 4th grade (1980) and in Catholic school, there was a boy in my class who had difficulty academically. I began to notice that at the end of each day he was handing over his homework notebook to a very beautiful little girl who always got the highest grades. I thought “why on earth is another 4th grader checking his homework?” One day soon after that, I forget a homework assignment and the nun told me “do it again and I will get a boy to check your homework assignment book every day to be sure you have it right.” The whole point wasn’t to get the kids doing the right assignments, which the teacher easily could have done herself; it was strictly to punish with humiliation.

  356. JimD Says:

    I went to two Catholic grade schools from 1959-1967. My first school grades 1-4 was good and no abuse and their was only nuns at this school. In grades 5-8, I had a mixture of nuns & lay teachers. Some nuns were abusive and so were the lay teachers. I was emotionally abused. The Lay teachers were abusive just like the nuns if not worse and very stupid. In 1990 I started sending my children to another Catholic school with lay teachers and nuns and their was no problems. I do believe that abuse has happened in the past. We all must be vigilant that this will never happen again and hold church authorities responsible and be vigilante with them.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Jim D:

      The Catholic Lay teachers might have been “former nuns and priests.” —- (The “apple” does not fall far from the tree!) —- They might also have been “Catholics” who drank the “Catholic Educational Kool-Aid” about the “methods of teaching.”

      QUESTION: After suffering abuse in a Catholic School, why would you send your children to a Catholic School? —– I do not trust the Catholic Church with my soul, —- let alone with children! —- I have always had a “BIG problem” with the behavior of nuns, and Catholics who cannot think for themselves! —— Nuns have a distorted view of life, and they try to instill that view of life into young people. —- That is both “Criminal” and “Psychologically Sick!” — Nuns always have a “hidden agenda” when they communicate with both Children and Adults. —- The are mentally ill human beings and not to be trusted.

      QUESTION: Do you think that the “average adult,” who attended Catholic School and suffered abuse from nuns, is a well adjusted adult human being? —- (I think we have a large number of Catholics who are “walking wounded,” and who are still trying to stabilize their life years after leaving catholic school.)

      Best regards! ———– Dwayne

  357. mcccmar Says:

    Hi Dwayne – I just read your latest post – and as you know I have alot of respect for your opinions and I certainly cannot deny that some of what you say existed- DID – but I just want to say that we cannot paint everybody – all nuns etc with the same brush – the situations that you contended with took place most likely in the fifties – maybe early sixties – and I was part of that generation of catholic school kids too – the catholic school system has changed considerably today – obviously there are far fewer nuns and the schools are staffed predominantly by lay teachers. But I have to say that the nuns I do know today are very dedicated hard working women who really try to live their faith. – AGAIN – not defending the past – just saying that things – thankfully have changed. My daughter did graduate from a catholic elementary school this past June – I can tell you it was NOTHING like the one I attended through the fifties – anyway – thanks for your insightful posts – you always give me something to think about

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      You are probably correct in your assessment of the “current Catholic School Educational Situation,” — but it is very difficult to forget the “past negative experiences,” especially when the “NUNS” never paid for their crimes against children. —- They did the crime, and they were never held accountable. Were is the justice for the “walking wounded?” ——- Why is it that the “rank and file membership” is always asked to forgive and forget, while the people who did the “actions” walk away without responsibility? —- We have people who are living a less than healthy life style in terms of achievement because of the treatment they received by the nuns, yet the Catholic Church takes no responsibility for this condition! —- Nuns were the “ground troops” for the Catholic Church, and they received their “marching orders” from the higher management of the organization. —- The “church” new exactly what was going on, and the nuns were all too willing to do the dirty deeds! —- Everyone on this GREAT site wants justice in some way! If nothing else, the Church should admit what they have done to children. But they will NEVER take this action, because they believe that they are NEVER wrong!—– None of us deserved this treatment! —— Best regards to you and everyone on this site. —- Dwayne

      • mcccmar Says:

        as usual Dwayne you bring up good points – … Mccmar

      • Says:

        Dawyne: I can appreciate your thoughts however I also was emotionally abused I realize know that no justice or good will be served over what happened 47 years ago. As much as I want justice, it is impossible do to the time factor. Also remember the time of the mid sixties. Abusive parents Oked the those nuns because they wanted to be extensions of the parents own abusive authority. The church was totally wrong in the past. No amount of justice will bring back what happened 47 years ago. I have moved on. I still go to church and I am warry of any abuse. Holding on and dwelling on what happened years ago can only be baggage in your own life.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        You are correct in that justice requires a “timely action,” —- and after many years, we cannot go back and undo what has been done! —— But on the other side of the issue, the people on this site need the “Nuns” and the “Catholic Church” to admit what they have done in order to get closure on the issue! —— If this does not happen, then the “Nuns” and the “Catholic Church” have gotten away with a crime against children! ——– If children cannot get “justice” in the Catholic Church, and in the United States, then where can they get justice??? —– The purpose is NOT to undo the harm that was done to the children, but rather, to get the deeds on record! —- Best regards! ——– Dwayne

  358. Steve Tomas Says:

    I attended Catholic school for seven years of my early life. The brutality of the nuns that I had as teachers is unbelieveable. I was beaten numerous times and sometimes to the point where I could no longer stand.
    I agree, sue them to hell and back.
    Does anyone know of any lawsuits filed against the catholic church for this kind of abuse?
    Please respond if you do.

  359. Rick Carufel Says:

    The case for lawsuits for child abuse by nuns is solid. Far more children were mentally and physically abused by the church than those sexually molested. If a class action lawsuit was brought against the church for the huge amount of child abuse they are guilty of it would financially break the back of the Catholic Church. The very least thing that should happen is that tax exempt status should be revoked for serial abuse of children.

  360. Renee Powers Says:

    I just read an article that indicated that there are 30 million ex-Catholics in the U.S. (of which I am one), and that the “reconstituted” Catholic Church (in other words, “everything old is new again”) is trying to lure us back. There’s no sincere desire to make amends for all the abuse we suffered at the hands of the “penguin-suited psychopaths.” The ONLY consideration that motivates those people is – MONEY. I think they realized that they made the world’s biggest mistake with their “aggiornamento” – and the people bolted and ran. They now know that it was the middle- and working -class Catholics who were supporting the churches in the 1950s, and in their inimitably stupid fashion, they thought that they could continue to bully us into accepting their denatured “Mass” along with all of the abuse. just imagine: I had the “old
    Catholicism” pounded and slapped into me – the notion that the “Church was immutable and unchanging” – then, they did a 180-degree volte face and told me that I had to accept an alien philosophy! I used to be insulted and humiliated publicly by ignorant slobs of nuns – kept out of the Sodality because “I wasn’t really a Catholic,” although I was expected to keep up that facade by going to their Masses. My own mother (who was devout) couldn’t even have a Requiem Mass because the lazy lout of a priest wouldn’t perform one (just a few bored prayers at the funeral home), but a piece of human filth from England – Jimmy Savile, who has been accused of pedophilia, Satanism, and even necrophilia! – lay in state at the Leeds Cathedral, and was honored with a High Requiem Mass! (He was also a Knight of Malta, a Papal Knight, and knighted by Queen Elizabeth herself!) What a damned lot of hypocrites the Catholic hierarchy are! They spin one way, like a weathervane, and when that doesn’t work – they spin back again! Good riddance to the lot of them; they lost ME at the starting gate…

  361. rickcarufel Says:

    I attended St Edward’s School in Pawtucket RI where I was mentally and physically tortured by vicious nuns for five long years. I feel this ruined my life as it caused me to lose all faith in god and family.
    It wasn’t just the physical torture but the public display and humiliation of being physically dominated and having intense pain inflicted in front of all the class. I feel the Catholic Church owes me huge damages for destroying my life. We need to stop the brainwashing of children by religious groups by using torture to program them. With the resignation of the pope to avoid criminal prosecution for sex crimes against children, The church has shown itself for what it is, an evil criminal organization that serially and conspiratorially mentally, physically and sexually abuse children. Their tax exemption needs to be revoked and they should be made to pay taxes back to the time of the first conviction of a priest for sex crimes.

    We need to file a class action against the Catholic Church to get a restraining order to close all their schools for starters, get the kids away from them.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


      You make excellent points! —– YES, the nuns were VERY cruel to children! —– YES, the Catholic Church made our young lives very ugly! —– I grew up in NYC in the late 40’s and early 50’s, and the Sisters of Charity were not very nice people. —— They should not have been around children! —- They were very sick individuals and very negative people! —- They were mentally ill people!

      The way people can control the Catholic Church is to withhold weekly money contributions. (The Catholic Church loves money! Money is their God!) You can go to Church (Mass) if you so desire, without putting anything in the collection basket. I attend church with my “Practicing Catholic Wife,” and I NEVER contribute to the collection basket! —– I have no respect for the Catholic Church so why should I support the organization?

      As far as “getting justice in the courts” for what the nuns did to children, this would take a lot of organization, and tons of money. —– In addition, the group would be up against the “good old boy network of judges, lawyers and politicians” who are connected to the Catholic Church in some way! —– Remember, it was the “little people” who suffered the abuse from the nuns in the parish schools. —– The Catholic Academies, (where the parents paid “big money tuition”), never treated the students in the same negative fashion as the nuns did in the neighborhood Catholic Schools! —- The nuns “kissed the ass of parents” with money! —- I have people in my own family who attended Catholic Academies who think that I am lying when I tell them how I was treated by the nuns in the neighborhood Catholic School! —- You see, their experience is totally different! —– Money talks! —– The best way to deal with the issue is to not contribute your money, — join a good Bible Based Church with real Christians, — and move on and have nothing to do with with the Catholic Church. I have no respect for Catholic Nuns or the Church!

      Best regards! —- God bless!

    • Steve C Says:

      I totally agree with you, a class action suit is needed.
      I attended Catholic school for seven years and was beaten physically and mentally abused for all those years.
      Granted, I wasn’t the best behaved child but to be beaten relentlessly by these sick nuns was going over the top.
      I can remember on two ocassions when three nuns ganged up on me and beat me until I could barely walk. I had two nuns, one on each side of me, holding my arms stretched out and the third nun beating me. I felt like I was Jesus Christ getting ready to be crucified.
      The nuns I attened school with were crazy sick individuals.
      I am a left handed person and as hard as the nuns tried to convert me to being right handed it failed. They would do things like slap my left hand with a yard stick and tell me that I was on the side of the devil.
      Sue the bastards!

      • rickcarufel Says:

        They did the same thing to me and made me write right handed. They told me that because I was left handed I was evil. How sick is that? What kind of crap is that to tell little kids?

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        The nuns were trained to make every child fit into the “Catholic Mold” as defined by the “management of the Catholic Church in Rome!” ——– It was part of their “play book” as written by Rome! They were the “storm troopers” of the Catholic Church! —— They had an “agenda” and a “daily mission.” A child who is “different” or is an “independent thinker” cannot be tolerated within the school! They must conform to the acceptable mold! —— When I was in school I refused to conform to the “Catholic Mold,” and I paid the price. I was passed over for creative educational opportunities that the “good little followers received.” The non thinkers were given awards for their loyalty. —– NOTE: — The “loyal followers” that I know from school are still defending the Catholic Church and the nuns. —– Why, — because they are still part of the active organization. They are “Deacons” or they are part of the “Sunday Mass Group.” They are the “in-group” who just loves to give orders to the congregation, and “dress up for religious services, —- and they are very close to the nuns! —— Best regards! —- God Bless! —- We are the “freedom fighters!” —– Dwayne

  362. Frank Says:

    The nationwide Royal Commission into institutional child sex abuse in Australia was launched yesterday. 1200 people have already contacted the commission wishing to testify, and another 5000 are expected to.

    It will be interesting to see what evidence comes forth about abuse by nuns. The Catholic Church has already received a formal request from the commission compelling the production of relevant documents. This is a promising sign that the commission is serious about going after the pervasive cover-up that many believe the church has slickly orchestrated from the top for a very, very long time, and of which they are profoundly guilty.

    There is cautious optimism that this process can help with healing and justice… at least for some… and possibly vicariously for others, but there is also the fear that some will feel left out and disenfranchised e.g. those not sexually abused but who are scarred by their abuse just the same.

    Time will tell how much light is shed on nun abuse by the commission and whether the firetender’s statement at the head of this blog that “This impact has largely been ignored” continues to be true or not.

    Politicians, justice professionals and advocacy groups in many countries are watching this royal commission closely. Ireland was 1st… now Australia… which country can muster the necessary social action to be next in trying to secure healing and justice for victims, and to see the church globally get its just deserts.

    Here’s a news story on the launch:

    • George Says:

      Frank, just before my book “Smothered” was published news came out that the Royal Commission was going to be formed and I wrote about their early efforts — I’m glad to see that it has launched! I hope that as you say, other countries will follow with their own investigations so that we all get to “see the church globally get its just deserts”.

  363. George Says:

    Russ, these abusive nuns have a role model. Two researchers at the University of Montreal wrote an article on mother Teresa for the March 2013 issue of Studies in Religion/Sciences religieuses based on 287 published writings about her. They found that her management of the hundreds of millions of dollars she received as donations was “suspicious.” The way she “cared” for the sick was to let them suffer. She would pray for them but not spend a penny on them. Like the rest of the church abusers she believed, in her own words: “There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ’s Passion. The world gains much from their suffering.” The doctors observed in her missions, “a significant lack of hygiene, even unfit conditions, as well as a shortage of actual care, inadequate food, and no painkillers.” But when she needed care she got it in a modern American hospital.

    My friend Frank who writes on this blog and gives us great information says that the way “mother” Teresa acts is just how all nuns think about people and about children – that suffering is good. We all know how the nuns like to make us suffer. Frank says: Sick and twisted ideology like this has been pervasive in society since forever … Genocide can’t happen unless there are screwy, pervasive beliefs widely held by the perpetuators of those beliefs and the perpetrators of the abuse. The Spanish Inquisition, the burning of heretics and witches, The Nazi extermination of Jews, Serbs against Bosnians, Darfur, Mali as we speak … It goes on and on.”
    If you want to read the whole article on the nun who didn’t care, here is the link:

  364. rickcarufel Says:

    I wonder if these nuns are guilty of even more evil crimes than child abuse. I have heard the same story about every convent, that the nuns were having sex with the priests and each other, performed illegal abortions on each other, and burried the dead babies in the basement of the convent. I find it hard to believe there isn’t some truth to these stories. Surely this has to be true in some parishes.

    • Melpub Says:

      well, think of Agnes of God. But I see enormous sickness in everyday nuns. There’s a YouTube channel, “SheIsCatholic” by a young girl who is, alas, now training to be a nun. I watched a few of her videos, since she’s pretty and talented and has a good singing voice–and what did she sing? Her very own version of Cyndi Lauper, so not “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun,” but “Girls Just Wanna Be Nuns.” I followed this chick, wondering what was up, since this particular video already gave me the feeling that she had a profound need to deny her own sexuality and become a nun, and that would lead to problems, not just for her, but also for any child who came her way. So. Next thing I know, one of her last You-Tube videos before Entering The Nunnery was an enraged screed against “Shades of Gray,” the bestseller with some mildly sadomasochistic sex scenes. Oh, dear. LIke every nun I have ever encountered, she really has massive conflicts about sex, and those conflicts will emerge as frustration, which can take the form of raging abuse–of herself and others.

  365. rickcarufel Says:

    Someone who lives near a Catholic School where the nuns still abuse the children needs to file a complaint with the court requesting a restraining order to get the school closed on the grounds of serial child abuse. Then the media has to be contacted and it has to be hyped enough to reach the national media. Once that happens the expose’ will snowball and will destroy the Catholic School system. It’s only gonna take a small incident that attracts national media attention. This can easily be staged so long as it is sincere and honest. It will start the chain of events that will lead to the end of Catholic Schools in the US.

  366. Michael donohue Says:


    I am a victim of 1950/60/70. Catholic school. When I tell people about the abuse we all suffered they can not believe it…….. To the point they think I am making it up!,,,,

    These idiots destroyed our lives!


    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      You are all correct with your comments! —– YES, the nuns were evil and cruel! —— YES, the nuns need to be brought to justice! But remember, the nuns were taking their marching orders from Rome! —- The leadership of the Catholic Church new exactly what was going on in the Catholic Schools in the United States. —- That is why all of our stories are very similar in content! It was part of a “master plan” to control children, and then control the same people as adults! It all boils down to money! The individual is of no value in the eyes of the Catholic Church. They only thing that counts is the amount of money that the person can contribute over a life time. —- An investigation needs to be initiated in the United States as to the damage that was done to human beings, (children), in Catholic Schools in the 40’s, 50’s, 60s, & 70’s! —– The nuns were told to treat children in an “aggressive / negative manner!” —- The nuns were told to “break the spirit of children” in order to have loyal / non-thinking robots as adults. Mental illness within the adult membership of the Catholic Church is wide spread due to the actions of the nuns years ago! This was not an accident, and it was not just a select few group of nuns! It was done by design! —

      Best Regards to all! —– God Bless!


    • pattyann Says:

      Michael Donohue….I talked to my doctor about an on-going anxiety problem. She asked me what was going on. I touched on some memories of my Catholic school days (1960-1969). She looked at me as if I were a nut case and asked me if I heard voices? She does not believe me. My husband doesn’ t either. He keeps asking me why I didn’ t fight back….he has to be kidding !!!! That was never an option.

      • MaryW Says:

        Sweet, Sweet Pattyann, no one will ever understand the hell we went through. We were innocent children who were tortured mentally and physically. We watched our friends and classmates tortured, mentally and physically, We had no power over the evil nuns. They would smack the shit out of us for no reason and enjoy it. How could we tell our parents when they might say something and make it worse for us or our siblings. PTSD from hell. I take meds like they were candy and still suffer from the nightmares. If I see I nun I want to vomit from the memories. Tell your stupid, stupid shrink to read these pages and learn how to really help someone. I would report him/her for incompetence. Love to you Pattyann

      • rickcarufel Says:

        Some of the worst damage these monsters did was to make out the child they injured and their pat answer to all question about questionable, scratches, welts and bruises was “Rough-housing at recess.” They portrayed every child who complained to their parents about abuse as a pathological liars and those lies possibly did more damage to the children than the abuse. To completely undermine a child’s honesty with his/her family to hide their abuses is another clear indication that this abuse was not only serial but premeditated and policy.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


        Your Doctor needs to see a Doctor! —- You are a good person who is sharing “personal information” about experiences in childhood! —– When we were in Catholic School we did not have the ability to fight back, nor did we have the support from our parents to fight back. —– My parents were afraid of the nuns! — So if they were afraid of the nuns, where did that leave me in school. —- God bless you! —- Best regards! —- Dwayne

  367. JD Says:

    I went to St Vinny’s….I had some of the same nuns mentioned at the same time…Sister Helen Marie was by far the worst….She looked and acted like Granny of the Beverly Hillbillies…she was out of her mind and beat everyone,,,,I would say that the boys were beaten a hundred times more than the girls…..only Sr Helen Marie beat the girls…..but in defense of the culture, it’s a mistake to think that it was just a Catholic School thing……38 states still allowed corporal punishment in their PUBLIC SCHOOLS up until the 1990’s….By 1970, the Brooklyn Catholic Schools quickly began to phase it out….Of course you could have sent your kids to the NY Public Schools back then, which had MORE violence, only it was kid to kid…..stuck up at knife point for your money, ritualistically bullied…..teachers looked the other way…..I broke up 100’s of fights in the public school I taught in, took knives and guns from kids….at least in the Catholic schools, you could avoid most of it by obeying the rules (or being a girl)…We kids almost never fought among ourselves. The parents all used corporal punishment for the most part as well (again, 90% on the boys)….Boys were all potential cannon fodder anyway, back then in the draft days…..In ST Vinny’s we had 70 kids in a class under Sr Cor Marie….it went down to 63 by 6th grade (Sr Helen Marie…..then they built a new wing)….nowadays, they kill 1/3 of the babies before they’re born, and they complain about the nuns? The nuns turned no one away…..the parents were negligent in letting it go on, but most kids wouldn’t tell that they were beaten because they were afraid their parents would support the nuns, and maybe hit them as well……Schooling itself is a violent thing…forcing everyone to sit in those cramped rooms for 6 hours a day, making them memorize useless facts……John Taylor Gatto, in his Underground Hisitory of American Education, has demonstrated with excellent research, how the system was set up to keep people down and depressed, and keep them from procreating….it sure has worked….I will say this….the kids in St Vinny’s for all the violence, did better in life , money and family wise than their contemporaries in public schools….not to minimize the problems…….by the way, if you go back and look at movies of the 40’s and 50’s, you will see that it was considered nromal to beat your kis….if a father came home from work, and the son had been fresh to the mom, he was supposed to be belted…’s just the way it was…..BTW, I got more than my share of whuppins….

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      From your posting I am going to assume that you were a teacher in New York City Public Schools. (God bless you!) I was a teacher for 33 years in New Jersey Public Schools across the Hudson River from New York City. I also took drugs and weapons away from students in High School!

      I attended Catholic School both in New York City and in New Jersey and we had violence among the students in both schools and the nuns looked the other way! —- As a student you were always stressed out! —- It was a very poor learning atmosphere.

      Because violence, on the part of the nuns was a sign of the times does not make it right! Remember, the nuns represented the Christian Religion. If anyone should not have been aggressive it should have been them!

      YES, hitting children was the norm for both parents and nuns! Was it a better society, —- I do not know? ——- I do know that I remember some of the things that my father did to me that were very “mean” and “negative.” —– To this day I can remember my father saying to me that —- “I was a lazy good for nothing and I would never amount to anything in my life!” —- That conversation took place in the kitchen of our four room apartment in New York City in the 50’s! —- (I had a learning disability and I was struggling in school!) —– I was the “slow kid” in the family during the first 12 years of school. My parents made it a point to “put me down” in the presence of other family members! —- Well the “slow kid” later on in life earn two Master’s Degrees, but my father never said that he was proud of me or that he loved me! —-Somehow, he was always disappointed in me! —– In the fifth grade I studied real hard and I did very well in school (based on my ability!). The deal was that I would get a two wheel bike for our summer house in New York State. When the time can to go to town to purchase the bike he was dragging his feet! —– When I confronted him, my father initiated a “issue” and a verbal fight stated. —- He then tried to get out of purchasing the bike in town as a punishment to me. — (My mother stood up for me and we went to town!) —- The man could never do anything nice. If he gave you something he would NEVER let you forget it! ——– (If I had been my father, I would have got an early start with my son. We would have driven to town before the department store opened. We would have had breakfast at the local diner. We would have taken some pictures of the event and of the the purchase of the bike. I would have purchased some accessories for the bike. I would have made it a “BIG DEAL!”) —- I never got the bike that I wanted from the Department Store. —- I settled for any bike just to get a bike! —- My wedding reception was the same thing. —— My parents and my wife’s parents designed the entire event and never asked us what we wanted! —— It was their show! —- Children are human, and they have feelings. The NUNS never understood that! —- If you want young people to perform at an acceptable levels treat them like human beings! —– I taught Computer Aided Drafting / AutoCAD Software to “Special Needs Students”. They learned the course material because they knew that I was “on their side!” They knew that I would be with them throughout the school year to make things happen. I would teach the course material over and over again until they understood the material.

      Hitting and yelling at young people does not change behavior. Working together as part of a team changes behavior. If a student does not understand course material yelling will not increase that understanding.

      Best regards to all! —– Have a great day.


  368. pat Says:

    I attended LIttle Flower Grammar School in Bklyn NY in the early
    60’s. We had a very large class 30 boys and 30 girls. One nun
    and she made us sit in rows according to our averages. I was not
    one of the smartest in the class so each day as I came to my seat I
    was reminded of how many of my friends were ahead of me in learning. I remember the nun Sr. Mary Eymard asking a boy in the
    class to close the window with the window pole. He got so nervous
    trying to close the window and pushed the pole thru the glass. He
    urinated right in front of all of us and she screamed at him for soiling
    the floor. She slapped him so hard he had finger marks on his face
    for hours. If you spoke in class when you were not called upon
    she made you stand in the corner holding one bent leg behind you or
    made you face the class holding your tongue in your hand. One girl
    came in after having been to the beauty shop the day before to
    prepare for 8th grade graduation class picture. The nun saw that
    she had hairspray in her hair so she called her up to the front of the
    room and sat her there and poured a bucket of water over her head
    and proceeded to comb out the hair pulling it from the front of her
    head to the back. Not a sound could be heard as we all sat there
    and could do nothing. I think guilt stays with some of us who wanted
    to stand up and do something but did nothing. There was alot of
    slapping in my class too and humiliating children who were poor
    readers or poor math students. If you dared to talk in church when
    we were waiting to go to confession (every friday, 2:30pm) the nun
    climbed thru the pew to drag you out by your hair or your ears
    and forced you to kneel in the middle aisle of the church until the
    entire class was finished with confession. I hope people realize that
    there are all forms of abuse, verbal can be just as bad as physical.
    God bless the people who still feel the scars today.

  369. rickcarufel Says:

    There can be no doubt that these nuns were vicious sadists who specialized in the mental and physical torture of children. This was the policy of the church and not the actions of some rouge nuns. This is evident by the fact that nuns would get swapped around whenever one of them gave a child a particularly brutal beating. The parents would raise hell and that nun would get transffered and replaced by one just as savage. The Catholic Church is a terrorist organization that greatly damages any child that come in contact with it. Their history is one of genocide, murder and plunder. Their schools are indoctrination centers where children are tortured into conforming to their doctrine. The physical abuse may have been toned down but they still use mental torture on children. The public humiliation is still there. The ridicule before the whole class, stood up in front of everyone while the nun rails on the child making curses, and basically humiliating and terrorizing the child is still practiced in the schools. The actual physical beatings and torture may have been pared back but the intent to break the will of the children and to dominate them with Catholic dogma is still in full swing. This is premeditated, serial, child abuse and endangerment. It must be stopped.

    • George Says:

      That’s a great report. I didn’t know they moved nuns around like they do with priests. How did you find out that they moved them, was it from personal experience? The nuns that beat and finally smothered me into a coma would take turns doing their evil work. Those of us who got abused and can still talk are the only proof of what they did. We need to keep telling our stories to everyone and everywhere.

      • rickcarufel Says:

        I saw the switching of nuns myself. There was a nasty incident where on of my teachers left claw marks on a boy. They had a habit of grabbing a child by the inside of the upper arm and digging in their nails The child would be displayed in front of the class and the nun would have a death grip on that very tender part of the arm and who how the child like that in front of the class and curse and ridicule them for 10-15 min like that. one child couldn’t stand the pain and ripped away from the nun and tore up his arm in the say process. There was a big stink, as usual the nuns tried to the injury happened at recess. Needless to say that nun disappeared and was replaced by one even more vicious.

        I think the worst damage these monsters did was to undermine the honestly of the children they abused. When a child would complain to the parents the nuns would always lie and never admit to a single scratch welt or bruise. They would convince the parents that every injury was from rough-housing at recess. This would destroy the child’s integrity at home because the nuns had convinced the parents the child was a liar. So not only was school torture, that wasn’t enough, they had to undermine the child’s honesty with their family too. So their evil influence reached into the homes of the children and made their parents doubt the honesty of the child.

        I have had it with the whole situation. I intend to write an expose on the subject. I will call it “Penguins in Bondage” after the Frank Zappa song, who by the way I think attended catholic school.

      • MaryW Says:

        The most horrible thing the nuns did beside the torture for years was to make me so confused. I wanted to be a good catholic and I thought I must be a bad person because why do they treat me so badly because nuns and priests are from God. I want my Catholic faith restored in what was once good. Why is something I thought so Holy so evil.

      • rickcarufel Says:

        The catholic Church has never been from God or good. They rule by murder hatred and oppression. The Church has murdered far more people over the centuries than Hitler or Stalin ever dreamed of. The Church has destroyed whole cultures, civilizations and ethnic groups with abject control of the masses their goal. They were evil from their inception. Even the most diabolic satan worshiper, who would sacrifice a baby to the devil is appalled at the idea of destroying and looting whole civilizations. So there is no misunderstanding here let me make this completely clear:
        There may have been some saintly people associated with the church over the years but the church has always been about control, wealth and perversion. Their policies methods always the most vicious and brutal.

      • firetender Says:

        Rick, like everyone else who has come here I have puzzled over this question time and time again. I believe we were in the minority though it was an appallingly large minority. Though I am quite aware of the destruction in the Catholic Church’s wake I still can’t neglect those millions and millions of people over the years who have gained true solace, encouragement and guidance from their belief IN the Church and its teachings no matter how politically misguided.

        This is a moral failure of epic proportions, yet, the way faith operates is its value is in the eyes of the faithful. I won’t call current day followers of the Church fools because, ultimately, it’s ALL about the individual’s relationship with that which is Greater than themselves. Yes, the Church IS that Greater thing to many, yet, narrow-visioned as human beings are, so many people DO focus on the intent of Christ and rarely come up against the horrors as you and all of us have described and experienced.

        I want the faithful to have their Church — or let’s say, once it comes clear that the Catholic Church harbors child-molesters and is doing NOTHING to address the core problems that cause this and they are stripped of their rights to have anything to do with children under the age of consent — I want them to have take what is left of their church and embrace it if they can.

        And what will be left? Their faith, but now it will be away from the shadows and easier to embrace now that the distractions coming out of the power-mad, sex-deprived leaders of that faith have been exposed for who they are.

      • Melpub Says:

        Regarding the issue raised by the person who deplores the abuse but wonders about the millions who have gained solace from the church: IT’S ALL DEFINITION. One man’s god is another’s abuser; one man’s Christ is another’s tormentor, one man’s pope, etc, one man’s or woman’s nun, etc. I’m an atheist, so have always assumed that “man (and woman) creates god in his/her image.” Because there are nice people in the world, there are also good nuns–Sister Wendy, the art nun, and Sister Helen Prejean, the nun who wrote DEAD MAN WALKING, spring to mind. But CELIBACY is a bad thing, and tends to attract the DEEPLY WIERD, and to exacerbate already deep problems of clergy who enter orders, and WHO THEN TAKE IT ALL OUT ON CHILDREN.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


        Well said! —- The Catholic Church has the ability to paint an image of themselves for the outside world that is “good” and “professional,” while behind closed doors they do their dirty deeds! —- (They are like “slick use car sales people!” —- They sell you a shiny car that is worthless!) —- They were never interested in the welfare of the membership of the church, — rather, they use the membership of the church for their own agenda! —- The children in the Catholic Schools were always expendable! — They were there to be manipulated by the nuns into “non-thinking loyal followers” who would give a maximum amount of money to the church for their entire lives when they became adults. —- If you attended a Catholic Academy, — (with a high tuition), — as opposed to a regular Catholic School, — the education and the treatment was entirely different. —– Here again “money talks!” —– When I share my experiences with people they do not believe me. They do not believe me because it is not “logical” for religious people to treat children in such a negative fashion. —- This “logic” works to the advantage of the Catholic Church, because the church can label us as people who are making up these negative stories. This defuses the entire issue, and allows them to spin their own story! — (They are very good at that skill!) —- Most if not all of the nuns who treated me poorly are long since dead, so there is no opportunity to confront them! — By telling our stories on this site, we are getting the information into the hands of the people! —- We are the survivors! —– We are here sharing information! —- We can support one another! —— Best regards to all! —- God bless! ———- Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        Sadly Dwanye – you are right as always, their agenda is so obvious now that we are adults and can see it.

      • Melpub Says:

        Write, for goodness sakes, write! I have been following these stories, and the main problem is that they are confined to this blog. Get a literary agent–google something like “best literary agent for non-fiction memoir” or “for memoir on nuns” or “on religion” and see what comes up. Abuse stories sell, and you’d be exposing something people NEED TO KNOW!

      • George Says:

        This blog gave me the incentive to write my story. It can be done without having to find a literary agent or spending much money. Some companies will publish your e book for $99 and not take any money you get from sales on amazon or barnes and noble. I didn’t write it for money, just to get the word out there. You can go on these websites and read what the story is about – let me warn you that it is very graphic in describing what the nuns did to me. If you want to read the whole book, I can send you a free pdf of it that you can read on your computer. If anyone wants one, tell Russ and I will send it to him and he can send it to you. If you read it, and want to do so you could write a comment on amazon or one of the other online book stores. Here is the link to the book:

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Rick:

        We all have had very bad experiences with Catholic Education, and the Nuns associated with that education. These experiences are well documented on both this site, and on other sites on the “net!” —— What bothers me, is that some people who witnessed other children being abused, will defend the nuns. They paced the blame on the student being abused. It seems that as long as they were not being abused it was “ok” for other children to be abused. This sounds like what was going on in Germany in the late 30’s with the Jews and the Germans watching the process.

        If you have children who are gifted, intelligent, talented, an independent thinker, attractive, outgoing, a positive personality, outgoing, fun to be with, psychologically healthy and kind, DO NOT SEND THEM TO A CATHOLIC SCHOOL! —— The nuns and their loyal lay teachers will destroy them and their future!

        Be advised that Catholic Schools ARE NOT generators of greatness with regards to the future of the individual student. They want every student to fit into the Catholic Mold, and this mold does not benefit the future of the young person, but rather, it benefits the future of the Catholic Church.

        If a child comes from money, the NUNS are all over them and their parents. —— Money talks!

        Catholic Schools attract staff and clergy who share their negative agenda.

        Catholic Schools only exist to create Catholic Loyal Drones that will obey the leaders of the church without question! —– (Blind Obedience!)

        Catholic Schools thrive on damaging the “will” and the “creativity” of the student. They destroy “independent thinking,” “independent reasoning” and “independent self-expression.” —- They want total control of the child’s life in order to create loyal adult drones!

        Many adults who have attended Catholic School and who have drank the Catholic Cool Aide are not comfortable in their own skin.

        But there is also good news! —- Every Catholic School that closes saves children from a life time of psychological & physical pain, guilt, brain washing and drudgery.

        Best regards to all! —– We are the survivors and we are getting the word out! ———- We are making things happen! —- Dwayne

      • George Says:

        Dawyne, that was a good discouse on the reality of catholic schools

      • Steve Says:

        It is sad to read all the horror stories about the Catholic school nuns. I attended Catholic school for seven yeasr and was a tatget of their physical and mental abuse sometimes on a daily basis.
        I never experienced any of the sexual abuse from our priest, he was always drunk, but the physical beatings and mental torture from the nuns was unbearable.
        I can not begin to tell you how many beatings I suffered through in the seven years that I attended school there.
        For some of us to keep our sanity we kept score of who received the most beatings from these sick bastards during the school year. I remember one instance when sister Rachel turned one of her goons (Bill Yohey) on me and let him beat the crap out of me while she looked on. Then for several days after that she taunted me by threatening more violence. Thank God both of these individuals are dead now and I hope rotting in hell.
        Quite frankley, I am suprised there has not been a class action lawsuit filed against the church for the years of abuse we all suffered at the hands of these perverts.

      • rickcarufel Says:

        Even in church they had a setup that actually separated the worshipers into the paid section and the unpaid section, making it clear to all the congregation who way paying and who was not. So if you went to church and didn’t give a seating donation, this is upon entering the church and not to be confused with when they passed the donations tray 3 times during the mass.

        This was closely monitored by one of the nuns and if you didn’t donate on Sunday you were in for hell in school on Monday. If you didn’t go to church, you were in for hell on Monday. I saw kids slapped in the face so hard they flew over their desk and rolled across the floor till they hit the wall. This was for not donating on Sunday. So I would call this extortion. What else do you call it when you get beaten for not giving someone money, extortion? embezzlement? terrorism for sure.

        I would go months at a time always having a cut on the inside of my mouth, either lip or cheek from the nuns constantly slapping me in the face for not giving them money or going to church. They even tried to keep me back one year for failing religion class. This too was deliberate punishment and torture for monetary gain.

        Kids had to steal money from their parents so they could donate to the church to avoid beatings.

        My mother complained to the school board about them trying to fail me for not passing religion, all my other grades were passing, and the school board forced them to promote me to the next grade.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


        I attended Saint Joseph’s School, —- (a small parish Catholic School in NYC on Christopher Street), — from 1948 to 1955 with 30 students in a class. —– Our text books were “hand me down books” from Saint Joseph’s Academy that was also affiliated with the same church! —- The Academy had 10 to 15 students in a class. The nuns did the exact same thing. They manipulated children to go after other children that they did not like. (I was on the receiving end of that process!) The “violence” in this school was a big problem! Nobody care enough to correct the problem. There was no “real education” in this school other than religious education and violence from the nuns. — The nuns considered us the “unwashed masses!” —– We were less than human in their eyes. —- It was an “Irish Parish!” —- If you were not “Irish,” you did not get any attention. —– Weddings provided some money for the Altar Boys. If you were the “anointed few,” you were assigned to the weddings. I never served at a wedding, but I was selected for the 6:00 am Mass on a regular basis! —- Everyday I attended school my “insides” were in a knot! —- I never felt comfortable in school and in class. This is why I had a “big problem learning.” —- These years destroyed my life. After the military, I was able to reorganize my life and move forward. To bad the internet was not in force earlier in our lifetime. We could have confronted some of these monsters face to face! —– All of these nuns are dead and buried! —- All the best to you, and everyone on this great site! —- God bless! —– Dwayne

      • Don Says:


        So how do you and we come to peace with all this and stop allowing the dead nuns and brothers to control our lives? This is a sincere question. So much of what is written in this blog is terrible indeed. But I realize that I am the one keeping these terrible things alive in my own life. I am just curious how much more of our lives we continue to give them control over. And how we truly heal and try to move on. I don’t make light of all this. I am just not wanting to die not having found a way to move on.


      • rickcarufel Says:

        I can’t speak for Dawyne but a few million bucks would do a lot for me and a public admission of “abuse as policy” and apology from the pope. Oh and one of his hats too. 🙂

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


        You ask a very interesting question! The nuns have done a lot of damage, but remember they lived in a different world! —- (I am not defending them, but they could not relate to the real world! They were “sick people” and they should not have been around children. They saw children as sinful, and their goal was to beat the sin out of them at all cost!) —– What I write about on this site seems to be much more of an issue with me now that I have retired from teaching, and I have had a chance to look back at my life, and see where the damage was done! —– When I was attending college and working for my BA degree I was too busy with the work to think about my past. —- Once I was teaching, I was too busy doing the job and working towards two MA degrees. —- It was only after my life slowed down that these memories started to come back and annoy me!

        I have a part time professional educational business where I work with young people and their parents / guardians to help them to become their own teachers, and in the process, make things happen in their life by design. —– (This is my way of giving something back to the next generation. Within the program I share my experiences with the young person and their parents to demonstrate where I came from, and what I had to do to become successful.)

        I do not think that we will every be free from what happened to us in the same way that Vietnam Vets will never forget their experiences in the war. —- You can put them behind you, but you cannot forget, and maybe you should not forget so that it never happens to other young people! —— I am 70 years old, and I can still remember sitting in the 4th grade being hit by the nun like it was yesterday. — I can also remember being on the firing range in Fort Dix qualifying with the M1 rifle in 1963. —– I can also remember almost being shot with an M1 rife on a range in Fort Dix, when a soldier tried to kill a Drill Sgt.! —— They are just memories, and when memories are charged with “emotion” they are a strong part of our memory!

        I try to make it a point to enjoy everyday. I do not participate in the Catholic Church. —– I believe in God and I know someday he will say that I did a good job with the talents, skills and abilities that he gave me. —– During my 33 years of teaching, I encouraged all of my students to take control of their own education, and to be all that they could be in life. One of my students that I had in the late 60’s graduated from West Point. (He has retired from the Military!) I made it a point to treat every student with respect, professionalism and sensitivity. Any student who asked me for a letter of recommendation for a post high school education I made it a point to write an outstanding letter! —- I wanted them to be successful as opposed to the attitude of the nuns.

        Best regards to you and everyone on this site. ——- We are getting the word out! —– This is helping us to heal. —- The Catholic Church is monitoring this site, and they know that we exist. — In addition, there are other people like ourselves, who are reading our stories, and who have not chosen to participate. —- Maybe we can encourage them to participate! —— Knowing that we all exist is part of the “group healing process.” —– We survived! —- We are speaking out! —- The Church cannot silence us! —- This site is doing a lot of damage to their image! —— God Bless! —- Dwayne

      • firetender Says:

        From what I gather, people begin to awaken from their slumbers of denial and repression and do a Google search on something/anything to do with the Catholic church, nuns and abuse. By some quirk in the cyber-world and yheir choice, they end up here.

        I admit that people show up, find massive affirmations of what turns out to be a very common experience, and then are stuck with razor blades slitting through old wounds that they had long ago forgotten about or buried enough to maintain their distance from the pain.

        Yet, I know a lot of you are looking and so many of you are taking yourselves seriously for the first time in your lives…

        This site is here to say “YES, it really happened; and you weren’t the only one!”

        So consider that a springboard. It is a door opening; a new way of being able to see the world and how you have lived your life in it. Remember now? You made decisions about what life was about and your place in it back around the time you, as a child, were going through abuse at the hands of some very sick women who were protected by an even sicker patriarchy,.

        Now you can see through a slightly less distorted lens because you know what? I don’t care how old you are, you are still living a significant part of your life based on those early and literally childlike decisions.

        I think the people on this site are giving you permission: you can be free now because you’re facing squarely a very formative period of your life.

        Think about it; who really tackles stuff like this? Who really looks at what shaped him/her? As weird as it sounds, who gets metaphors stronger than this to help them better understand the forces that molded them?

        I think the examples of abuse spoken about here help each of us to get a clearer picture — through reading others’ stories — of how these trumatic experiences affected us.

        Did I mention that this stuff can be painful? But if you work it right, as so many people here are doing, it’s all about liberation!

        Do you see the blessing?

        IMHO this site is all about the first step, the part where you get to open your eyes with the help of some new friends who’ve lived in your neighborhood. For the first time in your lives (for most who come here, anyway),you get to see your experience being reflected.

        I think if this site does nothing more than provide a safe space for some wounded kids to get together and talk about their traumas for the first time then that’s something to work with,

        Yes, it’s up to you, but we’re all trying to make this site a decent safety net for you and everyone else walking this wire.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Well said Firetender! —– This is a gathering place where we can share our experiences in an atmosphere of respect, understanding, love and security. —– We understand each other, and we are able to give support to one another as we work through the personal experiences that we had with some VERY sick people (nuns) in our past lives. —– The nuns had a very distorted view of life. Who in their right mind would enter an organization, (religious order), dress up in a uniform that sets themselves apart from society, and live a negative life! There was something psychologically wrong with their individual makeup long before they become nuns. —- When you look at them from this point of view, it is not surprising that they treated children in a negative fashion. They were “mentally ill” but this is what attracted them to serve the Catholic Church. Their position gave them “power” over people, and that is what they were seeking in their twisted mind when they entered the convent. ——- Nuns and priests actually believe that somehow they are “better” / “more pleasing to God” that the average person. That is why they feel that it is their duty to tell us what to do, and when to do it, and this attitude can be seen in all the postings on this site! —- God had nothing to do with the experiences! It was all about “power” and the ability to control other human beings. As an adult I have gone “one-to-one” with a priest over issues that I did not like in the world of education when our Public High School engaged in a sporting event with a Catholic High School. He folded like a cheap camera! He even went so far as pointing to his collar trying to win the discussion. Again, it is not who is right or wrong, it is all about “the power game” and “control!” —– Best regards to all! —– God bless! —- Keep up the good work! —- We are the winners! —- They cannot silence us! —– We are here to stay! ——— Dwayne

      • Melpub Says:

        About remembering what nuns did: sometimes it’s all so traumatic that we try to push it out of our minds, or take medication to make it bearable, or drink but we’re all haunted by memory even when not thinking of it. For me the way has been to write down as descriptively as I can the awful things, and how I felt and what I saw at that time.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      Well written and well stated! —- I agree with you 100%! —- The Catholic Church, along with the Nuns is one “sick institution!” —- They use their schools to indoctrinate the children into a “negative form of the Christian Religion!” —- They want “blind obedience” from the children, and from the adults! —- I would never let a nun near a child in my family! —- As a group they a very sick people! —- God bless everyone on this site! —– Keep sharing the stories! —- We need to get the information out into the world! —- All the best! —- Dwayne.

  370. Don Says:

    I just came upon this blog yesterday, as I searched for info on Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which i was recently diagnosed as having, and Catholic school abuse. Alas, this diagnosis was humbling at the age of 62 coming off of a difficult battle with Prostate Cancer, which I won. So, how does this relate to the conversation? I spent 9 years, K – 8, starting at age 4 in the care of the Sisters of Mercy and from 6 – 8 grades with an order of brothers. I don’t know this order’s name, since by 6th grade I was living mostly in a fantasy world to cope with the abuse from the sisters, brothers and priests. Sadly the cancer treatments opened a very closed door that I had constructed to move on with life and prosper, which I did in amazing ways. But once the doors were opened, the memories came flooding back pushing me into therapy for C-PTSD.

    During the elementary school years, my anger and fear turned to self-destructive behaviors, as I assumed God and the adults, including my parents, had to be right and I was a deviant and being punished by God. This amplified as I realized by 6th grade that I was maturing into a gay boy, which assured me a place in Hell. The beatings and the psychological abuse had me by 8 years old trying to end my life. Now, as an older man, I am still coping by abusing myself and working very hard to ‘rewire’ the child brain that formed from all this abuse. I think I am making progress. Time will tell.

    I am overwhelmed reading this blog by all the similar stories. I too have been bothered by all the press about sexual abuse that has ignored the other abuses. It was confirming to read so many of these blogs about the physical and psychological abuses and the impact they had and still have on us.

    Well I am rambling a bit. Russ, I appreciate your having started this blog. Know that it may help my C-PTSD therapy and save my life. Don

    • Frank Says:

      Don, you are not alone, that’s for sure. Like you I am 62 years old and only went into therapy for PTSD 2 years ago. A combination of some heart problems and an increasing level of disturbance at the daily media reports of church child abuse led me to face my demons that had been negatively impacting my life and had been buried for so long. EMDR therapy for the PTSD was the best thing I ever did… should have done it when I was 20.

      As a young adult I decided that I could be whatever I wanted to be and that my childhood could be left behind, I could move on and it would only affect me if I let it.

      I am now of the firm belief that this was not a bad strategy, but it was insufficient. Not addressing or dealing with the deeply impactful buried stuff from childhood meant that it would negatively affect me for as long as it remained buried and not dealt with. No amount of exploring my potential as an adult was going to free me of my childhood burden or the dysfunction that comes along for the ride through life.

      I just wish that I had understood much earlier in life the absolute necessity of surfacing and dealing with the demons in order to be able to move on and not be compelled to be dysfunctional in various ways.

      I want to encourage you to push on with the therapy in the belief that things can be a lot better out the other side… I have proved that for myself. My sincere and fervent wish for you is that wading back through the swamp of all that mental and emotional muck eventually leads you out to a lovely calm, relaxed, safe and enjoyable place.

      • Don Says:

        Thanks Frank for sharing your story and progress with EMDR therapy. This is the therapy I am undergoing and feel hopeful about. Time will tell.

      • MaryW Says:

        I too have had PSTD from Catholic School from hell and been on medications for some years. Also tried the EMDR and yes it does help and is amazing what your body goes through, I shook so hard many times going through it. Best to all healing from Catholic School torture.

    • B. Robertson Says:

      Tears flowed as I read your comments. My heart goes out to you. I will say a prayer for you and send you love and light. Although this blog has enlightened and helped so very much, I still am not able to understand why the Pope/Vatican,…continue to state that the priests that committed so many molestations will be dealt with. Ok, fine…but what about the nuns? It’s like a ‘closed’ subject in the Catholic Church (of which I have never gone back to). Rome and Archbishops NEVER discuss the horrors that nuns inflicted on so many millions of children. Why are they so protected? Granted, most of them are probably too old or dead but it would help so many adults if at least Catholic Churches would admit they knew what those schitzophrenic (sp?) nuns did to all of us. I’m still fighting to ‘forgive’ but forget?? Never. We were damaged or destroyed physically and psychologically. To this day, if I’m visiting someone in a Catholic Hospital and see a nun walk by, feelings rush to my mind. I cringe. It’s so difficult. You’re at a good place here.

      • Don Says:

        Thanks for your good thoughts. Interestingly, I don’t care about the church any longer or restitution. What I am focusing all my energy on is putting the inner rage and demons to rest, so I can live more at peace in whatever years are remaining in my life. What I am thankful about in finding this website is to know I am not alone in what happened to me, in other words, it wasn’t a personal failure, but the failure of the adults in my life who did not protect me, particularly my parents. Sadly, my mother confessed a short time before she died that she saw what was happening. She said that each year she could see my spirit die a bit more, but being a good Irish Catholic she felt obligated to keep me in Catholic school.

      • rickcarufel Says:

        The Church tries to deny that a child abuse issue in the schools ever existed. This is a can of worms that once opened with be the end of the Catholic school system and hopefully the the whole evil organization. I would very much like to see this evil empire toppled.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


      Welcome to the group!

      We are the survivors! —- We need to encourage other people to join the group, and in the process, tell their stories about the nuns! —- The more people who tell their stories about “child abuse” by the nuns in Catholic School, — the stronger our position becomes! —- Numbers count with regards to this issue!

      The leadership of the Catholic Church will never admit that the nuns committed crimes against children by design. —- (Remember, they were simply following the orders of upper management! They new what they were doing! It was part of the training for nuns!) —- They will ignore the total issue, and hope that it goes away! — They will put a “spin” on the total situation that makes them the victims rather than the children! —- Remember, we are all getting older everyday, and soon there will be no one to tell the stories!

      The leadership of the Catholic Church is living in a fantasy world of “kissing the ring,” and parading around in their robes! —– The ship is sinking, and no one in charge is starting the “bilge pumps!” They have been caught with their “hands in the cookie jar,” and they are very embarrassed, but their “ego” will not let them admit that they made a “big mistake” when dealing with children in school.

      Be assured that someone in the Catholic Church is reading this site. They want to know how many people are telling their stories. They want to know if this issue is going to “hit the fan!”

      Best regards! —– God bless!

  371. George Says:

    Like Pattyann, Mary W, Michael Donohue and others on this blog I have the PTSD, the nightmares and the psychological damage inflicted by vicious, deadly nuns who had no mercy. I can’t afford shrinks and drugs so I use vitamins and exercise to try and calm my mind. But the best help I get is reading this blog. Russ, you did a great service by setting up this blog. Everybody here believes in each other because we have all walked over the coals.

    • MaryW Says:

      We are all tough George!! or we would not have made it this far. and yes thank you RUSS for helping so many. I can still feel the black cloth of their habit on my face and the smell. That to has never gone away.

  372. Mario Says:

    I haven’t responded in a while, but I do read everything that has been sent. I agree with what rickcarufel says he is absolutely correct. The catholic church is rotten to the very marrow of their bones. They have murdered millions throughout the centuries. They confiscated properties, sold phony relics and amassed great wealth. Religion is a curse upon the land.

    Some of the “great” Church fathers, such as historian Eusebius (c. 263-339), were determined by their own peers to be notorious liars who regularly wrote their own fictions of what “the Lord” said and did during his alleged sojourn upon the earth. According to renowned historian Edward Gibbon, in one of his works, Evangelical Preparation (bk. 12), Eusebius provides a handy chapter entitled, “How it may be lawful and fitting to use falsehood as a medicine, and for the benefit of those who want to be deceived.”

    Wheless calls Church fathers Justin Martyr (c. 100-c. 165), Eusebius and Tertullian (c. 160–c. 220) “three luminous liars,” while Bronson Keeler concludes, “The early Christian fathers were extremely ignorant and superstitious; and they were singularly incompetent to deal with the supernatural.”

    In addition, of the dozens of gospels, those once considered canonical or genuine were later rejected as “apocryphal” or spurious, and vice versa. So much for the “inerrant Word of God” and “infallible” Church! The confusion exists because the Christian plagiarists over the centuries were attempting to amalgamate and fuse practically every myth, fairytale, legend, doctrine or bit of wisdom they could “borrow” from the innumerable different mystery religions and philosophies that existed at the time. In doing so, they forged, interpolated, mutilated, changed, and rewrote these texts for centuries.

    Why would you expect me to believe in their teachings? Faith to me is not wanting to know the truth. I went to the same schools you did and received the same beatings. I went through all 12 years of catholic schools including kindergarten which makes it 13 years. The actions of the nuns and priest, who taught us in school is the very reason I am what I am. A non-believer. Had they been nice I wouldn’t have bothered to investigate their teachings and origins of these religions

    • Melpub Says:

      INFALLIBLE and CELIBATE are concepts to be discarded. Nobody’s infallible, certainly not any pope, if history is anything to go by, and I’ve blogged quite a bit about this myself. About celibacy, I’m with Betty Bowers: “Abstincence makes the church grow fondlers.” But also abusers!

  373. Rick Carufel Says:

    I will write an expose’ of this abuse and I will need your help. I need copies of any articles from papers over the years of children being either injured or killed while being disiplined by a teacher be it nun, priest, brother or layperson in the employ of the diocise. I need photos of bruises, scratches, welts and other abraisions and contusions caused by the nuns. I need valid info to go with such photos. I wish to complie a list of people subjected to the abuse and torture who feel the experience has had a negative life-long impact.
    I need specific horror stories of vicious attacks by eyewitnesses and victims, any stories of suicide by the very young while attending Catholic School. I need every peice of damning evidence anyone of you can muster to prove the case. I need contact info for school officials who were appalled by the way the nuns treated children.
    I would love to find a photo from the fiftiesof a cute little girl, say 5-6, in here cute little cahtolic school uniforn sporting a black eye or some other evident sign of abuse for the cover. I will contribute ayear to this project and hope to publish in early 2014.
    Send evetything you know to

  374. rickcarufel Says:

    I just created a Facebook group for research for a book on the subject of Catholic School Abuse. All are welcome to join.

  375. Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

    Thank You George! —- God bless! —- Dwayne

  376. pattyann Says:

    I deal with rage. Sometimes I cannot believe that I just said that !!!! Years of holding it all in, and it comes out now? I held it in for most of my life because I was afraid to answer back. That lump in my throat while being humilitated never went away…it always managed to appear while I was being criticized for anything…I could not seem to defend myself. I just trembled in fear and turned bright red in the face.

    • Don Says:

      I certainly can identify with your thoughts. I was perplexed for years as an inner rage, often quite self-destructive, would rear its ugly head and seem to be out of my control and come from nowhere. It’s only in the past few years that I have connected all the dots and figured out the foundation of this rage. This site has definitely helped solidify my understanding of what is happening to trigger it. Now I am trying to stay in front of the triggers — rejection, criticism, abandonment — and response less as the beaten, humiliated child and more as the adult I know myself to be. It’s all so humbling.

    • MaryW Says:

      I have the same exact feeling pattyann.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


      I understand exactly what you are talking about! —- Remember we were all sold a “bill of religious goods” that did not make sense, and in the process, we were treated in a very unprofessional manner. —– When we discovered the fact that we had been “used,” it tended to make us a little annoyed! —— That is why I like this site. We can tell our stories, and in the process, get the pain out of our system! —- We can never remove the negative experiences from our memories, by we can share those experiences with other people who understand what we lived through as children. —— In the process, we can all support each other on our travel through these “uncharted waters of life.” —- Best regards! —– God bless! ——- Dwayne

  377. plowe Says:

    I too am angry and upset at the mistreatment I received at the hands of nuns K-6 at an Ursuline academy I attended in the 1970’s/80’s. This may seem late to many who thought the years of being terrorized by nuns was waning. I don’t think everyone was mistreated, but I know I was spanked with a ruler, pulled by the ear, called evil incarnate, hit with a bible, marked down in math because girls are not supposed to do better than the boys, screamed at and called evil when I was accidentally hit with a tennis racket and was unable to get up due to concussion and copious bleeding, stood in corner to be laughed at by my classmates, forced to eat when I was not hungry and nauseous, terrorized by their dog which eventually broke its chain, hunted me down and bit me off my bike only to have the nuns comfort the bloody-mouthed dog and accuse me of causing the incident….just to name a few “fond” memories. I believed them when they told me I was evil. At least for a while. It was almost more tragic, because I had two failed suicide attempts before graduating from that school and realize the whole world doesn’t think and operate like they do.
    I went on to survive, move past all that, only to have more memories come in my late 30’s/ early 40’s of sexual abuse I had repressed from 1st grade. I find myself trying to heal only to be pulled back by flashbacks at inopportune times. (are there opportune times for flashbacks?)
    So far, this is just an airing of dirty laundry, but I do have a request.
    Does anyone know how I can more intelligently try to get info about these nuns and their real names, locations and/or obituaries? Google searches have only landed me with information that alludes to the death of first grade teacher (“In loving memory” written in one of the schools newsletters but no real name, or dates associated)
    I appreciate reading all your stories as a means of support. Thanks for starting this blog!

    • firetender Says:

      I would imagine Google is the best we have right now. And I have heard mild rumblings of lawsuits starting but nothing solid re: nuns. I’m very proud of how many of you have stepped up to the plate to help each other; my heart soars like a hawk!

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Plowe:

      Welcome to the group! —— YES, the nuns were a “sick group of people” who should have NEVER been around children! —– As a group, they were “mentally ill,” — and they infected the children with their sickness!

      To this day I cannot be around nuns!

      Since the nuns did not use their “real names,” if you want to find out their “true identities,” you will have to employ an attorney to legally get into the records of the religious order. —- This will cost you some money, but if you could find some of the other students who were abused, you could share the total expense! —- I would bet the the religious order would be “a little nervous” when they get a “certified letter” from an attorney requesting that information. —– That alone would be worth the expense!

      Best regards! —– God bless! —– Dwayne

  378. Melpub Says:

    Reply to Plowe: Possibly the author of this book, Margaret M. McGuinness, would have some idea of how you could do research:

    This history of nuns in American appeared in March, 2013 and probably would be of general interest to readers of this blog. Plowe, the horror stories you’re telling should be avenged, but apart from contacting people who won’t give you information–like the current abbess or Wicked Witch of this monastery, I can only think of going undercover in some way–not necessarily as a nun, but as a cleaning lady who while emptying the trash in the Mother Superior’s office pokes through the files after donning latex gloves. For ideas about going undercover in general in a situation involving religion, though not nuns, I would highly recommend Gina Welch’s In The Land of Believers, available also on Amazon.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Melpub:

      I Googled —-“Ursuline Academy Child Abuse” —– and I came up with a number of interesting sites, some of which seem to be involved in “legal action!” ——— This information might be helpful to “Plowe!” —– Best regards! —- God bless! —- Dwayne

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Melpub:

      I did some research! —– This information comes from a newspaper “The Press Democrat” (site:

      The title of the story is: —- “A Catholic Order Based in Santa Rosa named in a Montana Abuse Lawsuit!”

      The Ursuline Sisters of the Western Province, a Catholic order whose headquarters is in Santa Rosa, are facing a lawsuit alleging child sexual abuse more than 40 years ago at their former school in Montana!

      Best regards! —– God Bless! —– Dwayne

      • rickcarufel Says:

        Can you just provide a link to the story please? I am writing an expose book about this and any info can be sent to Thank, keep posting and sooner or later these evil criminals will pay the piper.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Rickcarufel:

        Kindly be advised that I Googled “ursuline academy lawsuit” and this site came up —–( —– I hope this helps! —– Dwayne

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Rickcarufel:

        YES, we all want the nuns and their religious orders to “pay the piper” for their evil deeds, but in my case all the nuns that I had in New York City (Sisters of Charity) and New Jersey (Sisters of Charity) — {Two different groups of nuns with different habits} —- are long since dead and buried! — (I am 70 years old, and time is running out in my hour glass!) —- YES, I feel cheated!

        The nuns in NYC were the “violent nuns.” —– They were “quick with their hands,” need I say more! ———The nuns in N.J. did not use their hands, but they destroyed young people by giving them a substandard H.S. education. —— The purpose of the Catholic High School was to indoctrinate the young people into the Catholic Church, and the Catholic way of thinking! The academics were secondary! The academics were “watered down!” We left high poorly prepared for life & college. This damage is also “child abuse” in a different format. The nuns were VERY short sighted! — If we were treated in a “professional manner,” and we were educated properly, we would have earned a comfortable living over the years, and the church would have reaped the benefits in the form of donations! But they did not think in this fashion. They just wanted loyal / whipped / non-thinking drones who would obey all commands. (You know “Yes sister!” —- “No sister!” Do you remember those days in elementary school?) ——After reading about the child abuse that has gone on in Catholic Orphanages, and Catholic Schools, I would not give the Catholic Church one cent! —— I was lucky! If there is a God he / she / it was looking out for me! Fortunately I was able to correct the damage that was done to me, and I salvaged a career, and in the process, I earned three college degrees, and had a successful professional career for 33 years no thanks to the Sisters of Charity of New Jersey. —- But here are the important questions; —- What could I have become “IF” I received a “high quality academic education” for the first 12 years of my life? —– What doors would have been open to me? —– My poor education for the first 12 years limited my options in life. Isn’t this a form of “child abuse?” I would bet that out of 30 students who graduated from my Catholic elementary school in NYC only about 5 at best went on to college. (NOTE: The top student in the class attended college but never graduated!) —- Why? —- In New Jersey my H.S. graduating class had 222 students. Out of this number, I would bet that at best only 50 may have a four year college degree, and maybe 10 may have an MA degree. —– I was the “least likely to succeed” in this graduating class, but I just kept going to school, and I ended up with two MA degrees by sheer determination! —- (I WAS TOO DUMB TO KNOW HOW DUMB I WAS, —- SO I KEPT EDUCATING MYSELF! —- Once I caught on to the education process It was easy!) —– You do not have to hit a child to abuse a child! —– Lying to a child about life is a form of child abuse, because a child looks up to an adult as the “keeper of all knowledge!” —- The nuns sold us a pack of lies about religion, God, life and our place in society. —- They never taught us to “think for ourselves” or “question!” —- I would NEVER send a child to a Catholic School. There is a high school in Bergen Country N.J. dealing with “child abuse” by teaching brothers. It would probably show up on a google search. —– Best regards to all! —– God bless everyone on this GREAT site! —– Dwayne

      • rickcarufel Says:

        The Catholic Church has shown itself to be culpable for damages because of their policy and history of concealing crimes against children. A criminal organization who has harbored molesters and abusers forever. They owe you damages.

      • B. Robertson Says:

        Hi Dawyne,
        I know many of the postings are from NYC and the northeastern seaboard but don’t forget about the Midwest/Great Lakes Region. Dominican Nuns were certainly no picnic. The sickening physical and mental torture they inflicted was unbearable. Beginning in first grade – getting hit on the ankles and hands (just being inducted into the hands of the demonic) was so damn confusing at the tender age of six. I thought this was the norm…but learned very quickly how sick they were. Being 59 years of age now, I can still recall hanging onto my mother’s leg begging her to get me out of that school. Her reply was “you’re lucky we got all four of you in…. (tuition-wise)…and you are blessed to be able to go to a parochial school.” My parents thought they were doing the right thing. I not only felt hatred during my formative years toward nuns, but my parents as well for not listening to me. It wasn’t until I was grown that I truly knew my parents thought they were doing the right thing for all of us. My sister’s endured them better than me. I was a scrapper and never took their ‘crap’. To date, I remain strong (mentally). In retrospect , I often wonder what I would have turned out to be if I hadn’t had to protect myself and others…to be comfortable and enjoy school instead of being so terrified and defensive. I have a Master in Education and taught second grade for many years. My mission to every student I had was to never, ever allow fear to enter their minds via a teacher. On Monday mornings they came in smiling and every Friday they hugged me and did not want to go home. Perhaps I won. But the horrid memories never go away. Ever. I still feel as if my childhood was stolen as well as my soul during those horrific years. Forgiving is the easy part….it’s the forgetting that is impossible.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi B. Robertson:

        Well said, —– and well written!

        For students to learn, they must be in a comfortable / secure situation without violence and / or the threat of violence! —— A student cannot be looking over his / her shoulder for “pending violence,” and trying to learn at the same time! —— They must be relaxed and open to ideas! ——- This never existed in Catholic Schools. —- The nuns created a “climate of tension” that prohibited learning! Then they punished the students for not performing. That is simply sick! But it is NOT surprising, because the nuns are a “sick group of people” doing the “dirty work” of the Catholic Church! —- They are mentally ill, and they should not be around other human beings let alone children! —– Next time you attend a Catholic Church Service observe the “body language” of nuns who are in attendance. They try to control the adults that are in attendance. — They see themselves as better than the congregation! — They are annoying!

        Best regards! —– God Bless! —– Dwayne

      • B. Robertson Says:

        You said “next time you are in a Catholic Church”….oh no, not me. I taught in the public school system and long, long ago decided not to return to a Catholic Church. I denounce their values. Remember when we were in second grade and had to make our first Confession? OMG, RIDICULOUS. I can still remember the trembling. “Bless Me Father, for I have sinned”….REALLY? An 8 year old sin??? The nuns would glare at each student as they left the confessional. Only thing I ever said was “I lied 1 time” because I had to lie to say something. Then, the nuns would get their ‘clickers’ out from beneath their habits, and click – down we’d go and click – we had to get up. God they loved their clickers. Reading your second note regarding your wife being ‘annoyed’ at what had happened to her…Wow. That’s all I can say. I guess I became strong at such a very young age, because I knew I had to survive somehow, some way. Other girls were more timid. Nuns did not like me because I stood my ground even in the primary years and only got stronger from there. By the time I was in 8th grade, they pretty much ignored me….they knew I wouldn’t take their you-know-what…..and they hated me because I ‘liked’ boys. I held my head high, but had enormous amounts of fear in my heart. They were sick sick sick….should’ve been in insane asylums. But we can’t go back. Send love and understanding to your wife from me.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi B. Robertson:

        Well Said and Well Written!

        YES, I remember those “clickers” that the NUNS carried, and I remember “making up sins” in order to go to confession every Friday with the school after 7:00am Mass. —- We had to go to 7:00am Mass everyday as a school, before going to school. Just think about this, I had to make up sins in order to go to confession to tell my sins. I was committing a sin to be forgiven for a sin! THAT IS SICK! I have not gone to confessions since 1968 and I am very proud of that fact! ——- QUESTION: —- Why would I go to confession to a priest who is molesting children?

        The whole experience was SICK, and the inmates were running the institution.

        Because of health issues, my wife and I have not attended Mass in the small chapel that is attached to a hospital in our area of the country. —- We were afraid of being in large crowds because of the “flu issue” in our part of the country, and I am dealing with “sciatica”. Since we have not gone to church during the last three months we are a lot happier. We watch Christian Preachers on TV on a Sunday Morning! They seem to make more sense than the Catholic Church!

        Best regards! —– God bless! —— Dwayne

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi B. Robertson:

        I have been reading your postings, and I give you a lot of credit being able to “stand up for yourself” with the nuns! —- I wish that I had the guts to have taken that action in the first twelve years of my education. —– I had a learning disability but no one including my parents were willing to take any “remedial action” to help me in school. I can learn anything, but in order for me to learn things, I have to put things into a written format that my brain can understand. Math was always a difficult subject for me because I needed to take time to study the problem and the solution. (I also interchange numbers.) The nuns would not allow for this process, and I did not have the communication skills to explain what I needed to my parents. —– My parents interpreted my lack of educational success to me not studying, — when in reality, — I was spending a lot of time trying to learn things that did not make any sense to me! —– I went from a “struggling high school student” to the “deans list” in college. How is that possible? They answer is simple. The NUNS were never interested in every student learning the academic material. They simply presented the material, and it was up to you to get it! They did not want everyone to be successful. They wanted some students to fail. It made their “pets” look good! —– In a college setting, I could do my own research in the library and go for extra help. I had freedom to be my own teacher! I could set up notes on course material on 5″ X 8″ index cards, and review them on a daily basis. I never feared an exam in college, but I always feared exams in high school. I was never in control of my educational life for the first twelve years. I was always in “reaction” to what was going on in the classroom! — I never felt comfortable to be able to use my talents, skills and abilities to learn in a safe / secure manner. The nuns never wanted the young people to be comfortable in school. The nuns thrived on creating an atmosphere of “fear!” ——- This is why I started a professional educational coaching service where I teach young people how to take charge of their educational life, discover their own greatness while using 100% of their talents, skills and abilities in a focused / organized manner in order to make things happen in their life by design, rather than letting things happen in life by chance. — The nuns destroy the “creative / sensitive soul” of the child that wants to learn at their own pace. They make the learning process difficult and ugly. The nuns want you and I to be molded into the “Catholic Life style” where the “church” is at the center, and we are the pawns in the total game. They do not want the individual student to discover their “inner greatness,” because if they do, they might not want to drink the “Catholic Cool Aid!” —- I wish that I had the information that I have today, when I was in Catholic School. I would have taken on the NUNS. The results might have been interesting! My life might have been happier, and different especially during the early 12 years of my education! —– Growing up I never asked for anything. (Money was not an issue with my parents. My dad was in a successful business.) My cousins would ask for things, but I never put any pressure on my parents for things. (Books included!) I always wondered why my parents never saw that I needed things, or that I did not have same opportunities as my other family members, or that I needed academic help. ——(Growing up in elementary school I wanted a Chemistry Set, but they would never buy one for me! As I grew older I wanted a Heath Kit to build my own radio by they would never get me one of these kits. An interesting note is that in College I took a one year course in Electricity & Electronics and a earn an “A”, and I built my own AM radio! ) When transistor radios hit the market every young person in my extended family received one for Christmas except me. —- I have learned that one of the secrets to achieving success is asking for what you want or need to make things happen in your life. —– If you ask for nothing in life, you get nothing in life! — You are like the elephant in the living room that everybody ignores! —— Just some thoughts! —— Best regards! —– God bless! ——– Dwayne

      • B. Robertson Says:

        So very sad, but ultimately you are a winner too. Nuns certainly did set up some students for failure – but not the wealthy families of the parish. There are so many different methods of learning. Sounds perhaps you were a bit dyslexic…my grandson (17 yrs old) is dyslexic and his grades are not good. But if someone would place an airplane, car, or any kind of disassembled engine in a room without directions, he would do a fantastic job of assembling it to perfection. I do know a lot of students with dyslexia end up working for NASA. There are so many different kinds of learning, mathematical/spatial, intrapersonal, visual, interpersonal and the list goes on. Unfortunately for my grandson – he is undoubtedly not college material so he feels stupid. Makes me nuts. He is a gentleman, respectful and all the kids love him at his high school. He is a line backer in football for his school too. Although we were severely abused, we do have our success stories. Maybe we learned how ‘not’ to be. I know I did. I was the ‘protector’ or ‘defender’ in that hell I spent 8 years in. I quickly learned to be acutely aware of the nuns by observing their facial expressions, behavior….and sometimes I just enjoyed making them nuts. HA. And I was only about 8 or 9 when I began to realize how crazy they were. I am sure you are educated to the fact that our public schools are not really good either. Seems like the opposite now….students beating teachers up…calling them names. It’s as if the education system has come full circle. But, as a retired teacher, I just sub now, so I have no planning, no work at home…’s amazing though how different students are in this generation. One girl told me the other day she thinks the school should ‘pay’ her to go. LOL. I would love to see a nun respond to that comment so many years ago. So many students are on stimulant medications now. Just strange to me. It is still nice to speak to others about the hell we endured as children. So many people remained ‘closed mouth’ about it. It’s as if they are still afraid.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi B. Robertson:

        There a colleges that have programs for “Special Needs Students.” —– The next time that you are in school, have the Guidance Department do a “computer search” for those colleges. Your grandson might find a home in a college that offers instruction in a technological skill! —– I had a lot of problems in school, and I earned two MA degrees. (One from a college, and one from a university.) —— I also hold two diplomas from a school of technology! —– (Automotive Technology and Computer Aided Drafting / AutoCad Technology) —– Do the research!

        Best regards! —- Dwayne

      • B. Robertson Says:

        Thanks for your message regarding (Austin – my grandson) and how to search for colleges. I’m not just saying this because I’m his grandmother, but he has such a special gift…of brilliance. He has no use for English, grammar…etc. Can’t even imagine what would have happened to this gentle soul had he experienced what we all did. He is a quiet, strong and kind person who turns his ‘fear’ into energy on the football field. He so wanted to play football for the University of Michigan but just knew he would never get in. A small technical college is looking at him in Michigan. He is thrilled. Grades don’t make the man…as they say. Your achievements are wonderful as well. Happy 4th of July.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi B. Robertson:

        I zeroed in on your comment where the student suggested that she be paid to attend school. (This is not as strange as it sounds!)

        I am a retired public school teacher from an “inner city school system” in New Jersey. —- We had a Summer Work / Study Remediation Academic program where the students were paid minimum wage to attend classes for three hours in the morning, and work for three hours in the town and / or for the board of education in the afternoon. —– (They were paid for a total of six hours a day.) Their pay was based on satisfactory classroom performance, and satisfactory work site performance! —— Since each student wanted “full pay” for each day during the week, there was a high degree of “intrinsic motivation” to cooperate and make things happen. —- The program was very successful in the remediation of math, english and reading. —- My Study Skills / School Success Program was part of the offering. —- I would motivate the students in the morning prior to the academic teachers offering their remediation classes. In the afternoon all the teachers acted as “on-site supervisors” on the work assignments. —– (YOU WOULD NERVER SEE THIS TYPE OF A PROGRAM IN A CATHOLIC SCHOOL. The nuns are not that creative, nor do they care about the welfare of young people! —– We gave these “inner city students” the opportunity to earn some money, and improve their academic skills in the process.) —-We also kept these young people off the streets and out of trouble! ——Our students painted traffic lines on the streets, —- washed police vehicles, —- painted classroom in schools, waxed floors in classrooms, engaged in office work for the Board of Education —etc. The program paid for itself based on the work accomplished!) —- We also provided a community service. —- One of our work crews, while cleaning up a vacant lot, uncover a major drug stash. —- Our students made the local news!

        I just though that I would share this information.

        Best regards! ——– Dwayne

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi B. Robertson:

        The reason why so many people are “closed mouth” about what went on in their Catholic Schools is because they have swallowed the Catholic Cool Aid by the gallons. —— Look at this GREAT site about nuns. While there are a number of postings on this site, there should be at least twice the number of people on this site, with stories from all over the United States. ——- The real question is why they have chosen to just read the stories, and not participate? —— The Catholic nuns made very good use of “intimidation” in the classroom. That is how they broke the spirit of the children. Those children are now older adults, but they are still operating under the old rules that were instilled in them by the nuns. (Do not give bad example.) —– I have friends, who attended the same high school that I attended, who will not admit that the school did not offer a high quality education. —- We were in the same classes and experience the same poor quality instruction, yet they cannot bring themselves to speak the truth about the total experience. —- If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, chances are it is a duck. —- Best regards! —– Dwayne

      • Steve K Says:

        Hey Dawayne,
        I read one of the responses about going to confession every week and making up sins so I could do my pennance,5 Our Fathers and 5 Hail Marys plus a rosary or two. I remember those days………..It strikes me as funny now but that is the BS we were engrained with. How stupid is it to sit in a confessional and tell your drunken priest a bunch of made up sins. The NUNS made us do this garbage.
        This also brings up other memories reminding me how sick these bitches (nuns) were. They would tell us things like “don’t twirl your rosary beads because they will turn into a snake” . I tried and tried but never got the snake. Then they would tell girls not to stand over mud puddles or wear patten leather shoes because boys could look at the reflection and see up their dress. How sick was that? Then there was the National Geographic magazines……………If it showed native cultures scantly clothed they would draw clothes on them with a black magic markers. When I look back at my life with these child abusers I need to laugh but still feel sad that these bitches were allowed to do this to children.
        All said………….as much as I was beaten by these abusers the education or the learning that was hammered into me allowed me to skate through 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades in public school without ever taking a book home. I never had to study in college until my senior year when I took a lot of graduate courses.
        I still think the church needs to make restitution to individuals that were abused physically and mentally by these sick individuals.
        Enough said…….let us do a class action law suit!!

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Steve:

        Those were the “so called good old days” in the Catholic Church. —– (NOTE: —-For the past four months, my wife and I have NOT attended Saturday Mass at a small chapel in a local hospital due to our health concerns.) —- We have noticed that we are much “happier” during the week, because we have not been exposed to the “negativity of the Catholic Sermons!” — Isn’t it interesting, that our life has “improved” because we are NOT attending weekly church services! —– (QUESTION: shouldn’t it be the other way around?) —– YES, we were all sold a “story” to make us “loyal robots” who would perform for the “sick nuns!” —– The word “sick” does not fully describe them, and their philosophy of life! —- But, on the other hand, just think about the “philosophy of life” that was handed to them in the convent when they were be trained to be nuns! —- The abuse of children in Catholic Schools was not an accident, and it was not “isolated instances.” —– It was part of a “play book” that was used by “every order of nuns!” —- Too bad that all the nuns that treated me poorly are dead! — I would love to have been able to give them my opinion! —- I believe that women who were attracted to become nuns, (at that point in time), had some “deep psychological problems” when entering the convent! They were very sick, and they should have not been around children. —– In you posting, you said that you received a good education. I had the direct opposite experience! My education was terrible! After the military in the 60’s, — I had to educate myself in order to move my life forward! While I became very successful, their actions in the 1 to 12 years destroyed early opportunities in my life, but they did not care about an academic education, all they cared about was the religious / brain washing portion of the educational experience!

        Best regards! ——– God bless! ——– Dwayne

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi B. Robertson:

        Last night my wife told me one of her stories about her four years in a Catholic H.S.. —– My wife and I attended the same Catholic H.S. in New Jersey. —– When I was a Senior, — she was a Freshman. —– (We did not know each other at that point in time.)

        My experience with the academic side of this school was VERY negative. —— She had a more positive experience, although it was not great!

        In her freshman year, she had mini half year courses. Once one group finished with one of these courses, they would trade their course textbooks with another group, and the courses would be repeated for the second part of the school year. —– The rule was that before you turned in your text book, the book had to have a new paper cover. My wife complied with the directive, and turned in her book. (The faculty knew who used the book because each student was required to put their name in the front cover!) —- What my wife did not know, was that someone, who needed a cover for their book, removed the cover from my wife’s book, and placed it on their book! When the books arrived at the next class, the NUN noticed that my wife’s book was not covered. She sent for my wife and when she arrived at the classroom the NUN proceeded to yell and scream at her after which she push her into a supply closet, told her to look for a cover, and closed the door. My wife was in a dark closet trying to find a book cover. After five minutes she opened the door and pushed my wife out the door of the classroom into the hall! The NUN was not interested in any explanation. The assumption was that my wife did not cover the book! To this day, my wife is still annoyed by this event. Not because of what the NUN did to her, but because she did not defend herself against a very mentally ill individual. ——- This is what she should have done. —- She should have held onto the door knob of the closet on the inside of the closet, and at the same time she should have “knocked on the inside of the closet door!” —– When the NUN tried to open the door, she should have held onto the knob until the NUN exerted a lot of energy, and then let the knob go! —– The NUN would have fallen on her rear, and the class would have laughed! —- Then she should have asked the NUN for a flashlight to look for the cover in the dark closet!

        This is another example of the sensitivity of the NUNS!

        Years after we were married she told this story at a family Thanksgiving Dinner. —– Her father wanted to know why she had never told him about this event. —- (My “Father in Law” would have “wiped the floor with that NUN!” He was an old fashioned Irish man who did not deal well with assholes!) —- My wife though that she had somehow provoked the situation, and she was afraid to tell her parents! —- This is how the NUNS got away with their evil deeds. The parents gave them TOOOOO much authority, so as such, the parents are partially responsible for what transpired in the Catholic Schools.

        Best regards! —– God bless! —– Dwayne

      • Melpub Says:

        Replying to the woman stuffed in the closet by the nun who thought she hadn’t covered her book: whenever these awful things happen it’s so common to freeze–like a frightened rabbit–and to remain speechless. It’s self-protection, or feels like it–really it is dissociation: “I’m not here and this isn’t happening to me,” and while the nun is beating the child or screaming maybe that is the only thing one can do, but afterwards, having the strength to come out of it and tell someone –THAT’S THE TRICK! And does it ever take a lot of strength. Including the ability to know that the nun’s behavior has nothing to do with you.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Melpub:

        You are 100% correct in your assessment of the situation! —- Well said and well written!

        Best regards! —- God bless! —- Dwayne

  379. Don Says:

    As I have written,two of the things that I was left with after 9 years in Catholic school was a deep-seeded inner rage and self-loathing.It has impacted my whole adult life. Of late, my therapies have been progressing to where I can see change happening in a positive way. Sadly, over this weekend, several events combined to trigger a major bout of inner rage. While I caught it early, I still did a few things via e-mail that weren’t as skillful as I normally can be. So, today is trying to clean these up as they are work related. I am humbled by how fast an inner rage attack can spring forth and how it can impact me emotionally, spiritually and physically. I feel really spent and wonder how others in this group if the suffer from C-PTSD and the accompanying inner rage have dealt with this illness.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Don:

      You are a good person, and you are trying to make sense out of a very stressful experience in your life. —- Each one of us has suffered in different ways. —- In my case, I was “OK” until I retired, and had the time to look back at my life, and see where the opportunities were robbed from me by having a “poor quality education” for the first 12 years in Catholic School. ———- (We Wasted Too Much Time On Religion, and Not Enough Time on the Academics!) ——– My wife constantly tells me that I did “ok” in life, having earned two MA degrees, and having a successful career in education, but I cannot help feeling that I could have been an Attorney, or a Doctor had the quality of my education been of a higher level in the first 12 years. —— It makes me feel cheated & very angry, that the Catholic Church destroyed the possibilities in my life, and other lives, by delivering a “sub-standard education,” and by using the “school” as a vehicle to indoctrinate young people into a “religious cult!” —- The nuns did not want to educate the children for academic success. —— Student success was not part of the curriculum. The nuns did not care what career you and I entered after we left school. All they cared about was that we were loyal members of the Catholic Church that could be easily lead and manipulated as adults. —- Being “angry” and “annoyed” is a reasonable reaction to what was done to all of us on this GREAT site. —- On the other side of this issue, you and I have to recognize where this “anger” and “annoyance” is coming from, and in the process, we need to take control of it in the “here and now,” and not let it destroy our lives! —- If you want to share information we are here to listen! —– Best of luck to you and everyone on this site! ——- Dwayne

      • Don Says:


        You hit one of my nails on the head. What I do know about myself is that I am pretty darn intelligent and accomplished, like you, with degrees — Ph.D. I know I am a dean at a college. But, when I reflect or live through the inner rage and self-loathing that is the legacy of my Catholic school years, I wonder how much I could have accomplished if I didn’t have this terrible baggage to carry with each step of life. Maybe it’s been a gift and I have accomplished more than I would have if like had been easier. I guess that I am determined this time around with my therapy and Buddhist meditation practices to change the patterns of my life. But still, I am caught off-guard when several triggers come at once and the inner rage seeps out before I can get in front of it. You know, finding forgiveness in my heart for the adults responsible for all this is challenging at best. Finding forgiveness for myself for not being perfect and coping with it all has been truly difficult.

        Thanks for your comments.


      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Don:

        For the last four months, because of the “Flu Epidemic” in our part of the country, we have decided NOT to attend Saturday Mass. We do not want to be in a “closed area” breathing the same air with a crowd of people. —- (We are Senior Citizens.) —– Because we have not attended church, we have found that we are a lot happier! There seems to be a connection between going to church and listening to “negative sermons” and our attitude in life for the rest of the week. I think that there is a VERY good possibility that we will not be returning to church attendance in the very near future. —- I find that if I want happiness in my life, I need to remove myself from the source of “negativity,” and in this case it is the Catholic Church and it’s clergy. —– This is not easy for my wife because she has been programed that if we do not go to church it is a Mortal Sin. My response to this is that if this is a Mortal Sin what kind of a sin is it when the Catholic Clergy molests a child? —- All the best to you and everyone on this site! —– Dwayne

      • Melpub Says:

        A website that has helped me personally with issues like this is daughters of narcissistic mothers
        Just substitute “son” or “daughter” of narcissistic NUNS (because these weirdos were in the position of “mother” weren’t they? I find the EFT on this site–emotional freedom tapping technique–really helpful. In general, it is a site devoted to coping with the Stockholm syndrome aspects of abuse.

    • Frank Says:

      In response to your question “… wonder how others in this group if the suffer from C-PTSD and the accompanying inner rage have dealt with this illness”. When I first went into therapy, it was “talk therapy”. Then I went to a week-long survivor retreat. I’m not sure how much difference these made overall in dealing with the seat of the problem, but I suspect not much.

      Where real progress got made was when I started EMDR therapy, and after weekly one or 2 hour sessions for the best part of a year, I could bring to mind any episode of abuse, replay it through fully, not shy away, enrage or breakdown. The ‘switch’ on the deep reptilian reaction had been turned to ‘off’. That part of the brain stopped responding as if the threat was real and present. It was still disturbing because it was witnessing a child being abused… appalling and unpleasant… AND I remained relatively calm. Feelings were predominantly empathy and compassion for the child, not rage and disgust at, or fear of the perpetrator. The perpetrator became impersonal and irrelevant.

      It is now almost a year since I had EMDR therapy and I can report feeling more at peace generally, much less procrastination / perfectionism around all manner of things, much less conflict, much slower to frustration and anger, much calmer during conflict, handling it a lot better, and feeling calmer sooner after it is over.

      What has been harder to change is the habit of overeating. That still persists despite the association between being upset and eating being broken.

      • Don Says:


        Thanks for sharing this. I am in EMDR therapy, but not quite as frequent as your sessions were and not yet a year. It was very helpful to know that it took a while for your therapy to work. I am seeing progress, but it always worries me when I feel a step backwards. Your comments remind me to be patient and keep going with the flow of it all.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        This is VERY SAD that so many adults are in therapy because of what was done to them in Catholic School by the nuns and priests.

        The Catholic Church should be paying the cost of this therapy! —- Where is the justice? —– The more I do the research into “child abuse by the nuns” the more disgusted I become with the Catholic Church and it’s clergy! —- Between what happened to the girls in Ireland, and what happened to the children in Catholic Schools in the United States, the Catholic Church should be brought up on “charges against humanity” just like the Germans in WW2! — What gave the Catholic Church the right to mistreat children under their care in schools, institutions and / or orphanages? —- Since the stories are very similar throughout the country, someone in the “church” was issuing a “master play book” for all the “clergy” to follow! — We all have a right to be VERY angry with regards to what was done to us personally, and what was done to children generally in Catholic Schools. YES, in order to move on with our lives we have to forgive and forget, but on the other side of the issue, we also deserve some justice. —- In many cases our future was robbed from us psychologically by the manner that we were treated in school, and a substandard education that was given to us by the nuns! —— I was fortunate enough to be able to see the light and educate myself, but many people on this GREAT site have suffered throughout their life because they were not afforded a high quality education! —– The nuns used the school to “indoctrinate a sick religious belief” into the minds of young people, and in addition to this insult, — they did NOT give them a High Quality Education on which to build a future! —– (YES, the Catholic Religion is a VERY SICK form of the Christian Religion! It has destroyed many lives while making Rome VERY rich! —- The Catholic Church worships MONEY! —– They will do anything to acquire money. —–Just look at what the nuns did in Ireland to young women in the laundries! —- Just do a search on the “net,” and you will find nuns engaging in the “sale of babies” from “unwed mothers” from their so called protective institutions. —- According to these postings, the young women in these institutions, awaiting the birth of their baby, were NOT given proper medical care, but rather, they were made to suffer for their “so called sins!” —-THIS IS A RELIGION OF LOVE?????? —– I do not think so!) —— They committed “psychological murder” by destroying the GREATNESS, CREATIVITY, AMBITION, and MOTIVATION within the young person! —- They need to be held accountable for their actions, and the results of those actions! —– Just my opinion! —- Best regards to everyone! —- Hang in there! —- We are the survivors of the “Catholic School Concentration Camps,” and we are telling our story, and it is bringing down the Catholic Church! —- There “little dirty secret” is out in the open for all to see! —- (The Altar Boy issue is destroying them!) —- They are running scared! —- God bless all of you! —– Dwayne

      • Frank Says:

        hi Don – and what you just said reminded me of how often the therapist would say to the adult me “remember that we are dealing with a scared, hurt little boy who is deserving of your love, patience and compassion… especially when something triggers you and it is all too easy to be down on yourself for having been triggered”. So taking my attention away from the concerns of my judgemental adult and focusing on the “little boy in my care” from my compassionate adult was what helped me through those times.

        And to Dwayne – I, and at least a few others on this blog, are from Australia. The experience of abuse and the pattern of the perpetrators, whether they be nuns, brothers or priests, is identical – in Ireland, the US, all of Christian Europe, Latin America, Australia and Africa. It is a global phenomenon perpetrated by a global organisation since its inception 2000 years ago, with the same values, beliefs and culture worldwide emanating from the control centre, Rome. What does seem to vary between locations is the scope and scale of child abuse. Without any statistics, the anecdotal evidence of which I am aware points to a benevolent experience for many female children under the care of nuns in Latin America. But where there has been abuse, the pattern fits really well with people’s experience described repeatedly on this blog.

      • Don Says:


        I can’t thank you enough for sharing your therapist’s caution about what we are dealing with is the scared, hurt, child who is deserving of our love, patience and compassion. This statement is very powerful. I hadn’t fully gotten that until reading your message. Wow.


      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Good Morning Don:

        Yesterday, I decided to re-read all the postings on this site, and I noticed that while we all talk about the experiences we had in the past with nuns, and while those experiences are VERY similar, (which proves that all the nuns operated from a “Master Plan”), we as a group, lack a “defined working definition” of exactly what a nun, (who abused children), was at the time! —- So, yesterday, I decided to do some research, and as a result of this effort, I came up with the following definition for everyone’s consideration.

        What was a nun who abused children?

        “A nun, (who abuses children), is a sexually disturbed, mentally ill women, who has a negative agenda in life, who is closed minded, vengeful, aggressive (like a pit-bull), aloof, arrogant, bitchy, boring, bossy, cantankerous, cunning, deceitful, domineering, grumpy, inconsiderate of other people, inflexible, mean, nasty, obstinate, over critical, quick-tempered, rude, sneaky, stubborn, tactless individuals who see the world through their own filters, who uses their position to intimidate young people who lack power in order to get their way, and in the process, gain control over the young person, both in the here and now and in the future years. Through negative programming, and a negative philosophy of life, they actively worked to destroy the “quality of life of the children” in the name of teaching a religion!”

        All the best! ——– Dwayne

      • George Says:

        That is a great description Dawyne. You can add another descriptive word for me: murderous. The nun that smothered me with a pillow when I was 3 and a half years old was trying to do just that and put me in a coma for a year. I lived but others were not so lucky: another smothered boy, Gilbert, died from suffocation by a nun (a witnessed event). There would be more reports but countless other children just died alone. So murder was part of their “master plan”.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        What you stated in your posting DOES NOT surprise me! —– The nuns were very capable of performing these “acts” on children especially “behind institutional doors” when no one was looking! —- But what really bothers me is that the local governments, and the local law enforcement agencies, looked the other way, and in the process, allowed this to happen. —– If we want JUSTICE from the church, shouldn’t we also demand justice from the local governments that allowed these things to happen to children under their watch? —— They were there to uphold the law! — Where was the investigation when a child died in a Catholic Institution? —-QUESTION: — Were they also on the payroll of the Catholic Church? —– Were they also part of the “good old boy” network! —- I am so tired of the “double standard” that exists in our society. If you are not connected your get treated in a different way than if you are connected! —- We prosecuted WW2 Germans for atrocities committed against people in the concentration camps, but we allowed the clergy to get away with murder in Catholic Institutions. —– Where is the justice? ——— Dwayne

      • George Says:

        Since the legal system in the towns where these institutions were located is definitely on the payroll of the church the only way I know to get justice is to expose the perpetrators. That’s what I did in my book, “Smothered” – it was very difficult to relive the abuse but I did it so that justice can be done now for all the children still in danger from the church’s minions. If enough heads of countries like those in Ireland and Australia come forward against the church maybe there will be some justice. If you or anyone on this site wants a free copy of my book, ask Russ – it’s an e book but I sent him a pdf that you can read on your computer. It is my story and also a complete history of how the church spread its evil across the globe. Thanks Dwayne for your support.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


        You are an OUTSTANDING person! I had the opportunity to read a small introduction of your book when I did a search on the net. I now have the ISBN number of your book, so the next time I am in Barns & Nobel I will order it!

        No child should be subjected to that kind of treatment, —- Especially is a church run organization! —— Where is the human love and concern? —– Where is the professionalism of the staff? Why would anyone want to destroy the life of any human being, let alone a child? —- The Catholic Church is ONE SICK INSTITUTION! —- Before I found this site, I did not like the Catholic Church from the 4th grade in school! —– Now I am convinced that I am right! I never experienced anything close to the “magnitude of your experiences,” — but I knew when I was in elementary school in NYC not to trust the nuns! —– I have been telling this to my wife since we were married in 1968 that the Catholic Clergy are evil, and not to be trusted, but she was brought up in a VERY religious Irish Catholic Family, and she could never see my side of the story until she had the opportunity to meet some of my friends who were educated in the same Catholic Schools that I attended. —- I read her the short excerpt from your book and she was totally shocked!

        God bless you for writing this book! —- The word is getting out and the Catholic Clergy cannot hide behind the “smoke and mirrors!” —- Their lack of sensitivity and human decency is becoming very evident both in their history and in the “here and now!” —-

        Best regards! ——– Dwayne

      • George Says:

        I’m sorry that your wife was upset when you read her some of my book. I am usually careful about giving it or recommending it because some people, especially those who were abused find it very hard to read. Many others, especially those who have been catholics all their lives are shocked because they did not know such atrocities took place. There is no amount of abuse that can be justified by these criminals; no one should hurt a child ever. The way you write I can see that you are honest and caring. We can keep telling others on this blog and in every venue we can find so that the church is seen for what it really is: a perpetrator of evil. Thank you for your comments.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


        You & I and all the other people on this site understand what the Catholic Nuns were all about in the past! —- We lived it, and we saw things happen to other children. —– But what annoys me is that there are other people my age, (70), who will not admit that the nuns have committed crimes against children. —– They believe that the Catholic form of education was “ok”! —– I have a cousin who is 71. He graduated from a Catholic High School in NYC, and a Catholic University in NYC, and he will not admit that the Catholic Clergy is corrupt! —– How can an “educated person” be so blind to what is going on around him in society? —– He follows all the rules of the church down to the last letter! —- He is totally “brain washed!” —– Dwayne.

      • George Says:

        Dwayne, I also know someone who was hit by a priest (closed fist) when he was about 12 and in catholic school. Later, when he was an adult the priest apologized because that is their method to only hurt the helpless. Like your cousin, he will not admit the church is corrupt and is even on the Board of a catholic university! Education didn’t help him. He is depressed and had never told anyone before. That’s the benefit of this site – that we can talk to one another and re-direct the bad feelings toward those criminals who deserve them.

      • michael Says:

        I attended 12 years of Catholic school in Shamokin, PA. All the usual physical and mental abuse. However, an interesting and “sick” twist was the “Office of the Prefect of Discipline”. This was guy, ex-marine, who responsibility it was to physically “discipline”, ie, beat, the students. Sick.

        Are there lawyers out there who will take these cases?


      • George Says:

        Because most of our abuse happened a long time ago, the statutes of limitations to bring lawsuits against the church have run out for most of us. The church sends lobbyists to Congress in the US and governments in most other countries to make sure that the time to sue is limited. I think our best bet is what Russ says, to recruit more people to this blog, for everyone to speak out and form a larger force against the church. Then maybe a lawyer will take interest.

      • michael Says:

        Thank you for the timely reply.

        As I said in my original comment; the “church / school” hired this fellow to basically do their dirty work for them….. he would beat the ever livin poop out of us……. the girls too….. he was a sick individual and actually retired from the school and lives as a well respected member of the small community…… they (school) named the football field after him…… go figure????

        I am familiar with the limitations…….. however, this is a tremendously large problem for our society. My thinking is there may be a way to actually frame the problem as an ongoing public health risk? Similar to asbestos and smoking?? Or in some way that it is recognized as an injury to our national (US) well being, ie, with so many otherwise productive members of society (you and me and the others) now living lives which are somehow diminished?



      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Michael:

        I liked your story about the school hiring an “Ex-Marine” to deal with the discipline of the school! ——— If I read your postings correctly, he hit both the boys and the girls! ——– QUESTIONS: — Where were the parents / guardians? —- Were they sleeping? —- Were they in a coma? —- Would you let a “stranger” put their hands on your son or daughter? —- If that ‘ex-Marine” put his hands on my son / daughter, we would have a “in depth conference” one-on-one behind closed doors, and I am sure that we would reach a workable solution to the issue! —- This would only happen once to my children! —- The problem with the Catholic Schools was that the parents ALLOWED the nuns, and their school staff TOO MUCH FREEDOM! —- Some of the abuse that we suffered in Catholic School was a direct result of our parents not taking an “active role” in the workings of the school. —- None of my Catholic Schools had a PTA or a PTO organization. This allowed the nuns to run the school unchecked! —– QUESTION: — Why were our parents / guardians so afraid of the nuns? —– ANSWER: —- They were “brain washed” by other priests and nuns prior to becoming parents! They were running scared. They were worried about saving their own soul. We were expendable! —– My father, unlike myself, would never take a stand against a nun or priest! On the other hand, I look for opportunities to engage the clergy, and in the process, “pull the rug out from under them” using their own ‘Catholic Sick Logic!” —— Why is it that the children always pay the price? A child, (student), against an ex-marine. Not only should the Catholic Church be ashamed of themselves, the marine in question should hang his head in shame! —– I will bet that he was a “Church Going / Communion Receiving Catholic Every Sunday.” — He missed the whole point of being a Christian. —– All the best! —- Keep the stories coming. —- Just when I think that I have heard it all, a new twist comes into view! —– Catholic Schools were “religious concentration camps” designed to destroy the personality of the children under their care! —- Best regards! ——- Dwayne

  380. Mario Says:

    Many Popes throughout the centries were nothing but a bunch of criminals. Go to the bottom link and click on each pope and read the articles. Then you can click on 16th century and it will list from the first to the twentieth century. You can click on each century and read about the popes that are listed.

    There’s some wonderful popes out there, it will make you proud that you were a catholic. Very sarcastic and cynical. When it comes to religion and its teachings, it’s best to be cynical.
    Most Evil Crimes of Pope Julius III (Pope from 1550-1555)

    List of most evil crimes Type Year Crime Of heresy, open corruption and contempt to all church law : (1550-5) That Pope Julius III did appoint teenager homosexual lovers to the positions of Cardinals to control the Church and usurp church law. Of regular and institutional sodomy and murder of children : (1550-5) That Pope Julius II did continue the now Catholic clerical tradition of institutionalized homosexuality and sodomy of children, especially young boys. Of open depravity associated with cannibalism, sex and murder : (1550-5) That Pope Julius II did open St Peters and other major churches to regular acts of sexual orgies, emphasizing homosexuality, sodomy, ritualistic murder of children and cannibalism in the celebration of High Mass of Satanism of Christianity.

    • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


      The Catholic Church has become totally corrupt since the 40’s! The main reason is the structure of the church government. Too much power is distributed in too few people. ——- The Catholic Church hordes its wealth. —– It bends and breaks its own rules for the sake of it’s own power. The Cardinals and Bishops find it necessary to dress themselves in a uniform of rank, and then they engage in “meaningless rituals” that mean nothing, and are man made!

      The Catholic Church discriminates against homosexuals, but they have no problem harboring homosexuals within the ranks of their clergy.

      They “hide” and “cover up” pedophile priests, and they do not apologize for their actions and / or lack of actions.

      They have not apologized for the actions of their nuns in schools, Catholic Institutions and Orphanages! (The reason is that the NUNS were following the orders of Catholic Management.)

      The Laity of the Catholic Church should stand up to the church leadership. The corruption of the Church is totally out of hand! When will the Laity stand up, and say “enough is enough!” The Catholic Church through it’s clergy has molested our children yet the Laity does nothing to control the church! The Catholic Church hides behind “tax exemption status,” yet their nuns and priests openly engage in national politics. If they want to play a part in politics, let them pay their “entrance fee,” and that fee is the payment of taxes. The Catholic Church mismanages the money that is donated by the Laity by using it to pay “hush money!” This allows them to protect pedophiles, perverts and molesters in their clergy! —- The question is “why?” The answer is simple in that the corruption goes straight to the top of church management! —- Why does the membership of the Catholic Church allow this to happen? —- The answer is that the Laity (membership), has been “brain washed” that if they go against the church, they will not achieve heaven. I think the reverse is true!

      I would bet that there are nuns and priests on this site reading our postings. They do so because the church wants to know what we are thinking, and what we are saying. —- Here is a “challenge” that I extend to these “closet observers.” —– If we are not speaking the truth about the behavior of nuns & priests, come out from the shadows, and engage us in open debate. We will be “professional” to you in all our responses, but we will not “back off” because you are a nun or a priest! —– I do not expect a response to this challenge, because nuns and priests are only comfortable abusing children behind closed doors, and they will never take on adults who will not fold and run!

      Best regards! ——— We are the survivors! —— Dwayne

      • firetender Says:

        Dwayne, under NO CIRCUMSTANCES is this site to be used to hold debate between any of us and any of them. You are not authorized to make such an invite, and any attempts to follow through with this will be immediately removed and I will consider banning you.

        Continue to protect this site to do what it does best; provide a safe haven for victims of this abuse at the hands of Nuns to help each other.

        To that effect let me say how deeply I’ve been touched of late by getting to see how each of you are stepping up to that plate and supporting each other.


      • George Says:

        Dawyne, one of the good things about this site is that everyone can voice their opinion about the evil nuns, etc. While I agree with Russ that we don’t want a confrontation with the church eavesdroppers I like the way you talk and your ideas will be an asset but maybe in another format — like responses to some of the online news forums.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:


        The purpose of my posting was to demonstrate that the Church and its clergy, (Nuns & Priests) are still operating in the “wings of the stage of life” rather than on “center stage!” —– They have always gotten their way through manipulation, deceit, and intimidation, but never have they come at anyone “head on!” —– This was my way to demonstrate this fact! —– Unfortunately it was totally misunderstood! —- OOPS! / Sorry! —- (I never expected them to come forward, and that was my point!)

        All the best! —- Dwayne

  381. firetender Says:

    I have a few things to say that, especially on this site, may not be too popular, but, since I started this whole shebang, I believe I’ve earned the right.

    In posts past I’ve made clear that, when I leave my little kid behind and step in to my skin as an adult — and add to my observations 62 (now — in fact TODAY!) years of living with humans — violence perpetuates violence. Period, exclamation point!

    None of us is immune to this syndrome. I don’t detect perpetrators of violence on this site. Yet, how many more of us who have been beaten by nuns did the same to their own innocent children?

    Whenever we marginalize, criminalize or demonize any segment of our society we essentially set ourselves up to be no different than our perpetrators.

    I’m not focusing on anyone in particullar here because what I see is very sane rage in response to evils done, yet, I can’t help but observe a sort of violence of word against ALL of Catholicism, against ALL of the Clergy, against EVERY Nun living, dead, or in a Coma. I have been guilty of this myself.

    The truth is, the vast number of those nuns are quite dead. In fact the Church that supported that kind of behavior — whether from Priests or Nuns — is pretty much hamstrung and will likely not be able to get away with that behavior any longer.

    For this we can thank voices like our own and the Gods that have continued to guide us individually, but I’d like to make something very clear.

    I have been guiding this site as best I can to have it be a place of healing rather than revenge. I’ve said before that I am in agreement with those who want to prosecute the Church and its perpetrators, however, where this site holds its true power is in it being a Sacred Space for the wounded to come, find mirrors and then move on with their lives; reclaiming that which was ripped out of them.


    We are not unlike holocaust survivors in that we, as children, were caught up in a specific and thank God, limited period of time of evil. We were victims of deeply disturbed individuals who were supported by an equally disturbed institution. This is not unlike what happened in Germany; the institution of Nazism nurtured the sickest amongst that society and, indeed, encoureged them to commit atrocities.

    At some point, me, and all of us here made the decision that we would not be perpetrators, instead, we’ve chosen to quietly (and in some cases loudly!), retreat into the corners of our own pain, lick our wounds and through the strength of healing, become available for our peers.

    This IS world-changing stuff here and we have become beacons of light for many.

    In some posts I see, however, that old demonizing thing going on; even an “off with their heads” attitude and frankly, it disturbs me.

    I would like to see “COMPASSION” as the Guiding Light of this Blog.

    And what that looks like, in my mind and heart is that people new to this site can immediately step in and see that we are here to be available to each other without having to sort through every word of every post to find safety.

    YES, I’m talking about the energy and the energy I want here (leaving ample room for the newcomers to have their justifiable rage) needs to be supportive and welcoming rather than smacking of a similar violence and stuckness that we are all trying to counteract in our lives.

    Let us exemplify a living, healing compassion for each other, and that means staying away from rhetoric that has the same kind of stench — that impersonal, degrading and de-humanizing attitude — that caused so much of our own pain.

    • Don Says:

      A good reminder. Well said.

    • George Says:

      Happy Birthday Russ. Hope you stay healthy and happy for a long time and the site persists.

    • MaryW Says:

      Yes, Russ and thank you for your level head 🙂 I appreciate everyone sharing their experiences and it has validated us all. I am leaving this crusade behind and off to fight a more necessary battle to me which is the encroachment of Islam on America. I am more worried about the future than the past and wish everyone the very best.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mary W:

        This has been a “great experience” for me, because I had an opportunity to share my experiences with the nuns with some great people who understand the issues. —- While this has helped me to understand the past, I also feel that it has brought some “very negative feelings back to the surface” that have been buried for years, and I am not too sure that this was such a good idea. —- It is like reliving a “negative slide show!” —— Maybe it is time to bury the past, live in the present, and move forward!

        Best regards to all! —– God bless! —– Dwayne

      • Melpub Says:

        Here’s another idea: everyone on this website has had terrible experiences with sadistic nuns teaching elementary school–or knows someone who has had such experiences. Although I believe all who enter the nunhood must have some pathological relationship to their own sexuality, sane, do-gooder nuns who do not torment children appear to exist: I’m thinking of the Nuns On the Bus and people like Sister Helen Prejean (of Dead Man Walking fame). Maybe even Sister Wendy, the Art Historian. THESE nuns ought to be involved in investigating abuse in elementary schools. NUNS should be part of the investigation–they should be part of the solution–and if not, they are part of the problem. Why not appeal to trustworthy nuns to conduct a sort of Warren Commission, one that would find bad guys and gals and consign them to activities other than teaching. Plus, of course, punish the evildoers. Punishment as after an activity at which many nuns excell. Let them punish their own!

      • MaryW Says:

        Dear Melpub, I honestly don’t think nuns will punish their own for us and I would not even approach one to ask them to be on “our” side, because I would have a nervous breakdown talking to one. 🙂 xxx ooo

      • Melpub Says:

        Well, sometimes it is good to “be scared but do it anyway.” Overcome the nun phobia by confronting one of them and insisting that she either help you or find another nun who will. If you really do it I bet the monsters of childhood may shrink slightly. If enough people wrote to orders of nuns sending them this link and saying: what are YOU going to do about this? I wonder what would happen.

      • MaryW Says:

        LOL Well, Melpub. I guess I could be brave. Honestly I have not seen any nuns in a long time except when my father was in the hospital in another state. I am sure they have them here but I have not seen them. Of course I don’t go looking for them either. Thank you and take care.

  382. Barbara A Smith Says:

    Reading all of the comments brings back so many abusive memories from the Dominican Nuns from Blauvelt N.Y. and St. Margaret’s School in Pearl River, N.Y. from 1953 in Kindergarten in Dumont N.J. (Sisters of Charity) to 1962 in Pearl River. Back then you dare not tell your parents of the abuse because if they went to school about it, the next day you’d be against the blackboard because of it. Even in Kindergarten, children were hit. All of it was clear and severe physical, mental and emotional abuse all at the hands of women supposedly “married to God and the Church”.

    We were told (and it was imbedded into our minds) that it was a “mortal sin to touch a nun.” Was it not a sin to abuse and brutalize a child at the hands of a representative of God? Does that give a person that right because they wear a habit and Rosary beads? By beating and abusing a child gave those nuns a feeling of control and what they felt was respect. There was never any respect given to us. We had hair pulled out of our heads, severe pain because our ears were pulled, marks on our butts from the ruler and pointer, lumps on our heads from being knuckled, swollen knuckles from the ruler and much more that goes very very deep.

    Once when I was slapped in the face after being dragged out from my desk. I just burst out crying when I got home. My mother finally got it out of me exactly what had happened. She told my father who promptly told me that he was bringing me to school the next day. The girl behind me needed to borrow my eraser. When I needed it back, I got caught turning around and that’s when I got nailed. I was scared to death to go to school the next day. My father took me directly to the principal’s office who was also a nun. She called my teacher to the office. When she got there my father said to her, “Sister. Did you slap my daughter yesterday?” Her answer was this….”Why Mr. Jones! We see the face of Jesus in every child we see!” I just about fainted. My father’s answer was this. “Let me ask you this Sister. Did you see the face of Jesus when you slapped my daughter???!!” My mouth dropped as did the 2 nuns who were left speechless. He continued to tell both nuns that if “one hair on my daughter’s head or any of my kids is touched like this again…I will come back and pull all of my kids out of this school and press charges.” (4 of us) It could not be denied that my face was slapped because I had finger marks present on my face.

    Thanks for allowing me to vent.

    • Don Says:


      Be thankful that your father did not allow his religion to dominate his parenting. I did not have the same situation. My mother took me home and beat me because I stood up to the abuse in 4th grade. That day, I shut down completely and entered my fantasy world to survive. My mother was a good person in many ways, but at this critical moment in time, she allowed her deep Irish-Catholic religious bent to override her instincts as a mother. As I have written before, near her death she shared that she could see each year that my spirit died a bit more while in elementary school. OK. The oxymoron is that my nuns were the Sisters of Mercy, and not as Leonard Cohen sung about.


    • B. Robertson Says:

      Hi Ms. Smith,
      I had Dominican Nuns too and they were as nuts as you described. Only difference is your parents believed you. How lucky you were! Did you stay in that school or did you finally leave? Nobody will ever change my belief that in the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s these women were deposited at the doorstep of convents to avoid embarrassment to the family due to the fact that they were clinically insane. Especially wealthy families…much easier to say that their daughter became a nun versus placement in a mental asylum. Nuns had no certification in education. It was nice to hear your story…my parents never believed me…and I was a very ‘spirited’ young individual…never allowed those crazy women to take that quality from me. They only made me stronger. In ways, I found out who I was at a very young age…don’t know if it was a blessing or curse…but I know I never enjoyed childhood…as millions of others did not either. Our childhoods were stolen from us…I now call myself a ‘recovering Catholic’.

      • Dawyne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi B. Robertson:

        I enjoyed reading your comments about nuns and Catholic Education. Like many people on this site, I too had my life altered by these sick people. Both my wife and I attended 12 years of this “sick educational experience” and we are both retired N.J. Public School Teachers. —– We would NEVER have treated our students the way we were treated by the nuns in the 50’s & 60’s.


        Because of health issues, my wife and I have not attended Saturday Mass for the past 6 months. (She is the “Practicing Catholic!” —- I got good at it, so I do not practice being Catholic! —- I just go along for the ride! —– I had a severe case of “sciatica” and sitting & standing was a major problem for me!) —- Since we have stopped attending church, we have found that our lives are much “happy” and “more positive.” —– We are no longer in contact with the negative priests and nuns. ———- Instead of attending church, we turn on the television on Sunday, and listen to the Christian Ministers and their message for the day! We should have done this years ago! —- What does this say about the Catholic Church, it’s religious philosophy, it’s weekly Christian message and its Sunday Service?

        All the best to everyone on this GREAT site! —– God bless! ——– Dwayne

  383. George Says:

    is this site working?

    • MaryW Says:

      Hello George, 🙂 I haven’t heard anything from this site in months, I was wondering the same thing. I pray all is well with Russ and the members.

      • George Barilla Says:

        Hi Mary W. I heard that Russ is somewhere in Ecuador so maybe he is not reading this blog. I hope he is safe and that he will maintain it and that others will write. You, Russ and others helped me a lot. It’s good to have a place to talk. I created my own blog and Russ said that he would be a guest on it but I can’t seem to contact him. My blog address is: I am putting excerpts from my book and other facts and current news about the evil church and its minions. I would be happy if you and others comment on my blog.

      • George Barilla Says:

        Hi Mary W. I heard that Russ is somewhere in Ecuador so maybe he is not reading this blog. I hope he is safe and that he will maintain it and that others will write. You, Russ and others helped me a lot. It’s good to have a place to talk. I created my own blog and Russ said that he would be a guest on it but I can’t seem to contact him. My blog address is: I am putting excerpts from my book and other facts and current news about the evil church and its minions. I would be happy if you and others comment on my blog.

      • MaryW Says:

        Hello George 🙂 I just joined your blog, it looks very, very nice. Thank you.

      • George Barilla Says:

        Hi MaryW, thanks for the nice comment about my blog. I am still learning how it works. When you signed up can you see the blogs and do they have a reply box where you can make a comment? I am not sure what you see. If you can make a comment, can you do it so I can see how it looks? Thanks, George Barilla

      • George Barilla Says:

        my comments are being held for moderation but I did answer you

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi George:

      YES, this great site has been VERY quiet for the past few weeks. —– I guess people are on vacation, or they are just tired of “rehashing the old memories” from childhood. —– We can talk about what happened to us, (and that is good for a time because it gets the anger out), —- but after a while it all boils down to what if any action should be taken! —– Because of an illness that I suffered since January, my wife & I have not been able to attended Saturday Mass for the past eight months. —- We have noticed a major change in our lives. —- We are much happier. If you think about this last statement, there is something wrong with it, because “church attendance” should make the person feel good about themselves and their life! —— WE FEEL BETTER BY NOT ATTENDING CHURCH, and not listening to “boring sermons” that mean absolutely nothing in terms of the “hear and now of life.” —- I have decided to STOP going to church, and live the remainder of my life just as an “ethical person.” —– I do not need a priest of a nun to tell me how to live. And I certainly do not need any clergy to tell me how to spend my money, and who to leave it to when I die. YES, being “church free” has improved my life 100%! —– All the best to you! —- Best regards to everyone on this site. —– God bless! ———- Dwayne.

      • MaryW Says:

        So true Dwayne, I love God and I just don’t feel the goodness that I should by going there. I watch Dr. Charles Stanley on television and he makes me feel good and does not make me feel guilty about things I don’t do. I think when the Catholic Church needed room for more saints and dumped St. Christopher, it made me realize it is just a make it up as you go along religion and I just let my eyes roll back in my head, take my medication and move on. I pray you and your wife’s health improves quickly!!! God bless everyone!!

      • George Barilla Says:

        Hi Dwayne, I just wrote to Mary W but my comment says “pending moderation” so I don’t know if she or you can see it. I mentioned that Russ is in Ecuador. I am happy to hear that you don’t go to church anymore. I don’t go either — I can pray to God on my own and in any place.

      • George Barilla Says:

        I have been responding to you and Mary but my comments are being held for moderation so I don’t know why that is.

      • MaryW Says:

        Hi George, So Sorry I never received your messages. I pray it gets fixed and you are doing better. 🙂 xxx ooo

    • George Barilla Says:

      George Says:
      August 26, 2013 at 1:36 am | Reply
      is this site working?
      MaryW Says:
      August 27, 2013 at 9:17 pm | Reply
      Hello George, 🙂 I haven’t heard anything from this site in months, I was wondering the same thing. I pray all is well with Russ and the members.
      George Barilla Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
      August 27, 2013 at 9:36 pm
      Hi Mary W. I heard that Russ is somewhere in Ecuador so maybe he is not reading this blog. I hope he is safe and that he will maintain it and that others will write. You, Russ and others helped me a lot. It’s good to have a place to talk. I created my own blog and Russ said that he would be a guest on it but I can’t seem to contact him. My blog address is: I am putting excerpts from my book and other facts and current news about the evil church and its minions. I would be happy if you and others comment on my blog.

      George Barilla Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
      August 27, 2013 at 9:54 pm
      Hi Mary W. I heard that Russ is somewhere in Ecuador so maybe he is not reading this blog. I hope he is safe and that he will maintain it and that others will write. You, Russ and others helped me a lot. It’s good to have a place to talk. I created my own blog and Russ said that he would be a guest on it but I can’t seem to contact him. My blog address is: I am putting excerpts from my book and other facts and current news about the evil church and its minions. I would be happy if you and others comment on my blog.

      George Barilla Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
      August 27, 2013 at 9:59 pm
      my comments are being held for moderation but I did answer you

      Dwayne James Mitchell Says:
      August 27, 2013 at 9:36 pm | Reply
      Hi George:

      YES, this great site has been VERY quiet for the past few weeks. —– I guess people are on vacation, or they are just tired of “rehashing the old memories” from childhood. —– We can talk about what happened to us, (and that is good for a time because it gets the anger out), —- but after a while it all boils down to what if any action should be taken! —– Because of an illness that I suffered since January, my wife & I have not been able to attended Saturday Mass for the past eight months. —- We have noticed a major change in our lives. —- We are much happier. If you think about this last statement, there is something wrong with it, because “church attendance” should make the person feel good about themselves and their life! —— WE FEEL BETTER BY NOT ATTENDING CHURCH, and not listening to “boring sermons” that mean absolutely nothing in terms of the “hear and now of life.” —- I have decided to STOP going to church, and live the remainder of my life just as an “ethical person.” —– I do not need a priest of a nun to tell me how to live. And I certainly do not need any clergy to tell me how to spend my money, and who to leave it to when I die. YES, being “church free” has improved my life 100%! —– All the best to you! —- Best regards to everyone on this site. —– God bless! ———- Dwayne.
      MaryW Says:
      August 27, 2013 at 9:44 pm
      So true Dwayne, I love God and I just don’t feel the goodness that I should by going there. I watch Dr. Charles Stanley on television and he makes me feel good and does not make me feel guilty about things I don’t do. I think when the Catholic Church needed room for more saints and dumped St. Christopher, it made me realize it is just a make it up as you go along religion and I just let my eyes roll back in my head, take my medication and move on. I pray you and your wife’s health improves quickly!!! God bless everyone!!

      George Barilla Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
      August 27, 2013 at 9:49 pm
      Hi Dwayne, I just wrote to Mary W but my comment says “pending moderation” so I don’t know if she or you can see it. I mentioned that Russ is in Ecuador. I am happy to hear that you don’t go to church anymore. I don’t go either — I can pray to God on my own and in any place.

      George Barilla Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
      August 27, 2013 at 9:56 pm
      I have been responding to you and Mary but my comments are being held for moderation so I don’t know why that is.

      Mario Says:
      August 27, 2013 at 11:45 pm | Reply
      It has been a few weeks since anyone commented on this site. I didn’t bother because I’ll probably catch hell again when I make comments.
      George Barilla Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
      August 27, 2013 at 11:50 pm | Reply
      Mario, I sent one blog comment and all of the rest of my comments are “waiting for moderation” and no one can see them – guess there is a glitch in the program

      • firetender Says:

        So, let’s get something straight.

        This site lives or dies according to the participation of its mmbers. If I don’t say anything, it only means I amd not saying anything.

        If the site gets boring, wake its ass up. I monitor posts and can always make you lives miserable (but you can see what an Authoritarian I am!)

        So don’t panic and take some responsibility to make this a site worth joining!

        I don’t make a penny from this thing and my laziness is a reflection of it.

        And yes, I live in Ecuador, a Catholic Country. I’ll let you know as soon as I’m asked to leave ;-0

        (Actually, I haven’t heard many reports of abuse at the hands of nuns down here. I fact, I see some churches doing quite a lot for the poor. At any rate, I’ll reserve judgment until I actually know something.

      • firetender Says:

        I almost forgot to mention: if you make a comment while you are NOT logged in, it goes up for my review. The program doesn’t automatically recognize your IPA or whateverthehellyoucall it.

        So, when you’re logged in, and recognized as a member, your post automatically passes muster and gets through.

        I do monitor posts for appropriateness.

      • Melpub Says:

        I do think the site could use a facelift–a web designer or some smart teenager to organize it into stories that are easy to find and comments on those particular stories.
        This can be done with very little cost but with one friendly and techie teen.

      • George Barilla Says:

        Russ, I don’t know what you mean by “log in”. I always put my email and name in the box where it says “Fill in your details below or clic an icon to log in” Is there another way to log in?

      • George Barilla Says:

        Russ, glad to hear from you. I still don’t know why my comments kept going for moderation by you because I always put in my email address and name. If there is some other way to log in let me know.

  384. Mario Says:

    It has been a few weeks since anyone commented on this site. I didn’t bother because I’ll probably catch hell again when I make comments.

    • George Barilla Says:

      Mario, I sent one blog comment and all of the rest of my comments are “waiting for moderation” and no one can see them – guess there is a glitch in the program

    • MaryW Says:

      I feel like you do Mario, so I just quit saying anything.

  385. Melpub Says:

    Of course stop going to church! Church-free, after your experiences, sounds like the best thing in the world to do.
    Try yoga or ice cream instead.
    The money is better spent than in THAT collection plate!

  386. Mario Says:

    Thank you for your reply MaryW. I appreciate it. George Berilla. This whole thing coud be a conspiracy by lousy nuns and priest trying to sabotage the blog. LOLOL Just kidding.

  387. Melpub Says:

    Let me say again–this blog supplies a vital service, and I urge you to get an editor and a facelift–make it easy to find stories, and for readers to reply to particular stories–you could organize by geography, for example, and by literature on the subject, and in many other ways. The cost could run to as little as ten dollars an hour for a few hours–or if you do it yourself, around $60 with certain internet sources. I don’t know how to do this myself but I’ve watched my fourteen-year-old whizzing around building websites, and I just think it’s too bad this one is in its present condition. The stories people send are really worthy of the attention they’d get if the website looked better.
    I hope I don’t sound too much like a busybody.

    • firetender Says:

      I plead guilty.

      I established this site because there was nothing like it; there was nowhere for people who’ve been abused by Catholic nuns to turn to for support.

      This is not about attracting people. Those who need to get here get here and, with a little due diligence, they can find many resources.

      Yes, they have to look. Correct, it’s disorganized and correct it would only take a bit of effort and time and money on my part to tighten it up and make it more palatable to a larger audience. Entertaining.

      It’s the people who have come here that have given the site value. There’s a wealth of experience available here and the site is doing what it’s supposed to do.

      So, yes, I’m too lazy to do more formatting than is here; dirt simple.

      When one of you is ready to take on the site completely and expand it, please let me know.

  388. Tom Says:

    Firetender: G_d Bless you for the courage you have to come forth with this. I too was abused. The public humiliation was the worse. As a practicing Jew today, I learned that in Jewish culture, it is a great wrong to criticize someones faults in public. A standard that Jesus himself practiced. If you will notice that all of his stories except the hero of one of his stories Lazarus the beggar, he does not name anyone directly. This was a hard read for me. Like being there again. My abuse came from Our Lady of Lourdes in Melbourne Fl. and Melbourne Central Catholic, years of 1966-1977. The former housed Irish Dominican nuns. Again Thank you.

  389. gorilla gaurd Says:

    I am almost seventy five years of age and only recently discovered this website. It comes as no surprise that so many folks have felt the sting of abuse from these sadistic women. Those who remain silent (to this day) are as much guilty.

    What is curious is the fact that a pattern all over the world had developed. The public needs to know the genesis of this philosophy of meting out physical pain in the name of holy discipline and the salvation of tender young souls.

    Several orders of nuns operated in my town in Pennsylvania and ALL of them engaged in physical violence starting in the first grade continuing through high school. So it follows logically that somewhere in the church heirarchy this started. My Mother, who also went to parochial school never questioned the authority of the nuns.

    I continue to deal with guilt trips started by these women who beat me into believing that my immortal soul was in great danger if I dared to peek up a girl’s dress or touched a warm virginal breast of my prom date.

    This web site helps me put things into better perspective.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      There were a “FEW” good nuns, BUT most were “very sick human beings who hated children.” —- I was educated in Catholic Schools for 12 years, and I earned by BA and two MA degrees in both State Colleges and a Private University. The quality of education is both the State Colleges and the Private University was outstanding compared to the poor quality in a Catholic High School, but that was done by design by the Catholic School. —- The nuns used the Catholic Schools to “brain wash the children” into the Catholic Church. —- They wanted to produce non-thinking / loyal / mindless people who would follow directions / orders blindly, and support the church with their money without question for their entire life! —– By the time I entered H.S., — I knew that the Catholic Church was not for me! —- They destroy the “creativity” and the “soul” of children. —– Growing up in the Catholic Church” is NOT fun! —- It is a VERY negative experience something like the “concentration camps of Nazi Germany!” The nuns were the Gestapos of the school! —- What bothers me is that there are adults in the world who were mistreated by nuns who will not criticize the nuns and / or the Catholic Church. —– The nuns had no right to “brain wash” children. If I found a dog and a nun swimming in a river, and I could only put one in the boat, I would save the dog! I guess that says it all! ———– All the best! ——– Dwayne

      • Brian Says:


        You have succinctly encapsulated my feelings and those of your fellow victims feelings over the past several years, kudos well done. I will try to memorize you post though at my age that is not a given

      • George Barilla Says:

        Dwayne, you have that right when you compare the catholic schools to Nazi concentration camps. The catholic church has a long history of being friends with Nazis and they still associate with Nazis today. See my new blog: The pope and the nazis: then and now at

  390. Lee Says:

    Reading all this is absolutely chilling to me. I was mentally abused horrifically in 4th, 5th & 7th grade. Bathroom privileges were held back till you ‘went” in your pants. I was once told to stand in the middle of my class. Sister Maureen Therese asked me who EVER told me I was smart. I was asked to answer…When I didn’t respond, she told me all I was …..nothing but a “Dumb Polack”. I had never heard those two words together before! My parents were from Poland. I was devastated and humiliated. I wasn’t hit…as much as tortured with a ruler and the THOUGHT I would be … at any time. I was made to feel like I was NOTHING. I had a 6th grade Nun who was my salvation. She knew and believed what I went through. She was my angel. Without her, I think my will would’ve been entirely broken.

    • Melpub Says:

      I read Lee’s memories; it’s horrifying to hear yet another story. I wish all these stories could be compiled and sent to EVERY SINGLE seminary for monks, priests, and nuns in the USA. Really. Shout it from the rooftops til they hear you. And since I believe sacrilege is a REAL ANSWER to many of the abuses I’ve read here, I’m going to type in a favorite poem by a favorite poet, Sharon Olds, who lived through a hellfire childhood in a Calvinist home. This is from her second book of poems, “The Gold Cell”:

      The Pope’s Penis

      It hangs deep in his robes, a delicate
      clapper at the center of a bell.
      It moves when he moves, a ghostly fish in a
      halo of silver sweaweed, the hair
      swaying in the dark and the heat — and at night
      while his eyes sleep, it stands up
      in praise of God.


      Why print this? Because ALL THESE PEOPLE–the pope, the nuns, the priests, are only people. Very messed up people. Not giants, not monsters, not the bogyman. Just people. They need shrinks just as much as the rest of us do.

      • MaryW Says:

        Yes, Melpub we all need help. Unfortunately we have all been through the Catholic Hell from Nuns and Priests etc…. I wish the Catholic church really cared about the members instead of just grooming mindless followers for financial gain. The “damaged” ones like myself and the others on this blog should be given help from the church for its sins. I appreciate you attaching the poem, however, I guess I am not “cultured” enough to understand it. But thank you any way.

      • Melpub Says:

        Russ, with the poem I just wanted to say again that everyone, pope to priest to nun, is just a person. That’s what the poem is about to me So many of these stories show me that the sufferers continue to suffer because they continue to see the abusers as monsters with the powers of some superhero. And every last mother’s son or daughter–pope to priest to nun–is just the same flesh and blood mess.
        I really think this blog should travel to seminaries. Should be required reading for everyone entering this “calling.”

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        YES, —– a lot of us still have “unfinished business, and it is this “unfinished business” that drives us to post on this great site!—– Dwayne.

      • Don Says:


        Your words are even more powerful than the poem. Yes. We continue to suffer and give the abusers of our early years continuing power over us. This is our challenge to overcome, as many of the nuns, brothers and priests discussed in this blog are long gone from this life. How do we let go but not forget? How do we right some of these wrongs but not continue to be consumed by the inner rage that formed during the abuse years? I have no easy answer except to know that I have to find a way, which I believe I am doing. Otherwise these abusers ultimately win. Don

      • Melpub Says:

        Don, I still say the seminaries should know–doesn’t matter if the abusers are dead–their “spiritual children” are still around and training now, as I write. Things haven’t changed that much. The poem: it really demonstrates for me the flesh and blood of the clergypeople–and the more that sinks in, the less they seem like towering monsters, the all-powerful, magically omnipotent beings they were in childhood. The poem says: “Look, the pope is just a guy, a man like any other man, who gets erections and belches and poops and farts and laughs and bleeds like everybody else!”

      • MaryW Says:

        Thank you Melpub for explaining what the poem meant to you. I was not sure what it meant. I think everyone would interpret it their way. I thought it meant the Pope was sex crazed. lol Sorry, like I said I was not sure what you meant. 🙂 But thank you for sharing

  391. david Says:

    My prayers to those who have been abused as children. It is sad that one’s childhood experinces create such a caricature of the church. It is a cross indeed many of uou endure. Satan can take on many forms. He is conniving like that, even in ouinstitutions. Throughout church history, there have always bee

    n judas’ using the church to their own advantage. Don’t let judas or satan drive you away from Christ. Christ is present in thr holy eucharist. I pray that you come home.

    Google “Catholics come home.” A support ministry for those who left the church.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi David:

      QUESTION: —— Why would I want to come home to a place that worked at destroying my life when I was a child in the 40’s and 50’s? —- The priests that are hearing confession and saying the mass are the same individuals, with the help of the nuns, who are destroying children everyday. —– The church has a policy of hiding clergy who have abused children. —- Don’t you see a problem with this behavior. —— Must we continue to let these sick people destroy our lives, and in the process, support them financially? —– No, I would never suggest that anyone return to the Sick Catholic Church. —– Join a Christian Church that is bible based, and get away from the rules and negativity of the Sick Catholic Clergy! ——- Satan does not have to infiltrate the Catholic Church. He has been running the show for years! —- The Catholic Church and it’s clergy are a disgrace to the Christian Religion. —– Just my opinion. —– Dwayne

  392. Martin Quintana Says:

    After reading so many stories of Catholic Sisters and Nuns committing physical and sexual abuse of their students I too must tell my story. I was sexually abused by a Catholic Sister of the teaching order of the Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids, Michigan. I am male. The abuse took place at a grammar school in a small town in New Mexico. The school still exists to this day. The abuse began when I was about 12 years old in the 6th. grade. I do not know why no one else has ever come forward! The Sisters I encountered in school, for the most part, were sadistic and cruel. During my school years I was a loner, always by my self, always being bullied by other male students. We were all oppressed by the “teachings” of the Church regarding to being pure or impure and any and all thoughts of “sex” were extremely sinful and needed immediate “purging” for the offense. Every year at the beginning of the school year a physical/medical exam of students was performed by local physicians and medical personnel. This was to “ensure” that each student was “healthy.” One day was for the boys and another for the girls, however the Sisters were always present. At the designated time for the 6th grade boys to have their physical exam we were all marched into the parish hall and told to disrobe but to keep our underwear on and to wrap a bath towel around our waist. I did not hear the instructions about keeping on my underwear because I went to the restroom to change. I was told by some older students that we were to have only the towel wrapped around our bodies and that we were not to wear underpants. I completely disrobed in the bathroom and wrapped my old towel, which I brought from home, around my waist. I then went to the line of 6th grade boys and we were put in alphabetical order by last name. I clearly remember the boys immediately in front and behind me. We went from medical station to station having various medical personnel check us. The last station was to have our genitals “examined” in a brief sort of way. Behind a screen each boy would proceed to where the doctor was seated and the doctor would pull the waistband of the underwear open to look inside. As the boys were joking and poking each other I began to develop an erection which was clearly visible as I was not wearing any underwear. Some of the boys began to make fun of me and I did try to push my erection down. I do admit that but I was NOT being impure or trying to do anything like that. All of a sudden I felt someone grab my arm and I thought it was one of the boys behind me. No, it was Sister MA. She was my 6th grade teacher. She said that she saw what I was doing and that I was being “sinful and impure” and that I was an example of “sin.” She took me out of line still grabbing my arm and leading me back to where our clothes were put. On the way she told Sister L of the 5th grade class to watch out for the 6th grade boys and that she was going back to the offices to “punish” me for my “sinfulness.” We proceeded to get my clothing, all the while my towel kept falling off. I placed my clothing in front to cover myself. We got to the front offices where Sister MA unlocked the doors and took me inside. She was red in the face and told me that I was so sinful and dirty that she needed to “purge” me of my sinfulness. She told me to kneel down by some file cabinets by a worn holy picture of the Blessed Virgin. I was told to pray for my sins. She told me NOT to open the door to anyone or to try to leave. She left and locked the door from outside. A few minutes later she unlocked the door to the office, entered, and relocked the door. I was told to stand up and to show her where I was touching. I tried to say I was sorry but that did not calm her down. She demanded that I show what I was so “sinfully touching.” I had my towel around my waist but nothing underneath. Because I did not “show” her what I was touching she slapped my face and became more angered. She grabbed my towel and ripped it from me. She said that I was “puffed up” (erect) with sin and evil thoughts and desires. She said she would “purge” me of this sin and impurity. She looked in some desk drawers and the file cabinet and found two large flasks of Holy Water. She had me bend over a wooden chair exposing my backside. She had a large linen cloth draped on her black belt, next to a large string of Rosary beads. She soaked the linen cloth with the Holy Water and began to “purge” my genitals of sin and impurity. She began to wash me from behind and kept on stroking and manipulating my genitals. I began to feel something deep inside me that I never felt before and I thought I was going to pee. I felt this urgency to pee. I tried to tell her but she told me to be silent and she continued with her purging. I was told to pray the Hail Mary and to ask for forgiveness for my impurity and my being “all puffed up.” I no longer could hold on or control my body and I had a release of fluids into the linen cloth and on to her hands. All she said was, “That’s it, that’s it, you dirty piece of sin.” She then “washed” my face, hair and neck with the fluids from the linen cloth. She had me lick her fingers. She smeared my face with the fluids. I was told to put the towel around me and to get dressed. At about this time as I was putting on my clothing, the School Principal knocked at the door of the office. Sister MA opened the door and Sister P appeared at the doorway and she CLEARLY saw me and my disheveled condition. Sister MA said that she had to discipline me for being “sinful and impure” and that I had “soiled” myself in the process. Sister P, the Principal, only said that she hoped I learned my lesson and that Sister MA should be more careful about he discipline in the future. Sister MA always used me as the “example” of impurity when she would be speaking to the class about sin, modesty, impurity and being chaste. Sister MA abused me in much the same way twice more during the school year but Sister P stopped me from going to see Sister MA after the third time. I KNEW that Sister P KNEW what Sister MA was doing, but she did nothing to stop the abuse. Sister MA was relocated before the end of the school year, I do not know where. Usually the term of service for the Sisters was six years. Sister MA only “taught” for three! When the sexual abuse scandal hit our archdiocese in the early 1990’s what with the forced resignation of the then Archbishop, because of having sexual relations with certain female church members, I tried to have my experience investigated NOT to be compensated with money for what happened, but to expose the truth. No lawyer would take my case. I was told that since no other student or former student has or had brought forth similar accounts that it would be very difficult to pursue my case. I could NOT provide the “real name” or even the “last name” of the the Sister who “allegedly” committed the abuse my case went no where. We, as students, never knew the “real names or last names” of any of the Sister. The Order of Sisters has NEVER responded to any of my letters to them over the years. I am a 64 year old man who has suffered greatly over these years. I never dated while in high school or college and did not do so during my working life. Yes, one could say I did “live” but that is NOT the case! I have been in and out of therapy for many years now. I entered a marriage in my 40’s, and was so thoroughly sexually inept that my wife suffered much in our marriage. Yes, this is a long response, but NO ONE is there to ever listen!

    • firetender Says:

      Sometimes explicit is the only way to assure that people “get” you can’t make sick shit like this up. Thank you!

      I fully understand how much hard work it takes to “work through” what occupied less than an hour of your life. Just a few moments like that set you off mis-directed for a long time. That sudden, violent interruption of your experience shakes your whole world view, and at twelve years old, you’re still not quite able to process what happened there intellectually.

      In that case, like a kid who got burned by a lit stove, any time you get near a source of heat you don’t flinch, you duck and cover and probably shake for an hour! This representative of the living Christ imprinted an image of WOMAN and sexuality on you that haunted you for far too long. Yet, though I’m sorry that’s what happened, that’s what happened.

      In my heart is thanks again because you have just made it easier for some or many others who experienced similar traumas to, #1) Admit it really happened to them as well, and #2) Seek ways to heal themselves through becoming available to others who have experienced similar traumas.

      Healing has, not so much a price as a bit of an obligation, and that is to others who need to hear exactly what you have to say. it’s about completing the circle.

    • Melpub Says:

      Martin, I am listening. Everybody here is listening. That sick sister really harmed you–talk about it and some day even laugh about this sick, foolish jerk who never had a life and though punishment was jerking off a kid. Every seminary in the country should read this. Forget lawyers. Tell the true stories–always tell the true stories. I can imagine writing about them.
      I have had my share of rotten experiences and one thing that has helped me is to write about them–pick different ways, sometimes “as it happened,” sometimes serious, sometimes trying to see not that it is funny but ridiculous, absurd: this poor fool of a nun was turned on by the young boys, then wanted to purge herself so “purged” you. And got off on it.
      In the godawful childhood department, a writer whom you might like is Augusten Burroughs–try his RUNNING WITH SCISSORS. It’s not nuns, but wait and see.

      • Martin Quintana Says:

        Thank you for your comments regarding my experiences. It does help to know that there are people, good people, who do believe and can emphathize. It has taken over 50 years for my story to finally be told.

    • B. Robertson Says:

      Hi Martin,
      I too had the Dominican Nuns from Toledo,OH. I read your story and once again, tears rolled down my cheeks. Perhaps this is not a nice thing to say, but I hope and pray that Sister MA and the principal are long gone from this world. Unbelievable. In this day and age, they would have been arrested and thrown in jail where they belonged! God’s speed with healing. I send love and light to you.

      • Martin Quintana Says:

        Dear B. Robertson, thank you for your comment. I truly feel that finally I am gaining something from telling my story. What I failed to mention in my account was that these episodes took place in 1962 when I was 12 years old. It has taken 52 years for me to finally tell my story in this type of forum. Back in the early 1970’s I tried, for the first time, to relate my abuse history with “Catholic” counselors at Catholic Charities. That was a big mistake! The so called “therapist” was a Catholic Sister whose Order of Religious had been, as she put it “liberated to public ministry” after Vatican II. She told me that I should THANK the Sister for introducing me to sexuality and “body expression.” The abusing Sister performed other sexual abuse of me twice more before the Principal order me to stop going to “purging sessions” with Sister MA. What really hurt and damaged me was that after the third “session” with Sister MA, the Principal, Sister P, actually seeing me smeared and disheveled AGAIN, told me to NEVER tell anyone about the “purging sessions.” She said, and I clearly remember even after all these years, “Martin, you must NEVER, Never tell anyone what Sister MA was doing. It was for the “good” of your soul. Now promise that you will keep this to yourself.” I promised and even was made to “pray” to a particular Saint for strength to “overcome” me impure intentions and inclinations. Well, I do not want to take up more time, just again, to express a thank you and to all who have read and truly understand my experience. Martin.

      • Melpub Says:

        Martin, take the time! Holy Mackerel, what a story–first you’re abused, then you tell the therapist, and the therapist says, “Now, really, let me just re-write the story for you, let me just tell you she was doing it for your own good and by the way, don’t tell anybody!” Jesus! And how! Again, send this to seminaries–you’ll know they are bad guys if they don’t reply or if they say something along the lines of “it didn’t really happen and if it did then you misunderstood it.” You are the best judge of your experiences.

        I had similar bad experiences–a drunk father, a pedophile grandfather, and a hell of a mess of a family.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      God bless you! —- This was a “horrible experience” for any young person to go through. —– The Clergy of the Catholic Church are very sick people. —– They have distorted the Christian Religion to satisfy their own ends! —- Everything about them is negative! —- I would NEVER send a child to any Catholic School! —- I would home school the child first. —- These nuns should have been put in prison for life! —– We are the survivors on this board! —- Our stories need to be told. —– God bless everyone who has the guts to tell their story! —- Dwayne

      • Martin Quintana Says:

        Mr. Mitchell, thank you for your response. I never would have dreamed that many people would read my story and lend their support. I cannot relate to you all what a tremendous relief it is for me to be able to tell my story. So many memories have flooded my mind since posting my experience here. I am sure that the Principal of the school and the Order of Sisters knew something was going on because Sister MA was only at the school three years, not the six or more as was the usual case with teaching assignments. It was in Sister MA’s third year that the sexual abuse occurred. In fact she left the school BEFORE the end of the school year. We as students and even the parents were never told the reason for the departure of Sister MA, only that she was “reassigned” elsewhere. It was my experience that “Catholic” schools were among the most cruel places ever! A lingering legacy of Sister MA for me was that for the remainder of the 6th. grade, all of the 7th., and all of the 8th., grades, I was known as the “impure” example. Once each month a day was set aside in the school as a day of “reflection” a mini-retreat. At the beginning of each of those days, the Sister in charge of her particular class would present to each student a placard with the “fault” or “sin” of that student, for example a girl known for being a gossip would have to wear a placard with the word gossip written on it, or a boy prone to being too active would have to wear a placard with the word “trouble maker” written on it. On my placard in the 6th, 7th., and 8th. grades the word “impure with self” would be written and for the whole day I was to wear that placard. It was bad enough that the Sisters would hang these and similar shaming words on all students, but to be known as “impure” was a great trial for me. In all that time I never say any similar word ascribed to any other student at that school. What became a bewildering experience for me was that during those last three years at the school, I saw on any number of occasions both girls and boys “feeling” and/or “scratching” their private areas and they were not “disciplined” as I was. No, the touching or feeling was NOT blatant but was noticeable, but no one was held accountable. I grew up with the idea that I as the worst of all sinners, being impure with myself. As a student in high school, college and in my work career I NEVER dated and had little contact with females. I had no close male friends either. I sincerely believed that I was “soiled” and that people could actually see my soiled face. Well, so much for venting more stored up memories. Thank you all for your understanding. Martin.

      • firetender Says:

        I apologize for any insensitivity regarding my statement that you’ve been suffering for years over what lasted less than an hour. I misread and/or was completely wrong in my interpretation.

        I get the picture now and can see the humiliation was absolutely astounding and, over that one incident, it lasted for all intents and purposes, some of your most formative years.

        No wonder your ability to form relationships was so affected.

        There’s a lot of people here that hear you loud and clear. You’ll find friends. At your comfort level (and this goes for everyone!) if you find someone you connect with well, PM him or her and again, at your comfort level, in writing or phone, share as you’re doing now.

        No, we can’t change the past but we most certainly can affect how we experience today!

      • gorilla gaurd Says:

        My heart goes out to you, Martin. I too received much abuse from the nuns of several orders from first grade through high school. Most of the abuse came in the form of vicious corporal punishment.

        But yes, the nuns were also so obsessed with carnal matters.

        So were some of the parish priests. One priest, a rather effeminate man would corner we altar boys AFTER MASS and fondle our little penises and testicles. This happened to me about five times when I was in the fifth grade! He would leave a dollar or two in my pocket after he was finished. I did not dare tell anyone, even my parents. Mom probably would have told me to put the money in the poor box and then go to confession. I just kept the money and tried not to worry about it.

        In high school, another priest kept rushing me and a few of my friends to go into the seminary. He got us out of school one day and we went to a large seminary to “play basketball” and check out the place. So off we went, and had some fun shooting hoops. Then it was shower time. The showers went around the perimeter of a large tiled room. Since my friends and I played on the same sports teams for years, we all knew what each other looked like and it was no big deal. But then, as we were all in there here comes our priest “buddy” strutting into the shower room buck-ass naked. How creepy was that?

        A few years later, I encountered the same pries when i was twenty one years old and wanted to marry the then girl of my dreams. his first question was were we enjoying the marital bed and was she pregnant. We were having sex, but she was not pregnant. So a quick marriage was arranged for an immature twenty one year old man/boy and an eighteen year old girl. Our marriage only lasted twelve years and produced two fine children, both now in their fifties. I am now almost seventy five.

        I harbor few regrets in life, but resent how the clergy pushed us around, all in the name of our immortal souls. I continue to try to save mine….I think I’ll succeed, but with no thanks to many of the people of God who came into my life.

      • Martin Quintana Says:

        You have been through a lot, gorilla gaurd, to be sure. I thank you for sharing your story and for reading mine. It has helped me tremendously to finally tell of my abuse and to read others who have had ordeals and trials similar to mine. My prayers, and yes I still do pray, are for all of us who have survived the ordeal of the sadistic “baptism” done to us in the name of a compassionate God.


    • MaryW Says:

      Dear Sweet Martin, I almost fainted from the horror of your story. God help you for all you endured and yes, it destroys your life forever. We care about you so much and understand how your cruel treatment can never be repaired. My heart is broken for you Martin. 😦 xxx ooo

      • Martin Quintana Says:

        Dear MaryW. please know that I deeply appreciate your comment and the comments of those others who took the time to read and believe my story. I thank God for finding this forum where I can, after over 50 years, reveal what happened to me as a child. After each of the three abusive episodes with Sister MA she had me kiss the cross of her Rosary beads which as I remember the Dominican Sisters all wore, hanging from their black belts. During each of the encounters with Sister MA she would have me “pray” the Hail Mary to help “purge” my soul of my impure inclinations as she would “purge” my body of my impurity. As I mentioned before, I have held these memories for over 50 years and as I finally broke my silence here in this forum, more details are coming back to me. I could not go and tell my parents who were such strong Catholics, who in the 1950’s and early 1960’s believed that priests and Sisters could do no wrong. I had no friends at school, no one I could go to. In these 52 years since the sexual abuse I tried suicide twice and have been hospitalized three times in psychiatric hospitals. If this in not proof enough of what I really suffered I do not know what is. thank you for believing me and taking the time to read my story. My dear wife, who was 20 years younger than I at the time of our marriage, found it difficult to know how best to help me. For most of the 17 years of our marriage, out sexual intimate life was a disaster. I was 43 years of age when we married, she was 23. It has been 3 years since she passed away due to end stage renal failure. I was her sole care giver for the last two years of her life. I was present when both my mother and my father passed away and I was present when a good friend, a male friend, passed away. I was placed in these situations for a reason and I am still trying to understand the purpose. Again, thank you all! Martin.

      • MaryW Says:

        Hello Martin 🙂 You are so welcome, I cannot imagine the mind that it took to do those horrible, horrible things, but I know they happened, different things happened to all of us. I believe you!!! I can still remember the feel of the nuns habit touching my face and the smell. It makes me sick just to think of them. I think most of the priests and nuns are evil, and if they aren’t when they got there they will be. It takes someone very strong to withstand that kind of evil. I am glad you had a good wife that understood and I know you must miss her. We all care about you Martin 🙂 !!!!

      • Martin Says:

        Dear MaryW, thank you for your reflective comments. I really appreciate all those who have read and responded to my story. Yes, my wife in the 17 years of our marriage did stay with me and tried to understand my sadness and depression. My sorrow is that in those 17 years of marriage we never had an intimate (sexual) life. I was too unsure of myself and despite therapy I never achieved any physical relationship with her. And YES, this did affect her and her needs as a person, as a woman. She sought other males for that type of fulfillment. What the nun did to me on those three occasions plus being “raised” in a very strict Catholic home, only helped in my not wanting physical intimacy.

      • firetender Says:

        Just so you all know, I still am not sure how this thing works. An example, this, Martin’s latest post came in my “Please Moderate” box which means it can’t get posted until I approve. Theoretically, once I approve someone’s 1st post, they are cleared to post at will. So I don’t know why but sometimes one out of five posts will get stuck in my Moderate Box and I may be delayed in getting it in view.

      • MaryW Says:

        Dear Martin, I know what you mean and it is so not your fault, we as young children tried our best just to survive, please our families, God, the nuns and priests through the shame and torture. I have never been able to equate sex with love, I cannot bring the two together and I blame the nuns and their sickness for that. I don’t know how to have a relationship with anyone. After I divorced I had many sex partners only to stupidly be drug into another horrible marriage that lasted a few months. I dated great guys who loved me, but I could not handle that, I could only handle an abusive relationship like the one I lived through for nine years at Catholic school. It has ruined my life and now I can find no peace. I am so sorry for you Martin, so very, very sorry for your pain. They have ruined not just our lives but the many we have touched too.

      • Martin Quintana Says:

        Yes, again, I really must thank you MaryW for your insight and your own relating of personal pain and experiences. You are among the first that has understood what the trauma of the “catholic” school experience means to those who suffered under it. I mentioned in another response that I never felt “worth” enough to date, so all during my high school and college years I remained timid and alone. During my years of work, once again I just felt so inadequate as a male. Oh yes, I did try to meet women. I would try to ask classmates and later women that I met at work, but I lacked sufficient social skills and self-confidence that I failed. It can be said that my wife and I finally consummated our marriage SEVEN years into the marriage. I could NOT do anything right during the first seven years of our married life, I mean intimately. This was why my wife during those first seven years found it necessary for her to continually visit her parents and family hundreds of miles away from where we lived. She found it difficult to accept that my inability to be sexually intimate was based on past sexual abuse. She refused to enter couples counseling with me in all of our married life. My real and only outlet, and I so well learned it from the Catholic Church, was being “impure” with my self (masturbation). My wife found me doing this so many times that she became tired of this and sought connections with REAL men. This hurt me greatly. This is the FIRST time I have ever had the courage to write this about myself and my life. My only physical relief was self-administered from after the time of the abuse with the Sister, age 12 through age 57/58. Due to my hospitalization in Sept 2007, some 6 months in a hospitalized setting and the final two years of care giving to my wife, Sept 2008 to Sept 2010, I no longer could be “impure” with myself. In the three years since the passing of my wife I have lived a very celibate and chaste life. Before my time with my wife and since her death NO woman has ever taken an interest in me. I have not yet described what Sister MA did on the two other occasions with her, but all combined they had a great impact on my self worth. I have tried various forms of psycho-therapy, counseling, memory work and meditation over the years and yes, some of these have helped but only to a degree. I do not expect an instant cure. Well enough stated. Again, I pray for all of those survivors and yes even for the abusers. You are wonderful people. Sincerely, Martin.

      • MaryW Says:

        Dear Martin, you have done great surviving your torture, what those nuns did is unspeakable. It is a pure act of Satan’s helpers. I cannot conceive how anyone could even think like they did. I will never have respect for any priests or nuns, I honestly think they are all bad. You are in my prayers Martin as is everyone here also. I watch Dr. Charles Stanley and listen to his preaching now and then. I am not advertising for him, I just like to feel good about God, not bad. I don’t get that from attending mass, I don’t get the happiness I think you should. If it feels bad it usually is. Take care of yourself and know we are all behind you.

      • Martin Quintana Says:

        Dear MaryW: I am amazed at the support I have received from you and the others who have read my story and know of my pain. Over the years I have had to seek out a spiritual path that has taken me from the Catholic Church to an evangelical protestant experience through Mormonism, for a brief period, into the roots of my mixed Sephardic/Ashkenazi heritage leading me back again to being a member of the Catholic Church. Only a survivor can know the loss of selfworth that carries the person on and on in search of peace. Sometimes the peace was inside me all the time until other or I uncovered it. Thank you for your comments. Respectfully, Martin.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Good Morning Martin:

      I read your story again, because it is so typical of the behavior of the nuns and priests in the Catholic Church in the 40’s, 50s, & 60,s! ———— They USE PEOPLE at every opportunity to their own advantage, and they “step on people” when necessary to get what they want! —— Our parents were “blind” to the daily actions of the clergy, even though many of us tried to tell our parents about the daily activities that transpired in school. —– While I was never molested as a child by the clergy, I was physically & mentally abused by the nuns, —– and that should have never happened. —– From the 4th to the 7th grade I was never comfortable attending school in NYC. Not only was there violence from the nuns, their actions also breeds violence within the student body. —– I have always been a “free thinker,” and as such, I did not follow the crowd. —- I do not give “blind obedience” to any organization. —– I question everything. —- This does not sit well with nuns and priests, nor does this sit well with the student body who drinks the “Catholic Cool-Aid completely.” —- So, as a student, I was never part of the “in-group” in elementary school or high school. ——- Being “different,” does not allow for group relationships, so I understand your pain. —- Is was only after I graduated from H.S., and spent some time in the Military that I felt good about myself and my future. —- YES, you might say that the Army changed my life in many ways. ——- Now that I am 70 years old, I am glad that I had the military experience. —– It helped me to believe in myself, and in my ability to be successful. —– God bless you! —- You are a winner! —- You are a survivor! —- Set some new goals in your life. — Develop a “plan of action,” and then take focused / organized while using 100% of your talents, skills and abilities in the direction of your new goals. —– Have some fun! — Go out and purchase a “Mustang” and “run it through the gears” on the open road! (DO NOT GET A SPEEDING TICKET!) —- Purchase a boat and go fishing! —- Take a cruise! —- Join a social club! —- Meet new people. —- Learn from the past, but live in the preset (here and now), and move into the future using your “GREATNESS!” —- God bless you! ——- Dwayne.

  393. Mario Says:

    Some memories came back as I was reading these Emails. Back in the days of good ol’ Catholic School, you would think from the way nuns and priest use to talk, you would think they are above being human. That means they didn’t have to go to the bathroom. But for us since we are low life, we had to go to the bathroom. If you raised your hand and told them you had to go they would tell you to sit down and shut up. They didn’t care if you would bust.

    Fart Poem for the Pope.

    For if the Pope should cut the cheese at Catholic Sunday Mass,
    While others would ignore and wheeze, I’d fan the papal gas.

  394. MaryW Says:

    Catholic school from hell has never left me and I and 60 years old. I have trouble with relationships, work relationships, family relationships, because I cannot get past the fact that I will be placed in a situation where I have no control what is done to me. No way to stop any abuse what so ever. I know my therapist says you are an adult now and you can protect yourself. But she doesn’t know how it was in the Nazi Nun Camp aka Catholic School really was. Nine Years!!! I take depression and anxiety meds but it doesn’t stop the fight or flight mode. I honestly do not think I will ever recover from the damage. I think my mind and body have grooved in the fear direction and I will always have these issues no matter what. God bless all us survivors, the walking damaged!!!

  395. Fran F. Says:

    Dear Martin Quintana,
    Sending you a big hug! 🙂
    Lived with abusive nuns at: Cabrini Home For Girls 1963-65
    Catholic Home For Girls 1965-69

    Both of the Girls Homes I lived in were located in Philadelphia Pa.
    Here are a few names of Nuns who were especially cruel.
    Mother Xavier. Mother Conchetta : Cabrini Home For Children
    Sister Baptista, Sister Helen Constance :Catholic Home For Girls;…also called “Catholic Home For Destitute Children “as late as 1969 😦

    Fran F.

    • Martin Quintana Says:

      Dear Fran: Thank you for your acknowledgement. Your courage in naming the abusive nuns at Cabrini Home for Girls prompted me to now name the two involved with my life. The sexual abuser of me was Sister Michael Anne, aka Sister Michael Ellen. The Principal of the Catholic school was Sister Pascal. The Principal was the one who knew that something was going on and even saw the evidence of me and yet told me that I must never speak of the “purgings” to anyone. Again, thank you all. Martin.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Fran:

      Thank you for sharing your experience! —– You went through hell! ——- God bless you, and everyone else on this site! —— We are the survivors! —– The Catholic Church does not like us! —- They want us to go away! —— Dwayne.

      • Martin Quintana Says:

        Dear Dwayne, again, how can I thank all of you great, caring people?! Yes, we all went through our forms of hell at the abusive hands of nuns and priests. At the height of the priest sex-scandal in the Archdiocese where I live, the priest in “charge” of the investigations told me and some select others that our “fantasies” would not see the light of day. That was back in 1991-1993. I took me twenty years to come to terms with my past and to post MY experiences in this forum. Thanks to all and may the Good Lord truly bless us all. Martin.

      • Fran F. Says:

        Oh my God Martin! That woman who abused you is still alive and working! Please contact me via Russ (Firetender). I’m giving permission for just you to get my email for more info.
        God Bless!

      • Martin Quintana Says:

        Dear Fran F.: I am communicating with you, as you wish and YES, I am very interested to find out whether or not if the nun is still alive. It is possible because if she was in her say mid to late 20’s she would be in her 70’s or maybe even 80 by now. I received a telephone call at 11:40 pm on Sept. 30, Monday. I will try to make contact on Tuesday. I do not know from where you are calling from. Also please note that I did not have my hearing aids on so I did not hear the telephone ringing. You may be that instrument in God’s hand after all these years. May God, in His Goodness be with you and all those others who are with me on this journey. Sincerely, Martin.

      • Fran F. Says:

        Martin,we were disconnected when another phone call for you came in today,that is when you called me this morning..
        Call me again and I’ll give you my email and you give me yours. I got some information to send you.
        By the way,I live in San Diego,California.
        Fran 🙂

  396. Fran F. Says:

    A 79 year old Nun was sentenced to jail in 2008 for sexual abuse on two boys which occurred 40 years prior to the conviction..

    • Martin Quintana Says:

      Dear Fran: Yes, I read that account about an older sister being given a “light” sentence. My nun was not of that order. The nun who sexually abused me was from the Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids, Michigan who were assigned to teach in the small Catholic school in the town I grew up in in central New Mexico. The school still exists but it is now being operated by laypeople and the parish. The nuns have left over 20 – 25 years ago. At one time I was close to tracking down the particular sister. A Sister of the same order was from my home town. I inquired of her about Sister Michael Anne or Sister Michael Ellen. This particular Sister would not provide me with any information. She just said that she know of two Sisters of the Order who had taken the same name (odd I think) and both were Sister Michael Anne. I did not relate to her, the Sister from my home town, why I wanted to be in contact but I feel she “knew.” She became defensive but I did find out that the Sister in question was still alive at least back about 20 years ago. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Martin.

      • Fran F. Says:

        I know that is not the same Nun.
        I was just pointing out that a Nun can be prosecuted despite having committed sexual abuse 40 years earlier.
        Your abuser is still in the Dominican order. Her name is now called Sister Michael Ellen Carling.

      • Martin Quintana Says:

        Dear Fran: Thank you for ALL you help. I am truly sorry for not being able to stay on the telephone with you. I do indeed want to know more about this particular nun. Whereas I do not remember ever knowing the last name of the nun, the first names do match my memory of who she was and what she did. This means the world to me, Fran. I cannot tell you more. You have truly done me a very good turn, and for all your efforts and prayers I sincerely thank you and pray for all of our well-being. Respectfully and sincerely, Martin.

      • Fran F. Says:

        Martin,I got a recent picture of the Nun you are looking for.
        I could send it to you by email or I could put a link to it here.

      • Melpub Says:

        I think if there’s a link with this woman’s picture, it should be made as public as possible

      • firetender Says:

        Strangely enough, in about 1,000 posts this is the first time anyone requested or posted a nun’s picture on this site so I haven’t had to think about it, but now that it has come up…

        The people who were most concerned with getting links have gotten them. Now, I’ve taken them down. Naming names is appropriate for this site but identifying specific people as abusers is:

        #1) Not a wise thing for this site to get involved in legally.
        #2) Off of the purpose of this site which is to be a safe haven for those who have been abused by nuns to express themselves, communicate with others similarly affected and pursue healing.

        I’ll be more than happy to put people together on this site for sharings like this (as happened here) but until otherwise noted, please refrain from placing such links on the site. This site needs to be here to fulfill its stated purpose.

        Thank you
        a firetender

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


        “IF” the Catholic Church stands for “truth” and “justice,” then why can’t they “open their books,” and give you, and the other people the information to track down these “criminals” within their ranks?

        The truth is that they are all in the game together, and they will cover the tracks of each other because they all have something to hide. —— (It is very similar to the Nazi SS after WW2!)

        The more I read about this issue, the more it makes me ill!

        Parents and students trusted these people to do the right thing, and they used that “blind trust” to take advantage of children. If they were not going to help the children, then on the other side of the issue, they should have done “no harm” to the children.

        I am a product of 12 years of Catholic Education, and every time that I think about those years I get both sick and very angry. This is because the nuns wasted my youth because they wanted me to follow their life’s agenda. —– Had I received a better education during that time, my life would have been “more enjoyable,” and other career doors would have opened for me. — While I did “ok” in life, and I am comfortable in my retirement, I still think that “my music is still in me,” and the nuns destroyed my self-expression, and my belief in “self!” —– It has taken me a lifetime to overcome the “negative programming” that the nuns implanted in me in elementary school. —— I wish I could live my life over again but know what I know NOW! —- I have not been attending church since January, and I am feeling much better about myself, and my life! —- The “monkey is off my back!” —– God bless everyone!

        All the best! —— Dwayne

    • Melpub Says:

      Dear Fran and Martin,
      It’s sick to think this woman is still working! I also saw the link of the convicted nun from 2008–she does not seem to regret much at all. No emotion.

      • Fran F. Says:

        I thought the pic was under review and moderation by Russ (Firetender) and was not yet visible to everyone on the forum.
        Russ says that posting the pic is not a good idea.
        Martin hasn’t yet said it was her or not. He was sent a link to the pic and video by private email.
        Only Martin can identify this person as being the abuser. If it is the person I pray that seeing the pic or Youtube video is not too painful or overwhelming for him.
        Martin needs our emotional support…at his pace. 🙂

      • Melpub Says:

        I apologize for jumping the gun. I did not mean to push anyone to go public if they do not wish to do so. I’m sorry I was impatient–it is just that I am so indignant, outraged, to hear of this mistreatment by so many nuns, and I want these terrible crimes stopped. Martin, I hope I have not upset you and I am so glad you could tell your story.

      • MaryW Says:

        Dear Fran, Only being sensitive to Martin is my only concern, as far as the rest of us seeing the picture, who cares, if she is innocent or guilty why would we be restricted from the data. Innocent she has nothing to worry about, guilty then we should know that too. Thank you so much for finding her. No more hiding anyone or anything.

      • firetender Says:

        If there are not sites that publish the pictures, (accurate) names of the offending nuns, locations, etc. then start one. First and foremost, that’s not our purpose for being here. I removed MelPub’s post because it repeated the url for the link.

        Just a note here of how happy I am to see so much rallying behind our Brother! I suspect the site is doing its job.

      • Fran F. Says:

        Russ,Martin asks that all links to the Nun be taken down and especially the one of the video.I thought it was taken down but it still shows up on my computer.
        I’m sure he’ll be getting in touch with us soon. He is ill and also needs time to think things through.
        I hope this message goes to you first.I couldn’t find a personal email link to you. Please give me an email where I can contact only you personally. Thanks.

  397. Fran F. Says:

    Is Sister Michael Ellen Carling the Nun Martin was telling us about?
    Only Martin can tell us if she is the one.
    Surprise of all…this Nun has recently been on YouTube.
    Click on the link below:

    • Fran F. Says:

      Like I mentioned earlier. Only Martin can say if this was the Nun or not.
      I don’t want anyone posting comments to this Youtube if this person is the wrong Nun.
      Thanks 🙂

  398. Fran F. Says:

    Here is a site I feel might be of important interest to many on this forum. It is about the Hidden Story of Sexual Abuse by Nuns.Please excuse a word that might upset some in url link below.
    Click on:

    • Martin Quintana Says:

      Dear Fran: I do thank you for taking into consideration how my health has been affected by the recent discovery of Sister Michael Ellen. I am in contact with a former priest in regards to what my next steps should be. I need to take things slowly right now. The shock of seeing the Nun really unset me. It was meant to be I will not step back now. As to the particular website I had seen it sometime before. I cannot go into it now but over the years I have had very bad experiences with lawyers on other matters in my life and so I need to be careful in finding one to at least listen to my case and to hear my story. Pray for me and my health as I do for you all. Thank you and may God bless you all. Sincerely, Martin.

    • MaryW Says:

      OMG Fran F., I believe everything this article states. I just want to vomit, every day there is more and more evil revealed about the Catholic Church, nuns, priests and I am sure soon we will hear about what they call lay people too. Thank you so much for the article. God bless all of us that have suffered at the hands of these animals.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


      God bless all of us! —– I could not believe what I was reading! —– Where were the parents of these children? —- Did everyone drink the Catholic Cool Aid at once? —- If my child would have been treated like that, I would have been at the school with an attorney and the police immediately. ——— QUESTIONS: —- Didn’t these children see doctors? —- Some of this damage would have been visible. —– Why wasn’t this reported to the authorities? —– We have “walking wounded” based on this treatment. —- How can any human being have a “normal well adjusted life” after being treated in this fashion? —– These nuns were less than animals. Animals protect their young! —- I want NOTHING to do with the Catholic Church. —- The clergy are fakes, frauds and phonies! —- They lack professionalism, human sensitivity, and human understanding. —- They are less that the wild animals in the forest. —- God bless everyone! —- We survived! —- We will get justice. —- Keep the postings coming. —- The clergy can run, but they cannot hide! —- They will pay for their crimes in the courts like the Nazi SS! ——– All the best! —— Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        Good comment Dwayne. Why don’t you, firetender and everyone else comment on my blog so we can spread the word about evil nuns: If anyone would like to ge a guest blogger, let me know.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Good Morning George:

        You are doing an OUTSTANDING job on your “blog!” —- Keep up the good work! —- Each one of us has to “spread the word” to our family and friends about the “crimes” that have been committed by the nuns and priests against children. — (They must pay in the courts for what they have done in the past!) —- While I was never physically abused, I was “mentally abused” by these “sick witches in black robes!” —– I am today a “Recovering Christian!” I am trying to put my Christian life back together. In order to accomplish this task, I do not go near a Catholic Church. —- I do not attend Mass, and I do not listen to their sermons and / or programs on television. — I do not pay attention to the Pope and his band of merry men! —- I totally ignore the rules and regulations of the Catholic Church! — I now find that I am much happier on a daily basis. —- I feel good about myself and my future! —- God bless you and everyone on this site! —- We are the survivors! —- We are causing the Church much concern! —- They would love for us to go away! —- Be assured, that they are on this site daily monitoring what is being written. —- They are taking notes and taking names. But what are they going to do, — excommunicate us? I would welcome “excommunication,” because after what they have done to children I want nothing to do with them and their organization. —- They would be doing me a BIG favor! —- They are Godless people! —- They are mentally sick! —- They are not to be trusted! —- They have no morals! —- They have no ethics! —- All the best! —– Dwayne.

      • Fran F. Says:

        It would be no big deal deal for me to be excommunicated,lol.I didn’t ask to be baptized into the Catholic church when I was only 4 months old.. My parents didn’t even go to church. It was my Aunt’s idea to baptize me.
        When my father with perpetual wanderlust, convinced my mother who had a nervous breakdown, to give me and my brothers up,we became become Wards of the State as mere children.They told the Judge to put us with a Catholic Agency.
        From there I was put in 4 foster homes and 2 Girls Homes (Orphanages) .
        My 2 brothers were sent to live with a cold,mentally abusive woman who made money being a professional foster mother.She also had 2 other foster kids who she treated differently than her own biological family. They lived there for 10 years and one brother told me that he felt like a prisoner of war living in that tiny,overcrowded house.
        Three of my four foster homes were abusive. The good foster home gave me up because they thought I was faking panic attacks.
        I overheard my first foster mother (who made me do most of her housework at the age of 9),talking about crying and bleeding statues and weeping and bleeding Blessed Mother pictures. She had a son who was a priest and a husband who attempted to fondle my buttucks when the woman was out one evening.
        In my second foster home there was a gigantic picture of the Blessed Mother Mary on the wall in the attic bedroom I slept in each night.The picture terrified me but I was afraid to tell my second foster mother my fear because I felt she would think that I was a wicked or evil child to fear a picture of Jesus’s mother. And this was in the best foster home where I started to have attacks feeling I was passing out and dying each time. Even this foster mother who was pretty decent,wasn’t there for me emotionally. She was always crying for her only child,a daughter ,who had recently went into a convent. She took me in as a replacement.She picked me because her daughter had the same middle name as me and also our birthdays were a day apart.
        I never liked the rituals,and the hoodo Voodo of the Catholic Church. Especially The “Scary Mary” statues I had a phobia of.
        One Catholic Nun once told me she felt I would leave the Catholic Church as soon as I got out of the last Girls Home I was in .She was right!

      • MaryW Says:

        Dear Fran, bless your heart honey, I am so sorry. I had a friend that was a foster mother for awhile, and those kids had it made in the shade 6 bedroom lovely home, their own rooms, tv, games, etc… and they still call her to this day. I guess that is rare and like you said it is a career for some just to get money and they don’t really care about the children. That system is as hosed as the Catholic Church. I cannot understand how anyone could do this things period much less to a child. God help us all.

      • George Barilla Says:


        You went through a tragedy and I’m sorry that you did. Hearing your story and from the others on this site gives me courage to keep documenting the evil they did and still do.

        None of us had a choice when we were forced into situations where the evil people of the church abused us. They fooled our parents and caregivers and us because they hid behind God. It’s time we cut the chain of evil. The pen (or voice) is mightier than the sword and we have many voices.

      • Melpub Says:

        Dear George (cc Pope and all orders of nuns, monks, brothers–have I covered all those in the Catholic administration?)
        Please, please ex-communicate me. I have committed apostasy! And HOW! Plus, and especially after reading George’s blog, this blog, and the nunfucked blog, I really, really, don’t like this religion. More about that on my own blog.
        So: I’m waiting for my letter of ex-communication. Or a thunderbolt. I’d take the latter as an invitation. I’ll sign on with the pagans anytime they want.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


        God bless you! —- You have gone through “hell” and “back!” — I never liked the Catholic Church right from the first day, but my parents forced me to attend Catholic School. —— If you were not in the “in group,” there was a lot of violence directed toward you! —- I was not in the “in-group”! The nuns did nothing about the student violence! —- All the best to you! —- Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        Hi Dwayne,
        Thanks for your encouraging comment about my blog. Your words and those of others on this blog motivated me to start my blog. If the church’s evil eyes are reading the blogs that is great because they can see the gathering momentum of united voices that will soon expose them to more people around the world.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi George:

        Kindly be advised that the Catholic Church is NOT a Christian Religion! A religion would not treat children in an unprofessional manner. —- The Catholic Church is a “big cult” with made up rules, and it is a power hungry organization that has done harm to young people in the United States. —– The nuns were trained to treat children in an unprofessional manner. They wanted to dominate the human being. They never wanted the young person to discover their inner greatness, and be all that they could be in life. —- They never wanted the young person to be a “free thinker.” —- All they wanted was loyal followers who would follow directions without question, and give all their money to the “cult” as a way of purchasing salvation. —- I did not like the Catholic Church growing up before reading the site, but now, I have no use for any Catholic Priest or Nun. —- The damage that has been done to the good people on this site is unbelievable. When I read the stories I cannot believe that a church would allow this to happen. Where are the ethics? Where is the human concern? — Where is the human caring? — Are we less than animals? — I would love to be on a jury dealing with a child abuse case involving a priest or nun. I would be on the side of the child.—– God bless you and everyone on this site. —- We are all getting older, and in ten (10) years many of us may not be around. Then the Catholic Church can re-write history like some people would like to re-write the history about the German WW2 concentration camps. — We have to document these stories so they are part of human history, and they are “thorn in the side of the Catholic Church!” — Best regards to everyone! —- We survived and we are telling the stories. — It is because of computers and the internet that these stories are coming out into the open. —- The Church though that everything is buried. Today I learned on the “net” that the Catholic Church as of 2010 has paid out 171 billion, 600 million dollars in judgements and hush money, and at the same time they were closing schools because they were running out of money. So the children were abused twice, once sexually and once educationally. (And I am not a fan of Catholic School Education!) —- All the best! —- Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        I’m glad that you have covered many of the things that the church has done and is doing to people and children. All of these facts need to be repeated to as many people as we all can tell. In my book, “Smothered” half of the book is devoted to my devastating treatment by nuns and a priest and why I survived. The other half tells all the criminal, illegal and unethical things that the catholic church does to people who trust them and give them donations that they can’t afford. On my blog I have been putting excerpts from the book because I want everyone to be warned about their devious practices. Keep spreading the word Dwayne because it’s like a snowball, gathering momentum as it rolls towards the vatican. More and more people are reading blogs like this one and my blog and they tell their friends and family – so we have a legacy for the world and it will never stop. You are right about the internet – it is the best tool for exposing the biggest pedophile and child abuse organization in recorded history. We are going to win.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Right ON George! —- All of us will make it happen! —- The “Cat” is out of the bag! —- The “clergy rats” are running for cover, and there is no place to hide! —— The question becomes, are we going to be “stupid,” and give them “mercy,”—- when they showed no mercy for the children that they abused? —– I hope not! ——- They need to pay with “long prison terms” in the general population of the prison. —– (You know, to get the “true flavor” of the prison experience!) —— God bless! —— Dwayne!

      • MaryW Says:

        Hi Dwayne, This is really for everyone. But it is a nun’s testimony of the horrors done to nuns in the convent. It gives insight to many things in the Catholic Church. God bless everyone tortured by the Catholic Church. This poor girl was tortured in the convent.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Thank you for sending this You-tube video. I have viewed this in the past. —– It is a “perfect example” of how the Catholic Church takes advantage of its people. —- There is nothing to be trusted about the Catholic Church and it’s clergy. The clergy has distorted the Christian Religion! While they have always manipulated adults with their “made up rules and regulations,” they really crossed the line when they attacked children. —- But, they do not care because in their eyes the “end justifies the means.” —- They want complete control of the individual. I will not allow the Catholic Church to control my thinking or my life. They have demonstrated that they cannot be trusted. The nuns are the “ground troops of the Catholic Church.” Look at what was done to young girls in Ireland with the help of the Irish Government, the Catholic Church and the Catholic Nuns! What they did to these girls was similar to the German Concentration camps during ww2, and remember this was done under the banner of the Catholic Church. They not only worked these young girls to death, but they starved them in the process. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? Are the Clergy in the church “out of control?” The nuns as a group are a bunch of mentally sick people. —- KEEP THEM AWAY FROM CHILDREN! ———– Best regards to everyone. —- We are the survivors telling our story! —- YES, the Catholic Church is worried! —- Membership is down! —- We are not drinking the Catholic Cool-Aid —- We have seen the light, and we are fighting back! —– Just think, — “Hell” is going to be very crowded place when all the nuns and priests die! ——– God bless ! ————- Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        very well said Dwayne. Because the nuns beat me repeatedly and smothered me when I was 3 and a half years old so that I have brain damage, I can’t have any pity on them — except maybe a few that were sent to convents because they already had mental illnesses or were destitute. Any novice that had her full faculties and saw what went on would have walked out immediately; those that stayed aspired to be abusers.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi George:

        I always find it VERY interesting that there is always a group of “CoolAid Drinking Catholics” who are always ready, willing and able to “turn the other cheek,” and give the nuns a “pass” on what they did to children in the name of God and Education. —— I have a cousin who is a year older than me, and like myself, he was educated in Catholic Elementary School and Catholic High School. —- He compounded the problem by attending and graduating from a Catholic College in NYC. —– GOD HELP HIM! —- When we discuss religion and the behavior of the clergy, he dismisses my arguments as not being valid because I never studied Theology. What does the study of “Theology” have to do with “Criminal Activity” of VERY SICK PEOPLE! ——- He cannot stand any criticism of the Catholic Church, —- sooooooooo — I make it a point every time I meet him to criticize the Catholic Church, you know, to get under his skin! —- If the Pope told him to “jump off a cliff” he would do it immediately! —- FLASH: — When I graduated from the Catholic High School I NEVER wanted to attend a religious class ever again in my life, nor did I want to associate with a priest or nun. When I am in their presence I am VERY uncomfortable, so I avoid them whenever possible!

        The Magdalene Laundries (Asylum) were a very interesting “scam” of both the nuns and the Catholic Church in Ireland. Girls were placed in these institutions without proper legal actions. It was a “catch all place” for unwanted young people to be used as slave labor. ——- QUESTION: —– And who profited from this slave labor? —– ANSWER: ——- The nuns and the Catholic Church.

        The so called mission of the magdalene laundries, (Asylum), was to rehabilitate women back into society, but they were punitive and prison like in operation. —– The inmates were required to endure a day that included long periods of prayer and enforced silence.

        Most women in these institutions had no voice when they were placed in these institutions. Once they arrived their lives were transformed into hard work, rigid restrictions, spartan living conditions, on-going humiliation, hunger, cold and in some cases an early grave. —– These young women who were placed in these facilities were denied freedom of movement by the nuns and the Irish Government, —- and they were NEVER paid for their on-going labors. —– The laundries were being paid for providing a service to the community and businesses in the area, but none of the money filtered down to the people doing the hard work. —- NOTE: ——- Some of these laundries were attached to private schools that were run by the nuns. Different food was fed to the students than to the inmates. The question is WHY? The answer is that the nuns did not care about the welfare of the inmates. They were not human. They were expendable. They were just a number! —- MONEY was the God of the NUNS!

        Ireland’s last Magdalene Laundry (Asylum), closed in 1996. Three years earlier, the laundries were brought to light when a convent sold off part of it’s land, and the remains of 155 inmates who had been buried in unmarked graves on the property, were exhumed. —– QUESTION: —- How did the nuns and the Catholic Church get away with this behavior. —– ANSWER: —- It was part of the “good old boy network” between the government & the church! —– The people in these graves were not wanted by the Irish Government and they were probably not wanted by their families or they did not have any family. —– QUESTION: —- Did the nuns selling the property know that the graves existed on the property? —– If I had to guess, I would say “NO” because the nuns probably did not keep any records of the names of the people who died! —- The nuns who committed the crimes were long since dead and buried themselves.

        God bless you! —– All the best! —– Dwayne

  399. firetender Says:

    Fran, I checked on-line and that URL is not up for the rest of the world to see. Perhaps it is cached in your computer. Double check by going here:

  400. Kathy Lock Says:

    I am a female, from Milwaukee Wisconsin and I too can relate to all these stories. I went to catholic school run by, are you ready?, the Sisters of Mercy. I agree that the boys got it far worse physically but the humiliation that they would heap on all of us was not to be believed. Once I got slapped in the face so hard for not going to mass that morning, that she literally spun me around. She then rushed me into the girls bathroom and told me to stay there until she came to get me. At the time all of this confused me, but now I realize that she probably left such a hand print on my face that she was waiting for it to go away before she let me back in the classroom. I sat in class many days with an upset stomach because of seeing the things they did to the boys. I could go on forever with stories about this 8 years of insanity but I’m sure I would be repeating all of your experiences. The sad part of all of this is, they got away with it.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Good Morning Kathy:

      We all had negative experiences with the nuns. —- They are the most evil people on the face of the earth. —- They, and the Catholic Church have distorted the Christian Religion. —– I would encourage you to share your stories about your experiences as a child in Catholic School. It is important that the world see what really went on behind the closed classroom doors of Catholic Schools. —— We have the power to take them down by exposing them for want they are in terms of fake, frauds and phonies. —- The “violence” that went on in Catholic Schools would be considered “child abuse today,” but for some reason parents looked the other way, and allowed their children to be abused by the nuns. —– The abuse committed by nuns in Catholic Schools is only the “tip of the iceberg” compared to the physical abuse committed by priests and brothers in all boys schools. If a priest or brother ever abused a child of mind, my wife and I would make an appointment with the individual, and I would have a “VERY SERIOUS TALK” with the offending individual, and I guarantee that it would NEVER happen again! —- Please share your stories. That is what this site is all about! —- God bless you and all the others on this great site! —– Dwayne

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Good Morning To Everyone:

      This site has been VERY quiet for the past few weeks, so I though that I would extend greetings to everyone.

      In preparation for the coming holiday, —–“Happy Thanksgiving to EVERYONE who has made this site so GREAT and PROFESSIONAL! —— (Be thankful that you are not the turkey!) —– Happy Thanksgiving to all! —– Best regards! —– Enjoy the day!” God Bless You and Your Family! —– We are the survivors! —– Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        Dwayne, happy Thanksgiving to you and to everyone on the blog. Let’s be thankful that we have a place where we can express our opinions and help one another.

  401. Pattyann Says:

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone. It has been so good to share my experiences with you all. I consider each and everyone of you family.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Happy Thanksgiving to everyone on this GREAT site! —- God bless you all! —– We are the winners! —– We are the survivors! —- We are making a difference! —– We are growing in numbers everyday! —— Have a GREAT day! —- Dwayne

      • B. Robertson Says:

        Happy Thanksgiving Dwayne!! When I read your note, I was singing that old song in my head, “We are the champions, my friend…we kept on fighting till the end”….from some old “nerd” movie, but the part of that song rang true. We are the champions, my friend. Sincerely, B. Robertson

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        God blessed you B. Robertson! —– Have a GREAT day! —- We are all moving forward on a daily basis! —- We are now in control of our lives! —- There is GREATNESS in us, and we can make things happen in our lives by design. —– All the best! —- Dwayne

  402. Murph Says:

    I found this blog today and could relate to so many of the heartbreaking stories. I too attended elementary Catholic School near Boston, MA in the mid-60s, early 1970s and was subjected to abuse by nuns. I believe it was the Order of the Sisters of Charity there.
    Like many others, I was subject to repeated physical, emotional, verbal abuse by several of the nuns. As some mentioned, once you were identified as a “problem”, word spread to the others and they had your number when you got to that grade and nun.
    I even received punishments by my 8th grade nun, Sister Elizabeth Virginia (nickname “Sarge”) for being left-handed.
    I developed migraine headaches almost daily and this exacerbated the situation as I suffered silently and struggled to focus during class time. I had my ears and hair pulled frequently, my head banged against the blackboard, and the yardstick across the buttocks or legs and ruler to the hand.
    A story from that 8th grade year that makes me feel strong, despite the self-esteem issues and emotional scars I bear to this day, is when I stood against my oppressor.
    By interacting with one of the class clowns during class time on an early Spring day, we were both condemned to no recess and forced to complete a skill set of math problems or something.
    We both were left alone for a short time and decided to goof off and open the window shouting to our peers in the yard below and generally, have recess ourselves, right there in the second floor classroom.
    Sarge waddled through the classroom door unexpectedly and grabbed her trusty yardstick hotly in pursuit of her prey.
    My buddy Steve was cornered as I watched Sarge swat at him angrily seething that what was tasked was disregarded.
    She then turned toward me and headed up through rows of desks toward the front of the room where I was frozen.
    As she got near, yardstick extended, I reached out and grabbed hold of the weapon, attempting to yank it away forcefully.
    I refused to let go despite her protests. I raised up and shouted out her, “No, not today!” and we both wrestled for control of the stick, she couldn’t budge it free to use it. I stared in her into her bloodshot, dark and angry eyes, and saw her express shock and temporary defeat. Perhaps even fear because I think she knew I was prepared to act. I was in full revolt and was prepared to punish her with that yardstick that moment.
    I recall that she slapped and swatted a few more times before the school year ended but never use a ruler or stick on me again.
    I wish I had done this sooner or really did get to use it on this highly troubled, wicked woman.
    I have maintained by belief in Christ, but as many here know, the Church is a highly flawed political body that has never been without malicious and abusive people.
    God Bless all who suffered at their hands…….

    • George Barilla Says:

      Murph, Thank you for adding your voice — you are correct that the church is full of malicious and abusive people — it always was and always will be until our many voices are heard. I write a blog about what they did for the past 2,000 years and what they are still doing. Besides the physical abuse there are many other ways they abuse us and everyone should be aware of what they do because much of it is done in secrecy.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


      If you think the nuns were bad in the 60’s and 70’s, try going to Catholic School in the 50’s in New York City!
      There is NOTHING positive that I can remember about my seven years in Saint Joseph’s School on Christopher Street in Greenwich Village in NYC.
      Everyday we were exposed to “negativity” in the name of the Catholic Religion. —– There was a lot of violence in my school from both the nuns and the other students. —- The nuns would play students against students for their own enjoyment. —- They nuns did a “great job on me” with regards to a religious education. They made me a “Christian” —- NOT a Catholic. —- THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE! —– I do not like to be in the same room with nuns. They make my flesh crawl! —- I want nothing to do with the Catholic Religion! I have just about “had it” with the sick priests and the Altar Boy issue. —– They are criminals and the Catholic Church protects them from prosecution!
      Students with learning disabilities could not learn in a Catholic School in those days. —- If you did not understand something, the nun would not answer your questions. They would simply smack you around, and say that you were not paying attention. They would tell my mother that I was not working up to my ability, but they would not do anything to help me! —- The curriculum of the school was very poor. —- The nuns had very low educational goals for the children. —- All they wanted to do was to create “loyal Catholics,” who would follow the rules and regulations like little obedient soldiers.
      We had to go to 7:00AM Mass everyday. After daily Mass the entire school would walk from the Church to the School in silence. We were like prisoners! After we arrived at school our first subject of the day was an hour of religion. —— I HAVE HAD IT WITH ORGANIZED RELIGION! —– The Catholic Church is the most negative / mind controlling / self-serving organization in the World. —- I am VERY happy that their schools are closing! —– NUNS are not good teachers. —- They lack professionalism and sensitivity. —- They are “very sick people” who should not be around children! —- They are mentally ill!
      All the best to everyone on this GREAT site! —– God bless you all! ———- Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        No one could have said it better Dwayne. The HELL on earth we went through will NEVER be forgotten!!!! God Bless All On This Site.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        What surprises me about “Practicing Catholics,” (who did not attend Catholic School as children), is that when I share my experiences with them, they act like I am making up these stories! —— They actually take the side of the NUNS! —— This reason for this is that “what was done to us was so horrible,” that no human being in their “right mind” would believe that someone would take those actions against a child, and that is exactly how the “nuns” got away with their dirty deeds! —— Even if we had complained to our parents or to a person of authority, no one would have believed us! —- They hid behind their robes and the religion while they destroyed young lives in the name of GOD! —– My wife and I have not been to church for almost a year. —– Last year at this time, I started to suffer from “sciatica,” and I was not able to walk or sit for long periods of time which made Saturday Night Mass impossible for me to attend. I had to sleep on a hard floor! —— Now that I am walking again, —- (because of “spinal decompression”), —- we find that we are much happier by NOT attending Mass. —– We listen to Christian religious programs on Sunday Morning, — and the “money” that we would “have given to the Catholic Church” we give to people who provide a service in our lives. —– (Example: —- When we have our vehicles serviced at the dealership, we leave a nice tip for the Technician when filling out the repair order. —– We might stop a the bakery on the way to the dealership and buy some crumb buns for the “Service Writers / Managers / & Office Staff.) —– By doing this we know where our Christian Charity is going, and the people appreciate us as customers. —- We all have some “fun” and “laughs!” —– (The Catholic Church, as of 2010 has spent about 171 billion 600 million dollars on judgements & hush money. This figure cam off the “net!”) —– By sharing our money with people, we know that it is NOT being spent as “hush money” to hide crimes committed by the Catholic Clergy against children! —- YES, we are feeling a lot better about ourselves and about life. —— Life without the Catholic Church is VERY positive. I highly recommend it to everyone! —– Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        Dwayne, you always have interesting information in your posts. I just saw that you wrote: “The Catholic Church, as of 2010 has spent about 171 billion 600 million dollars on judgements & hush money. (This figure came off the “net!”). Do you have the location (web address or link) of that statement? I’d like to read more about the costs.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Sorry, George I do not! —- I am always on the computer doing research on this and other subjects, and I do not keep track of the various sites. —- Even if you come up with a “different figure” it still has to be VERY HIGH. —– But here is the real issue, even if it is ONE DOLLAR, it is a crime against humanity, and it should not be tolerated by reasonable people. —- It represents a “cover up” by the Catholic Clergy, and the Administration of the Catholic Church! —- It is the “misappropriation of Church Funds!” —- I have reacher a point in my life where I refuse to give the clergy a pass. —– They knew what they were doing to children, and they did it anyway because they had an agenda, and they had the power! —- All the best to you, and all the other GREAT people on this site. —- We are a thorn in the side of the Catholic Church. —- They are well aware of us, and they wish that we would go away, but we are all here to stay. —- God bless! ——- Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        Dwayne, I would like you to be a guest on my blog and talk about what you just said – what the church does with our money and how there are better things to do with the money instead of donating it to criminals. If you go to my blog site and make a comment on one of the posts already there, then we can start up a conversation. My blog address is:

        By the way, I welcome any of the readers of this blog to visit, read, and also leave comments on my blog. As Dwayne says, everything we do helps fight the evil. Russ the firetender made a really nice comment (Nov. 22, 2013).

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        George, —— I tried to make a posting, but I was not successful! —- Dwayne

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


        If you want to listen to a presentation of “Child Abuse” in the Catholic Church” pull up the following Youtube site! —– You are not going to believe this! ———- (“Media Mayhem — Losing Faith: — Abuse, Cover-Up and the Catholic Church —- Youtube”) —— Have a GREAT day! ——– Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        Dwayne, The priest Doyle has some good ideas about stopping pedophilia in the church. But he doesn’t think that allowing homosexual priests has anything to do with pedophilia. I don’t agree. Being surrounded by homosexuals, some of who have relationships with young priests creates an atmosphere where relationships other than that between a man and a woman are accepted.

        About leaving posts on my blog, the Google technician says that “third party cookies must be enabled” in your computer in order to comment. This has to do with your security settings. But thanks anyway for trying.

      • rjgodley Says:

        My name is Robert Godley, and about two weeks ago, I emailed an experience, which never appeared. The sisters of charity in the Boston area were the same order that terrorized me and myriads of others in the Diocese of Brooklyn. Was the fact that I got specific in the order’s name–sisters of charity of halifax– a problem? I’ve been an Episcopal priest for the last thirty-eight years; I have a great wife and five kids. But the pain is still there. Thank you for the valuable ministry of Healing your effort produces.

      • George Barilla Says:

        Robert, I am not the owner of this blog so I’m not sure why your post did not appear. Many people mention the orders of nuns and priests. I was abused by Dominican nuns in Sparkill, NY who smothered me and tried to kill me. You are correct, the pain never goes away but this website helps all of us who talk or listen on this site.

      • firetender Says:

        Robert, I believe you’ve posted to this site before because I wasn’t asked to moderate your comment — which is always the protocol for first time users — however, I checked back to September and could find no postings from you at all. Don’t know what happened, but by all means, please re-submit!

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


        I will post my E-mail Address for you to use if you need to contact me. ——- ( —— Please feel free to use it at your convenience! ——— All the best to you, and everyone on this site and God Bless! —- Dwayne

      • Melpub Says:

        I keep wondering: are there any healthy nuns out there? Is there such a thing as a nun who isn’t filled with conflict about either authority or sexuality or both?

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        The whole concept of the clergy with regards to the Catholic Church is “SICK!” Their life style is not natural! —– Ask yourself this question; —- “Why would someone choose a “lifestyle” that is against human biological needs?” —- I was educated in Catholic Schools for 12 years. During that time, I can only remember two (2) nuns that I thought were human. One was my first grade teacher and the other was my second grade teacher. The rest of them from the 4th to the 12th grade were horrible both as teachers and hunan beings. (I had a lay teacher in 3rd Grade!) ——– Nuns are NOT interested in bringing out the GREATNESS in every student. They are the “ground troops” of the Catholic Church. They are there to “beat down” any signs of independence that is demonstrated by the child. —— They are there to mold the child into “cool aid drinking loyal follows” that will contribute to the Church for the rest of their life, and who will be easily lead around by the nose. I have these people in my family. No matter what the Church does, they refuse to hold the Church accountable for it’s actions. They always give the Church and the clergy a pass. —- I, on the other hand, think that if a person holds a position in society that demands professionalism and trust they need to be held accountable for there actions. I believe that clergy, police, doctors, nurses and teachers need to be held to a VERY high standard. They have a responsibility to the American Society. —– What the nuns did to children in terms of physical and psychological damage is simply CRIMINAL! —– I have a relative who graduated from Saint John’s University in NYC. He is well educated but he is totally controlled by the Catholic Church. If the church tells him to “jump” he simply asks “how high!” If the Catholic Church tells me to “jump” I ask “WHY!” When my wife and I were attending Mass on a Saturday Night at the Chapel of a local hospital, I spoke to a number of nuns that were working at the hospital. I was never comfortable being around them. I always felt that they had a hidden agenda. Some were like my old nuns. They were very controlling. When I encountered that behavior, I made it a point to use some “creative psychology” and “questioning” on them in order to make them feel uncomfortable. —– They are NOT “comfortable,” — when lay people DO NOT back down! —– They always want the “final word!” —– It was just “pay back” for all those years of suffering! ———- All the best and God bless! ——— Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        Melpub, It has always been my belief that any good nuns would have left the church the first time they saw a child abused. Those that stayed while children were beaten and molested either enjoyed watching or they were enablers. If they didn’t report what they saw they were accessories to the crime. So the answer is that there are no healthy nuns out there because they know what is going on..

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        George: ———- I agree with you 100%! ——– WELL SAID! ——- They were all part of the “club” that was designed to destroy children, their future and their ambition! —- They wanted to create “loyal non-thinking follows!” ——- They wanted to break the “spirit of children.” — Any child that demonstrated some “independent thinking” was punished until they became part of there “sick system!” ——- Dwayne

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Good Morning George and Everyone on this Site:

        I would like to wish EVERYONE a “Very Merry Christmas, and Best Wishes for a Happy, Healthy, Peaceful New Year!” —- Be Safe! —- We are the winners! —- We are “ok!” —- We are getting better and better everyday! —- We are making a difference! —- We are getting the truth out there for all to see! —— All the best! ——– Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        Dwayne, I wish you and your family and everyone on the site (and Russ) a happy holiday season and a healthy new year 2014. I hope we all keep sharing our experiences and helping one another.

      • MaryW Says:

        Merry Christmas, and a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year to everyone on the site. God Bless everyone.

      • russ Says:

        To everyone here: you have all made this an incredibly unique and useful site. Hugs and Blessings all around, draw your loved ones close, and relax for a new year is coming and there’s more building to do! With much love, Russ

      • MaryW Says:

        Thank you Russ, you and everyone that writes on this blog telling of their experiences are my heroes. I love you all each and every one of you!!! Special thanks Russ for giving us this place to come and be validated. I’m baking brownies and wish each of you were here to have some with me. what a great family we make together. 🙂 God bless us all !

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary; —– I can smell your baking. —- Right now I am drinking a cup of flavored coffee, and a brownie would go real great! ———– Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        LOL Hello Dwayne 🙂 I even have a real nice espresso machine would be happy to make you and your wife and alllll the rest of our family on here a cup or teach you have to use the machine. I am in the baking mood, it also makes the house warmer and smell so good. God bless you Dwayne 🙂

      • firetender Says:

        Mary, I appreciate the acknowledgment. Right now we’re experiencing a huge flurry of information embraced by a whole lot of support going back and forth. This is the way this blog goes, big gaps and then I’m inundated with new perspectives. This is really a very deep subject because it traces a weakness in the human being. As I see it, because so many of the nuns were victims of abuse themselves, this is a prime example of how the violent loss of innocence, which is at the root of EVERYONE’S story here, is so able to perpetuate violence against the innocent. Something I have to remark on, however, is that of the people who come here for (whatever) I see very little evidence of them having become perpetrators themselves against other innocents or their own children. That being the case everybody gets a GOLD STAR for having done the hardest thing of all; breaking the chain of violence in their own histories. THIS is a huge accomplishment!

      • George Barilla Says:

        Russ, I’m glad to hear that in our cases, violence has not bred more violence. No one ever gave me a gold star before for breaking the chain. The nuns and priests who perpetuated violence were just evil. I don’t forgive them and never will. Russ, thanks for being such a good advocate for us.

      • MaryW Says:

        True Russ, breaking the chain. How anyone could harm a child is beyond me. They are such a blessing and a delight. Their minds and hearts are so pure and sweet. Just listening to my grandchildren is so funny and they are so smart with huge hearts. I could not stand for someone to damage that.

      • George Barilla Says:

        Dwayne and everyone: if you go to Google and type in the word “pope” on the first google page you will see my blog post about the pope being on the cover of Time magazine. The post is titled, It’s “Time” to wake up and smell the pope. Remember, not everyone who gets on the cover of Time is good .

      • MaryW Says:

        Ouch sciatica pain is horrible, my mother just got out of the hospital and she is learning to use a walker with pain meds and patches. I am so sorry you had to go through that, but am glad to hear you are doing better. Great idea to give money to others. I am shocked at the amount of money spent on judgments and hush money. It makes me sick to think of all the people paying money that don’t have it for that kind of evil. I would like to receive communion sometime, but the thought of going to Mass is more than I can do. I thought of just a quick run in but have not made it yet. I watch Dr. Charles Stanley and he makes me feel good. The music in the church is horrible to it sounds like demons shrill singing. LOL

      • gorilla gaurd Says:

        Five different orders of nuns taught at my high school in Pennsylvania. Some or all of them from each order were capable of torrents of rage and unrelenting beatings with open handed facial slaps fists to the back and shoulders, rubber tipped pointers, yard sticks and metal edged rulers. There were a few who did not engage in this. Like we all have heard before, we never told our parents. My question is, and I can’t find any info, is that how could such a nationwide, perhaps worldwide systematic policy of violent corporal punishment go on without some kind of organized sanctioning?.

        Any answers out there?

      • Melpub Says:

        Reply to latest post: thanks. The answer, I think, to why none of this stuff was reported is fear–and the sad fact that all involved got so used to abuse that they never thought of it as abuse. It was just dailiy life.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        When I explain what went on with my “Catholic Education” to people who did not experience it, they simply say; “That is the way it was in those days. —– Get over it!” —– This is why the Catholic Church is able to get away with the “crime.” — For people who were not abused, they do not care about those who were abused! – The system worked for them! ——– They are the winners! — Dwayne

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        It was part of the Catholic School “Play Book!” —– It was NOT an isolated group of nuns! —– It was done by design! —- Our parents / guardians were also part of the problem. They “feared the nuns,” — and the nuns knew that they feared them, —- so they took advantage of the situation. —– The nuns have destroyed more young lives than any public school teacher. They taught a “negative view” of Christianity! ——- Catholics, as a group of people, are VERY STRESSED people! —- They are not comfortable in their own skin! — This is the result of the “sick teachings” of the nuns. —- My Catholic education was “negative” from start to finish! The nuns never taught students how to think, reason or form an opinion. The academic education was totally substandard! —- It was a one way street. —- The Catholic way! — I graduated from High School without knowing how to write a term paper! —- How is that possible in a “college prep program?” —- Dwayne

      • gorilla gaurd Says:

        Does any history exist as to who designed the “Play Book”? the point I was trying to make is that we had a system that had a semblance of uniformity and order (for want of better terms) in the barbaric behavior of a very broad if not the entire organization of Catholic education. The nuns who did not actually participate were enablers or scared that they would be punished within the confines of their convents. Then of course you have the parish priests, the pastor and the sometimes fondler curates enjoying the clubby atmosphere of the rectory. They did not get involved in the schools, except to hand out report cards and act as learned advisers. The nuns said that the priests were like “other Christs”. what a crock of BS.

  403. Rick Carufel Says:

    Well I’ve got a working title for the book I’m writing about this.
    A Thousand Days of Terror, Five years in the Catholic School System. Whatcha Think?

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      I like your title for the book! —– Go for it! —– SUGGESTION: —- How about devoting a section of your book to “real life stories of a Catholic Schools” taken from the “our lives as students!” —- We could E-mail you the stories, and you could edit them as appropriate, and include them in your book. —- When writing the stories, we would use “fictitious names and places” so there would no way for the reader to “check things out on their own,”— locate the school —- or track down the nuns! —— What do you think? —— My wife and I have a few good stories! —– If you are interested you can contact me at —- ( —– or you could give an “open invitation” to anyone on the site to share their stories with you through this site ——– Dwayne

  404. George Barilla Says:

    My New Year’s resolution is to give the pope and the catholic church more hell than they gave us. My new post on my blog is:

    Will Pope Francis stick to his guns or to pillows?

    The New York Times commented that after decades of vatican indifference and evasion, Pope Francis has created a commission to study the rape and intimidation of schoolchildren by priests. The new commission, “long overdue”, says the Times, will come up with specific recommendations for firmer safeguarding of schoolchildren and better training of catholic priests. Francis had to do something after vatican officials refused to answer the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child on how the church handled the scandal – the church of course had blamed the bishops and local criminal justice authorities.

    The vatican has created commissions before to look at child abuse by clergy, but so far they have only tried to cover up or protect their criminals. One study panel created more than a decade ago reported on the abuse of schoolchildren in the U.S., a scandal in which 700 priests had to be dismissed in a three-year period. Although they recommend that “there must be consequences” for church leaders who shielded offending priests there was no way decided on how to make powerful diocesan offenders accountable so only a few leaders faced criminal investigation.
    This latest attempt offers no assurance to parents that Francis will order greater accountability from those who covered up criminal abuse of children. It is also missing the rest of the iceberg: the abuse that took or takes place in catholic “homes” for orphaned and neglected children – most of it done by nuns. And they did more than just rape and beat children. The Dominican nuns at St. Agnes Home in Sparkill, NY smothered me and put me in a coma. Gilbert Bonneau was also smothered (with a witness) with a pillow like I was — by a nun at St. Colman’s home in Watervliet, NY. He was in a coma and died. See post of July 30, 2013: Catholic nuns do more than abuse children: they murder them. But I lived.

    The reason I lived is to share this information with you and with everyone. Gilbert’s family is still fighting. His brother Bill recently said to me: “Keep up the fight (George) you are doing a great job exposing the Evil Catholic Church and their phony Priest, Nuns, Brothers Etc. People are catching on. They did a job on you and the Nuns killed my brother, I will keep on fighting until my last breath to get justice for Gilbert. Sooner or later the truth will come out. Hang in there. Bill” Like Bill, we need to keep revealing the truth to the world so they won’t forget Gilbert and the thousands like him who died in silence.

    What I write on my blog also goes to Google+ and — the more places the better!

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      George you are doing an outstanding job! —- I always enjoy reading your postings.

      The Catholic Church, and the “Clergy” of the Catholic Church have always treated children in a very unprofessional manner. —– The nuns had no respect for children. —– The nuns always wanted to “intimidate the children” under their charge in Catholic Schools, yet they demanded respect from the children. —- {The way teachers get respect from children, is for the teacher to respect the children in their classes.} —– When I was teaching, I always made it a point to respect every young person in my class, and in turn, the young people respected me as their teacher. I treated my students as young adults, not as children. To this day, I am still in contact with some of my students going back to the late 60’s. In 1979 I had the pleasure of seeing one of my students graduate from West Point! It was an OUTSTANDING experience for me! —- I would not treat a dog the way I was treated by the nuns in NYC in the 50’s!

      God bless you George. —- You are a survivor! —- Keep up the good work! —- Enjoy everyday! —- Have some fun in life! — God kept you alive for a reason! —- All the best! —- Have a GREAT new year! —– Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        Thanks Dwayne for your encouragement. I went to the catholic school for religious instructions for my communion and confirmation. They put us in a darkened room and told us we were going to hell and they beat some children for talking. It was so dark you couldn’t see where the nun in black was until you got hit. That was torture, not a religious experience.
        But here is some good news: my latest blog post just went up on the first page of Google — if you search for Pope Francis, you can see it. It provides some truth and balance to the phony circus that the pope is putting on for the faithful. The title of the post on Google is: Pope Francis creates sex abuse commission: “Long overdue” says … the address is:

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        I read your posting! —- Well written! —- I DO NOT trust the Catholic Church to investigate themselves. —– This is only a “big show” for the “rank & file cool – aid drinking Catholics!” —— The leadership of the Catholic Church does not care about the individual members. We are expendable in the big picture. —- They will use us for the “financial support,” but at the end of the day, we are “trash” in their eyes! —— If they were “so concerned about children,” — why didn’t they do “unannounced visits” to the orphanages run by the nuns to see what was going on in those institutions? —- The reason why this action never took place is because they “just didn’t care!” —– When I was in the U.S. Army I witnessed a commanding officer of the post that I was stationed at making unannounced visits to the various Mess Halls on post to eat lunch with the enlisted men & women. —- This kept the all the Mess Hall Sgt. on their toes with regards to their daily operation of the food service for the men & women. —- You see, this commanding office cared about the men and women on his post, and in return, the men and women respected him! — The Catholic Church NEVER cared about children! They used children for their own organizational and personal agenda! —– God bless you! —- Dwayne

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone on this great site! —- May you have “peace,” and a “successful year” in 2014! —– God Bless You and Your Family! —– We are the winners! —- We are the survivors! —- We are making a difference! —– All the best in 2014! ——- Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        Happy New Year to you Dwayne and to everyone of the site and of course to Russ the firetender who brought us all together. We are all making a difference and for 2014 we can make even a bigger difference!

  405. Joseph 4458 Says:

    I am a living survivor of catholic school from 1965-1970 in Texas.

    Thank goodness my sister and I were convincing enough to beg our parents to move us to a public school. We were lucky. We were placed in the public school system.

    I was sexually abused by the school principle (she was a nun). I still carry the pain of only two events (just two different days) that took place in her office and behind locked doors. She knew exactly what she was doing because she threaten me by telling me that she would call my parents if I didn’t do exactly as she said. She convinced me (at the age of 12) that anything I told my parents of what really happened in her office, would be viewed as a lie because the nuns were always right and would never lie to parents. It was a no-win situation.

    It is painful to talk about the actual activities that took place behind closed and locked doors in her office. I have written down the events, but I have the only record.

    Although I was never beaten with any instrument, I was sexually abused. I am very embarrassed about the whole thing. Although this happened more than 40 years ago, I still carry the emotional scars of the events.

    Thanks for giving me a place to get this much of my story out. Thinking about those times again brings back the memories of the pain, but somehow I feel relieved that now someone else know too.

    • Melpub Says:

      Don’t be ashamed. Shout it from the rooftops. Tell the Pope, while you’re at it. I’m glad you told all of us.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Welcome to the group Joseph! —– The Catholic Church is one sick institution! —- I has destroyed many children’s lives in the name of the Christian religion. —- Have you noticed that the Catholic Church is all about rules and regulations for the rank and file members to follow! —- It is always about what the “rank and file” membership can do for the church and not about what the church can do for the “rank and file” membership! —– Other Christian denominations have Senior Citizen homes for older adults, but you do not see that in the Catholic Church. —- Once you can no long contribute to their finances you are dismissed! —- We need to wake up as a group, and tell the Catholic Church that we are no longer going to be lead around by the nose, and we are not longer tolerate having our children abused by the nuns and priests. —- It is time that we stand up for what is right, and hold the nuns and priests accountable for their past and current actions. —- I was in Catholic Schools from 1949 to 1960 in NYC and NJ, and it was a VERY bad experience both on the academic and religious level. To say the least, the nuns were psychologically sick in terms of the way they interacted with young people in the classroom. —- By giving me a substandard academic education, and destroying me psychologically, they robbed me of my early potential. —- It was only after I realized what they had done that I was able to turn my life around. —- I have no respect for nuns or priests. I do not trust them with children or my soul. —- God bless you! —- Dwayne

  406. Janice Schleunes Says:

    Wow! I am in shock! I have to say that my experience in Catholic school was certainly different. I grew up in the 1950’s in a Catholic boarding school-St. Joseph Academy in St. Augustine, Florida. The school was operated by the Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Augustine, Fl. It also was the motherhouse and the formation center for those girls interested in religious life. So, in addition to being the school it also gave us a window into the training the young girls received prior to receiving the habit and the training was very disciplined and rigorous. This austere system began to be phased out in the 1960’s when the orders were compelled to update their way of life consistent with the era we are living in.
    The sisters who raised me were very kind and funny. Most of the nuns who supervised in the boarding school had been boarders themselves and turned a blind eye to our antics. On the other hand, there were two or three who should have been members of the Little Sisters of the Inquisition instead of the Sisters of St. Joseph. However, the boarders were protected by the sister in charge of the boarders. For the most part, they had been boarders themselves and they listened to us and cared about us. The Little Sisters of the Inquisition were usually sent to other schools because Reverend Mother found them unsuitable to be in the boarding school. When all the changes came in the 1960’s the mean ones realized they were unsuited to the life.
    Now, let me speak to the environment of the 1960’s. Many of the women I encountered had come to America from Ireland. It was their escape from poverty and in Irish families to have a nun or priest in the family was an honor. Many of them came as young as 14 but they brought with them all of the hardships Irish families suffered in this era. The Magdalene’s are a perfect example of this and most of them were punitive in their treatment of the girls placed under their care. I would venture to say these women had little education. Life in Ireland was hard.
    Many of the sisters sent out went with no teacher training. Training in the novitiate included only the religious training needed to be a perfect religious.
    It was not until the 1950’s that the Vatican required the religious orders to send these women to college for professional teacher training. Prior to this the young women sent into classrooms with no training perpetuated the way they were taught in the Catholic training they received.
    In fact many of these women were never suited to religious life and with the changes in the 1960’s when the doors opened they couldn’t leave fast enough.
    Also, the religious foundation of each order is based on their founder. The Dominican, IHM, Benedictine and many other orders were founded with founders who believed in very harsh training and again that perpetuated the way these untrained women approached teaching. They were robots.
    Today, more than 50 years after graduating I can honestly say that the education I received at the hands of the Sisters of St. Joseph was excellent. Their whole lives radiated around the boarding school and the classroom and today when we have boarder reunions we always include the sisters who spent their lives taking care of our needs. I am always grateful for their care.
    I read these comments with great sadness but perhaps if you come to some understanding of why they treated you so vindictively it will help with the healing.

    • firetender Says:

      I trust it won’t surprise anyone to know that I’m quite happy to hear of people with positive experiences with their time in Catholic schools run by nuns. I’m also thankful to have gotten a little more insight into the system. They WERE mostly Irish even in my world and the historical background (including that the dominant culture was putative especially within the orders) is helpful, keeping in mind that ultimate forgiveness is for God and not a concern of mine!

    • Fran Says:

      Janice,I think the Nuns at boarding schools treated their charges somewhat better than those children living in orphanages who were from usually poor, destitute or from very dysfunctional families.
      Many of the children in orphanages in the 1950’s and 1960’s were mostly from broken families.The two that I was in was like that.
      Children who had both parents dead were either in long term foster care or adopted out.
      There were some cruel Nuns who saw children who DID have families as societal rejects.Very rarely would a visiting parent or relative ever confront an abusive Nun. The Nuns knew that and some Nuns with a sadistic bent could be very cruel to their young charges.
      I also overheard a Nun saying some parents would be eager to take back their children at 18 when a child became no longer a Ward of the State.She mentioned sometimes a parent would show up with the hopes their grown up child would get a job and help them financially. Sadly,this was true in some cases.

      • Janice Schleunes Says:

        For Fran,,,,I understand what you are saying in regard to the orphanages. I don’t know which order administered the orphanages you were in but I do know the order that raised me, the Sisters of St. Joseph, also administered orphanages and these children were treated very well.
        You have to remember that the Motherhouse was part of the buildings that housed my school. Reverend Mother was a wonderful woman and frequently would visit with the boarders making sure we were happy and verifying that we were being treated well.
        Believe me, we had some mean ones too. In those situations we reported the abuse and those nuns were removed and placed in areas that did not have contact with the students .Like the laundry or the kitchen.
        I believe that the majority of sisters who were not suited to the life did become mean and vindictive and took it out on the children in their care. They certainly did not have any Christ like qualities.
        You have to remember these were poorly educated women who had no training in teaching or caring for children and the rampant abuse was a result of forcing women into positions they had no talent for.
        Today a young woman who exhibits an interest in religious life has to have psychological testing and a college education to be accepted into the congregation.

    • Melpub Says:

      It seems to me it’s good to take an historic perspective on nuns. In the Middle Ages, a woman who wanted to retain her wealth and possessions (if she was lucky enough to have them) could not marry–until at least the mid-19th-century, husbands took all, including children, if they wanted to do so, or if divorce occurred. Then the woman was shunned in any case. Many highly educated women of means chose this path. Childbirth was a gamble–until the advent of ultrasound in the 1970s, many more women died giving birth. So being a nun made sense back then if you wanted to live. The Irish women you speak of fall into this category–being a nun meant a roof over your head, three meals, respect, something to be admired. Who wouldn’t? And these women who had already been so brutalized by poverty and exploitation and drink–read any immigrant tale in 19th century American–were hardly models of mental health. A few of them came out more or less okay, and you were lucky to encounter them. But women who really had other choices and selected the life of a nun seem to me invariably to be women with serious, deep conflicts about authority and certainly their own sexuality. To believe that doing good or “serving God” can’t go along with a romantic and sexual relationship is already either a fixed prejudice or an illness. But of course back in the 1950s and 1960s, Americans believed that, and women went nuts devoting themselves exclusively to housework because they believed they couldn’t possibly work and raise kids at the same time. I’ve yet to meet a nun who, after a forty minute conversation, did not inadvertently reveal a fear (or even a horror) of intimacy.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Janice, I am very happy that you received a good education from the nuns, and that you had a very good experience with the nuns. —- I, — on the other hand, had a very bad experience with the nuns both on a “religious” and an “academic” level. —- Because they “did not have any training with regards to teaching” they offered a “second rate academic education” to the students, and that robbed the future of many young people. —– I lived this experience for 12 years, and I managed to educate myself, set my own goals, develop my own plan of action and make things happen in my own life by design. —- (A friend of mine, who graduated high school with me, was never able to put his life together, and he drank himself to death along with his wife!) —– There was nothing “positive” about my Catholic Education and the Academic Education that was delivered by the nuns in the Catholic Schools that I attended. —– They were negative / sick individuals, and they should not have been around children. I earned my three college degrees in State Colleges and a Private University. I would never waste my time and money attending a Catholic College or University. I am a “Christian” not a Catholic. —- There is a BIG difference. —– The Catholic Church uses their schools to indoctrinate young people into the Catholic way of thinking. They want “loyal members” who will contribute to the church blindly while the clergy abuses children. — The Catholic Church is not to be trusted! After WW2 the Catholic Church helped the Nazi SS to get out of Europe so that they would not be held accountable for their war crimes. They conveniently forgot about the nazi’s murdering their own priests and nuns along with the jews. I will not give the nuns or priests a pass. They must be held accountable for their abuse against children whether physical or psychological! —– God bless you and everyone on this great site! —– All the best! ——– Dwayne

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Janice, I read your posting again, and the following questions come to mind! —– “Why does the person who was “abused,” have to make allowances for the “abuser” when trying to understand the “negativity” that was directed at them when they were children without power?” —-(When will people be held accountable for their actions? —- Why does the “injured person” have to “back off” from the issue?) —– Those negative nuns new exactly what they were doing in those Catholic Schools, and they did it anyway. —- They did it because they enjoyed seeing the children suffer. — When a nun hit a child, because they did not know an answer, they enjoyed the reaction of the child being hit, and they used that child as an example to all the other children in the classroom. —- They taught by fear and yelling! —- Nobody learns any subject through fear! —- My wife was locked in a dark closet by a nun because her text book was not covered in high school. (She covered the book, but someone removed the cover and used it on their own book prior to the nun’s book inspection.) —– Today my wife is claustrophobic! —– To understand the nuns, and their abuse of children, you have to live on both sides of the issue. —– God bless you! —- Dwayne.

      • Says:

        Dwayne, Please do not misunderstand my posting. I, like you, am a product of the Catholic school system from 1947-1960. My first experience with nuns was from K-First Grade and they were Dominicans. Following that I was educated by the Sisters of St. Joseph through high school. I believe I said the majority of the truly mean nuns were of Irish ancestry and gave a cursory explanation of what their lives in Ireland were like prior to being recruited for American religious orders. I also see a thread that runs through this blog that is confined to northern states. I was educated in the south: Daytona Beach and St. Augustine, Fl and I do not know if there is any relevance in that but with all the child abuse that existed and has been reported, Florida seems to have been spared. During my school years, and I think I said, the ones we had trouble with were of Irish extraction. No doubt they were “demented souls” who had no business having anything to do with children and certainly did not have the disposition for religious life. Fortunately, I never encountered one of these dehumanizing women. Generally, they were assigned as “house” sisters and took care of things like the laundry and kitchen. They should have been sent back to the place they came from instead of pretending a holiness they never had. Since I am 72 years old I would think they are all dead. I do not think children should ever be subjected to such abuse and as I read through these postings my heart breaks for the agony you suffered and the cruelty you were subjected to during your school years. You make some good points in your writings about the lack of parental concern. Children were taught “to be seen and not heard” and to go to school “and not complain about their teachers.” This set the stage for the abuse you received because no parent, at the time, would dare have questioned a nun’s authority. Fortunately, I was in a boarding school and I made a practice of keeping my mother uniformed about contact with my teachers. Whether these women are alive or dead, the leadership team of each congregation should be made aware of these abuses and the effect they had on your life in an effort to prevent this abuse from ever occurring again. I do know this, that when they received the habit their given names and names in religion were recorded in the congregation’s history from the time these congregations came from Europe to America in the 1800’s. When I completed college I came to Jacksonville and taught in the Catholic school system. This would be 1964 and the times were changing. New curriculum was developed and academics were emphasized. Vatican II was on the horizon and the old habits were being replaced by more updated clothing. All the religious orders were required to make changes in the ancient practices they embraced, the vernacular replaced the Latin and there were fewer and fewer sisters to spread around. Thus the lay teachers became a necessity. Most of the lay teachers in my school were married women with children in the school. There might be a Sister Principal but for the most part the school was operated by the lay teachers. We were left alone to teach our students in peace. We took our positions seriously and worked to create happy, well educated students. However, none of the change of the last fifty years excuse the abuse of children in the name of religion. Today, the convents are begging for candidates. The church has changed little in this time, but the religious orders are decimated and they can no longer enjoy the luxury of abusing children. That is of little consolation to the abused and I pray you will be able to work through it in time. You are the survivors and you deserve to be recognized!

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Janice; — thank you for your comments, and I do understand your position on this most sensitive subject. —— I am 71 years old, and I started my education in NYC in the public school system. I enjoyed the public school experience. There were unlimited art supplies, there were assembly programs, and there were patient / caring teachers who wanted the children to learn. —— After one marking period of the first grade, my parents decided that a Catholic Education was VERY important. —– We were living in Greenwich Village in NYC, and there were two schools associated with Saint Joseph’s Church on 6th Avenue. —- One was on Christopher Street, and was know as Saint Josephs School, and the other was located across from Washington Square Park, and was know as Saint Joseph’s Academy. The difference between the two schools was that if you attended the academy there were 10 students to a class and it costs $25.00 a month, and if you attended the regular school there were 30 students in a class and it cost nothing except for the yearly fund raisers that were held. —- Both schools were run by the Sisters of Charity, and yes, they were mostly Irish Nuns, which did not leave much “wiggle room” for the Italian Boys in their school. —- My parents were “upper middle class,” and they could have easily afforded to pay the $25.00 dollars a month for the tuition, but because the extended family could not afford this for their children, I was not sent to this school. (I had a learning disability that was NEVER diagnosed and I lived with that for 12 years in Catholic Schools.) —– When my education “clicked” my grades were high, and when it DID NOT “click” my grades were low. —— My Father accused me of not studying, but I was studying without a “Study Skills / School Success Process.” Today, as a retired teacher, I own a tutoring service where I teach young people how to take charge of their educational life, set goals, develop a plane of action to achieve those goals, put the plan of action into action, and make things happen in their life by design. When I was NOT doing well in school, my father told me that “I was a lazy good for nothing, and that I would never amount to anything!” —– I went from a struggling student in school to the “Deans List in College” and as a result, I was accepted into an academic honor fraternity based on my grades. My grades in college were high enough that I never had to sit for the GRE’s for my first Masters degree, and because I already had a Master’s Degree I did not have to sit for the GRE when I took my second Master, while keep my wife company with her MA degree at the University Level. —– When I was in Catholic School in NYC, I along with the other boys became Altar Boys. The “Academy Boys” did not participate in any church activities. They DID NOT have to attend 9:00am Sunday Mass and they did not have to attend 7:00am daily Mass prior to going to school. They did not have to attend church services every Monday and Wednesday afternoon. They were “special” because they had money, and the nuns worship money. They only way Altar Boys earn some pocket money is when they serve a Wedding. The italian boys never were assigned to a wedding. As students we were smacked around like dolls. We were psychologically abused, and we were under educated. When I graduate from high school, I could not write a term paper. How is that possible? I was an English Major in College and I was asked to write an opinion paper, and I did not know the process. The reason is that in Catholic School we were not allowed to have an opinion. —- Yes, it was different times! —- The Catholic Church IS NOT a user friendly institution. The have no use, nor do they care about the rank and file membership. They use the membership for their finances. Christian churches have “old age homes” for their members, Catholic Churches give lip service to the issue and nothing more. — When my father was dying he had a living will. I had to threaten “legal action against a Catholic Hospital” to get them to honor his living will. The Catholic Church is a very negative religion. There is nothing uplifting about the Catholic Sunday Service. They have songs that are out of the singing range of the congregation, yet they want the people to participate. The sermons are negative. They do not present a “loving God” but rather, they make the individual feel that they are never “ok” in God’s Eyes. I am the best Non-Catholic Christian that the nuns every created. —- I have no respect for a Catholic Priest of Nun. When dealing with them they always have a “hidden agenda!” —- I enjoy discussing these issues on this site. —- Those of us who were abused by these “negative people” will never forget, — and at the same time, we find it “difficult” to imagine people like you who had a “positive experience.” —– I taught Computer Aided Drafting / Architectural Drawing , Model Construction and Design in a Public High School for 33 years and I enjoyed everyday. I NEVER treated my students like I was treated in Catholic School. —- I would NEVER offer my professional services to a Catholic School. I would do nothing to help them to stay in business. —- Personally, I do not think that they should be in the business of educating young people. —— The Catholic Priest and the Altar Boys issue is another black mark against the Catholic Church, yet the “rank and file membership” do not seem to be very concerned. I would bet that if every Catholic stopped giving their weekly donation envelopes at Mass the issue would be resolved by Rome VERY quickly! —– God bless you and please write back as I value your thoughts and opinion. —— All the best! ——- Dwayne

      • Says:

        Dwayne, Thank you. I do enjoy your posts. They paint a completely different kind of Catholic education that I have no experience with. I can only imagine the horror of facing these demented women every day for twelve years However, you must be made of sterner stuff and despite the poor treatment and a marginal education you have made a success of your life. I am especially impressed with your tutoring service to help children that are struggling. You have taken the negative and turned it into a positive. In an Irish family they consider the children who became nuns and priests to be held up as models of holiness. What a joke! They were recruited by their parish priests to enter American orders or the order originated in Ireland and came to America because it was mission territory. None of them had any education, other than the training they received in the novitiate. That was a dehumanizing and negative experience and that was what they carried into the classroom to the detriment of children. They came from hardscrabble homes full of deprivation and glutted with the teachings of the church. Many of them came as young as 14 with no life experience. What a recipe for disaster. Today, entrance into religious life is quite different. Girls who wish to enter are required to spend time living with the order to see if they are suited for the life. They must have at least a 4 year college degree and they must undergo intense psychological evaluations to see if they are suited for the life. In the late 60’s many of the reforms that Vatican II required were rejected by the Irish members of the orders. When the changes were made many of them fled the orders because they didn’t want any changes because it required them to change ingrained values. For the most part they are regimented, opinionated and mentally unbalanced women and that goes for the priests too. As for the Catholic Church. They are stuck in time. Until they allow women to be ordained and remove the celibacy requirement the church will continue to be an anachronism. After many years I became tired of the constant cant for money and the same old sermons. I now belong to a small Episcopal church with a pastor who is a gifted speaker. He speaks on the gospel and does it in a positive and uplifting manner. He is also very funny and he never talks about money. Nothing will change in the Catholic church until congregations speak with their pocketbooks. It is amazing to me that with the rise in educational levels that the rank and file continue to support the church at every level. The nuns have made changes and it decimated the orders. The nuns who taught us are no doubt dead or sitting in nursing homes, old and crippled and waiting to die. Indeed, a very lonely life! I was born as America entered into World War II. The war years and coming out of the depression were not good years and families suffered the deprivations and living conditions. My parents were educated but that was quite uncommon for the time. All of this contributed to the environment at the time we began school. I do not hate anyone. I find it takes too much energy. There are people I don’t like but they are not a part of my life. As for my Catholic education, I have retained the things that were positive and gave me comfort. I was an independent child and I grew into an independent woman in large part due to my mother and the nuns who influenced my life in a positive way. I pray that our children in Catholic schools never have to experience the cruelty that so many of you endured.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Janice: —- You write very well, and I enjoy reading your postings. —- I left the Catholic Church in my head when I was a junior in High School. —- Later on in life I became a member of the Dutch Reformed Church. —– The Christian Religion is a friendly religion not a negative religion. —- The Catholic Church used the nuns as their “ground troops” to indoctrinate the children so that the church would have “loyal non-thinking cool-aid drinking follows” who would give their money to the church for the rest of their life. —- I no longer attend church. I do not see a need. If God is everywhere I can pray to God in my home, in my car or walking down the street. I listen to the Christian Speakers on a Sunday morning to get the motivational message. —– The Catholic Church to this day has NEVER taken “full” and “complete responsibility” for the Altar Boy issue, and until they do so, by giving up the offering clergy to be prosecuted by the authorities, this will continue to destroy their credibility in the religious world. —– The management of the Catholic Church actually thinks that they are above the civil law. When they helped the Nazi SS to get out of Europe they set up an office outside of Vatican City so that the dirty deed was not done on Vatican Soil, — as if that made a big difference! —- But in their mind it did make a Big Difference! The Catholic Church loves to split hairs when it comes to discussing issues, and they always manage to find a way to get out of embarrassing situations. That is not Christian nor is it Christ Like! —- But the Catholic Church is BIG BUSINESS. I am surprised that they are not selling stock on Wall Street! —- The girls who entered the convent from Ireland were used and abused by the religious order, but they were the ground troops of the Catholic Church. —- They were taught how to teach and how to relate to the children under their charge. If the Catholic Church wanted a “friendly atmosphere in their schools” they would have designed a “play book” that fostered that atmosphere in their schools. —- They never wanted that, so by default, they did not give any “sensitivity training” to the new nuns who were being prepared to teach. —– Now, the Church wants to hid behind the fact that the nuns were poorly prepared for the task of teaching. The question then becomes; —- “who was responsible for this training and or the lack of training, and was this “lack of training” part of the “desired process” to create an atmosphere of fear in the classroom?” —- Nothing in life happen by accident, whether it is in the government or in the religious world. There is a cause and effect to everything in life. —– I was in the military and I knew exactly when the Army made me a killing machine. It occurred when I was in my last days of basic training when I qualified with my M1 Rifle. We were give about 150 rounds of M1 ammunition clips and told to walk down a range with pop up human size targets, and shoot to kill while taking all available cover in the process. When the last clip left my M1 rife I knew that I was a killing machine. YES, training and indoctrination does work if it is done in slow steps over time. That is what the nuns did to some of us on this great site. They sold us a “bill of goods” and when we did not buy what was being sold to us they came at us with all the negativity that they could muster!—– {Would I like to meet some of those nuns today? —- YES! —- I would simply as them —- “WHY?” —– Was it really worth the effort? —- I am no longer a Catholic because of you?} —– All the best to you Janice! —- God bless you! —- Enjoy your life! —- Yes, we all had “different experiences” within the same Catholic Church, and this is what allows the Church to avoid taking responsibility for their crimes against children. —– When I talk about my experiences, —- people think I am making things up! —– I encourage you to write back. —- This is important to all of use so that we get a “balanced view” of what happen to us in Catholic Schools.———- Dwayne

      • Says:

        Dwayne, Thank you! I have done many different types of writing but this is the kind I enjoy most. I love communicating with people and sharing opinions different from mine. Even though we are in the same age range our educational experiences were certainly different. “Ground troops” is the perfect description for what the novitiates turned out during our school years. Those orders of European heritage, in our time, relied on the constitutions of their founders to train the girls entering their orders. No relevant updates until Vatican II required them to bring their orders into the 20th century. Some embraced the changes and others dragged their feet. The Dominicans, Charities, IHM and Mercies and many other religious orders were the last to change. They held on to those primitive constitutions while the ship sank! Who was responsible for the training? I can only guess, but the Superior General of each order probably called the shots. The Irish members were living a whole lot better than life in Ireland ever offered them. Why should they rock the boat? It was not until the 50’s/60’s that American girls entering the convents demanded professional teacher’s training prior to being assigned to teach. This began to happen when the leadership of the congregations themselves were better educated and began to develop programs that put teacher training as a priority. I seriously doubt that ANY training other than religious training existed in the novitiates at that time. I never realized it, but the nuns who taught me all had degrees which the order required prior to assigning them to a mission and for the most part, they were very good teachers that were devoted to doing their best for us. Equipped with teaching skills, they didn’t need to use cruelty or beat us down. However, my issues are with the larger church. Florida was still mission territory and we were overwhelmed with priest right out of the Irish seminaries and they were required to teach Religion in the schools. Mindless hours of the Baltimore Catechism were the order of the day. They were not teachers, just mindless robots who regurgitated the same old information year after year. It was obvious they had no desire to be there. Teaching is hard work and they would much rather have been in their quiet rectories being waited on by the housekeeping staff or out playing golf. The issues of the larger church are certainly more serious. For years the church has covered up priestly sexual abuse by moving the offending priest from parish to parish. Some solution! They should be thrown out of the priesthood and prosecuted for their crimes but if that were to happen the church would be required to admit that a problem exists and clean house starting in the Vatican. Only when the faithful refuse to fill their coffers with money will we begin to see changes. Fat chance of that happening! As for you, ever having the opportunity to meet those women who caused you so much torment you would have to do some research. There are many non-related orders of Sisters of Charity. You would have to know where the motherhouse and leadership team for the order were situated. It is highly doubtful that any of these women are even alive but if you remember their names you could contact the sister in charge and relate your experience with her order. That should be quite a meeting! How did a little Italian boy get involved with a bunch of Irishers in Greenwich Village? Blessing!

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Good Morning Janice:

        Again let me say that I enjoy reading your postings, and I understand your point of view and your explanation of the events that let up to the “negativism” that we all experienced on this “site!”

        While there was ignorance, (on the religious order level), on the part of the Catholic Church, in terms of dealing with the children of the Catholic Faithful, —- the “management” of the Catholic Church, (Bishops, Cardinals and the Pope), we educated people, and as such, they had to know that what was going on was against humanity. ——- (A General in the army is responsible for the behavior of his / her troops.) —– YES, I also went through the mindless memorization of the Catholic beliefs, and if you did not give the correct answer you were punished by having to write the answer a number of times. —— (All meaningless activity that did nothing to educate the young person for the real world.) —— Everyday the entire school had to attend 7:00am Mass at the church, and then walk to the school and have an additional hour of religion. ———- I am toasted with Catholic Religion. To me the Catholic Church is completely negative!

        We all want justice! —- We want the Catholic Church to openly admit that they have committed serious crimes against children. —- We want access to the files of the religious orders when necessary. —- We want the offending priests to be sent to prison for their crimes against children. —- We want a “user friendly Catholic Church experience” — “IF” — we choose to participate. —– We want a clergy who does not think that they are better than the membership of the church, who by the way, are carrying the financial burden of the Catholic Church. —- We want to be heard and not ignored! — Ignorance is no excuse when it comes to destroying children. —- The Nazi’s in WW2 tried to use the excuse that they were only following orders when they put people to death, and abused them in concentration camps. —- You see, the Catholic Church at the highest levels new what was going on, and they let it happen because the “ends did justify the means!” —- They wanted “loyal robotic members” who would follow orders blindly without question, and who would give their money for the rest of their lives so that the “church” could live well on the backs of the people. —- If this “result” required the “beating” and the “abuse of children” to get them into line, —- SO BE IT! —- We were all expendable in the same way that a private in the army is expendable when the unit goes into combat. —- We were being used and abused for the “greater good” as defined by the leadership of the Catholic Church. ——- The order of the day was “get the job done by and and all means possible!” —- Yes the Catholic Church used the “ignorance” of the young Irish nuns in order to do their dirty work. They did this because it was convenient, and after all, the Catholic Faithful were for the most part uneducated people who could be easily directed and used. —- The nuns came from a background were suffering and violence was the order of the day, so it was easy to let them loose on the children in Catholic Schools so that they could do their dirty work for the honor and glory of God and the Catholic Church! —- The Catholic Church knows that they are in “BIG trouble” over the Catholic School issue, and they are trying to delay a confrontation with the people who have suffered, hoping that both the nuns and the people will die off and the issue will go into history. —- As an offended person, I would not give one cent to the Catholic Church. I find their clergy offensive, and when they speak they always have a hidden agenda that is always in the favor of the church or themselves. —- The people on this site have experienced many things while attending Catholic Schools, and living in Catholic Group Homes for Children. —– QUESTIONS: — How does the Catholic Church pay back a person who experienced regular beatings while living in a “group home run by nuns.” —– Let’s put a price tag on that experience. Even if the nuns who did the deed are dead, what compensation should the order give the individual as payment for that experience? —- Would one million dollars be enough? For a society to function there has to be justice! The people on this site want to be understood, and they want justice! —- They want an apology from the Catholic Church, and they want assurances from the Catholic Church that no other child will every be abused in the name of religion again. —– QUESTION: —- Is that too much to ask from the leadership of the Catholic Church? —- The reality is that it will NEVER happen because the leadership of the church thinks that we are not important enough to be communicated with in a professional manner. —– We are expendable! ———- All the best! —— God bless! —– Write back! —- I enjoy reading your postings and the exchange of ideas. —— Dwayne

      • Plowe Says:

        I though many of you may be interested: This news break from SNAP needs repeating:

        This Thursday, for the first time ever, the Vatican will be questioned about its record on child sexual violence by an international body. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in Geneva is holding the meeting in two sessions on Jan 16, each three hours long. SNAP and our attorneys from CCR will be there. Later in the evening (Geneva time) CCR and SNAP are hosting a reportback via Livestream directly after the review to report about it to survivors, advocates and supporters. Two separate events and you can view them both on the internet.
        Watch the UN review via livestream here!

        The review will take place on Thursday, January 16, 2014 from 10am-1pm CET, (4am-7am EST) where the Vatican will be reviewed on their compliance with the Convention on Rights of the Child and then from 3pm-6pm CET (9am-12 noon EST) the Vatican will be reviewed on their compliance with the Optional Protocols on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography.**This will be broadcast in the English language. This is broadcast by the UN.
        Then two hours later at 8 pm CET (2 pm EST) we will have the “reportback” by CCR and SNAP. Tune in here .

        You can follow the conversation on Twitter and ask questions before or during the livestream by tweeting to the hashtag #HolySeeConfess or by emailing questions to
        SNAP and CCR submitted reports to the Committee on the Rights of the Child detailing how the Holy See has violated the core principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
        If you have questions please email or call the SNAP office at: 312 455 1499 or .
        Don’t miss the chance to participate in this historic event!
        Barbara Blaine

      • firetender Says:

        I’m so very glad to hear this news and thank you for checking in with us, Phillip.

        My only hope is that they are INCLUDING abuse at the hands of nuns. Do you or anyone know if this side of the story will be represented?

      • Says:

        I heard the report on the UN child abuse issue last night. The person speaking is the committee head who is responsible for assembling he material for presentation. You can find it on you tube. No mention of nuns.

      • Says:

        Plowe, Great information. Today the Archdiocese of Chicago released the documents regarding child abuse in their schools and churches. We will not know what is in them for a few days. I doubt the nuns records are included and until they are required by law to release their records much of what transpired in the Catholic school system will remain unreported. Ireland is paying huge reparations to the women who were incarcerated or murdered in the Magdalene laundries. Ironically, the four orders who ran the industrial schools and laundries for Ireland have refused to contribute to the reparations. Two orders of Charities, Mercy and Good Shepard orders. The names bear no relation to the abuse they heaped out on these poor helpless women.. This is not just a problem for the Catholic Church in America it is worldwide. It fascinates me that with all the press there are any Catholics left to contribute Janice

      • Says:

        Wow! Where do I start? You ask a lot of questions that have no answers. Where do you start? I understand that what you want is to be heard and justice for the abuse you received at the hand of representatives of the Catholic church. As of this writing the nuns have not been named for participation in abuse of children. There has been some successful litigation in Ireland and reparation are being paid but not at the rate they deserve. Whatever is paid it will never be enough but the abuse is recognized and addressed. Is that acceptable? I don’t know. If any of them are still living they should be required to face you and listen to your story. If they are alive, they are old and it will give them something to meditate on as they wait for death! At the very least the leadership of these congregations should be contacted and presented with the facts. But before anything can happen it needs to be made public. Not a word about this abuse by the nuns has been addressed in the media. Not even the UN hearings on child abuse will address this issue. Why? Because nobody knows. There has never been any litigation to address this issue. Again, how are you, the abused and scarred, going to make it known? I just stumbled onto this blog and was appalled at the things I read. I am not one of the abused but I can reach out and touch the pain you are suffering.

        Since stumbling onto this blog I have done a lot of research on the history of each order and how they came to America. They were recruited by American bishops to meet the needs of the Catholic church in America. They had no education and probably were not suited to enter any convent. The church sold them a bill of goods and off they went thinking they would get a higher place in heaven because religious life was a guarantee of this clap trap they were exposed to. Sort of like he terrorists who were promised 16 virgins. What a crock? Their religious training was just that–all religion. The only teaching experience they had was the way they were taught and that is what they brought when they were sent into classrooms to teach little wiggly American children. I don’t know what they expected but their instructions were to make good, little Catholics who sat like statues and folded their hands in prayer. So, not knowing anything about teaching, they parroted the only thing they knew. Religion. The parents of these children, I can only speculate, were raised in Catholic schools that were more brutal than we can imagine so no complaints from them. Where do you start? You start with the Cardinal, Archbishop or Bishop in charge of the diocese you were tortured in and you follow it up with the leadership team of the religious orders who taught you. You make it known to the media and once you start you don’t give up until you get a hearing. The squeaky wheel gets the oil! I think there are plenty of lawyers who might be interested to take cases and let the fees be paid by the side that fails to make their case. SNAP, no doubt, could advise you. The problem is you have to have dates, names and times the abuse occurred .For this you need access to the nun’s record in case they were moved from place to place because of complaints. There is no justice for this kind of abuse but it is a start! Blessings, Janice PS Times have changed. Today our parents are more educated and they abuse their own children.


      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Good Morning Janice:

        Again let me say that I enjoy reading your postings.

        Understand that there are many people on this site who were not able to grab hold of their lives after experiencing the negativity of a Catholic Education, and in the process, build a successful life for themselves. —- They are the walking wounded. —- I would have been one of them had I not attended a School of Technology, and then entered the Army in 1963. —– The Army taught me to “believe in myself,” and in the talents, skills and abilities of my fellow soldiers. —- For the first time in my life I was part of a success team, and I was respected for my ability. I have great memories of my military experience. —- Thank God I was never in combat! What was very interesting about my military experience is that my mother, (who was a great person), did not have a “realistic concept of the military” even though her brother, (my uncle), fought in combat on the islands of the Pacific. —- When I went into the military, she told me not to worry because the American Army was the “best fed army in the world!” I added the following statement; —- “but they are trying to kill me!” Her simplistic attitude was a carry over from her attitude with regards to my Catholic Education. My grades were all over the place like the “sign curve of AC current.” While my father, (who was the dictator of the house), thought I was lazy, my mother did not seem to have an opinion with regards to helping me to achieve stability within the educational world. By the time I entered Catholic High School, I had just about given up on myself, and all I wanted to do was get a High School Diploma, and start my life. I struggled through the four years, and somehow I graduated in the upper half of my graduating class of 222 students. (111 boys & 111 girls). —- While I had a high school diploma I DID NOT have a high school education. I managed to get accepted to a local state college as an English Major, and I stuck it out for three semesters. (This is where I got my high school education.) After three semesters I knew that I did not want to become an English Teacher because my interest were more in alignment with technology. —- I left college in good standing, and I enrolled in a private school of Technology. I did very well in this school, and I learn basic success principles. After graduating, I worked for a short time in the automotive field, and then I entered Army Basic Training. This experience really changed my life. I knew what I wanted to do when my active duty was over. I wanted to be a Technology Teacher in the public schools. Upon release from Active Duty, I applied as transfer student and was accepted. I did very well in college and I made the Dean’s List, which shocked my father. (My father never paid me a compliment, nor did her every say that he loved me!) Upon graduation, I secured a teaching position, and immediately started my Master’s Degree Program. I met my wife at the parish social club, CYA / Catholic Young Adults (Alcoholics) She had just graduated from the same college that I had attended as an English Major, and on the “second date” I asked her to marry me, and she accepted. We never had children, rather, we took care of the children that we were in trusted with in the classroom. —– We helped them to be successful. I am still in contact with some of them. One of my students graduated from West Point, and I was very proud to attend his graduation. I always made it a point to write a “letter of recommendation” for any student who requested it! When I was trying to get into college I had to beg my teachers to write letters. Now we are retired, and my wife and I own a business that deals with helping young people to take charge of their life, and to be successful both in school and in life. (Just for “kicks” and “giggles”) I sent a proposal to the director of Catholic School Education in the state to see if they would be interest in me doing “success programs in the Catholic Schools!” I never heard a response. I knew that they would not respond when I sent out the material because what I teach is in direct opposition to what the Catholic Church wants to instill into the child’s thinking. I teach the students to take charge of their own educational life, to manage their time, to set their own realistic goals, to believe in themselves, to design a plan of action, to put the plan of action into action, to think for themselves, to use 100% of their talents, skills and abilities in a focused / organized manner, and to make things happen in their life by design rather than letting things happen in their life by chance. —– The Catholic Church wants loyal non-thing robotic follows who will contribute to the corporation for the rest of their lives. Independent thinkers are of no use to the Catholic Church, and as such, they will ignore us and make believe that we do not exist. The leadership of the Catholic Church is highly educated and they use that education to control the masses just like Hitler used psychology to control the population of Germany. I have a basic rule that I follow in life and that rule is; “Never follow any organization that demands blind obedience!” —- The Catholic Church has always demanded “blind obedience” from it’s members and when they could not explain something they labeled it a mystery. “Transubstantiation” is an example of this! —– Well now you know my story, and how I became what I am today. —– Do I respect priest and nuns? As human beings yes, but as religious people NO! They are basically very sick individuals who have a distorted way of thinking about themselves and about life. They should NEVER be around children, and they should NEVER teach children. —– Psychological illness can be a learn behavior. If a young person is around people with psychological / distorted thinking they will pick up on that thinking, and they will live their life based on that thinking. — My cousin in NYC is a perfect example of that concept! —– There is a God, but it is NOT the Catholic God. —- It is the Christian God! —- All the best to you and everyone of this site. —– God Bless! —- Write back if you have the time and / or the inclination! —– Dwayne

      • Says:

        Dwayne, I do enjoy your postings! I understand that the emotional abuse the majority of the people on this blog have never recovered from their Catholic school experience. It would be interesting to know what their home life was like because that certainly is a factor in their development and affected their futures. The story of your life, both home and school, is very telling and was certainly a factor in your success following high school.

        , I had a very different experience. My father was a graduate of the Catholic school system in Baltimore, Maryland. Following high school he went to Princeton and graduated with a degree in mathematic and accounting. He came from a strict German Catholic family of six children and his mother was a religious fanatic who went to Mass every day and made all of them feel guilty if they didn’t go with her. They would simply disappear when it was time to leave. He never entered a Catholic church following high school graduation and he never spoke about his reasons for leaving. My mother, on the other hand was born on a farm in rural Pennsylvania. She attended a one room country school for eight years and came out with reading skills that would knock you socks off. She attended high school in Scranton because her little town didn’t have a high school. She graduated first in her class and graduated from New York Hospital School of Nursing as an RN. My mother were 37 and my Father was 42 when I came along. My Mother was a stay-at-home mom. Both my parents read to me constantly until I was 10 years old. My grandmother lived around the corner and all of them made me feel loved and important. I was an only child so I learned to entertain myself with reading and listening to the radio. That developed my auditory skills that helped me in school. They also loved classical music and my mother was a skilled pianist. My father died suddenly when I was 10 years old and life was never the same after his untimely death. We moved to my grandmothers and I was sent to boarding school. My mother never really recovered but where I was concerned, she always did her best. I was a very independent child and they always encouraged me to make my own decisions. I had the advantage of piano lessons from the age of six. In boarding school I played for church services and assemblies. This was a great confidence builder and I continued to use these skills when I became a teacher. The children loved to sing and I loved to play! In boarding school I made many friends and today we think of ourselves as sisters. There were many girls from Cuba and other Latin American countries. We taught them English and they taught us Spanish. When we went home for weekends the American girls invited the Spanish students to come home with us. In the summer they returned the favor and we visited them in South America and Cuba. Today, 50 years later, we often gather in St. Augustine for reunions and revisit our school days and talk and laugh for three days. We are exhausted and hoarse when we leave. But we leave happy, knowing that we have friends who we have a history with and we love each other dearly. Reading this blog makes me very grateful for the many blessings I have received in my life.

        After reading your story I think you took all the negatives of your growing up years and turned them into positives. Just think of the children whose lives you touched. Even in retirement you are still teaching children to build independent and productive lives. It is the story of a remarkable life. You write so well you have the makings of a great book. You really have a story to tell! The dog is begging to go out. I can’t wait for the next post. Blessings, Janice.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Janice: —– Thank you so much for your kind words. Coming from where I came from in life I did “ok” in life, but there were times where I thought that I would not make it! —– If I would have had the skills that I teach the young people today, back when I was in Catholic School on Christopher Street in NYC, I probably would have not been a teacher, or if I became a teacher I would have most probably have been a History Teacher because I love WW2 and the American Civil War era. —– My hobbies are reading, writing, independent studying, communicating with interesting people, boating on the Hudson River, and studying about automotive technology. —– YES, I have 5W-30 oil running in my veins instead of blood. —– Having grown up in the 50’s I had the opportunity to drive all the great cars, some of which were the 1955 Ford, 1957 Chevrolet, 1957 Plymouth (from the move Christine), 1956 Olds, and lets not forget the Pontiac GTO. —– Yes all were stick shifts (except the Olds & Plymouth), and I could run them through the gears quite well. I still have fond memories of those cars and the friends that I had at the time. I tuned up many of those cars for my friends in preparation for the Saturday night runs from traffic light to traffic light. —– There was no traffic then, and the roads were open, and there was NO RADAR!

        I love to read your postings they are so well written, and you have a talent to be an author. ——- It is VERY obvious that your attended a VERY HIGH END boarding school. —— If my parents would have sent me to the Academy with 10 students in a class, as opposed to 30 students in a class, maybe my education would have been different. —– But that is water under the bridge, and you can never go back in life. Every time that I am in New York City I try to get into the old building the housed Saint Joseph’s School on Christopher Street. —– (It is now some type of office building for children’s services.) —– But the security will never take me on a tour of the building. Even though there are offices where classrooms use to be, I would be able to hear the “voices of the children” and the “nuns” in my head, and just maybe put some of my ghosts to rest. —- Next time I am in New York, I will give the Security Guard my Educational Seminar Business Card, and ask to see the Director as an excuse to walk the building. —– Maybe I will get some business from them! —- You never know!

        The nuns and the Catholic Church made a Big mistake in terms of the way that they dealt with children. —– Had they been kind, concerned and human more of us would be attending church today, and contributing to the organization financially. —- But they chose to take the “hard line,” and in the process, they alienated many people, and we no longer partake in their organization. —– (The money that I would give to the Church on yearly basis I give to people who help me during the year. I make their life a little brighter.) —– The years in Catholic School, under the direction of the nuns, robbed many of us of our early lives. —– (We did not enjoy being children! —- We did not enjoy growing up! —- We did not enjoy going to school! —- We were operating in fear constantly —- We were forced to go to confession! I had to make up sins in order to go to confession! I was actually lying to the priest in order to make the nun happy! This is really sick!) The nuns put stress on our lives that should have never been there for our age group. —– (Example: the concept of original sin.) —– What a joke! I was trying to make some sort of sense of my life, and the nun was talking about “original sin!” Only the Catholic Church could come up with that concept. —- All the best to you and every one! —- God bless all! —- Dwayne

      • Says:

        Dwayne, You deserved the compliments! I certainly did a great deal of writing. Our high school was small-maybe 200 students-there were 40 students in my graduating class and the nuns were good about providing additional help for anyone who needed help. In fact one of the nuns liked the boys better than the girls and to this day they include her in all their reunions. She will be 88 this year and still going strong. She was in charge of the boarders and she was very good to us. We also had day students and the school was co-ed so we were not isolated in an all girls school. She was a brilliant math teacher and I had her for all my math classes. I hated algebra and told her I had absolutely no use for X. She patiently explained to me that everybody was different-some people have algebraic minds and were good at interpreting abstract problems and others have geometric minds and see things in concrete terms. I knew right at that moment I saw things in concrete terms. She also told me she had struggled with Algebra but was determined to conquer it so she understood when students struggled with it.. After I graduated from college she hired me to teach in the school she administered. My 10th grade English teacher was gifted in leading us through creative writing skills and to this day I credit my knowledge of the English language to Sr. Mary Albert. She made English live she loved it so much. She was always correcting me for my run on sentences. I told her that I was a “wordy girl” and never met a run on sentence I didn’t like. My passions are writing and communicating with intelligent people. I love history and political science. I also love geography. My maternal great grandfather was incarcerated at Andersonville for 14 months. I actually have letter he wrote describing the conditions in the prison. He was the only member of the 5th Pennsylvania Calvary to survive Andersonville. He weighed 75 pounds when he returned home and my mom said he was ornery and mean as a snake! Part of my family lives in Virginia. My oldest cousin can relate every major battle of the Civil War and he lives right in the middle of all the battlefields. I am a voracious reader and I read all the time when I am not writing. I love researching and sharing that information with others. My good friends tell me I never left the classroom and I guess that is true. I loved teaching young children and felt it was a privilege to train them how to be responsible citizens. When the priest abuse became public I was so angry because I had taken teaching as a sacred trust while the priests were abusing the altar boys. Disgusting! I love animals and have an Italian Greyhound and a Russian Blue cat. Both of them are rescue animals and they make me smile. Nice of you to say I could be an author but in retirement I really just want to do things that pleasure me and cause me no stress. I worked for 40 years and I loved what I did but I never wanted to “die in my boots.” I swim and exercise three or four times a week and I love having the luxury of staying up all night reading a book and sleeping till noon. Teaching is hard work if you do it right. I loved the kids and I especially love seeing them grown and successful. Blessings, Janice I am so sorry that so many children were treated with such abandon I know that the people who comment on this site were abused and beaten into submission. I hope that someday this becomes public and the religious orders who perpetrated this injustice are called to account. We can only hope

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Janice: —- I love Civil War History, and my wife and I take numerous trips to Gettysburg Pa, and we walk the battlefield during the day, and drive the battle field at night hoping to see a Ghost! — (Technically we are not suppose to be in the battle field at night, but you cannot see a ghost in the day. —- It is part of their union contract. They only work at night!)—— Yes, I believe that when something like a battle takes place, some of the spirits get left behind because of “how the person died.” —- There have be numerous sightings of strange things on the Gettysburg Battlefield. —- Somehow we are drawn to this place. —— Maybe we lived there at the time of the battle! —- You spoke about “Andersonville,” the “Southern Prisoner of war camp for Northern Soldiers.” —- Years ago my wife and I visited that location. It was a hell hole. On the other side of the issue, there was a prisoner of war camp for “Souther Soldiers” somewhere around Chicago, and this was ten times as bad as Andersonville. —- What amazes me is that we did this to our own people, much like the Catholic Church abusing its own membership and children. —- I can understand both sides of the Civil War. It was not just about slavery. It was more about a way of life! It was a grab for political power, and as usual, the little people got caught up in the fight. —– QUESTION: outside of Lincoln how many of the other politicians either North or South got killed or wounded? —– You see the politicians create the wars, and the little people are told that it is their duty, as citizens, to fight the war. QUESTION: —- What would have happened in the Civil War if non of the soldiers on either side were willing to fight? —- We lost a very large number of soldiers and horses in the three day battle at Gettysburg. They are still finding the remains of bodies to this day. If the South had won the battle, England was going to come back into the United States on the side of the South. That is why the South gambled on “Pickets Charge.” —- Then needed to win a BIG battle on Northern Soil to impress England. —- God Bless. —- Dwayne

      • Melpub Says:

        This is fairly recent:

      • Says:

        Everybody should read this article–shocking and disgusting but thankfully the nuns turned her over to the police. I haven’t seen habits like that since the late 60’s. I guess they ignored the notice from the Vatican to update. Janice

      • MaryW Says:

        What a terrible thing to happen to that poor baby and really the insane mother. The article after the terror of what happened was dwarfed by the comment of how nun’s deal with sexual urges, a splash of cold water. Thank you for the great article Janice 🙂

      • Says:

        Mary, You are welcome. It seems the abuse will never stop. Janice

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Janice; ———- I think the time has come for all of us on this great site to discuss this question. —— Recognize that the nuns were VERY cruel to the male students in class, —– (example: — banging their heads into the blackboard, —- and grabbing two boys by the hair, and banging their heads together like dolls), —- and because of the “Altar Boy / Priest issue,” —- is it possible, —- that some of the nuns were “lesbians” hiding in the Catholic Church as Clergy to deal with their “sexual needs?” —- My experience as a child in NYC with nuns was that they did not like male students. They went after them with a passion. They really wanted to hurt them, and they used them as an example for the other students. Their goal was to make them cry in front of the class. They wanted to belittle them (psychological castration). —- I have no problem with “gay people”. They are also “God’s creatures,” and they are simply wired differently, —- BUT I have a BIG problem with anyone, (straight or gay) who becomes “aggressive with children” because of their sexual orientation. —- I think that this was possibly a “BIG issue” with regards to what we all experienced in our lives as children in Catholic School. ——— QUESTION: —- Was there a driving sexual force that motivated some of these nuns to abuse children and enjoy the process? —- Lets open up this “can of worms” and get everyone’s opinions. —– All the best! —— God bless! —— Dwayne.

      • Says:

        Dwayne, Great post. I love it when you expand the conversation and open up a “can of worms.” I do know the boys were subject to more punitive punishment. We lived in a time where everybody was treated the same. Today we know that boys are taught differently than girls. The girls are little “girly” things, usually fair to good students, and you can catch their interest and they are better listeners with a longer attention span. Boys, on the other hand are, not as mature as the girls and lag behind. They don’t really have any interest in the mundane subjects inflicted on them. The trick is to explore their interests and find out what will inspire them to study. Personally, I liked the boys and used humor to get their attention. I never belittled or abused them because they missed a question or were not paying attention. I cringe about all the people that were not allowed to go to the bathroom and had accidents as a result of the nuns poor judgment. How cruel is that. The very simple solution is to have a hall pass they use to leave the class. This trained them to be responsible about being away from the classroom and return in a timely manner. I never had one single boy abuse it. You have to challenge boys to follow the rules. It made them feel so good about themselves because they had the freedom to make their own decisions and the responsibility to return in a timely manner. I also never had “rules.” Make a rule and they will find a way to break it. This really flabbergasted the class. I simply told them at the beginning of the year they were old enough to be responsible for their own actions and I expected them to govern their actions accordingly. Rather they are male or female, you have to give them the opportunity to make mistakes so you can show them how to make good choices. Boys are also more restless than girls, Sitting one place for eight hours is not in their DNA. I doubt seriously the nuns had a sense of humor where the boys were concerned and punishment was severe and cruel. Young boys are also more sensitive than girls so when abuse reigned down on them they retreated into themselves. Boys are also not as verbal as sassy little girls. Left handers were treated differently. I am left handed and in the grades they always tried to change me. My mom would tell them I was hopelessly left handed and they did not want me to be required to change. These ignorant women didn’t have a clue. Today we know it is a brain domination.

        I think the issue of sexuality is a big issue. There are two books that address this issue: Dilemma by Alberto Cutie. He speaks candidly on the issue of homosexuality in the priesthood. Seminarians are never allowed to be in their rooms with the door closed because of you know what. The nuns must always walk in threes because of particular friendships that developed in the novitiate. They are big on stamping out any kind of friendships that develop among these women. No BFF’s for sure. They live very repressed, disciplined lonely lives. The Postulant by Mario Iezzoni is written as a novel but it tells the story of sexual repression in the religious orders. The solution offered by their superiors is to pray and offer it up. They are reminded again that religious life is the highest form of praising God and a sure place in heaven. I never saw any lesbianism with the order that raised me but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The priesthood is full of gay priests. It is a great blind and allows the priest to be respected and not ridiculed for their sexual orientation. The administrators in the seminary know this exists and turn a blind eye Both of these books can be downloaded from Amazon for a very nominal sum. Perhaps they should be castrated before ordination. I don’t know what to do with the nuns.

        The priests that abused the altar boys are a disgusting lot. The church knew what was going on and they stayed silent. They are as despicable as the perpetrators. Cardinal Ratzinger, prior to being elected to the papacy, maintained detailed files on every priest who participated in the abuse. Will they release the files hat remains to be seen. As for the altar boy abuse these kids were scared to death to tell their parents because they would not be believed. These priests knew just how to get away with it. Many of them were friendly with the families. They were always welcome. So when the priest turned up they would go up to the kids room, close the door and guess what happened. The kid was absolutely helpless. Nobody would believe him and the parents would not believe him, What kind of parents lets a priest in the kids room? They were totally ignorant and the priests knew that and took advantage of the situation. Were they sexually repressed? Absolutely! The nuns beat up little boys to solve their frustration and sexual repression. They were bitter, angry, repressed women and they used their power over children to work out these hostile feelings. The boys were the target because hey were rowdy, active little boys. These women had no clue how to get their attention and teach them so they beat them into submission. It is the best kept secret of that era. Blessings, Janice

      • MaryW Says:

        Hello Dwayne, I have no doubt that the nun’s sexual orientation had something to do with the abuse they dealt out. The convents in my opinion were homes for the sexually, criminally insane. They just honed their skills after they got there. For those that were not insane when they arrived they were soon turned via the abuse on them. Nuns are sexual misfits.

      • russ Says:

        I tend to believe that nuns, rather than being sexual misfits, were normal, sexual beings who were told such expressions of their humanity were dirty, evil or worse. And it wasn’t just told, this was literally and figuratively beaten into them. But it didn’t stop with sexuality; it slopped over into any acts of self love or empowerment.

        And they were children when all this happened. They were innocents.

        They were taught to hate expressive and uncensored parts of themselves. Through repression and control they were morphed into twisted, spiteful beings who, whenever they encountered those parts of themselves in the innocent to whom they had access without restraint, they felt compelled to destroy them.

        I never looked at it this way before, but it suddenly dawned on me that this is a form of self-mutilation. It’s a very sad dynamic into which most perpetrators of violence against children are driven; the compulsion to destroy the innocence of others as it was destroyed in them..

        You know, this is not a Catholic Church problem per se. It is a problem or glitch if you will of our humanness. This is what happens to children whose innocence has been ripped away. It is a circle and the truth is, it is pervasive throughout all societies.

        The real problem with the Catholic Church was that at some point it knowingly condoned this behavior within its ranks.

        Indeed, it built an institution around this way of being that literally trained practitioners in evil; gave them permission to refine their sick art on each other; constructed buildings where such abuses could occur; invited lambs to the slaughter; and, made sure that the adults in the children’s lives would not question their activities.

        The Catholic Church refined the evil and provided it a safe haven to express itself.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Russ: —— Well stated! ——— Dwayne

      • Says:

        Dwayne and Russ, I doubt there was much discussion of sex in any way. The young girls I knew were filled with excitement about becoming “Brides of Christ.” I never understood the enthusiasm. I think the reality of their humanity did not dawn on them and as the time passed they became repressed and took it out on their students. Sex was never discussed in my high school and our library was all about research. Plenty of religious material. How many copies of Lives of the Saints do you need?

        My first year teaching was in a Catholic high school. There was a girls school and the boys were across the street with the principal’s office. There was one old nun, at least 80 years old that wandered around the school. I was coming back from the principal’s office when she stopped me. She started out telling me I couldn’t wear the dress I had on to school any more. This dress was a shirtwaist dress and very modest. I was dumbfounded. So I ask her what the problem was. She told me the dress had little sailboats on it and the red sails excited the boys and caused them to have bad thoughts. I told her I taught in the girl’s school and had no contact with the boys and by chance if one saw me I hardly thought I was an “occasion of sin” for them. An 80 year old nun thinking of sex, she was a little late to the party! I continued to wear the dress. Blessings, Janice

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        QUESTION: —– What would the 80 year old nun say “IF” she met a female teacher wearing —— “A Black Leather Outfit, with High Leather Boots & spurs & a red whip?” —– Would she think it was the Principal? —- After all, the Principal wants to get everyone’s attention! ———- Dwayne

      • Says:

        Dwayne, You are hilarious! She would probably faint on the spot. j

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Janice; —- I think that we as Christians have to start to take control of our own religious participation. The only reason why the Catholic Church wants us to attend Sunday Services is for the Almighty Money Donation. —- Once it is given to them, they then spend it in a manner that they see fit. Based on their past practice, we have seen how they spend it. They take money that was given in “good faith,” and they use it in a negative fashion. —– I no longer attend church. So then, — how should I give financial help to my fellow man? I have decided to take the money that I would normally give the church on Sunday, and give it to the people who perform a service for me. —– Today my wife and I brought our vehicle in to the Toyota Dealership to have the New Jersey State Inspection performed. When I was signing the repair order I took a Ten Dollar Bill out of my pocket, and I clipped it to the repair order for the technician. I also brought a bottle of wine for the Service Writer. Next week I will be returning to the dealership for transmission fluid drain, and I will stop at the bakery and get some crumb buns for the staff. You know, “just to say thank you” and “have a nice day!” When I take this action, I know where my money is going, and I see the smiles on their faces. YES, I can make someone’s day a little better. After the automotive service, I always make it a point to write an E-mail to everyone who made it possible for me to have a positive service experience. It is time that we take Christian Charity down to the personal level. —- My ten dollars to the technician could have made it possible for him or her to have lunch, or maybe to take their child for an ice cream, or for a burger at McDonalds. My money is doing some good, and I can see it first hand, and it is not in the hands of religious monsters! ———— Dwayne

      • Says:

        Dwayne, You are absolutely correct. My issue with that is when you throw your envelope in each Sunday you never hear about it again. There is no accounting to the congregation on how it is spent. They must have financial statements. The original concept of helping others is Biblical and is expressed in the Beatitudes. Whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto me. The Catholic church and Christianity are mutually exclusive. I attend a small, poor Episcopal church. Our congregation consists of elderly retirees and Hispanics who are more vulnerable to be unemployed because they are mostly blue collar and the first to be laid off when the economy fluctuates. Our priest, who is a fulltime medical doctor receives nothing from the church. He is a Cuban immigrant, a medical doctor and an ordained Episcopal priest. He works as hard for the church as he does in his medical practice and his sermons are uplifting and he never asks for money! A financial statement is posted at the end of each month and we can see where our money goes. We must have been on the same page today. A friend of mine is having money issues. Today, I took her to the grocery store and paid for her groceries. She didn’t ask me to do it, I just did it. That is what Christianity calls us to do. Church is one hour a week. Helping others is a lifetime responsibility. I have always found that when you help others it comes back to you in unexpected ways. I am an only child and my mom was so afraid I would be selfish she taught me to be generous with others. Being generous and helping other is what life is all about. People who serve in customer service are often mistreated. I bet that $10. meant more to him than you can imagine. Blessings, Janice

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Janice; —- You are correct! —- When we put our money in the collection basket we are never sure that it gets to the people who are in need. —– Tuesday I will be returning to the Toyota dealership for some attentional needed work, and I will stop by a local bakery for some refreshments for the staff for their coffee break. —– I will also clip a ten dollar bill to the repair order for the technician. —– Many people have helped me along the way, and many good things have happened to me in my life because of their help, —– and I am just passing it on to others. —- About a year ago, I managed to get in touch with my old college advisor that helped me to put together my undergraduate college schedule. He had suggested that I take courses in what was then the “Human Potential Movement” (T-Goup Training). (T-Group Training is very close to “group therapy,” but it leans more towards “group dynamics.”) This education was a driving force in my teaching career. I sent him an engraved plaque thanking him for his professionalism. He was shocked! —– God bless. —– Dwayne

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Janice; —- The young girls were drinking the Catholic Cool-Aid, and they were under the influence of the “Catholic Church Logic!” —– I have friends, and family members who will not make a move without it being in alignment with the Catholic Church. —– Some of them are afraid to be excommunicated from the church. I try to tell them that the Catholic Church does not even know that they exist. —- If you attend Sunday Mass, and you DO NOT use the donation envelopes, the Catholic Church has no record of you. So if they have no record of you, how can they excommunicate you? — They have to know that I exist before they can punish me. — Personally, I think excommunication is a blessing. —- The person can then find a “bible based Christian Church” where there is Christian love and concern.

        The leadership of the Catholic Church is not to be trusted because they are “masters at psychological manipulation.” —- They make the individual “think” that they need the “Church” to be saved, and that somehow the “Church” has the “magic formula” to get them into heaven. —– The Catholic Church claims that they are the one true Christian Church. Well I say let them prove it. They hang their hat on the so called “direct line of priests.” —- Well how about the Church of England. They are an off-shoot of the Catholic Church, so as such, they too should have the “direct line of priests.” — How about the Lutheran Church. It was started my Martin Luther. Could it be that the Lutheran Church also has the “direct line of priests?”

        A Church that bases membership on meaningless rules has no standing in the religious community. —- As a member of any church, I want to feel good about my membership, and I want to be able to look forward to attending Sunday Services. I want the sermons to be meaningful, and I want it to relate to the “here and now” not to what things were like in the “there and then!” —— My God walks along side me on a daily basis, and I do not need to go to a “special place” to talk to him, and I do not need to give my money to an institution that uses it to pay “hush money” or hides criminal priests and nuns from prosecution. —- Simply put, the Catholic Church believes that they are above the law, and they only answer to Church Law. They see the average person as “low lives” to be used, abused and then discarded at the appropriate time. They have no respect for the “rank & file membership,” and I have no problem with that, because I have no respect for them and their organization. —- I have just about had it with their lies and clever manipulation of the truth. When it come to recruiting young men and women into the religious life, they are no better than a military recruiting Sgt. They will paint a very beautiful picture of what it is going to be like as a nun or priest, but when reality sets in, it is TOO LATE for the individual. It would take a VERY STRONG person to try to get out of that situation.

        All the best! —- God bless! ——- Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        Janice, if you want the facts about children who survived (like me) or those who didn’t survive catholic “homes” for children see my blog: and a preview (with book reviews) of my book, “Smothered” by George Barilla on

      • Says:

        George, I am way ahead of you! I’ve already previewed your book and will follow your blog Making it public is the only way to get the information out!

      • George Barilla Says:

        Janice, thank you for following my blog. If you want a pdf of the book I can send it to you. Most people who were abused like I was by pedophile priests and nuns who beat and tortured them have difficulty reading about my experiences. But if you or anyone else on this site wants to read it let me know. It’s not only about me (you can pass up that part) it has a good history of the abuses by the church and what they do with donations made by the faithful.

      • Says:

        George, I would love a pdf copy of your book. While my experience with Catholic school was quite different from yours I am able to see the other side of the story. My issue is with the church and how they fool the faithful into contributing their hard earned money into their coffers. My godparents were from Italy and Austria. Very faithful Catholics. we only had one church in Daytona until the diocese built a 2nd church closer to us and we were required to attend the new parish according to church law. Our pastor never ceased asking for money. My mom called him God;s best beggar. Word got back to my godparents that the pastor remarked they were nice people but of the peasant class. Actually, they were very well educated and my godmother was an accomplished pianist and my godfather listened to opera every opportunity he could. they spoke English with heavy accents. They came to Daytona following WWII , bought a small business, made wise investments and were very well to do. Following the insult they returned to their original parish. The pastor of the church they left wrote them saying they could not be buried from the church because they were not attending the assigned church. They made an appointment with the archbishop, and informed him what the priest had written to them. He assured them that this was not true and calmed their fears. Not very long after this happened he was assigned to the parish I was teaching in. When he died my former students told me they went to his funeral to make sure he was dead. I always thought he was the peasant, probably born on a dung heap in Ireland. I look forward to reading your book. Thanks, Janice

      • George Barilla Says:

        OK Janice I will send it to your email address. Let me know what you think after you read it.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        I love the story! —- Well written! —– Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        Thank you Dwayne. I am so glad you read it. It helps me to share my experiences so that it won’t happen to anyone else.

      • MaryW Says:

        You are so right Dwayne.

      • Says:

        Mary, Dwayne is right! I cannot speak on what happened in public schools. However, I was placed in Catholic school because the public school system in Daytona Beach, Florida was seriously underfunded and the teaching substandard. Most of these postings are from the northeast so I am glad you added Oklahoma and Texas to the mix. To bring any kind of justice or resolution to this era would be through the legal system. If the people on this blog actively pursued legal action, as the word spread more would join. The monetary awards would break the back of the Catholic church and that is where the power is. Today, the Archdiocese of Chicago is finally releasing documentation on the clergy who were involved in sexual abuse. We will just have to wait and see what the court does. The Catholic church worships money and going after their money gets their attention. It would take a lot of work but the end result would be worth it. To date the only order of sisters who have been forced to pay retribution to the children they abused are the Sisters of Mercy. Blessings

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Janice this dialogue is expanding the issue so that we can get a better picture of exactly what transpired in all facets of Catholic School Education. —- On one side we have you who had a VERY positive Catholic School experience, and on the other side we have the people on this site who had the opposite experience. —– I am sure that there were many other people who had a similar experience as yours, but they will not take the time to post on this site. —- That is unfortunate, because to “understand it” in it’s entire “magnitude,” —- the issue needs to approach in 360 degrees.

        I always thought that the “Catholic Church logic” was very interesting, because they manipulated it so well so as to serve their needs. —- Let me give you an example. When I was a Junior in high school, a nun said to me that a Catholic College or University would not take me as a student. —– (Basically she was saying that I was not the type of material for a Catholic College or University.) When I informed her that I wanted to attend a State School, she told me that I would loose my faith! — So lets analyze this statement. A Catholic College would not accept me, but I should not educate myself in a State College. So the questions become; —- “What should I do with my life?” —- “Should I remain uneducated?” —– “Should I forget about discovering my greatness?” —- Should I bury my head in the sand? —– The reason why she did not want me to attend a State School, and in the process, get a diversified education is that a State Education might open my eyes to the flaws in the “Catholic Reasoning!” —- I might then see them for what they are fakes, frauds and phonies. —- The Catholic Church never wanted an educated membership. An educated membership, that was educated outside of the Catholic System of education, is VERY dangerous to the “cause!” ——- I have a cousin who was educated in Catholic Schools for 12 years, and then four years at Saint John’s University in NYC, and he cannot see anyone else’s point of view, and he drinks the “Catholic Cool-aid” without question. —– When discussing the “priests altar boy issue” or the “abuse by nuns” he is very willing to give them a pass. He thinks that my college and university education is substandard to his Catholic Education because I did not waste my time and money on college courses in Theology. —- So, he will not even listen to my position or even consider another side to the issue. —- How diversified is his education?

        You were educated in Catholic Schools at the same time that I was educated in Catholic Schools so you must have dealt with the famous “Syllogisms as part of the religious instruction.” (It was NOT religious instruction but rather it was religious indoctrination.) In order to the readers of this posting to understand about the “syllogisms” I will take the time to define exactly what they were and then I will explain how they were used. —- A “Syllogism is an argument or form of reasoning in which two statements or premisses are made, and a logical conclusion drawn from them. It could be an instance of subtle tricky or specious reasoning. “Specious Reasoning” is something seeming to be good, sound, correct and / or logical without really be so! It is like “stage set of a living room” without being a “true living room!” ——- We had a book of Syllogisms in Junior year of high school, and the nun would assign one Syllogism per week. Basically, they proved by “defective manipulated logic” that the Catholic Church is the only one true church, and if you are NOT a member in good standing you are going to hell, and of course they were more than happy to define what exactly a “member in good standing was” in terms of donating to the church. —- The Catholic Church never did anything positive for me. They went out of their way to block my progress and hold me back. —- Students who were “sister’s pet” in high school were walked through the college application process, and a funny thing happened, they always seemed to come up with scholarships. — If you were “cute,” or a “sports player” you were taken care of in school. I was in the high school band, so no one gave a dam! If you had a learning disability, like I did, you were ignored. There was no testing and there was no extra help. You were left on your own to sink or swim. I went from a struggling student in high school to the deans list in college because I figured out how to compensate for my own learning disability. —- YES, I have very interesting memories of my Catholic Education and the caring people who educated me for 12 years. ————- All the best! —– God bless you and everyone on this site! ——- Dwayne

      • Says:

        Dwayne, Thankfully, you didn’t pay any attention and branched out regardless of the poor advice. Catholic was the only thing she knew. I also went to a state university and did very well. My father was the one who championed a Catholic education but my mother thought that after 13 years of the nuns it was time for me to broaden my horizons. The first year was a culture shock. I went to a class of 40 to 8,000 students on campus. Speaking of favoritism, the football players got away with murder. Somehow they managed to pass even when they didn’t come to class or do the work required. I think that expanding the dialog is a positive towards healing. Before healing can occur and you can move on, understanding why it happened is part of the process. While my schooling was positive and I came out equipped with the skills necessary to be successful in college I never bought into the “party line.” I just flew under the radar and kept my mouth shut and believed what I wanted to believe. You are right education is dangerous because it opens the world up to all the possibilities available. Catholics Some live in a vacuum. Some break out, some don’t. Some don’t even know they live in the vacuum and continue remain faithful to the church like your cousin who refuses to come out of his shell and see the truth of what the Catholic church is. Poor him. I certainly didn’t suffer the kind of abuse you did but I was raised in the church and I always discounted the “man made” doctrine of rules and regulations that we were fed on a daily basis. I can still do the Mass in Latin and not miss a beat! It was like memorizing the multiplication tables by rote. Thankfully, I did learn them and use them every day. As for learning disabilities, you were out of luck! How could they possibly address the situation unless they knew what is was. My cousin started public school in New Jersey in 1947. We are the same age. She was dyslexic and the teacher didn’t even know what it was. She received no help until she attended an Episcopal boarding school in Virginia in the 7th grade. She struggled for the first six years of her schooling. Once identified the teachers in this school worked with her. It made all the difference in the world. Following high school she attended Boston University and graduated with a 4 year degree in nursing. Today she is a gifted psychiatric nurse in the hospital she nurses in. She was always smart. It took educated teachers to unlock the door to learning. I doubt many teachers in the 40’s/60’s even knew what a learning disability was. Everybody was thrown into the same pool and it was sink or swim. If you sank, you were lazy. Today we know, through education that each child is different and we plan the lessons accordingly. Catholic schools were famous for huge classes. My kindergarten and 1st grade had 60 little, wiggling kids and it contained lst and 2nd grade. I don’t know how she remained calm. It is impossible to teach that many children at one time. When I think of her I think of how amazing she was.

        Ha! Syllogisms. I haven’t thought of them in years. The priest who taught them was dumber than a post. We harassed him so much for his ignorance he finally assigned the students to be the teachers. So when a syllogism was discussed it was done by the students and they were smarter than the priest. He could say Mass in Latin and spout the Baltimore Catechism verbatim. Until later. Janice

      • MaryW Says:

        I doubt we will ever see anything from the church for the abuse we suffered at the hands of the nuns. I am 60 years old and no amount of money can give me my childhood back. The years of terror and abuse, the things I could have done had I not been so fucked up by the nuns. All I can say is I cannot stand priests or nuns they make me sick. Love and blessing to you and all on this blog.

      • Says:

        Mary, I am so sorry your school years were filled with cruelty and abuse. I don’t know what the statue of limitations are ,but regardless of what a money award might be, you really want to be heard and your story acknowledged and perhaps an apology. I don’t think the church has enough money to compensate for the cruelty and abuse to children. Childhood should be a happy time, full of love and caring. I would hope that children under your care might have been treated differently because of your experience. Whether you receive any reparations depends on how it is pursued. The abuse being addressed is focused on the priests. The cruelty and abuse by nuns is a well kept secret. Blessings, Janice

      • MaryW Says:

        Thank you Janice, even if the church gave money out, I would not want it because it didn’t come from them, it came for the poor idiots who gave and the ones who give now to the church. Maybe less for them, but still not where the punishment should be. There is no apology that could be good enough, it would only be one more lie from the Catholic Church. Because they really don’t care or feel sorry for what was done. Blessings to you Janice.

      • Says:

        Mary, Whatever transpires I hope you will be able to put this behind you. The fact that you have lived your life in a completely different way makes you the winner. They were not able to pound you into their mold. Be proud of your resistance to their “party line.” There is a worldwide movement to require the Vatican to release the documents that are relevant to the abuse perpetrated on young children by the nuns and priests. Today the UN Commission on Child Abuse went to the Vatican and ask them to release the documents. To date, the nun’s role in this disgusting story has not been made public. Of course, the Vatican refused to cooperate but they are not exempt to the UN request. Keep your spirits up. There are many people working on this so all we can do is pray that they succeed. Blessings, Janice

      • Melpub Says:

        Nuns are hidden the way lesbians used to be hidden; Queen Victoria, upon signing an act designed to out and punish homosexuals, was supposedly asked whether the wording ought to make it clear that lesbians were also “guilty,” and she allegedly replied, “Ladies don’t do such things.” More denial! But as part of getting this story out, I think every nun’s blog in the English language ought to be made aware of this blog, with a demand for a response.
        That’s my opinion! Obviously it is up to the Firetender himself.

      • Says:

        Melpub, I think that is a very good idea. All of the religious orders have websites with ways to contact them. Perhaps that would be a start. Also, George Barilla will download his book Smothered for anyone who would like to read it. I started it last night and read until 3AM. Couldn’t put it down! Blessings, Janice

      • George Barilla Says:

        Janice, Thank you for reading the book. I didn’t mean to keep you up all night. So much that happened to me started with the priest and nuns that abused me and I wanted everyone to know what they did to my life. In the book I wrote about the witnessed smothering of another child, Gilbert, who didn’t survive as I did. Gilbert was in another “home” also in NY. Even though it was murder, Gilbert’s family still cannot get justice because all of the police, lawyers and judges were under church influence. With the United Nations committee and other committees in the future making headlines for exposing the evils of the catholic church in the global media it marks the beginning of the end for the pope and his henchmen (and women). The most important force against the church is us, the survivors. We are the witnesses and our stories are the evidence that will bring it down.

      • Says:

        George, No apology needed. I probably would have read all night but I had to get up this morning. One of the real pleasures of being retired is being able to read all night and sleep all day! What I have read is gut wrenching. The torture these heartless women used should have put them in the basement of a prison. Your young life was complicated by the lack of parental involvement. The nuns knew that and they took advantage of the situation I honestly don’t know how you lived through it and have grown into the man you are. Writing the book and having it published will begin to make it known. Did the writing of Smothered give you the opportunity to heal and put it behind you? My heart goes out to Gilbert’s family. Hopefully the UN commissions that are investigating this issue will be successful in causing the Vatican to release the documents they have. The UN is the only organization that the Vatican cannot ignore. They are a law unto themselves. Blessings, Janice

      • George Barilla Says:

        Janice, the writing of the book and getting it out there helped me feel like something was being done but that doesn’t heal me. I will never put it behind me, but I think about it every day and try to do whatever I can to stop them. What helps me is reading this blog, getting the facts out in the media and seeing that groups like the UN commissions, SNAP and other advocates keep after the catholic church until it no longer exists. Thank you for reading the book and for your comments.

      • Says:

        George, I think you are a remarkable person. There are so many on this blog express their frustration with the Catholic church for being slow to remunerate the victims in reference to the altar boy issue. I don’t know the numbers but it seems to me that the number of people on this blog who were abused by the nuns number far more than the number of altar boys. This blog is a small percentage of the number of children who attended Catholic schools Yet no mention has been made of the abuse that the nuns meted out to the children entrusted to their care. Perhaps others will be inspired by your courage and begin to make this known. Until I stumbled onto this blog I had absolutely no idea that this abomination occurred and the nuns ruined so many children in the name of religion. Until the faithful withdraw their contributions nothing is going to happen. The rank and file in the church know about the altar boy abuse and choose to ignore it. To me they are as complicit as the hierarchy who covered up the abuse and refuse to assist in the prosecution of these priests. Perhaps your book is a start. Janice

      • George Barilla Says:

        Janice, The reason you don’t hear much about those of us who lived full time with the nuns is because of the severity of the abuse. Many children didn’t survive. Of those that did survive, many became alcoholics or substance abusers or are otherwise too damaged to tell their stories. I hope that there are survivors who just listen to the blog but can’t interact and I hope that it helps them. Maybe these are the reasons that no one is going after the nuns. Thanks for your concern and questions.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        George is absolutely correct with regards to substance abuse. I had a very dear friend of mine in high school who destroyed his life. —– He also had a learning disability, and the school basically ignored both of us. He never made the transition from being a student in high school to an adult life. He started drinking in high school and continued after graduation. He carried around a complete bar in the trunk of his car along with a supply of ice just in case you would like to have a drink “on-the-road”! —– After graduation, he felt lost. He had a high school diploma but he had no direction. He started college as an art major because he had a talent for art, but he only lasted one year because he had no study skills. —– He then went to a School of Technology for computer operations, and found a job in NYC. He worked at that for a few years, and then left that to go into his own “provision business.” All along he was drinking heavily! He married a girl who also had a “drinking problem” and in a short time she died from this problem. He was totally destroyed, and he NEVER recovered. He suffered a stroke on New Years Eve in his own house after taking a shower. (Three days prior to his death, he and his parents came to our home, and he looked like a person in his 80’s. He was 51 years old. Alcohol had destroyed his body and his mind!) —- I did his eulogy in church in the form of a personal letter. I spoke about our friendship and the things that we did together and how he felt about school and his education. After I finished the eulogy there was not a dry eye in the church, and the priest wanted to know if I was a Christian Minister because it was so well done. —- A number of the extended family members told me that they had not seen “the side of Richard” that I presented, and this, in and of itself, was part of the problem. When children are abused within an educational setting, and they feel that they cannot compete, they blame their lack of progress on themselves instead of looking for the solutions to their problems. They give up, — and after a while, they try to dull the pain. My friend NEVER felt successful! —- He came from an “upper middle class family” but he hated the nuns, the Catholic School and the way religion was presented, and he did not know how to make things happen in his educational life. —- We both managed to get through the process, but after graduation we took different roads. I was fortunate to meet some successful people who opened my eyes to the possibilities, then I worked VERY hard to make things happen in my life. I spent hours in the library in college when other students, who were better educated, were in the social areas having fun. The Catholic Schools have destroyed many human beings in the name of religion. —– All the best. ——- Dwayne

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Janice you are correct with regards to getting the attention of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church by withholding the weekly contributions. —- The Catholic Church worships money, and the only way people will get them to admit to the problem is to cut off their supply of money. Then and only then, will they be willing to sit down and listen to the people. The hierarchy of the Catholic Church are a bunch of VERY slick / manipulative individuals. If they were not wearing religious robes, they would be wearing prison stripes. Realize, that they do not pay taxes on their property or their earnings in the United States, but they try to be an influential force in the workings of our government for “social programs.” I say “IF” they want to be part of the “political process” in the United States, let them pay their entrance fee, and that entrance fee is taxes. YES, tax them on their property and their earnings. —- All the best. —- Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        Dwayne, I consider you extremely knowledgeable about the church. So I want to ask you this why do they not help fellow parishioners also why does catholic charities concern itself with foreigners and do little for Americans? By the way I did read that donations to catholic charities was down last year.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary, you are an OUTSTANDING person, and you have asked a question that I have been thinking about since I was a child and a young adult attending Catholic Elementary School in NYC, and a Catholic High School in N.J..

        To answer this question we have to accept the fact that the Catholic Church is “all about itself,” and what is “good for itself in the long term.” —- It is based on Communist / Socialists principles, “take from the so called rich,” and give it to the “less fortunate!” But the Catholic Church adds on thing to the thinking, and that is that while the money is changing hands they make sure that they take their percentage as an administrative fee. How do you think that they have been able to purchase all the expensive property. The Clergy live VERY well in vacation homes and in retirement homes that have been set aside by the Catholic Church, but the Church does NOTHING in terms of retirement homes for the rank and file membership. YOU SEE IT IS ALL ABOUT THEM! Just thinking about these self-centered / evil people who use people on a daily basis makes me ill!

        There is also another part to the story. The hierarchy of the Catholic Church are no dummies. In fact they are the most clever / diabolical people on the fact of the earth. They make Hitler look like a choir boy, because they hid behind their robes, and go through the motions of being holy, while they are taking advantage of the membership every chance that they get. At least Hitler was out in the open. If you listened to his speeches you know the kind of person that you are dealing with on a daily basis. Not so with the management of the Catholic Church. One thing about the hierarchy is they will use the low ranking clergy and you and I equally. The END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS! —- They want loyal / non-thinging / robotic members who are more than willing to give until it hurst to the Church. The Church could care less about the people living in the United States. They use the people in the United States as their “financial well,” from which they draw their resources. My sister-in-law lives on the Jersey Shore. As you probably know, the Jersey Shore was devastated in terms of property damage. In her community there is one Catholic Church, and many years ago that parish raised funds to build an Elementary School for the Parish. It functioned for a number of years, and when the enrollment dwindled the parish closed the school, and the building has sat empty for a number of years. When Storm Sandy hit, the public school in the town was destroyed , but the empty Catholic School was untouched. Remember, the people of the town who were members of the Catholic Church built that school with their own money. This was a golden opportunity for the diocese and the church to extend Christian help by donating the use of the building to the town with the understanding that the town would pay the utilities and any needed repairs! —- Sounds good “RIGHT!” —- Well it did not happen that way. The Diocese rented the building to the town for something like $47,000.00 per month plus utilities. —- (YES I SAID $47,000.00 A MONTH!) ——– So, the Church rented a building, that was originally paid for by the people in the parish, back to the town, so that the people in the town could have their taxes raised to pay for the use of the building until their public school building could be repaired. —— WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE! —– You see we are only good for the generation of funds to be used by the Catholic Church. —- But there is another part of the Storm Sandy Story in this beach town. After the storm, there were all denominations of Christian Churches in the town helping the people but the Catholic Church was not present. When a parishioner suggested that the local church start a collection for the people the response was “why should be do that, —- our property was not damaged!” —– YES, the Catholic Church is SICK and it is getting SICKER by the minute. —- I hope that I have in some small way shed some light on the subject. —- God Bless! —- GREAT QUESTION! —– Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        Thank you Dwayne you are OUTSTANDING too 😉 I always wondered when I was young because I knew several people who were poor, I mean poor with lots of children and the church only asked for money from them and no help. I volunteered for catholic charities which I detest, all they do is ask for more money and help more foreigners come into the country that really don’t care about the church except for getting help. I also had my home taken by a tornado and two churches in town and the red cross helped but not the catholic church at all not even a peep. So your idea of giving to people you deal with daily is EXCELLENT !!! Because it does go to help people that are grateful and need it. Thank you for the great answer and blessings to you and yours.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary: —- The Catholics in the United States need to “wake up,” and they need a “reality check.” —- They have been used and abused for years, and it is time to say “no more for me!” —- But this will not happen, because they have been “trained” and “indoctrinated” to defend the Catholic Church at all cost, — which translates into “blind obedience,” and it is this “blind obedience” that keeps the “robes” in power! —- Don’t you find it very strange that in WW2 they had no problem getting along with the Nazi government in Germany, and after the war, they were ready, willing and able to help the SS get out of Europe. —- Where was the justice for the people who died in the Concentration Camps? —- Where was the justice for the children who died in the Camps? — Where was the justice for their own priests and nuns who died in the Concentration Camps. —— Here again the “Robes” in the Catholic Church were looking at their bottom line, playing both sides to see who would be the winner. —- They are “wolves” hiding in sheep clothing. —- They want us to believe that they really care about people, but in reality, they only care about the Corporation, and the bottom line. The use the money from the United States to finance recruitment in other countries. —– If you attend a Catholic Church on Sunday, most probably, you will encounter a priest who comes from another non-English Speaking Country, and as such, you cannot understand his sermon. —– QUESTION: Don’t we have the right to expect a priests who speaks English? —- ANSWER: —- No! — Because we are just here to serve the “Catholic Machine” with our money, and our needs DO NOT matter, and if we were to voice our opinion, we would be considered to be lacking in “Christian Sensitivity!” —- You see, —- the Catholic Church must be served by the membership! —— The Church does not serve the membership! — By the “blind obedience” of our parents and family members, we have created a monster that we all lived with as children, and we continue to live with as adults. —- Be confident in the fact that the “Robes,” through their representatives know that we exist on this site. —– It wouldn’t surprise me that they are tracking the stories that I have placed on this site. If they are, more power to them. It is the truth, and I will stand by the truth! — If we lived in “feudal times,” and the church was part of the government, we would he in prison now for speaking out against the church. The Catholic Church has committed murder in the name of religion in order to secure their position. —- All we want is JUSTICE! ——- All the best! —- Dwayne

      • firetender Says:

        Let us ALL make MAXIMUM ROOM for dealing SPECIFICALLY with issues around NUNS. Use the CHURCH as illustration only. No one has done anything wrong, and many good points were made about how we got into that mess from a historical perspective, however, I want the posts to get BACK ON TRACK!

        I thank you and Baxter thanks you, and remember, Baxter’s watching!

      • MaryW Says:

        True Dwayne, it reminds me of “the devil will mix truth with lies to confuse you.” Also you mentioned something about the high pitched singing in church that no one can sing and it did hurt my ears when I went. I believe there is a prophecy about that happening.about the shrill singing hurting your ears. I will have to hunt for it. Take care !!!

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary, the “Nun Issue” and the abuse of children is not isolated within the organization. —- It is a manifestation of an “accepted way of doing business.” —- The nuns wanted complete control of the behavior of the children. That included their “thinking” and “actions!” They allowed no “free-thinking” or “self-expression!” I can remember a question in the Catechism that I had in the 2nd grade. It dealt with the Catholic Church being the true church! — It stated that the Catholic Church is the one true church, but if you decided to leave the church, you were basically on your own in terms of your soul. Even as a young child, I thought that this was kind of strange, because the nun had said the God was everywhere, so if he is everywhere, isn’t he also in other Christian Churches? If you listened to the nuns, they tended to contradict themselves with their own rules, regulations and beliefs. —- When I was in Catholic School in NYC the nuns taught hymns that were in our range of singing. QUESTION: What happened to all those great hymns? —- In order to evaluate the “nun abused issue” we need to look at entire “Catholic Educational issue 360 degrees” because it is NOT in isolation. —- What was done to us was like a military operation. It was organized and executed with military precision to achieve the desired results. —- God bless. ——- Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        Yes, Dwayne what did happen to all those hymns? I have no idea of course I have stayed away for so many years i didn’t even know they accepted Episcopalian Priests. One more sad finding again… Blessings to you and yours.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary, —- the reason why the Catholic Church accepts Episcopalian Priests into the Catholic Church is that; —- 1st.) The Episcopalian Church is the “Church Of England,” so as such, they also have the “so called direct line of priests,” —- and —- 2nd.) By accepting these people, the Church does not have to spend their money to educate them. They are already ordained priests! —- (If you want to understand the Catholic Church, follow the money trail!) QUESTIONS: —- Are there NUNS in the Episcopalian Church? —- Did the Episcopalian Church have religious schools? —- If the answer is “YES,” — did these schools have the same problems with their nuns, that the Catholic Schools had with their nuns? —- This information would be VERY valuable to the “entire problem.” —– Maybe there is more to the split between the Roman Catholic Church. and the Episcopalian Church than we realize! ——- God bless. —– Dwayne

      • Says:

        Mary, Following VaticanII the liturgy was changed from& Latin to English andcontemporary hymns were introduced to thongregation. As a result of these changes Oregon Catholic Press was formed to attract musicians to submit their contemporary religious music for publication and and use in the liturgy. The hymns of our childhood are not used because they are Latin hymns or English hymns deemed unsuitable for congregations use. All of these changes were instituted by the Vatican. The Catholic church does allow Episcopal priests into ministry. They are better preachers and bring their families into ministry with them. Janice

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Janice; —- What does that tell you about the education and the training of Episcopalian Priests. Just maybe they are more in tune with reality! —– Dwayne

      • Says:

        Dwayne, They are more in touch with the real world. The Episcopal seminaries do not accept candidates until they complete their bachelor’s. A large percentage also have left careers in the professional world prior to attending seminary. MY bishop was a federal prosecuting attorney with a wife and two boys, prior to attending seminary and my rector is a fulltime medical doctor with a wife and three children. They certainly understand what it means to support a family and deal with real life situations. It is a very different life from a Catholic priest, who lives in a rectory,supported by the parish, with a housekeeper and a cook to care for their needs. As for Episcopal nuns. They are generally monastic orders and do not staff Episcopal schools. There is a headmistress or headmaster a staff of lay teachers to staff the schools. They do not rely on clergy to staff schools. The high schools generally have an ordained chaplain, selected by the bishop, with an educational or counseling background to work with the students. The instances of child abuse are rare and priestly in nature. Janice

        Please note: message attached

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Janice; —- Are the Sunday Services similar? How would a person recognize an Episcopalian Nun from a Catholic Nun? — (Do they have a big “E” stamped on their clothing?) —– Dwayne

      • Says:

        Dwayne, The Episcopal church is a liturgical church. We follow the liturgical calendar and the service is relatively the same as the Catholic following Vatican II. Some responses differ. We do not accept the doctrine of transubstantiation and the churches are devoid of statue. A simple Celtic cross adorns the altar. Sermon focus is Biblical. The Episcopal church and the Church of England are two separate entities. While both are members of the worldwide Anglican communion the American church is not subject to the authority of the Archbishop of Canterbury. In America the COE is known as the Anglican church. There are two main differences in the churches: The COE clergy are required to swear allegiance to the monarch who is considered to be the supreme governor of the COE and they do not permit female ordination. The nun’s are very distinctive. They wear the old habits we are familiar with. Janice

        Please note: message attached

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Janice & Mary:

        With regards to nuns and the way they treated young people in Catholic Schools, (as “Christians”), they forgot these most basic principles:

        1.) All people have the “God Given Right” to be treated with dignity, and to be respected as a “whole person” no matter their age. They are a living being with feelings, and they need to be respected!

        2.) People have the right to choose what they will do with their lives without the interference of organizations with “hidden agendas!” (The education offered has to be diverse not narrow. Options have to be presented!)

        3.) Every human being has the capability to make major contributions to society based on their talents, skills and abilities, and no organization should “stifle that possibility” for their own agenda.

        4.) All young people have their own hopes, goals and dreams for the future, and these should not be interfered with by organizations who have hidden agendas for the individual and their future.

        5.) Teachers should become professional educational partners with the students in order to help them to maximize their talents, skills and abilities and achieve the goals that they have set for themselves.

        6.) A high quality education should be provided on which to build a successful future in the “real world!”


      • MaryW Says:

        Thank you Janice and also Dwayne 🙂 Yes, I met a priest that was formerly Episcopalian and he was very nice. I think Vatican II destroyed what hope it had of keeping the catholic church viable. Unknowingly, removing Latin and making it more user friendly in my opinion it did two things. It brought the church down to a level that could be questioned by “lay people”, such a stupid term and what traditionalist members in the church felt their religious pomp and circumstance had been taken from them. Familiarity breeds discontent. Now that I know you better nuns, priests and church hierarchy, I don’t really like you.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        RIGHT ON Mary! —- You are OUTSTANDING in your assessment of the situation. —– It opened the door, and it allowed us to look at our young lives with the nuns, and question what transpired! —- Up until that point, everything was a “Mystery” along with our treatment by the nuns. —- We thought that “negative treatment” was normal! —- Yes, we got to know the nuns in a new way, and we found that they were really sick people in many ways. —– Sometimes “change” is not always good for the organization! —– It was definitely good for us, because we have grown and moved on in our lives! ——— Dwayne

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary, I read your attachment to your posting, and I found it VERY interesting, but not surprising, because what we experience with the nuns was “out in the open abuse,” —- but what the priest did was “in the shadows.” —– But in either case, the Church defended and hid the guilty, because they were afraid that if it was made public, they would lose the “faithful” in terms of attending church, and they would lose children in their schools. —- All this has a negative impact on the “financial bottom line.” Here again money talks! —— I think the whole thing was summed up in the last statement in your shared article. The statement reads; —- “Why wasn’t the church looking out for us?” —- “We were children for God’s sake!” —– YES, I would love to get a response to those questions in terms of how the nuns treated children. —- While “violence” seems to be the main issue on this site, and it is a valid issue, there is also another issue that is equally damaging to many of us even though we are now “up-in-age!” — By staffing the Catholic Schools with “poorly trained nuns as teachers,” they not only abused children physically, but they also abused children educationally. —- I educated myself after high school through my own determination. Because I did not receive a competitive education from the Catholic Schools I did not have the luxury of entering interesting professional. —- My opportunities were limited, not because I did not have the ability, but because I was never exposed to high quality academic teaching. Isn’t that child abuse? —– Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        Very much so Dwayne it is child abuse. I think most of us were shorted by the nuns making us feel “less than anything” we didn’t know how to reach for anything, because after all we were worthless according to the nuns and if they say so it must be so because they are next to God, so we thought. These monsters must of had a reason to treat us so badly because we must be defective. How did we know we were just children. I hate them for what they did to all of us, there is nothing they can do or say to make any difference to me know, I am 60 years young and I take medications daily because of their abuse. I guess they could pay for my medications and psych. treatment. Blessings

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary, you are correct in that the nuns made us feel “less than!” —- But I also noticed that some children were treated in a positive manner in the same classroom. —- The question becomes why were some students treated so poorly, while others were treated in a positive fashion? —- Was it our personality? —- Was it our nationality? —- Was it how we looked? —- Was it our gender? —- There must have been a “reason” why some students were “singled out” by the nuns for poor treatment and abuse! —- Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        Dwayne, the answer to your great question is all of the above. Some nuns identify more with the girls so maybe they don’t abuse them. Another nun might not like a particular nationality because of personal experiences, etc. They may all be psychopaths but each has her own character.

      • russ Says:

        An interesting thought on this. The organization had, after a while I guess, developed a relatively foolproof system. It made a place for human females with either psychopathic proclivities or who were abused themselves to the point of being ready to be perpetrators. They were placed in to positions of power where somewhere in their classrooms they could find one or more children to provide the “triggers” they needed to lash out in abuse,

        Basically, the system was designed to harbor psychopaths. Those who torture the hearts, souls and bodies of children can have no other name.

      • George Barilla Says:

        Russ, you are so right. They recruited or created and supported these women because the church could use them to carry out their agenda of intimidation and isolate vulnerable children. Then they could use the frightened child as an example for the other children – to keep them in a state of fear. That’s what the nuns did to me in the “home.”

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


        Here are some characteristics of Psychopaths that I research. See if they fit the nuns that we all had in Catholic Schools.


        1.) Are charming at first, but this “surface charm” is purely manipulative.
        2.) Have an urge to control others.
        3.) Do not see others as human beings with rights and feelings, but as objects to be used, manipulated and then discarded.
        4.) Live off others, while doing as little as possible.
        5.) Display a callous attitude toward others.
        6.) Are not concerned with anything but his / her own needs.
        7.) Are incapable of feeling any love for others or any remorse for his / her own actions.
        8.) Have no conscience.
        9.) Manipulate people by “pulling strings” and / or “pushing the right buttons.”
        10.) Are control freaks.
        11.) Are bullies.
        12.) Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance.
        13.) Say very hurtful things.
        14.) Blame others when things go wrong.
        15.) Have a Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality.
        16.) Can get vicious if cornered.
        17.) Have a hidden agenda when dealing with others.

        I think that I have just described the nuns in Catholic Schools! —– Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        Dwayne, my experience was in a catholic home (St. Agnes Home in Sparkill, NY) rather than a school so I experienced all of the characteristics of the nuns except for number 1 – I never saw a nun act “charming.” I did go to catholic religious instructions for my communion and confirmation but come to think of it I didn’t see any charming nuns there either. This is a really good list to alert people what to look for if they have the misfortune to get near a nun.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        George: —- There must be hundreds, if not thousands of people who were abused by nuns in U.S. Catholic Schools in the 40s, 50s. 60s. 70. & 80s. —- The people on this site are only a fraction of that group. —- In order to get a “complete picture” of the total abuse, and in the process, understand the issue, we need the stories of more people, and the locations where the abuse took place. —– I believe that we are under estimating this issue. —– I think that it is bigger than we can imagine. —– We need to hear those stories. The question becomes how can we attract them to this site so that they can tell their story. I found this site totally by accident. I make it a point to tell people that I meet about this site. ——- Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        You are correct Dwayne, there are many more people of all ages who have been abused by nuns (and by priests). When I stop and talk to people and start talking about experiences with the catholic church almost everyone has a story or an opinion about nuns and clergy. Some say “they are hiding behind God while doing their evil deeds” Another person said he was beat up so bad while on a catholic high school team by the priests in charge that he thought he was going to die. I tell people about this blog every chance I get. When I look at my blog it counts how many people accessed it and which countries they come from. There are many more who read it than those who comment – the same is probably true for this blog. I don’t know if Russ can see the statistics but maybe he can tell us.

      • firetender Says:

        When we hit the 500 post mark I went through the responses and gave a ballpark figure of the countries, naming a few. I honestly don’t know how to access that info on this other than going through each post. I recently posted the year-end review. That might say something.

      • MaryW Says:

        Hi Dwayne, I first was going to answer due to money that the family had, but that was not always the case. A well to do family was tortured just as much as the poor ones. I think it was a trigger set off and also what they knew they could get away with. One boy not so well off, but not poor said no he wasn’t going to the front of the classroom to be tortured and jumped a brick wall. That was the beginning of the end of the catholic school in our town. His mother would never have put up with abuse and had she known sooner she would have yanked her children out of school sooner. Sometimes it just takes one brave person to start the revolution. Happiness and health to you and yours.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        I was reading your posting again, and you talk about a boy who would not go in front of a classroom to be tortured by a nun, and jumped a brick wall. —– Could you please elaborate on that story. What happened to the boy and what happened to the nun? —- What did the parents do about the situation? —— Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        Hello Dwayne, sorry so long to reply, I have been out of state. The boy is fine, he had one brother that was taken out of school also when the mother found out about the abuse she was pissed. I am not sure what happened to the nun but I don’t think the same nuns came back after the school year. Since our parents also had to pay for the privilege to have their children tortured this put a kink in the system and I was not sure what transpired. It was a hush hush thing but parents realized finally what was going on because they started asking children what was going on. The school died off a year or two later, probably to avoid a law suit. Anyway I saw the boy as a man many years later and told him what a hero we thought he was and he just laughed, I don’t think either one of us wanted to remember those memories.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary; —- I am happy that he is “ok!” —- It took a lot of “guts” to do what he did! —— He is to be congratulated for his courage! —- Too bad other people, in other schools, did not have the same courage! —– Looking back at my years in Catholic School, I recognize, that we were trained to be too passive! —- We allowed our “greatness” to be destroyed, by allowing the nuns to control our lives. —– I am proud of this young man for standing up for not only himself, but also setting an “example” for others to follow. —- If I had the opportunity to live my Catholic School days again, I would be just like him! —- God bless him! —– Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        Hi Dwayne, yes, we all probably look back and wonder why we didn’t do something, but I think at least my problem is because I didn’t have enough self esteem or backing from my parents to think I deserved better. I was adopted and thought gee if I do something wrong they might not want me either. Stupid things a child thinks because they are not armed with boundaries or self worth. and of course this translates into horrible relationships for some in their adult life. I am so proud of you for having strength to help others it is not an easy task. Blessings to you and yours.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary and everyone on the site:

        The Catholic High School that I attended from 1956 to 1960 was located on the New Jersey side of the Hudson River just South of the Lincoln Tunnel. —- (It is not longer in business.) —- The school was originally built as a “Parish High School” to compliment the Catholic Elementary School. —- It had a long history as a Catholic High School, and at one time, it might have been a good academic school, but when I attended it, the school had long since lost it’s luster. Recognize that I had a minor learning disability that was never dealt with by either the nuns in Elementary School in NYC or in this N.J. High School, so as such, learning course material was difficult for me all of the time. —- I always struggled through school and there was never anyone offering any extra help, nor were there Guidance Counselors. —- Male students were expected to play Football, Baseball and / or Basketball. There was no opportunity to learn the necessary skills for any of these teams, so if you did not come into the school with ability in these areas there was no chance to get on a team. —– Being on a team was a guarantee to get a seat in college, because there was a Catholic College that worked VERY closely with the High School. It was a situation where “one hand washed the other, and two washed the face.” — Only the “in-crowd understood how the game was played, and if the student and or the parent was not in the “in-crowd” too bad! —– There were 222 students in my graduating class in 1960. (111 boys and 111 girls) —- Somehow, I managed to graduate in the upper half of my graduation class. Female students were NOT encouraged to attend college. The school ran a Business Program that taught office skills, and most of the girls secured jobs in the financial district of NYC. The nuns had a connection with Insurance Companies in NYC, and they would funnel the graduating girls over to them for employment. This was “ok” because it provided entry level employment for recent High School Graduates. —- If you were a Football Player, Basket Ball Player or a Baseball Player you were considered VERY Special. —- These students took their “final exams” in the rooms with their coaches proctoring the exam, and rumor had it, that the students had access to their course textbooks and class notes while taking the final exams while the rest of us took exams the right way! —– This is why the ball players were able to get great high school transcripts. When I was a Junior in High School, there was a student who was also a Junior who was too old to play High School Football. Somehow he played football in his Junior Year, and was given a High School Diploma at the end of Junior Year. My friend and I did not have any talent in sports so we were left “out in the cold” in terms of help from the school. I had a musical talent so I joined the High School Band, but there was no special college programs for band members. When it came time to apply to college, if you were not part of the “anointed few,” you were on your own. Getting college recommendations was not an easy task, but it was easy for the “sports people.” The coaches took care of that task. About five years after I graduated the school was taken over by the diocese, and made into an all girls school. (YES, the diocese robbed the school from the parish and ran it for themselves.) My wife new one of the students who attended the school when it was an all girls school. According to this individual the quality of the curriculum had improved, but the Catholic manipulation was still there in force. One of the Senior Students was given an assignment by her English Teacher to write a term paper. For her topic she selected “The Role of The Catholic Church in Europe After WW2.” She was especially interested in the role of the Catholic Church getting the SS Nazi’s out of Europe! The English Teacher approved the topic, and this young lady proceeded to do the necessary research both in libraries both in New Jersey and New York City. She documented all her findings, and wrote the term paper. It was so well done that she received an “A” from her English Teacher. Because she did such an outstanding job on her research and on her writing, the teacher had her read the paper for all the English Classes as an example of outstanding work. The knowledge of this paper found it way to the priest who was assigned to the school for spiritual guidance. He asked to see a copy of the paper. After he read the paper, because he did not like the content of the paper, and because he did not like the fact that a “good Catholic Girl” wrote the paper, he called both the student and her mother into his office an expelled the student in her Senior Year. The English Teacher came to her defense by saying that he had approved the topic, but she was expelled and had to finish her Senior year in the local public school. So much for doing a good job, not to mention “telling the truth about the Church!” —- YES, we have all seen people being destroyed by the church. —– All the best! —- Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        Dwayne, that story about the church helping the Nazis is a good example of their mind set. In my book I wrote that Hiltler modeled his military organization after the church hierarchy — it was the help from the church that allowed him to get powerful. People thought Hitler was a great person because the pope supported him. There’s a lot of interesting history about the pope and Hitler and there are still Nazis in the church today!

      • MaryW Says:

        WOW Dwayne, I do so know what you say to be true. Not being in the “In Crowd” is still alive and well in all parishes among the parishioners and in schools. I lived in a small town so that was also a problem in public school. Not being in the “In Crowd” screwed your life in so many ways by missed opportunities and shunning. Even catholic students when we went to public school were not even friends. It was a popularity thing and it was very, very cruel.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary; —- The nuns helped to create the “in crowds” in school. They did this by how they treated certain students in school. —- The “beautiful people” walked on water! —- They could do no wrong! —- They were handed scholarship applications, while other students knew nothing of those opportunities. —— The other students only found out about the scholarships after the competition was all over and the special people won! —- Everything was rigged in the favor of the special group! —– Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        I am so stupid to have believed anything I was ever told.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary, —- I posted the “Catholic School Children’s Commandments for the Behavior of Nuns & Priests When Dealing with Children,” (written from the point of view of a student.) —- and I was wondering what you or anyone else thought of these concepts? —- Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        Your Commandments are great and on target. I was thinking about who would most benefit from reading them. I think it is parents so they will be aware of how their children should be treated. I don’t think the catholic schools would like to receive it. So if there was a way to get it to parents it would help them. You, Dwayne counsel students so I would put it on a card and hand it out to the parents of children you counsel. If everyone who comes in contact with children would do this then it makes a difference.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        George; —- you have given me an excellent idea. Isn’t is sad that a Catholic School would not like to receive such a document. —- It should be what a Christian Organization is all about. It should be their “mission statement!” —- I would like to share this with a teaching nun just to see what some of the objections would be from her point of view. —- I have learned that if a teacher wants to succeed in the “teaching / educational world,” he / she has to give up some of their power, and include the students in the planning / learning process. — Once the student takes charge of their own education, good things always happen! ——— Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        Hi Dwayne, I saw that and it was very well thought out, sweet and sad. It just makes me sick to think we have to tell someone how to treat a child or a dog for that matter. What a pack of monsters. If they had these rules do you think they would have used them? No, because you cannot teach old monsters new tricks. Sorry… lol Blessings.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Today I received an E-Mail from a friend dealing with the treatment of a family dog. After reading this E-Mail I wrote the following:


        1.) Recognize that I am a gift from God, and my life is likely to last 60 to 80 years. —- I am a work in progress. —- When dealing with me in school on a daily basis please be kind, considerate, gentle, caring, professional & respectful. —– I might be young but I have feelings too!

        2.) When dealing with me in class, please give me some time to understand what you want from me as a student. —- Recognize that as a student, this educational world is all new to me, and I need time to develop my learning skills.

        3.) Please respect me as a thinking / feeling human being. It is crucial to my development, my education and my well being.

        4.) When things go wrong, as they sometimes do in the classroom, please do not be angry with me. —- Do not abuse me, and in the process destroy my self-esteem. —- You are the adult in control, and I am learning to become an adult. —- Remember, I learn by YOUR example.

        5.) Speak to me in a professional manner. —- Do not speak “down to me!” —- Do not yell at me! —-Take the time to explain what you want, and answer my questions. —- If I make a mistake, please recognize that I am a work in progress.

        6.) Be aware that I will remember how I have been treated by you and the organization that you represent, and as such, what goes around does come around!

        7.) Remember, before you take your anger out on me and destroy me with your words, I have feelings, and I could easily come back at you with equal negativity. I chose not to because I respect you as an adult in a responsible position.

        8.) Before you treat me poorly, call me lazy, or call me stupid, ask yourself if something might be going on in my life.

        9.) Help me when I do not understand something. Recognize that you are not perfect, and there are many things that you do not know — that other people know. So in a sense, we are all students of life.

        10.) Life is a journey! —- Help me with my difficult journey while trying to earn a high quality education. —- Remember, I am trying to make sense of the process, and sometimes things are difficult!

        If we had these “Commandments in place” maybe some of us would not have had such a negative experience in Catholic Schools with nuns! ——– Dwayne

      • russ Says:

        Janice, I’ll repeat that the purpose of this site is to be a safe-haven for those of us who have been abused by nuns. It is my hope that those who desire to take other actions WILL get more political AND
        take the institution to task, but our focus here is healing.

        We invite people to come to this blog but with the understanding that the reason we are here is to become available to each other for support as we try to make sense of the lives we’ve lived after our personal holocausts at the hands of the Church.

        You have been a wonderful addition to our “family” because though not horribly abused yourself you have chosen to invest your time and heart in helping us take a real good look at the dynamics. We are all thankful for your support (I trust you have experienced this already) and hope many such voices like your own will chime in. You understand while having been educated by the Church and not having been a victim. For most of us, that is quite a gift and I thank you!

      • Melpub Says:

        If this were my blog, I’d send it to every blog written by a nun. But it’s really up to the Firetender!

      • Says:

        Melpub, Nothing can be done to rectify this situation until public pressure is put on the religious orders. J

      • russ Says:

        My first thought, Melpub was hell, it’s your blog too so link it to Everynun and her Mother (Superior)! But on second thought

        PLEASE DO NOT!!!

        The magic of this work we’re all doing is that people stumble in here who need to find a safe place where they find kindred spirits who are actively engaged in the healing process. And if you review the 1,000 + posts you’ll see with VERY FEW distractions.

        Besides my sloth, there’s a reason I don’t link this to Facecrack and the like; I do not want this to be a spectacle and freak show for an audience of casual, transient and perhaps insensitive observers.

        To be perfectly honest if a nun or ex-nun stumbled in here and became part of a healing process WITH us, I would welcome it, provided she was willing to invest her honesty and share her pain as much as we are with each other.

        But I am absolutely opposed to seeking their participation. That would mean making effort to attract them to our cause.

        That’s not where our energy need be spent.

        You follow me?

      • George Barilla Says:

        Russ, I think this site is exactly what you say, a safe place for people who need one. Please keep it the way you intended. There is enough warfare going on outside all over the internet. I never went on a blog before until I found this one. The safety helped me to be able to go outside to other media, to write my book and blog. It’s home base.

      • MaryW Says:

        Hello Janice 🙂 I went to Catholic School Hell in Oklahoma so it is not just a “Northern” thing. The nuns where from hell and I knew personally a priest that cost the church 4.5 million dollars due to him sexually abusing young boys in Oklahoma and Texas. But I do understand a lot of the nuns and probably priests were from Ireland even Irish women in the USA became nuns and priests. I am sure brainwashing and just being misfits they found a home with their own kind.

  407. Fran Says:

    Janice ,the Nuns who ran the second orphanage I was in were from the St.Joseph Order in Philadelphia,Pa.
    There were two cruel Nuns I remember. One was of Irish ancestry.,the other of Scotch ancestry. This time I’ll refrain for giving out their full names.
    Both were not that well educated but taught classes,7th and 8th grades in the Girls Home named “Catholic Home for Destitute Children”.It’s amazing the Home was still using that name up to around 1970.
    One of the Nuns was stealing presents the girls received during various Christmas parties given by outside charities and organizations.This shamless woman was giving them away to her family and nieces.
    I don’t ever remember being able to claim as my very own any gift I received at these parties.

    • Says:

      Fran, What a poor choice in names! I am not surprised that these abusive women were of Irish and Scotch ancestry. Their young lives were lived in an environment of poverty and abuse. They fled to the American convents to escape the miserable lives they were forced to live in their home countries. Of little education they perpetuated this environment on the children given to their care. What years were you enrolled there and how old were the sisters? I ask this because it will give me a window into their early lives and the approximate time when they entered the convent. We live in a very small world. My oldest and dearest friend from boarding school is a member of this congregation. However, she has always been involved in teaching in their New Jersey schools. Through the years I have visited her many times. With the changes to religious life over the last 50 years lay people can stay in their convents and observe the lives they live. Thankfully, things are changing However, I know that your experience was hurtful and demeaning and the actions of these cruel women is inexcusable. Healing takes a long time. Janice

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Fran, you make a very good point! —- Well done! —- Dwayne

  408. George Barilla Says:

    This news break from SNAP needs repeating:

    Vatican answers to UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: will Pope Francis tweet this?

    This Thursday, for the first time ever, the Vatican will be questioned about its record on child sexual violence by an international body. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in Geneva is holding the meeting in two sessions on Jan 16, each three hours long. SNAP and our attorneys from CCR will be there. Later in the evening (Geneva time) CCR and SNAP are hosting a reportback via Livestream directly after the review to report about it to survivors, advocates and supporters. Two separate events and you can view them both on the internet.

    Watch the UN review via livestream here!

    The review will take place on Thursday, January 16, 2014 from 10am-1pm CET, (4am-7am EST) where the Vatican will be reviewed on their compliance with the Convention on Rights of the Child and then from 3pm-6pm CET (9am-12 noon EST) the Vatican will be reviewed on their compliance with the Optional Protocols on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography.
    **This will be broadcast in the English language. This is broadcast by the UN.

    Then two hours later at 8 pm CET (2 pm EST) we will have the “reportback” by CCR and SNAP. Tune in here .

    You can follow the conversation on Twitter and ask questions before or during the livestream by tweeting to the hashtag #HolySeeConfess or by emailing questions to

    SNAP and CCR submitted reports to the Committee on the Rights of the Child detailing how the Holy See has violated the core principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    If you have questions please email or call the SNAP office at: 312 455 1499 or .

    Don’t miss the chance to participate in this historic event!

    Barbara Blaine

    It’s time that Pope Francis accepts responsibility for the child abuse crimes committed by those under his control.

    • firetender Says:

      George, I apologize, your last two posts ended up in my approve/not approve bin, why I don’t know. Typically all your posts go right through unless you sign in from another computer. Anyhow, great posts.

      • George Barilla Says:

        Thanks Russ, I had tried yesterday to put up the news article about the vatican having to answer to the UN Committee on the Rights of Children tomorrow since it is so important. I mentioned it on my blog and on Google +. If you go to the first page of Google and type in Pope Francis, the link to my Google+ site and this article is there. I hope more people will go to this blog site, to my site, to SNAP’s website and everywhere and make their comments because as you often say, the more of us there are, the quicker the world and the legal system will wake up!

    • Frank Says:

      So much for the new Pope engendering hopes for real change. They remain steadfastly committed to the path they have been on for centuries. They continue to protect, obfuscate, lie and deflect.

      The Vatican refused the UN Committee request to make internal documents available. The Vatican cannot be sued, so a request from the UN is as close as any statutory or legal body can get to compelling the production of evidence from them. And there are mountains of damning documents going back centuries on this issue that they are sitting on… with the justification for their not providing the documents being the requirement for secrecy. Little wonder the mafia are so successful, they had a perfect organizational role model to follow.

      The Vatican also stuck to the script regarding their “limited jurisdiction” making the case to the UN committee that clergy outside the very small and limited confines of the Vatican state are not their responsibility, nor are they answerable to the Vatican. The Vatican stooge Tommasi, who fronted the UN Committee, read platitudes from the prepared script. What a grub!

      Don’t be fooled… this was just a charade, and the Catholic Church is just as full of horses**t now as it has ever been. Pity I don’t believe in God or the Bible… I feel more than a tinge of Old Testament revenge is called for on the lot of them!

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Remember the Catholic Church is suppose to be a “Christian Organization,” and as such, it should be all about “truth,” “justice” and “accountability.” —— If I understood your posting correctly, the Church has removed itself from any responsibility for the various orders of nuns who might have committed crimes against humanity! —– If that interpretation is correct, how convenient on the part of Rome. —— First they use the “undedicated women” as “ground troops” over the years to do their dirty deeds, then when the (“you know what”) hits the fan, they run for cover on a technicality. —– So typical of the Catholic Philosophy and the leadership! —- They are slick individuals! —– They are slippery characters. —- They make the show balls, and they have others throw them, and then they deny any knowledge of the “snow ball manufacturing process.” —- No wonder they worked very well with the Nazi’s in WW2! —- If truth be known, they were probably “in bed with the Nazi’s,” and they helped them after the war to get out of Europe because they did not want that relationship to come out in war criminal trials. —- (Remember a lot of their own priests and nuns were killed by the Nazi’s in concentration camps along with the Jews! —- Have these people no conscience? —- Have they no ethics?) —– Remember they represent God on earth! —- Doesn’t that just make you sick! —- Every time I hear or read about the management of the Catholic Church I get ill! ——- God bless. ——– Dwayne

      • Says:

        Frank, The Vatican is lying. Cardinal Ratzinger was in charge of maintaining the files on all the priests involved in the altar boy issue. The diocese involved were required to send the files to Rome. They are untouchable. Janice

      • George Barilla Says:

        Frank, it’s good to hear from you –and you are so right. The Vatican response to the UN was just a repeat performance. The good part was the media response – many members of the press, especially those from Latin countries where the church prevails can now report that the UN commission is protecting children from abusers no matter who they are. The follow up by SNAP members made the point that next there will be a UN commission to study torture – and what the catholic church did to children was certainly torture. SNAP also said that since the UN committee was announced, that more survivors from many countries like Asia and Africa are reporting church abuse to them. Hopefully this is a snowball rolling downhill with the catholic church in front of it!

  409. Frank Says:

    A year on from the establishment of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse here in Australia and, in general, victims are feeling positive about the scope, direction, focus and speed of the inquiry, and also the questioning of institutional leaders. While the Boy Scouts and Anglicans (Episcopalians) have received some attention, the majority of action involves the Catholic Church as expected.

    There have already been admissions that documents have been systematically destroyed, and more than one case of conflicted recollections of events under the spotlight in the witness box. There will be much more of this to come, and while the scope does not include physical abuse… and, so far, no nuns have been implicated… this Commission can only be a good thing for all of us everywhere who have been victimised by this most insidious of organisations. The Vatican is watching events very closely.

    Read more here:

    • Says:

      Frank, You are absolutely correct. The abuse has been focused on the priests. While my experience was different and my issues are with the larger church, the nuns have been blissfully left out of the conversation. Only the Sisters of Mercy have been named in a law suit and court ordered to pay reparations to their victims and I believe this was in Ireland. In Ireland the women of the Magdalene Laundries incarcerated, abused and often murdered will be remunerated by the Irish government. The four orders–2 charities, mercy and good shepherds — have refused to pay any remunerations to these women. So much for charity, mercy and shepherding!

      No doubt the documents have been destroyed or altered to protect the nuns involved. After the passage of so many years, what is left won’t be worth much in a court of law. Personal recollections will be faulty and it will take years to bring justice to the abused. But it is good that it is starting. In America the Archdioceses of Boston, New York, Chicago and Los Angeles have law suits pending for priestly abuse but that is only the tip of the iceberg. The scope is so much larger. The Vatican is watching. They need to protect their money. Janice

  410. John C Says:

    Hallelujah. I finally found a forum to speak out about my personal experience when I attended Catholic Grammar and High School in the Bronx in the 1940’s-1950. The physical and verbal abuse by some nuns against defenseless children was epidemic over the twelve years I attended Catholic Schools.
    The nuns controlled the class room through physical assaults, fear and intimidation. Those that defend the nuns are still in a state of denial. I personally witnessed and was subject to physical and verbal abuse on a daily basis. Today the nuns would be arrested and sent to prison for their attacks against children.
    You have to look at how the nuns were recruited into the various orders. In grammar and high school the primary duty of many nuns was to identify students that had a “vocation” to the religious life. Many girls were brainwashed into believing they were specially chosen by God to enter the convent, many in high school. They were expected to take a vow of celibacy at a time in their life when they barley reached puberty. The very notion of religious celibacy is a sin against God.
    I am confident that many nuns realized they did not belong in the convent but had made the decision to be a “Bride of Jesus” under church and family encouragement and could not leave. The society pressure to remain was overwhelming.
    As a result many nuns were bitter and took out their frustration on defend less children.
    I particularly remember three fellow students, one boy and two girls, that were in my class in grammar school. As I look back it is evident that these students were chalenged in learning skills. Today they would receive special education assistance. Many of the nuns treated these students as lazy and tried to beat an education into them.
    The whole system of nuns was a disaster for students. In some ways I can forgive the nuns who inflected physical and abuse on student because they were mentally defective because of the convent system.
    However, the real criminals were those nuns who did not abuse students but stood by as their fellow nuns abused students. These nuns knew that the actions of the abusers was wrong but did nothing to stop it. Keeping silent in the face of evil is evil itself.
    The predatory nuns were also cowards. They would never think of attacking an adult because they knew they would strike back. Picking on 8, 10, 12 year olds was a safe way to abuse a person without fear of retaliation.
    Thank God the Catholic education system that relied on the predatory nuns is coming to an end in the US. Good riddance to a corrupt system and the predatory nuns it sprang on innocent children’s is coming to an end.
    Jesus must be ashamed of the religious nuns that acted in His name and abused children.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Right on John! —- The Catholic Church, and the Catholic Clergy have been abusing the adults and children for years under the name of the Christian Religion. —– If you want to hear an “uplifting sermon” sometime, —- try going to one of the Christian Churches. —– There is a BIG difference, and there are no “rules” and “regulations” to worry about. —- You can actually enjoy the Christian Religion and attending church! —— All the best! —– Dwayne

    • MaryW Says:

      Hello John, so glad to hear from you and welcome. Everything you said is true. To stand by and watch evil being done and not stop it is cowardly and inhumane. But I am sure they were afraid of the nuns that told on them. I am glad it is ending and children will not suffer what we went through, but there are also organizations that are horrible too like the FLDS and children being molested. The Muslims and their evil. It seems to have a sexual undertone with all religions that are crazy. PS. is it just me or does this new pope give anyone the creeps.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary; —– I DO NOT trust the new pope! —— He has Communist / Socialist ideas, but this does not surprise me. The Catholic Church wants to take care if the poor, — but not with their money. They want to take care of the poor with the U.S. taxpayers money. —– Sounds logical to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ——— Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        Agreed Dwayne, also there is a place on the internet I will have to find that shows the money they pay priests in certain parishes. I was shocked how much they receive. I thought they worked for free. My mistake.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary; nobody works for nothing! —- The Catholic Church is BIG BUSINESS —- just like GM, Chrysler, Ford, Honda and Toyota —- AND THEY PAY NO TAXES, —- and they use their money to destroy children, and control adult lives for their own evil end! —–They are an evil institution! —– The only difference between the “Catholic Clergy,” and the members of the Mafia is that the government has not declared the Catholic Clergy criminals, — as of yet, — and put them into prison. —- Both the Catholic Church and the Mafia have killed human beings in order to maintain control. But there is one big difference. The Italian Mafia does not hurt children! God bless! —- Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        So true Dwayne, sadly, you are so right.. Blessings to you and yours.

      • George Barilla Says:

        There are many evil groups in this world, many of them claim to be religious groups –the catholics during the inquisition were killing thousands of non-catholics because of religion. Saying “muslims and their evil” is misleading. A muslim is a person who believes in one God and their religion is Islam. There are 1.6 billion muslims in the world. Like any other religion there are religious fanatics who claim to be muslims. I don’t think that any person who is truly religious and believes in God can be a terrorist. Do you know any muslims personally that you can judge? So maybe you should say that people who claim to be muslims but are really terrorists using religion as a cover are evil.

  411. Frank Says:

    It is only a few years ago that the Catholic Church ‘spin doctors’ came up with a global campaign designed to distract and deflect attention away from the Church organization regarding the pervasiveness of child abuse spanning centuries and all over the planet.

    The central theme was this: “There are a few ‘bad apples’ amongst clergy leading to rare instances of child abuse. These bad apples are homosexuals… homosexuality is to blame for child abuse”. It did not take much scrutiny to explode this false myth.

    Even the more moderate voices in the Church point the finger at the requirement for celibacy/the inability to marry as the cause of child abuse by clergy. This is also nonsense. Priests and ex-priests have expressed the opinion that upwards of 50% of male clergy have had sexual relationships with consenting adult females, often parishioners of theirs. If I was a priest, I would find a girlfriend. The requirement for celibacy would not somehow translate into a desire to abuse children.

    The real reason that so many members of this organization have perpetrated the criminal abuse of children in so many forms over the centuries is because it is tolerated as part of the culture of the organization. It is seen as tolerable collateral damage that happens as part of the operational implementation of the organization’s aims. It is at best ignored… it could not exist without silence and complicity from the majority… and at worst systematically denied and covered up, with protection afforded to the perpetrators. How many of us could work somewhere where we knew that paedophiles were employed and that management were protecting them?

    When you get an organization that is fundamentalist (they know that they are right and that others are wrong; God is on their side and not on the side of others; there is ‘classical conditioning’ or cultism… “I believe X, but I have no idea why I believe X”), with an insatiable desire for the accumulation and use of power and wealth, and operating on unsubstantiated central assumptions… this leads to the belief that the means justifies the ends, it leads to expediency, corruption in many forms, and moral bankruptcy. People in the organization get swept up and swept along. They get in the groove and go with the flow. This is a collective phenomenon. History shows that good people can do evil things in the ‘right’ circumstances. if you need to think beyond religions for evidence of this, think back to the nation states of the Axis powers in the world wars of last century.

    I encourage us all on this blog to be considered in commenting on the psycho-social “causes” for nuns abusing children. Let’s not unwittingly go down the same path(s) that the Church has disingenuously tried, in drawing attention away from the organization and those parts of its culture, systems and processes without which the pervasive, historical abuse of children could not have happened.

    • George Barilla Says:

      Frank, the definition you give for “fundamentalist” sounds very similar to the definition of a psychopath – and the catholic church organization fits both. You are right that society is looking at the wrong end: the problem can’t be solved at the level of priests and nuns. It has to start at the top with the pope, the holy see and the rest of the upper hierarchy of the church who accept, tolerate, protect and support all of the deviants in the organization. Your summaries of the workings of the church and its denizens are always spot on.

  412. E Roman Says:

    Wow.. Its as if it never stops.. I went to Christ The King in Jamaica Queens from 71-75. 1st grade to 4th. Believe it or not the priests actually never laid a hand on me. It was the nuns. I’ll never forget Sister Maureen. Now that I think about it, the epitome of a prison bull dyke. Short spiked hair, thin mustache, nurse calves and piercing blue eyes. The kind that physically pierce your heart. She was scary. Made me hate nuns, but not bull dykes. All kidding aside, she really did influence how I feel about nuns, which is bad because I would like to knock her out, also bad. I can’t remember what I did wrong, but I do remember her grabbing my hair and pulling it back. I could hear the follicles ripping, like stepping on snow. You can hear it crunching. It was in class, so it couldn’t have been too bad. Maybe talking or laughing out of turn. Still, if you have children now, would you really allow a stranger to put their hands on them? Doubtful. I know I wouldn’t.
    Another incident I recall, I was peeing out in the field during recess. I know should have used the rest room but I was 6 or 7 and I made a bad judgment call. Anyway, even though I was facing the other way, another student ratted me out, I got caught. The nun (cant remember which one) made me stand outside as every student going inside passed me. In my haste to zip up I had peed all over my pants. After that humiliation, I had to go straight to class and sit among my peers. All of which passed me on the way inside. I know I should have been reprimanded or punished. But not like that. Any other horror stories I heard were from other students.
    In high school I did freshman and half a sophomore year 80-81 at St John Neumann in Philadelphia. My religion teacher, Father Frigo, ( his family owns Frigo cheese which you might see it in any super market) liked to walk up to students from behind while they were sitting in class place his hands gently on their neck, rub their back and then smack them on the their back. He would do this if he caught them talking. As he did this he would say, ” People like to be rulers but they don’t measure up”. I’ll never forget that. I was subject to that myself. Quite a few times. Another incident, while in assembly, another student was talking or laughing and one of the younger priests (cant remember his name) came out of no where and back handed him with such tremendous force, it echoed throughout the cafeteria. Complete silence after that. I didn’t know him, but to this day I hope he paid him back in spades.
    I don’t care about outing these people or the schools even if it doesn’t make a difference just so parents know what’s going on. My parents didn’t know because at the time I guess it was considered the norm. We wouldn’t tell them about it for fear of further retribution. Whether the students did wrong or not, my sympathies to my parochial school peers and those before or after me. Those bastards got away with things that todays teachers would lose their jobs and get sued for. Now I never witnessed or heard about any sexual abuse, but the physical abuse was definitely rampant. Thank you for reading.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi E. Roman: —– Welcome to the group. I experienced much of the same behavior by the nuns, and I attended Catholic School from 1948 to 1960! —– All the nuns operated from a “common play book!” —- Pulling hair, banging your head into the blackboard, and hitting you, were the “order of the day!” —– They really “zeroed in” on the boys for punishment! —– They wanted to make them cry in front of the class! — It was all about “breaking the child’s spirit,” and then rebuilding it into their own “mold of complete submission” to “Sister!” —— Dwayne

  413. Jeff Dee Says:

    I was raised in a strict catholic family. My mother spent 12 years in catholic school. I was sent to catholic school 1st & 2nd grade. The nuns were very mean and both emotionally and physically abusive.
    My mother only hit me once, but was always extremely emotionally abusive, but I was always loyal to her. Six days before she died, I couldn’t take her bullshit anymore and screamed ‘FUCK YOU’ and walked out. I occasionally feel proud of doing that, but for the most part, I’m haunted by extreme guilt. My sister is even much worse than my mother. Now at 58, my life is a complete mess and failure. Depression, anxiety, drug addiction, panic attacks, several emergency room visits and 2 commitments in a mental hospital, leads me to think that the catholic church is the most evil organization on Earth and should be destroyed.

    • firetender Says:

      You will find quite a few stories on this site about people hitting their bottoms only to find links to early childhood abuse at the hands of nuns. You’ll also find that many of these people have found what they needed to work through the trauma. There are options shown here. I hope one or more will appeal to you. Welcome!

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Jeff; —- Welcome to the group! —- We are here to listen and to support you on your journey! —- Each one of us has had an experience with the nuns! —- I understand what you are feeling! —- I also had disagreements over religion with my parents. —— God bless ———— Dwayne

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Good Morning Jeff:

      All of us on this great site have lived through “negative experiences” caused by “how we were treated within Catholic Schools, Catholic Institutions, and / or in Catholic Churches. This is the thread that binds all of us together as a family. While our experiences are similar, they are also unique to a given situation. When I was young, I new that I did not want to be a part of the Catholic Church, but I came from a VERY strict Catholic Family, on my father’s side, and I knew that I could not voice my opinion, and continue to have a normal / happy life. —- My father obeyed all the rules, but he never lived his religion. —– Being a Christian is not about “obeying rules,” rather, it is all about “how you live your life,” and “how you treat others,” especially family members! —- My father never understood this most basic concept. —– Years later, when I became a member of the Dutch Reformed Church, I invited my parents to a Sunday Service. After the service, I asked them, “How did they like it?” —- They seemed to be pleased. This was the first time they attended another Christian Church, and experienced a different type of Sunday Worship! —- I think that it opened their eyes.

      My life has taken many twists and turns. If you read the postings on this site, you will get a picture of my background. When I graduated from high school, I knew that I was in BIG trouble in terms of getting a Post High School Education because the Catholic School that I attended did not offer a great academic program. So I decided to educate myself. (Self-Education is the greatest form of education). I started college as an English Major, and that lasted 1 1/2 years. I then attended and graduated from a School of Automotive Technology. I joined the Army Reserve, and upon returning from active duty I returned to college and earned a BA in Education. I taught high school for 33 years and during that time I earned two MA degrees. During this time I did a lot of reading in terms of motivational materials and self-help books. I knew that there was something missing in my life, and I was trying to find it!

      The following is a list of Motivational Speakers / Authors. May I suggest that you go to a library or a book store like Barns & Noble, get a cup of coffee, and find a book written by one of these people and start a motivational / success reading program.

      Anthony Robbins
      Brain Tracy
      Denis Waitley
      Jack Canfield
      Jim Rohn
      Les Brown
      Dr. Wayne Dyer
      Zig Ziglar
      Deepak Chopra
      Augustine “Og” Mandino

      “Og Mandino is a VERY interesting person. He was born in 1923. He joined the U.S. Army Air Corps in 1942 where he became a military officer and bombardier. He flew 30 bombing mission over Germany on board a B-24 Liberator during WW2. During this time he flew with a fellow pilot and movie star, James Stewart.

      After the war, he became an insurance salesman. He suffered from what we now know as “PTS”. He started to read motivational / self-help books in the library as he traveled throughout the United States selling Insurance. He read a book by W. Clement Stone “Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude” that changed his life for the better. He eventually became a successful writer and motivational speaker.

      Unlike the Catholic Church, motivational books teach the individual how to believe in themselves; — how to set goals; — how to develop a plan of action to achieve those goals; — how to put the plan of action into action; — how to use 100% of their talents, skills and abilities in a focused / organized manner; — and how to make things happen in life by design rather than letting things happen in life by chance.

      If you have the opportunity, please write back and share your story with the group. —– We are here to listen! —— There are many people on this site who have been hurt by both nuns & priests. —— All the best & God bless! —— Dwayne

  414. Ellen D. Says:

    I stumbled upon this blog by accident, while searching for the possibility that other adults who went to Catholic school in the 1970’s have a form of post-traumatic stress disorder.
    At age 50, I’m a wife, mother, career woman, and probably seem really normal and happy to people who meet me. There are moments, however, when I wonder if my fear of failure, fear of speaking the truth, fear of standing up for myself, and fear of any less-than-perfection, this pervasive fear that has ruled my life, was this the result of years of Catholic school (K-9th).
    I and my 3 siblings went to 3 different Catholic schools in a large Midwestern city in the 1970’s, then 1 year of Catholic high school in that same city. This era was when nuns comprised at least 50% of the teaching staff. Some still wore the black and white habit, others wore the polyester skirts & vest and short veil. All were vile hate-filed monsters who had no qualms about showing me “Jesus’ love” by beating the crap out of students.
    Punishments were ‘earned’ (their term) for the slightest infractions….such as not staring straight ahead when the nun was speaking. If you dared turn your head sideways, let out a sigh, cough, sneeze, close your eyes, look at a classmate, then Sister would grab your head into her hands and squeeze your head until you had a headache. Sometimes, she’ smack you across the back of the head.
    Boys (who always got the worst of it) were sent out to the hallway for minor things…..if caught whispering or not having their hands at their sides when walking down the hallway to/from lunch…those boys were sent out to the hallway with Sister and her “board”, a 16 inch long, 1-inch think board. The rest of us remained in class, in silence, and were told to “listen to the devil getting the sin beaten out of him”. We sat terrified at our desks. listening to our classmate get his buttocks beat with the paddle. Most boys screamed in pain….I remember one boy tried to take the paddle away from Sister and he was sent to the principal’s office and never returned to class. We were not permitted to ask what happened to him.
    In the 7th grade, the nuns got wind of a slumber party that one of the more popular girls was having at her house, all the girls in the class were invited. The nun called all the girls together and screamed at us that we were “homosexuals” and that our parents would go to hell for raising “filthy little girls who did filthy things in their sleeping bags”. I was clueless what the nun was talking about. I tried telling my parents about it, they told me just to try to get along with the nuns. It was an era of don’t-question-authority.
    The slumber party was canceled. For years, I lived with the irrational fear that somehow I was responsible for my parent’s eternal salvation, or lack of it.
    The constant barrage of “you’re evil ! you’re a sinner !” hurled at us daily by the nuns led me to grow up believing God was a vindictive creator who laid-in-wait, ready to pounce on us for ever little thing, keeping a list of our faults which would be read back to us on our judgement day.
    One day in 9th grade high school, a short stocky nun, Sister E., was teaching a religion class and asked my classmate Cindy to answer a question. Cindy apparently gave the wrong answer. Sister E. proceeded to scream at her “You’re stupid !”. Cindy politely told Sister E. to please refrain from calling her names. The wrath of Sister E. swiftly came down on Cindy. Sister E. lept over to Cindy’s desk and started literally pummeling her with both open and closed hands….knocking Cindy out of her seat. Cindy curled up into a ball, protecting her head from the blows, begging Sister E. to stop. All of us sat there in fear and disbelief, none of us having the courage to leave the class to go get another adult to stop it. Finally after what seemed like an eternity, another teacher next door came into the classroom and told Sister E. that she would take Cindy to the principal’s office. The next day, Sister E told us that Cindy had been expelled permanently from school. Sister E was lauded a “hero” for getting rid of “evil Cindy”. I often wonder what happened to Cindy.
    I think that was the point where I said to myself “enough is enough, I’ve got to get out of here”. I begged my parents to let me start the next school year at the recently-built public high school down the street from us. I don’t know how I did it, but they finally consented. There, I found compassionate, wise, “normal” teachers who really cared about my success, academically and as a person. I graduated high school with a 3.8 and went on to finish college and start a life.
    I sent my child to a public school by choice. We have friends who send their kids to Catholic school. They often try to ask me why I won’t send my child to a Catholic school. I just tell them, “no thanks, we are happy with the school she is attending”. I don’t even try to explain it to them. They aren’t ready to hear it, nor would they probably believe me anyway.
    My whole life I feel like I’m constantly looking over my shoulder, waiting for someone to criticize me, threaten me, or tell me how awful a person I am.
    My husband went to public school. I’ve told him bits and pieces. He shakes his head and expresses how sorry he is these things happened to me, but I think I have survivor’s guilt. I have a good life but I wonder about others I went to school with, especially Cindy. What happened to those kids?
    Thanks for having this website. I’ve been reading the comments on it for a couple days now. It helps to know I’m not alone.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Ellen D:

      Welcome to this great site! —– Please be advised that you have just described my life in twelve years of Catholic School. — The nuns, through their “twisted philosophy of Christian Education,” have destroyed lives, and the Catholic Church does not care! —- They wanted to “break the spirit of young people,” so that they could get complete control of the individual, and in the process, mold them into “loyal cool-aid drinking members” of the Catholic Church, who would give money to the Catholic Church so that the Clergy could live a comfortable life style on the backs of the faithful. —- The nuns are responsible for people not reaching their full potential. —- My wife was also educated in a Catholic High School, and she also has some horror stories about that experience. While she had a successful career as a second grade public school teacher for 34 years, she was not comfortable in terms of standing up for herself. —— I, on the other hand, decided that I was not going to take the BS anymore, and I became a local educational association president, and fought for quality education and a fair contract for the staff. —— As a boater, if I was going through an inlet, and I had a choice to pick up a nun or a priest and / or a dog who was drowning, I would save the dog. —- The dog would appreciate the kindness. The nun or priest would eventually stab you in the back. —– Have a GREAT day. —- I enjoyed reading your posting! —- God bless! ——— Dwayne

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Ellen:

      I read your posting to my wife, and she feels the same way as you! QUESTION: —- Why didn’t Cindy’s parents take legal action against the school, and the nun? —- (This happened in the 70’s!) —– I was educated in Catholic Schools in the late 40’s and 50’s and it was like being in a “concentration camp!” —- My wife was locked in a closet in high school by a nun. —– QUESTION: —– Who gave these people the right to treat children in this fashion? — ANSWER: —- The leadership of the Catholic Church. —- It is the same situation as Nazi Germany. —- Who gave the concentration guards and the officers the right to kill people? The leadership of Germany! The directions and orders always flow from the top down. Be very careful of any organization that demands “blind obedience” as part of it’s membership. What really annoys me is the people who deny that anything wrong was done by the nuns and priests to children. They are so brain washed that they cannot think for themselves. Personally I want nothing to do with nuns or priests. They are fakes, frauds and phonies, and they have no conception of what a hard days work is like in the real world. —- Thank you for your posting. —- You made my day, and you helped my wife to understand her experiences. —– God bless. —- Dwayne

      • Pattyann Says:

        You mentioned your wife being locked in a closet and that triggered some rage inside of me. Our school had this so- called closet down in the basement next to the furnace. The janitor kept his supplies in there. It smelled of pine sol and had one of those huge metal pails with a spaghetti mop wringer attached to it. This room was so small you could not move in there with that contraption taking up half the space. Well, this is where we were sent if the nun was in a particularly nasty mood that day. We were grabbed by our hair or collar and pulled down those stairs, pushed into the darkness and the door was locked behind you. You could be in there for an hour or a whole day, whatever she decided. What really gets me is the janitor knew about it and said nothing. How I know this was the fact that one of the mothers who taught CCD some30 years later mentioned this to my mom who was also a teacher. She said that he used to talk about it when he and his wife would come over their home for dinner. He would comment on “What possibly could one of those poor little b–st-rds done to be in there all day, must’ve been something really bad to p–s her off that bad!

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


        Thank you for writing back with your posting. This is the way that we can uncover the “play book” of the nuns in the United States. It is obvious, “that locking someone in a dark closet” was part of the “standard operating procedure” for nuns in school. —— The questions are; —- Who suggested this as acceptable punishment for students in the Catholic Schools? —- Who authorized this sadistic behavior on the part of the nuns? —- Did this come from the nuns themselves? —- Where the nuns sick enough that they came up with this idea all by themselves? —- I DO NOT think so! ——- Somewhere, there must have been a “training manual” for the education of children in Catholic Schools in the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, as authorized by the Catholic Church. —- The philosophy of education, from the point of view of the Catholic Church, was based on “sadism.” The Church had to believe that human beings are inherently bad, and as such, the devil must be removed from the child through domination, mistreatment and the inflicting of pain in order to get the “desired behavior pattern,” in order to save the soul of the child. After a while, the nuns, because they were “mentally sick individuals themselves,” got extreme pleasure from inflicting physical and psychological pain, and they also liked to see the fear in the eyes of the other students in the classroom, thereby getting further control of the students. —– The nuns felt that they were above the civil law, because they were operating on the Church Law, and that is why priests have not been prosecuted for the altar boy issue. The Church wants to deal with the issue “in house.” They consider themselves above the law, and in many countries their connections extend into government. —– The problem that we are all dealing with has many “side bar stories”. The only way that we are going to unravel the problem, is if for each person to share their “experiences” so that we can put together a total picture. —– All the best. —- Dwayne

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Ellen and everyone on this site:

      Today I ran across an interesting quote that fits into what we are dealing with on this site.

      “The SELF IMAGE is the key to human personality and human behavior. —- Change the SELF IMAGE and you change the personality and the behavior.” —– (Maxwell Maltz / American Surgeon & Author of Psycho-Cybernetics)

      This is the “smoking gun” to the daily operation of the nuns in Catholic Schools and in Catholic Institutions. —- If the child’s self image is poor, the adult can manipulate the child and achieve the daily behavior patterns that are desired. —- If carried on long enough, (like 12 + years) the church would have control of the individual for life. Behavior patterns are established in the formative years.

      To be successful in life, a human being needs to have a “positive / I can do it self image!” —- The individual needs to have a strong belief in “self” to be successful. The nuns never instilled this type of thinking in any of the schools that I attended, rather, they instilled the opposite. —– They instilled dependance on the church for everything. They did nothing to help the child to see career possibilities other than becoming a priest of a nun. —- They were sacrificing the individual for the benefit of the church. —- They were selfish / sadistic people who had no respect for children. — They did nothing to help the individual to become “all that they could be in life.” —- They wanted average, loyal, non-thinking, robotic people who would follow meaningless church rules and activities with the goal of milking as much money from them within their lifetime as possible. —- Then when it came time for them to marry, they imposed additional rules and regulations as to what type of service they could have, and / or what music could be played in church. In addition, they made it a point to send the young couple to conferences prior to the wedding to make sure that they were totally indoctrinated into the Catholic Philosophy of marriage. (EXAMPLE: At these meetings they would parade married couples in front of the group. They had married coupes with children and they had married couples that were waiting for the birth of a child, BUT they DID NOT have married couples that did NOT have children. (Again, the Catholic Church is slanting the picture to suit their own agenda.) There are many reasons why couples do not have children. Some are financial, some are medical and some like myself have to do with a genetic problem that showed up in my younger sister, (who only lived one year), and subsequently reappeared in a family member on my mother’s side of the family. Does the Catholic Church want to deal with human issues? NO! They are only interested in the financial bottom line of their future. God made each of us with a brain. He expects us to think, reason and take logical action.

      QUESTION: —- What are your thoughts?


    • Melpub Says:

      You’re a hero for being able to tell this story! My God, I’m glad you got out of that awful school

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Good Morning Ellen:

      I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years in the late 40’s and 50’s. and I can honestly say that I HATED the total experience for the following reasons:

      1.) The nuns did not portray God in a loving fashions. Rather, they portrayed God as a being to be feared.

      2.) The nuns went out of their way to be mean to the children. They looked upon us as a sinner, and it was their “self appointed job” to beat the sin out of us!

      3.) I hated having to attend 7:00 am morning mass everyday before school. I also hated having to attend church services every Monday and Wednesday afternoon. (They used us as an audience for the priests.)

      4.) I hated the one hour of religion class every morning in school after church.

      5.) I hated the nuns viewing us as being spawned from the devil.

      6.) I hated having to pray all the time during the day. (I viewed “religion” as a form of brain washing. I was being forced into a mold that did not fit me and my personality. I wanted to be free and explore things on my own.)

      7.) I did not like to wear school uniforms. (It made us all the same, and as we all know now as adults, there is a “unique greatness in each one of us” that needs to be discovered by the individual in order to be successful in life. ——– You cannot think “AVERAGE” if you want to be “SUCCESSFUL!”)

      8.) I missed out on a lot of great courses in school like Art, Music, Home Economics, Physical Education and Industrial Arts.

      9.) A Catholic H.S. education is a VERY NARROW MINDED educational experience, and a Public High School offerers a more real world experience.

      10.) A Catholic School education is more about “indoctrination” rather than “education.”

      11.) NUNS are very judgmental! They only see one side to an issue! — The Catholic Side!


    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Ellen and everyone on this great sit:

      The more that I think about the problem with the behavior of nuns in the Catholic Schools, the more that I see the problem as a multi faceted situation. —– Those of us who were abuse mentally or physically now have to deal with “adult Catholics” who were not abused.

      The situation unfolds as follows:

      There are a number of different types of students that were involved in Catholic School Education.

      1st) You have the student that was abused by the nuns either physically or mentally and / or both. —– (These people as adults want to get their story out for everyone to read. —- THEY WANT SOME TYPE OF JUSTICE!)

      2nd) You have the student who was in the same classes with the students who were being abused, but for some reason, they were never abused. ——- (These students were very happy that they were not the target of the nuns, so it was “OK” with them to let the other students suffer. —– As long as the nun was focused on someone else, they could navigate through the system untouched. —— They would never do anything to defend and / or support the students who were being abused. —- As these people became adults they would make it a point to defend the nuns if “abuse stories surfaced,” because their Catholic Education worked for them. —– Some of these people might have gotten preferential treatment when it came time to apply to Catholic Colleges and / or Universities. I know in my high school in the late 50’s, if the student was “in alignment with the nuns and the coaches,” “college seats” were made available at a particular college for the “blessed few!” —- Naturally, these people today will go out of their way to defend the quality of the curriculum and the behavior of the nuns, because the system worked for them. —– They refuse to see and / or acknowledge the abuse that others suffered at the hands of the same nuns.) —– {The German Citizens who were not taken to the concentration camps had little or no concern about the people who were taken to the concentration camps. Yes, it is the same idea!} —- As long as the system works for an individual it is considered a good system by the individual.

      3rd.) You have people who attended Catholic Schools that were staffed with nuns, and for some reason they never witnessed any abuse by the nuns. (These people will not even entertain the possibility that someone might have been abused by nuns. — If they were to acknowledge that such action might have occurred, the blame would be put squarely on the shoulders of the individual student by saying that “the student must have done something that provoked the situation.” —– Here again, these people will defend the nuns at all cost, — no matter what the student who was abused states! —— It is simply “blind loyalty” which is an offshoot of “blind obedience” which is what Catholic Education is all about.

      4th.) You have people who DID NOT attend Catholic Schools. They attended Public Schools but they attended Catholic Schools for “religious Instruction.” —- The nuns might have demonstrated some abuse, — or— they might have painted a more positive picture, and as such, watched their negative behavior. (These people, as adults, might have only positive experiences with the nuns, so as such, they will never believe us and / or support us when we share our abuse stories.

      Getting the word “out there in the world” is more than telling our story. —– Not only are we dealing with the clergy, who will naturally take the opposing point of view, but we also have Catholics who would like to silence us and make us go away. —– This is why numbers are important. The more people, who share their stories on a site like this, — the stronger our position becomes. Then our story cannot be denied. There is just too many of us saying the same things over and over again!

      Here are some basic facts to consider:

      1.) Nuns were brutal to children for no reason.
      2.) These women should not have been around children, and they should not have been in a position of a teacher.
      3.) Nuns were sadistic individuals, who deliberately liked and enjoyed bullying children, especially boys.
      4.) Nuns took out their personal frustration on children in the classroom.
      5.) Nuns might have done some teaching of reading, writing, spelling, english, history & geography, but most of the teaching was focused mainly on religion, and religion was introduced into the other subjects wherever possible.

      Sending a child to a Catholic School in the late 40’s and 50’s was the equivalent of sending a child to a “religious concentration camp” with the nuns as the prison guards. Nothing good both educationally and psychologically could come out of that experience. —- This is what has lead us to the situation that we have today. —— Why are we hearing from people all over the United States and the world with similar experiences if the church was not working from a “standardized curriculum of child abuse” for a desired outcome?

      I would like to hear your opinions. —– All the best. —- Dwayne

      • George Barilla Says:

        Dwayne, that was a really great point you made: “Not only are we dealing with the clergy, who will naturally take the opposing point of view, but we also have Catholics who would like to silence us and make us go away.” I have found that if I discuss what happened to me at the hands of the nuns with those people who as you say “drank the catholic Cool Aid” I get these stares of disbelief or they try to ignore what I said.

        So you are right, we have more obstacles to overcome and that is why we all have to speak out. We need to use all ways of communicating what happened to us: this blog, my blog, tell friends and family, comment on news websites, on Google+, on survivor advocate websites like SNAP and, etc. All of us togther are like a tsunami building against the church and its supporters.

      • firetender Says:

        I want to start by stepping out on the limb and saying that personally, all the heady stuff is boring me. Our heads, as is evidenced by the response in the site came out of our messes fairly intact, at the very least our heads are willing to take risks in examining the devastating effects and causes of our traumas.

        But where I want to see this blog get back on track is making MAXIMUM ROOM for the heart stuff! This is a place for nurturing and yes, I agree, the intellect has taken its lumps but for people whose hearts are hurting, the head stuff is a detour if not total derailment.

        Another thing is that ANYTHING written here needs to be interpreted within the context of both the emotional and intellectual set and setting of the individual writer. Besides wanting to be heard everyone wants to be understood and, in so many ways, accepted.

        But no one here has a handle on the truth here. This business of recovery is all about picking and choosing through many options. I want each of us to make it easy for each other to find the light of healing in what we say. That means getting clear that what we are offering is primarily driven by the desire to SERVE rather than be heard.

        I feel compelled to reflect on some of the points you made here, Dwayne, and I answer them publicly at your request. I am neither going to censor myself or target you. When I first read this I had many reactions so let me whip them out for all to see.

        Submitted on 2014/01/28 by Dwayne at 11:02 pm | In reply to Ellen D..

        Ellen and everyone on this great sit:

        The more that I think about the problem with the behavior of nuns in the Catholic Schools, the more that I see the problem as a multi faceted situation.

        Never truer words have been said, and because of this, if healing is to be the goal, then all that you are left with is shades of gray. Black and White thinking is very much the mark of the Abuser. It is important to stop seeking absolutes and begin understanding the coming together of forces that produced the abuse, spun your life out of control and THEN brought most of us back to a new place of understanding and acceptance.

        —– Those of us who were abuse mentally or physically now have to deal with “adult Catholics” who were not abused.

        The situation unfolds as follows:

        There are a number of different types of students that were involved in Catholic School Education.

        1st) You have the student that was abused by the nuns either physically or mentally and / or both. —– (These people as adults want to get their story out for everyone to read. —- THEY WANT SOME TYPE OF JUSTICE!)

        2nd) You have the student who was in the same classes with the students who were being abused, but for some reason, they were never abused. ——- (These students were very happy that they were not the target of the nuns, so it was “OK” with them to let the other students suffer. —– As long as the nun was focused on someone else, they could navigate through the system untouched. —— They would never do anything to defend and / or support the students who were being abused. —- As these people became adults they would make it a point to defend the nuns if “abuse stories surfaced,” because their Catholic Education worked for them. —– Some of these people might have gotten preferential treatment when it came time to apply to Catholic Colleges and / or Universities. I know in my high school in the late 50′s, if the student was “in alignment with the nuns and the coaches,” “college seats” were made available at a particular college for the “blessed few!” —- Naturally, these people today will go out of their way to defend the quality of the curriculum and the behavior of the nuns, because the system worked for them. —– They refuse to see and / or acknowledge the abuse that others suffered at the hands of the same nuns.) —– {The German Citizens who were not taken to the concentration camps had little or no concern about the people who were taken to the concentration camps. Yes, it is the same idea!} —- As long as the system works for an individual it is considered a good system by the individual.

        Wait a minute, my friend. If you go back and re-read a lot of the responses here you’ll here the voices of quite a few people who, though not stricken themselves, suffered through their lifetimes as being witnesses to such abuse.

        I have a point to make and it is that we are here to MAKE ROOM FOR ANYONE WHO SUBJECTIVELY FELT ABUSED BY NUNS TO HAVE A SAFE HAVEN HERE!!! They were NOT okay with it because they weren’t targets. They have today what’s called Survivor’s Guilt.

        Another point is this; No one in the Catholic School I went to was assured that they would NEVER get hit. Even the Suck-ups were occasionally attacked by the nuns to foster their humility.

        The Crazy-Making shit, the real damaging thing was that No one ever knew when they would be next!

        3rd.) You have people who attended Catholic Schools that were staffed with nuns, and for some reason they never witnessed any abuse by the nuns. (These people will not even entertain the possibility that someone might have been abused by nuns. — If they were to acknowledge that such action might have occurred, the blame would be put squarely on the shoulders of the individual student by saying that “the student must have done something that provoked the situation.” —– Here again, these people will defend the nuns at all cost, — no matter what the student who was abused states! —— It is simply “blind loyalty” which is an offshoot of “blind obedience” which is what Catholic Education is all about.

        4th.) You have people who DID NOT attend Catholic Schools. They attended Public Schools but they attended Catholic Schools for “religious Instruction.” —- The nuns might have demonstrated some abuse, — or— they might have painted a more positive picture, and as such, watched their negative behavior. (These people, as adults, might have only positive experiences with the nuns, so as such, they will never believe us and / or support us when we share our abuse stories.

        Dwayne, this is all about “Us vs. Them” thinking. You’re going out of your way to show and how others will NOT listen to or hear us. It’s following through on a sort of victim mentality. What I’d prefer your focus to be on is always seeking the healing rather than justifying the pain. See what I mean?

        Getting the word “out there in the world” is more than telling our story. —– Not only are we dealing with the clergy, who will naturally take the opposing point of view, but we also have Catholics who would like to silence us and make us go away. —– This is why numbers are important. The more people, who share their stories on a site like this, — the stronger our position becomes. Then our story cannot be denied. There is just too many of us saying the same things over and over again!

        True and what I would MOST like to see here so very few distractions that we get hundreds more people coming here to use the site as a healing place.

        Look, EVERYONE, not just you, Dwayne because for the most part you have been contributing succinct, supportive paragraphs, yet, in pieces like this, there are a lot of things said and, as we can see below, offered as fact that simply are NOT true:

        Here are some basic facts to consider:

        1.) Nuns were brutal to children for no reason.
        2.) These women should not have been around children, and they should not have been in a position of a teacher.
        3.) Nuns were sadistic individuals, who deliberately liked and enjoyed bullying children, especially boys.
        4.) Nuns took out their personal frustration on children in the classroom.
        5.) Nuns might have done some teaching of reading, writing, spelling, english, history & geography, but most of the teaching was focused mainly on religion, and religion was introduced into the other subjects wherever possible.

        Sending a child to a Catholic School in the late 40′s and 50′s was the equivalent of sending a child to a “religious concentration camp” with the nuns as the prison guards. Nothing good both educationally and psychologically could come out of that experience. —- This is what has lead us to the situation that we have today.

        I can’t disagree with the above more vehemently. You started out this piece by acknowledging that this is a “multi-faceted situation”. Now, it’s your job to allow room for yourself to see that.

        What you wrote above is written in ABSOLUTES and a thorough re-reading of this site will show there are as many depravities, causative factors and ways of expression of violence and even self-torment as there are nuns. Everybody attending Catholic Schools had similar experiences but the ones more sensitive or those who were physically abused are much more pissed off about it.

        Everyone had shades of trauma heaped on them, yet many found things of value. I for one have expressed my thanks for the love of the written word that the nuns and Catholic School system instilled in me. This is why this blog is here and this is precisely what’s not only saving me from ruin but contributing heavily to the usefulness of my life.

        Turn your shit into diamonds, Dwayne. You’re very much on that road, I’m just suggesting some ways to make yourself even more effective. You have a facility with words. Seek out their true power, and once again I want to acknowledge that a lot of your posts have been powerful to your readers. I’m talking craft here.

        —— Why are we hearing from people all over the United States and the world with similar experiences if the church was not working from a “standardized curriculum of child abuse” for a desired outcome?

        I love how I am just finishing up Leo Tolstoy’s classic Anna Karenina. This is its opening sentence:

        “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

        At some point you have to understand, as loath as I am to admit it, that we are all in the same family, nuns and us, and we are all suffering. This particular story, or at least the story I would most like to see being told here, over and over again, is the one about how accepting suffering as a teacher allows one to relieve suffering.

        I would like to hear your opinions. —– All the best. —- Dwayne

        You got it, Baby…remember, Brevity allows the value of each word to soar! (Someday, I’ll learn that myself, ’til then, your faithful hypocrite, Russ, a firetender.

    • MaryW Says:

      Hello Ellen and thank you for your story. We all believe you and have gone through our own Catholic Hell, be it nuns, priests, schools, orphanages etc… I have PTSD and shake physically from my living hell from the nuns, as I attended school in the 50’s and 60’s. My little brother also had his hell from nuns and priests as a student and as an altar boy. I have the startle thing where I cannot have anyone quietly approach me or I jump out of my skin from fear thanks to nuns and their torture. God bless us all.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary, —- It is very interesting that we all seem to describe the situation in a similar fashion. —- This proves that no matter what the order of nuns, or where the school and / or Catholic institution was located, the nuns were operating from a “master play book” orchestrated by a higher authority in the Catholic Church! —- They new what they were doing! —- It was a “designed plan of action” with “designed goals to be achieved.” —- We were educated in Catholic Concentration Camps called Catholic Schools and / or Catholic Institutions, and now we see the results of that experience! ————– Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        Hi Dwayne 🙂 yes, you are so right. I feel it was like a concentration camp. Because we were helpless, innocent children that had no power or defense and no hope in sight. When I think of it I shake more, can barely type, hold my breath in panic. I would also like to add that some people were fortunate to find mates that were good, but some of us only knew abuse and sought out mates who made our lives hell. I guess trying to fix our childhood issues we could not fix. I do not know how to exist even today without fear of all the evil. I pray you and yours are warm, well and happy.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


        You are a good person, and you should have not been exposed to all that negative treatment. —— Have you noticed that anything “negative” in life you tend to remember it in great detail. That is because it is “charged with emotion.” —- That is why Catholic School and Catholic Institutions made such an impression on all of us. We were young, and we were trying to figure out our place within the world. Our computers, (brain), had a “basic operating system,” but it lacked the proper software package. The Catholic Church, operating through their nuns, took advantage of the situation, and instill, (loaded), the software into our computer, (brains), that supported their distorted belief system. —- The nuns used every trick in the psychological book to make us accept their indoctrination. If they could not install their software psychologically they did it physically. —– The Child never had a chance to develop independent thinking, reasoning, a belief in self, a vision for self, and a formulation of an individual identity! —- Our young lives were hijacked before we had a chance to develop. The nuns and the church knew what they were doing, and they took advantage of us. Now that we know what they did we are free, and we can work on becoming whole again. YES, a lot of time has been wasted, but we are still alive, so as such, we can still enjoy the time ahead of us. I was fortunate in that I never really drank the Catholic Cool Aid, but I did fake it for a number of years because I had a VERY Catholic set of parents. —– I stopped going to church on Sunday when I was in high school, but my parents did not know it. I would attend late Mass on a Sunday by myself. I would walk into the church by the front door, stay for a few minutes, and leave by one of the side doors to hang out with my friends until it was time to go home for Sunday dinner. My father would ask me if I went to church, and I could honestly answer yes! I learn how to “play the system!” YES, I would like to go back and relive my life again but knowing what I know now, but I know that it is not possible. Would I do things differently? —- YES —- But I managed to do “ok” in spite of the nuns, and the twisted Catholic Philosophy of Life! —- YES, — there is a God, and that “supreme being” helped me to put my life together. Coming from where I came from, I should have NOT been successful. (My own Father told me when I was in Catholic Elementary School “that I was a lazy good for nothing, and that I would never amount to anything!” —- My parents would tell family members that I was a “lazy student in school.” Just recently, at a family gathering, a relative of mine told me that my father told him that I did not have academic ability! I must have really disappointed my Father, if he discussed my education with an extended family member and not me!) —– A Catholic Philosophy of life in my opinion DOES NOT equal a successful life! It is VERY negative and restrictive in terms of intellectual development. The best thing that I did was to get a college education in a State College and a private University. —- I was lucky enough to have associated with some successful people, and I learn from them, because success does leave tracks. —- Hang in there, and make it a point to enjoy your life as much as possible. —– The nuns cannot touch you now! —- You are calling the shots in your life! —- You make things happen in your life! —– You are a good person, and you have GREATNESS in you that needs to be discovered! —— God bless you! —– Dwayne

  415. nottonighthoneyblog Says:

    Catholic Nuns, Child Abuse and Vows

    I’m not clear whoever wrote this article, but I really want to thank you since a great article that hit my heart – I couldn’t say it better.

    At the age of 3 1/2 I was placed in Carmilite Orphanage, 108 Harrison Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada by the Catholic Children’s Aid (CCAS) year 1953.

    On Oct 11, 2013, I just finished suing the CCAS & Carmilite nuns for 7 years of extreme abuse. In fact, I was able to get 20 other girls to also sue (would of been more if I could find).

    Daily & weekly abuse from these mentally disturbed nuts whereby punishments lasted from 3 days to weeks, sometimes months

    Deprived me of food, sleep, referred to me as ugly, not allow ever to play only perform their work that was difficult for a child my age. Food so bad even a dog won’t eat it – threw it up & had to eat the threw up from the floor. Slept in garbage room with rats, church on knees on wooden bench, inside a school locker, on old marble cold floor with no blanket, in freezing cold water in bath tub for days while they’d throw ice cold water at me from pail. No allowed to go to school or have anyone speak to me due to punishment. Beaten black, blue, yellow, green, kicked in ribs whereby couldn’t breath, broke my arm, beaten with thick wood & their belt. no toys to play with or any other person. Had other girls sit on my shoulders deep end of pool whereby I couldn’t swim while they counted to 10 at 5 yrs., not allowed to sleep for 3 days so many times I couldn’t count.

    As for mental abuse, called me names stating I was ugly and sometimes couldn’t go to school so many bruises. No one can do anything to me that hasn’t been done already – including letting other older girls sexually abuse me.

    Yes such a wonderful place and such Holy Nuts!

    Above is only Part 1.

    Part 2

    is trying to sue them which they prolonged for 24 years. In this day & age, society really didn’t care, there lawyers called us “piece of swiss cheese with holes in our heads”, nuns asked when I got out of the mental hospital – which I’ve never been in. Catholic Church refused to pay me stating they’d sue me since they didn’t tell nuns to perform. CCAS paid little money since they knew abuse all along. Law case so long even my lawyer didn’t perform as he should. The longest case in Canadian history and the result was an insult. These so called professionals were so unprofessional it would make you sick. Catholic Church, Convent, Catholic lawyers so horrible there aren’t words for them. In Canada you can’t sue for what you think is fair, the courts decide what you should basically get – and it was bull-shit.

    I’m still wondering who was more abusive the convent, church or Catholic lawyers???

    One thing they couldn’t take away from me – I had a photogenic memory and a very strong mind, therefore, I’m still angry but on the whole doing fine.

    Thank you so much for your thoughts on this Catholic Bull-Shit.

    I’m new to this program and not sure how to reach you but it would be my pleasure to speak to you via e-mail or phone.

    • firetender Says: gets you to me!

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Welcome to this site. —– Thank you for sharing your story with us. I read it a number of times, and I cannot imagine how you survived those experiences. —– We were all, in some way, abused by the nuns. —– Each of us carries some of the scars of those experiences. —— I am totally disgusted with the nuns, the priests and the Catholic Church in general. ——– Dwayne

      • nottonighthoneyblog Says:

        Hi Dwayne, Thank you for reading my Nuns abuse blog and for your kind comments. I hope to learn more about you and to follow all of your comments and your story. I’m in the process of writing a book and hoping it will be published, that was part of my reason for suing, any comments you have would greatly be appreciated since I value your opinion and you understand. Even through I won the case, Society still doesn’t understand in this day and age believe me 24 years dealing with this issue/case and end result they didn’t “GET IT”. From lawyers, cops, nuns, Catholic church, priest, CCAS, judges – end result get her off our legal system, as I stated I don’t know who was worse, the convent nuns or the legal system. Hope you are well and I’m looking forward to anything you have to write.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Good Morning:

        The reason why we cannot get the justice that we deserve from the “Government / Religion / Catholic Church / Legal Complex” is because they are all in bed with one another. —– Many of the judges, attorneys, government officials and members of a jury are brain washed Roman Catholics themselves, and thanks to the work of the Nazi Nuns, they cannot bring themselves to go against the Catholic Church. —– They cannot separate the Christian Religion from a corrupt organization known as the Roman Catholic Church. If is wasn’t for the “net,” we would not have been able to contact one another and compare postings. —– I have many postings on this site, and I encourage you to read them at your convenience. My abuse was NOT the same as yours. It was done in a different manny. While I was able to put my life back together by sheer determination, I lost opportunities in my youth that could never be recovered thanks to the psychologically sick nuns, and a Catholic philosophy of life that does nothing to encourage self-actualzation. I would bet that there are more disappointed people, in terms of a life career, who were educated in Catholic Schools. The nuns did not encourage students to set long range goals, and to be all that they could be! Rather, they encouraged young people to just be average, follow the rules, and be “loyal cool aide drinking members of the Catholic Church,” and in the process, give all their money to the church over their life time. They clergy of the Catholic Church use Psychology in a negative manner. They want complete control of each individual, and if the person should show any evidence of being an independent thinker, the world would come crashing down on them either physically and / or psychology. The nuns have destroyed the lives of many children in the United States. Catholics are not comfortable in their own skin. Catholics are always looking over their shoulder for a vengeful God! The nuns and the Catholic Church have distorted the Christian Religion, and they are proud of what they have done. —– Keep sharing your experiences. —- We need to get the word out! —– George runs his own Blog, and you might want to also post on his site. —– He also has had some VERY negative experiences with the Catholic Nuns! —– All the best. —— Dwayne

    • George Barilla Says:

      Your story is very sad and I hope this blog can help you. I was also severely abused by nuns when I was 3 & 1/2 years old. Finally one nun smothered me with a pillow and put me in a coma. I have permanent brain damage. The best way we can get justice is to let everyone know what they did. And it’s a lie when they say the catholic church doesn’t tell the nuns what to do. The pope tells his cardinals who in turn tell bishops and it goes always down the line right to the nuns. It is even written in church history during the Inquisition that the pope told the nuns and priests to abuse children and adults to make examples of them so others would be afraid.

      • nottonighthoneyblog Says:

        George, thank you for your comments and for reading my blog on abuse nuns. I understand you and I’m sorry what they did to you. I think you are quite smart from your comments and your story is interesting and I hope I will learn more about you.

      • George Barilla Says:

        What Dwayne said to you: “Keep sharing your experiences. —- We need to get the word out!” is the best advice. He mentioned my blog and you are welcome to post on it:

        By linking this blog and my blog – and other blogs that speak the truth about the catholic church and what it did to us we will be more successful — united we stand!

        I see that you are writing a book. I have a book called “Smothered” published. If you go to you can see a large preview of my book and all of the pre-publication reviews. It may give you some ideas.

  416. barbara Says:

    I have hoped but wasn’t hopeful that some day there would be a place where those who suffered abuse from nuns would get a time and place to speak. I am grateful to be able to add my feelings. My feeling even as a child in grammar and high school was that some of the nuns were crazy. I fought back and feel good about that but wonder what might have been if my teachers were normal. I do wish that I had a place to vent with those who are not in denial.

    • pattyann Says:

      I don’t think that I knew what a normal classroom experience was or is. I know that I lived those eight years in fear and self doubt. I would always look for some small morsel of approval from them. I never got it. Instead of learning the important lessons that were being taught, I learned how to avoid conflict and appear invisible. I developed slumped shoulders by looking down all the time. The thought of parents today sending their little ones to pre-K terrifies me!. At least I had 6 years of childhood before the nightmare began!.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


        I could not have described my Catholic Education any better! You hit the nail on the head! I never felt comfortable enough to learn as a student in Catholic School! —– GREAT POSTING! —- Dwayne

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


      If you want to share your stories, we are here to listen! All of us on this site have been abused by the nuns in some shape, manner or form! When I was a child in NYC, I experienced and witnessed both physical and psychological abuse by the nun in elementary school, and my parents did nothing to stop it! So, in a sense they were enablers of the abuse! This is what “blind faith” in any organization will get you! YES, the Catholic Church, and the nuns were sick back then, and they continue to be sick in the “here and now!” It is a money hungry / power hungry organization that wants to dominate and dictate to the membership. Please share your stories so that the world can see the lack of professionalism of the nuns and the Catholic Church! To change things, we have to get this information into the hands of the public! ————– Dwayne

      • Melpub Says:

        I’ve been following this blog a long time and for once have something happy to report: my daughter will not be going to the nun-run school she was considering for junior high and high school, i.e. from fifth-grade on. It’s a much-admired popular school in these parts (northwestern Germany) and most of the teachers are not nuns, and the nun are reportedly beloved by all, but I saw one of ’em and I thought–despite her friendly manner–that there was something too lonely, weirdly guarded, and stiff about her.
        a big phewwww!

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        If you want to have a healthy psychological / happy life SAY AWAY FROM Catholic Nuns and Priests. —– I would NEVER send a child to a Catholic School. I would pay to send a child to a private academic school! Religious instruction has no place being mixed with the world of academics. —– Just my opinion. —– Dwayne

      • Melpub Says:


      • George Barilla Says:

        Yes, Dwayne we need to get the word out to more of the public. So this blog, my blog and Google+ site, advocate organizations like SNAP, petitions on We the People (US gov’t site),, making comments to articles on local and national news media websites — it all helps!

  417. Mary Tod Says:

    It is overwhelming the responses of abuse at the hands of nuns. I found this site looking to see if anyone else was abused by the nun I was abused by. I only read a few of the entries some cases are so horrific my heart goes out to you all.

    I was abused in second grade at St. Patricks School in Roxbury, MA. Sister Mary Frederick was my abuser. I am scarred and effected till this day. It started my first day of school. I had long blonde hair to my waist. My mother put a elastic hair band on me.
    I usually used the hard comb plastic type. It kept slipping on my head. I was the youngest in my class as I was in first grade at 5 due to my mom being ill at special request. I was also the tallest.
    I sat in the last row.

    Sister Mary Frederick stormed down to my seat and pulled off my headband as she was annoyed I was fixing it on my head. She then grabbed me by my hair and cave man style dragged me from the back of the class to the front of the class by my hair. It was so painful. She put my headband on her desk. I grabbed it and ran out of the class out of the school to my house that was just accross the street. My head was bleeding! My mother asked me what happened. She brushed my hair and half of it fell out making a huge ball of hair. She put mecuricome on the egg size bleeding sore on the top of my head. She put on her coat and put the ball of hair in her coat pocket. She brought me back to school and the children were now out side for recess. She went up to Sister Mary Frederick and told her what I said happened. Sister Mary Frederick insisted I was lying. My mother showed my head and the ball of hair from her pocket. All Sister Mary Frederick could say it would never happen again. I was frantic! That was it! I wanted to run back home and my mother told me I had to stay. I was sick! She told me we are Catholics and we have to turn the other cheek. Something in me died! I was now angry at the nun and my mother.

    The abuse continued! Only now I did not tell my mother. I hid it to myself! The next severe incident was weeks later aside from being hit by pointers, yard sticks, and locked in the coat room and beaten in private alone with the nun and her pointer. I liked being locked in the coat room cause at least I was away from her for a while. I would just stare in shock at the window panes and skylight. Curled up in a ball on the cold linoleum tile floor.

    The next severe incident was watching a basketball in the gym up stairs at school and I came down to use the restrooms that were in the basement. There she stood on the bottom landing as I approached the last flight of steps. She looked up at me and said, “what are you doing here”. She did not let me speak as it would have mattered. She came up the stairs at me and grabbed me by my right arm and pulled me down the stairs. My shinns hitting the metal rims on each step. The she dragged me down another flight and threw me out in the school yard. My shins were bleeding through my socks. I hobbled home my coat and school bag still up in the gym. I went in the house by the back door that was never locked and proceeded to the bathroom and washed the blood out of my knee high socks and put bandaids on my wounds and put the wet wrung out socks back on to hide the incident.

    Things later happened in the coat room with Sister Mary Frederick which my mind has managed to block. I survived second grade! I went from a happy child to a sad, depressed, overeating, introverted and withdrawn child. I would sit under the dining room table a lot to be alone.

    When I went to third grade I was frightened and withdrawn. I did not participate or raise my hand. The nun wrote in big red letters across my report card “LAZY”. My mother brought me up the school to address this. The nun asked me why I did not raise my hand or answer when spoken to. I told her I was afraid! I told her why. Tears came to her eyes and she hugged me and she understood. The rest of the year was fine, although the Lazy in red letters hurt a lot.

    I was distrustful, of everyone. On top of it my mother was dying from cancer. I was one of six the second youngest. My mother passed away when I was ten. At the wake my teacher Sister Marion Thomas came up to me and hugs me in front of my dad and said, “I was her favorite student”. She did not even know my first name as she called me by the wrong name. All I thought was what a phony! I was not her favorite she did not even know I existed. My quest from then at the time was to prove how phony most nuns were and I was quite successful and asked to leave in the eighth grade. I hated the Catholic religion ever since then! The actions of nuns, priest and religious leaders has spoken for itself. I also hated the phoniness of most Catholics. Respect to those who do believe and are genuine. To each’s own!

    Nuns and priests I feel for the most part are a bunch of sick, twisted, LAZY individuals who misuse there power or status.
    Who hide behind religion for there own personal reasons or gain.
    I believe in a higher power but do not feel the need to have man made organized religion. Religion has been responsible for so many atrocities through out history. They have in the past lived without question. It is about time that they are being questioned and held accountable. Unfortunately, from the bit I have read the accountability is lacking.

    I will carry the scars to my grave! I am grateful for this sight to be able to be heard along with all the others who have suffered at the hands of others.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Mary:

      You write very well, and your story is very interesting! —- In many ways, your life and my life in Catholic School are very similar. It took me a long time to figure out what was wrong with me in terms of getting a high quality education on which to build a future. —– One day, after the Army experience in the 60’s, I just decided to go back to College, and make things happen in my life, and I have never stopped since that time. —– Everyone has GREATNESS within them! —– Everyone can be successful! —- The nuns and the priests wanted to create robots that would follow the Catholic Church blindly. I chose to be an independent thinker. —- Welcome to the site! —– You are in good hands here! —— We understand! —– God bless you! —– Dwayne.

    • Fran Says:

      Mary,I’m sending you a big hug! 🙂
      It is true many woman entered the religious order knowing it would guarantee them a place of respect,status and power in the catholic community. That is the main reason many parents gave the nuns free reign in controlling and disciplining their children. 😦
      Nuns were considered brides of Christ and were felt by many to be incapable of doing any wrong.

    • pattyann Says:

      My experience was similar to yours. I was the tallest in my class too and had to sit in the back row. I believe that I was singled out because I looked different. I still have the physical scars on my body from being beaten on the sides of my face. The stairs, the room, the humiliation, I experienced it all.
      The hard part for me was that I never really knew if my parents believed me! The nuns would praise me on parent-teacher night. I was suddenly their favorite student; such a nice girl. Where did that come from? What happened? I learned at a young age that women could not be trusted. I feel the same today.

      • Mary Tod Says:

        Hello Pattyann,

        Sister Mary Frederick was very calculated and deceitful. She would try to fool my mother. I had a similar experience coming down the stairs later from the gym watching a basketball game. The game was over and I was leaving with friends she was standing in the same place on the bottom level. Her hands were behind her back and she called me over. I was terrified! Head games! She brought her hands from behind her back and presented me with a gift. A felt board with animals, letters and people. I brought it home and hated the site of it. I knew what she was doing. At Christmas she asked my mother if she could take me to a Christmas fair in Wellsely, ma. I begged my mother not to go. She made me go. Sister Mary Frederick put up a front to hide the horrible things she was doing to me. It was years before I ever spoke of the abuse. It came out after my mom died when I was 10. I have gone to counseling for it. I had recurring nightmares well into my thirties. I was very proctective of my son when he was born and all through out his schooling. I turned totally against religion. I married someone who was abusive and divorced. I wonder what my life would have been like if I never met Sister Mary Frederick.
        I suffer from depression and anxiety! I have a hard time trusting anyone.

        My life has been overshadowed by the deceit, coverups, corruption and deception of the catholic church. I went to work for a Catholic hospital behind my home for the convience to care for and be close and accessible to my son and his school. The deceit and corruption runs deep! I was injured at work and got to know the full extent of deceit and corruption. I had doctors lie on my medical records, to insurance companies, my medical records rifled, my hipa violated, medical mistakes covered up. I have all the solid documentation to prove it. I had my medical records corrected. Was told by the safety officer at the hospital at the hospital there was a big cover up and she referred me to a lawyer. I had a anonymous copy of my medical records delivered to my house and dropped on my front porch when they at first refused to give me a copy right away and told me I had to wait 24 hours. There was a angel in the office that day that was trying to help. That person took a big risk making a copy of my records and delivering the secretively to my home. I had the surgeon that operated on me falsefy my records, the workmans comp doctor told the adjuster she never treated me, the human resources department played a part as well as the chief medical officer and the corporate nun. It was three years later I found the documents for treatment on 3 different occasion by the workmans comp doctor. I filed them by mistake with my dogs records which were filed behind mine. My Manager as well took part trying to falsely accuse me of things I did not do and lying on my evaluation. She accused me of throwing my evaluation at her which was a outright lied which I proved and had removed from my records. I always had glowing evaluations.
        She waited till last day to give me my evaluatuation and stayed till 7 oclock at night to do it. She only did my evaluation and no others. She hated me for my involvement with the union. My problems all started with my involvement with the union. Her mistake was bringing the new manager in to my second evaluation which I requested as her first one was a lie accusing me of having a problem with anger. I have a lot agreed to be angry for but I am not a angry person despite it all and channel my past experiences of abuse in a positive way! Uncovering corruption when ever possible, trying to stop bullying and abuse.
        Her second evaluation was worst than the first and came with a written warning which I refused sign just like the first evaluation. I was shocked at the written warning but not surprised. Life has now taught me how to deal with people like her. I starred at her real hard right in the eyes across the table with the new manager to seated to my right. I stated, “I threw my evaluation at you! That is a lie, as I never even touched it.” She couldn’t look back at me and started looking down at the table figgetting and then changed her story to I pushed it accross the table. The other manager is witnessing all that is transpiring. I said, I never touched it and I did not have a problem with anger, but what does make me angry is when someone lies about me and puts it in writing which is defamation of character. She said, “it was not.” I said, “yes, it was as I had already consulted with a lawyer. The meeting ended then. The new manager came to bat for me as that could have gone either way. The warning was thrown out.

        My evaluations after that were glowing. There is so much more to the story that my therapist urged me to take it to the papers. I am worn by things that have happened in my life and want to throw all the evidence I have away. I showed my therapist the stacks of evidence and she went through it and read it and told me to hide it in a safe place. Never throw it away.

        The nuns carry on as well as the Catholics and servants to the archdiosese long after school.
        They abuse there power as administrators and leaders. Working as in my case for hospitals.

      • firetender Says:

        Mary Tod, I hear your frustration with the Church as a whole and your disgust with the current situation you’re in. I’m glad you shared it as it spotlights one more of many levels of organizational corruption AND I want to remind everyone that this is about the nuns, and specifically, the abuses we experienced as children with the focus on being present for each other’s healing.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mary:

        If there is one lesson to be learn from the stories on this site it is that the Catholic Church, the Nuns and Priest along with the “Cool-Aide-Drinking-Faithfull” cannot be trusted! —– They do not live the Christian Religion, but rather, they hide behind the Christian Religion while doing their dirty deeds! —– I have had my dealings with Catholic Hospitals and “Living Wills” with my parents. I had to threaten “legal action against the Hospital” to get them to honor my parent’s “Living Will.” —– A Nun / Nurse tried to block the “Living Will!” She thought that I would “back down!” —– But I made her “back down!” —– It felt VERY good! ——– Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        Hello Mary Tod, welcome and I think a lot of us have a problem when it comes to being lied to and about. We learned very, very young that nuns were liars and we could do nothing about it. Now we suffer so much to this day. I do believe in God and I believe that the liars will be punished for what they have done to such innocent and beautiful children. I now hate anyone that lies to me and about me, I cannot withhold my anger because it is so wrong. God Bless You.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary W. you hit the nail right on the head!

        The nuns were and are basically very psychologically sick human beings. ——- They were recruited by the Church, to do the necessary work, in order for create a group of people who would follow the directions of the organization blindly. —- (A good analogy of this would be the German People in WW2)

        Psychologically sick human beings have no trouble lying and abusing people. They just see lying and abuse as just tools to get the job done!

        What is shocking is that intelligent people cannot see that the nuns are the foot soldiers of the church, and in the process, walk completely away from Catholicism. I still have members of my family, who were educated in Catholic Schools in the 50’s, that continue to follow whatever the nuns and priests dictate. If a nun or priest told me to do something I would do the opposite. The way you become psychologically healthy is to walk away from the Catholic Church, close the door on that chapter of your life, never look back, and find a good / friendly / positive / bible based church, and for the first time in your life start to enjoy the Christian Religion.

        The women who enter the Convent are VERY SICK people and they love to spread their disease to anyone who will listen. They took advantage of children in order to create loyal Catholic Robots! If the child had a “mind of it’s own” they used physical abuse to erase that trait! They wanted to create “non-thinking human robots” that would respond “yes sister” and “no sister!” —– They wanted to create adult human beings would kiss the feet of the clergy! —- God did not create human beings to be subservient to any other human being! —– I have no respect for the Catholic Clergy. —- Respect is earned, and by their performance in my life time they have not earned my respect! —- They are fakes, frauds, and phonies!

        Have a GREAT life! —– Remember, there is GREATNESS in you that needs to be discovered! —– You are a logical / thinking human being, and you can make things happen in your life! —— Take charge of your life! —– God loves you! ——– God bless you! ———- Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        Dear sweet Dwayne, you have such a kind way of making people feel better. You are so right about the evil of the clergy trying to make loyal robots.. I have discovered so many things that the church is wrong about, such as confession to a priest to be forgiven. I do not interpret the Bible the way they do, I think it means if you do not forgive someone’s sins against you then they will not be forgiven of you. Where does it say to not eat meat on Friday in the Bible? Where does it say to invent nuns and priests? It does say call no man “father”. So after years of misinformation, abuse and lies no wonder the church is in trouble. Spending hard earned money of the faithful so they may live like kings and pay hush money and laws suit expenses. .It is shameful the way they treat loyal followers. But as we all know it is all about the money. Take care Dwayne, you rock !!! God blessings to you and yours.

      • mary Tod Says:

        Hello, Thank you Mary W., Dwyane, Patty and everyone else for your kind words and support. It is hard even to bring up the past as it still hurts so much. It has made me stronger in other ways! What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger I guess. I just read that the pope robbed a dead clergyman of his cross! It outraged me to think just a mere confession of the deed absolves everything and he still keeps the cross. Imagine if it was a child in a parochial school and a nun witnessed the incident. That child would have faced the Catholic wrath and been been, punished, humiliated, expelled and further punished by there Catholic parents. It is business as usual for the catholic church not taking responsibility, having a conscience for your actions, consequences etc. I wrote the pope a few years back in regards to the abuse by Sister Mary Frederick but got no response of course. I am overwhelmed at the replies and kindness of firetenders blog. Thank you! Peace, Mary T.

        Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 16:05:25 +0000 To:

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mary Tod:

        I enjoy reading your postings. Telling our story is VERY important both for ourselves, and for the people reading this blog.

        The “faithful of the Catholic Church” need to understand the extend of abuse that some children suffered at the hands of the nuns, and they need to work to force accountability from the leadership of the Church for those crimes against children.

        You stated in your posting; —- “I wrote the pope a few years back in regards to the abuse by Sister Mary Frederick, but got no response of course!” ——— I look at this situation from a slightly different point of view. —— YOU DID GET A RESPONSE! It was in the form of NO RESPONSE! —— This proves that the leadership of the Catholic Church new exactly what was going on in the Catholic Schools, they condoned the behavior of the nuns, and now they simply have no comment, because they want it all to go away! —- If it was not for the “internet,” we would not have had the opportunity to compare stories about the nuns. The internet has given us POWER! They are very aware of that, and they are running scared. People are starting to wake up, and they are starting to withhold contributions to the Bishops in New Jersey. —- Everyone of the sites that allows individuals to tell their stories about the abuse of nuns is opening the eyes of the faithful!

        You are a good person who has experienced some negative events at the hands of the nuns. —- You are a thinking human being who is capable of making sound decisions. The Christian Religion is a religion of love and possibilities. It is not a religion of negativity and rules and regulations. Find a Christian church that supports your Christian beliefs. Read the bible and figure things out on your own. Associate with positive / goal seeking / successful people who are living a Christian life. There is GREATNESS in you that needs to be discovered. You have the power to achieve great things in your life. Share your stories with us. We are here to support you! —- All the best. —– God loves you. —— God bless you. —– Dwayne

      • Melpub Says:

        Sister Mary is a sadistic jerk! I’m glad you lived to tell the tale.

      • Mary Tod Says:

        She was Sadistic, cold and calculating. I am glad I am able to tell my story, just like to many others have. The internet has become a powerful tool. I am glad I found this blog. I have talked with therapists in the past, family and friends. I never felt like anyone really understood what I went through and am still haunted by. Here I feel understood because everyone here knows the truth and the reality of the abuse we went through at the hands of nuns and clergy. Sister Mary Frederick is more than likely deceased. I know I wasn’t the only one she abused. I hope others find this site. I was her primary target in second grade. I remember after she was abusive I refused to speak or respond. I sat at my desk angry and withdrawn and she tried to get me to come around to send me home. I remember she would put a glass of water with a wooden bird that bobbed its head in and out of the water and have other students talk to me and tell me its alright. Or she would click a metal clicker around me. I hated her so much! She looked so evil being tall in her black habit. She had a widows peak with black hair and dark cold eyes with glasses and facial hair. She looked like a witch! I still have scars on both my legs from where my legs hit the metal rims on the stairs. I been asked when I was younger how I got them and I made up a lie and said I fell on a push lawn mower. I didn’t want anyone to know how it really happened. I have been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder and anxiety because of her. I try to separate myself from the abuse and other abuses I have faced in my life. It is like there never gone but are in a back pack that gets to heavy sometimes. Now I want everyone to know how it really happened. I want to see them held accountable! I am here to listen to support anyone else as others have done for me. Thank you Melpub!

      • Melpub Says:

        I wish I could do more than just listen and tell you you’re brave and I’m glad you can tell the story! I wish the order of nuns as well as Pope Francis would publicly acknowledge all this abuse. Thank you for telling your story.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Thank you for sharing your story! —- The nuns were very sick people, and they were more than happy to use their illness to do the necessary dirty work of the Church to get the end results that Rome wanted! They could have been human beings in school, but they chose to be negative. The thought that being negative would produce the loyal subjects that they wanted. In many cases it did, but there were a few of use, (the people on this site), who refused to drink the Catholic Cool Aid and “we paid the price.” —— When I was a very young boy, I spend many weekends and Summers in Kingston N.Y. and the people that I associated with were members of the Dutch Reformed Church in Hurley N.J.. Many times my family would join the other families and participate in social activities that the church sponsored. As a child I notice that these Christians were very happy grounded people in their faith, and they enjoyed their church. Then I would return to my school in NYC and see negativity both in the classroom, and in the church from Monday to Friday and I could never understand why one Christian Church was positive, and mine was so negative. The nuns always painted God and the religion in a negative light. They were always looking for sin in everyone, and they were more than willing to use violence to remove that sin from the child. —— Mary, you are a good person. What the nuns did to you was very wrong. We all suffered twice. Once by the nuns, and then a second time by our parents not believing us and taking appropriate action against the nuns and their order. When I was in Catholic School in NYC in the 50’s a nun grabbed me by the hair and grabbed another boy by the hair and banged our heads together. When I complained to my parents their solution was to have my hair cut short so the nun could not do that again! If I was the parent I would have showed up at the school with an attorney and made them pay “Big Time!” So our parents were enablers. They made it possible for the nuns to get away with their violence. Our parents wanted us to follow directions with “blind obedience.” —— “Blind obedience” is very useful later on in life. It not only helps the church financially, but it also gives the government a pool of individuals to put into uniforms and fight wars. It is just exchanging one authority figure for another. (A nun for a Sgt.) —– We are hear to listen! —– There is GREATNESS in you! The nuns cannot take that GREATNESS away from you! YES, they have hurt you and you have every right to be mad. We are hear to listen, and we will support you on the road to recovery! —– You are in control of your own life now, and you can make things happen by design. The nuns are dead and buried, and you are alive. Enjoy you life. If you want to participate in the Christian Religion, find a Christian Church with positive people and attend services. If you do not want to attend an organized religion, read the bible on your own. Your religion should be a personal activity between you and God, not rules and regulations. God bless you! —– Dwayne

      • Mary Tod Says:

        Thank you once again Dwayne! Your story is similiar! My mother had my father cut my hair in what was called a pixie cut at the time so she could no longer pull me by my hair. I didn’t want my hair cut I hated the hair cut my father gave me. I went from a pretty little girl with long blond hair to a distressed looking girl who gained weight. I look back at my school pictures before and after and see the dramatic changes in my appearance. My mother had so much to deal with with six kids and a alcoholic father, and she was dying from cancer, that she was in denial to what was happening to me and to overwhelmed to deal with it. I feel she bought into the nuns and Catholic brainwashing. I felt like she resented me in a way!

        What happened to you was horrible. How much that must of hurt, but it to me is the psychological hurt that is the worst. It effects us the rest of our lives. Thank you again for listening.


      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary, thank you for sharing your experience. When we look back at our past life, our vision is always 20 / 20! —- We can see all the solutions to the problems that we faced, and we wonder why we did not see the situation as clear as we see it today. —- The reality is that we were all used and abused for the benefit of the organization (the Catholic Church). The children in Catholic Schools today are still being abused by the philosophy of the nuns, even though there are not many teaching nuns left. —– The Catholic Schools are still selling their “sick philosophy of life” to young people. —– My wife an I own a professional tutoring service. We DO NOT teach an academic subject, but rather, we teach “Study Skills / School Success Skills!” We teach the young person to take charge of their lives and their education. We teach them how to set self-designed / realistic goals and develop a plan of action to active those goals. We teach them how to make things happen in their life by design, rather then letting things happen in their life by chance. As a way of giving back to the community, we offered to give our program to a local Catholic Elementary School free of charge. —- They were not interested. —— I can understand why they were not interested, because we are teaching the young person to be independent and to be able to stand on their own. They want the individual to be dependent on the Church for their existence. They still want to create robots. —- While the “violence” is no longer in the Catholic Schools, the psychological manipulation is still present! —- Life is a game! Every organization wants a piece of the individual. They want to control the individual, and the bottom line is obedience and money. It time that we take charge of our own lives and start to make our own decisions. Everyone on this site has GREATNESS in them that has not been discovered and / or utilized. We own it to ourselves to discover that GREATNESS, and build a successful life based on our talents, skills and abilities. There is nothing wrong with us because we were created in the image and likeness of God, and God does not make junk! —- You are a GREAT person and you can be very successful in life. Everyone on this site understands where you are coming from when you share your stories. —- Yes we all can relate to those days. When I close my eyes sometimes I go back to that Catholic School on Christopher Street in New York City, and I can still see myself sitting in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7, and I can relive all the negative experiences. But when I do this, I have to pull myself back from the past and into the reality of the here and now, and then move forward! —— God bless you! —- Dwayne

    • George Barilla Says:

      Dear Mary Tod, you’ve found a blog that is very supportive of those abused by nuns. This blog helped me much and encouraged me to share my story. There are other blogs that help in different ways such as: (survivors network against priests, but has a section on nuns. I also have a blog: and I talk about the catholic church and how it abuses the parishioners. So there is a variety of helpful places for survivors like us to go.‎

    • George Barilla Says:

      Dear Mary Tod, you’ve found a blog that is very supportive of those abused by nuns. This blog helped me much and encouraged me to share my story. There are other blogs that help in different ways such as: (survivors network against priests, but has a section on nuns. I also have a blog: and I talk about the catholic church and how it abuses the parishioners. So there is a variety of helpful places for survivors like us to go.

  418. Brownie Says:

    Dear all
    I wasn’t abused as a child, not by nuns anyway , but I came close enough to their world to have more than a taste of their bitterness…
    What the clergy does to people in the throbs of their wrath and envy, doesn’t just cause PTSD but also takes away religion from their victim.
    Religion is hope and consolation for most folks, so tainting its philosophy by committing violence in the name of God is an even greater form of abuse. It erodes the trust in humans in institutions and in God himself.
    The nun who abused me did it when I was around 20 and boarding at a convent in my unversity year. She abused most of us, young women dispite our age, despite the fact that we were college students. She also abused older people who happened to board that place. She wasn’t allowed to carry out any of the abuse, yet she managed to humiliate most of us, hard to explain how she made us believe that what she did was fair.
    She did her best to serve us the lousiest food ever made despite the fact that we paid a high fee to board there. Anyone getting late would be denied food. Mind you we were adults, we could have gone out and gotten ourselves dinner, but there are days when one is too tired to go out again to grab dinner. She always lashed out one of those days when she would have been simply too much.
    She spread rumors.
    She had favourites and snitches who would rat on the rest of us for the extra slice of cake.
    She had grown women in tears.I will never forget the day she kicked this homeless woman out. The poor woman was begging and pleading.
    She beat me, eventually. Then i understood why people were so fearful of her, instinctively. She beat me and i was a young 20 of twenty, imagine what she did to the little kids. She had been teaching, i heard and after she beat me to the ground i thought of those kids who were in her care. Being beaten by a nun at such a ripe age gave me perspective on the whole issue of child beatings, nuns abusing kids and so on.
    This woman wanted to humiliate me, wanted to destroy my spirit wanted to make me into an obedient lamb. That is what she liked to do to people who were smaller or poorer or anyhow vulnerable to her vicious attacks. She was a sadist. And a narcissist, full of hatred and envy, because were were young and alive and she was just an old gray, decaying corpse.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Please tell us more about your experience. —- If I understand your posting correctly, you were 20 years old in a boarding school situation, when this occurred to both you, and other young adults. QUESTION: Why didn’t you, and the others go to the authorities, and file formal charges against her and the order of nuns? —– Did this occur in the United States? —- The Catholic Church, and the Catholic Clergy are VERY sick! —– Please share more of your experience. —– All the best! —– God bless you! —– Dwayne

    • Mary Tod Says:

      Hello Brownie, I am sorry that you were beaten and humiliated by that nun. You do turn away from religion and lose trust. I became very rebellious against the nuns and would challenge them when ever possible to prove how phony they were. I technically was abused by two nuns. The second one was a school mate of my sisters in High School. Prior to joining the Convent she was at our house a couple of times and indecently assaulted myself and my sister. She grabbed my bottom one time and another my breast. I yelled at her and told never to do it again. I was only about 12 years old. She was 19. She is not dead like the nun Sister Mary Frederick that abused me in second grade. She left the Convent and came out as a Lesbian and is a Minister now. She went to Harvard! She has access to children in her ministry. She makes me sick! I would like to confront her. I know she would deny it. She grabbed my sister who was 2 years younger than myself at the time. My sister was upset as I was.

      In my opinion nuns join the convent to hide, abuse, manipulate, control, etc. Very few I found had good or sincere intentions. They were for the most part Sick, twisted, phony, abusive, manipulative, evil, and narcissistic as you said.

      These nuns can leave the order and go on to be ministers and continue there abuse.

      It is time for the nuns to be held accountable the same as priests.

      The nuns who taught me were the Sisters of St. Joseph. They supposedly took a vow of poverty. That was a laugh! Most of them never wore the same outfit twice when the went from habits to regular clothes. They were able to receive money and gifts from family and whomever. My eighth grade teacher would ask me to go to the corner store to pick up her lunch at lunchtime. She would have a different student do it every day. She ate whatever she liked. I asked, ” why if she took a vow of poverty that she could buy her lunch everyday and had so many different outfits.” She told me, ” yes she took a vow of poverty but I am allowed to take money from family and my parents gave me a allowance.” My ninth grade teacher went to school with my sisters and was stood up at the altar and became a nun. I asked her in class, ” why did you become a nun?” She used the standard line, “I got the calling” I retorted, “that is not true as you joined immediately after being stood up at the alter.” It was kind of cruel on my part but I was determined to uncover the nuns for what they were. I ran into her a couple of years later. She left the Convent after what I had said. She told me it was ok! She is now a successful lawyer! I guess I did her a favor in the end. I was asked to leave St. Patricks School in the ninth grade. I had good grades but they thought I would be better suited to public school.

      Priests live and vacation in beautiful homes, some have cooks and maids. The monsignor at our church traveled, played golf, had a vacation home in Long Island New York. The pope had a Harley, and stole a cross off a dead priest by forcefully ripping it from his hands in his coffin. The Pope still has this stolen property. How sick and wrong is that?

      When you think of it when the church settles with the victims it is not one of the perpetrators that pays but every paying member of the church. Churches have closed and consolidated to pay for these settlements. It is the innocent members of the church who are paying. The whole system is wrong and needs to be shutdown. No one should contribute another dime to the Catholic church and they should close there doors and hold the priests and nuns that have wronged so many face the justice system of the country they committed the crimes. All assetts of the church should be seized and go to the victims, and what ever is left after that to the communities that gave the money and the poor. Let the priests and nuns earn a living and pay taxes just like everyone else and let the criminal ones face justice like everyone else.

      I agree with Dwayne it is “Time to Close it Down.” Brownie you have come to a good place. It is helpful to share your experiences with other victims who understand you and know your not alone. Dwayne is especially is very supportive. I would like to learn more as what can be done to hold them accountable the same as priests.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary; —– You “hit the nail on the head!” —- I like your posting! —-Very well written! —- There is something very wrong with the nuns and the Catholic Church. They have an “agenda” that is NOT in alignment with Christianity! —- We need to get the “faithful” to stop contributing to the Church on Sunday. If we stop the “flow of money” we will get justice! —- All the best! —- God bless! ——— Dwayne

  419. elizabeth Says:

    Thank you so much for this blog and all of the comments, I finally feel like I have a sense of community. I was 6 years old when I was savagely beaten by Sister Marie, (the sisters of St. Joseph, LaGrange, IL St. Francis). She did beat other children, but I was her favorite target. I had strabismus(lazy eye) so she would beat me because she said that I wasn’t looking at her when she was talking. I had(still have, but it’s better) a spastic bladder and she wouldn’t let me go to the bathroom. When I would wet my pants she would hit me with this big ring of metal keys that she kept hooked on her belt. After that I would have to stand in the wastebasket for the rest of the day because I was “trash”. I couldn’t tell my parents or they would beat me for making the nuns beat me. I still have the sca over my left eye and this happened in 1980.

    I remember Sister Marie telling me that I couldn’t be a child of God because God would never make anyone so ugly. My family was very poor and we couldn’t afford tuition so she knew I was the perfect victim. Was I gonna complain? Get my 6 siblings thrown out of school? I would see my siblings on the playground and cry uncontrollably that I knew Sr. Marie was going to beat me when I got back to the classroom, One time, just before recess, she called on me to spell ‘umbrella’ and I didn’t know how. I found my sister and begged her to tell me so that I wouldn’t get the keys on my skull. I was shaking and screaming. I couldn’t learn how to spell. I went back into class and got beat for crying.

    My sister told my mom, not out of spite but she could see that something much worse than spanking was going on, and again, I got beat for causing problems at school.

    I know that school administrators knew. When I was 19 I had a boss who had a daughter who had a daughter who went to St. Francis and had Sr. Marie. In 1993 she was still abusing children.

    I know my parents were to blame. This fact does not lift blame from the Catholic church. Sexual abuse is a horrific demonic crime, but it isn’t the only one that the church is committing against children. i don’t even have any recourse, not that money would change anything that happened to me, but literally I am left to just deal with it without so much as an acknowledgement from anyone.

    Most hurtful to me is that almost all of my family are still practicing Catholics, even the sisters that saw the bruises and cuts on a daily basis. One of them has a daughter making her first communion this year! I wonder how she would feel if she came home beaten everyday. In a cruel twist of irony her daughter has strabismus. I feel very judged for not being religious and not raising my two sons to be religious. I have a very messed up family. I guess I have to choose messed up or no family at all.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Elizabeth; —– welcome to the group. Everyone on this site is carrying the scars of child abuse by the nuns in Catholic Schools and in Catholic Institutions.

      What you described, I also witnessed in Catholic Schools in New York City in the late 50’s. YES, the nuns were very abusive, and the parents, (the Cool Aid Drinking Catholic) allowed this to happen, because they did not believe the stories that the children were telling them, and they were VERY afraid to go against the nuns and priests.

      The Catholic Church, and the Catholic Clergy are very evil! They are not concerned about the welfare of the membership, but rather, they are concerned about the welfare of the business called the Catholic Church. The “faithful,” (the Cool Aid Drinking Catholics), are simply there to serve the Church with their money! The Clergy has no respect for the “faithful,” yet they expect the “faithful” to have respect for the Clergy. It is a one way street! Just keep giving the money to the Catholic Church, so that they can do their dirty deeds and live very well in the process!

      I was educated in Catholic Schools from 1948 to 1960, and I DID NOT receive a high quality education on which to build a future. The Church used the Catholic Schools, that I attended, as a religious indoctrination centers. They wanted to created “loyal / blind followers” of the Catholic Doctrine, and the Catholic Way of reasoning and thinking. The nuns were the “ground troops” of the Catholic Church, and they were there to break the spirit of the children, and mold them into “Cool Aid Drinking Follows” of a distorted Christian religion, and a distorted way of thinking. There is no logic in the Catholic Church. It is based on “blind obedience” and total submission to the authority of the clergy and the Church! When I graduated from Catholic High School I was prepared for NOTHING! I had to re-educate myself, and work to get accepted into a State College after the military in the 60’s. It took me years to feel comfortable in school, but in my lifetime, I have earned two MA degrees, and I had an outstanding career in Public Education.

      You are a GOOD PERSON, and you were abused by these evil nuns. They took advantage of you and your circumstances. They claimed that they were Christian, but when they had the opportunity to show a “Christian concern,” they chose to inflict pain on you in the form of beatings that were designed to control the other children in the class, and to tear you down. ——— There is GREATNESS in you! Make things happen in your life by design. You have the power to be successful. You can accomplish great things in your life. Learn from the past, work in the present, and plan for the future. DO NOT let these evil people steal your life, and your future from you!

      I have no use / respect for the Catholic Church, the nuns and the priests. The Catholic Church is not a good example of the Christian Religion. It is a “CULT!” It is a “self-serving” organization hiding behind the Christian Religion.

      God bless you! —— Remember, you are #1 in God’s eyes. —- These people who hurt you are very sick!

      All the best. —- Write back if you have the opportunity.


      • elizabeth Says:

        Thank you, Dwayne. Funny how I get a lot more support and understanding from people I have never met than from my sisters who saw what happened. Thanks again.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Elizabeth, the reason is that we HAVE NOT taken in the “Catholic Cool Aid!” —– We can see through the “evil of the nuns,” and their “operational plan.” —- We understand what the Catholic Church is all about! —– I also have relatives that believe blindly in the “Catholic Plan of Action!” —– Hang in there, and enjoy your life. —– Find a good bible based church with true Christian people, and enjoy the experience. —– All the best & God bless you! —— Dwayne

    • Melpub Says:

      I am sorry to hear you went through these awful experiences with these sick women, getting no support from your family, but glad you can tell in detail what happened. There are forums for people with family members who have personality disorders–outofthefog is a good one.

    • Frank Says:

      Hi Elizabeth,
      What happened to you is truly awful and disgusting. The evil and sadistic sociopath who did those things to you should have gone to jail for them… as should thousands of nuns all over the world who damaged if not ruined our young lives that they were charged with nurturing and cultivating. Know that you are safe and among friends here.

      Let me reflect on 2 themes that I think have emerged from all the stories on this blog:
      1. certain nuns were way worse than the average in their treatment of kids (and the average was pretty awful too)
      2. certain kids were treated way worse than the others. The nuns seemed to have kids they especially targeted.

      My older brother was hardly ever in trouble. He was fairly meek and mild, kept his head down, stayed low and didn’t rock the boat. I was not like that and got the hell beaten out of me on a daily basis In 5 of the 12 years that I was in the catholic school system. Another 5 of those 12 years, it was not good, but it was way better than the bad 5. In the other 2 years, I had benign teachers who were not angry people and generally did not hurt the kids, but unfortunately I could not take advantage of that because I did not trust them and was always on guard against being trapped by a trick question, or bracing myself for physical assault every time they walked past me.

      So my older brother doesn’t ‘get’ what happened to me, the damage it caused, the fact I had PTSD because of it and so on… because it was not his experience and because it happened as kids. He cannot identify with it. If he saw that happening to me as an adult, he would understand, but kids are not wired like that. He is not indifferent to my experience, but he can never appreciate, empathise or understand the experience like people on this blog do in a heartbeat.

      Did your sisters have a similar experience to you? Were they targeted? If they were not, and even if they saw some of the awful things that happened to you, they don’t have your experience… the things that people on this blog know and understand only too well, and that is what the mind of a child makes of what is happening to us. If we were confronted with a similar situation as an adult e.g. as prisoners of war, we would be much better mentally and emotionally equipped to deal with the abuse. The problem is that these things happened to us as kids and we have no handles or context to make sense of them. All we have are the raw emotions of fear, anger, guilt, shame etc and they contaminate our whole lives as kids, not just when we were at greatest risk in the classroom.

      I’m curious about the experience of others on the blog with their siblings who were not targeted and not badly abused by the nuns. Do they really get what happened to you? Do you feel understood by them in relation to the abuse? Can they truly empathise with you?

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Frank, —- well said and well written! —- People who HAVE NOT lived the experience first hand cannot understand, and / or empathize with the people who suffered under the negativity of the nuns.

        I have a male cousin, who is one year older than me, and who also attended a Catholic School in New York City. In my school, I had the Sisters of Charity, and in his school, he had an order of nuns from Italy. He experienced the abuse of the nuns, BUT he thinks that it was “just the times that we lived in,” and that is the way Catholic Education was, and I should just forget it, and give the nuns a pass! —– He is also a devoted / Cool Aid Drinking Catholic, and he obeys every rule, regulation and suggestion that is given from the Church. —– I, on the other hand, DO NOT obey the rules and regulations of the Catholic Church. ——– I am the BEST Protestant that the nuns ever created. I make it a point to enjoy my life by NOT being a part of the Catholic Church. —– In addition, I make it a point to be a “thorn in the side of the Catholic Church” whenever possible. —– My goal is to make them pay “Big Time” for the twelve years of “fear” and “abuse” that the nuns put me through while hiding behind the “stage set” of providing a high quality education. (The Academic Education that I received in twelve years of Catholic School was sub-standard! The High School Diploma was not worth the paper it was printed on. I had to educate myself in order to get accepted into college after the Army in the 60’s.)

        The Catholic Church, through their nuns, have destroyed people’s lives by destroying their self-esteem! The made them believe that they were worthless, and as a result, they never discovered their own greatness, and they have lived a life that was way below their true potential! —– This was done by design because they wanted complete control of the young person in order to mold them into “loyal slaves of the Catholic Church!” — The want the “Faithful” to serve the Church and the Clergy without question. The nuns were responsible for making this happen by destroying the individuality of the child! They took extreme pleasure in destroying young human beings.

        Cool Aide Drinking Catholics will never understand what we all experienced, because most of them were good little boys and girls who never had an “original thought in their educational life,” and who never disagreed with the nuns. — Catholic Education worked for them because they were the “lap dogs of the nuns!” —- They are still “kissing the ass of the Church” by not demanding that the Church deal with us in a professional manner! —- We were the ones who were abused, and we should give the Church and the nuns a pass, and make believe nothing happened! I don’t think so! I want justice!

        The Cool Aid Drinking Catholics think that the Nuns, Priests, Bishops, Cardinals, Pope and the Catholic Church know that they exist. —- They really think that their name in written in some type of membership book.They only way that the Catholic Church knows that they exist is by cashing their Sunday check or processing their Sunday envelope. The whole thing is just a “BIG BUSINESS” you know like Ford, General Motors or Chrysler. It is the “bottom line” that counts. If you give the Church enough money they will guarantee you heaven!

        God bless everyone on this site!


  420. Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

    Hi all:

    I was looking through the postings on this great blog, and I noticed that I have not received a posting since 4/22/14. —– I miss you guys. —— This is a great group of people. —– I hope everything is well with everyone. —- All the best! —– God bless! ——– Dwayne

    • Melissa Knox-Raab Says:

      Hi, Dwayne. Well I could send a poem I wrote about a nun . . . . on the other hand, that is probably not what you are looking for!!

      But how about overhauling the website a bit? I think everyone would really love that. Best, Melissa

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Melissa:

        Kindly be advised that I do not have the power to change the site, since I do not own the site! —— I just enjoy exchanging some ideas with some great people. If it wasn’t for the “net,” we would have never had the opportunity to meet and exchange stories and ideas. —– If would be great if everyone on this site could meet in one place, to see each other, and really get to know one another. But this most likely will never happen, so the best that we can do is to relate our stories, and in the process, support one another in a caring / professional manner. —– YES, there is a “lot of hurt” on this site. People have been suffering for years from the abuse of nuns in Catholic Schools and Catholic Institutions, and the leadership of the Catholic Church has never cared about the damage that they did to the children. —- This site is our place to be heard in a professional manner, and to help each other to heal! —— If you have a story about nuns and a Catholic School experience we will listen and support you! —– God Bless! —- Dwayne

    • Says:

      Hello Dwayne 🙂 I think these run in cycles when something happens it may trigger a memory or something. Then someone new to the group shows up and we get more stories. I was reading again about the decline in the Catholic Church in Ireland, how not even one priest has been ordained from Dublin and the church goers are over 60 and that is it. Too much abuse and lack of accountability has taken a huge toll in that country. Like it is here they just haven’t felt all the full effects yet. They also stated that the Vatican had know of this typed of abuse 300 years after the church began. Yikes! They should have nipped it in the bud then. Now coming home Catholics is kind of a joke to me come home to what? Hell on earth. No thank you. God Bless All!!

      • firetender Says:

        We do go in spurts. One thing we all know, I think, is that since the Church is supposedly clamping down on Pedophilia by priests, it is highly likely that we, of a less spectacular order, will continue to be ignored. Even SNAP is saying that the upcoming meeting with the Pope is no more than a gesture, P.R. ploy. I agree, it’s a distraction to provide the illusion that action is being taken. Even clamping down on a few random priests will not come close to addressing the Cancer that STILL lives in the Church; children are chattel.

        That’s why, even from the beginning I’ve felt that this site needs to concentrate on doing some healing of the wounded. We don’t need to go to war again; been there, done that! Now, it’s a matter of continuing to work with the Veterans who still suffer. That, after all, is the only meaningful winning we can do!

        And, oh! Did I hear someone say they were volunteering to update this website?

      • MaryW Says:

        You are so right, expecting things to be made right is a fantasy, they would have to send us all back in time with our memories intact to do anything. We have survived, damaged beyond repair and no matter what the church did, it would not “fix” anything. We must forget hoping the church will change because we know it won’t. It is left up to each of us to do what we must to heal ourselves. Look to God for help, not the church or its members. If you see a wrong do something about it now, don’t wait. God bless you all.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


        You are correct with regards to healing ourselves! The first thing we need to do is stop attending Catholic Services, and stop contributing to the support of the Catholic Church. —- My wife and I have not attended a Catholic Church service for over a year, and we take the money that we would have giving to the church, and we give it to people as a “tip for proving services.” — If we get our vehicle serviced at the dealer, we will leave a tip for the technician. Recently we had the exterior of our house painted. At the end of the job, we gave a cash tip to the two young men who did the job. —– This Spring we converted our home from an oil heating system to natural gas. At the end of the job, we gave the two young men a cash tip. YES, we are still helping people with our money but we know where our money is going. We ARE NOT enabling the “Criminal Catholic Clergy” to abuse children with out money! The Catholic Church and the “Criminal Clergy” will never get any of our money! The new Pope is a joke! He knows that the Catholic Church is in BIG Trouble with regards to child abuse, but he is only going through the motions of trying to solve the problem. His recent trip is being carried out to just cloud the issue! —– All the best to you and everyone on this site! —– God Bless! —- Dwayne

      • MaryW Says:

        Greetings to you Dwayne, I am sure the money in tips helps a whole lot more than giving it to the Catholic Church to use as hush money and living like kings while the parishioners starve. They will lie forever about everything and until they come down to earth they will go no where. Blessings to you and yours 🙂

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


        Thank you for your support! —- Our reward comes from seeing the “smile” on the faces of the people who are receiving our small gifts. —– One young man said to us “God Bless You!” That meant more to us then all the Church Services that we have ever attendant in our life time. —– You see, I do not know what was going on in this young man’s life, but I could see that the money had taken a load off of his shoulders. —- All the best! —— Dwayne

      • firetender Says:

        I just ran into this article, haven’t had a chance to read it completely, but I can tell you, it’s right up our alley!

    • Fran F. Says:

      Hi to everyone…especially to Dwayne!
      God Bless! 🙂

  421. pattyann Says:

    Hi! I just want to say this. If I had spent more time learning and less time being scared to death, I would not have chosen the life that I had. They beat me, scolded me, until I could not speak any more. I was so scared to death. I chose to run away from school, taking just average jobs all my life. I married a man that would just accept me! Now, I am a 59 year old woman who never knew what her full potential was. I think they should pay! I could have been a teacher, or a doctor. They cheated me! It was all their fault.

    • Frank Says:

      I hear you pattyann. The treatment dished out to you, me and many others made learning very difficult. In survival mode, full of fear and loathing, scared and mistrustful… the potential for learning was severely diminished. What I learned was lying, manipulation, deviousness, violence towards myself and others, anger, revenge and so on. It was all their fault. As children, the level at which we could make sense of our experience and do something positive about it was next to nil.

      Personally, I did not learn much of anything positive or productive from teachers until I was out of the catholic school system. I am happy to acknowledge that others on this blog, including the fire tender, had a different experience and say that they did learn important foundational stuff despite their circumstances… but that is their experience, not mine.

      I expect that my life and my life decisions would have been vastly different if my childhood was a cocoon of love, support and nurturing. Relationships, jobs, marriage, children… all would have been different without the post-traumatic stress disorder permeating the fabric of my life. One of my deep fears in life until a couple of years ago (at age 62) was the thought of having children who might experience what I did – so I have never had kids.

      • Fran F. Says:

        Frank. I know how you Feel. You and I are the same age.
        I had to deal with sadistic nuns in two Philadelphia orphanages I was in. I also was put in 4 foster homes by Catholic Charities as a younger child.
        Catholic Charities really didn’t do a good job investigating these places.In the early 1960s. they had nuns for social workers. I only remember one who was REALLY concerned about me Sister Charles Eileen…in my best foster Home where my foster parents gave me up because of anxiety attacks I had. And to be fair I must give credit to some nun I met at their old headquarters on Summer St.. who stopped me at a water cooler and said she heard I was the child she heard about put in so many placements and told me she felt sorry for me…
        My childhood still haunts me.It has affected my life even though I made attempts to get a decent education and have a good life I messed up so many times. 😦
        I also had a medical problem which was ignored when I was a young teen and when taken to a doctor at 16 or 17 was told it was too late.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Pattyann:

      You have hit the nail on the head with your posting! This is exactly what the nuns did to many children in Catholic Schools. They destroyed the life of the young person by selling them on a philosophy of life that did not allow for self-actualization and the development of the person’s full potential!

      I was also heading down the same road, but my life changed in 1963 when I entered the U.S Army and my eyes were opened about the reality of the world. When I was released from active duty, I went to college. I left the Catholic Church behind, and I never looked back.

      The Catholic Church and the nuns do not want the children to be successful. They want the children to be servants of the Catholic Church. The clergy (nuns) do not care about careers that reflect the true ability of the young person. They just want “cool aid drinking Catholic robots” who will follow all the rules, and give all their money to the Catholic Clergy!

      You are still a young person. Go back to school and study something that you are interested in just for yourself. I am 71 years old, and I am still educating myself everyday. I do all my own research, and I am my own teacher. You can do the same thing. I also have a tutoring service where I teach students how to be successful both in school and in life. —– I show them how to set goals, how to develop a plan of action and how to use 100% of their talents, skills and abilities in a focused, organized, determined, professional manner to make things happen in their life by design. ———- You are a talented person. —– GO FOR IT! ———– God bless. ——– Dwayne

    • MaryW Says:

      Hello PattyAnn, I do so agree with you 100000%, IF we had been given encouragement and did not have to fear bodily and mental harm each and every day of our lives there is no telling what we could have done. I agree with you it has RUINED our lives and they should pay and pay dearly. Take care dear one.

      • Melpub Says:

        What’s tragic is people being so beaten up and disheartened that they choose to take jobs way beneath their ability or not to have children out of fear that the children would suffer as much as they did. The church owes you all; I wish there were a way to get the pope to acknowledge the pain caused by nuns. Here he is ex-communicating mafioso, but not the nuns or other child abusers within the church.
        Meanwhile, the week of July 18, I’ll have a poem, “Nun” up on the website The Voices Project.
        Needless to say, it’s not pro-nun

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


        The damage to the children by the nuns was done by design, and all the nuns were operating from the same “play book!” This is why we all have “similar stories all across the country.” ——- The Pope is a joke! He will never take responsibility for the actions of the nuns, because the nuns were doing what they were told to do, just like the prison guards in Nazi Germany! —— We, as children, were being indoctrinated into a sick form of the Christian Religion which made us slaves to the Catholic Church and the Catholic Criminal Clergy. ——- What is VERY interesting, is that as adults, many of the “faithful” are still afraid to confront the Catholic Criminal Clergy! You see, indoctrination does work! ———- All the best and God bless! —– Dwayne.

      • mary Tod Says:

        I agree with all of you! I have spent my life since second grade not present in the life I should of had but depressed, distrustful, vigilant, out to prove the hipocrisy of the nuns, priests, and the catholic church. Suffering from ptsd from the abuse I was inflicted by my second grade teacher has had a profound affect on my life. I feel the same if things were different I would have achieved so much more in life. Made better choices in relationships etc. I am 55 and older like the majority of us on this blog. The Catholic church would like for all of us to die as dead men tell no tales. As we get older our numbers and voices are dwindling. We need to hold them accountable now!!! I not only suffered as my son and family members as well as I am depressed, anxious and withdrawn. I missed out on relationships, education, carreer and a social life I could of had. It has been 48 years now and what makes the abuse worse watching the unaccountability of the church to the abuses of nuns and priests. The only way I will get some sort of peace is when they are held accountable.

        Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2014 13:40:30 +0000 To:

      • MaryW Says:

        You are so right Melpub, I don’t care at all about the mafia, they are probably better people than the pope and his group. At least they would not allow abuse to continue they would kill them. They are like USA president, LIE, DENY, BLAME, over and over and over again. It is their way around everything They only care about the $$ and people are of no matter to them. The only way it will cease is when the flow of money is gone. They should be made to pay for all the mental torture done by the nuns. I am still paying PTSD bills and medicine for depression. I would love for them to pay for my treatment, much less wasted years of our lives, they destroyed and the aftermath. Take care blessings to you 🙂

  422. pattyann Says:

    I would like to add further. I tried going back to school but the anxiety that I have kept me from doing that. I have tried to join groups that I may have a common interest in, but I am tongue tied to the point of panic. I have escaped through alcohol and Xanax my whole life just to function. I have that sharp pain in my jaw that was broken because I did not attend a mandatory 8:30 mass. My jaw goes off to one side and I always bite the insides of my mouth. I have talked about this until I was blue in the face, but no one believes me. I was a very tall, skinny misfit with very thin hair. I always believed that if I had a head of full, shiny hair, I would have been treated different. I wore those cat eye glasses at the age of 10.I was forced to sit in the back of the room because I was taller than all my classmates even though I could not see the board.. If I was bullied by may classmates, that would have been one thing, but by the brides of Christ….that was another. I never had any children. I was told that sex was dirty. I had my first menstrual cycle at 10 years old and slapped across the face in the girls bathroom because I was the first one in my class to have this happen. and told that I was dirty. Where do I possibly start?

    • MaryW Says:

      Oh PattyAnn, I wish I could just hug you and hold you until some of your pain leaves you. I am so sorry you were treated so horribly, there is nothing I can say to take the horror away. The after effects of the abuse is never ending. Damn them all. God bless angel.

    • Dwayne Says:


      You are a good person! —- What happened to you was criminal! —- The Catholic Church is a “criminal organization” hiding behind the Christian Religion, and as such, it attracts criminals into their clergy. The Catholic Clergy is a very sick organization! They have destroyed many lives, and they do not care! They will never admit that they have done anything wrong until the “faithful” pulls the financial plug! As long as the majority of the “faithful” goes along with the “Catholic Program,” and keeps giving the church money, the Bishops, Cardinals and Pope have no reason to change! —– We are considered Pawns in the Catholic Game of Chess! —— We are expendable! —- But we are speaking out, and they are reading these postings! —– God bless you and the others on this site! ——- Dwayne

  423. Charles Elmhurst Says:

    It takes guts to face these painful memories, but by speaking up we are preventing other children from being abused. We are doing what the nuns who witnessed abuse by other nuns, failed to do.

    What is really sad is that some deny that they or others were abused. I have been in contact with many alumni from an awful school I went to and many want to pretend that everything was wonderful and perfect. This often happens with abused children. It’s called the Stockholm Syndrome.

    • MaryW Says:

      Hello Charles, Yes, not speaking up about evil being done is as bad as if not worse than doing the evil yourself. Take care!!

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Charles:

      I have been dealing with this problem all of my life! The Catholic High School that I attended and graduated from was a BIG zero when it came to delivering a “high quality education” on which to build a future.

      Graduating from this school of “Catholic indoctrination” prepared the individual for nothing. It did prepare the individual to be a “loyal follower of the Catholic Philosophy of life,” which translated into “following all the rules of the Catholic Church blindly.” This translated into giving your money to the church without question! (Something that “thinking people” do NOT want to do!)

      The Catholic High School education did NOT broaden the outlook of the students in terms of the possibilities of life. It was a “VERY narrow educational experience.” The facilities, especially in the areas of science, math & language were totally substandard. (You cannot learn a foreign language from a text book. You need to listen to records / tapes.) The school did not offer courses in Drafting / Architectural / Machine Drawing, yet they claimed to be preparing students to enter the professions such as Engineering, Medicine and Technology / Science. There were no “hands on courses” in the Industrial Arts / Home Economics curriculum. But there were courses in religious indoctrination. That was very important!

      The Catholic High School Curriculum did nothing in the areas of “Study / Success Skills and helping the student to find their inner “greatness!” They did not want the individual to “be all that they could be,” but rather, all they wanted was for the individual to be a loyal “cool aid drinking follower” that could be manipulated.

      When I am in contact with some of the people that attended this school, they cannot see my side of the issue. To them, it was a great school! There is a reason for this interpretation. The people who loved the school were the “blessed ones” who were taken care of by the nuns. YES, there were “haves” and have-nots” in the student body of my Catholic School. If you were part of the “in-crowed,” the nuns made sure that you got into a Catholic College, (not a State College), and if you were not going too attend college after high school, the nuns would make sure that they used their connections with big corporations to get you an entry level job. If you were not in the “in-crowed” of the student body, (which was half of the graduating class), you were on your own! You were the “unclean!”

      The education that I received from 1956 to 1960 in a Catholic High School did NOT teach the individual “how to think,” and “how to problem solve!” But rather, it taught the individual to follow authority blindly, and in the process never question anything.

      The military and a private School of Technology changed my life, and taught me “how to think for myself.” After I returned from my active duty portion of my military obligation, my “thinking style” changed drastically, — and over the years, —- while I watched the Catholic Church change, and the clergy (nuns & priests) abusing children, I moved further and further away from their philosophy. —- The Catholic Church came VERY close to ruining my life. I was able to get a college and a university education through sheer determination, focus and organization. I had to educate myself in order to enter the professions. The twelve years of Catholic Education wasted my time that I could never regain. When you loose time early in life, you use opportunities that can never be regained!

      Catholic Education is “NOT user friendly” and good for the individual. On a scale from one to ten,( ten being outstanding), I would rate Catholic Education as just about a three! It does nothing in terms of helping the individual to discover their inner greatness, and or expand their outlook on life.

      God bless everyone! —– We are the survivors! —- Dwayne

  424. Francesca Says:

    St. Barbara’s Elementary School in Brooklyn, N.Y. – Dominican nuns..all were violent except for a few lay teachers and one nun who was nice to us…she was later transfered.
    I remember being made to take a bite out of Ivory soap, being brought to my younger sister’s classroom and then she made me sit in the waste basket until my legs fell asleep and I fell over. I was 7 years old.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


      So typical of the Nazi Nuns! ——- I would not let a nun or a Catholic Priest around a child in my family. They are negative people! “Catholic School Education” is NOT education, but rather, it is “indoctrination,” and the NUNS are the “sick foot soldiers” for the Catholic Church. —— My parents forced me to attend 12 years of Catholic School Education, and I hated everyday! I only started to enjoy my education when I attended a State College. I went from a struggling H.S. student to the “Dean’s List” at the college. —- Nuns want to destroy the personality of children. ——- They want to re-program them into becoming “little Catholic Robots” that will do what they are told by the nuns and the Catholic Church, and in the process, support the Catholic Church for the rest of their lives. The NUNS were, and still are very sick people, and they love to spread their “psychological sickness” to the young people! —- What year did you attend Catholic School? (I attended from 1948 to 1960 both in NYC & NJ.) —— All the best! —– God bless! —— Dwayne

      • Melpub Says:

        The more I read these stories, the more I am really, really glad that I didn’t send my daughter to the local Catholic school. Thanks for your good work.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


        Catholic Schools not only provide a substandard academic experience, but they also teach a “distorted way of thinking” and “reasoning,” which destroys the potential of the young person’s “creativity” and “greatness.” ——- In my own situation, I went from a “struggling student,” in the K to 12 Catholic Schools, to the “Dean’s List” in College / University. —– QUESTION: —– How is that possible? —– ANSWER: —– I changed my way of thinking about myself, my future and my education! ——- ( REMEMBER: —How you “think” determines how you act on a daily basis, and how you act determines what you accomplish, and what you accomplish determines your ultimate destiny!) —– There is “GREATNESS” in every young person, and the task of any school, (if they do not have a hidden agenda), is to help that young person to discover that greatness, and in the process, achieve their self designed / realistic goals while using 100% of their talents, skills and abilities in a focused / organized / determined / professional manner 24 / 7 / 365! —– The task of any school should be to bring out the best in every student, and make it possible for every student to learn the required course material. ——- Sadly, —– the Catholic Schools do not see this as their goal and agenda. They want to indoctrinate the young person into a distorted way of thinking backed up by man made rules and regulations. —– The Christina Religion is a positive relationship with Jesus Christ, and this can be achieved in any Christian Church. The Catholic Church does not have the “corner on the Christian Religion.” —- They have turned the Christian Religion into a very negative experience both in their schools and in their churches. Child abuse seems to be their way of doing business for the Catholic Church! ——– All the best to you and everyone on this site! —— God bless! ——- Dwayne

  425. Colleen Says:

    Does anyone recall the name of the principal of St. Vincent Ferrer in the sixties?

    • firetender Says:

      St. Vincent Ferrer where? The one I went to was in Flatbush Brooklyn, N.Y. (’56 – ’64) and right now I’m straining my brain to remember her name! (I promise, when I come up with it, it won’t be anywhere as lyrical as the last sentence!). Imelda, Charles Francis, Ann Roberts (my nemesis) and the Principal all beat me up one day (sixth Grade) for sticking my tongue out at “Charley Horse” (Sr. Charles Francis) then I was dragged to the Principal’s office for a pants down pointer beating. Had welts on my ass for a year after that! It may be in the initial blog, Colleen, I’ll check.

  426. Nancy Hilliard neeJoyce Says:

    I was abused (as well as others) by sister clara at our lady of mercy school in Dayton,Ohio, at the age of 9 yrs old, Emotional scars persist till this day, and I am 62 years old. she was truly a demon from the pit of hell!! We were told she was comitted to a mental hospital the following year. More likely she was just moved along to continue her terror upon other children in another city. I have often wondered what ever happened to her.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Good Morning Nancy:

      Welcome to the group. —- If you read through the postings on this site you will see stories of many people who were abused by the criminal nuns and priests. You are in good company. ——- Your abused occurred in the 60’s while my abuse, by the sick nuns occurred in the late 40’s & 50’s! They all operated with the same “play book,” and our parents allowed this to happen, because if we complained to our parents they made us feel like it was somehow our fault. —– The nuns were negative towards children just for the sake of being negative. It was a “sport” to them. They loved to take out their unhappiness on children through physical abuse. They loved to destroy children psychologically so that they could create little mindless robots that would do anything for “sister” and the “criminal Catholic Church!” —– The way you take control of the situation is to use you money as a weapon. Stop contributing to the criminal Catholic Church. Get into a good bible based church with positive / concerned / sincere people. The Catholic Church cannot save your soul, —- only you can save your own soul by the life that you choose to live. I am proud of the fact that I am a Christian and not a Catholic. —— QUESTION: —- If you and I died today, would the Pope, and his band of merry men and women know that this action occurred? —- The answer is no! —– The Christian Religion is a loving / positive religion but the Catholic Church has made it a negative experience. The nuns are the ground troops for the Catholic Church. It has taken me years to turn myself around because of the negative influence of the Catholic Church and the nuns in my life! —- I would never send a child of mine to a Catholic School, and I would never bring my child up in the Catholic Church. I would seek out a bible based Christian Church that was positive and user friendly. —– Have a GREAT day! —- Enjoy you life! —- If you wish to discuss some of your experiences with us we are here to support you. —– God bless you! ——– Dwayne

  427. Dorothy Says:

    I have been following this blog for quite some time, but never commented. I use to and still do cry when I read the different torture experiences by nuns whether it be physical, emotional or psychological. I am 69 years old; went to 12 years of forced catholic victimization. This started in 1950 when I was 5 years old. I have repressed memories, but I blurted out the word “dunce hat” one day a few years ago plus I do remember a boy who was being physically assaulted by a nun tell her he was going to kill her. My older siblings have related their horrible experiences also. I am no longer catholic but I have an older sister who is a born again nun from the same order that was abusing us; the School Sisters of Notre Dame. I have a really hard time visiting her in that nun hole. I am a born again Christian but very stunted. I have major trust issues; especially with anyone in authority. My pastoral counselor told me I was one of worst cases she has dealt with. How about that for an honor. Right now I feel my spiritual life has been ruined. I’m unable to really trust God as I should, feel like an outcast at church. On top of the nun abuse, I was also a recipient of Childhood Emotional Neglect along with verbal, emotional and physical abuse from my parents(“get up you lazy, worthless, good for nothing piece of shit”). That was a verbal memory that I just got within the last year. I did find out about 4 years ago that my parents did not want me and actually my father considered adopting me out to another family who couldn’t have children. You can imagine my distorted view of God which I can’t seem to get past. I think that when I stand before God He will tell me how disappointed He was with me. As with most people who have self esteem problems I considered suicide; actually told by a demon how I could accomplish it without personal pain. I could never do it as I know it is wrong. I think that I will always be a diminished person although I keep getting up after depression episodes. God just seems so far away and I am not living a victorious life like I should be. I’m about ready to quit going to church as I don’t seem to fit in. There seems to be no interest by anyone to get to know me better. I must project something although sometimes I’ve had the feeling of being invisible which I understand is a coping method I use. Sorry this is so long; just have to get this out or it will drive me to a depressive state. I don’t know of any other safe place to do it. Any other female out there who has gone through this and come out a well functioning member of our world? I need some encouragement.

    (Russ, the Moderator requests that guys do NOT comment or respond until Dorothy requests it Thanks!

    • firetender Says:

      Folks, please honor Dorothy’s request to have WOMEN respond to her post. No comments, no nothings, guys until she requests it.

      • Janice Schleunes Says:

        I read your comments with interest. You express yourself very well and I suspect 12 years of Catholic education might have contributed to that ability in some way.
        While I can empathize with your feelings I did not have the same experience and the order that raised me was strict but not abusive in any way.
        I was raised in the south in a Catholic boarding school by the Sisters of St. Joseph and loved the years I spent there. The only ones that were marginally abusive were the older Irish nuns but they had very little to do with the boarding students. Most of them had come from Ireland in the early part of the 20th century and were quite old when I was a child.

        I am somewhat familiar with the School Sisters of Notre Dame and know they have a German founder, which speaks for itself. I come from a completely German Catholic family, and my father, who was born in 1898 attended the German Catholic schools in Baltimore and it was a very brutal system. The children were as disciplined at home as they were in the school.
        At the time we were in school the religious orders were operating under ancient rules that went back to the founding of each order in the 15th-18th centuries. Many of these women did not belong in a religious order and took their frustration out on the children placed in their care. To compound that our parents had been raised under a similar repressive system and expected us to conform to the system. My parents were older when I came along and were not looking to raise a child but they were good parents and I was given a good education and a good home.

        In 1963 and the introduction of Vatican II, the religious orders were instructed to completely overhaul their ancient practices, update their habits, and establish a new order for their communities. It was a time of great turmoil and the nuns who had lived under the old rules and resisted change left their orders before they would agree to any change in their way of life. I know the SSND’s resisted the changes and it only came slowly over many years for them. Germans are very dogmatic about their beliefs and do not make changes easily. They don’t have much of a sense of humor either. The women who taught us were a product of their time and the training they received when they entered their orders and we were the recipients of their training. Fortunately, I had young American nuns and they treated us very well.

        Today, due to all these changes, most religious orders have been decimated by those who left and are very small. Those that remained are in their 70’s and 80’s and have very few young women entering their orders. Things have changed for the better, thankfully. Most Catholic schools are staffed by lay teachers with a few young nuns who serve as administrators.

        Might I ask how your life went from the time you graduated until today?

        Please understand I am not excusing the abusive behavior of these women. It is unfortunate they ever represented any religious order or had the opportunity to commit such tyranny against defenseless children.

        I would say to you to move forward and forget the abusive treatment of your childhood. Personally, I would not allow anybody to diminish me or affect the happiness I feel each day. Nobody has that power unless you allow it.

        This treatment did not come from God. It came from flawed human beings who will have to account for their actions. Truthfully, I doubt they think they did anything wrong. They were following the orders of their superiors because their religious training molded them into obedient robots and they viewed their superiors as the voice of God. It was a conditioning they experienced in the novitiates and followed like a good soldier. They were taught not to think for their selves and they didn’t. Today, I worship in a small Episcopal church with a friendly congregation. It has the liturgy I love and the priests are married with families which gives them a better understanding of the people they serve. I did not leave the Catholic church because I was angry or unhappy. It just failed to meet my needs. There is bad and good in all churches because it is made up of human beings.

        Today, if you walk down the street you would not be able to spot a nun from a lay person. They live in normal places and work in jobs they pick for themselves and enjoy doing. They are not forced to teach and most of them were probably unhappy. However. it was considered a disgrace to leave and so stayed and became abusive because they were never suited to be teachers in the first place and had no training for it.

        I spent many years teaching and it is not an easy profession. Everyday your whole life is dedicated to doing the best job you can for every child that touches your life.

        Blessings to you,

      • Dorothy Says:

        Thank you for your insight Janice. You asked how my life went after graduation. Well, here is something I do remember. A priest from the high school came to our house and indicated that I wanted to become a nun. Where he got that from I can’t be sure, but I think either a nun told him or someone playing a joke on me. No way in hell did I ever want to be a nun. I was pretty much told in high school I wasn’t fit for college so being the robot I had become I found a job in a major city, moved out of my parents home. I would come home on the weekends. That ended though when my mother told me they didn’t want me coming back on weekends. I think I was nineteen at the time and the most fearful person. I always had a sense that I didn’t fit in with my family but I really wasn’t prepared to go out in the world. Everything the nuns did was reinforced at home. I tried to be what everyone else wanted or needed me to be. I met my husband when I was 25 and married when I was 26. When we told my parents they didn’t even congratulate us. My father only said, “I thought she was going to be an old maid”. Isn’t that nice; couldn’t even address me directly. He hated the fact I came into this world. I’ve let go of the bitterness, but they sure left a lot of shit for me to shovel.
        Where did you find all the info on the School Sisters of Notre Dame? I’ve searched and could find nothing. It is good to know. I know they were tortured souls; all the suffering to save their souls. Did you know that they believed if a family’s children became religious; whether nuns or priests that it would help the whole family get out of purgatory? The Catholic Church system is diabolical in my mind.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


        I enjoyed reading your posting! —– I also spent 33 years as a public school teacher in N.J..!

        YES, you have to be a VERY special person to be a teacher. A teacher is not made by a College Education. Being a teacher is a “personal calling!”

        My experience has been totally negative with regards to my interaction with nuns, and even though they now dress in “street cloths,” I can still pick them out in a group. —- Their body language and their speech patterns give them away. ONCE a NUN always a NUN! —- My cousin married a former nun, and I don’t like her. She has the “abrasive attitude of a nun!” —- But, on the other hand, I am able to hold my own with her and her “liberal political opinions!”

        People who have been abused by nuns have a right to receive justice! —- Turning the other cheek is not justice. —– Children in Catholic run orphanages have been abused. Where is the justice for them? If a child cannot get “justice in the United States, then where can they get justice?

        I would like to see all the nuns who have abused children in Catholic Schools, and in Catholic Youth Homes put into prison, and their religious orders sued for every dime, and their property sold to pay the legal judgements! —– They had no right, and no authority to abuse children. I do not care that they “were just following orders from a higher authority.” —— (That was the “excuse” of the Nazi SS, when the allies “put them on trial” for “war crimes” after WW2!) The nuns committed crimes against children, and they need to be held accountable for their crimes! ——- (No excuses accepted!)

        This site is loaded with people who are still dealing with issues that were created by the psychologically sick criminal nuns. My own wife was locket in a dark closet by a nun in a Catholic High School in the late 50’s! —- To this day she is claustrophobic! —- QUESTION: What gave the nun the right to inflict that torture on a student? —- If that happened to a child of mine today, I would be at the school with an attorney the next day! I would own the school!

        God bless you! —– Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


      • mary Tod Says:

        Hello Dorothy, I read what you wrote! I totally relate to what you went through! “Dimished person!” Says it all! That is how I felt and feel sometimes as well! I don’t think anyone can be normal whatever normal is. You have to make a conscious decision to live in the present. Try to ground your self in the now! It is very hard sometimes. I too suffer with depression, anxiety and pstd from the abuse of Catholics nuns. I am in therapy to this day! I have this back pack that is imaginary that I store all past trauma in. Sometimes it gets heavy and to full and things come out. Writing helps! Toss the bad memories on the shore and let the tide wash them away, look at the pristene shore when they are gone and feel the peace and beauty left behind. We are stronger than our abusers and the bad memories. Everyday can be a struggle sometimes. Breathing therapy helps and present sensory excercises. You have to be your own coach sometimes to get through life. I left the Catholic church as well. I do not participate in any organized religions but do believe in a higher power and spiritual world. I look at life in a more scientifically, through physics. That’s is just me! Others have chose other religions and paths. I am 55 as yourself am saddened by the abuse all children have suffered at the hands of Nuns! The priests have gotten all the attention. It is time for the Vatican to recognize the abuse of Nuns and be held accountable. I too have a problem with authority figures. I have challenged nuns since my abuse in second grade! I saw through there phoniness and hiding behind religion. So much so that I was asked to leave Catholic school in ninth grade. Pstd makes you very aware of people and your surroundings. You get almost a 6th sense about people with a higher awareness. You learn to block out pain. I have trust issues as well. I have still tried despite the trauma I suffered to make a good life for myself and my son. I try to look at the good things in my life and am thankful for small things. I love my son, dog and cat and garden. I am disabled now but when I was working I threw myself into it and gave it my all it kept me grounded and in the present. Being home and disabled now it is harder with more time to think and the memories to get out. I as well suffered abuse aside from Catholic nuns so it is just more stuff in the back pack. I to have a sister who is not a nun but has nun friends and participates in activities with them and retreats. She wanted to be a nun. I was actually abused by one of her friends who was a nun. She touched me on two occasions. I despised her! She went on to be a nun and Minister. Graduate from Harvard so she had her degree and the clergy to hide behind. She ministered to children. I wonder how many of them she abused. I have a strained relationship with my sister as well. I, so, know how you feel and can relate to you and your story on so many levels. You have the strength and power within you. We all do, that is why after all these years we are here to tell our stories! We are all survivors. I look at life in blocks somedays. Somedays you get one block, others three, sometimes you loose some or they get knocked over. I pick them up build upon them rearrange them. You can even knock them over and start from scratch. The blocks may pile up some times, or you can only move one or two. Some blocks are to heavy and you strain to move them. Other days you can build a tower and it can come toppling down on you. But I try to keep on building on! Sometimes a block can go missing and leave a window. Most of the nuns that abused us are dead and gone. They can’t hurt us or anyone anymore. Diminished is something I try to build upon and become present and strong. Bad memories of the past can do as much harm as the actual trauma. They make you feel awful and take you away from the present and it is time in you life lost. It takes you from the present. Robs of more of your life. Present is all that really matters. Worries for future is pointless as well. Don’t allow the bad experiences of the past into the present. I had someone say I was Lazy! It was my third grade nun after my abusive second grade nun. I was terrified going to third grade. Withdrawn and affraid to raise my hand or participate. I was depressed as well! She wrote in big red letters accross my whole report card LAZY! It was awful my mother had to come up to the school. I was not lazy but scared. I told the nun why I did not raise my hand or answer questions. She said she was sorry and I think she knew the abuse this nun was bad. She cried and hugged me! It was still pretty harsh what she wrote, but she was decent to me after that. I have fought all my life to work harder than others and put in more effort because of that word on a report card. I witnessed countless abuses of boys especially in the school yard by nuns. I hear all of your pain! Totally understand what you went through. You can make a good life for yourself but life can throw you new bumps. What ever does not kill you makes you stronger I am a firm believer in. Take Care!


        Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 00:23:38 +0000 To:

      • Melpub Says:

        Dear Dorothy, it’s good that you could tell the story! Keep on telling! For the woman who wrote about her experiences with nicer nuns–I have to say, I have been told there are nice ones out there, but I still think the decision to live in poverty without any erotic life would twist the noblest soul.

      • Dorothy Says:

        Thank you. I hope these comments keep going for a long time. I have four sisters and three brothers that need to come out of the dark places.

      • Dorothy Says:

        Thank you Mary. In therapy did you have Dialectical Behavioral Therapy? It almost sounds like it with your word pictures which I like by the way. I am looking into that now as a way to help with the emotions that I am now starting to deal with. As far as memories go they are repressed for the most part. I’d like to have them surface as I can handle them so I can deal with them. I’ve heard people say they wish they didn’t have them, but for me it’s worse not knowing what happened to me at school or witnessed. I act out but don’t know what the cause is. I also am a HSP(highly sensitive person) and I feel and think more intensely than others. I’m finding out how to take care of myself in that respect.

    • MaryW Says:

      Hello Dorothy, from your birth and then 12 years of your life in torture and hell, that is such a huge amount when you are trying to understand people and yourself. Mine was nine years. When everyone in authority or should love you, gives you negative feedback, especially cruel and unjustified treatment, we cannot expect to have a healthy outlook on ourselves or the world. Why do people of “God” treat me this way? Why is my family who should be supportive of me crushing me like a bug? Do you even love me God? Am I that bad?
      We feared every day of our existence, having to go to a place that was hell on earth and there was no one to protect you, no one to stop all the horror. Then when you get home these people who gave me birth hate themselves so much they take it out on you. The hardest thing I have had to learn in life is that BAD things happen to REALLY GOOD people, especially all of us that were innocent and needed help and love in those early years.
      IMHO, nuns are misfits and their families where happy to get rid of them, because no one would marry those beasts and so these beasts took out their frustrations on innocent children and in a very bad way.
      Psychological abuse was huge and I don’t think we have ever or will ever recover from it. The physical abuse is like branding irons in our skin and in our minds and the fear and anticipation of it happening causes most of us to suffer from PTSD at the very least.
      Every now and then I will come out with something also. I was in the shower crying one day and keep repeating “I ‘m not safe”, over and over for about 15 minutes. Certain interactions with people having a similar personality or in some type of authority will trigger it for me. I block so much out because I cannot deal with it all.
      We wanted to have a good Catholic Church, but until they admit all the horror these mini Hitlers inflicted on children they will never be respected. I love God very much, but there are so many lies that are told by the Catholic Church, I cannot see following their teachings. Why so many saints? Why do we have to pray to them for help? Is God too busy?
      I am so sorry you went through hell, you are not alone we all went through hell in various degrees. As for encouragement, tell yourself every day that you are a Great and Good person that was abused and it was not your fault. The people that were around you were sick misfits and should never had children or taken care of children. I just say, I hate you &)(*)*&^ and I always will, you ruined my life and the lives of so many. I will never allow that to happen to me again, I am not invisible; I matter as much as everyone human walking this earth and God does love me. So go F youself, because it sucks to be you. I am a wonderful, kind and loving person. We all care about you sweetheart  xxx ooo

      • Dorothy Says:

        Thank you Mary for your response. I cried as I read it. As part of my therapy my counselor advised me to start telling my story. I tried to speak about it to a limited amount of people but I find that in today’s world people are too busy, dismissive or don’t really listen. I get my thoughts out better in a written form anyway, so this is better I guess. In my experience I’ve had major problems with men; especially pastors. I am actually in fear of them. I do have the sweetest husband who also came out of Catholicism but he handles it differently than me. If I didn’t have my husband, daughters and grandkids I think I would have ended up far worse. I’m just learning that it is okay to have emotions. I get overwhelmed sometimes with how damaged I am and how far I have to go yet.

      • MaryW Says:

        Hello Dorothy, I would also like to understand why you are afraid of men, is there something more in your past that you have not been able to have come to the surface before? I know you are happy with your husband, but there must be something that causes these feelings. I take medication for my depression, anxiety and PTSD. I also used EMDR in therapy which helped in a strange way by desensitizing you to things. I think the fact that you/we were never allowed to voice our mistreatment to someone safe while going through it has forever damaged areas that trust can never be a part of. I found my self saying the other day “they will be kind to you, then torture you”. So there is so much I am sure you have not been able to bring out. It is not your fault, you are a very strong person to have survived and come this far. Look at all the people who love you, see how wrong everyone was about you. I love you fellow survivor 🙂 xxx ooo

      • Melpub Says:

        Merry Christmas, Dorothy! How about writing your story–there are around four thousand online literary magazines that publish memoir and poetry and other things. You can Google, for example, “calls for submissions–memoir” and you might want to take a creative writing course–“creative nonfiction,” “memoir,” or poetry. But yes, get that story out!

  428. Janice Schleunes Says:

    Thanks so much for your response.

    I can tell you that you are a very strong person to have been subjected to the abuse and rejection you suffered at home and school. Whether you realize it or not, you went on to work and marry and have children which says to me you have much to be proud of and should be.

    My knowledge of the SSND’s is personal. My aunt, born in 1900 in Baltimore, was educated by the SSND’s and entered the order when she was 18. The order was very strict and she was never allowed to return to her home even though she lived in Baltimore. Also, she was not allowed to attend either of her parent’s funerals. Her family was allowed to visit infrequently but for all intents and purposes she was totally cut off from the world. My father, her brother, saw her only twice over the course of her life and she lived into her eighties. My grandmother, a devout Catholic, would attend daily mass in the chapel so that she could get a glimpse of her, but they were never allowed to speak.
    You are exactly right! Every Catholic family prayed for one of their children to enter religious life. It was an honor and they felt disgraced if the child didn’t stay. Thus we ended up with the most maladjusted, uneducated and abusive nuns who were never suited for religious life and had no business teaching. I am convinced that teachers, good ones, are born and not made by virtue of a college education.

    Today, young women have to go through a period of discernment, undergo psychological evaluations and have a college degree before they are accepted which is a step in the right direction.
    As I told you, I was raised in a Catholic boarding school in St, Augustine, Fl. On the grounds were the Motherhouse and the Novitiate so we saw the postulants and novices at Mass each morning. They were not allowed to mingle with the boarding students and were kept quite separate from us in a cloistered part of the Motherhouse.

    In our library there were several books on the history of religious orders and since I love the history of just about anything I would read them. Today you can google and find the history of all the orders and it gives you some understanding of their origins and rules.

    There are two orders with the word Notre Dame in them. The SSND’s were founded in Bavaria in 1833 to teach illiterate German children. They came to Baltimore in 1847 to teach the children of German immigrants. Their rule of life was very austere and did not begin to change until after Vatican II.

    The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur are a French order, founded in 1804 in Amiens, France and considered to be one of the great teaching orders of the church as are the SSND’s, the Madams of the Sacred Heart and the Dominicans. Al of them strict and rigid.

    Despite your very abusive beginnings I think you have made a very good life for yourself. But what is better you won!

    I can tell you as these women got old they ended up in nursing homes, lonely until their deaths.

    I am still friendly with the sisters who taught me. Some of my teachers are still alive and in the nursing home facilities for their order. Their days are long so I will go from time to time and take my Italian Greyhound and she runs around and they all are so happy when someone comes to visit and they love to see the animals who give them unconditional love. The women who raised and cared for me were good women and they were good to me and excellent teachers.

    Don’t let anyone diminish your accomplishments! Each new day holds a promise. We can only move forward.

  429. Janice Schleunes Says:

    We are the product of our times. We all experienced the use of reverse psychology. Telling you that you were lazy made you fighting mad and to make liars of them you became very well educated and had a successful teaching career.

    Tell me I can’t do something and I will make a liar of you every time!

    We are the first generation of Catholic education where a large percentage in our age group achieved college degrees and worked in a professional capacity following high school. We are also the generation that began to question authority and think for ourselves. We are strong people and we have had successful lives.

    I would venture to say most of these abusive women are in their graves and would be shocked at the way their training affected the students they taught.

    Why do you allow yourself to remain so angry? It is in your past. I would not allow anyone to have that much influence over me. We know these were sick, uneducated women who were poor excuses for human beings much less a religious. If you were unfortunate enough to be taught by a an Irish religious community the brutality as worse. However, there is NO excuse for their abusive treatment of innocent children. As to legal action against the community too much time has passed, the perpetrators are dead and you would probably be unsuccessful in our efforts

    I think you have taken something negative and turned it into a positive by rewarding others for their good service.

    IIlegitimi non carborundum is a mock Latin aphorism loosely translated and means “Don’t let the bastards grind you down.” I use it often when I encounter a bully. They don’t always come in a religious habit!

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


      Thank you for your posting!

      Kindly be advised that “I am not angry!” “Anger” just clouds your thinking! My wife just informed me that 100 Catholic Churches are closing in New York! I guess the people are not attending services, and if they are not attending services on a regular basis, the Catholic Church is not collecting money!

      The God of the Catholic Church is money! If the faithful, learn “how to control the flow of money into the Catholic Church,” they will control the Catholic Church.

      I also post on another blog that has a massive audience, and I advocate that people withhold their contributions to the Catholic Church until the management meets the needs of the people, and the people, who were abused by nuns, get some sort of justice, like maybe an official apology from the church! I would like to think that my postings, and the other people on the blog had something to do with the closing of those 100 churches by encouraging the faithful to withhold their weekly contributions.

      Without money, the Catholic Church cannot exist! There are many ways to get justice for children. The courts are just one way. Stop the “flow of money,” and the people can bring the nuns and priests to their knees! ——— (No pun intended!)

      I am not angry! I believe in “long range planning” like a general planning a “battle plan!” The Catholic faithful are a very unhappy group of people. They are leaving the Catholic Church in droves. I am just helping the process along with my suggestions. The nuns were the “ground Nazi SS troops of a criminal organization.” Yes, they were not well educated, but they were more than willing to do the “dirty work” for the management in Rome! They all operated from the same “play book,” because many of us on this site describe the same abuse, yet the nuns came from different orders!

      Have a great day. God bless you! It has been great sharing some ideas! This is the way we can heal one another!


  430. Janice Schleunes Says:

    There are many order who call themselves the Sisters of Charity. There are the Daughters of Charity who wear the large white headpieces and many others who wore the black habits an more traditional head coverings.

    The order is known for its discipline. The roots are Irish and these women were from poor families and no education who were recruited to come to America as missionaries. They came because it gave them the opportunity to come to America for a better life and were ill prepared to be teachers or anything else. I refer to them as the Little Sisters of the Inquisition!

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


      You are absolutely correct! The “Sisters of Charity” (Mother Seton Division) were the Irish nuns from hell!

      I attended an Irish parish school in New York City called Saint Joseph’s School on Christopher Street in NYC in the 50’s.

      They had the sensitivity of a Rattle Snake!

      God bless you!


    • Person with an interest, UK Says:


      Why are people like you so difficult? I can’t understand child abuse apologists like you – it’s disgusting. What all these people commenting have been through is unbelievable, and I am shocked they manage to remain completely civil in their responses to you… If it was one of my parents you were talking to, you’d get a mouthful let me tell you that! And by the way, addressing someone as simply ‘Dwaye’ (eg.) without even a ‘hi’ or ‘hello’ smacks of rudeness and arrogance.

      • firetender Says:

        I don’t see Janice as being an apologist. She’s describing one aspect of this human tragedy. Abusers are the offspring of abuse; this is the indelible conclusion I have come to. It does not forgive, nor does it forget, but to keep my own spirit clean, I must at least understand that that is how things work. I honor your opinion, as I do all of the various aspects that have come to light since this simple entry in a blog took off, years ago. There is no simplicity here. \

  431. Janice Schleunes Says:

    When Mother Seton established her order she chose the original constitutions of the Daughters of Charity (white bonnets) and this order was founded in 1633 by St. Vincent de Paul in Paris. They are considered to be the first active order in the church and their mission was to serve the poor and disenfranchised.

    The 1633 constitutions were changed very little until Vatican II and they are austere to say the least. When the changes came, they still retained a modified habit and do today.

    The recruited Irish girls were absolute horrors and should have all been sent back on the boat they came on.

    There was a novitiate across the street from my boarding school and frequently the Irish girls would show up before entrance day so they were housed with the boarding students. They were arrogant and rude and quite dismissive of American culture. I recall one incident that happened at the dinner table. We had corn that night for dinner and Maureen (the Irish girl) looked down her nose at it and said “In Ireland we throw that to the pigs” and my friend, Anne immediately responded “Well, in America we eat it!” The entire table burst into laughter! They came with nothing, ill mannered, uneducated and arrogant and had the nerve to criticize what they were being given for free while our parents were paying tuition. I still laugh when I think of it. They turned into the same kind of nuns.
    Thankfully, we had very little to do with them.

    You are absolutely right about the money.
    Be blessed,

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Good Morning Janice:

      I have been thinking about our written interaction, and I would like to share some information about “why former Catholic School Students” dislike their experiences with nuns. I will not cover all the reasons, because the reasons will be based on the perception of each individual, but I will share those reasons that I feel are important to me, and based on my experiences with nuns and Catholic School Education, (indoctrination).

      1.) Most young people were forced to attend a Catholic School and here in lies the initial problem. (I never identified myself with the Catholic Church, but because of my parents beliefs, I had to attend a Catholic School.) A school should be a place where the student is allowed to discover their “greatness,” ask probing questions about life, set self-designed realistic goals, develop a plan of action to achieve those goals, put the plan of action into action, and make positive things happen in their life by design, rather than letting things happen in their life by chance. —– NOTE: A Catholic School Education does not allow this freedom! It is a ridged educational experience that puts the authority in the hands of the nuns and / or lay teachers, who are the equivalent of the nuns without the religious title. I have met many “sick lay Catholics” who thought and reacted like nuns!

      2.) Catholic Schools waste too much time on religious indoctrination! Notice that I used the word “indoctrination” and not education! Education allows for mind expansion, while indoctrination only allows for “one way of thinking” which was what the nuns wanted! ——- (It was their way of the highway!)

      3.) The Catholic School curriculum was all about the church and religion. The academic subjects were an after thought. There was no “special subjects” such as Art, Music, Home Economics, and Industrial Arts. QUESTION: —- How can a Catholic High School prepare students to enter a career in engineering without offering courses in “Drafting / Machine Drawing / Architectural Drawing? The reason why it was not offered was because the nuns were operating on a budget, and these courses required equipment! They only offered courses that required a cheap textbook! Did they care about preparing students for the future in the real world? —- NO!

      4.) The Catholic Schools that I attended had poor facilities, especially in the science, language and math labs. But religion was jammed down out throats five days a week plus Sunday in elementary school!

      5.) The Curriculum of the Catholic School is not even close the the curriculum of the public school in the same geographic area, but they claim to give a better education. (FLASH: the Catholic Schools do not take in “special needs students!” They skim off the cream, and then they brag about their student’s achievements!) What a lie!

      6.) The nuns and / or the lay teachers, (who are really nuns & priests), do not teach concepts like:

      a.) Creative Thinking.
      b.) Creative Problem Solving.
      c.) How to study.
      d.) How to be successful in life.
      e.) How to make things happen in life.
      f.) How to set goals.
      g.) How to design a plan of action to achieve those goals.
      h.) Creative Writing about controversial subjects like
      the role of the Catholic Church getting the Nazi SS
      out of Europe after WW2!
      I.) Questioning in order to discover the truth.

      7.) The Sick / Criminal Catholic Nuns used violence against their students to get them to comply with their thinking.

      8.) Because of violence and / or the threat of violence, Catholic Schools had a negative mental atmosphere within the building. The students disliked the nuns, the nuns disliked the students & most probably each other! —- The nuns and the students formed small cliques which allowed for survival of the fittest! If a student did nit fit into a clique, the life of that student became very miserable. YES, that was the Christian attitude developed by the nuns in their Catholic Schools!

      9.) The quality of the teaching was average to poor because the nuns were not trained as teachers, by rather, they were trained as indoctrinators much like the Nazi SS Troopers. —- Most nuns were incompetent, and they used violence as a defense mechanism! (I had a nun in High School who taught Physics who did not know math! How is that possible?) Some nuns were mentally ill, and they should have never been around children.

      10.) Nuns destroyed the creativity of the students that they came in contact with in Catholic Schools. Have you notice that Catholics as a group are NOT very happy people as compared to other Christian denominations. Do you think that this just might be the results of the way nuns treated them when they were growing up in Catholic School?

      11.) The nuns expected that students should treat the Catholic Religion as the most important part of their life! —- (What a distorted way of looking at life!) The nuns presented a distorted view of society and the role that the individual plays in that society. The nuns to not expand the horizon of the individual student!

      God bless you!


  432. Jess Says:

    I personally experienced the wrath of these disgraceful women in the ’70s and 80’s while I attended my eight fateful years in catholic grade school.

    I suffered a tremendous amount of psychological damage being exposed to such a toxic educational environment. And even to this day as a middle age adult I still have flashbacks of my time spent in the confines of lunatics.

    Thankfully I was able to attend a public high school where I finally found a sense of normalcy amongst the faculty. I had some truly wonderful, caring teachers in high school that were able to help build up my ravaged character that was toppled by the abusive nuns in grade school.

    As a young adult I became an agnostic. I became so much more at ease with myself and the world around me. As I got a little older and had brighter future before me that is when I realized that atheism is who I really am.

    I became acquainted with some fellow atheists online as well as an all atheist “church” that I currently belong to. These people are some of the greatest people that I’ve ever associated with. And the level of intelligence amongst the atheist community is simply amazing.

    Now that I’m older I realize just how sick most catholic nuns really are. In doing some research I found that many catholic nuns suffer from some very serious psychiatric disorders that range from psychosis, bipolar disorder, OCD, personality disorders, and in the cloistered orders schizophrenia is the most common mental disorder amongst those nuns.

    Sexual identity is also another factor that affects nuns. Most are lesbians who cannot express their true identities due to their “vows of chastity.”

    Also, I can say without conviction that most nuns do not like children. They know that their convoluted lives are stuck in a static gear that limits their exposure in a normal life. These delusional women are to spend the rest of their lives living in a bubble, untreated of their serious psychological disorders, fueled with volatile tempers, ready to harm another generation of innocent children.

    May the catholic church continue its slow and steady dissent to an eventual end. It must end. Eventually all of this nonsense of believing in what isn’t shall be overtaken with commonsense, and scientific truth will prevail worldwide.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


      Welcome to the group!

      Your posting was simply OUTSTANDING! I hand the same experiences in the late 40’s & 50’s! I spent 12 years in Catholic
      Schools, and I hated everyday! (My parents forced me to attend Catholic School!) I hated going to church on Sunday! There was nothing positive about the service! Everything was negative, and I had to deal with the nuns on Sunday which DID NOT make me a “happy camper!” The nuns are VERY sick people. To this day, I cannot be around Catholic Nuns and Priests. Yet I have no problem dealing with a Christian Minister!

      Today, I am a Christian not a Catholic! (There is a BIG difference!)

      The Catholic Church destroyed our wedding plans, because the ceremony had to fit into the rules and regulations of the church! We went along with the program because of our parents!

      The nuns should have NEVER been around children. Through their “distorted thinking style,” they have destroyed the lives of children and adults! —– I have family members who will not make a move in their life without the approval of their local Catholic pastor! (GET REAL!)

      The nuns, & priests in the Catholic Church are psychologically sick human beings that spread this sick way of thinking to other human beings through substandard Catholic Schools, (Indoctrination Centers).

      We are the survivors of a VERY sick educational experience!

      I would not contribute one cent to the Catholic Church!

      All the best to you and everyone on this site!

      Write back when you have the opportunity. We are here to listen!
      We support each other on this journey.


      • MaryW Says:

        That is so right!!!

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary W.:

        I agree with you 100%


      • MaryW Says:

        Dear Dwayne, you are such a joy and a comfort to everyone on this site. I wish you and yours and everyone on here a Blessed and Prosperous 2015. I pray that God blesses and heals us all mentally, physically, emotionally and financially, because it is not His fault that mankind is evil. He did not ask for nuns or priests, man did that, and I refuse to blame God for the sickness that comes from mankind, because there are truly good people left in the world, not many, but they are still out there because some have met here on this site. Everyone here on this site cares and has a beautiful soul and wants to help others. God bless everyone and I pray we each find happiness and peace if nothing more than to survive the unspeakable evil we have encountered as innocent children and rise above it. Each day be strong and say FUCK YOU to the ones who did this and know you are truly a better human being than they could ever be. I love you all.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary W.:

        You are also a great person! —- God bless you! —– I love your posting because you tell it as it is!

        Each one of us is carrying a burden on our shoulders that was dumped there by some very sick people. —- What has hurt us, is that our own parents put us in the hands of these most evil people.

        These nuns and priests did not teach us to think with an “open mind,” but rather, they indoctrinated us to think in a narrow fashion. This then controlled our lives as we grew into the adult world.

        Thank God that I joined the Army. This allowed me to see another side of life. This opened my mind to reality!

        I have relatives that are my age who still allow the Catholic Clergy to control their thinking and their lives. It is like they never left Catholic School!

        YES, our early experiences have in many ways altered our lives. But on the other side of the coin, we were able to see through the BS, and in the process, take a step forward. — This great site is that step forward. —– Do you realize, that by our postings, we are fighting back! —– Nuns & Priest are probably reading these postings, along with other people who have been hurt by the nuns & priests. — By our example, we are proving that these sick people cannot destroy us. —– We are here, and we are alive, and we are going to keep telling our stories until someone listens, and we get justice.

        The nuns have to pay for what they did to children in Catholic School and Catholic Institutions. —– We want justice!

        The nuns were, and are a very sick group of people. They should have never been around children. They never allowed the child to discover their greatness. They burdened the child with concepts like “original sin,” when the child should have been learning academic skills, and exploring the educational world. — While I am successful, my life could have been a lot different had I attended a an academic school as opposed to a Catholic School. —— Nuns a pure evil!

        God bless you! May 2015 be the best year for you, and everyone on this site! We are the survivors! We are making a difference! We are telling our story to the world!


  433. Tom Kinsella Says:

    Attended Catholic school to second grade in Connecticut. I only remember the nuns and most priests as mean threatening figures. Never taught the Rosary or told about what happened at Fatima … Was basically done with belief in second grade…. I read about the lives of the Saints now but wonder what accounts for how these people were in the 60s …..

    • MaryW Says:

      Hello Tom, glad you got out when you did. Isn’t it odd that when most of us think of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit we have a thought of goodness, in contrast to priests and nuns who were sick demonic beings. They had nothing to do with anything God like, they were evil and it I can’t think of a priest or nun that was nice or good. I think what is so weird to me about the Catholic faith is all the stuff they made/make up. Most of it not even biblical, just some junk they thought up. Mortal and venial sins, no where in the bible, just made up. God wants all sinners to come to Him. He didn’t say don’t take communion if you are a sinner. Just so many lies. The list would go on for miles and they are doing nothing to make it better so they look so stupid. God bless you Tom 🙂

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mary W:

        Well written and well said! —- Tom was lucky that he was able to get out from under the influence of the Catholic Schools & nuns after the second grade! ——– Some of us had to live through 12 years of this BS with the nuns.

        Every Corporation in the United States has a “Mission Statement.” It basically tells the customer and the world what the corporation is all about, and what can be expected from the corporation.

        I would love to see the “Mission Statement” of the corporation of the Catholic Church both in our past, and now in the present. What were they trying to accomplish in the past, and what are they trying to accomplish now, in the “here and now!” —– What does the corporation stand for, and what was the role of the nuns and priests in the past, and what is the role of the nuns and priest in the present Catholic Church?

        Children should NOT be dealing with the “concept of sin” in their early educational life, unless the purpose of teaching this concept is to get complete control of the individual, and make the young person think that they are some how “less than they should be in the eyes of God!” — I remember being taught this BS in the second grade in NYC. The nuns made the students feel that they were not “OK!” As a young person, I was taught to fear God! QUESTION: If God mad me, —- then how come I am not ok? —– Our school day started at 7:00am in the morning, and continued to 3:00pm in the afternoon. It started our with Mass everyday, followed by one hour of religious instruction. Then on Monday & Wednesday we had to attend “afternoon services at the church.” After eight years of this, I had lost my faith! I could not take it anymore! TOO MUCH EXPOSURE TO THE NUNS, too much religion, and too much church! —– Today, my wife and I not longer attend church. We listen to Christian Programs on Sunday, and we give our church money to people who perform a service for us as a tip! We are a lot happier. When you decided to leave the Catholic Church, and walk away from the nuns and priests, your life improves 100%!

        God bless everyone on this site!


  434. Theresa Corbin Says:

    I attended a Catholic School in Nashville, Tn. from 1927 until 1939 with Sisters of Mercy as teachers. Never saw anything like what I have been reading though I believe these stories and think they are atrocious. Our nuns were strict but not cruel. Boys would have their hands hit with a wooden paddle. One nun seemed to dislike me and made me miserable occasionally . There are some very good, kind and dedicated Nuns and Priests. I feel the priests who sexually abused children should be expelled from the priesthood.
    Sincerely, Theresa C

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Theresa:

      Welcome to the group! Each person who joins this group adds something to the mix.

      I believe that some people had positive experiences in Catholic Schools, — and some people received a good education. But for every positive in life, there is also a negative.

      There are a number of people on this site who have been damaged very deeply by nuns, priests and the Catholic Church. —- In many cases the nuns have destroyed their lives. They are what I call the “walking wounded!” I had a very dear friend, who “drank himself to death,” because he could not make the transition from a twelve year Catholic Education to the Adult World. ——The nuns destroyed his thinking, self-esteem and problem solving ability. He died when he was 50 years old from alcohol!

      I attended 12 years of Catholic School in NYC & N.J., and it was a total negative experience, and a total waste of my time. Today, I am a Christian, NOT a Catholic. There is a BIG difference. The Christian religion is all about love and understanding. The Catholic Church is all about negativity, rules and punishment. I have never attended one Mass where the sermon was positive. The always preach negativity, rules and regulations, together with the need for more money! —— Lives have been destroyed by both and nuns and priests in the name of God, and the Bishops, Cardinals and Pope do not seem to care! —– Yes, they give “lip service to the issue,” but they will not turn over the files to the civil authorities. They protect the criminals! —– Why?

      God bless you!


    • Frank Says:

      Hi Theresa,
      The sexual abuse of a minor by an adult is a serious criminal breach of the law. Offenders are put behind bars for a long stretch. Expulsion from the priesthood is like saying someone should be fired from their job if they sexually assault a child.

      Because of the moral imperative and the total violation of the high-level of trust that goes with being a member of the clergy, the crime of religious pedophiles is especially heinous and should attract even longer prison sentences than normal.

      The mealy-mouthed spin that comes from Church figures about ‘moral failings’ and ‘lapses of trust’ or ‘impaired judgment’ or blaming homosexual perversion for the criminal rape of children is both disgusting and contemptible. it needs to be called what it is and the punishment should fit the crime, the same as it does for the rest of society.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


        Well said & well written! —– RIGHT ON!

        It is time that the people who were abused get justice!

        The Nuns and the Priests did the crimes, so now let them pay for
        the crimes!

        There is nothing “special” about a Nun or a Priest. They are just
        human beings doing a job! They are no different than a Doctor,
        Lawyer, Teacher, Nurse, Bus Driver, Soldier, or Boat Captain.

        The “clergy” likes to hid behind the “smoke and mirrors,” and in the
        process, make the average person “think” that they are somehow
        special people. FACT: — They are NOT special people!


  435. Jonos B Says:

    I am from the midwest, and was a victim of mental, and physical abuse by nuns of the order of St. Joseph, The school remains – mostly lay teachers now. However I still carry the scars of what they did to me mentally and allowed to happen and being hit with a book in front of a class, public humiliation, for not knowing how to solve a math problem. I know not all nuns are bad however I do know what happened to me and the lasting, lifelong effect and the toll it has taken.. I just wanted to say thank you for putting up this blog, I thought it was just me, Both nuns are long gone now, this happened in the 70s. However, the actions and inaction was so very wrong. The pastor was drinking so heavily I doubt he ever realized what the nuns were doing. Their life must have been so messed up to begin with that they somehow rationalized this was ok. Again, thank for a place to vent.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Welcome to the group Jonos!

      The nuns were VERY sick human beings. They did a lot of damage to young people, —– and they enjoyed the process.

      We are here to listen and support one another!

      I was in Catholic Schools in the 50’s!

      Most everyone here was abused by nuns in some way.

      God bless you!

      Write back when you have the opportunity. Tell us your story.


  436. Frank Says:

    For just the second time ever anywhere, a member of the Catholic clergy, has been charged with the crime of concealing child sex abuse. The first was a Monsignor in Philadelphia a few years back.

    Today it is none other than an Archbishop – in Adelaide, Australia.

    The covering up of abuse at the highest levels of Church authority has allowed child abuse to go unchecked, if not flourish within the Church, for CENTURIES! It is to be hoped that this individual will be put where he belongs – behind bars – for a long time.

    This is a message that we all have a hand in sending to the Church.

    It hopefully represents a watershed or tipping point in the abuse of power by the Church and the end of State / police / judicial protection for the Church that has helped them remain unaccountable and unpunished both for the direct crimes of abuse against children and the equally sickening covering up of that abuse by Church leaders.

    • George Barilla Says:

      Great article Frank. I posted it on my google+ site that has 70,000 views now (around the world); also on my Twitter and Pinterest sites. Maybe this is why pope francis wants to retire – he’s next.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


      It is GREAT that the leadership of the Catholic Church is being exposed for being part of the Criminal Clergy, but on the other side of the issue, the membership of the Catholic Church has yet to take
      a “unified action” that delivers the message to the Bishops, Cardinals and Pope that they are no longer going to accept “business as usual!” —– That message has to come in the form of “withholding contributions to the local churches on a weekly basis.” —— The Catholic Clergy only respect money. —– That is their God! —-If Catholics want to get the attention of the “Catholic Leadership,” the only way that can happen is through the controlling of incoming funds. —— Once the money dries up, the management of the corporation will pay attention to the “will of the people!” —– Our “collective money” is the “weapon against the Catholic Church!” —- The “membership” is the Church, not the Nuns, Priests, Bishops, Cardinals or Pope! —- They work for us, we do not work for them! —– Lets get their attention! —- I am tired of seeing children abused by the Catholic Clergy! —- I am tired of seeing them get away with their crimes! —- I want justice for the offended people!


      • Mary Tod Says:

        I mentioned when I first wrote on this blog that I wrote to the pope at the time. I noticed I still had a copy of this letter to which I never got a reply or expected one.

        Dear Pope Benedict,

        I am writing to address the abuse of nuns that has pretty much gone without attention. I was abused in the second grade by Sister Mary Frederick, a sister of Saint Josephs. I memory is still with me till this day at the age of 51. The abuse was extreme at times. Some of it I have blocked out. I was only six years old as my mother was sick with cancer and got permission to enter me into school at the age of 5 for first grade and I turned 6 in February of the following year.

        First grade was a great experience with Sister Margret Thomas as my teacher. Second grade was quite different. My mother sent me to school with a elastic head band that slipped down and I pulled it back up in place. At 6 years old I was tall for my age and sat at the back of the class 3rd row last seat. When the headband slipped down and I put it back up Sister Mary Frederick stormed down to the aisle to my desk and yelled at me I will not have you playing with that thing and proceeded to grab me by my hair that was long and down to my waist and dragged me by my hair on the floor. She put my head band on her desk. I grabbed my head band and ran out of the classroom and the school to my home accross the street and told my mother frantically what had happened. My mother brushed my hair and it was falling out as she brushed it and I was bleeding from the top back of my scalp. The hair that fell out she put in a ball in her coat pocket it was four to five inches around. She brought me back to school and the children were outside for recess at this point. She approached sister Mary Frederick and asked her if she dragged me by my hair. Sister Mary Frederick told my mother I was a liar. My mother proceeded to pull the ball of hair out of her pocket and showed her my bleeding head. She told my mother it will never happen again. My mother proceeded to leave with me behind in the school yard. I said, “I don’t want to stay I want to go home.” My mother told me we are Catholics we have to learn to turn the other cheek. I was totally devastated.

        The abuse continued and I did not tell my mother but hid it from her. The next incident was when I was a basketball game for my sister. I was up stairs in the gym and bought a ticket to see the game. I went down stairs to the bathroom before the game started. On the way down Sister Mary Frederick was on the first floor landing and I was just decending the stairs to the first floor.

        She yelled at me what was I doing in the school. She charged up the stairs toward me and grabbed me by my arm and viciously dragged me down the stairs my shins of my legs hitting the steel edges of the stairs on the way down. My shins were cut and bleeding through my knee socks. She then threw me out the door into the school yard and the hard asphalt ground. I slowly got up and agonizingly walked home. I went in the house quietly and straight to the bathroom where I washed my cut legs and put mucricome on the cuts and hid them from my mother. I washed the blood out of my socks and hid the socks till my mother was doing a load of laundry in the washing machine the next day and quietly slipped them in the washing machine unnoticed.

        Sister Mary Frederick would take me alone in the cloak room I remember with the chalk board pointer and looking up at the skylight in the cieling of the cloak room. My mind has blanked out what happened in that room. I had nightmares of being stabbed in my vagina after that. Something a child of my age would not have knowledge of. I would come out of the cloak room and be unconsolable and void. She then sat me at my desk and placed a glass of water with a wooden bird that bobbed in and out to try to bring me out of my traumatized state. She would also have a metal klicker and klick it and try to get the other children to do things to make me come around. I would sit and stare and say nothing. I was in total fear of her, hated her and had constant nightmares for years about her and she has been the subject of many therapy sessions. I want the nuns that have abused children in the past like my self outed for what they have done and how they have devastated my life and the lives of others. I still bear the scars in my shins from being dragged down the stairs but the worse one are the the scars she left on my soul. Sister Mary Frederick is more than likely dead as she would be quite old now. I have left the church year ago because of this and believe in no organized religions. The news at present re-affirms this. Ironically, I work for a catholic hospital run by the archdiose and see the corruption there. I have documentation to the deceit and lies I have experienced there. I don’t expect a response to this letter but it is something I feel I should write. I hope all victims of abuse by preist and nuns write you and let the weight of our burden rest on your heads for ignoring and hiding it for all these years.


        A survivor.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mary Tod:

        What a story! —– I could feel your pain as I read every line! —- I understand how you feel about the Catholic Church, and the nuns & priests!

        I also witnessed the same type of behavior in a Catholic School in NYC in the 50’s!

        That nun was a “very sick human being,” and she should have never been around children! —– Most of the nuns in the 50’s were psychological misfits who could not fit into society, so they locked themselves alway in a convent! ——- If this nun abused children in school, —- what went on in the convent at night? —– I think you can fill in the blanks!

        The nuns and priests have always used their power to take advantage of people! My parents were afraid of the nuns and priests. I was physically abused by a nun, and my parents did nothing about the incident! I was on my own in terms of dealing with the nuns! In addition to the physical and mental abuse, the quality of an academic education on a scale from 1 to 10 was about a 5 on a good day! —– They used the school to push the Catholic Religion. —- Educating the children was secondary. I hated everyday that I spent in Catholic School! The education that the nuns delivered, and the physical & mental abuse nearly destroyed my life! —–

        YES, I understand what you experienced! This should have never happened to you or anyone else! The nun was less than an animal, because an animal would not do the things that were done to you on their own young! —– This nun should have been put in prison!

        The Catholic Church and the nuns & priests are running scared because the truth is getting out! —– People are reading the blogs and the Church can no longer hide their crimes. —- Justice is coming!

        People are walking away from the Church, and they are taking their weekly donations with them to other Christian Churches where they are treated in a professional / loving manner.

        The Catholic Church is dying a slow death, and in the end, there will be no one to go to the funeral. —- And the clergy made it all happen by their sick actions over the years!

        You are a strong person! —— Never give up on yourself and on your dreams! —- Stay strong! —— You are a survivor! —– Enjoy your life! —– Everyday, when I wake up, I thank God that I am alive, and then I enjoy the day! —- I will not let my memories destroy me! —– I make everyday count, because everyday is important! —- Once a day is spent, that time can never be recovered! —- I no longer waste my valuable time with the Catholic Church, and the nuns and priests! —- They are negative people, and I want to live a positive life! —— I no longer attend Catholic Church services, and I find that my life is so much more positive because of this decision! —– God bless you!


      • Mary Tod Says:

        I tried to reply yesterday to your response to the letter I posted. I could not get a secure connection for some reason. Thank you! You are always so supportive, understanding and consoling. Some of our experiences are similar and what you say is so true about the Catholic church. I admire your positive attitude and outlook! We are all survivors! I would encourage everyone to write the pope and post there letters! I would estimate that 100% of them would get no response just as mine! This only proves the denial, deceitful, corrupt and cover-up mentality of the Catholic Church. They are probably hoping we will all die off as the nuns that have abused us. I still have physical scars on my legs but the emotional damage have left wounds that never really heal. I hope I live to see the Catholic Church accept responsibility for the deeds of nuns, abuse they inflicted and lives damaged. I may write to the current pope once again. See how many popes it takes to reply to my letter.

        Thank you again Dwayne! I had tears in my eyes reading your response as it is great to be able to converse with someone who understands as you have lived it. You are always so supportive of everyone.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mary Tod:

        Thank you for your kind response, and thank you for sharing your story!

        YES, all of us on this great site, have stories that need to be told. Some of us have lived with the pain of those past experiences for years. Some of that pain has taken its toll on our lives, and has controlled our destiny.

        Recognize, that there is GREATNESS in each one of us that needs to be discovered by each individual. That is our personal obligation to ourselves! We need to tell our story, but at the same time, we need to make things happen in our lives by design. It we do not take this action, we are allowing those sick nuns and priests to control our lives by controlling our thinking.

        You are a good person! You have the talents, skills and abilities to enjoy a successful life. Set some goals. Develop a plan of action to achieve those goals. Read motivational books. Read books about positive / successful people. Take action in the direction of your goals, while using 100% of your talents, skills and abilities.

        I appreciate your postings on this site. If more people would tell their story, we would get a better understanding of the “magnitude of the problem.” With that understanding comes “GROUP POWER!”
        If there is a “Catholic Abuse Group” in your area, consider joining the group. Tell them your story. Listen to their stories. Support one another! —– Justice is coming for all of us! —- The nuns, priests and the church are running scared! —- People are leaving the church, and taking their money with them as they go! —- The Catholic Church has become an “empty institution!” It stands for nothing positive! It is built on lies and intimidation!

        God bless you!


      • Michael Kozaczek Says:

        Fine. I get it. Now move on, stop whining, and get over it. I did.

        Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 17:09:53 +0000 To:

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Michael:

        I am very happy that you were able “to get over it!” That is GREAT! But some people were not able to make this happen in their life! A friend of mind died of alcoholism, because of issues with nuns. So I guess “he did not get over it!”

        Giving people support is NOT a “sign of weakness.” It is “positive support” on their journey though life!

        There are people on this site who have VERY DEEP wounds that may never heal! —– Just maybe, a “little support and kindness” can make their life a little easier!

        I chose to support people on their road in life! I refuse to treat people, like the nuns and priests treated me. You can make your own decision, but please, do not tell me how to live, and or how to react to people in need of assistance! —– I want justice for everyone! —- I want to see these criminals in prison!

        God bless you!

        Have a GREAT day!


      • MaryW Says:

        Hello Dwayne, Did “Michael” say what order he/she was from? lol,
        Had to say you know Dwayne, because only someone so rude would have to be a nun or a priest or something. Plus if he is over it, why did he find this website? Michael seems a little suspect to me. 🙂 Mary

      • George Barilla Says:

        Yes Michael – I’ll get over it when they reverse the brain damage a nun gave me when she smothered me and when they bring back my brother who killed himself because we were raped by a priest and beaten almost to death by nuns.

      • MaryW Says:

        Dear George, I agree with you 100%, I think Michael is a priest or a nun trying to mess with people on this site. It not he/she is a jackass Either way he is insensitive to those of us that will never get over the hell we went through. You rock George!!!

      • Mary Tod Says:

        Hello Michael,

        Do you tell children that are raped and physically abused to stop whining. Outside the church these crimes are dealt with through a Judicial system. The offenders are arrested, tried and convicted. The Plaintiff gets there day in court! I and most of us who have been victims of rape, abuse and murder want justice. A person who abuses, rapes or violates a person that leads that person to take there own life needs to be tried for murder! The Church has followed there own laws and rules. They are above the law! It is time to hold them accountable for the crimes they have committed. A church should follow the laws of its country and bear the same burdens as every citizen.

        I was 6 and 7 years old when my abuse took place! To bad I did not have someone like yourself to tell me to stop whining! What people on this site are doing is not whining, they are looking for support and Justice! People need to speak up against injustices and use there voices. Only then will the abuse stop and the ones guilty be held accountable!

        There would be no need for laws and Justice! We just tell everyone to STOP WHINING! We would save the tax payer so much money! No judges, lawyers, lawmakers, courts or prisons. Better yet how about the Church paying taxes. For most of us that would mean better schools, roads, etc. I would prefer the later!

      • Frank Says:

        Hello Michael,

        Let’s assume for a moment that you are a genuine victim of church abuse and have managed to “get over it”. If so, then good for you!

        There are 2 factors that together result in the difficulty of dealing with the damage experienced by abused children:
        1. the nature, severity and extent/timescale of the abuse itself… the level of trauma inflicted, and
        2. the resilience, personality, attitudes, values, beliefs of the abused person, as a child and also into maturity.

        What would be helpful is if you detail the context, nature and extent of the abuse you were subjected to and how you managed to get over it, and when.

        If the abuse you experienced was the worst imaginable, your own resources to deal with it modest, and you still managed to get over it, you could be forgiven for coming to the conclusion that all others needed to do was to stop whining and move on. You may be naturally low on empathy and compassion… many people are… it’s just part of their personality. You may have little time for people whom you consider to be weak… many people despise weakness… although that is often self-disgust at the deep recognition of one’s own weakness.

        Many who write on this blog have been diagnosed with PTSD. PTSD is not able to be dealt with by getting over it, and commonly not at all, even with the best of professional medical help. There are several cases reported on this blog of people who have destroyed themselves with alcohol, drugs or who have directly taken their own lives as their particular way of dealing with their experience and getting over it.

        It may be helpful for you to recognise that, no matter how bad the abuse you experienced, not everyone is like you. What you have offered on this blog does not assist or promote healing.

        If you believe what you have offered to be well-meaning and helpful, how about you get in front of a group of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans experiencing PTSD (you can find them in hospitals all over the US) and encourage them to “move on, stop whining, and get over it”?

        Please come back and let us know how you go.

      • Mary Tod Says:

        I totally agree with you Frank! I have pstd and I would like to sit in on the.” Doctor”, I believe telling soldiers with pstd to stop whining! I believe he is neither a priest or nun but a doctor as he lists himself as xray1960! Of all people who treats patients with cancer etc. should have compassion. It is great that he was able to move on and become a Doctor! I would like to hear his story of abuse he suffered and how he overcame it. What if any support he had and background! Why does he feel the need to delve into this site or any site that deals with nun abuse if he is over it!

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Michael:

        Since you were able to “get over it,” I think the group would like to know just “what you were able to get over!”

        In my case, there is not a day that I do not think about the physical and psychological abuse that I suffered under the Sisters of Charity in New York City in the 50’s. I witnessed nuns “banging boys heads into blackboards,” “grabbing two boy’s heads and banging them together,” and making them kneel for extruded periods of time, just for the sport!

        I saw children being smacked around for no reason. I saw children made fun of in front of a class! I saw nuns encouraging students to beat up other students for something that happened in class! You know, just like “trustees” in a prison!

        There was no education in the school that I attended only indoctrination. I do not dislike the nuns and priests, I hate the nuns and priests! I would like to see the nuns who abused me put in prison, but that will never happen, because they are all dead. The religion that was taught to me by the Sisters of Charity was a total lie! They portrayed God as a negative being! Just the opposite of what Christianity is all about! The Nuns and Priests are all about control of the individual. They want to control both the mind and body of every human being in the Church! They don’t control me!
        I have not gone to “Confession” in 40+ years, and I am proud of that fact! The Nuns and Priests are non-productive beings in society. They produce nothing, and they destroy lives. So, since you said that we all should “get over it,” tell use your story! We are hear to listen. We will support you! We will be kind and professional! We will not make “fun of you,” or “put you down!” That is NOT what this GREAT site is all about! —- You opened up the “can of worms,” now you have to put a lid on it! The “ball is in your court!” WE ARE LISTENING!

        God bless you!


      • Mary Tod Says:

        I like your letter to Doctor Kozaczek! Like pope Benedict I doubt you, I or anyone else will get a response. I guess that can of worms is not getting closed anytime soon!

      • Mary Tod Says:

        Bishop Finn of Kansas City, MO resigned today after allegations of covering up priestly pedophile child abuse. Hopefully, there will be more resignations and prosecutions of Catholic leaders responsible for covering up abuse. Time to go after all involved priests, nuns, Cardinals, Bishops, and Popes etc. There house of cards is slowly crumbling not fast enough for the victims of abuse.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mary Tod:

        Every day we are moving closer and closer to getting the justice that we deserve!

        The Catholic Church is a “BIG SCAM,” and the faithful are starting to realize that they have been taken “big time” over the years!

        The Criminal Catholic Clergy, over the years, have lied and committed crimes against children! —– When caught, “upper management” protected them from civil prosecution! Another crime against children!

        The nuns in Catholic Schools, and Catholic run Institutions, treated children like animals! They abused them sexually, physically and psychologically, and no one cared! The Catholic Church had money, and they could buy the silence of people! The children were powerless! Many crimes were perpetrated behind the closed doors of Catholic Institutions, and what we now see, is most probably the “tip of the iceberg!” —- QUESTIONS: —- Where are the other bodies buried? —- How many children lost their lives at the hands of nuns? —– Where are the records of children in Catholic run institutions?

        The clergy of the Catholic Church always operate with a “hidden agenda!” —– They are not to be trusted, and they should NEVER be left alone with children! —— They are disgusting human beings with no conscience. —— They believe that they are above the law, and they are above the law, because the Church is protecting them with their money!

        The fact that we keep posting, keeps our story alive! We are the “driving force” that is a “thorn” in the “side of the Catholic Church! ” ——- We are forcing them to deal with us as a group! —- Be assured, that the Catholic Clergy” are reading our postings, and they DO NOT like what we are saying! —– The “TRUTH” hurts! They cannot deny the “TRUTH!” —- They are running scared! —– Justice in the courts is coming their way!

        Have a GREAT day!

        All the best to you and everyone on this site!

        God bless you!


      • Frank Says:

        Wouldn’t it be nice if the rest of us could commit a crime and simply resign… End of story! Why isn’t Bishop Finn being pursued for the crime of concealing a crime, or aiding and abetting a criminal, or perverting or obstructing the course of justice. I am not a lawyer, but I am certain that Bishop Finn has committed a criminal offence by not reporting what he knew about the child abuse to law enforcement authorities.

        What is needed, not just in the US but everywhere that this happens, is courageous public officials to pursue and prosecute crimes such as this. Bishop Finn should not just be out of a job… He should be behind bars. There is no scourge of compulsion or perversion behind his crime. He made a calculated and cold decision to protect the Church and the perpetrator of the abuse by covering up the crime, and in the process he threw the victim under the bus. What a despicable scumbag!

      • Mary Tod Says:

        Exactly, The Catholic church governs them selves, condemns others for there crimes. They pay no taxes but take from all of no matter what religion or belief as we all pay taxes. We provide there roads and services, police, fire, Medical, trash collection etc. They are funded by there followers donations. Most of them do not know what a hard days work really is. They hoard money, art, property and jewels. There is no transparency but secrecy! They Live in rectories, convents, estates etc. that are like mansions. Priests have cooks and housekeepers, volunteers who do chores etc. Quite a scam! I went to a Catholic school but never once in school read from a bible. The bible was not taught! It is no more than a cult.

        They preach Charity! They could feed the world with there assets.

        Everyone should be accountable to the same laws, taxes etc. Pope Francis admits to stealing a cross of a dead priest and wears that cross. How low can you be to steal and rip a cross from a dead priest. He is still possession of the stolen property and he is a pope! You or I would be behind bars and condemned for our deeds.

        Where is the outrage from there followers. Where is the justice for the family of the deceased priest and why has he not returned the property. The pope is above the law! They condemn the mafia but are no better they are guilty of heinous crimes against children, murder of innocents, they reluctantly pay off victims when there hand is forced. The Catholic church needs to be held accountable for there crimes and there followers need to withhold funds that fuel there ability to continue to commit crimes. People need to wake up and see things for what they really are. Stop empowering and enabling the Catholic Church to continue there history of deception and abuse.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mary Tod:

        You make EXCELLENT points in your posting!

        The Catholic Church, (throughout their Criminal Clergy over the years), has sold the Catholic Faithful on the fact that if the faithful go against the Church, they will not be able to save their soul! — They have also sold them on the concept that the “Catholic Church is the only true Christian Church!” —— What they have done is to put the Catholic Faithful into a Psychological Prison by design!

        When I was a young person in NYC attending a Catholic Elementary School, I made it a point to visit other non-Catholic Christian Churches, and associate with other non Catholic Christians. When I took this action, I experienced true Christian love, caring and concern, something that DID NOT exist in the Catholic Church! THAT IS WHY THE NUNS DID NOT WANT CHILDREN TO ATTEND, OR BE PART OF CLUBS SPONSORED BY NON-CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN CHURCHES!

        The Catholic Church is a “CULT!” It is a BIG BUSINESS, and it sells “salvation” for “money!” It pays no taxes on it’s property, and it runs businesses from that property!

        The Catholic Clergy would like you to “believe” that they have the “secret to salvation!” If you buy into their little club, they then have your money, and it is the “money” that they are after!

        Justice and the Catholic Church have nothing in common. Do not look to the Pope for Justice for abused children of the past. He is covering his own backside! Remember, —– the fish stinks from the head down to the tale!

        Many children were abused in Catholic Schools and Catholic Institutions just “for the fun of it!” It was a “sport” for the nuns! They enjoyed inflicting pain on the young human being. They “got off” on punishing the whole class for the slights infraction! YES, it was sexual for the nuns. They nuns hated boys!

        The Catholic Church, through it’s Catholic Schools, have destroyed many lives, and the Church does not care because they are only interested in the new crop of young people entering the Church.

        The lies and abuse continue because the Faithful are too afraid to take a stand for Justice! —– All they have to do is to STOP contributing money to the Catholic Church. Once this happens the Church leadership will sit up and take notice!


      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mary:

        Remember what the Catholic Church says, and what they do are two different things!

        Their goal, is to get control of the “thinking” of the people, in order to direct it in a direction that pays off for the Church.

        Simply, they want “money,” and they want the membership to give all of their money to the church. The more the better!

        They could care less about the poor or homeless in the United States. (REASON: — These people have nothing to contribute to the Church. ——- Like children, they are expendable!)

        The clergy could care less about you and I, and how we are living. Have you seen some of their retirement and vacation homes?

        The Catholic Church is BIG BUSINESS! They should be on the “stock market” with General Motors, Chrysler and Ford!

        QUESTION: —- How do you know if a priest or nun is lying?

        ANSWER: —- Their mouth is moving! —- They speak in “half truths!” ——– Anything to get what they want!

        Nothing about the Catholic Church is sincere and truthful. It is all about “psychological manipulation” for their own benefit at the expense of the faithful!

        It is all ceremony, robes, and smoke & mirrors! It is the “land of make believe!” The Catholic Church has no relationship to the Christian Religion! Their services should start out with the phrase “once upon a time!”

        God bless you!


      • Mary Tod Says:

        Hello Dwayne,

        SMOKE AND MIRRORS is the catholic church in a nutshell. Robes, gold, ceremonies, fear, non questioning, rituals, indoctrination, and brainwashing, grandeur, control, deciet etc. Generations of followers have paid for all this only to see it all disappear churches, school, hospitals closing to pay off the churches dirty secret. Tax payers who unwillingly or knowingly paid for public services for the Catholic church.

        You are so right Dwayne!!! People need to look at how Catholic religious leaders really live. The estates of bishops, cardinals etc. There is no poverty in there lives only excess! The corporate nuns and priests! The hierarchy of the Catholic church! The Catholic church is a corporation. Some of there facilities funded by our Federal tax dollars and money squandered. Our police, military and fire departments protect there assets.

        I believe the crimes against children are well understated as boys and men are less likely to report abuse and molestation. How many suicides have taken place by victims of abuse and molestation? How many victims lives are destroyed by the memories of the abuse by alcoholism, drug abuse or mental break down? How many abused have become abusers themselves?

        Every dollar a person donates goes to fuel the abuse and cover – ups, secrecy, and lavish lives of the church hierarchy.

        There is the certain few church member that the church lets reap the benefits. These people are used as a barrier.

        I hope we allI live to see the Catholic church exposed and held accountable for its crimes! As well as a end to further abuse of the most innocent among us “children”!

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mary Tod:

        I like the way you write, and the way you “tell it as it is!”

        You said it all VERY well!

        I had a friend who graduated from a Catholic H.S. with me in 1960.
        He never made the “transition” from H.S. to the adult world. Educationally and emotionally he was not equipped for what he was facing. —- He was never able to organize his life. —- He became an alcoholic after H.S., and he died from alcohol when he was 50 years old. —– The Catholic H.S. destroyed his life. He was never able to find a career that could carry him through life. —- There was no Guidance Department in the H.S.! —— He never found a direction! —- He was a nice person, but a lost soul!

        God bless you!


      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mary Tod:

        Today I had some time, so I research child abuse by Catholic Priests and Nuns in Catholic Schools and Catholic run Institutions.
        This search and research took me all over the United States and Europe!

        Based on my research, what we are writing about on this site, is just the “tip of the iceberg!” —- For every person on this site, there has to be thousands of abused children who are now adults. The problem is BIGGER than we can imagine!

        These crimes were NOT committed by accident, but rather, they were committed by design, because the Catholic Church chose to employ “psychologically sick people” in the ranks of their clergy!

        In addition to this “transgression,” the basic philosophy of the Catholic Church, (as it presents the Christian Religion to the membership), is fundamentally “sick!” —— It is based on fear, negativity and punishment! —– It is not a “user friendly” form of the “Christian Religion!” —- It is not a happy form of the Christian Religion! —- It is designed and built on “negativity!” —– It lives for an opportunity to inflict punishment on children and adults, and it has taught the adults to expect punishment and hardships, as part of being Catholic! —- From the clergy’s point of view, the faithful are NEVER OK! —– They are always “deficient in some way,” and the clergy has the answer to that problem, and that answer involves attending more church services, and giving more money to the Catholic Corporation!

        Catholics as a group are NEVER happy! ——– They are not comfortable in their own skin! Their relationship with God is that of “MASTER” — to —- “SLAVE,” and the clergy likes it that way, because this puts them in power! —– Nuns did their best to destroy the creativity and the uniqueness of the individual child. —– They wanted to created loyal follows of a VERY SICK form of the Christian Religion, and what we see on “fire-tenders” is the result of those efforts!

        God bless you and everyone on this site. We all have been through hell! We survived, and we are putting our lives back together!


      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


        The “tentacles” of the Criminal Catholic Clergy go DEEP into the “world of civil authority!”

        It is the “world of the good old boys / girls network!”

        Many of the elected officials & law enforcement officers are probably on the “local parish counsel!” They associate with one another both on a professional and a social basis!

        The clergy of the Catholic Church truly believe that they are “above the law,” because of their contacts with the upper level of the American Society! They could care less about the “little people!” In their eyes, the “little people” are to be used and abused for their enjoyment and self-satisfaction! They “think,” that because of their position in the church, they are somehow better than everyone else!

        Some of the Catholic Faithful will not believe that the Nuns and Priests have committed crimes against children! They have taken in so much “Catholic Cool-Aid” in their life, that they cannot see the forest for the trees! They are blinded by the Catholic Clergy propaganda!

        The Catholic Church, and the Catholic Clergy, (Priests & Nuns), are part of a BIG scam that has been perpetrated on the world for years! —- They are fakes, frauds and phonies, and their whole operation is nothing more than “smoke and mirrors!” — Sending a child to a Catholic School is the same as putting a fox in a hen house! I know this to be a fact, because I am a product of 12 years of Catholic indoctrination / education, and the whole experience was totally negative, and of VERY poor academic quality! ——- Catholic schools, whether run by priests, nuns and / or lay people are simply “indoctrination camps” designed to “brain wash” the young human being, and stifle their creativity, so that the church can manipulated them for the rest of their life! The nuns are the worst offenders. They are negative / sadistic human beings that should NEVER be around children! I never met a nun that I liked! They always have a “hidden agenda” when they interact with people! They are NOT to be trusted along with the Catholic Church!


      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Frank:


        In your opinion, what needs to happen, in the here and now, in order for the “abused people” to get justice in the United States from the Catholic Church?

        What do we need to do?

        How can we accomplish this goal?


      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mary Tod:

        After making my “last posting to you,” I had this idea. If everyone who posts on this site, would shared this site with one other person, and in the process, get them to share their experiences with the group, we could all get a “true picture” of the “magnitude of the crimes” of the nuns and priests in the Catholic Church, and their Schools and Institutions.

        I believe, that there are many more people who have NOT come forward, than who have come forward to date! The issue is bigger than we imagine! I believe that we are sitting on crimes of sexual child abuse, physical abuse and murder at Catholic Institutions in the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, & 60’s. The evidence was buried in the grave yards of these institutions either legally or illegally! These were the equivalent of the “German Concentration Camps,” but for children in the U.S., and the nuns & priests were “just following orders!” They were the “camp guards!” —- There was no love, no concern, no fun, no enjoyment, no professionalism, and no future for these young human beings! They were used at the pleasure of the clergy, and when the clergy was finished with them, they were discarded! I saw a sample of this behavior in a Catholic School in the 50’s! These nuns were sick human beings! They hated children!

        We are all sitting on a “big issue” beyond belief!

        Just an idea to consider!

        God bless you!


      • Mary Tod Says:

        Hello Dwayne, That is a good idea! This site could be shared on facebook, Pinterest say on a board such as nun abuse etc., twitter. Petition sites could be utilized We as a group on this site could start a petition to Pope Francis or the president demanding justice!
        I hope this doesn’t sound like I am whining but it is just a thought!

  437. Cal Says:

    I know all about St Vinny’s Brooklyn. I sounded the alarm about the abusive priest and nun while I was a kid there. And got squelched by my parents. I was a victim. My heart goes out to the victims here……time to forgive or you’ll never see clearly. It’s time to look at the whole thing in context.
    Our parents were children of the depression and WW2. They knew all about hunger and mass murder. The USA had murdered over half a million innocent civilians in Hirishima, Nagasaki, and Tokyo (more in Tokyo than the other two combined)… father in law, at 18, was an MP during the post war there. Ritualized physical abuse, and even murder, was common in the military…..the militaries of the world are set up by the powers that be to de-populate……We were growing up with alcoholic, PTSD-suffering soldiers all around us. If you think that the Church had the inside track on child abuse in schools, read Tom Sawyer…IT was an old American (and European) tradition……there are videos online from the late 40’s showing a happy All American WASPY well to do young couple……the man is coming home from work to his lovely bride. He kisses her, and immediately she informs him in her Mid Atlantic accent, that before dinner, he needs to go up and take the belt to his son Johnny, who got into mischief that afternoon. The Dad complains (he actually LIKES his son, and wants to play with him), but the Mom insists, saying, “how is he going to grow up to be a man if you don’t discipline him?” The pop admits she’s right and goes off to do his duty……In 1990, there were still 38 states that allowed corporal punishment in PUBLIC schools……and CP is almost totally geared toward boys, even though every Middle School teacher who ever taught will tell you that the girls are the bigger pains in the ass…..but of course, the boys are being raised to be cannon fodder, so might as well get them used to ass whuppins now….
    Now, our parents in Brooklyn could have sent us to the public schools, where they had an equal amount of corporal punishment, but it was delivered by other kids instead of the teachers, for the most part (of course there was still corporal punishment going on below the radar in public schools, especially in poor neighborhoods, right up until the 80s at least, often with parent approval), and the CP was based on whether you were soft or not, or what color you were,and involved stealing your lunch money……the real cover -up of abuse has been the cover up of bullying in the public schools, which has only been addressed in the media recently……
    Our parents had a lot of kids….some times a year apart….it was encouraged during the baby boom… kept the ex soldiers busy working, so they wouldn’t riot…….one of the reasons they had so many was because the powers that be were making big money selling infant formula, and discouraging breast feeding, which naturally tends to space out pregnancies to two years or more in between….not so many Irish twins……
    Of course our generation has done a lot better with child abuse, haven’t we? By aborting one third of the children before they are born …….and covering up the long term psychological and physical damage done to the Moms……chech out the abrtion-breast cancer connection if you have’t heard about it. I wonder if Obama realizes that he probably would have been aborted had it been legal when his 17 year old Mom became pregnant with him….and then there is Kermit Gosnell, the greatest illegal mass murderer in US history, who personally killed more than300 babies in late term abortions, where he delivered the babies first, then cut their spinal chords in half….
    And today, we do so much better with misbehaving boys, don’t we? The Ritalin industry proves that…..we drug ’em up, wash our hands, and say “case closed”…..and then in HS, we give them the stronger Meds, so they can flip out and shoot up the school (every school shooter, and virtually every mass murderer, including Newtown and the southern Church shooter, were people who were on prescribed psychotropic drugs, which have admitted side effects that include manic violent outbursts)
    Must reading for anyone who wants a real education is John Taylor Gatto’s THE UNDErGroUND HISTORY OF AMERICAN EDUCATION……the schools are set up for violence and abuse….and keeping you dumb……for all the Church’s abuse, the kids who came out of those schools in NY, were much more likely to survive and thrive tan their public school counterparts……not that I’m sticking up for the schools, but choices were limited……

    • firetender Says:

      Points well taken, Cal about the culture of abuse in the U.S. Once into one’s teens (especially as being prepared for war) it was somewhat more ritualized. But the thing about Catholic Schools and nuns was that it was deeply imbedded in the institution itself and carried with it untold (or un-spoken of) sexual, gender, psychological, and spiritual abuses. The Catholic Church, then, was an entity that refined the processes of abuse and protected its perpetrators. In the light of priests getting such attention, it was simply time to bring to the forefront information regarding the impact that ten times their numbers had and that the targets were all children. Still, this site’s purpose is to make a little room for healing for those individuals who were affected and had no recourse.

      I also DO see the brilliance of subtle abuses heaped upon the generations that followed us and how subsequent generations have been dumbed down, drugged and media-manipulated into a virtual Zombie-state. Maybe this manifests itself in the blind willingness to follow the leaders from war to war. Bottom line there are many flaws in the human animal and you have to find hope for healing where you can. Good to hear from you!

    • MaryW Says:

      Dear Cal, That was an excellent post and you are right on so many points. I want to say that forgiving someone does not necessarily heal you or make things that happened go away. We can forgive all day long but the damage is already done. I think at least for my part it is not a question of not forgiving, it is a question of stopping this for good. I hate them for what they did to me and the others on this blog. Nothing will change my feelings about that, just because someone does evil does not mean you have to forgive or forget anything to get “well”. that is just not true.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Cal:

      I find your posting VERY interesting.

      Some of the contents I agree with, but some of it should be in a book of fairy tales!

      FACT: The United States DID NOT murder innocent people in Japan! The government, the military and the people of Japan were willing to set up a bloody battle, if the United States was to invade the homeland. The United States would have lost thousands of American lives in the invasion. My uncle, who fought Japan on the islands, was on the list to make the invasion of Japan when the bomb was used. The “Japs” were brutal fighters, and they tortured human beings in the prisoner of war camps, and in China. They performed operations on people while they were still alive without pain killer. You know, just for “fun!”

      The nuns and priests used both physical and mental torture on children both in Catholic Schools, and Catholic run institutions. They were no better than the “Japs” and the “Nazi SS”. The only difference is that the Catholic Church did it for the “honor and glory of God,” while the Nazi SS did it for the “honor and glory of Hitler & Germany!”

      YES, our parents were sold a “bill of goods” from the Catholic Church. They made the people believe that only the Catholic Church had the ticket to “ride the train to heaven,” when in reality, the Catholic Church cannot even save itself! They clergy lied to the people in the 40’s, 50s, 60s, & 70s, and they are still trying to lie their way through the “child sex abuse issue today.” You might say that the Catholic Church is built on a big bunch of lies. The nuns in Catholic Schools and Catholic Institutions could have written the book on “Child Abuse!” They were master at the art! —- Forgiving these criminals is not the issue! We want JUSTICE! Yes, we want a “pound of flesh” for the abuse that we all have suffered in our formative years. —- What gave these criminals the right to take our youth away form us? —– They did not own our lives! — We were not their slaves to be used and abused for their enjoyment. — We were young human beings with feelings!

      God bless you!


    • George Barilla Says:

      Many people and institutions abuse children and they all should be stopped and punished. But why does the church – the only place where we believe we will get help and be safe — get in line with the other abusers? Only they are worse because they hide behind God and worse than that — they cover up for their comrades in crime from nuns to priests, to bishops and now cardinals. Pope Francis uses the smoke and mirrors of the environment, marriage laws and other policies to distract us from looking closely at his role in putting the reputation of the church before the safety of children. You must have learned Francis’ distraction methods but many of us on this blog never get distracted from the truth: if Francis cared about child abuse by his employees he would stop it.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


        The Church DOES NOT want to stop the child abuse by nuns and priests, but rather, they want to “cover up the child abuse,” and carry on business as usual! —– When all else fails, they go back to ceremony, robes and smoke & mirrors! —– They tell the faithful what they should be doing in life, and how they should live, and what they should be doing in their bedroom, but they do not want to be held accountable for their actions in schools and institutions. YES, they are above the law, because they are special / chosen people. They talk to God, and God talks to them! —– GET REAL! —- Just think about this concept. People tell their “inner secrets to the Criminal Clergy in Confession”, while the clergy are abusing children for their own enjoyment! ——- Don’t you just love the double standard!


  438. Indra Says:

    Hi, I’m from Singapore and currently reading the book by Irene Kelly, Sins of the Mother. I really would like to find out if any of the horrible nuns are still around, do we know who they are and if any of them were ever brought to justice for the crimes they committed?

  439. Joanne Says:

    They were sadistic bitches. And I too was a victim of their sadistic tactics! Thank God my parents pulled me out in third grade and put me in public school. Mother St. Veronica is what nightmares are made of.

  440. Suzette Says:

    With tears in my eyes I want to thank you for this article and letting me see I am not alone. I too was in a Dominican nun orphanage/boarding school in the late 40’s and 50’s. I am an older person now and I too have to suffer emotionally from the trauma! My innocence and childhood was stolen. Soeur Rita lives on in my head. It has taken me a lifetime to face what happened to me. I have been in recovery in AA for 25 years now and I am now starting to process the pain I suffered under their “care”. If you have any suggestions as to becoming healthier emotionally under these circumstances please give me some ideas, I would like to think the suffering does not have to continue until I die!

    • firetender Says:

      This site, as clunky as it is, is a huge resource for you to learn you’re not alone and many people have found ways to regain their lives. Thank you for coming to visit!

      • Joe Says:

        All the priest and nuns should be put in jail for all the abuse they did to the children. The people in charge who knew about it should go to jail also. There is nothing special about a priest or a nun . They are criminals and belong in jail where they can be exposed to there own element. If a priest or nun get caught committing a crime take away their parish . Let’s enforce the RICO act on their sorry ass. You will see how fast the Pope will get rid of them.

    • Frank Says:

      Welcome Suzette… you are amongst friends here.

      You, like many others here including myself, are victims of trauma and ongoing emotional disturbance.

      You may well have PTSD, but it is important to get a credible diagnosis.

      Again, many of us here have benefited significantly from therapy. Everybody is different, but several of us have made significant improvement with a therapy for PTSD called EMDR
      EMDR is the only therapy for which there is evidence-based research support of success with PTSD.

      The problem with trauma as a child is that the experiences get locked-in with a child’s understanding. So despite the fact that we mature in all sorts of ways, including mentally, as adults, we get triggered unnecessarily by all sorts of different things in our adult lives because our bodies/brains perceive the ‘threat’, and respond to that threat, exactly as we did as children. The criticism from a loved one, an argument with a colleague, our own feelings of not being good enough or worthy… of a job, of love, of a happy life etc can all be triggers that we respond to way out of whack to the real ‘threat’.

      Therapy involves reprocessing the events and trauma we experienced as children. The reprocessing breaks the vicious cycle of reacting to current events as a child. It allows us to see both past traumatic events and current trigger events in a much more balanced and mature emotional way, so that over time we become more balanced, more calm, less reactive, happier and feel better about ourselves.

      Finding a therapist with whom you are comfortable in whom you believe can help you is important and not necessarily that easy to find. Getting a credible diagnosis is the next step before embarking on therapy.

      Support groups can also be a helpful adjunct. You understand how they work from AA. It may pay to find one that supports people who were abused as children.

      Heartfelt best wishes on your healing journey. Healing is definitely possible!

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


        Well said, and well written!

        One of the reasons, why we all remember it is such detail is that when it happened to us, “it was charged with emotion!” —– Any situation that is “charged with emotion,” can be remembered in great detail!

        All the best!


      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Frank and Everyone on this Site:

        I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS, and a Happy, Healthy & Successful New Year!

        We have all come a long way on this site, and I believe that we have “grown” each in our own way.

        Our memories will never leave us, but we are learning to cope with the situation, and in the process, make some positive things happen in our lives.

        Each one of us has the talents, skills and abilities to create a positive life for ourselves. We have all struggled with some negative ghosts in our past.

        2016, is a new year! Lets make a New Years Resolution to move forward in a positive, focused, determined, professional manner, and in the process, make some good things happen in our lives.

        Have a GREAT Christmas!

        All the best!

        Be safe!

        May God Bless you, your family and friends!


    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Suzette:

      Welcome to the group. There are very fine people in this goup, and each one of us has a story to tell. I would encourage you to read through the postings to get an idea of the experiences that we all have had with the nuns.

      There is not one day, that I do not think about my experiences in Catholic School in New York City in the 40’s & 50’s. Yes, our youth and innocence was robbed from us by this very sick people.

      I am 73 years old, and I can still remember these experiences like it was yesterday. There was no education in these schools, but rather, there was major indoctrination into a very sick form of the Christian Religion! —- To this day, I cannot be in the same room with a nun or a priest!

      Remember, YOU are a very good person, who was treated very poorly!

      My life turned around when I had a military experience in the 60’s, and I earn a few college degrees from a State College and a Private Non-Catholic University! —- I also did a lot of research in the areas of self-motivation, self-help and human potential. One of my MA degrees is in “Human Development!” I like to read about the lives of successful people! I no longer attend the Catholic Church, because I cannot support an organization that destroys children’s lives!

      Write back, and tell us your story. The people on this site are very understanding and supportive. —– We understand, because we were all their one way or another.

      God bless you!


  441. Mary J. Says:

    I went to a Catholic school in the Minneapolis MN in the 1950’s and 60’s. I have/had learning disability. I have found a way to live with it, and not look back…. or so I thought. I was beaten by nuns at least two that I remember, because I couldn’t learn. I did tell “Mom” her first answer was good maybe I’ll learn something, then after she talked to more people it was I lied a nun wouldn’t do that for no reason. So when it happened again and maybe again,I said nothing.
    I guess after all these years I just feel I need to say something and get it out.. I still go to church found one I’m very happy with, NOT CATHOLIC.. All my family knows is that I was not happy at school, and I don’t think they were very Christian. They know nothing the only thing bout the beatings.
    I wake up now every morning with pain… AND I found out that it can be caused by a childhood injury or hitting.So everyday, I live with this
    I pray to God everyday to take my pain away….
    … I did nothing wrong… the only thing I did was that I learned differently than others….just the way God made me….
    I did nothing wrong. By the way those reading this: I’m a female, very much a female I still like all the girly things that goes with that. Just to let you know it’s wasn’t just boys who got beaten.
    Thank-You for letting me get this out.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Mary J.

      Welcome to the group. Your story sounded very familiar, as I was also educated in a Catholic School in New York City and New Jersey in the late 40’s, & 50’s! I witnessed child abuse by the nuns, and I was also abused by the nuns. Looking back at my academic performance, I also suffered from a “learning disability,” that I was able to overcome on my own, later on in life! —- There was no help from the nuns! The nuns simply did not care about brining out the best in each student! They were “one dimensional human beings!”
      They pushed religion down the throat of the students until they gagged! Too much religion, is like too much ice cream, eventually you get “sick of it!” The nuns did not live the Christian Religion. They were very mean individuals, and they should never have been allowed to be around children. In many cases, they were NOT trained / educated teachers. They did NOT hold a College Degree in education, so they did not know how to teach!

      The abuse that I witnessed was both physical and psychological. While the physical abuse leaves scars in terms of pain, the psychological abuse can destroy the life of a human being in more hidden ways. I have members of my extended family who were also educated by the nuns who are NOT psychologically well human beings today! They are brain washed into the Catholic way of thinking, and they follow the Catholic Church blindly. They cannot think and reason for themselves. —– I, on the other hand, have walked away from the Catholic Church. If I find a need for religion in my life, I watch the T.V. ministers on Sunday. —- They make more sense that any Catholic Priest or Nun every made!

      You will find many people on this site who are very supporting. Some have suffered some extreme abuse by both the nuns and priests. I encourage you to scroll through the postings to get a feel for the individual contributors.

      Yes, —- there is an interesting group of people on this site, and we all have one thing in common, and that is; ——- “child abuse by the nuns!”

      God bless you!


    • Joe Says:

      Religion sucks and if thee were no religion in this world it would be a safer place.

      • rickcarufel Says:

        I have created a group on Facebook seeking people who have been abused and/or injured in the Catholic school system. Please join if you have a story to tell. This is part of a ramp-up to a lawsuit that states the abuse in those schools was systemic, serial and policy all designed to break the will of the children to the church and had nothing to do with education. The education, although good was nothing more than an excuse to get their hands on kids so they could be tortured, terrorized and brainwashed into Church doctrine.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


        The Catholic Church operated Catholic Schools not to educate the young people, but to get their hands on the young minds, and brain wash them into the Catholic theology!

        As a child, I would visit non-Catholic Christian Churches, and I always found the people loving, sincere and professional. Something that the nuns could no come close to achieving!

        The Catholic Schools that I attended in New York City and New Jersey, —- DID NOT offer a high quality academic education. Their curriculum was very narrow, and the quality of the instruction was very poor! To say the least, the nuns were incompetent!

        Just my opinion!


      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Joe:

        You are correct!

        The Catholic Religion and Nuns destroyed my youth!


  442. Scarlet Knight '76 Says:

    So after all these years, my old catholic grammar school (located in New Jersey) finally decides to contact me just before Christmas 2015 inviting me to recall my ‘fond’ memories during my time at St. Amnesia’s (the real saint’s name has been changed to ‘protect the innocent’). But in all honestly, after graduating long ago, I can’t recall any that were particularly, warm and fuzzy . . .

    In fact, is was due to the ‘fine’ catholic education I received while attending St. Amnesia’s that almost kept me from going to college. Before I eventually graduated, I had to meet with my future high school guidance counselor, who based on the recommendations of the St. Amnesia’s faculty would have had me register for all ‘general’ classes thereby precluding my chances to advance to university level studies. Fortunately, in the initial interview when we met, my high school counselor-to-be decided unilaterally, I had much greater capabilities and drive than what the esteemed teaching staff at St. Amnesia’s could have ever imagined. Instead, he saw a young man whose aspirations easily exceeded the myopic assumptions of a cloistered few.

    I was so excited to be joining my older brother at the local public high school that unlike some of my classmates who followed me, the transition was almost flawless as I finished with honors, eventually bound for Rutgers, where I graduated cum laude with a Bachelor’s in Science.

    But the story begins long ago, when I first arrived at St. Amnesia’s in 1964 during the second half of my fourth grade year and coming from a public school where I was beginning to flourish academically. Instead, it would be another four and a half long years until I could again, feel I was truly nurtured, given the encouragement and support of all my teachers, and thus leaving behind the brutality, indignation, and repression caused by the dear Dominican sisters of St. Amnesia’s School.

    To this day, I strongly believe some of these women had serious issues with men and chose to hide amongst a religious order that gave them safe harbor to run rampant and unchallenged, especially when given carte blanche from our naïve parents who truly believed the ‘dear’ sisters could do no wrong. Not only were they extremely sadistic (and this was not limited to the good sisters of St. Amnesia’s but also included a particular lay teacher who had the propensity of smashing the hands and knuckles of my classmates with a steel ruler whenever she felt so inclined) but these particular individuals treated the schoolchildren (especially the young male students in my classes) with relentless contempt and suspicion. Whether it involved smacking an ear, landing a forearm to the head, or backhand to the face, it was always seemed an excessive response, unprovoked for the pettiest of infractions. The girls were treated less severely but were humiliated nonetheless. If they were caught chewing gum in class, the nuns would stick it in their hair or if their fingernails were too long, the good sisters would simply give them an ‘involuntary’ manicure!

    There was the time I witnessed a male classmate who was grabbed by his shirt collar for minor misbehavior and choked until he turned blue, passing out before me, falling over his desk, onto the floor. Although the nun who had grabbed him initially seemed alarmed, she told the class to stand down from assisting him as he was probably feigning injury. He was not and he laid there ‘unconscious’ for several minutes before he had fully recovered.

    In another episode, I was asked to diagram a sentence on the chalk board and was violently struck with a backhand then forehand to my jaw because I could not correctly scribe the ‘number’ for the eighth sentence. I sometimes did things backwards in terms of my hand eye coordination (even when I had learned to tie my shoes) and it may have been due to mild form of dyslexia or that I was merely a lifelong ‘lefty’.

    Then there was the occasion I was excused from ‘gym class’ in sixth grade since the instructor thought I was insulting his form of physical training that resembled a poor imitation of a ‘Simon Says’ routine using limited arm and leg movements for about a total of 30 minutes (it included the five minutes to march us out then another five minutes to march us back from the assembly yard while in ‘military’ style formation). Actually, I wanted to know if it would be possible to play basketball, touch football or maybe bat around a softball every once in a while. I guess the guy was so insecure, he though it better to remove me from class then have his methods questioned. I was sent back to my classroom and a nun had me stand before my classmates as she continuously berated and mocked me for minutes on end, to the point of tears, saying I would never amount to anything or go on to college after I was expelled from ‘gym’ class.

    We never had any real formal physical fitness training during my time at St. Amnesia’s because they got duped into hiring this ‘con’ man (who claimed to have coached ‘prizefighters’) during my sixth grade year to provide PE and who probably would have had difficulty training squirrels to climb trees! I actually got more exercise walking to and from school and I only lived across the street. But as Karma would have its way, this ‘fraud’ was subsequently exposed then sacked before I left St. Amnesia’s and any semblance of an organized ‘gym class’ became nonexistent.

    Then when I began high school and had PE every day for four years for at least 45 minutes requiring all students to shower afterwards, unless we were scheduled for related classroom instruction during one of the six marking periods, I found I had the stamina of an old man and had trouble for the first several weeks of my freshman year, keeping up with my classmates who came from public school.

    One of the most arrogant acts of aberrant behavior by our religious overseers occurred only weeks before my eighth grade graduation. Our desks had a side entry shortage bin directly under our seats and I noticed one morning that all my books and personal articles had tampered with and hastily rearranged and placed back in my desk. Several other of my male classmates observed the same effect in their desks. I found out later the someone had emptied specific desks to examine our handwriting styles due to an obscene sexual slur involving one of my female classmates found written outside on the school sidewalk with spray paint. I never believed it was anyone from our class and for all I knew, the graffiti could have easily been the handiwork of an intruder who knew the girl from outside our school. Though the feeble attempt by the faculty to eagerly search for the perpetuator proved inconclusive, moving forward, it was nevertheless profoundly harmful to our morale and self-esteem. And in this case, every male student again was suspect. Honor, trust, and respect couldn’t have been less relevant!

    However, the biggest affront occurred to my parents, who never shunned volunteering or participating in any parish activities. My mom was involved with the Rosary Society and my dad worked the church bingos selling chances then counting money afterwards. He was also very active with the Knights of Columbus and Holy Name Society. But when it came time for me to graduate, St. Amnesia’s had refused to grant me my diploma even on the day of my graduation unless my tuition had been paid in full! As an altar boy for nearly three years, I served mass with pious dedication, even weddings and funerals but somehow on this day, my contributions to the parish were seen as immaterial. And I can recall the time my dad worked tirelessly for the St. Amnesia’s Carnival every year and then after winning the 50/50 raffle twice in consecutive nights one summer, was asked by the church elders for an additional contribution since they felt his lucky draw was more than coincidental!

    When my father died in 1969, you thought the parish was going to petition on the Pope for canonization based on the way everyone carried on. All the parish clergy had attended the 3-day viewing and participated in celebrating a high funeral mass but in hindsight, after the way my dad was treated in life, I found it as absolute hypocrisy.

    In early June 1972 before my high school graduation, the Knights of Columbus wanted to give a catholic student a full four-year scholarship to a catholic university of his or her choice. When it was offered to me, I declined since there were no catholic universities at the time who offered programs or degrees in environmental science and I wanted nothing ever again to do with a ‘catholic’ education. Instead I simply took out a Knights of Columbus loan as my father had been a Knight in good standing, then paid it back in full, years later.

    Fortunately, in spite of all their persistent efforts, the good sisters at St. Amnesia’s were never able to break my spirit and I managed to survive to enjoy a successful career and productive life. It’s curious the ease in which I was able to learn and excel academically before and after my encounter in a physically hostile and emotionally disturbing environment. Considering the damage done, any apology offered from St. Amnesia’s would now ring hollow which is why, to this day, I am no longer a practicing catholic.

    And while I always hear the typical excuses from the ‘diehard’ faithful that say times are now different (for both the church and parochial schools), I have to ask, when was it ever justified to turn a blind eye when it regarded the mental or physical abuse to a child?


    “Humanum fuit errare, diabolicum est per animositatem in errore manere”.
    (To err is human, but to persist in error out of pride is diabolical.) – St. Augustine of Hippo

    Take care all!

    Scarlet Knight ’76

    PS – Incidentally, as of this posting, I read, John Myers, current Archbishop of Newark, the diocese in which St. Amnesia’s located, is accused of sheltering abusive priests in a news story dated 7/30/2015.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Scarlet Knight 76:

      You write VERY well!

      Your story describes my total experience with Catholic Schools, both in New York City, & New Jersey (Union City)! I graduated from a Catholic High School in1960 as a struggling student, and I graduated from a State Teachers College in New Jersey with both a BA, and an MA Degree, plus I also graduated from a private University, (Non Catholic), with a second MA Degree. The best thing that every happened to me was to get away from Catholic Schools, Catholic Education, Catholic Priests and Catholic Nuns! I witnessed the same behavior that you wrote about in your posting!

      I am not longer a “practicing Catholic!” I got good at it, so I do not practice it any more! I have no use for fakes, frauds and phonies, and Catholic Nuns and Priests are fakes, frauds and phonies!

      In addition to my College Degrees, I also hold diplomas from a School of Technology in “Computer Aided Drafting / AUTO CAD,” and “Automotive Technology.” I taught Industrial Arts in the N.J. Public Schools for 33 years! I never had to sit for the GRE exam, because my grades were so high in my major that I was accepted into the MA program without the exam! My Catholic High School told me that I would never amount to anything! —– I sure fooled them!!!!!!!!!!

      Catholic Schools and Catholic Nuns nearly destroyed my life! Had I not gone into the military in 1963, I would have been a total failure.
      My military experience helped me to believe in myself!

      Thank you for positing.

      We are the survivors!


  443. rickcarufel Says:

    I have created a group on Facebook seeking people who have been abused and/or injured in the Catholic school system. Please join if you have a story to tell. This is part of a ramp-up to a lawsuit that states the abuse in those schools was systemic, serial and policy all designed to break the will of the children to the church and had nothing to do with education. The education, although good was nothing more than an excuse to get their hands on kids so they could be tortured, terrorized and brainwashed into Church doctrine.

  444. Lori Grobelny Says:

    In reply to Scarlet Knight 76 , I am a Fellow Scarlet Knight 76 having graduated from Douglas that same year. After enduring Grannar school and one year of high school in the ,Catholic school system in central New Jersey I left to go to public school but not until after begging and pleading with my parents to let me leave. To this day when I tell people that I left this high school. they act like there was something wrong with me for leaving. One individual went so far as to imply that I must have been”morally” defective. She stopped short just before using the word tramp. I still feel that problems I have to this day stem from all the years in Catholic school. This website and your comments have helped me immensely. Thank you Lori

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Lori:

      You made the right decision about leaving the Catholic School!

      I am 73 years old, and there is not a day that goes by, that I do not think about the way I was treated in the Catholic Schools that I attended in New York City, and New Jersey.

      While I made a successful life for myself, I would have loved to have entered some of the other professions like “Law,” and / or “Medicine!” The science program at my Catholic High was VERY poor! The teachers were incompetent at best.

      The fact that some of the people in your school suggested that you are “somehow morally defective” proves how much they are bringing to the table of Christianity!

      I no longer go to any of my high school reunions, because I had the guts to comment on the negative academic education that I received in the school, and the other graduates think that there is something wrong with me, so I am now ignored!

      Enjoy your life!

      You are free from the “BS!”


  445. Mary J. Says:

    Dear rickarufel:
    I would love to join your group, but please forgive me, this is something no one knows about me, even my husband of 42years, all anyone knows it that I was NOT happy.
    I have made my life, as one of a leader, both at my church, (not catholic) and in my neighborhood. I’m the one people come to for help. I’m not seen as someone who needs/wants help, maybe I do.
    I wish you all well. We can overcome our past.
    Mary J.

  446. JannaG Says:

    I’m very sorry that so many of you experienced abuse at the hands of nuns. I never knew it went far beyond a swat on the hand with a yardstick. (I grew up protestant and went to public school. The only abuse there was the verbal kind from other students. I heard of a teacher who allowed the whole class to pick on a kid, because that kid had been caught picking on other kids. That teacher was promptly fired for the abuse.)

    Dwayne – your idea to donate money to people instead of the church is a good one. I like to donate one portion of money to my protestant church and the rest to various charities or individuals. It feels more personal and more joyful to give money to people in need, and I missed out on that when I used to just give everything to the church.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi JannaG:

      Thank you for the compliment.

      Growing up Protestant was much better than my life growing up Catholic. Twelve years of Catholic Schools nearly destroyed my life!
      I no longer attend church. I watch the ministers on Sunday, on TV!
      While I respect nuns & priests as human belongs, I have no use for then in their capacity of Catholic Clergy. Through their behavior, attitude, and actions they have destroyed my total Christian experience.

      Most young people, who attended Catholic Schools, lived in constant fear of the nuns. The nuns were not rational / logical human beings. They abused children both physically and psychologically, and they enjoyed the total experience. It gave them great pleasure to see the children under their charge being destroyed for the “honor and glory of God!” They were, and still are a very sick group of individuals. As a group, they are not to be trusted. They always have a “hidden agenda!” Later on in life, I joined the Dutch Reformed Church. While I enjoyed the experience, and while I still believe in a higher power, —— the Christian Experience was destroyed in my life! ——- While I was a young person in Catholic elementary school, (under the influence of the nuns), I wanted to become a Protestant. I would sneak into Protestant churches just to see what was going on! There was warmth and fellowship in those churches, but only “negativity” in the Catholic Churches. The Catholic Church, with its criminal nuns and priests, is the most negative form of the Christian Religion on the face of the earth. The clergy will lie and twist the truth to serve their hidden agendas, and the Pope, Bishops & Cardinals hide the offending clergy from civil authorities so that they cannot be prosecuted in the courts. —– Priest abuse boys, and no one in the Church really cares because it is the “Good Old Boys” network.

      Growing up Catholic was the most negative experience in my life. Serving in the U.S. Army in the 60’s was better than being a student in a Catholic School, and remember, the military was training us to kill the enemy!

      Thank God I was smart enough to get my college and university education from both a State College and a Private University. (No religious courses for me!) My life change for the better when I left the Catholic Church, and the “criminal catholic clergy behind!”

      You are fortunate that you did not have to deal with the abuse of Nuns! (I never met a nun that I liked! In fact, I cannot be in the same room with a Catholic Nun or Priest!)


  447. Jack Dalby Says:

    My Friends,

    While taking a walk today, I found myself reminiscing over my nightmare school days as a student during the 1960’s at Our Lady of Good Counsel, a Catholic grade school in Vienna, VA. Once back at my office, I Googled “abusive nuns” and came upon this blog. Sadly, I have nothing to add. Your stories are my story, from the physical and emotional abuse to the pervasive feeling of dread and shame, some of which I still carry with me today. The seven years I spent there were indeed the worst of my life.

    All that said, you may be surprised to learn that over time, I have actually developed a modicum of sympathy for these women. It comes from a fairly recent chance meeting with my OLGC 5th grade lay teacher. Over lunch, she spoke openly about the nuns and their brutality, but she also made some interesting observations. When I asked her why the nuns were cruel, this wise lady pointed out that: 1) Our nuns (all nuns, I imagine) lived day in and day out in an emotionally charged dormitory existence, 2) They were completely under the drill sergeant control of the Mother Superior, 3) Because of their vows, they could never lead what she referred to as a “natural” (married) life. Therefore, and most relevant to this conversation, 4) Every day, these terribly damaged women walked into classrooms filled with children who served as a never ending reminder of all that they would never have. Unable to acknowledge or even perceive their loss and pain, the nuns took it out on us.

    My 5th grade teacher did not minimize nor make any excuses for the abuse, but she did open my eyes to the nuns humanity and to perhaps, just perhaps, a glimpse of the realities that warped these sad women. I have not forgiven them, but I feel I understand them better.

    • firetender Says:

      Hola, Jack!

      The scars are always there, aren’t they? However, we are the ones who choose to keep itching them and making them raw and real and ever present or do what we can to nurture and heal them. Like you, I have come to a better understanding. Forgiveness is a tough one. Forgetting is a choice I will not make because there are still people out there who need help to remember.

      In this moment, perhaps for the first time in my life, I am tuning in to the massive amount of suffering nuns through the ages have had to go through. The system of which they were a part was and still is, evil unchained; its stink is wrapped in the scent of rose and the most efficient camouflage ever devised by man conceals it from our view.

      I don’t know the source of the evil. Or maybe I do as far as practicalities go. I’ve been hanging out in this Russ guy’s body long enough to know about the depth and breadth of my own capabilities as a human being. All that evil lives inside of me. Luckily I have not allowed myself to be, or been led in to a position where I have given a microphone to that part of me and told it to just make it up as you go.

      So, yeah, I also understand the part about having had your own innocence ripped from you so violently that by some fuck up in the human’s wiring, the desire to rip it from someone else is always lurking in the dark corners urging, urging.

      Somewhere along the line, perhaps because I did understand the nature of pain in its many facets, because I did understand what it felt like to have my innocence ripped from me, because the god they jammed down my throat was not the God that lived inside me I managed to resist being that which tried to kill my soul.

      In this moment I can acknowledge that those 8 years in hell shaped every bit of who I am today, in direct opposition to that kind of destructive energy. At my very worst, I’m NOT that.

      And that is something to be incredibly thankful for. Why, or how I got through it I honestly cannot tell you. Something inside made me different from that, and I suspect you recognize that in yourselves as well.

      Can you see the TRIUMPH there? For all of us. Those who have stuck with this site have not become nuns; we have not taken the devastating ride that those women did and become the banshees of little children. (It’s my prayer, anyway!)

      This site is the evidence of how far this evil spread; about 700 different contributors from all over the World. It also tells you a story — difficult to get to through all the tears and rage — of just how many women’s lives were ruined to the extent that abusing children became an option if not a necessity.

      Seriously, have you ever been so painfully twisted in certain moment of your life that doing a purely evil act would seem to be the only logical and satisfying thing to do? I have, but in isolated moments typically brought about by a cascade of assaults.

      I’m seeing now that the lives these human beings lived, the toxic environments that they lived in, the culturally twisted norms and indoctrination continued relentlessly, moment after moment for every second they were in the life.

      Have you been in jail? I have and every norm in one’s life is thrown topsy-turvy. The image I just got was this: I’ve often asked myself how did Nelson Mandela go through those ages of torture and not come out sicker than shit? Now, I’m asking the same question about the nuns. How did ANY of them survive with their humanity intact?

      (When I think back I’d have to say that about 20% of the nuns in my experience went the evil route. The remainder had to have been terrifically damaged as well, if by nothing more than their own knowledge of their complicity through silence. It ALL was condoned behavior within a sick culture; some were just a lot sicker than others.)

      When I was in Jail, a guard once told me that he received an eight year sentence. He had to serve it in 8 hour shifts, five days a week for 20 years to get out. So yes, I lived with them in their hell for 8 years, five days a week, with weekends and Holidays off. Imagine how sick I’d be if that were my life 24/7 or even for 20 years? No offense to Corrections Officer, but how do you do it?)

      Folks, I started this mess with the vague notion that what our community of wounded children needed was perspective. That and the willingness to remember the hard things, the openness to listen to dissenting opinions, and the desire to share the tough shit.

      Ultimately, the gift has been to me. You have been the gift. You see, because this is my site and I have to monitor it, with every comment I’m asked to approve I have to open up the vault of my soul and look inside with the perspective I’m offered by the potential poster’s experience. A little piece here, a little piece there, and my view of myself and the Bigger world I live in morphs just a little.

      And then, like NOW, my heart opens just a little. In this case I’m tapping in to the incredibly excruciating pain that these women endured and how so many…SO MANY…could find no outlet other than to torture the innocent. This is not something you easily slip in to. And we are the offspring of that disaster. Each of those twisted souls affected tens if not hundreds of children. What does it take to turn a human being into this?

      If it were that easy to twist someone’s humanity into such a misshapen force of evil than I’d say this world would be a whole hell of a lot more messed up than it is. I can’t imagine what it would take to get me to that point, especially since I am the living result of that kind of abuse. So the question is, was it that so many women were weak or that the conditions were inconceivably unbearable and conspired to create such demons?

      And that leads me to the miracle that each and every one of us did NOT fall into the sludge pit. The incredible fortune we had, somehow, some way, to have chosen to move on no matter how painful, and not become them.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Jack:

      Welcome to this great site where everyone’s opinion counts and is considered!

      I read your posting with great interest, and I understanding where you are coming from, and I can appreciate your position on this most explosive issue.

      While I understand that the nuns were human beings, and they were living a VERY structured life, the bottom line is that “THEY” chose that life for themselves, —- for whatever reason!

      Having been in the military, soldiers are given “rules of engagement” when they are about to face an enemy. QUESTIONS: Were the nuns ever given “rules of engagement” when dealing with children? —- Were they taught proper teaching methods? —- Were they taught “how to be human” in their approach to educating young people? —– Most probably, these people were never given proper training for the job that they were entrusted to do on a daily basis, which then shifts the responsibility to a “higher authority” in the Catholic Church. —– QUESTION: —- Who was overseeing the behavior of the nuns in the Catholic Schools? The management of the Catholic Church had to know what was going on, because there are a number of people who describe the “same behavior of nuns” in different parts of the country. —– The fact is that they were “playing the game” from the “same play book!” —— It was no accident that they abused children. —– It was a “teaching method,” and it was done by design to inflict fear in the child, and get blind obedience from the child. —- There are people on this site who have struggle through life because of the damage that nuns have done to them in Catholic Schools. —- Where is the justice for these people? Should we give the nuns a “pass,” and tell the offended people to just forget about the abuse, and move on with their life? —- I think that it is time that the Catholic Church, and every order of nuns take full and complete responsibility for their past behavior! —- Anything less would be more abuse on the offended people!


      • Jack D. Says:


        Hello. Like you, I believe most of us participate in this blog because of the suffering inflicted upon us by the Catholic Church in general, and Catholic nuns in particular. I’m afraid I don’t know where the nuns received their training or even if they had any training. I do know that many of the ones I experienced should not have been allowed to teach children. That being said, saying we understand why so many of the nuns became abusive is not the same thing as forgiving them. Speaking only for me, it was helpful that I came to see the tortured humanity in these nuns. Somehow it made them less monstrous, which is not to say less responsible. For me, at least, that was an important step that helped me to get on with my life. It might not work for everyone, though.

        Where I think all of us will be disappointed, however, is if we believe that someone, somewhere can provide us with any kind of justice. Not because we didn’t suffer and not because we don’t deserve it, but because the hard truth is that many or perhaps all of the nuns who tormented us are either long dead or very, very old. And even if they are alive and coherent, what can we expect from them? An apology? An apology from the Catholic Church? Compensation from a law suit? Maybe, but I’m not holding my breath. I would rather spend my energies talking with survivors like us, listening to the stories, acknowledging the pain and finding ways to come to terms with the awful treatment we endured as innocent children. As I said earlier, that may not work for everyone, but it has helped me. I say, good luck to all of us.


      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Jack, thank you for your professional response!

        Here is the all important question that needs to be answered. “Is the child abuse currently still going on in Catholic Churches, Catholic Run Institutions, and Catholic Schools?” —- YES or NO!

        Personally, —– I believe that the answer is YES, because the behavior is imprinted into the training of the Priests and Nuns! They see the “Faithful” as a group that is beneath them in the structure of the religion, — so as such, it is VERY easy for the Clergy to use the “Faithful” for their own ends! —– YES, it is “sick psychology,” but these people are very sick, and the religion that they represent is very twisted! —– “FEAR” and “PUNISHMENT” have always been the key ingredients of the Catholic Philosophy! —- In the Catholic Religion, the individual is always “less than,” and never “ok!” God is always to be feared in some way! —- There is always the “magic prayer” to be said, on the “second Tuesday of the month” to make things ok,” and of course, there is a ceremony associated with the prayer, and money to be collected! —- The whole operation is Big Business, and the Clergy were caught with their hands in the cookie jar! If is wasn’t for the “net,” their dirty little secret would still be safe! They are embarrassed, and they cannot bring themselves to admit to the crimes, and open their files! They have lost their “standing” in the “World of Religion!”

        All the best to you!

        God bless!


  448. johnc382 Says:

    It was Sr. Cor. The sad part is she and others stood by and watched. Years later I met one of the nuns who left because of the abuse inflicted on them in the convent as well as stories of using students as their little slaves to do covent chores. To this day I can’t understand how no adult as well as residents of houses adjacent to that tiny schoolyard did not speak up and report them. Then you have Father Auth. Who oversaw the band and altar boys who is suddenly gone to cause horific damage in Florida….. so sad …..

    • firetender Says:

      Fr. Authenreith (sp?) WOW! did he get popped for something or just Poped (got off with no consequences)? As for nobody speaking up, those were spare the rod spoil the child days. Brutality could have been written off as they’re nuns, they must have cause. That was the case with my own mother when I showed her the welts on my butt.She went to the convent, confronted the Principal, and never said a word about what happened to me or anyone afterwards!

  449. Elizabeth Says:

    Good Morning

    My name is Elizabeth and I attended St. Nicholas Grammar School in Jersey City, NJ. I too was physically and mentally abused by my 1st grade nun, Sister John Mary. She was of the order of the Sisters of Christian Charity (how ironic). I was 5 years old when I started the 1st grade. For some reason, I was the brunt of her frustration I guess. I think she sensed that I would not expose the abuse that she shelled out because she saw the fear in me.

    Every morning, my father would walk me to school. When we reached Ferry Street and Central Avenue (right across from the school), my father would say good bye. Right before I would cross the street to school, I would vomit (every morning this happened). A police officer who would be directing traffic and helping the children to cross the street, did inform my father about this. Because I did not complain to him or my mother about the abuse at the time, my father just attributed the vomiting to nerves. He did not have any clue what what went on inside the classroom.

    The reason for the weak stomach goes like this:
    This “Sister of Satan” physically abused me by pulling my hair, cheeks and ears in front of the entire class. She scratched the inner part of my elbow one time, that it was bleeding. She threw me up against the blackboard another time. Another example of mental abuse was that she was checking the students’ notebooks. We would stand in line and wait our turn for her to put her stamp of approval. When she came to mine, she put a an X on the page with my work and threw the notebook across the room.

    The hypocricy of this was the fact that when my father would see her, she would greet him with a big hello and smile (as if everything was fine) and he would tip his hat to her and say “Good Morning Sister”. I went along with this facade because I was traumatized and afraid of this “b”. She was young – maybe about 25 years old.

    The following school year, I finally did open up to my parents of what this woman did and they were appalled by it. At that time, we found out that this nun was taken out of the school because of abusing another child. I don’t know if my parents ever reported the abuse I suffered, to an authority of the school or not.

    There was also an evil principal. Her name was Sister Marie Bernard, another “b”. I’m sure you know what I am referring to when I mention “b”. When I was in the 5th grade, this principal came in to the classroom to reprimand the class on some ridiculous matter. At the time, I was distributing work to each student (as directed by my 5th grade home room nun). I made the mistake of continuing to distribute the paperwork out. When I came to the area where the principal was standing in, I said “excuse me sister” and she shoved me up against the door and said something to the effect of “not to interrupt her”. My homeroom nun also made some snide comment to me about what I did as if it were something terrible. Again, the humiliation I suffered in front of the class left scars for the rest of my school years. As a result of being petrified in the classroom, I was afraid to speak up in class. I would sit at my desk with my hands folded. I was mocked and made fun of by some of the “cool students” because I was an excellent example of a well behaved student to the teachers. (only due to fear).

    Throughout my life, I’ve allowed people to walk all over me. I would be very anxious and afraid of speaking my mind or give an opinion on anything for fear of winding up in a confrontation with someone.

    I did not go to college, I think partly, because I just did not want to go through another 4 years of school in general. I actually regret not going now.

    I have also suffered with anxiety, depression, panic attacks, phobias, etc… Yes, the abuse affected me throughout my life in various ways. I married an abusive husband and stayed in the marriage and had 2 children. My husband and I did get counseling and family therapy. We stayed in our marriage for 30 years, until his death in 2007.

    I made some mistakes as a parent also. I guess I had so much anger in me that I sometimes would be verbally abusive to my children. We have all gone to therapy. There is no excuse, however, to verbally abuse anyone. I guess it was a rippling effect brought on by my own experience having been physically and verbally abused.

    I decided, about 4 years ago, to try to find and contact the nun who abused me. I started with writing a letter to the Arch Diocese of Newark. They put me in contact with a social worker of the Arch Diocese. I gave her a written, detailed description of the abuse and how I believe it had a negative affect on my life. She brought this to the attention of the “Board”, whoever that may be. She replied back to me and stated that I would have to get in touch with the Mother Superior of the Sisters of Christian Charity in Mendham NJ. I did and I sent the same letter to the attention of the Mother Superior. I told her I wanted to get in touch with this nun to let her know what negative affect she had on my life. The Mother Superior did call me and apologized and what appalled at the behavior of this nun. She said she would look into where the location of this nun may be. She did call me back and left a message that Sister John Mary was living in South Jersey somewhere and was suffering from cancer. The Mother Superior said she hopes this would be enough for me and that I could call her back if I wanted to. I did not. I guess I came to the conclusion that I needed to forgive, but not forget.

    However, after seeing the movie “Spotlight” and it winning the academy award, I think it would be great for a director or someone to write a factual movie on the abuse suffered by, it looks like it could be thousands of innocent people (children). I would love to see something like that in the works.

    Thank you for sharing the stories and reading my story.

    Have a wonderful day!

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Elizabeth:

      YOU have just described my life as a student in a Catholic School in NYC in the 50’s with the Sisters of Charity! —- YES, the nuns would single out one student in the class, and used that human being as a psychological punching bag in oder to keep the rest of the students in line! — They would encourage the other students to mock and ridicule the student for the enjoyment of the class! —- Everyone would join into the process, because it kept the nun away from them! —– It was self-preservation!

      I am now 73 years old, and there is not a day that I DO NOT remember those negative days in the “school of hell!” — I became a teacher in the public school system because I wanted other students to have a “positive educational experience in life!”

      YOU are an “outstanding person,” — who was used and abused by some VERY MENTALLY SICK human beings! What they did to you and others was criminal, and they, and their order, should be charged with “child abuse,” and prosecuted in the civil courts!

      Nuns, as a group, are very strange people, who by their very nature, are not well people in a psychological sense. —- Their reasoning power is NOT logical, and they tend to act in a totally negative manner, while they believe that they are doing “God’s work!” The question becomes “what God are they representing?”

      There must be thousands of people, just in the United States, who have lived lives that were “less than their potential,” because of the damage that was done to them by these very psychologically sick people.

      I was able to salvage my life by entering the U.S. Army, Graduating from a School of Technology, and earning two MA Degrees from both a State College and a Private University! —- I neutralized my Catholic Educational experience by removing myself from the Catholic Clergy! —- Today, I do not attend a Catholic Church, and I refuse to give one cent to the Catholic Church. The nuns, during those years, were criminals, and they should have never been allowed to be around children, but on the other side of the issue, parents were also to blame. —- My parents allowed this to happen to me. They did not take a “proactive position” when I told them about the child abuse that was going on in the classroom. Children in those days were expendable, and Catholic Schools were in place to serve as “indoctrination centers,” —– NOT for education!

      God bless you! YOU are like all of us on this GREAT site. We are the survivors, and we are telling our stories for the world to read.
      YES, there is a God, but it is not how the nuns chose to portray God! The Christian Religion is all about love and respect for each other. Something that the Nuns did not understand!

      All the best!


  450. Elizabeth Says:


    Thank you for your inspirational response. I have been looking for a website for people that would share similar stories like mine and be a kind of support group for adults who survived child abuse in the Catholic schools.

    I do have to say that most of the nuns in my school were kind. It’s a shame that the ones that stand out in our minds are the abusive ones because they have caused so much emotional pain.

    I am very happy to see that you were very successful, despite what you had gone through. You should be very proud of yourself!

    Thank you for keeping this website going.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!


    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


      Thank you for your kind words! Each one of us have been carrying scars of the years that we spend in Catholic Schools, and Catholic Institutions.

      Being in Catholic Schools, and being abused on a daily basis by the nuns destroys the self-image of the young person. Instead of being an independent thinker, they become a “robotic follower” of meaningless rituals that amount to nothing in the “real world!”

      People who have attended Catholic Schools, and who suffered abuse are not happy in their own skin. —– They never feel “ok” because they were told as a young person that they were deficient in some way! —- They are always looking for “validation” from some higher authority!

      Some of us were able to make things happen in life, but others were not so fortunate. I lost a very deal friend to alcoholism, because of the “sub-standard Catholic High School Education!”

      This site allows us to share our experiences. This then helps others to understand what was done to us by design.

      When I close my eyes, I can still see the nuns abusing me and other students, and I am now 73 years old. It never leaves you! It is imprinted into your soul! It is your worst nightmare!

      If you have other friends who have similar experiences, tell them about this site, and encourage them to share their experiences with the group. I encourage you to read the postings on this great site, so that you get a “feeling for the people” who have shared their experiences. It takes a lot of courage for people to share negative experiences from the past!

      You are s strong person!

      God bless you!

      We are the survivors!

      We are telling our story for all the world to read!

      The “NUNS” would love to silence us!


    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Elizabeth:

      Today, I had some time, and I decided to “re-read your original posting.” —– It is VERY POWERFUL, and your are to be commended for having the courage to tell your story. —- (YES, we all have stories that need to be told!)

      The nuns in Catholic Schools did NOT act in a negative fashion by accident. If you read through the postings on this “blog,” you will notice that there is a “thread” that runs through the stories. It is like all the “Orders of Nuns” were operating from the same “play book!”
      They attacked the children both “physically” and “psychologically,” with the goal of tearing down both the “self-esteem” and “individuality” of the student, so that they could remake them into “loyal / cool aid drinking human beings,” that could be molded to the “will” of the Catholic Church.

      The nuns, through their “negative style of teaching,” their “negative outlook of the world,” their “lack of common decency,” their “lack of humanity,” and their warped sense of reality, destroyed children in the Catholic Schools in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s & beyond!

      Success in life requires a “positive / I can do it” thinking style. The individual must believe that they are “OK,” and that they have the talents, skills and abilities to active success, and be successful.

      We were placed on earth to be successful, and to enjoy this experience called “LIFE!” — (The nuns would not agree with this statement!) —– This is NOT what the NUNS in Catholic School promoted in the classroom. They never encouraged young people to set and work toward goals outside of the world of religion. Students were not encouraged to be great, but rather they were encouraged to be subservient to the Clergy, and the Catholic Church! —- (That is psychological slavery!) —– Destroying human potential is a crime against humanity!

      All the best!

      God bless.


  451. Elizabeth Says:

    Good Morning Dwayne

    Thanks again for your support. Everything you described in the above comment is true. However, I do have to say that most of the nuns in my school were kind women and good teachers. I had a wonderful 8th grade nun (Sister Rosemund), who actually helped me to get into the high school I applied for because of her positive input. She called the high school (after I received a low score on the written entrance exam) and spoke to the principal of the type of student I was, both academically and behaviorally.

    It’s just that I am so angry at what happened to me in the 1st grade, that I tend to keep addressing that experience. I really wished I had the opportunity to communicate with my 1st grade nun. I think that would have helped me put this to rest, so to speak. I would have liked to have told her what I thought about her. She may have passed away by now.

    Do you ever get the urge to go to a lawyer or a newspaper about the abuse? I sometimes I think about it, but that would take an enormous amount of time and energy. I’m not sure if anything positive would come out of it.

    Well on that note, I wish you a wonderful day and thank you again for your support.


    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Elizabeth:

      Going to a lawyer or the newspaper is a personal decision.

      Before you take any action, you need to ask yourself; —- “What do I want to accomplish?” —— The answer to this question will determine what action you will take.

      A friend of mine has a “blog” dealing with child abuse in Catholic Schools and Catholic Institutions. I contribute comments to that blog. The “blog” has a huge circulation. This is how I am dealing with the past abuse. You may want to take a different approach.

      Personally, I know that I will never get justice, because the nuns are dead! —— So my justice is centered around telling my story, and keeping the “movement” on track, and moving forward.

      The Catholic Clergy are “feeling the heat” from the numbers of people who are coming forward. They are running scared, because the churches are no longer filled, and other Christian denominations are growing with the “so called fallen away Catholics.” They are not only loosing numbers, they are also loosing money!

      Do a search on the “net”! You might want to join an organization that is involved in “hands on activities!” —- The choice is yours!

      What all of us need to do, —- is to “somehow heal the wounds of long ago,” —– and yes, I understand that it is not an easy task. We cannot go back, and live our lives over! We can only go forward!

      All the best to you!

      God bless you on the journey of life.

      We are all here to listen if you choose to write back!


  452. Elizabeth Says:

    Hi Dwayne

    I do agree with your message above. I realize that we will never be able to go back to the abuser and confront them, because they have passed on. I think, however, what I’m looking for is accountability from the Archdiocese and/or the grammar school itself. I think someone needs to reach out and offer some kind of apology (which I understand really does not bring justice) for allowing these women to hurt children like this. That is the direct opposite of what God would want. I just do not understand it.

    I would also like to know what happened to this nun, once she was sent away. Where did she go? Was she ever allowed to teach children again?

    I will search the net to see what else is out there regarding this subject. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to share them.

    As always, thanks again for your support and encouragement.


    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Elizabeth:

      I re-read your last posting many times because it caused me to think about the concept of accountability.

      You say that you would like “accountability” from the Archdiocese and / or the grammar school itself.

      Lets take a look at the definition of the term “accountability!” (Accountability is an obligation and / or a willingness to accept responsibility for actions taken both in the past and / or in the present.)

      The first thing that the Archdiocese and / or the school would have to do is to admit that crimes have been committed against children in the past, and that their clergy were responsible for those crimes. This admission, on their part would open up a legal can of worms. Since they did not report those crimes against children to the authorities, they are now admitting that they are criminals themselves.

      YOU are to be commended for wanting “accountability” from the Archdiocese and / or the grammar school staffed by nuns.

      Accountability of an Archdiocese, and / or a school, and / or an order of nuns is connected to “ethics!” Questions, do Nuns have “ethics?” Does the Archdiocese have “ethics?” For the Archdiocese, and the order of nuns to be accountable for their treatment of you, that means that both would have to have a large dose of ethics. Had they had ethics in the first place, the crimes against children would not have been committed.

      Remember, nuns were programed with only one goal, and that goal was to transform the young person into “loyal cool-aid drinking followers of the Catholic Church” by any means possible. They instilled a negative style of thinking into the young person, and in the process, they instilled that only the Catholic Church could save their souls. They used fear and coercion to get their “computer program” installed in the mind of the child. It was not for the child’s benefit, but for the church’s benefit.

      Negative thoughts are sneaky little critters, and once they are planted into a person’s head they keep growing. They will eventually destroy a person’s life. The person will start to doubt themselves, and their ability to create a successful life without the “organization!” Negative thinking forces a person to give up, when in fact they could be very successful.

      Every abused person can make their own decisions. I made a decision to no longer associate myself with the Catholic Church. My
      decision was personal, and it was something that I can live with on a daily basis. Other people who were abused by nuns and priests will make their own decisions on this subject.

      God bless you.

      What the nuns did to you was criminal.

      The Catholic Church, and the nuns will never admit to their crimes. YES, they will throw some of the clergy to the legal wolves, but the majority of the “good old boys,” and the “good old girls” will get away with their past crimes! They will use money and political influence to circumvent the legal system. JUSTICE is not in the “plan of action!”

      All the best!

      If you desire, write back with your thoughts!


  453. Elizabeth Says:

    Good Morning Dwayne

    Thank you for your email.

    Actually, I did report the abuse to a social worker with the Archdiocese of Newark about 3 years ago. I researched my emails and brought up the correspondence I had with their social worker. I sent her a letter with a detailed description of the abuse and how I believe it affected my life. She did forward it to the Archdiocese so they do have it on file. I do not know if it was reported to the police (not that anything could be done about it now). At that time, I just wanted to contact the nun directly and express my thoughts to her..

    I was told by the social worker that I had to contact the head of the convent in Mendham, NJ which I did. I spoke to the Mother Superior over the phone after she received a copy of the letter that was sent to the Archdiocese. She was appalled by the actions of this nun. I explained to her that I wanted to get in touch with this nun either by writing her a letter or sending an email. She looked into this matter and left me a message that the nun was ill with cancer and living in South Jersey somewhere and she hopes that, this would be enough for me. I had to say to myself, I guess I have to forgive her in my own way.

    I go through periods where I want to go after the school and/or the Archdiocese, but it requires a lot of time and mental energy. Right now, I will just keep posting my thoughts on this website which has been inspiring and helpful in dealing with my situation.

    Have a great weekend!

  454. Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

    Hi Elizabeth:

    Thank you for your E-Mail.

    Ask yourself these questions; —- “Why do you think the Mother Superior” was so nice to you? —– “What was her hidden agenda in the entire process?” —- The Nazi’s kept very good files on all the people that they killed in Europe, but that did nothing for the people who were killed, and the people who survived never got their property back when they returned home! —- So what good were the files?

    The job of the Mother Superior was to placate you, — to appear to understand, —- and to stop you from taking any action in the future, (if that was the direction that you were going at the time!)

    She is in that position, (in the “order”), because she is “good at her job,” and she is a “player big time” in the “nuns defense movement!” They know that trouble is heading in their direction, and they are starting to “circle the wagons!”

    As you can see from my comments, I do not trust nuns. Trusting nuns is very much like dealing with a rattle snake. You know that if your choose to “interact with the snake,” most likely, you will get attacked and possible bitten!

    Remember, when dealing with nuns, always understand that they have “hidden agendas” while they are communicating with you! Sometimes, “what they DO not say” is more important than what they do say! ———– They speak in double talk!

    All the best!


  455. Elizabeth Says:

    Good Morning Dwayne

    Thanks for your response. I’ve decided to put this to rest for the time being. I want to focus on enjoying my life and my family. We can take comfort in knowing that we are not alone and we have the support of one another right on this website. I am grateful for that.

    All the best to you!


  456. EMM Says:

    It’s amazing how many of us suffered abuse at the hands of the Catholic Church. I was not sexually abused but I was physically and mentally abused during the 1970s while I attended Saint Dominic’s school in Philadelphia. At the age of 6 I was repeatedly beat with one of those old wooden dust brushes, among other objects, by a nun called sister Mary Mercedes. I was also ridiculed because I was so poor that I only had one pair of socks and one shirt to go with my uniform and I had holes on the bottom of my shoes. So I wasn’t the best dressed so to speak. But I was always in school and outside of chattering I was a good kid. I guess they write a report on you because each grade on the first day of school if I had a nun they went right at me. There were a few years where I had a teacher and not a nun, and there was no problem. 8th grade was the worst. Her name was sister Joseph Patrice, but all the kids called her sharky. She never laid a hand or object on me, but she mentally abused me every single day. To this day I can still remember every day being told I was a nothing and that I would never be anything because I didn’t B have a father at home. A few times a week I was kept after school for hours to clean her room. I could do nothing about it. And my mom God bless her soul, was afraid to do anything because she thought it was still better than going to the neighborhood public school.

    I didn’t realize it until recently but this must’ve suppressed a lot of anger in me. When I was in 9th and 10th grade I bullied these 2 girls. I had never bullied before nor since, but during this 2 year span I was horrible…relentless. The one girl I never saw again, her name was Veronica. The other girl’s name was Nina and I actually did try and make it up to her when I was in 11th and 12th grade. At first she was so scared of me but over time she could tell, I think, that I was genuine. By 10th grade my mom finally let me move to public school. When I think of how mean I was to these girls it eats me up. But I bet those nuns never gave any of us a second thought.

    I did not raise my children in the Catholic Church.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


      Welcome to the group!

      You are not alone!

      Each one of us carries the scars of the nuns, and their abuse as it was experienced in Catholic Schools.

      Catholic Schools DID NOT create happy young people. As adults, Catholics are NOT happy Christians. They are not happy in their own skin!

      You were VERY SMART not to raise your children in the Catholic Church. It has taken me a life time to undo the damage that was done to me in 12 years of Catholic School. I make it a point not to associate with certain family members on a regular basis because I DO NOT want to hear their Catholic Line of BS! Some of my family are Cool Aid Drinking Catholics.

      The psychological damage that was done to children by the Nazi Nuns has destroyed many people in their adult life. Their lives as adults, have been scared by meaningless religious rituals, rules & regulations, clergy abuse, and smoke and mirrors, while at the same time, the Catholic Clergy were sexually abusing children for their “self-pleasure.” It is estimated that the Catholic Church has paid out six billion dollars over the sex abuse issue. That money came from the Faithful through weekly donations!

      God bless you!

      You are a survivor like each one of us on this site!

      We are here to tell our story to the world.

      The Catholic Church, and their Catholic Schools are dying. The truth about their “scam” is being revealed, and the clergy are in a panic. They have lost the respect of the people. Smart people are leaving the Catholic Church for other Cristian Churches. The Churches are no longer filled on Saturday and Sunday, and beautiful part is that the “clergy” did this to themselves! Their collective behavior destroyed their own organization! —- YES, there is a God, and he is cleaning out his house!


  457. pattyann Says:

    I want to let you all know that I am still here. I check this blog from time to time. I am hoping that you are all well. My first post was in 2009! Hard to believe the time that has passed!

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Pattyann:

      YES, we are all here, and I think that we are all wondering why new people have not been posting!

      I think that “people” who have been abused by nuns and priests are disgusted with the lack of concern from the “Faithful of the Catholic Church” with regards to these crimes against humanity!

      I do a lot of research on this subject, and I ran across a site where it was estimated that the Catholic Church has “paid out” about 6 billon dollars over the abuse issue with nuns and priests.

      You would think that the Catholic Faithful would be “up-in-arms” about this issue, but people are people, and as long as the crime DOES NOT TOUCH their family, it is just another person’s problem.

      The only people who really care are those of us who were abused by nuns and priests, and as our age increases, our group is getting smaller everyday, and that is what the leadership of the Catholic Church is counting on for their survival.

      The Pope is very concerned about the “quality of human life in the world,” but he conveniently ignores, and only gives lip service to those people who were abused by Catholic Nuns and Priests. His concern is “selective in nature!” This does not surprise me in the least. The Catholic Church will debate the concept of “transubstantiation” with vigor, but only give “lip service” to people who were “offended!” The Catholic Church is Big Business, and their employees are the Nuns and Priests! The bottom line is “money!” It has nothing to do with “ethics” and “morals!”

      All of use were used and abused by Catholic Nuns and Priests when we were young, and that abuse has shaped our lives as adults. While I am successful, my life would have been much better had I not experienced a Catholic Education, and the Catholic Church.

      All the best to YOU and everyone else on this site who were abused by these criminals!

      We are the survivors!

      We are a thorn in the side of the Catholic Church, the Nuns and the Priests!

      They want us to “go away,” or at least keep quiet!


  458. Elrod Frogwhopper Says:

    Celibacy Leads To The Abuse Of Children

    Fortunately or unfortunately, human beings are designed for regular sexual intercourse. The purpose of this particular adaptation is to maintain the pair bond for the long childhood humans have. An elephant is lucky to get lucky twice in a lifetime. Married humans do it twice a week.
    What makes this obvious is the release of oxytocin sexual intercourse produces. Oxytocin strengthens the pair bond and makes you want to care for your children. Mammals from sheep to rats reject their young if oxytocin is not present. Virgin rats injected with oxytocin with care for pups they would ignore without the oxytocin.
    I remember how cheerful and affectionate my parents were when we came home from Sunday School; maybe you do too.
    Sexual frustration brings irritability and perversion. Look at the pedophilia scandal dogging the Catholic Church today. Look at the sexually frustrated nuns using corporeal punishment.
    Why did the Catholics adopt it? It is not found in the Jewish Religion, Islam, Daoism, Shinto, and in most African and Native American religions. In Hinduism it is only for old men. Many of the apostles were married. George T. Dennis SJ of Catholic University of America says: “There is simply no clear evidence of a general tradition or practice, much less of an obligation, of priestly celibacy-continence before the beginning of the fourth century.”
    The aristocracy had a great deal to do with the doctrines of the church. High clerics and popes were aristocrats in the middle ages and in the renaissance. Religious traditions were thoroughly worked over by the aristocrats in Byzantium.
    I believe the answer lies in practical problems the aristocracy had, beginning in Byzantium. Talented men must be given a chance to rise in this world. If they do not, they will revolt. Peasant rebellions were common in the Middle Ages, since the knights did not protect, but exploited the common people. Look at Barbara Tuchman’s book on the 13th century for evidence. The revolts failed because intelligent men did not lead them. Revolts led by intelligent men can succeed, e.g. the American Revolution or the Russian revolution.
    The aristocrats had another problem. You don’t want your intelligent peasants reproducing. That causes trouble. Revolutions, labor unions, organized crime, the throwing of eggs. Dumb is docile and the aristocrats always promoted that. Slaves in the South and the Irish under English rule were forbidden to learn to read in order to keep then stupid. Brain cells die if they are not used. The less you learn the less you can learn. Clearly the aristocrats would also want to pull the DNA that produces intelligence out of the peasant’s gene pool.
    The doctrine of clerical celibacy solved both problems. Occupy the bright peasants minds and keep them from reproducing. What a brilliant idea that was!
    Well now, here is a question for you. Is there any point in maintaining an aristocracy in this day and age? If not, why priestly celibacy, sexually frustrated teachers, and clerical pedophilia?

    PS: If you want to prove you are not an animal, merely go without sleep for a week.

    • frank Says:

      Celibacy does NOT lead to the abuse of children… Pedophilia does!

      The hypothesis proposed by our brand-new contributor to the blog is wrapped in a little science, a little history, a little home spun psychology, and it references a couple of books. However the argument is very thin on both fact and logic and does not stand scrutiny on either count.

      Let’s start with fact:
      The statement in the posting attributed to George T Dennis of the Catholic University of America, says that celibacy was not a general practice in the Catholic Church prior to the fourth century. This is true. It was the church’s Council of Elvira in A.D. 309 that established it. Yet church documentation dating from A.D. 60 called Didache addresses the issue of clerical pedophilia in the church… fully 240+ years before celibacy was introduced.

      Now to logic:
      Catholic clergy… nuns, priests, monks, brothers… have responded to the requirement for celibacy in multiple ways over millennia:
      * they lead ascetic lives and adhere to celibacy
      * they practice self gratification/masturbation
      * they practice sadomasochism such as bondage and flagellation
      * they ignore the requirement for celibacy and have sex, whether it be homosexual or heterosexual, with another consenting adult, Including paying prostitutes
      * some combination of the above.

      There is ample evidence from church whistleblowers, mostly reporting their own experience, that non-adherence to celibacy is very common practice.

      Pedophiles in society, who have never been shackled with a requirement for celibacy, target children for their sexual gratification. It is apparently both an obsession and a compulsion. Despite how seriously reprehensible, legally and morally wrong, and damaging to victims… and despite the availability of the options listed above for sexual gratification, pedophiles prey on children.

      Let me ask each of you reading this… Has there been a time in your life where you were starved of sex – your boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with you; you got divorced; your partner was ill for an extended period etc etc. Did the thought ever cross your mind “I might go and find a child to have sex with”?… … No, I didn’t think so.

      With the estimates of pedophiles amongst its priestly ranks being far above the societal norm, pedophiles come to the catholic church like bees to the honeypot. There is a culture of acceptance and cover-ups that has existed for 2000 years. The next member of the clergy who is first reported to law enforcement authorities by the church for the criminal abuse of a child will be the first… ever!

      Structural and systematic protection of these clerical criminals worldwide has been traced to church hierarchy by investigations and commissions of enquiry since the turn of this century in the US, Ireland and Australia. Even if not pedophiles themselves, high-ranking church officials have been and continue to be criminally negligent in not reporting what they know to law enforcement authorities and enabling perpetrators to continue abusing children, often somewhere else where they are unknown.

      Worse still, church officials deflect, deny, diminish and ‘spin’ their own apologetic version of the situation… “The moral failings of the few” “homosexuality is responsible”… and they consistently put protection of their own, and the reputation of their organisation above the rights and needs of the countless thousands of victims. There is yet to be any evidence of a serious attempt to address the culture of acceptance and protection that has allowed the scourge to flourish for so long.

      Societal scrutiny and changing attitudes, as well as modern communications technology has made it more difficult for clerical pedophiles in developed Western countries, but clerical pedophilia in the Catholic Church is almost certainly continuing to flourish in less developed parts of the world including parts of Asia, Africa, South and central America and in some Pacific Islands.

      The Catholic Church is a thoroughly corrupted organisation that attracts and enables pedophiles, and then protects them from scrutiny, from exposure and from prosecution. They could change the requirement for celibacy tomorrow and it will not make any difference to the scourge of pedophilia so deeply entrenched in the organisation. The only thing that will change that is if the safe haven for pedophiles became a hostile environment for them… or if the organisation just closed its doors and walked away. Now there’s an idea!

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Frank:

      Your comments are VERY well written, and I agree with you 100%!

      I spent 12 years in Catholic Schools in the late 40’s and 50’s,
      and I knew, while I was a student, that there was something VERY wrong with the Nuns, and their behavior with regards to children!

      The Nuns and the Priests are just the “foot soldiers” of a VERY SICK organization! —— They have no regard for the “Faithful,” or the “Children of the Faithful!”

      The “Faithful” are there to be used for their money! It is impossible for people to become “self actualized,” and in the process, follow the “made up rules and regulations” that are promulgated by the Church, and the nuns and priests!

      There was nothing Christian about the way the nuns treated children in Catholic Schools, and the quality of the education at best was “substandard, because they used their schools to indoctrinate young human beings into a distorted form of the Christian Religion.

      Lying, Manipulation, and Abuse is a normal “operating procedure” for Nuns and Priests. ——– It is just “business as usual!”

      Priests abused boys because they new that the parents would not believe that the priests were cable of committing such a crime! (It is all smoke and mirrors!)

      Nuns abused their students in Catholic Schools, and got away with it, because parents confused a “quality education” with human abuse and torture!

      The Catholic Church DOES NOT encourage children to excel, but rather, it pushes them to just be “average,” and in the process, obey all the rules of the Church like an obedient “lap dog!”

      The Church, along with the Nuns and Priests, is a VERY sick psychological organization! It should close it’s doors!

      All the best!


  459. AnnieS Says:

    This is so familiar. I started first grade in February 1956 in Queens. Dominican nuns. First and second grade nuns were nice. Then Brooklyn Diocese decided to change the system and all who started in Feb were accelerated, we had to complete one grade in half a year. I started 3rd grade in the fall of 1957. The nuns decided we were behind, so we needed the toughest nuns. I developed school phobia that year. I had seen the nun, Sr. Anne Denise, take a boy who had talked in line, pick him up by his tie and shake him. she was sadistic. Most of the nuns beat the boys, but not the girls. she pulled my braids once and made me wear a sign all day saying I was a slob. (My baby sister has spilled something on my homework) For me school was terrifying. They psychological abuse was even worse than the physical abuse. Now the school sends out fund raising letters!

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Annie S:

      I enjoyed reading your posting! YES, the nuns did hate the boys! YES, the nuns treated the boys in a sadistic manner! YES, the nuns beat the boys! —- Now having made those statements, what does that behavior say about the psychological / sexual make up of the nuns? Being “sadistic” has its roots in psychological / sexual issues!
      Why did they single out the boys for this treatment? Was there a deeper message here?

      Thank you for sharing your story. Personally, I have no use for the Catholic Clergy and the Catholic Church. The “whole ball of wax” is criminal! The Church, and it’s clergy lacks ethics and morals. The whole thing is just “smoke and mirrors!” It is designed to milk the money from the “faithful,” with the promise of salvation. They cannot even save themselves, and they are selling salvation to other people. Get real!

      All the best to you and the others on this site!


    • EMM Says:

      When I think back I do recall that for the most part the nuns treated the boys worse, on average. I may have been an exception. Not sure why except maybe because I was a poor latch key kid, and my classmates came from your typical blue collar working class family with mom at home. I remember in 3rd grade my mom lost her job, so she decided to come in one day as a lunch mother. As we were walking single file to the bathrooms, a nun called Sister Mary Magdeline yelled at me to get out of line and stand against the wall. My mom saw this. I heard her go up to the nun asking her what I did wrong. The nun said something like you don’t know this child, she is horrible. My mom said sister I do know this child, she’s my daughter. I remember her telling me to get back in line. That night my mom told me that she knew I did nothing and that she believed me over the nuns. That said she didn’t let me move to public school until 10th grade. I was beat, ridiculed, humiliated, thrown into lockers, kept after school for hours on end for no reason, and all the while I never understood why. I always assumed it was me, but didn’t know why.

      Of course now when I think about it I know it wasn’t me. But it is terrible as a kid growing up thinking something was wrong with you. My mom helped by believing in me, but being in that environment day in day out, just takes the childhood innocence out of you.

      I take comfort that I am not alone, and at the same time I am disgusted that I am not alone. Each story I read confirms for me why I left the Catholic Church. I am still Christian but I can never be part of an organization that allowed the abuse of so many.

      • Mary Wilson Says:

        And is still abusing people. xo

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mary Wilson:

        YES, the Catholic Church and the clergy are still abusing people, because the “faithful” allow the abuse to take place!

        The “faithful” are afraid of the Catholic Church and the “clergy!”

        They “faithful” have been “brain washed” into believing that only the Catholic Church can save them in the afterlife!

        The Catholic Clergy have committed crimes against children, and the “faithful” do not seem to care! (These crimes were both physical and psychological, ——– both of which leaves marks and scars!)

        The reality of the Catholic Church is that the “church” is just a big corporation, and the nuns and priest are the employees of that business. The product of the business is the story that is being told over and over again to each generation much like the fairy tales! The clergy DO NOT represent God, they represent the corporation, that is why the nuns treated the children very poorly in Catholic Schools. —— They wanted to create “loyal followers” with “blind obedience.” They wanted to break the “spirit of each child,” and then mold them into the image of what they considered to be appropriate! —— YES, they are still doing it today, —- but they are more clever about the delivery process!


      • Mary Wilson Says:

        Hi Dwayne, so true, I love God, but the people that run the Catholic Church make me ill. I wish we had never suffered the hell they put us through our lives would have been happy like children’s lives should be. I have blocked out so much of my childhood, but suffer PTSD from the years of hell and take medication for it.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Good Morning Mary:

        You are a good person, and like all of us, we should not have been forced to endure the “negativity” of the nuns!

        I spent 33 years as a public school teacher, and I understand the damage that the nuns did to young people in a school setting!

        The Catholic Church wanted to get their hands on the young children, so they started the Catholic School System. They used “education” as an excuse for their real purpose which was “indoctrination!” They used physical force, punishment and psychological manipulation to “break the spirit of the young human beings,” and in the process, get them to comply with the wishes of the Catholic Church Corporation! God had nothing to do with this process. It was a simple business decision! The nuns wanted the children to fear them, when in reality, they were empty suits. ——Educationally they were zeros! Many of them did not have a college degree, and they were acting as a teacher! They were walking impostors in the world of education, and the parents were sucked into the lie! The children were being abused, and the parents went along with the program, because they were told that their children were receiving a high quality education. There is more truth in the fairy tales than in Catholic Education!

        Have a GREAT / SUCCESSFUL day!

        Now is the time to make yourself happy!


      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mary W. :

        Today, while having my morning cup of coffee, and listening to a Christian Minister on TV, I had the opportunity to review the recent postings on this site, and while I was reading all the comments, these thoughts came to me!

        We all suffered from a “negative form of education,” (indoctrination), at the hands of the sick nuns. They put us through both physical and mental hell! ——— (Mental abuse is far more damaging than physical abuse, because the scars cannot be seen, and healing is next to impossible. —- I, — like the rest of the people on this site, deal with these issues on a daily basis. —- Some of us have adjusted, so we were able to function in life, but others were not so fortunate!)

        Here is the all important question. —- Recognizing that we were abused by the nuns in Catholic School, —– what do you think is was like for children who lived in Catholic Orphanages in the United States run by Catholic Nuns, Priests and Brothers? —— If we had very negative experiences in Catholic Schools, —- they lived in an atmosphere of a “living hell!”

        Here is a reality that all of us must face. The “faithful of the Catholic Church,” — (who were NOT touched by the negativity of the Nuns, Priests & Brothers), — DO NOT CARE ABOUT US! —- We are simply the causalities of war! —— In fact, the “faithful” would love it if we would just “keep quiet,” and “go away!”

        Here is a real life example of what I am writing about. —– Recently, I was discussing my Catholic School experiences with a friend who also attended 12 years of Catholic School. (He was the Nun’s “pet,” so as such, everything came his way) His comment to me was, “I guess Catholic School did not work for you!” You see, he does not see the abuse, because he did not experience the abuse, so as such, to him it did not exist! —– There are a lot of “Faithful” out there in “Catholic Land” that feel the same way! —- No matter how hard we try to explain our position, and what the clergy did to us as we were growing up, these people DO NOT CARE, because they were taken care of by the nuns, (for whatever reason.)

        Each one of us has been destroyed when we were young, and in the process of developing. We were not equipped to handle the “psychological assault” that was directed at us by the sick nuns. They tried to program our mental computer in a “negative / God fearing way,” when in reality, God is a “positive / loving force” that should not be feared. When I was a young person attending Catholic school in NYC, I new down deep inside of me that there was something VERY wrong with the NUNS, and the Catholic Church. The negativity reeked from both the NUNS and the Church. There was NOTHING positive about the Catholic Educational Experience. There was only FEAR and PUNISHMENT that was dealt out on a daily basis for the smallest infraction of some “made up rule!” I am surprised that I managed to survive 12 years of this negativity, and still remain psychologically whole! (I credit that accomplishment to my military experience and my (non – Catholic) college & university education.

        We are the survivors. We did not drink the Cool Aid. We recognize how sick the nuns were with regards to educating children.

        Have a GREAT day! ——– Enjoy you life! —– Do not let these sick people control your life! —- God created all of us to enjoy this experience called life! —– Today, I listened to a very up-lifting sermon about “Father’s Day” given by a Minister on TV. —- This sermon was positive, focused and professional, —– something that would never be heard in a Catholic Church!

        Write back, (if you want to), and give me your opinion on what I have written!

        God bless you, and everyone on this site!


      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:


        You are “right on” with your assessment of the Catholic Church, and the Catholic Clergy!

        Recently, I was in a Catholic Hospital, and I walked into an elevator, and in the elevator was a Catholic Priest. —- As soon as I saw this individual, a flood of negative feelings rushed over me, and I could not wait to get to the next floor.

        I cannot stand to be in the same room with a nun or priest.

        Leaving the Catholic Church was the best move that I have made in my life! There are no more “Holy Days of Obligation,” no more “Magic Prayers to be said on the second Tuesday of the month when the West wind is blowing,” and no more “Smoke and Mirrors!” Yes, I am fee to experience God on a daily basis in my own way!

        Everyone on this site has a personal story to tell, and that story always centers around child abuse by the nuns. —– Isn’t it very interesting that no matter where we grew up, in terms of geographic locations, the abuse stories are very similar! —- Could it be that all the nuns were operating from the same “play book?”

        The life of a “nun” is a very negative experience, so it attracts people who like to live under that psychological climate. —– If they are miserable, they want everyone else to be miserable. —– Just yesterday, I told my wife that in the 12 years of Catholic School, I never enjoyed one day! I saw my education as a prison term to be served! — Once I graduated from Catholic High School, and went to a State College, I went from a “struggle high school student” to the “Deans List” in college. My undergraduate average was so high that I did not have to take the GRE exam to earn my first MA degree. —— Catholic Education is NOT Education, but rather, it is “Religious Indoctrination” hiding behind the trappings of an education! Everything about the Catholic Church is “smoke and mirrors,” and it is designed to get “blind obedience from the faithful” so that the clergy can “mike as much money from the faithful as possible!”

        We are the survivors, and we have uncovered the lies of the nuns.

        We are here to tell our story!

        I would bet that there are nuns reading these postings! Now we are in control, and we can live our life any way we want to, and we DO NOT need the nuns, the priests or the Catholic Church to be saved! All we have to do is believe in God, and live a good life.

        God bless you, and all the other great people on this site.

        Now is the time to live and enjoy your life! Stay far away from Catholic Nuns & Priests. Keep your children away from the Catholic Church!


  460. Mary J. Says:

    I’ve been thinking a lot about my time in Catholic school and outside of school. Not happy years for me. besides the abuse.
    This is what my day was like, get up have breakfast, go to school, Maybe come home for lunch. Back to school, come home, do homework… always homework…. stop to have dinner, more homework, go to bed, get up and start over.
    I look back now and I think I never had a childhood, I never knew what it was like to play outdoors.
    I remember one summer, It was planned for me to go on vacation with my sister to help with the kids, I couldn’t go because…. you guest it…. I was in summer school, and had more homework. So my sister took a friend of MINE with them, to help with the kids. No one thought this was wrong I had to stay home to do homework. NOW don’t’ you think a little break would be better.
    I found out years later, this was all my mom’s and sister doing….
    Dad believed I should of gone, to give a brain a break from school work. Funny what you find out later in life.
    Thanks again, it’s been a while…
    Mary J.

    • Mary Wilson Says:

      So sorry to hear that Mary, unfortunately it really hurts more when we find out the people we loved the most betrayed us. I do so understand. xo

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Mary J:

      I can empathize with you and your experiences. I too, was lied to as I was growing up, and attending Catholic Schools. —- I was made to believe that I was not capable of earning a high quality education, when in reality, I had a “learning disability” that I over came later in life! —- I had to figure this out on my own!

      I was lied to by the nuns and by my parents. My parents could have afforded to send me to a school with smaller classes, so that I would get the help that I needed, but they chose not to take that action. They dumped the blame of poor school performance on me! My Father told me that; ——- “I was a lazy good for nothing, and I would never amount to anything, and that when he died, I should jump in the coffin, because I would never survive!” —— Well this “lazy good for nothing” earned two MA degrees plus a two diplomas from a school of technology. I have become very successful, and I never set foot in a Catholic College or University!

      You are a winner and a survivor! The Catholic Church and their “so called schools” have destroyed many lives. The nuns were fakes, frauds and phonies. They are not to be trusted with children! They are mentally ill human beings!

      God bless you!


      • EMM Says:


        I know what you mean. I can’t see a picture or video of a nun without cringing. I am 54 and just a view of a nun, and specifically an IHM nun brings back feelings of anger. I think I was lucky to escape after 9 years. While I still had some anger issues to work out, I enjoyed my last 3 years of school (public) and made more real and lasting friendships. I also learned more, gradually did better in school and went off to college, doing exceptionally well. I guess I gradually built more confidence and came out of my shell. I’m sorry you had to endure 12 years. But I am also glad to hear that your time in college was also positive.

        This blog is very good. It’s clear while we all seemed to have moved on, that the pain still exists deep within us. It’s good to release it. I think it is best understood by others who lived it.

        With best regards,

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        HI EMM:

        Thank you for writing back!

        I agree with you 100%!

        By writing about our experiences, this allows us to “expel the negativity” out of our memories.

        We will never forget, but when we see that others experienced the same things, it allows us to place the blame on the nuns, rather than on ourselves!

        What we experienced should not have happened to any child!

        We have some GREAT PEOPLE on this site, but just think of all the people in the United States who have had similar experiences who have not found this site to date! —- I believe that this problem is much bigger than we can imagine!

        The more we share our experiences, —— the more we can grow!

        All the best!

        God bless you!


    • EMM Says:

      Hi Mary,

      I lived for my summers. 2 1/2 months away from nuns probably kept me sane. I was fortunate to go away to summer camp for 3 and some years 6 weeks. It was a Jewish camp that received state funding to accept poor kids of all faiths and race, with barely any expense to the family. It was cheaper for my mom to send me to camp than to keep me home. This camp helped me grow in many ways. This is where I learned about diversity. Growing up in an Irish Catholic neighborhood (and no internet to open our world) and going to a Catholic school, I was never around people who were different than me. But at this camp I had Jewish friends, African-American friends and Protestant friends. It opened up a new world, a happy world. I think during my childhood I lived to go to this camp. I learned so much. How to swim, how to be part of a team, different cultures and I even learned a little Hebrew. I always cried when I had to leave. I wish you could’ve gone away when you were younger. When I look back at my childhood I usually focus on what was good. It certainly was not school. Isn’t it terrible that I treasure what I learned at a camp, but I suppress my school days and what I learned, which was basically fire and brimstone teachings.

      I hope you have a wonderful summer this year and all future years.

      Best regards,


      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi EMM:

        I like what you wrote to Mary!

        I think that you have “said it all!”

        I also lived for my Summers!

        I spent my Summers with my grandparents!
        This allowed me to have a totally different group
        of friends, who knew nothing about me, and my
        life in Catholic School! I was free, and I was allowed
        to make my own decisions! No religious rules! My
        grandparents were NOT strong Catholics. My
        grandfather told me that nuns and priest were
        fakes, frauds and phonies! God, I loved that man!

        I would have been “ok” if I did not have to attend
        a Catholic School, and a Catholic Church during the
        school year! (It was like an anchor around my neck!)
        To this day, I do not like to attend a Catholic Service!
        I DO NOT believe in the Catholic Church! I simply
        believe in God! To me the Catholic Church is just a
        BIG BUSINESS, and I choose NOT to purchase what
        they are selling!


      • Mary Wilson Says:

        My tiny granddaughter says if you use your middle finger it means you don’t love God. She is not catholic, but I do love God very much and to the nuns, priests and asshole laypeople I show my middle finger to them all. xo

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Mary W:

        God made you, and part of you, is your middle finger!

        Using your middle finger “at the appropriate time” is only a method of communication. TOO bad if the people who have abused children are offended by that symbol!

        The nuns, through their past behavior, have brought this issue on themselves! —- Now, they want to blame the people for getting annoyed with them, and their philosophy of education! —- YES, they are running for cover!

        God bless you! You are an honest person, and you tell it as it is!

        I support your communication style 100%!


      • Mary Wilson Says:

        Hi Eileen, I am so happy you were able to expand your world and go to a happy place in the summer. Meeting others that were not catholic makes a huge difference even now. I realize that others are not so guilty about everything and those that experience catholic school only talk about the hell. My parents are still alive, thank God and my mother is a devout catholic, my father never was a catholic. They treated him horrible because he was not one of them when he would come around. I think it is because he could see behind all the bull corn. What a crock of crap they deal out. it was all I could do to keep a civil tongue in my mouth when I was home last and a deacon came to give my mother communion. The bishop this, the pope that. Thought I was going to vomit. lol it was hell and shame on all of them.

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Mary W.

        Have you noticed that Non-Catholic Christians are a much happier group of people with regards to their religion. They are comfortable people to be around, and they seem to enjoy attending church. The reason for this is that their religion is bible based, and most of them have read the bible. This is not true in the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is all about rules and regulations, and sin & hell! There is no room for Christian fellowship! In a non-Catholic Christian Church the congregation talks to one another prior to the Sunday Service, and after the service, there is coffee and another social gathering of the members of the parish. They really know one another, and they enjoy each other’s company. Their Church is part of their extended family. This is the direct opposite of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Services are VERY COLD and BUSINESS LIKE! The “faithful” are not allowed to talk to one another prior to the Saturday or Sunday Services. There is no socialization after the service. The Church is NOT an “extended family of the faithful.” It is all about doing what you are told! It is not a loving religious experience! Personally, I would rather wash my car than attend a Catholic Church Service! At least, I would have accomplished something constructive! While I have a personal dislike for Catholic Priests and Nuns, I also extend that “dislike” to the lay people of the Catholic Church, who operate under various titles in the parish, and as such, they think that they have some type of authority over the faithful! —- Talk about fakes, frauds & phonies, these people are the “poster boys and girls” for these titles!


  461. Mary J. Says:

    I’m really happy that some of you were able to escape in the summer, I was not, because I had trouble in school, during the school year, I went to summer school. Not all summer but enough of it I didn’t have much of a summer, as stated in my letter of June 16, I couldn’t even go a vacation. Getting away from school, may have helped me,

  462. Mary J. Says:

    O.K. it’s me again…. I just saw that…. that… PLACE on TV. It now housed a charter school, which is now moving into the city (suburb) I now live in. I know that the charter school, IS not the school I went to. But just seeing the building brought back memories I try not to think about… I guess in a way, it’s kind of funny. At least I know that the school I went to is gone, and they can’t hurt any more kids.
    Mary J.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Mary J.:

      I just read your posting, and I have a suggestion that might help you.

      A few years back, I had the opportunity to walk through the halls and classrooms of my old Catholic High School! (The school is no longer in existence, and it is being used as a “Catholic Elementary School).

      My wife and I, (also a former student in the same High School), had the opportunity to walk through the building, and we stopped in each classroom, and I played back the “slide show from my memory!” —— It helped me to put some “ghosts to rest!”

      I would love to do the same thing with the Catholic Elementary School that I attended in NYC in the late 40’s &b 50’s, but although the building is still there, I have not be able to get access to the interior of the structure. (This is where the most damage was done to me in my life!)

      If you could get a tour of the building, and spend some time in each classroom that has meaning for you, just maybe, it could be helpful in some way. —— Sometimes, when revisiting a place, it changes the perception of the place, and allows you to purge the energy from your body!

      Just a thought!


  463. Mary J. Says:

    Thanks Dwayne, I really like your idea. In fact a few years ago I did have that thought. I drove to the school, and I sat in my car… and did not go in. I could see people moving around inside. But did not go in. I am kind of hoping that now with the building being empty again, there will be some kind of tour and I’ll try again.
    Thanks again for your thoughts.
    Mary J.

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Mary J.:

      Happy 4th of July!

      I have been giving some thought to our issue with the Catholic Clergy, (Nuns, Priests & Brothers). Everyone on this site is very supportive to one another, because each one of understands the issue, because we experienced the abuse that was dished out by the clergy on a daily basis!

      The question then becomes, why hasn’t the Catholic Church been held accountable for this abuse by the Catholic Faithful as a group?

      When you examine this question the following facts come to light.

      1.) Most of the Catholic Faithful probably DID NOT experience this abuse, because they DID NOT attend Catholic Schools. They either attended private academic schools or public schools.

      2.) Since they did not experience the abuse of the nuns, it is hard for them too relate to what, we as a group, experienced!

      3.) Some of the Faithful have a “blind belief in the Catholic Church, and they will not even entertain the possibility of a Nun, Priest or Brother abusing a child. —- (If the person complains of abuse, they blame the cause of the abuse on the individual for not complying with the rules and regulations of a school. The Nuns and the Church are NEVER at fault, it is always the individual, because in their mind, the Nuns, Priests and Brothers “walk on water!”)

      So, what does this mean to those of us who were abused in Catholic Schools?

      If we want justice, we, as a group, have to demand justice! That will take effort on our part, and it will take dedication, focus, organization, professionalism and action!

      The Catholic Church is betting that the offended people are too lazy to take professional action. ——— Maybe they are correct.

      It is great that we tell our story, —- band together & support one another along the way, — but ultimately, — something has to happen to get the attention of the Church Leaders.

      Catholics are leaving the Church in droves, and the leadership does not seem to see the connection between their abuse in the past, and their negativity in the present, — as the cause of this exodus!

      Maybe their past crimes are now providing the force that will be the death null that is destroying the Catholic Church organization.

      When people leave the Church, their money goes with them. When the money dries up, that schools and churches close. When schools and churches close there is no need for clergy and teachers! THE ORGANIZATION WILL DIE!

      I do not know what the solution is to this issue, but I do know that we, as a group, have not been treated in a professional manner by the Catholic Clergy, and the Catholic Church. Some of us have paid the ultimate price by having our lives destroyed by the mentally sick clergy!

      Have a GREAT / SUCCESSFUL day!

      God bless you and everyone on this site!


      • Tim C Says:

        For your information only priests and deacons in the Catholic Church are considered clergy. School Sisters (most “nuns” are not nuns but Consecrated religious sisters..difference is Nuns focus on prayer and rarely teach school while sisters work in schools and hospitals and focus on work), and also nuns are NOT clergy. Neither are monks, fiiars, and consecrated religious brothers. All Nuns are Sisters but not all Sisters are nuns. On any note none of the consecrated religious people were clergy. In fact canonically any lay person not under penalties (being in an invalid marriage for example or being pro abortion) were able to do any job that a Sister, Brother, Monk, or Nun could do in the church. Also a priest that leaves cannot do any leadership role in the Catholic Church, not even the readings at mass while a former Sister or Brother can. Nuns and Monks though take lifetime solemn vows and its harder for them to be released from them than consecrated Sisters and Brothers

      • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

        Hi Tim C:

        Thank you for your detailed explanation of the structure of the Catholic Church personnel. I understand the structure of the Catholic Church Organization.

        But like everything else, there is a bottom line to every issue. When a person abuses a child, it does not matter what their title is in the organization, they are criminals, and such, they should be dealt with in a legal fashion! They should be brought to trial, and if found guilty, they should be sent to prison!

        Sisters / Nuns have destroyed many lives in Catholic Schools over the years, and they have got away with their crimes!

        All the best!

        God bless you!


      • Tim C Says:

        Actually back before 1970 what the Sisters did to kids did not constitute child abuse. Back then it was considered discipleship, character building, discipline. Also public schools also had teachers that beat the kids (but less so than the Sisters did) Also back then parents could beat their kids on a whim. Even if they sent a kid to school black and blue the teachers would just think “He was misbehaving and got discipline”. They did not even worry about it. They believed parents could train up their kids as they saw fit and government also would rarely interfere. Hey even on the book Mommie Dearest – the authorities knew full well the two older kids were abused but did nothing but tell them they had to learn to get along better. Now today when parents beat their kids they hide it because schools today MUST report any signs of abuse. So its a different time today. But the abuse Sisters dished out back then was accepted widely and worse abuse at the hands of a bad parent was also accepted. Even wife beating used to be accepted back then.

  464. Carol W Says:

    I went to Saint Mary’s in Lawrence Ma in the 50’s…….So much sick
    things were inflicted on the kids (myself included) To mention one
    Children who were left handed forced to use their right as the nuns said using le4ft hand was a sign of the DEVIL!!
    I have many more horror stories to share

    • Dwayne James Mitchell Says:

      Hi Carol W.:

      Thank you for sharing your story. Please share your other “horror stories” about “nuns” and “Catholic Schools in the 50’s!”

      I too, heard the same story from nuns in a Catholic School in the 50’s in NYC! —- It seems that all nuns were operating from the same “play book!”

      We need to get all these stories out into the public arena for the world to see!

      The “nuns” played a BIG part in child abuse, and we need to hold them responsible for their actions and crimes! YES, they committed crimes against children, both physical and psychological! —- While physical wounds heal, psychological wounds never heal! —– They linger and grow stronger over the years, because they are “unfinished business” in the “life of the person!”

      God bless you!

      You are a survivor!

      You are alive to tell the story!

      Catholic School Education was not “education,” but rather, it was “religious indoctrination!” —- It fostered “blind obedience” to “man made rules and regulations,” that were meaningless, when viewed from the point of view of the “big picture of life!” Catholic Education was designed to make the individual a “follower!” The whole Catholic School System is based on a “hidden agenda” of the Catholic Clergy! Nuns were the “ground troops” of the Catholic Church. They disseminated their “twisted logic of life and God” to young minds whom trusted them to be honest and truthful! “Honesty” and “truth” are not part of the Catholic School System! —— “Truth distortion” is the foundation of Catholic Education. —- Never trust your children with nuns or priests!

      All the best!


  465. Tim C Says:

    I was in Catholic School from 1960-1965 and for Kindergarten I had a lay teacher named Mrs White who was sweet and nice (and left for public school in 1964). Then in first grade I had a Sister who was in her 30’s and was strict but fair. She did some hitting and beating but only to kids that misbehaved. First Grade was about half fun and half work. 2nd grade was another lay teacher who was also tough but fair. She never hot anyone though. By then it was mostly work and only short times for play. Then in 3rd grade I had the meanest sister ever up to that day. Sister Madonna. She beat me just for having to pee at 830 AM. She said no kid should have to go that early. I had several accidents. My parents did not admit it to me but years later told me they knew Sisters mistreated and abused kids but my mom told me even as a kid she was afraid of them. The priests were nice but they refused to get involved. they said the school was the Sisters’ domain. The principal, also a Sister also liked beating the kids. She stated “We Sisters give up our time for you ungrateful kids. We dont get paid so we make the rules”. Yes the Sisters had no money being they took vows of poverty.

    Fourth Grade I had another Sister, Sister Winiford. She just beat most of us for the fun of it. She would make up rules as we went along and would beat us for breaking them. Bathrooms were at 10 AM and 1 PM only. The rest of the day no bathroom use except for playtime. All we did most of the day was diagram sentences. I had several pee accidents a month and she would beat me all the more. A week after New Years Sister shoved my face in a puddle after I had an accident. After School I went home. My mom believed the Sisters were mean to me and told the priest but the priest did not believe her and refused to investigate. My mom told me though the Sisters were mean I had to still suck it up and deal with it and to do whatever they told me to do and try to make them happy.

    The next day I faked sickness and stayed home. The day after that I did so again. Then that Monday I faked again and my mom decided I had to go. I pretended to go to school but instead went to the movies and hid in the park. I did this a few more days till Sister Shiela called my mom and told her I was not in school. When my mom confronted me I confessed but refused to go back. I told my mom she could beat me and do anything she wanted but I would not go back. My mom refused to listen. The next morning I refused to leave for school. She calld my dad home from work and he gave me a spanking. Still I said I refused to go. I said I wanted to go to public school. I said I would run away from home and live with a relative. Finally my mother relented and said I could go to public school. The sisters threatened my mom and dad with hell for taking me out. Then after that I refused to go to CCD. My parents decided I still had to go there but in another Catholic Church to give me a fresh start. I did refuse confirmation when the time came and after that I graduated from Church. My older sisters admired me for standing my ground. My feeling was I had little to lose. I would rather be punished by my parents than the school. Anyhow I believe all the stories here. These Sisters were bad news.

    I had heard they too got abused by their abysses and Head Sisters. They had to live under strict rules and were allowed almost no personal property. These Sisters also did not even choose what they would have for dinner. Their abyss did and they were under tough regimented lives in the convent. So their lives were quite hard as well. They had to take it out on someone.

  466. kieran Says:

    Around 1968 in St. Boniface manitoba my friend ,a backhoe operator was digging at the foundations of a nunnery. Uncovers the bones of dozens of babies. It was later discovers the nuns had a secret wall built in the basement. When young girls enterd the convent and had children. They were told there children were adopted to good homes. Instead each babies head was hit with a hammer and then thrown threw a small hole in the wall to the secret compartment.

  467. Frank Says:

    Abusive Nuns and their role in helping priests abuse:

    Some of you may be aware that a Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has been underway in Australia for the past 2 years For those from other countries, a Royal Commission has wide-ranging powers, including the ability to compel both evidence and witnesses, but can only make findings, which law enforcement may then use to launch prosecution.

    The Catholic Church has been wholly discredited by this Royal Commission, and pre-emptively rushed the Cardinal in charge out of the country to hide in the Vatican where he remains, immune from extradition and under diplomatic immunity. This cardinal’s name is George Pell. He is now himself under investigation for exposing himself to young boys at a public swimmimg pool years ago.

    All that is background to an article that has just been published by the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) in Australia, that includes abuse by nuns and enabling support and protection for pedophile priests. The nuns’ role in this story is truly shocking. It needs to be here on the record in this blog but please, please consider very carefully before you decide whether or not to read this article. TRIGGER WARNING – this article details horrific child abuse.

    Best wishes and healing to all.

  468. Tim C Says:

    Next Christmas watch “Silent Night Deadly Night” from 1984. Its about a boy whose parents were killed by a man dressed like Santa. He was then sent to an orphanage run by Sisters and they abused him physically and mentally and he grew up to be a serial killer dressed like Santa when the sisters got him a job as a store Santa. Now while this movie is fictional, Mother Superior was a real person – in fact there were thousands of sisters that acted just like Mother Superior and abused kids the exact same way. And some of these boys indeed did grow up to be murderers. So this movie is not that far fetched. Its probably a mixture of a bunch of true stories. Just an example of what Sisters/Nuns did to kids back then. At least today there are very few Sisters anymore so these schools still open must be better than the Catholic schools of the past. Today they are closing by the dozen yearly right and left…

  469. C.W. Says:

    I was abused at home and at catholic school in my early years, where a certain nun continued the emotional and physical battering. Sr. Joan Marie, who has likely passed by now, was the ONE I had for 2nd, 3rd, and 6th grade, as I recall. At night my father beat my mother, sister, and I, with threats of murdering us, calling us vicious/vile names, etc. There was seldom food in the house, so I went to school hungry and tired most days. Joan Marie berated and swiped those she didn’t like with her yard stick. Being obviously vulnerable made certain ones of us particularly suited for targeting. Those who missed Sunday mass were ordered to stand in the front of the class every Monday, where we would receive a hateful lecture and told that the devils would break into our houses at night and drag us sinners to hell. From fear, I slept little and had nightmares. My son also suffered verbal abuse from a lay teacher in 3rd grade. Before her, he was a popular, happy little guy, but she called him names and convinced him that no one liked him. Since he had good experiences until then, I was shocked such things could still happen. I transferred him to the public school for 2nd semester. The damage was done, but he did get better … slowly. There were some very good and kind nuns/ teachers during my school years and his. However, losing all confidence and feelings of security at such an early age because of the few bad ones can stick with you for a very long time, especially when one is abused at home, as well. I was emotionally tortured well into adulthood, but about age 35 the Lord reached out to me. Long story. The bottom line is that He led me to the Bible, and I read the Gospels over and over for the next several years, just wanting to really know Jesus. While seeing the crimes committed against me, It convicted me of my own anger and other sin, as well. It showed me how much my Savior loves me and had been with me all along. Though I was seething with desire for revenge, He softened my heart and led me to understand that He will handle that department. That was a huge load off my mind and allowed me to move (sometimes stumbling) forward. A great many people in all walks of life are abusive, violent, and even murderers. The wickedness of this world is not my home. I don’t have to carry the baggage unfairly placed on me anymore. As a society, we must stand firm against abuse wherever it is found, As Christians we must know the Bible well and stand firm against abuse of God’s Word, which is twisted and taken out of context by many religious leaders, particularly in the Roman Catholic Church. But as individuals, we must no let “the bad guys” win by allowing their sin to scar us for the rest of our lives. Getting to know the true Jesus of the Bible saved my life. It’s still challenging, but this is just the journey. True life is in Him … in a relationship with the one who paid our debt, expecting only faith and repentance in return. It may sound simplistic, but I urge everyone who’s hurting to get to know the Lord through His Word, There is no other way to become healed. That’s the best I have to offer at almost 70 now. Hope it will help at least one of the suffering souls in here, God bless you all.

  470. Terri O'Rourke Says:

    In the 1950s and 1960s I attended catholic school for first through 9th grade with nun’s:
    Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet in Manhattan Beach, CA.
    and Sisters of the Sacred Heart, Palos Verdes, CA.
    I never felt terrorized nor was I ever touched by a nun, nor did I witness any other students have these experiences. We grew
    up in the same town together. I don’t remember ever hearing of any abuse in our school.
    During the 8th grade we told our teacher (nun) there were rumors from the public school children that nuns were bald.
    Our teacher removed her black veil and her starched white head
    cover and looked like any other woman with short hair 2-3” long.
    We were obedient and respectful, partially due to the knowledge
    our parents would be called if we disrupted a class. Parents
    supported the teachers and expected us to get a good education.

    • EMM Says:

      That is great that you had a good experience. Many of us were not so fortunate. Not every nun I had was evil. But the ones that were abusive tainted my childhood, and fostered an anger in me that I did not understand until many years later. Fortunately that was short lived, and I’m very lucky to have a good life now with great kids. I myself was a good, shy and carefree kid until I came across some hateful abusive IHM nuns at Saint Dominic’s in Philadelphia. I cannot look back and remember school fondly because those nuns stole that from me.

  471. MMS Says:

    Oh, wow. Just found this website. So impressed with the thoughtful insights.
    I attended Catholic schools for 13 years.
    When I finally “got thrown out” and landed in a public university I almost kissed the ground.
    It was so liberating but how surprised I was that “those poor waifs from public school” backgrounds were as well or better educated than I. I had been brainwashed……in so many ways.
    I never witnessed violence at my schools although my aunt was slapped across the face years earlier by the infamous 5th grade nun who was still there when I passed through 40 years later. What I did experience was fear.
    Fear all day long, from the minute I awakened until I fell asleep. Fear that I would be late,
    afraid I would forget my beanie, afraid I would forget my homework. My first two years of Catholic education…….I was only afraid at lunchtime. You passed through the cafeteria line and these hefty cafeteria ladies would hand you heaping platters of beef and potatoes and sauerkraut and you could not leave the cafeteria until your plate was clean. Only when the bell rang could you empty your plate into the garbage and run fast to get into line to go back to class. I carried a nickel with me in case I ever got finished in time to join the others and put my nickel into the candy machine. Only twice in two years did I get to go outside; once when Frank switched chili bowls with me and once when the poor nun who guarded the door, took pity on me. Twice in two years.
    The next eleven years there wasn’t enough room in the cafeteria for all the kids so because of our distance from school we had to go home everyday. We got out of the childrens’ mass at 11:40, ran home six blocks, wolfed down lunch, peed, brushed your teeth and ran back to school for the 12:30 bell. The punishment for being late was to write pages and pages of “I must not be late to school” in ink, no cross outs, no erasures, or you had to start over. We had to do math homework in ink too. That meant doing it once in pencil and the copying. Homework lasted at least four hours if not more.
    And then there was Sunday afternoon benediction at 4:00. What a way to ruin a day. If you didn’t attend you had to bring a note from home promptly on Monday morning. Jane F’s mom wrote one note on the first Monday after school started, stating that Jane would not be st Sunday benediction nor would she be providing a note. Those nunny bunnies did not like Janie and it often showed.
    This is all to say……because everyone is tired of listening to my stories…..that being frightened for nine months a year for 13 years is traumatizing. It’s abuse. It causes some people to be more empathetic but destroys the any empathy in others.
    The religious teachings were nothing more than brainwashing by people in Halloween costumes. What’s the point? Wearing those hot ridiculous things all year like monsters who only had a face and hands.
    The first time I missed mass after I was married and realized that I was not going to be struck by lightning, I never went back and never considered allowing my four children to go to Catholic schools.
    Oh, I could go on and on. Anyone who knows me knows how much I hate nuns. I blame them for everything from A -Z and I get a lot of laughs. Did I mention that I hate the smell of the wool that those habits were made from?

  472. Liam McLaughlin Says:

    very interesting to finally see something written about the abuse of nuns on young children. i went to a school in Queens, NY with Dominican nuns. My earliest recollection of how nasty these women were was when i was in the 2nd grade. Our school was being built and we had class in the church. my class was in the choir loft. I walked to school with my sister but had to return home to get an assignment that i had forgotten. We arrived after the bell and were directed to stand in the entrance lobby. I thought that we were really going to be in trouble for being late. We were standing by the door and put down my book bag. I was so small that i needed a strap for my book bag because it would drag on the floor if I held it. The principal, Sister Catherine Eugene came out with a megaphone to do the morning prayers. She walked by us and tripped over my book bag. She went down to one knee and caught herself on the back pew. She stood up and came back and screamed, demanding to know who’s book bag that was. I said it was mine and with that she reared back and clocked me with the side of her closed fist. I was knocked into the door sprawled out on the floor. She turned away and went on with the morning prayers. This was my indoctrination into the Catholic school system. Now as i look back I see the hatred that these women ( and priest ) had for the children of God. The sickest part of it was that they hid behind their religious garments and dictated to us how terrible we were and that God was not pleased. Years later there was a reunion at the school and my sister told me that Sister Catherine was there and she was in a wheel chair. I told her it was a good thing that missed it because I wanted to dump her on the floor and then stand over her and ask her how it felt to be treated like crap. Children don’t forget. This happened to me 58 years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday. I despise all the abuse I had to put up with these low life degenerates. They abused little innocent children who couldn’t defend themselves. I would have liked to think that the church would have learned from this over the years but when the priest that oversaw my son’s first communion got a teenager drunk in the rectory and sodomized him, it was obvious they didn’t.

    • firetender Says:

      Folks, I have to apologize. There was a few month stretch when my computer was down and I didn’t track notifications of postings and requests so didn’t “approve” a number of requests. They have been added. And now I see some go way back. I have no idea how I missed them, but I cleaned up the mailbox, anyhow. Thanks for your patience.

  473. Frank McKeown Says:

    Helping Healing

    Many of you may already be aware that Cardinal George Pell, the leader of the Catholic Church in Australia, and the third highest ranking in the Vatican behind the Pope, has been charged with historical child sexual abuse offences and will stand trial.

    Police in the State of Victoria, Australia, deliberated for almost 2 months on whether or not to charge Pell as they appreciated the global ramifications of doing so. Pell, who was too “ill” to travel to Australia last year to give evidence about church cover-ups and protecting perpetrators before the ongoing Royal Commission on institutional sexual abuse of children, has now come out and says he will return to Australia to vigorously deny and defend these charges.

    So what, you may ask, has this got to do with abuse by nuns? I, for one, as someone who was non-sexually abused by nuns over many years as a child felt unacknowledged and left out when the Royal commission was announced, because the scope was limited just to cases of sexual abuse. I also did not feel too badly about that because all I could imagine was how much worse it must have been/must be for those people than it was/is for me. As it is, the Royal commission has run for four years now and finishes up at the end of this year, having heard many thousands of cases and recommending police investigations in around 3000 of them.

    But it has helped me, and from what I hear and read, it has helped a lot of others as well. Here’s how:
    *through the process of the Royal commission, the Catholic Church has been thoroughly discredited as a venerated institution with a good reputation, high credibility and source of moral leadership
    *public respect for the institution has evaporated, with only the hardline, rusted-on, old-style Catholics still defending the church
    *people are walking away from this religion in Australia in ever-increasing numbers
    *now that the guy in charge is himself to stand trial, it really is game over, no matter what the court finds. This is because people can put two and two together – charges would not have been brought against such a senior Vatican official and the head of the church in Australia unless police were convinced the various boys involved were telling the truth.

    Somehow I feel vindicated by all these things. I am no longer an isolated case living by myself with what I experienced bottled up for 50 years. Not that I do, but I could talk openly to others about my experience these days and be believed – most likely with empathy. It might even be more the case that people have now heard it all before. For it to be okay to be talked about is a big thing for me. There is a positive backwash from what is coming out of the Royal commission that spreads to those abused by nuns rather than priests; that includes all forms of child abuse not just sexual abuse. This is healthy – healthy for me – and healthy for everyone …. except for the perpetrators and their protectors.

    • firetender Says:

      I couldn’t have asked for a finer 1,500th Post, Thank You Frank!!!!

      To be quite honest, unless I have missed something very important, I’m willing to say that the chances of world-wide attention being focused on this story of sick abusers who have found a hiding place in the Church for decades is pretty much done for.

      To be further honest, I really did not think that this or any other blog would have an affect on making an impact on the Bigger Picture. That’s why I switched my focus to avoid the politics of the issue and just make this a safe haven for folks who wandered in to share, heal and help.

      I’m very proud of you all for making that happen and honor the pain you had to go through to be able to be such potent help for each other.

      I don’t know how it works, but if anyone knows of anyone who is seeking documentation of the world-wide scope of this heinous abuse, please turn them on to this. I think 1500 serious responses to one obscure post is significant.

      I started out ventilating into the Cosmos and NEVER expected to find so many fellow travelers on this rocky path.

      I guess the site did not reach all whom it could, nor did it mobilize armies against the outrage, but all in all, it has fulfilled its vision of being a vehicle for healing honesty about things that have been largely suffered alone.

  474. Cat Says:

    I posted some comments back in 2010 on this blog and just re-read them as well as some of the newer ones. My rage and hatred for nuns is as intense as it ever was. I was able to deprogram myself about eight years ago, but we NEVER forget.

  475. Holly Says:

    Excellent post! It would be so awesome if all the assets of the church were frozen and distributed to abuse victims. I wish justice like that could happen!

  476. c combdon Says:

    omg i was so much abuse by this one NUN i frared to walk into the class room as i would get a strap on my legs every day 2 times a day pointer stick on my head i was called a devil and kids like should not walk into her room send to the back with a dunt hat on for hours my friend got the same thing as she was my friend and was told if she played with me the same things will happen to her put this in your head i was 6 years old and time i would not go back after lunch time i would just hide untill i see the other kids on the way home then i just home

  477. L. Nachtmann Says:

    Humiliated in front of the other students, entire K-6 school instructed to treat me as an outcast and have nothing to do with me. 8 bullies attacked me on playground in witness of all other students. I was knocked down, kicked, and beaten. Next day, I was called in to the principal’s office and questioned as to what happened. After I told the truth, she opened her inner office door and the 8 bullies emerged, and she asked them if I had told the truth. They said yes. She then had each boy lay across a chair with his but in the air, and beat him with a pointer. then I had to lay across the chair and take another beating. Oh it went on and on, the abuse.
    What that school and the nuns did to me has never left my psyche. Of course, that was in the 1950’s. Started drinking when I was 12, and much of the drinking (escape) was rooted in my Catholic grade school experiences. At 29, I finally found myself in AA, and through its program and sponsorship, have been able to heal. Now I have been sober for 40 years and am rapidly approaching 70. I don’t tlhink they had a clue as to the extent of damage they were doing to little kids in the name of God. The whole scenario that Dwayne describes where they made an example of one student in order to keep the rest in line – that was me.

  478. Vérité Says:

    Everyone on this blog there is historically another factor that we must consider in all of this. That is the policy of SOCIAL ENGINEERING practiced within the confines of these schools.

    The the “think tanks” at the universities were experimenting on us in those neighborhood schools, we were the targets. It was beginning of dismantling the Church beginning in the 1950s;

    “Why Are We Here, Because We’re Not There” take a listen to this lecture by Michael Jones, Author and Editor of Culture Wars Magazine. In this speech Dr. Jones talks about the effect that Urban Renewal had on the Catholic Faith. For more information read his book The Slaughter of the Cities: Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing. Available at Amazon or Culture Wars dot com.

  479. Pattyann Says:

    I attended my aunt and uncle’s 70th wedding anniversary party late last year. I wanted to go because they are both in their 90s and I always loved them. So, my husband and I drove back to my hometown and attended a Mass and went to the celebration which was at the church. I said in the past that I would never step foot into another church again, but I did. The priest that presided the Mass was one miserable guy; I remember him from 20 years ago when I last lived in that area. All he did was poke fun of my uncle for being so old, that he was afraid they would die of old age before the party! All the jokes he told were deriding the elderly and very macabre! I almost got up and left, but I suffered through for my aunt and uncle. I guess things never change, priests can get up there and say anything they want and the congregation just has to accept it! My scars are still there but I know I did the right thing by leaving the Catholic church!

  480. There is Light at the End of the Tunnel Says:

    Well written and BRAVO!!!!!!!!!! I grew up so abused and had no idea I was even being abused. I then went on to live with an abusive spouse and we abused our children mostly mentally. I’m only now getting the psychological help and realizing what so much of it stems from. Sr. Elizabeth Ann!!!!!!!! The woman hated me and hunted me for 8 years of my life. Thankfully hitting children was banned by the time I reached 3rd grade but she made sure my mother hit me many times. My mother finally caught on that she was a narcissist but my mother still hit us for years, well into our teens and for my sister, well into her 20s when my sister would fight back. Sadly, I carried this sick habit on to my children. All I can do is apologize now and show them a better way. I begged my daughter not to raise my grandson in the church, but she won’t listen. I don’t want anything to do with religion ever again. Keep your invisible man in the sky, I’m taking my brain back!!!

    • J. Ribaudo Says:

      How anybody can fallow religion is beyond me . How many people were kill in the name of god ? The religious right are the sickest people today. They put a asshole as our president . Enough said

  481. Frances Hall Says:

    I was very distressed to read the mails from all of you as I too also battled it out with the Dominican nuns. One hit me with a wooden ruler at 10 yrs of age on the back of my legs for something she misconstrued I had said. I didn’t know why she went ballistic cos it was so harmless but obviously she had been gunning for me. The look on her ugly face was something else but shocked the other girls in the class. I didn’t tell my Mother who was a non -catholic cos’ it would have caused more problems – she wouldn’t accept anyone attacking/abusing me. I started wearing black stocking to hide the damage although it wasn’t part of my uniform and the spiteful nun didn’t object!!!! From that day forward I had no respect for any of the nuns although most of them were normal.

    When I went to high school there was 54 children in the glass cos’ some came from the junior catholic schools – impossible to teach that amount of children. The unfortunate part of the whole story is my Father plus us kids were non practising Catholics. In fact I only knew I was a Catholic on entering the school at 8 yrs of age. Didn’t mean a thing to me and it was the first time I even saw a nun all dressed up in their gear. These nuns need a kicking boy/girl and I was chosen as she found out I didn’t go to Mass on a Sunday. I was told at 8 yrs of age if I didn’t go to church I would go to hell for eternity – hell was a new word to me. I worried about this so questioned my Mother and her reply was “that’s what they believe and we don’t – which was a good answer. From there on I felt empowered and just played lip service.

    With 54 in the class I was sent to the desk at the back of the class where I couldn’t hear but it was somehow a relief not to listen to her. She told my parents I lacked concentration so I thought that’s why I can’t hear!!! After spending two years in her class the school decided I should move to another convent which offered a commercial course. I fought against that one with my parents – no more nuns for me. I landed up in a private commercial college with girls 2/4 years older than me but managed fortunately. The school board released me from school because I was going to further my education but of course it wasn’t the school curriculum. I am very bitter because I lost the chance of ever going to university.

    Working in the bank at 19 yrs of age the head lady asked me to have my ears tested. The result of the test was my left ear was totally deaf and right wasn’t good. This unfortunately comes down the one side of the family being the nerves. The Specialists couldn’t believe I had been at convent for 8 solid years and nobody picked up my severe problem. I didn’t have a problem at home cos’ everyone was speaking pretty close to me. In the bank going back you had the typewriters, loud bookkeeping machines not too forget the telex hence all the background noise.

    Now we come to the latest horrific news regarding the Catholic Orphanages in the UK, Ireland, Scotland plus other places in the world. Becoming a nun you give up your chance of having children therefore you are not experienced enough to look after babies or older ones. Just read all the cases on the net and in fact the internet is the worst thing that could happen to the Catholic Church. Anyone who is found guilty of their crime should be sent to jail and not paid hush money.

    I have seen “Who killed Sister Cathy”, Spotlight, The Madeline Sisters and Philomena – all terribly sad. I am hoping they will make more films of the orphanages to stop the ill treatment of the little ones.

  482. Kate Vee Says:

    Sorry but nobody was worse then the Dominicans from Blauvelt New York back in the 50’s and 60’s. I had the dubious honor of being taught by them in Arizona and New York. Grammar and high school.There were exceptions but most of them were bat shit crazy. I had one lay teacher in the fourth grade and she was as bad or worse. The nuns loved her. Fortunately my family had financial reverses and I had to switch to public schooling my junior year. It was total culture shock. Much as I hate to admit it I was more advanced then my fellow public school students. No doubt I had better study habits. Whatever else you had to say about them no one left the Catholic school system that couldn’t read or write. They would have beaten you to death first.

    I noticed there seems to be a belief that the boys got the worst of it Not true. If a girl developed early or was naturally pretty or just was generally liked they attacked her like dogs. Believe me you wanted to be as mousy as possible. Though I would not have thought it possible they hated us even more in an all girls high school and were still hitting us plus the put downs were never ending.

    But I have to reserve some blame for the parents that allowed it to happen. I know I begged my parents to switch me to a public school. Their answer was “I must have done something” and / or “the nuns gave their life to teach you”. This was from people by the way that never raised a hand once to their five children. I still don’t get it. A whole generation sent their children to school every day to deal with child abuse and paid for the privilege.

    All religions try to brainwash their followers. The Catholic church was just better at.

  483. Joe H. Says:

    Most (almost all, it seems) of the comments here have to do with teaching nuns. Not much has been said about nuns involved in adoptions. So here are views and experiences regarding them.

    Within Catholic adoption quarters, theology may have intruded on adoption policy (at least such was the case when the nuns dominated the scene; now maybe not so much), particularly when it came to birth mothers and adult adoptees seeking reunions.

    One saw signs of this, for instance, in the film rendition of “Philomena.” The film was based on a real birth mother’s search, though some of the dialogue may have been “enhanced” for dramatic effect, especially the part about the birth other having to suffer for “her sins.” But still, the lines spoken by the nuns in the film rang true, VERY true

    While the sisters who ran orphanages and “mother-baby” homes were sincere and well-intentioned, their theological background could make them judgmental in the extreme. To understand this, one needs to look at the Church’s teaching on sexuality and Original Sin. This doctrine of Original Sin (Upper case) going back to Augustine (but not subscribed to in the Western Church’s form by the Eastern Church) gets conflated, I believe, with a sort of “original sin” (lower case) which attaches to the by-product of an “illicit” relationship, which is the “illegitimate” baby.

    By adoption, though, the baby is “redeemed,” as the “sinner” is cleansed through Baptism. When the adoptee, now an adult, seeks his biological roots, he/she “drudges up” all that dirt from which he/she was rescued (in the mind of the Church). All the work of the good sisters in “rescuing” the baby from this sinful origin would have been in vain if the adoptee is successful in being reunited with his/her biological parents. This, despite the fact that the reasons for blocking such searches (even where birth parties are looking for one another) usually focus on the “privacy” of the birth mother, the promises made to her at the time of adoption, and the signed contract she executed, often under duress, to give up all rights to the baby.

    One used to hear such things as:

    “Why would you want to go mucking around in all that dirt?”

    “You gave away your child and the Church found a home for him. The Church acts on its duty of charity; sinners like you should be grateful”

    “You can find no peace because your sin weighs down upon you you sin will be with you always and you must make amends for it. Pray to God that he will forgive you, for I cannot.”

    “You must forget your child for he the product of sin, and above all you must never speak of him to anyone. The fires of hell await sinners like you.”

    While there may not have been any physical abuse of the infants entrusted to their care, the nuns were completely incapable of dealing with requests for reunions by either the birth mothers or returning adult adoptees. The damage done to people’s self-esteem was as traumatic as physical abuse.

  484. Mary J. Says:

    At the Catholic school I went to for 6 years… I could look down the alleys and see the public school… I would spend all my time looking down the alleys and wishing and wishing I could go to that school.
    When I did finally make it to a public high school. I didn’t know what to do when A BOY said hi to me. We were so trained about sex, that all boys were bad.. I do agree that I was more advanced book wise than the others at public school and had better study habits. But socially it took opening my eyes to theater that brought out of my shell.
    And then what do I do… I married someone who isn’t Catholic…
    Together we did find a church we could take hold of. NOT Catholic and NOT Lutheran which was what he was raised in.
    Of course we had a lot of crap from both sides… “A Mixed Marriage” would never work. (We are both the same race.) We have two wonderful sons, and have been married 45 years.

    We shall overcome… the pain will show up at times. I have learned to move on. I also believe that because of what happened in the Catholic school, I fought harder with my own sons.
    God Bless you all…
    Mary J.

  485. Frances Hall Says:

    Why do you think the nuns were so cruel to children?
    Do you think they suffered from cabin fever?
    Most of us would go crazy being locked up 24/7.
    No nice classical music concerts, walks in the park, out to dinner, TV, or the simple things we do during our life time.
    Young children to-day are more aware than we were with the internet, TV etc., etc.
    The nuns are living in the pass and general knowledge is not their forte.
    I don’t suppose many of them had a normal teenage life before entering the convents.
    The cruel ones are definitely misfits.
    Would love to hear everyone’s views.

    • Cat Says:

      Yes, Frances, they were vicious, cruel, evil, twisted, sexually repressed, extremely messed up individuals. I’ve posted on here before, back in 2010, about my experiences in my 11 years of school with them. They caused my lifelong anxiety (I’m 74) now) and I hate them still with a fury. I’ve composed an e-mail to the CND nuns in Montreal, specifying “without prejudice” and that the e-mail is not a threat, but laying out in no uncertain terms what I think of them. They should NEVER have been allowed anywhere near children.

      • Joe H. Says:

        Your were right, Cat, in sending the e-mail.

        We should not be deemed judgmental because we hold them accountable

    • Dorothy Hughes Says:

      I would add to your list that some were most likely indoctrinated into a cult like organization, some were victims of sexual abuse by the priests and some gave birth to babies they had to get rid of. I’ve heard stories of bones of babies found buried underneath convents. What would that do to the mind of these women. Doesn’t excuse them; just helps with understanding. I still have issues(72) but with God’s help I’ve worked through a lot. Hearing a lot these days of pedophile rings involving the RCC.

    • Sarah Says:

      Cruel nuns are all butches. And it was probably them that made up all the insanity about unwed mothers and their children, partly so the damn church could get rich by selling us. F the catholic church, F catholic charities and F adoption!

  486. Joe H. Says:

    It’s what they signed up for. And they had time enough to change their minds during their formation period. That is not to excuse their cruel and pathological behavior, but to respond to the part about the things that were lacking in their lives.

    You had it right in your second last line. They were misfits to begin with. Other people grow up and live their while lived lacking the things described, but do not turn out the way some of those nuns did.

    There was definitely something amisss in the selection/weeding out process.

  487. carmen Says:

    I Went to a catholic school in sydney nsw i was in kinder 5 years old i was hit on the nuckals with a ruler side ways, my hair was pulled so hard that the nun had me of the ground, twisted my ears there is to much to say all i know is i have never got over this and i never will and i made a promise to my children that no one would do it to them, what they did to me, catholic nuns are the most cruelest people i have ever seen, they have heart so meany children if i could sue them i would if any one had a case could you please let me know

  488. cathy Says:

    Hi: Has anyone else been extremely traumatized by a nun telling them that they were going to go to hell? I was 6 years old and it was my very first day of Catholic Religious School to prepare to make my 1st Communion. I was a nervous wreck about taking the classes and my fears proved to be very well founded. The lesson was over my head, so I did what lots of normal 6 year olds do: I started to draw on my lesson paper. When the “Mother Superior” caught me, she hollered at me in front of all the other children that I was going to go to hell. Because of her, I never became a Catholic.

    • Fran Hall Says:

      I was 8 years old when I entered the convent (day scholar) and had never even seen a nun or heard of religion. The nun realized I wasn’t attending mass cos’ my father was a non practicing catholic and my Mum was not a catholic. So she arranged for two senior girls to collect me for mass the following Sunday. I didn’t understand a word being in Latin so when everyone went up for communion I joined the queue!!! On returning to my seat one of the girls asked me if I had made my first holy communion – I said “yes”. They wanted to know when and were horrified at my reply. Just had communion now!!!
      I have laughed at this for years.
      After hearing about the going to hell story I wanted to get as far as away from the Catholic religion there and then.

  489. Peter Erickson Says:

    I no longer call myself a catholic because of the way I and others were treated both in primary a secondary school. I attended catholic school in Melbourne, Australia from 1954 thru 1962. During that time I was subjected to and witnessed physical and emotional brutality. From the time I commenced Primary school at the age of five, the mental abuse commenced with stories of the devil and the consequences of committing a sin.
    The abuse started in first year, when I was pulled by the ear on many occasions, received the cane (a feather duster with copper wire wrapped around the end of the cane handle) as well as hit over the knuckles with a wooden ruler (with brass insert).
    In year 4, I was accused of stealing money from someone’s pocket and made to sit (in tears) in solitary for hours, with the threat of the nuns calling the police. This accusation continued for a few days, until the real culprit was identified, no apology was forthcoming.

    The abuse continued in College under the Marist Brothers, thank goodness it only lasted 2 years. Year 8, the Class Master’s weapon of choice, was 5 strips of vinyl glued together. However, I am so grateful that I did not incur the wrath of the Vice Principal. His nickname was ‘Killer Crispin’ . A student kicked a football in the schoolyard during cricket season. The punishment – in front of the entire school, he was hit across the open hand with a broomstick. He was hit that hard, that the broomstick broke, and so did his hand.

    We grew up thinking that this treatment was ‘normal’, but having read about the experiences of others as well as the sexual abuse, cordoned by the church, I am absolutely disgusted with the Catholic Church. The treatment shown to children in their ‘care’ is a disgrace, but the church is still protecting the perpetrators.

    It is time the Church paid for their SINS.

    • Frances Hall Says:

      This Nun should have been sent to a physiologist to be evaluated because the Pope stated some time ago convents shouldn’t admit unbalanced girls. The girls enter the convents breaking family ties which is unnatural for a start and then in charge of little children. They certainly don’t have any experience not having their own children which is ridiculous. They are under convent arrest and not keeping up with the outside world therefore some of them become wicked and spiteful to the little ones. Only one nun physically attacked me at 10 yrs of age and I will never forget it.
      Thank goodness you weren’t in an orphanage in Scotland or Ireland they killed the children – google it. I get the British papers and now the church’s secrets are coming alive. Offspring of priests are looking for others to join a support group.
      I have a speech recorded by the Pope who is annoyed with the priests pedophile cases which has cost the church billions and the mafia connection. Never ends does it?
      Most of the Catholics I know have now joined other churches therefore the church is paying big time.

  490. Alice Says:

    2nd grade witnessed dominic nun in front of me picked up a small boy by his tie and he passed out children put in closets whole school hit with iron ruler on hands no knowing y calling names like dumb hit with ruler anytime ears pulled out sit in garbage cans bathroom denied for a little girl. 1960 all truly happened

  491. Frances Hall Says:

    Did this happen in a boarding school or orphanage? Were his parents informed? Obviously lost another catholic and all his off spring.

  492. D'on Says:

    First my heart and prayers go out to you for your continued strength and healing. I love you. I have lately been so drawn and compelled to read more and more about the abuse that has gone on too long totally destroying children for years to come, and for those who came up during an era that made it easier for the monsters to operate without detection, left them to grow up and have children of their own that had no clue why mommy or daddy seemed odd or different. That’s if they did not become abusers themselves and then the children may have had a clue. Just know dear friend that there are those of us out here that believe you and others line you. And support whatever it is that can be done to brung the monsters to the light and bring help hope and healing to those that have suffered so horribly. Please continue to lift your voice, someone is listening. Praying for more peace live happiness and blessings to come into your life.

    • firetender Says:

      Sad to say, but even I, the originator of this blog, gave up a long time ago on the idea that child abuse by nuns would find any sort of airing, let alone redress. The “survivors” are fast dying out, no doubt drained of any fight based on the complete and utter absence of any action on the part of anyone to call the Church to account for the massive, acknowledged violations by male clergy.

      There has been very little action on this site for over a year, which leads me to suspect that those who were meant to find it found it and enough of them found some comfort, understanding and hope so that this has been useful as a sort of haven for befuddled Catholics.

      I’m still amazed at the numbers of participants from all over the world who have bravely chimed in and offered their horrendous experiences to be vehicles of healing for their peers in suffering. For that I am eternally grateful for the huge gift of having no choice but to explode and tell my story. As can be seen here; lots of people got the hint to step out of the darkness. Mission accomplished!

      • barbara Says:

        I hope you continue the blog. I am still trying to figure out how to heal my wounds. I am 71. The worse part of it is because I was so fearful and full of anxiety and because of the beating I took in 8th grade by a large male lay teacher teacher, I never learned properly. . It skewed my whole life and I was never abl to concentrate and subsequently I was really not educated, which hurts me to this day. What a terrible loss. Reading the blog helps me to know I am not alone.

      • Fran Hall Says:

        No, you are certainly not alone – I had the same treatment. They should empty all the convents and throw the nuns out into the real world. Let’s see how they would cope. Being locked up under convent arrest in driving them stir crazy.

  493. Coughoula Says:

    From the (Philadelphia) Metro Weekly, 20 July 2018: “Last week, a federal judge ruled that religiously-affiliated child placement agencies do not have a right to refuse to place children with same-sex couples by citing religious beliefs.”

    The “religiously-affiliated agencies” are of course Catholic Social Services. It is truly disgusting and appalling that those church entities still believe that they have any moral credential at all to be telling others how to live their lives. And this is particularly true in matters relating to the care of children, after what we have sen on this blog over the years.

  494. Pattyann Says:

    I remember walking home from school stopping by the corner market every day loading up on candy and ice cream. I learned how to eat to alleviate stress at a very early age. I ate so many sweets that I required 14 cavities to be filled. Candy bars were a nickel a piece back then, so I could eat 3 or 4 before I got home!. Sad part is, I still do this very thing right now. It is the only thing I have to relieve stress! I am still hoarding junk food!
    They say, it was a long time ago, the 1960s! Let it go! The coping mechanisms such as this one are still with me strong as ever!

    • Mary J. Says:

      I’m wondering how many are feeling PTSD over the Kavanaugh thing… some people what to know, why wasn’t the Rape reported….this is why… what good did it do.
      This is why our abuse was not reported… in my case when I did tell my parents… I was told I was lying and my punishment was NOT going on a family trip with my sister’s family. So I would of been better off not saying anything. Please tell me….I’m not alone.
      Mary J.

  495. Therese Faustina Says:

    I was part of this order called sisters minor  of Maria Immaculate under Madre Maria Elisabetta Patrizi and Sr Therese Kovacs they and other sisters were abusive  and neglectful. I was refused medical attention forced by patrizi to leave the hospital. I was physically mentally spiritually almost sexually abuse I witness abuse and neglect of other sisters in the order which gave me no choice but to leave in 2003 
    Patrizi even helped cover up priest abuse with bishop Eagan and tolerated and allowed sexual assault of her sisters by other sisters and benefactors  in the order Alcoholism was tolerated and patrizi would put unfit superiors into authority torturing sisters and breaking thier spirits, souls, bodies and minds down, so as to make them submissive to do evil things. severe punishments were given, like beating, starving and imprisonment. 
    Medical attention or going against doctor wishes was perpetrated by Patrizi Kovacs and other sisters were superiors. There was no charity and most of us sisters lived in fear not of God but of Patrizi and Kovacs.  For some reason or other the church allowed this for years because of her family name Patrizi which is tied to the Vatican. I have reported the abuse I suffered at the hands of Patrizi and Kovacs to my diocese so they know. They knew since 2003 under administration of bishop Dupre There was racism in the order where an African American sister would be called a black dog frequently by her superior. She left. Other sisters were stuck in countries because thier visas ran out and one particular sister was stuck in Italy. another sister was abandoned by Kovacs and stole this sister care who wanted to leave. It was common for property to be stolen by the order.
    There was a death of an Italian sister who was imprisoned and not allowed to see her family she did not get medical attention and she had lung cancer. Another sister who was Polish was put in an institution against her will she called me for help. Another sister nearly died because she was bleeding internally she is American and if it was not for her doctor she would not be here today. October 4 2014  a document from the Vatican was addressing patrizi that the order she founded and other orders she started were abusive and she no longer allowed to find another order. The Vatican disbanded the order as away to avoid accountability and responsibility of the abuse committed I was stationed in Stamford new haven Waterbury and Danbury Ct as well there was a convent house in three rivers Massachusetts. I was stationed overseas in Italy and Turkey. Kovacs May still be dressed in a habit even though the Vatican said not too. 

    • firetender Says:

      Thank you for your bravery. Knowing that abuse builds abusers I have been very aware that the system from the top down protects and encourages abusers/ It truly is tragedy heaped on tragedy. AND 2003? That is some scary shit, folks!

  496. M H Says:

    I only know that it was so bad I wanted to run away from home in the 4th grade. The only trouble was, I didn’t know how and I knew my parents would be really mad if I did. Lots of ear pulling and public humiliation in front of the class. getting locked in the closet, being put outside school for the whole afternoon in Chicago winter.
    I got my head slammed into a brick wall a number of times in the 3rd grade. I think I was losing consciousness because I only remember the lay teacher (not a nun) saying, “are you alright are you alright”.
    When I was in high school I was so introverted that I could not speak to adults. I could barely put a sentence together. Same when I first entered the work world. It really was hard to speak. I did recover but, not fully, however, I recovered enough to function.
    I guess what doesn’t; kill you only makes you stronger. I’m seventy years old today. When I was about 65 years old I was telling my good friend about all this. He suggested I put it behind me.
    I couldn’t watch Whoopie Goldberg in Sister Act because I felt that I could not find anything entertaining or funny about a nun.
    All this time and I still do not understand why? I don’t know what good any of this does now. I will say that in my time at Catholic school I did have one very good nun. Unfortunately she became Ill and I was re-assigned to a real witch. I have my brother that I probably deserved it all. Maybe, I don’t know.

    • Mary J. Says:

      M H…

      At the Catholic school I went to, you could stand in the playground and look down the alleys, and see the public school. There were many times I would stand there and think, I wish I was there, I wish I could run away and go to that school. I feel your pain. When I do get out of that system, and went to a public High School, I still remember on one of my first days, when a boy said Hi to me I didn’t know what to do. I was so brain washed!!! I had no idea what to do in the real world.

      By the way NO ONE deserves that kind of treatment.

      I’m now in my late 60’s, and went on to be a leader at both my local school and church.. NOT Catholic. And raised two boys. Have been married to the same man for 46 years. It’s hard to put all of this behind us, I find little things will set off memories. Something I see or hear on TV.

      Take Care. God loves you!!!!

      • rjgodley Says:

        I’m so glad “nun abuse” has been identified as the hidden crime it is. Having suffered much at the hands of nuns from 1947-1955, the wounds on my emotions and memory still was only years later I learned the definition of shame, and discovered these brides of Christ were masters of its use. Wounding or destroying a child’s sense of who the are in their own eyes was and is diabolical. Of course there were a few notable exception. One kind and caring nun, I recall, just disappeared. We were told later she had a nervous breakdown, and it was suggested we, as a class, were responsible.

        Sent from my iPhone


    • EMM Says:

      We find ways to put it behind us. But it is always there too. The abuse experienced doesn’t define me but it played a part in molding me into who I am today. When I was younger it made me an angry person, but as I got older I realized that happiness is a choice and that I simply won’t let the bad things in my life (past, present and future) ruin the good.

      On one hand it is comforting to know that I was not alone in that there are so many others like you who experienced some form of abuse at the hand of the Catholic Church. On the other hand I feel for each person who had to experience it because it took so much away from our childhood.

      I wish you much peace and happiness now and in your future years.

      • Fran Hall Says:

        It would be GREAT if someone made a film on all this – EXPOSE THEM wholesale. Many girls must have left the Catholic church and look how much money they are losing – money hurts.

      • EMM Says:

        Think many did leave the Catholic Church. I left for good, not because of the abuse suffered as a child but because my eyes opened as an adult as to how greedy and hypocritical the CC was.

        My sister had her first child 30 years ago and I went to my boyfriend’s church to get a signed permission to be a Godmother. I was not a member of a specific parish as I was just new to being out on my own and living in temporary housing. I did go to church every Sunday with my boyfriend. The priest at his parish said he would not give me the signed permission because I did not belong to a parish. My boyfriend told him that I went to church with him every Sunday but the priest refused saying I was unfit to be a Godmother. I stood up looked him in the eye and said fine … my niece was going to be my Godchild no matter what, but now she was not going to be Baptized in the CC. As I walked away he called me back and signed the form.

        I did not tell my sister until years later, and when I finally did she said she wishes I had told her sooner because she would’ve taken my niece anywhere but a CC had she known.

        The CC is clueless, hypocritical and greedy on top of having a long history of abuse.

    • Pattyann Says:

      You are telling my story exactly!

      • Carmen Grima Says:

        I was abused by the catholic nuns from the age of 5 i have not told any one about this, i have finely got the courage to say something and i am trying to take it further, We cant let the nuns get away with this if we all stay to gather we might be able to put a end to this

  497. Pattyann Says:

    When we had to use the restroom, the nuns would follow us in there to make sure we did not touch ourselves! How can one go to the bathroom and not touch yourself to clean up afterwards?

  498. Dusty Manning Says:

    I was forced to attend Catholic schools from the time I entered a French school kindergarten at the ripe old age of 4-1/2. The first week, the first day, made the biggest impression upon me. No period of my life can compare to it for utter shock. On the first day, the hideously ugly old crone who taught us that entire year and could not or would not speak English, told us that Santa Claus was not real and that her god was the one who gave us presents. She went on to let us know how unworthy sinners we all were. We were shown pictures of her god who was referred to only as “God” or “God the Father”; no name. She, in effect, traded one fat, bearded, ugly old man for another fat, bearded, ugly old man. Of course, I preferred the one in the red suit who brought me a few presents once a year to the one who was going to burn me for eternity. We went to school in Indian Orchard, Massachusetts. It was operated by Sisters of the Assumption. Most had been to Nicolet in Canada for their religious teaching instructions. One by one that year, the nun teaching us about Hell, would grab our hand and shout at us to imagine it was over a hot flame and we couldn’t withdraw our hand from the flame. I remember trying to pull my hand away from her grasp and she only pulled it harder to herself. I’ve met other people who attended Catholic schools who told me they had similar experiences. Nuns back then didn’t even have to have a college degree or even a teaching certificate; they just had to be good at forcing their cult on defenseless, impressionable children. With Catholic parents who were largely indoctrinated sheep, there was no chance of escaping. In the seventh grade when I was thirteen, I had the audacity to question someone rising from the dead after being a corpse for three days (actually, it was only a day-and-a-half), I was punished by having to stand in front of the class with my feet together, my arms outstretched like their Jesus on a cross, and ask for forgiveness for my heresy — for the rest of the afternoon — about 2-1/2 hours. The only reason I didn’t strangle that ugly old bird is that my arms felt like lead weights and I nearly passed out several times.

    I am left handed though I learned to write with my right hand — on the blackboard so she couldn’t see me using my left hand, and am now ambidextrous. My left hand stayed bruised and covered in red marks from the blade-side of her ruler for five days a week all that year. She always made me stay after class and let me know what an ugly duckling I was, how I was headed for hell, used the “hand of the devil”, and was going to burn for eternity. She would say, “Cette enfant c’est un probème”. I was referred to as a problem child throughout the nine years in that school. I lived in fear while attending school and coupled with a very bad situation at home, couldn’t wait to leave Massachusetts. The nuns in high school were quite different; they were Irish and while they hated sex and everything to do with it, they weren’t mean. In fact, I especially liked three of them — they were excellent teachers and quite nice.

    Having always made excellent grades throughout school, I was still lacking a good education and went on to educate myself, which I would encourage all Catholics to do. We were never informed of the availability of college scholarships or even that we were worthy of any. The Orchard was a factory town and most inhabitants were very poor. The only chance for a better education was to become a nun or priest and I wanted none of that. I am now eighty-five years old and hardly a day goes by when I don’t think of the nightmare existence that we lived through for twelve years. I’ve written about my experience and would be happy to share it, but haven’t the resources to publish it. Only those who have lived through Catholic schools such as those operated by the Sisters of the Assumption could possibly relate with their own experiences and know that it is the sad reality that existed in those schools.

  499. Catherine O'Brien Says:

    I swear catholic nuns are evil incarnate. I’ve written on this blog before, a few times. I was subjected to the extreme fear and anxiety-provoking horror of nuns for my 11 years of school in Montreal, Quebec, in the fifties, at the insistent of my incredibly ignorant, totally brainwashed catholic parents who are now thankfully long dead. I hate them and those bloody nuns and ALL abrahamic religions with a blistering, vicious, venomous hatred. I managed to deprogam myself only in my late sixties (now 77), and while I see logically how all that BS shoved down my throat WAS pure bullshit, I will never forget or forgive those who hurt me and other innocent kids so badly. My parents being dead is keeping me out of prison. I am a diehard staunch atheist.

  500. Dusty Manning Says:

    Catherine, I too am an atheist having studied and read countless books relating to science, history — not written and approved by a papal imprimatur, and biographies of truly great people who have by and large been condemned by those men who have become wealthy operating the Catholic church. My idols include Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Carl Sagan and many others who have faced the reality of life and have striven to impart their knowledge and positive attitude to those of us who only knew science taught by nuns. That science was limited to learning the difference in leaves, flowers, birds, etc. In high school, one nun told us that we were not allowed to take biology; that the biology class that was taught was limited to only twenty-six students whose parents had assured the nuns that their children were definitely going on to college to study medicine and the subject was required to enter college. They constantly touted that scientists were the enemies of Christ. We were warned about the dangers of learning biology since it didn’t agree with what the church taught. I recall the “you better not” look on that nun’s face. The high school, which served all the Catholic schools in the Springfield, Massachusetts area was very crowded. There were thousands of students with only half-day sessions and a very, very limited curriculum. We only had a choice between a classical course and a commercial course. Luckily, I took the commercial course and did learn accounting, shorthand, and typing and was able to earn a living and have done quite well with some added skills that I learned on my own. The best thing I ever did for myself was to leave that state, which, at the time, was controlled by Catholics. We knew nothing about sex education and in fact, the very word sex was a “bad” word. We were admonished to have many children. The mills were packed with children who had to work to supplement their parents’ wages of which the nuns and priests demanded ten percent. Labour was cheap; earning $35/week was the norm. The mills helped fund construction of the French church. Talk about pay-back! Child labour laws were only enacted two years after I was born and then largely ignored or enforced. People had to eat and pay rent on the ratty tenements and cold-water flats. But the nuns and priests had cooks, good food, warm housing, yards maintained by servants, etc. We didn’t even have heat or running hot water in our tenement. NEVER did the nuns or priests ever offer assistance. There was hardly a week that went by when we weren’t forced to go around town selling “chances” on some items to be raffled, usually donated by some small local Catholic store owner. If we didn’t sell our given quota, we were made to stand and receive a rebuke for denying their god “his” money. To this day, I detest those money-grubbing maggots. I have not given them a dime since I was seventeen.

  501. Dusty Manning Says:

    I stumbled onto this site; and I do mean stumbled. The gives no indication of its being about nuns abusing children. Any chance you could rename it so that people looking for the topic would be able to identify with the site name? If that were done, you would likely see a flood of responses. Thanks

    • Joe Ribaudo Says:

      What do you expect in a religion that believes in talking snakes, a boat that fits two of every animal in the world . Virgin birth , walking on water, rising from the dead . They could have use Jesus during the depression, he could have fed the people with two fish and two loves of bread . Jesus better get here soon everything his father created is turning to shit . Oh and by the way get rid of all of Jesus on the cross . That’s the last thing he wants to see when he come back . Bad memories!

  502. Mary D. Says:

    Me and my brother are a year apart and our mom passed away from cancer when i was 11 and brother was 10.Due to various reasons,we both were never baptized as infants or made our First Communions.Dad decided to finially have us baptized when i was 12 and bro was 11.The nun in charge of the baptisms told dad that i had to wear all white and bro had to wear a suit and ty.She told us that the parish would provide my white outfit and i had no idea what was in store for me! That sunday morning,dad took me to the baptism office and two older nuns then took me to the parish nursery where my baptism outfit was.I was ordered to get naked and then get in one of the cribs and lay on my back. The two nuns then brought out cloth diapers,diaper pins,rubberpants and a tee shirt and started to put them on me! I protested that i wasnt a baby and they told me to be quiet and obey!They pinned the diapers on me,put the rubberpants on over them,then a white tee shirt,then lace anklets and white mary jane shoes.I was ordered to get out of the crib,then they put a poofy,above the knees,short sleeve baptism dress on me followed by a matching bonnet! I was then taken out and shown to dad and bro and felt embarrassed! The nun lifted up the front of my dress and showed dad the diapers and rubberpants and told him i was now a ‘baby’ for my baptism! Our god parents got to the parish just before the mass started and they both were taken aback by the way i looked.I was some embarrassed being taken to the font with dad and bro and looking like a ‘baby’.I was quite angry at the two nuns for dressing me as a baby for my baptism and to this day i still have a little anger inside me towards them!

  503. Dusty Manning Says:

    I never heard of nuns doing that to anyone. How demented they are! Of course, where I grew up, it was normal to have babies dressed in a white lacy dress and bonnet for the ritual cleansing, which was always done a few weeks after birth. I never knew any Catholics who were baptized later in life. The practice appears to have begun in India where it is still the norm to go to the Ganges for a cleansing of the soul from demons lurking within at birth.

    Are you a dues-paying Catholic as a result? Baptizing didn’t work on me. Most ex-Catholics whom I have met over the years were driven away by the nuns and priests, if not from their absurd practices and far-fetched tales.

    • Faith L. Says:

      To Dusty Manning-Yes,i think the nuns at my parish were demented also! I didnt make my First Holy Communion untill i was 12.My parish,St.Jeromes,required the white,short sleeve,knee length communion dresses and veils with white tights and white mary jane shoes for us girls.The head nun considered the communion dresses as extensions of our baptism gown or dress we were baptized in as infants,so as to symbolize the purity of our baptisms,we had to wear a cloth diaper and white rubberpants under the tights with a tee shirt as our top!I was the only older girl in the class of 2nd graders and felt ‘weird’ having the diaper and rubberpants on under my tights!It didnt bother the 7 year old little girls that they had to wear them,but i thought it was totally out of line for me being 12 to have to wear them!

      • Joe R Says:

        It’s time for the Catholic Church to pay the piper. You should leave the church and if enough people leave they will not make any money. They will be forced to close down their church’s and schools. This will send all their sadistic nuns and pedi files back to Rome and they can suck each other off . I wish I would hit them back when I got a little older . I was not raised like that and was so full of guilt if I ever did that . I am much older and if they were still around I would get a ruler and crack it in their knuckles, hard .They are all dead now and if I knew where they were buried I would piss on their graves. I have no respect for priest and nuns now. In my eyes they are still scum bags .

      • Joseph H Says:

        And indeed, not all pain which was inflicted by the nuns was physical. Many of the comments here are about nuns as teachers. But some of these nuns were not fit for other jobs as well.

        Just as many of these young women who became nuns should not have become teachers, so also many of them should not have become adoption workers. The problem: judgmentalism. Not only did some of these nuns,as adoption workers, pass judgment–consciously or unconsciously–on pregnant women and girls who came into their care to give birth and give their babies up for adoption. Those nuns were also distinctly hostile to adoptees when the latter became adults and began searching for their biological origins (I have my opinions on why this was so, but that would be too much of a digression in this posdt).

        Here are some real life examples that I have collected over the years in working with birth mothers and fellow adult adoptees. If I had not heard them first-hand, I would have thought that they were positively unimaginable. Birth mothers used to hear such things from the nuns as:

        “You gave away your child and the Church found a home for him. The Church acts on its duty of charity; sinners like you should be grateful”

        “You can find no peace because your sin weighs down upon you your sin will be with you always and you must make amends for it. Pray to God that he will forgive you, for I cannot.”

        “You must forget your child for he the product of sin, and above all you must never speak of him to anyone. The fires of hell await sinners like you.”

        As for adoptees searching for their origins, they would hear such things as:

        “Why would you want to go mucking around in all that dirt?”

        and (this one based on my personal experience): “Would this be in the best interests of all concerned, including your own children”?

        Imagine the pain upon hearing such things.

  504. Dusty Manning Says:

    Whilst still in Catholic schools, against my will, and forced to attend Sunday masses and oftentimes on other days as well, the collection basket on a long pole was passed through the pews two to three times a mass for various “charities” funded by the church. We were never allowed to question how that money was used. A few times, when a devotee didn’t drop enough into the basket, the man who held the pole would shake it up and down in the donor’s face to embarrass the person into giving even more. By the time I was in high school, I witnessed a few men just flip the entire basket up and away, money scattering all over the place, and the “criminal” standing up, cursing the Catholic church and stomping out of the church. That church, St. Aloysius Church in Indian Orchard, Massachusetts, went out of business about forty years ago, and has since been demolished. Last I heard, the property was sold to build a Muslim mosque.

    • Joseph H Says:

      “…the property was sold to build a Muslim mosque.”

      Indeed, an oft-told tale these days, due in part to changing demographics. But still, something poetic about it.

  505. Dusty Manning Says:

    Yeah! When I grew up in that town, Catholic country for sure, there was not a single black, Hispanic, Oriental, etc. The last time I went through there, there was not a single white person in town.

    I went to Turkey not too long ago and saw mosques on nearly every street corner the way this country has churches on nearly every street corner. They are such happy people. No one forced to cover their head. We were not allowed to let our legs or arms show and buttons on blouses were up to the neck at all times. The French Catholic church/school leaders were far worse than the Muslim religious leaders. I lived in Iran and met several Iranian women. They didn’t want to wear a head covering, but wanted the US out so badly that they tolerated that requirement.

    Didn’t see a nun the entire time.

    So glad I fled that whole organization.

  506. Paul R Says:

    Many of the people who have posted here are quite right when they say that a lot of Catholic nuns during the 1940s, 50s and 70s were mentally ill and should never have been allowed near children.

    I too, was a victim of these mentally ill nuns. From the time I started school at age five, I was subjected to being hit over the knuckles (several times on each hand) with a thick wooden paint brush; made to sit in a corner wearing a dunces hat; having my ears twisted and pulled; my ears slapped with an open hand; a bar of soap rammed into my mouth for supposedly swearing; and off course fairly regular beatings on the back of my legs with a wooden yard stick. Girls didn’t escape this abuse either. I can recall many of them receiving the “ear treatment”; being strapped on their hands with a leather shaving strop; and being called “brazen hussies”, which given that many of them were aged between 5 and 9 and they didn’t know what a hussy was, shows who had problems.

    Though this occurred over 60 years ago, I still recall this physical abuse as though it was yesterday. Yet, in my particular instance, I have never followed up on this abuse and have never called anyone to account. Apathy on my part, I guess.

    Needless, to say I left the Catholic Church around the age of 13. I quickly became aware that though Christian virtues were being rammed down our throats on a daily basis, those virtues were not being translated into the daily lives of priests and nuns.

    What sickens me is that nobody did anything about this abuse, including the State.

    It’s good to see that more and more people are standing up to the Catholic Church and holding them to account for what happened. It is sickening to see, especially in the US, some dioceses declaring bankruptcy in order to avoid paying victims rightfully deserved compensation. Some of the Catholic Church’s PR methods to counter victims claims are very skilful at deflecting attention away from what is being claimed by victims. I find all of this behaviour both disgusting and reprehensible.

    Things are not going to change in the Catholic Church soon, if ever. It will remain paternalistic (in a bad way) for a long time to come. There is an obvious reason why both priests and nuns are diminishing in numbers now.

    My only regret in life is that I was born Catholic, something that was totally out of my control. Perhaps the Catholic Church hierarchy in Rome should give some thought to the thousands of innocent children’s lives that were affected by Catholic teaching and practices.

    • Joseph H. Says:

      Similar things happened to me as St. Joseph’s grade school, which was attached to St. Joseph’s German national Church in the Yorkville section of Manhattan. The difference was that my mother was not born Catholic, but was a convert, and so did not have the inborn awe of nuns and the Church establishment. When she got wise to what was going on, she yanked me right of of St. Joe’s and transferred me to the local public school.

  507. Dusty Manning Says:

    You weren’t born Catholic. You were sprinkled with water by a man who had declared you Catholic not long after birth (at least it is like that for most Catholic people). I never sought compensation from those tyrants because there is no amount of money that can ever make up for the miserable treatment of children that they were allowed to get away with simply because the parents really believed the nuns were doing the right thing. There is a lot of truth in the new “old” saying that the Catholic Church is going away one funeral at a time. Thanks to the Internet, people are becoming more informed and educated. My mother had unwanted children and was never allowed to have her tubes tied in Massachusetts. I don’t really know if it was a state law or just that all the doctors were Catholic and wouldn’t do it. She was such a “good Catholic”; she wouldn’t have done it anyway. So she did what the nuns and priests told her to do…. sleep in a separate bedroom from my father. I won’t go into what problems that caused. She hated us for being born and my father for impregnating her. I’ve written about it in my old age. There is no telling how many other families were affected in this way, simply because people were too ignorant and uninformed about other options in life. There is something very seriously perverted with Catholic nuns and priests who have to admire pain and suffering because their god supposedly lived and died that way. Thanks to Hollywood, I discovered it wasn’t so bad to want to be pretty and enjoy life. I’m 85 and still enjoy hot sex with a very good-looking man. How miserable those nuns must have been!

  508. Paul R Says:

    Like Joseph H, it was my father who was a non-Catholic. This was definitely taken into account as part of the physical/psychological abuse equation. I can’t speak for Joseph H, but it was brought up by the nuns fairly regularly at school that children whose parents were both Catholics were the “holiest”. Kids of multi-denominational households were never mentioned. It would be interesting to know where they fell on the holiness scale.

    I didn’t mention in my recollection of the horrors of a Catholic elementary school “education” that every year we used to have a fancy dress ball. I can still clearly recall doing the same dance of hopping around on one foot, then swapping to the other foot, and singing “Jump Jim Crow”. I didn’t understand the words/actions back then, so I wasn’t aware of this disgusting example of blatant racism. Needless to say, the number of non-white kids at my school were less than half a dozen during the time I attended. And to think these women were assigned with the task of instilling Christian “virtues” into the children they were responsible for.

    One of the boys who attended this school later went on to become a cardinal (and he still is). Interesting to note he has never been particularly vocal about abuse by the Catholic clergy in the country I live in. He appears to follow an approach of “silence is golden”.

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